单词 | APAR |
释义 |
例句释义: 自动程序编制与记录,分析报告 1. Caution: While this APAR may seem to be a solution for cross-site scripting, it is not. 警告:尽管这个APAR看起来是防御跨站点脚本攻击的解决方案,但它不是。 www.ibm.com 2. In every Iteration all the APAR fixes or SIP's integrated into the FSB are addressed by the Sprint team in a similar fashion. 在每个迭代中,所有整合到FSB中的APAR修复包或者SIP都由Sprint团队以相同方式解决。 www.ibm.com 3. You need to set the Repeats field to y in order for the system to make weekly checks for an APAR. 要使得系统每个星期对APAR进行检查,您需要将Repeats字段设置为y。 www.ibm.com 4. You can view the APAR file to see if the FixPak contains a fix for it. 您可以查看APAR文件,看看该修复包是否包含对这个产品缺陷的修复。 www.ibm.com 5. If you choose "No, " you can later "reject" this APAR if it causes some issue. 如果选择“No”,您可以稍后在此APAR引起某一问题时“拒绝”它。 www.ibm.com 6. Continuous integration of test cases into the automated test suite for each APAR by the respective Sprint teams. 每个Sprint团队为各自APAR持续地将测试案例整合到自动化测试套件中。 www.ibm.com 7. APAR (Authorized Program Analysis Report) is a 7-character identifier for a known defect in IBM software. APAR(授权程序分析报告,AuthorizedProgramAnalysisReport)是IBM软件中的已知缺陷的7字符标识符。 www.ibm.com 8. A Test representative in the Sprint team identifies test scenarios and develops test cases to address the APAR or SIP. Sprint团队中的测试代表识别出测试方案,开发测试案例,用于处理APAR或SIP。 www.ibm.com 9. Each of the Iterations addresses a fixed number of APARs, unlike the conventional process where a large list of APARs is addressed. 每个迭代都处理一定数量的APAR,而不像常规流程中要处理大量的APAR。 www.ibm.com 10. After the system finds the APAR, the system deletes the task. 在系统找到了APAR后,系统将删除这项任务。 www.ibm.com 1. In addition to these generic summary documents, each product Web site will also contain one document describing each defect, or APAR. 除了这些通用的概要文档,每个产品Web站点还包含一个描述其缺点或APAR的文档。 www.ibm.com 2. Double check the journals which made by APAR accountant and chief accountant. 负责对应收应付会计及主管会计所做凭证的双重审查。 www.010so.com 3. Integration of the APAR fixes addressed in the iteration. 整合在此迭代中处理的APAR修复包。 www.ibm.com 4. Once the download link shows up, click on it to download the APAR. 在下载链接出现后,单击此链接下载该APAR。 www.ibm.com 5. You can't reject it back to the state before you applied this APAR. 在应用此APAR之前您无法拒绝它返回这一状态。 www.ibm.com 6. TR understands the APAR at the same time the APAR is fixed, unlike the conventional process in which this is achieved at a much later stage. TR在确定APAR的同时理解APAR,而不像常规流程中在很后期的阶段才能理解APAR。 www.ibm.com 7. If you've made changes to an updated JSP, you'll need to merge your changes with those JSPs after the update from the fixpack or APAR. 如果您对一个已更新的JSP进行过更改,在通过补丁或APAR更新之后,您需要将您的更改与这些JSP进行合并。 www.ibm.com 8. APAR IZ01331 describes the scenarios of using VIO with PowerHA clusters and the challenges faced in detecting network failures. APARIZ01331描述在PowerHA集群中使用VIO的场景以及在探测网络故障方面面对的困难。 www.ibm.com 9. This is due to the issue described in APAR PQ83679: JAAS authentication fails after WAS restart. 这是由于APARPQ83679中所描述的问题:JAAS身份验证在WAS重启后失效。 www.ibm.com 10. You can rectify this problem by installing APAR IY90556. 您可以通过安装APARIY90556来解决这个问题。 www.ibm.com 1. Certain fixpacks and APARs may update existing XDIME aggregator JSPs. 某些补丁和APAR可能更新现有的XDIME聚合器JSP。 www.ibm.com 2. How do I install an individual fix by APAR? 如何按APAR安装单独的修复程序? www.ibm.com 3. WebSphere Application Server 4. 0. 2 already contains the APAR 51952 fix that the Personalization installation readme says is necessary. WebSphereApplicationServer4.0.2已经包含APAR51952修正,Personalization安装自述文件称它是必需的。 www.ibm.com 4. APAR IZ01874 clarifies how to choose IP addresses for the netmon. cf file. APARIZ01874解释如何为netmon.cf文件选择IP地址。 www.ibm.com 5. If the first result looks interesting, you could open the associated article and find that APAR PK48169 might resolve your problem. 如果认为第一个结果有用,可以打开关联的文章,查找可以解决您的问题的APARPK48169。 www.ibm.com 6. Note: APAR might first be released with 5300-05 at the 5. 3. 0. 50 level. 注意:级别的5300-05可能首先发布APAR。 www.ibm.com 7. To verify if an APAR has been installed, run the following command (replace APAR with actual APAR #) 要检验是否安装了APAR,请运行以下命令(用实际APAR编号替代APAR) www.ibm.com 8. Active Phased Array Radar, APAR radar 有源相控阵雷达,是 www.baike.com |
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