单词 | awt |
释义 |
例句释义: 自动井下测试,深度废水处理,自动测井,抽象窗口工具箱 1. An AWT component is usually a component class which holds a reference with a peer interface type. 一个AWT组件通常是一个包含了对等体接口类型引用的组件类。 www.blogjava.net 2. Although the system can be used with any biodegradable solvent, AWT recommends using its Safe-T-Wash with a low VOC rating for best results. 虽然该系统可用于任何可生物降解的溶剂,awt建议使用其安全T式洗手与低VOC的评级,最好的结果。 rbzryj.a1pak.com 3. AWT takes most of the resource management task to the system, relieving developers from tedious resource management. AWT将绝大多数资源管理任务交给系统,将开发者从单调乏味的资源管理中解救出来。 www.blogjava.net 4. Because AWT follows the requirements of the native platform, the behavior of applications can be different on different platforms. 因为AWT遵循本机平台的需求,所以应用程序的行为在不同平台上可以不一样。 www.ibm.com 5. Following are a few simple -- but essential -- changes that will let you make the most of the improved AWT focus subsystem. 下面是一些简单的―但基本的―更改,这样,您将可以充分利用改进了的AWT焦点子系统。 www.ibm.com 6. As noted in the service implementation above, we converted a java. awt. Image object into a byte[]. 正如上面提到的服务实现,我们转换java.awt.Image对象为一个byte[]数组。 www.ibm.com 7. You can see that AWT components provide a universal public API to the application by AWT component class and AWT peers. 作为整体,AWT组件由AWT组件类和AWT对等体提供了一个全局公用的API给应用程序使用。 www.blogjava.net 8. This is only one of numerous examples where AWT has relied too heavily on the native focus manager. 这只是AWT很大程度上依赖本机焦点管理器的许多示例之一。 www.ibm.com 9. Due to the same reason as AWT, SWT components are wrapped native components, which are rendered by the operating system. 基于和AWT同样的原因,SWT组件包装了本地组件,由操作系统实现渲染。 www.blogjava.net 10. So java. beans technically has an optional dependency on AWT, when common sense dictates that it should not. 因此从技术上讲java.beans有依赖于AWT的选项,尽管常识告诉我们不应该有。 www.infoq.com 1. Like Swing and AWT JSF is a development framework that provides a set of standard, reusable GUI components. 像Swing和AWT一样,JSF是一个可以提供一组标准的、可重用的GUI组件的开发框架。 www-128.ibm.com 2. This involves understanding how images are constructed and can be manipulated using AWT composites. 这需要我们理解如何构造图像以及如何使用AWTcomposite来操作这些图像。 www.ibm.com 3. In release 1. 4 the AWT is being given a completely new focus model, which has long been a problem area. 在发行版1.4中AWT被赋予一种全新的焦点模型,很久以来这一直是个问题区域。 www.ibm.com 4. Such measures were deemed necessary due to the inadequacy of the old AWT focus subsystem. 我们认为这些措施是必需的,原因在于旧的AWT焦点子系统不完善。 www.ibm.com 5. JFC refers to the entire set of graphical and user interface technologies included in the Java 2 platform, including AWT and Swing. JFC指的是包含在Java2平台内的一整套图形和用户界面技术,包括AWT和Swing等。 www.ibm.com 6. Most AWT event classes are not implemented as being strictly immutable, but could be with small modifications. 大多数AWT事件类都没有作为严格的不变类来实现,而是可以有小小的修改。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Industrial, commercial, technical and AWT staff related with maintenance issues. 工业,商务,技术及AWT有关维护问题的员工。 www.021so.com 8. After a while, independent AWT applications became a more current notion. 一段时间后,独立的AWT应用程序成为更流行的概念。 www.ibm.com 9. Because heavyweight components render using a separate native window (AWT components), they are reliant on the native focus system. 因为重量级的组件实施使用一个独立的本机窗口(AWT组件),对于本机焦点系统它们是可信赖的。 www.ibm.com 10. Unlike AWT or JFC, SWT is tightly integrated with the operating system's native windowing environment. 与AWT和JFC不同,SWT与操作系统的本机窗口环境紧密集成在一起。 www.ibm.com 1. With Merlin, you get a whole new focus subsystem at the AWT level. 至于Merlin,它为您提供了一个全新的、AWT级的焦点子系统。 www.ibm.com 2. Like AWT and Swing, SWT uses layout to control the size and position of widgets on a composite. 类似于AWT和Swing,SWT使用布局来控制组合中窗口小部件的大小和位置。 www.ibm.com 3. The wrapper implementation must convert between byte[] and java. awt. Image before delegating the method calls to the real service. 在委托方法调用到真正的服务之前,封装器实现必须在byte[]和java.awt.Image之间转换。 www.ibm.com 4. JSF components, like AWT components, have containers and components. JSF组件,例如AWT组件,具有一些容器和组件。 www.ibm.com 5. Back up the test database AWT (use a sample database to test). 备份测试数据库AWT(使用一个示例数据库来测试)。 www.ibm.com 6. The new implementation of the AWT focus subsystem is a bold break from the old one. 这个AWT焦点子系统的新实现与旧的完全不同。 www.ibm.com 7. Not surprisingly, it takes an argument of type of java. awt. Color, which is the color to set the control to. 它具有java.awt.Color类型的参数,用来设置控件颜色。 www.ibm.com 8. You can use FESI to create interactive GUI applications through the JavaAccess extension's support for the AWT or Swing library. 您能通过JavaAccess扩展名对AWT或Swing库的支持,使用FESI来创建交互式GUI应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. One such change is to the AWT focus management subsystem. 其中一个就是对AWT焦点管理子系统的更改。 www.ibm.com 10. API components are well thought out, and both the components and the AWT graphing classes adhere to the MVC architecture. API组件设计得也很好,这些组件和AWT绘图类都遵守MVC体系结构。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Xtrace: iprint=awt traces all of the JVM internal AWT trace points to stderr, with indentations on entry and exit. iprint=awt将所有JVM内部AWT跟踪点记录到stderr,在进入和退出时进行缩进。 www.ibm.com 2. The GridLayout offers layout features similar to java. awt. GridBagLayout in the Java environment except without all of the complexity. GridLayout提供的布局特性类似于Java环境中的java.awt.GridBagLayout,但没有后者复杂。 www.ibm.com 3. Still, it seemed like overkill to use SWT in this project, so I decided for regular AWT. 尽管如此,在本项目中使用SWT似乎有点小题大作,所以我决定使用正规的AWT。 www.ibm.com 4. Therefore, to use it, you need to cast that to a java. awt. Color object. 为了使用它,您需要将其转变为java.awt.Color对象。 www.ibm.com 5. The libraries that draw the graphs use Java AWT, so you need to make sure the JVM runs in headless mode. 画图的库要使用JavaAWT,所以需要确保JVM运行在headless模式。 www.ibm.com 6. Frameworks like AWT and others run on a single computer and generate displays on a human interface based on a model in memory. 像AWT这样的框架和其他一些框架均可在单台计算机s上运行,并且可以在基于内存中模型的人工界面上生成显示。 www.ibm.com 7. FOP also allows you to render the results in other formats, such as PCL, PS, TXT, and AWT. FOP还允许您呈现其他格式的结果,比如PCL、PS、TXT和AWT。 www.ibm.com 8. The JSF component model is similar to the AWT GUI component model. JSF组件模型与AWTGUI组件模型类似。 www.ibm.com 9. Xtrace: iprint=awt activates method trace and set the output to stderr with indentations. iprint=mt激活方法跟踪并将输出发送到stderr,进行缩进。 www.ibm.com 10. IKVM. AWT. WinForms. dll: This contains the AWT and Swing peers. dll:包含了AWT和Swing对等的组件。 www.infoq.com 1. KeyboardFocusManager is the class that manages tasks related to focus for the new AWT focus subsystem. KeyboardFocusManager类用于管理与新的AWT焦点子系统的焦点相关的任务。 www.ibm.com 2. The crux of the problem is that Swing is rooted in the antiquated AWT, rather than being integrated into the 2D coordinate system. 问题症结在于,Swing植根于传统AWT,而不是集成到2D坐标系中。 www.infoq.com 3. This has a single method Entry Helpers that returns an instance of java. awt. CompositeContext. 这个类有一个单独的EntryHelpers方法,该方法返回java.awt.CompositeContext的实例。 www.ibm.com 4. The current focus owner is a key element in the new AWT focus model. 当前的焦点所有者是新的AWT焦点模型中的一个关键元素。 www.ibm.com 5. You will likely also want to browse the formal documentation for the new AWT focus subsystem. 您还可能需要浏览有关新的AWT焦点子系统的正式文档。 www.ibm.com 6. JSF has a component model similar to AWT's GUI component model. JSF拥有一个与AWT的GUI组件模型类似的组件模型。 www.ibm.com 7. You want to convert between byte[] and java. awt. Image. 您想在byte[]和java.awt.Image之间进行转换。 www.ibm.com 8. Site also has information on AWT's technical training seminars. 本网站AWT技术培训研讨会的信息。 agripollute.nstl.gov.cn 9. It does return an object of type of java. awt. 它返回一个java.awt.Color类型的对象。 www.ibm.com 10. For example, on UNIX platforms the java. awt. Button class was implemented with a Motif PushButton widget. 例如,在UNIX平台上,java.awt.Button类是用窗口小部件MotifPushButton实现的。 www.ibm.com 1. And the AWT Robot is too low-level; it only knows how to click mouse buttons and press keys. 而且AWTRobot级别太低;它只知道如何单击鼠标按钮和按键。 www.ibm.com 2. Loggers are normally named entities, using dot-separated names such as "java. awt" . Logger是一种命名实体,采用点号隔开的字符串作为名称,比如“java.awt”。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Furthermore, the AWT Robot doesn't provide a reliable mechanism for component lookup (such as find button with text "OK" ). 另外,AWTRobot不为组件查询(比如查找带有文本“OK”的按钮)提供可靠机制。 www.ibm.com 4. For example, any subclass of java. lang. Throwable or java. awt. Component inherits serializability from its ancestor. 例如,java.lang.Throwable或java.awt.Component的任何子类都会从其祖先继承可串行性。 www.ibm.com 5. "Dere Dad, " it read, "I have gon awt to the tree haws, Eliot. " “亲爱的爹地,”上面写道,“我去树屋了,艾略特。” www.bing.com 6. For example, the fragment in Listing 4 creates a java. awt. Color object and stores it in the XSLT variable named blue. 例如,清单4中的代码片段创建了一个java.awt.Color对象,并将其存储在了一个名为blue的XSLT变量中。 www.ibm.com 7. However to achieve this, SWT and AWT has to sacrifice some components and some features so that they can provide a universal APIs. 然而为了达到这一点,SWT和AWT不得不牺牲一些组件和特性以提供一个通用的APIs。 www.blogjava.net 8. Image features load from file, create dynamically, extensive edits same as AWT load from file, create dynamically, basic edits 图像特性从文件中加载,动态创建,可扩充地编辑与AWT相同从文件中加载,动态创建,基本编辑 www.ibm.com 9. parameter for JVM of portal server as value of true. Follow these steps to do so 您可能需要为portal服务器的JVM将java.awt.headless参数设置为值true。 www.ibm.com |
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