单词 | And / or |
释义 |
例句释义: 和,以及,和╱或 1. President Kagame fired back, saying Birrell also had no right to judge him and or to determine what people should believe. 卡加梅还击说,伯雷尔也没有权利评判他,或是决定人们应该相信什麽。 www.newyorkerr.com 2. For the removal of COD and color, biological treatment, both aerobic and or anaerobic, is often used. 去除COD和颜色常常使用好氧菌或厌氧菌的生物处理办法,电渗析或反渗透技术适合除去盐份。 www.chemyq.com 3. upon the agreement becoming effective , the name of the company shall be changed by party c to exclude and or from its name. 在合同生效后,丙方负责为公司更名,以使或不再出现在公司名称中。 www.ichacha.net 4. It is likely that you may want your application to be able to encrypt and or decrypt messages from a variety of different users. 通常情况下,您希望自己的应用程序能对来自各种不同用户的消息进行加密或解密。 www-128.ibm.com 5. This article explains it a bit further, showing how each player reads, writes, and or executes runs a process in the paradigm. 文章介绍的比较深入,演示了范例中的每一个参与者如何来读、写或执行一个进程。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The advanced search interface allows you to use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT, NEAR) in the query string to obtain more precise results. 高级搜索界面允许您在查询字符串中使用Boolean运算符(AND,OR,NOT,NEAR)以获得更精确的结果。 www.mees.com:9000 7. a. If Fight: Player rolls the die, and adds the number to his HP Value. (Plus any other HP additions from having the sword and or armour). 如果战斗:玩家投一个骰,加上他的生命值(包括从剑和盔甲获得的其他生命值)。 hi.baidu.com 8. We would like a quote on the labour and or other costs involved to have our website converted and edited. 我们希望对劳动参与报价和或有我们的网站转换和编辑的其他费用。 www.bing.com 9. Original valid passport or travel document & identity card for you and or your dependant(s) who attend the interview. 你和(或)任何参加这次面试的受你抚养家属的具有法律效用的原始护照或者旅行证件和身份证明。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The next step is to choose the logical AND or OR operator and a second parameter. 下一步骤是选择逻辑AND或OR操作符和第二个参数。 www.ibm.com 1. During operation, the engine covers of generators, air compressors and or other powered mechanical equipment should be closed. 使用发电机或空气压缩机等机动设备时,必须将引擎盖上。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 2. The reasons for such a difficulty generally lie in the special character of the legal sources and or the cost of access to them. 导致这种困难的原因通常在于法律渊源的特殊性和或获取相关规则的成本。 www.eastwestlaw.com 3. Are individual coupons issued, sold and or presented under controlled conditions and with appropriate accounting records ? 每张礼券的发出销售和使用是否有管制和备存适当的会计记录?。 www.bing.com 4. The report also believes that in 2009 hedge, private equity and other funds will be downsized and (or) to adjust their business activities. 报告还认为,2009年对冲、私募等资金将缩小规模并(或)调整其业务活动方向。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Baseball has always been my first love, and every summer I played and or coached on a number of teams. 棒球始终是我的最爱,我每个夏天都会参加比赛或在几个队中执教。 www.seed.slb.com 6. Gate: Part of a computer circuit which tests a pre-condition in a program, e. g. the statements "and " and "or" . 门:电脑线路的一部份,它检查程式内的预定情况;例如“与”和“或”的语句。 www.tdict.com 7. Enter the number of Letters and or Packages that need to be picked up for each Service Type. 为每个服务类型输入需要收件的信件和或包裹数量。 www.ups.com 8. Don't be afraid to put yourself and your work out there and learn to accept that not everyone will understand and or like what you do! 工作中,要开诚布公,学会接受不可能每个人都能理解和喜欢你所做的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Put the coated specimen under the impact site; check the damage and or warp of it after hit by the hammer from specified height. 将试件涂面朝上,置于试验撞击处上,经一定高度将重锤落下,经撞击后检查损伤及变形情形。 www.jukuu.com 10. Your identity might be heterosexual, but your desires and or behaviours might reveal otherwise. 你的性别身份可能是异性恋,但是你的性欲或性行为却可能会揭示出不同的结果。 www.bing.com 1. Although not shown in this example, NetRexx can automatically generate get and or set methods for properties. 虽然没有在这个示例中显示,但是NetRexx能够自动为属性创建get和set方法。 www-128.ibm.com 2. The invention discloses effective fractional photo cosmetic devices for use by a consumer in a non-medical and or non-professional setting. 本发明披露由消费者在非医疗和或非专业背景中使用的有效的分段光美容装置。 ip.com 3. Hard-working, self-motivated, be a problem solver. Ability to take direction and or criticism aimed at getting the best possible results. 努力工作,能够自觉主动解决问题,有良好的危机处理心态。能够以积极心态接受指导和批评以改进不足。 shenzhen.jinti.com 4. So without a laboratory or without the infrastructure set-up, over 70% of diseases cannot be treated effectively and or even treated. 因此,如果没有实验室或配套的基础设施,将有超过70%的疾病不能被有效治疗,甚至几乎无法治疗。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. The above listed account was recently suspended due to a violation of Lineage II's User Agreement and or Rules of Conduct (ROC). 以上所列的帐户最近由于暂停了天堂II的用户协议违反或行为(中华民国)规则。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Review and recommend a purge or disposal of parts that do not support service policy and or profit goals. 检查阻碍服务政策执行或利润目标达成的附件,并提供处理意见。 job.ytonline.com.cn 7. Please reply with confidence with similar prior work. Contact me for any further details and or questions. 请回复与具有类似以前的工作的信心。联系任何进一步的细节,或者我的问题。 www.bing.com 8. Attend a church and or a Bible study group where you hear and study the word of God, Don't be satisfied with anything less. 你可以参加教会聚会或查经小组,让你更深认识和研读神的话语,不要满足于肤浅的信仰。 blog.163.com 9. be prosecuted and or deported or required to leave the UK. 被检控,或驱逐或被要求离开英国。 bbs.uker.net 10. We suggest that this is used as a form of communication to convey social and or sexual status. 我们认为这是一种表达社会地位及性状况的交流形式。 www.bing.com 1. In rare instances, IP addresses may be used to assist in deterring and or preventing abusive or criminal activity on the website. 只有在极少数的情况下,网址可能被用来阻止对本站的恶意网络攻击和其他犯罪行为。 www.cathaypacific.com 2. For the last few years, the trussardi foundation has exhibited in historic and or disused buildings in milan. 在过去的几年中,楚萨迪基金会已经废弃的建筑历史和(或)在米兰。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If I can't reach your doctor and or insurance company to approve a refill, there's nothing I can do about it. 如果我不能见到您的医生批准的替换药物,我对此将无能为力。 www.dltcedu.org 4. Greenways are ecologically significant corridors, recreational greenways and, or greenways with historical and cultural values. 绿色通道是具有重要生态意义或兼具游憩和文化历史价值的廊道。 www.fabiao.net 5. Over half of the students did not eat fresh fruit and or fresh vegetable. 大概半数以上的学生每天进食少于一次的新鲜水果或蔬菜。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 6. Editor: Every time you open a data model, and or a diagram, they are shown in this pane, located in the center of the screen. 编辑器:每当打开一个数据模型或一个数据图时,它就显示在该面板中,位于屏幕的中间。 www.ibm.com 7. Arrange and or supervise business travel activates including visa application, air tickets and hotel reservation, airport pick-up and etc. 负责安排或监管员工商务差旅事宜,包括签证申请、机票及酒店预定、机场接机等事宜。 www.yjbys.com 8. The evaluation involved business-to-employee contributions and or special achievement of recognition and compensation measures or policies. 评估参评企业对员工贡献及或特殊成就的认定与酬报的办法或政策。 www.bing.com 9. Participate and accomplish any process related reengineering for new product, quality and capacity improvements, and or safety enhancement. 参与并完成为了导入新产品,品质产能提高,增加安全等的制程改造。 www.haoqiantu.cn 10. Now we need to provide bitwise operation functions: & (and), | (or), ^ (exclusive or), or ~ (not). 现在,我们需要提供逐位运算函数:&(and)、|(or)、^(exclusiveor)、or~(not)。 www.ibm.com 1. Project co-funding provided by implementing agencies and or other donors is encouraged. 鼓励执行机构以及其他捐赠人共同提供项目基金。 www.uk.cn 2. Please indicate in your submission if you do not want your name and or views to be disclosed. 如提出意见的人士不拟披露本身的姓名及或意见,请在意见书内注明。 www.hplb.gov.hk 3. Sometimes the desired results can be achieved by composing multiple figures, layout managers, and or borders. 有时候,通过组合多个图形、布局管理器和或边框可以获得期望的结果。 www-128.ibm.com 4. The synergistic effect of oxygen and (or ) ozone in atmosphere with ultraviolet also led to the adhesion failure of adhesive. 大气中的氧和(或)臭氧与紫外线协同作用是导致该压敏粘合剂失粘的原因。 www.chemyq.com 5. Disease and or syndromes will occur unless action is taken to stop the electromagnetic energy from impacting health. 导致疾病或综合征的发生。除非采取行动,以阻止电磁能量影响健康。 cid-f7f7ab3f1ea77d24.spaces.live.com 6. It involves drawing new analogies, discovering new combinations, and (or) new applications of things that are already known. 它涉及到做出新的类比,发现新的组合,和(或)对已知事物的新的运用。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. To counter infantry, it's a good idea to mix Wolverines and or Hammerheads with your assault force. 反步兵的话,最好是混编一些狼獾或是锤头在你的部队里。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Most of these cases reported direct contact with RVFV-infected livestock and or linked to farms with confirmed animal cases of RVF. 多数病例据报曾与感染裂谷热病毒的牲畜有过直接接触,或与存在动物裂谷热确诊病例的农场有关。 www.who.int 9. petroleum liquids and gases . fidelity and security of dynamic measurement . cabled transmission of electric and or electronic pulsed data. 石油液体和气体。动态测量的逼真度和可靠性。电脉冲数据和或电子脉冲数据的电缆传输。 www.ichacha.net 10. A may purchase such incidental goods and or services as are reasonably required for A to perform the Services. 可自行决定购置其履行本协议项下专业服务所必需的各种随附物品。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 1. It means backing up what you say with action and or doing things in a consistent basis. 它意味着说道做到,或者在某些事一致的基础上。 www.bing.com 2. I would love to watch you paint and or draw, if I had the chance. 如果让我选择的话,我爱看你图画,大概就这样吧。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Then the process of LNG "weathering" , while using and or not, was simulated from different directions. 本文并对LNG在使用和停用状态下的“老化”过程从不同的角度进行了仿真。 www.juhe8.com 4. Experts say prices in many markets will have to fall further before more people are wiling and or able to buy. 专家说在更多人愿意或是有能力购买之前大多数市场的价格会继续下跌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Moreover, overload and (or) high inflation pressure for light truck should not be ignored. 同时,轻型货车负荷超载和(或)胎压超限时不利影响也不容忽视。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. SMS is the transmission of short text messages to and from a mobile phone, fax machine, and or IP address in a GSM network. SMS是GSM网络中移动电话、传真机和或IP地址之间简短文本消息的传递。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Test for the truth of a condition, such as AND, OR, NOT, and XOR. 测试某个条件(如AND、OR、NOT和XOR)的真实性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The two texts above are similar-if words "particle" and "or" and a comma are removed, they are identical. 上面的两段文字是相似的,如果把“颗粒”和“或者”,以及一个逗号拿掉,它们则完全相同。 www.tdict.com 9. Unrelated transforms are those that are not contained within the If, Else if, and or Else refinements. 不相关的转换是指那些未包含在If、Elseif和Else细分中的转换。 www.ibm.com 10. The A horizon is the upper layer, containing humus and is leached and, or eluviated of many minerals. 层是位于最上面的一层,含有腐殖质,许多矿物质在该层中沥滤和淋溶。 www.showxiu.com 1. Our Conditioned Air Supplies provide combustion air and or dilution air at precisely regulated psychrometric conditions. 我们供气系统提供在燃烧空气和或稀释空气时的精确调节温度。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 2. You can combine such expressions with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT). 可以使用布尔操作符(AND,OR,NOT)组合这些表达式(AND,OR,NOT)。 www.ibm.com 3. Rhythmic gymnastics is also known as "art gymnastics" and or "new gymnastics" . 而韵律体操又称『艺术体操』或『新体操』。 www.docin.com 4. Finally, the -a and -o options allow you to combine expressions with logical AND and OR, respectively, while the unary ! 最后,-a和-o选项允许使用逻辑运算符AND和OR将表达式组合在一起。 www.ibm.com 5. Diamond grade, thickness, chamfer, and or planar non-planar interface to your specifications. 金刚石的粒度、厚度、倒角及界面是否平面,可以根据用户要求确定。 www.shengtong.cn 6. Specific environmental activities, events, conditions, management system, and ( or ) related to the above matters of information. 特定的环境活动、事件、状况、管理体系,和(或)有关上述事项的信息。 zz.cnqr.org 7. They mostly differ by the tools they offer to manage and or install the system. 它们提供的用于管理或安装系统的工具大部分是不同的。 forum.ubuntu.org.cn 8. This thesis analyzes the 2D Boolean operation, researches the symmetry in "AND" , "OR" operation. 奇异情况作为二维布尔运算中的重要研究方向,对它的研究具有理论意义和实用价值。 www.boshuo.net 9. This allows you to perform bitwise logical AND, OR, XOR, and NOT comparisons. 这样便可以执行逐位的逻辑AND、OR、XOR和NOT比较。 www.ibm.com 10. ISD will invite the approved contractors to submit quotations and or proposals for these services when opportunities arise . 政府新闻处如须采购这些服务,将邀请注册名单上的承办商提交报价单及或建议书。 www.bing.com 1. They say adjuncts do not have the time and or support to help students outside class. 他们说,副教没有时间和支持为学生提供课外辅导。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It might support AND or OR, but if it does, are there any caveats? 它可能支持AND或OR,但是如果支持,是否存在任何特殊情况呢? www.ibm.com 3. After several activation's, the patient's may need to have the tubes and or rods lengthened to keep them from disengaging. 经过激活的,病人能够需求有管和或棒,延伸至使他们无法脱离。 kqzq.kq39.com 4. This difference could be attributable to differences in carbohydrate type and (or) fat content. 这种差别可能归因于糖的类型和(或者)脂肪含量的不同。 www.cowinfo.com 5. If the structure's scale and the materials were to change, it could become an apartment complex, and or some other commercial building. 如果结构尺度和材料需要改变,它也能改造成公寓建筑甚至商业楼。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. AAHI hosts and or participates in Health Fairs Seminars throughout the year in various Asian American communities . AAHI举办和或参与各种亚裔美国社区的年度健康博览会研讨会。 www.bing.com 7. A stroke and or traumatic head injuries are the leading causes in "FAS" foreign accent syndrome. 中风或者造成精神创伤的头部受伤是导致外国口音综合症的重要原因。 www.en400.com:8080 8. While editing a script, you are blocked from looking at additional script members and or editing text, bitmaps, etc. 当编辑一个脚本的时候,你不能够象传统的方式那样,可以看到其他脚本成员或正在编辑的文本图片等。 www.mobiusclub.com 9. The most common problems are changed permission and or ownership of a device. 最常见的问题是某个设备的权限变更。 debian.fr 10. To recognize you as a contributor, we will put online a short bibliography of yours and or link your name to your professional web page. 为了表彰供稿人的贡献,我们将把您的简历放在网上,并把您的名字链接到你的个人网页。 www.ceibs.edu 1. Failure to abide by all of these terms mentioned in this document will result NON Payment and or a dispute filed. 不遵守本文档中提及的所有这些条款将导致未付款和或争端提交。 www.bing.com 2. If you wish to access and or correct information about you held with us, please contact us. 如你希望查阅或改正我们所持有关于你的资料,请联络我们。 baby.boom.com.hk 3. for case hardening respective decarbonizing respective bright annealing of long rod, bars and or wire bundles. 适于长条料、棒材或金属线包的表面渗碳、脱碳、光亮退火。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Is consideration given to adopting mechanical and or electronic recording systems to enhance control? 公司有否考虑采用电子记录系统,以加强监管员工执勤的情况? www.icac.org.hk 5. Raising awareness of different registers, ie that we use and or also when speaking and moreover only when writing. 提高各种语域的意识性,比如,我们在说话的时候用。 cn.chinatefl.com 6. Are wages and benefits paid in a timely fashion and in line with industry benchmarks and or regional standards? 工作福利是否按时支付,是否和行业标准或地区标准看齐? zhidao.baidu.com 7. You may wish to light some incense and or a candle, dim the lights and play some beautiful acoustic music in the background. 你可能会希望点亮一些薰香或蜡烛,调暗灯光,播放一些优美的音乐作为背景。 cqly186.blog.163.com 8. Showing round the factory and or the showroom , goods on approval are relatively advisable. 可以邀请客户参观工厂和展览室,得到认可的产品相对比较容易推荐。 www.suiniyi.com 9. I thought the inquiry should not be divided into good and or bad. 我认为提问不应该分好与不好。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. Wear a mask if you develop flu-like symptoms, when caring for the sick, and when visiting hospitals and or clinics. 若出现流感的徵状,就应该佩戴口罩。照顾病人及往医院诊所时,亦应将之戴上。 www.chp.gov.hk 1. Once the CEI server receives a CBE, it may be persisted and or distributed. CEI服务器一旦收到CBE,它就可能被持久保存或被分发。 www.ibm.com 2. The following example illustrates the difference between And, Or, and their short-circuiting counterparts. 下面的示例演示了And、Or与其短路副本之间的差异。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. How did your family and or friends react when they knew you have made such a decision? 你的家人和朋友怎样看你这个决定? www.cinespot.com 4. Under the new law, suspects could be fined and or detained up to 15 days. 根据新的法律,嫌疑人可以被罚款以及或是最长可以被拘押15天。 www.voa365.com 5. Method: Fetal monitoring was examined in 204 cases pregnant women in antepartum and (or) intrapartum by cardiotocography instrument. 方法:应用胎心监护仪对204例临产前和(或)临产后的孕妇进行胎心监护。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Occurs when hot air and or high humidity, or continued heavy exertion prevent your body from cooling itself fast enough. 当气温高,湿度大,或者身体为保护自己连续沉重的挥发以降低体温时,人体就会对热产生反应。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The programs implemented in either software and (or) firmware that makes the computer hardware usable. 系统程式就是驱动电脑硬体工作之软体及轫体程式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. If changes aren't happening like you had hoped the answer can usually be found in the food and or exercise journal. 如果没有发生你所期望的变化,那么可以在事物或运动日志里找到答案。 www.elanso.com 9. based on the list , hospital staff would follow up the outstanding fees with the patient and or his next of kin. 医院职员会根据名单,向病人及或其最近亲追讨未清缴的费用。 www.ichacha.net 10. no responsibility is accepted for late , lost or misdirected entries and or notification of winners. 旅发局并不就作品及或得奖通知的延误遗失或误寄误传负责。 www.ichacha.net 1. This difference is particularly likely when you are working with search conditions that involve several clauses linked with AND and OR. 当您使用的搜寻条件包含用AND和OR连结的几个子句时,不同之处最为明显。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The research interests of ARC focus on the numerical modeling of air pollution, air pollution meteorology, and or the relevant physics. 本中心的研究集中在空气污染的数值模拟,空气污染气象学,或相关的物理。 www.xyzp.net 3. Haematuria and(or) proteinuria presenting during the first 6 months course, the HSP should be diagnosed. 临床上在HSP病程中(包括病程6个月以内)出现血尿和(或)蛋白尿即可诊断。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I agree to receive more available or related promotions and or information via the provided email address. 我同意经所提供之电邮地址接收更多宣传或相关资讯之电邮。 keychampion.com 5. The cell walls require the presence of some minerals, sodium, calcium, magnesium and or potassium, during rehydration. 细胞壁的存在一些需要矿物质,钠、钙、镁、钾或在体液。 www.wines-info.com 6. Are there staff consultation and or grievance channels with independent review ? 有否设立附独立覆核程序的职员谘询或申诉渠道?。 www.bing.com 7. Program source "files" are identified by Memo Pad category and or by special memo naming conventions. 程序源“文件”是由MemoPad类别和或特殊的备忘录命名约定来标识的。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Bitmapped indexes are only useful with equality queries, especially in combination with AND, OR, and NOT operators. 位图索引仅对确定值的查询有效,尤其是拥有AND,OR和NOT逻辑运算符的组合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. it often gets criticized for using too much memory , being too slow , and or being too verbose. 由于它占用内存大、速度慢,并且冗长,所以经常受到人们的指责。 www.ichacha.net 10. o On cost estimates given by local professional landscape architects and or contractors. 澳估计费用给予本地的专业景观建筑师和或承包商。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. One major obstacle in developing mucosal vaccine is production of some safe and efficient adjuvant and(or) delivery system. 在发展黏膜疫苗过程中最大的障碍是寻找安全、高效的疫苗佐剂和递药系统。 www.chemyq.com 2. ADHD is basically an issue with attentiveness coupled with over activity and or impulsivity. 多动症基本上是一个有注意障碍和活动过度或者容易冲动的病症。 www.bing.com 3. Cause: The administrator domain name, username, and or password is incorrect in the Settings tab. 原因:管理员域名,用户名和密码是不正确的选项卡设置。 hi.baidu.com 4. Bitwise operations perform logical AND, OR, EXLUSIVE OR, and NOT operations on binary representations of their integer arguments. 逐位运算在其二进制形式的整型变量上执行逻辑AND、OR、EXLUSIVEOR和NOT运算。 www.ibm.com 5. Please check this page regularly for any revisions and or amendments which may be made. 请定期浏览此网页查阅任何修改及或修订。 www.gov.hk 6. Most or all leaves simple, entire, rep and, or sinuate, rarely lowermost few trifoliolate. 全部的大多数或单叶,全缘,,具深波状的或,很少最下很少具三小叶。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. offer this to the userGPLLicense, make its are had duplicate, distribute and (or) those who modify this software is lawful. 向用户提供该项GPL许可,使其拥有复制、分发和(或)修改该软件的法律许可。 pjprimer.com 8. Results The total effective rate was 78. 6% by introducing therapeutic alliance of amphotericin B, fluconazole and (or) 5-fluorocytosine. 结果采用二性霉素B、氟康唑和(或)5-氟胞嘧啶联合治疗,总有效率为78. kns50.chkd.cnki.net 9. A concept vehicle or show vehicle is a car made to showcase new styling and or new technology. 一款概念车或展车是一辆用以展示新造型和新技术的车。 swc.178.blog.163.com 10. content that is illegal , pornographic , obscene , deceptive , defamatory , slanderous , and or inappropriate. 非法色情淫亵具欺骗性诽谤性短暂诽谤性及或不恰当的内容。 www.ichacha.net 1. With the help of AND- OR graph theory, it illustrated the preliminary algorithm. 借助AND-OR图理论,给出了算法的基本框架。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You can perform a bitwise AND, OR and XOR, but you can't perform a bitwise NOT (presumably to prevent confusion with the logical NOT). 我们可执行按位AND,OR和XOR,但不能执行按位not(大概是为了避免与逻辑not混淆)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Install and or configure the necessary shipping modules required as UPS, FED EX, or Flat Rate. 安装和配置必要的航运或模块的UPS,联邦快递,或扁平率要求。 www.bing.com 4. The medium and low fleets imply a less booming economy and or increasing levels of restraint. 如果车辆数目居于中等和偏低的增长率,则表示经济放缓,或限制措施增多。 www.td.gov.hk 5. Besides, income splitting and or transfer are less likely in employment cases. 此外,分拨转移受雇工作收入的可能性亦较低。 www.ird.gov.hk 6. You can AND or OR tags together to determine which brokers to display. 您也可以同时使用AND或OR来确定将要显示哪个代理。 www.ibm.com 7. Wash and scrub fresh produce thoroughly produce before cooking and or eating. 新鲜的农产品在烹饪或者食用前要彻底清洗干净。 afic.org 8. They also welcome "outside" people, skeptics, who want to touch, feel and smell cleaner burning gasoline and (or) diesel. 他们也欢迎“外”的人,怀疑论者,谁想要触摸,感觉,嗅觉更清洁燃烧汽油和(或)柴油。 www.tech-domain.com 9. We suggest you use standard HTML heading tags such as and or tags because both of these force new lines after them. 我们建议您使用标准的HTML标题标记符,如和或标记符,因为在它们之后都强加新行。 www.regnow.com 10. Vancomycin and (or) amikacin may be first chosen to treat CRS. 去甲万古霉素和(或)阿米卡星可作为治疗CRS的首选用药。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. Or meet up with friends and or colleagues for a relaxing drink in our lobby bar. 您还可以与朋友或同事在我们的大堂酒吧放松啜饮一杯。 www.61hr.com 2. Methods: To remove tonsil and(or) adenoids by surgery under anesthesia. 方法:采用气管内全身麻醉下手术切除扁桃体和(或)腺样体刮除术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It can result in disturbed appetite and digestion, reliance on sedatives and, or stimulants, as well as social and domestic problems. 它可能会导致厌食症和消化不良,镇静剂或者兴奋剂依赖,以及社会和家庭问题。 www.bing.com 4. If rejected it will be held for disposition at expense and risk of the seller and or supplier. 如有拒绝发生将由卖方承担处理此批货物的风险和费用。 www.panscate.com 5. Usually accompanied by a guitar, violin and or banjos. 通常用吉他,小提琴或者班卓琴演奏。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. airtime , data charges , and or additional charges may apply. 可能需额外徵收通话时间数据传输及或其他费用。 www.ichacha.net 7. In particular, living and (or) working in the city can actually make you sick. 更突出的的是,在城市里生活和(或)工作实际上容易让你生病。 www.elanso.com 8. Put predicates in square brackets, including any "and" and "or" . 将谓词放在方括号中,包括任何“and”和“or”。 www.ibm.com 9. Provide liquid soap, disposable towels and or hand dryers in toilets. 洗手间内应供应液,抹手纸及或乾手机。 www.info.gov.hk 10. If you don't hear it right away it is because the speed of your computer and or connection, so please be patient. Thanks. 要是没有听见音乐那是你电脑慢喽,耐心点,马上就来了。 kittyangel2.spaces.live.com 1. You will have 10 years experience in either Underground Metals Operations and or Chinese Design Institutes. 您需要十年地下金属矿运营及(或)中国设计院工作经验; www.beijingmyjob.com 2. Format strings control formatting operations in which a date and or time is represented as a string. 格式字符串用于控制将日期或时间表示为字符串时所导致的格式化。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. To specify alternate criteria, use both the Criteria and Or rows in the design grid. 要指定替代条件,请在设计网格中同时使用“条件”行和“或”行。 office.microsoft.com 4. A minimum of 3 years experience delivering training programs to entry level and or supervisory level. 至少3年以上对全体员工和管理层培训的经验。 job.veryeast.cn 5. Shall report in written form to the audit found that ( and ) or the summary submitted to the client. 应以书面报告的形式将审核发现(和)或其概要报送委托方。 www.cnqr.org 6. Responsible of reviewing and updating the manuals and or books according to existing manuals program. 负责审核和更新根据现存手册目录里的所有手册。 my.jobems.com 7. You can include logical operators, such as AND, OR, NOT, THRU, and NEAR, to further refine your search. 可以包括逻辑运算符(例如,AND、OR、NOT、THRU和NEAR),以便进一步细化搜索。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. They include the class, component, and or object diagrams. 它们包括类,组件和(或)对象图。 www.ibm.com 9. When using the seeds and or roots all of the above is amplified with the exception of chlorophyll. 若是欧芹种子或者根部,除叶绿素以外的以上所有物质的含有量则更多。 bbs.goumin.com 10. The manifestations of KCS is tear film instability and (or) the abnormal ocular surface. 而干眼症主要表现为泪膜不稳定和(或)眼表面的异常。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. You can watch TV, and or you can go to bed. 你可以看电视,或者你可以去睡觉了。 www.9988cd.com 2. Results: SUV, the performance, and tumor volume were the predictive factors for complete response, and OR of SUV was 1. 717. 结果:SUV值、状态评分和肿瘤体积影响是完全缓解的预测因素,SUV值的OR值为1.717; journal.cmu.edu.cn 3. Prevention. And, or mitigate damage if a malfunction, accident or naturally caused event occurs. 避免,为了减轻损害,如果一个故障事故,或者自然发生的事故出现了。 open.163.com 4. Apparatus for monitoring and or treating a substance or body. 一种用于监测和或处理物质或身体的设备。 ip.com 5. Are any Code and rules published and or circulated regularly? 有否定期公布及传阅有关守则及规例? www.icac.org.hk 6. This may spark up emotion and or bring back feelings of sadness and regret. 因为可能会激发你的情感把你带回那种伤心和遗憾的感觉。 www.elanso.com 7. An expression is defined as a series of one or more query terms joined by the boolean operators and or or. 一个表达式就是一系列由布尔运算符and或or连接的一个或更多查询项。 www.ibm.com 8. This is not as precise as Westlaw or Lexis ' connectors, but allows simple "and, " "or, " "and not" and exact-phrase searching. 这不像西部法律或莱克希斯的连接器一样精确,但允许简单的“和”“或”“而不是”和确切短语搜索。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Diodes can perform digital logic functions: AND, and OR. 二极管可以实现“与”和“或”的数字逻辑。 www.qiyeku.com 10. When diving and or snorkeling avoid standing on coral heads. 潜水或浮潜时,请避免站在珊瑚上。 www.wwf.org.hk 1. You can add additional filter criteria with AND and OR operators. 您可以使用AND和OR运算符添加附加筛选条件。 www.ibm.com 2. In advanced search, you can use & (AND) and | (OR) operators. 在高级搜索中,可以使用&(AND)和|(OR)运算符。 www.ibm.com 3. Account Servicing Experience in 4A advertising agency, or have IT and or Banking servicing experiences is an advantage. 从事4A广告公司客户服务工作,或服务过有相关IT及或银行类客户会做优先考虑。 sh.job592.com 4. Now you will modify the query by entering alternate criteria in the Criteria and Or rows. 现在,将通过在“条件”行和“或”行中输入替代条件来修改该查询。 office.microsoft.com 5. We charge a 15% restocking fee on returned items only if the item is clearly used and or the packing is tarnished. 我们只负责对返回,如果该项目被明确使用和包装物品或15%的进货费用受损。 www.showxiu.com 6. SUV, the performance, and clinical stage were the Predictive factors for effectiveness, and OR of SUV was 1. 123. SUV值、状态评分和临床分期影响是治疗有效的预后因素,SUV值的OR值为1. journal.cmu.edu.cn 7. Boolean connectors like AND and OR are case sensitive. 像AND和OR这样的布尔结构对大小写非常敏感。 www.bing.com 8. National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Or. 全国交通法律法规统一委员会。 trsweb.iicc.ac.cn:8080 9. They can also be evaluated in terms of performance and or speed. 库的评价标准还有性能和或速度。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Any violation of REACH law in using our preregistration numbers will lead to legal proceedings against importers and OR in EU. 在使用我们的预注册号码过程中,任何违反REACH法的行为将导致对欧盟进口商以及唯一代表的法律诉讼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It could be caused by shape on top edge of pocket faxing and or top edge of back yoke shape. 这可能是造成形状对最上面的口袋传真和或回到最上面的枷锁形状。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Nuts and or a few sprigs of pretend red berries. 坚果和几枝长有红浆果的枝条。 www.bing.com 3. Would you please check the lounge and or restaurant. 请你检查休息室和或餐厅。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. However, these people have a serious character, and or concentration or short of sadness and pain. 然而这些人都有着严肃的性格,和或浓或淡的忧愁与伤痛。 zhishi.sohu.com 5. We cannot survive for long without food and [or] water. 我们没有食物和水就活不了多久。 www.kekenet.com 6. Timely treatment of photocoagulation and (or) cryotherapy for prethreshold type 1 and threshold disease of ROP may lead to famous prognosis. 对阈值前病变1型和阈值期ROP进行及时的激光和(或)冷冻治疗具有比较满意的疗效。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Note the use of the AND and OR tokens that were defined earlier. 请注意先前所定义的AND和OR标记的用法。 www.ibm.com 8. The hydrogenated distillate fuel is used in jet and or diesel fuels. 加氢馏出物燃料可以用作喷气燃料或柴油燃料。 www.patent114.com 9. On the happiness and well-being, in real life, a lot of time and or by alternate use of the habit, there is no strict distinction. 关于快乐与幸福,在现实生活中,很多的时候都并用或者按习惯交替使用,并没有严格的区别。 www.bing.com 10. And the subexpressions can be combined using the and, or, and not logical operators. 而子表达式又可使用and、or和not逻辑运算符组合起来。 www.ibm.com 1. Origin and Destination stop, with the street name and or the stop name. 原籍国和目的地停下来,与街道名称和或停止的名称。 www.bing.com 2. may have an iteration , while and or until clause. 多个构建可以在一个迭代中交付。 www.ichacha.net 3. metal layer sandwiched between two layers of plastic and or 3. metal foil. 夹于两塑料层之间的金属层,或(3)金属箔。 ip.com 4. This is value calculated by actual measurements of ROI instead of production input and or demand vs. supply. 这就是根绝ROI而不是生产投入或供给需求测量的实际价值。 www.bing.com 5. You must provide similar works and or a sample of the app before we accept your Bid. 你必须提供类似工程及或该应用程序示例之前,我们接受您的出价。 www.bing.com 6. added and or modified. If so, that will be handled separately. 或增加和修改。如果是这样,那将是分开处理。 www.bing.com 7. Want to write directly to the Chief Executive and or members of the Task Force? 想直接向特首及三名专责小组成员发表意见? hkhrm.org.hk 8. The mutation is accomplished by AND and OR of individual DNA with random 8-bit bitmasks. 变异是通过对个体的DNA和随机生成的8位位掩码作AND和OR运算实现的。 www.ibm.com 9. Is a combination of one or more predicates that use the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT. 使用逻辑运算符AND、OR和NOT的一个或多个谓词的组合。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Have the strong self-learning skill to learn more new technical knowledge and or improve personal skill. 具备很强的自学能力,来学习新的技术知识和提升个人技能。 www.boxhr.com 1. I'll try a U25-second exposure, and. . . or maybe I should. 我在试着调U25秒曝光……哦,或者我应该…… www.hjenglish.com 2. The common operators (such as like, between, AND, or) are all supported. 这些表达式也支持通用操作符(如like、between、AND、or等)。 www.ibm.com 3. And it's getting the logical words right, if then and or not, is hugely important. Have you gotten one? 逻辑词对了,如果,那么,和,或者,不,是很重要的,你有吗? open.163.com 4. You can use the DatabaseRoute node to pass messages straight through it and or route its messages. 您可以使用DatabaseRoute节点直接传递消息或路由消息。 www.ibm.com 5. You cannot use search operators (such as AND or OR), or symbols and wildcards. 不能使用搜索运算符(例如AND或OR),也不能使用符号和通配符。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Then are also records of gymnastics being performed in China and or no other Asien counties. 在中国和亚洲其他一些国家同样有体操表演的记载。 www.aiduku.com 7. Standard boolean operators are available, such as and, or, xor and not. 可以使用标准的布尔操作符,比如and、or、xor和not。 www.ibm.com 8. For example, if you expand the definition with: Terms [ (java) (apple) (windows) (and) (or) ]. 比方说,如果将定义扩展为:Terms[(java)(apple)(windows)(and)(or)]。 www.ibm.com 9. To rub elbows with someone means to spend time at a party or some event with someone who is famous , rich and or powerful. Torubelbowswithsomeone是说花时间在派对或其他场合和一些有名,富有,或有权力的人呆在一起。 www.remword.cn 10. In addition, retail investors can make use of the phone and or Internet banking facilities of some Placing Banks to subscribe for the bonds. 间分行处理认购事项。此外,投资者也可透过多间配售银行提供的电话及或网上银行设施认购债券。 www.info.gov.hk 1. It can burn wood, animal waste and (or) crop waste. 它能燃烧木料、动物或庄稼的废料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Please remember that wherever you go &whatever you do, you will have the opportunity to touch and or change a person's outlook. 请记住,不管你到哪儿,不管你做什么,你都有可能影响或改变一个人的前途。 dict.bioon.com 3. English and or Cantonese. Course materials will be provided in English Chinese. 课程以英语为教学语言,并以粤语作为辅助。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 4. In fact I should keep them all together just because at this moment you don't know the difference between and or and so on is. 实际上我应该把它们合在一起,因为现在你不知道,和与或的区别。 open.163.com 5. experience in Automotive industry and-or high automated manufacturing (at least 3 years experience); 三年以上汽车生产工业的工作经验; jobs.zhaopin.com 6. The Analysis of the Calculate Way to Turn Chien Logic Function by Filling in Directly from Logic Function of and- or Type 由与或式逻辑函数直接填写卡诺图化简逻辑函数算法分析 service.ilib.cn 7. See Not and Or operators, and Boolean Operator for Visual Basic 6. 0 Users. 请参见Not和Or运算符,以及逻辑运算符(针对VisualBasic6.0用户)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. At least 5 years sales and or technical support experience, with dental or medical equipments and products background; 至少5年相关行业销售或技术支持经验,具有牙科或医疗器械及产品行业背景; www.haoqiantu.cn 9. Integration and or coordination of ecological, environmental, historical, social and programmatic systems; 是否能把生态的,环境的,历史的,社会的和程序?进程? 3276302.blog.hexun.com 10. Increase flexibility in your screening process by checking at the time of order entry and or prior to shipment 在订单到来和或发货之前进行核查,从而在您的筛除程序中增加灵活性 www.ups.com 1. Projects plans of tree felling and or replanting that have taken place during the report period; 报告覆盖期间已实行的砍伐及移植树木计划; www.cuhk.edu.hk 2. The Hong Kong Kennel Club will not accept any responsibilities or damages caused by any persons, exhibitors and or their dogs. 任何人士或出展人士及其狗展只,若构成任何损坏,香港狗会不会负任何责任。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. attach briefcases with installed alarm devices ; or incorporate lithium batteries and or pyrotechnic material 装有警报装置的小型公文包或内置锂电池和或有易燃材料物质 www.ichacha.net 4. broadcast digital video tape recorders - identification method for recording and or reproduction error status 广播数字磁带录像机.录制和或复制错误情况的识别方法 www.ichacha.net 5. drug treatment including oral hypoglycemic agent and or insulin : they must be used as advised to avoid adverse effects 药物治疗:包括口服降血糖药物及胰岛素,必须按指示使用,以免产生不良反应。 www.ichacha.net 6. after finishing setup , you can continue to use automatically - assigned addresses , or configure dhcp and or static ip addresses 在结束安装后,可以继续使用自动分配的地址,或配置dhcp和或静态ip地址。 www.ichacha.net 7. Integration of Al and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems 组合最优问题约束规划中的人工智能与操作研究的结合 www.library.fudan.edu.cn 8. Evidence that the applicant and or the reference in Ireland has sufficient funds to cover the costs of the stay, this should include 申请人和在爱尔兰的配偶拥有足够的资金支撑其在爱尔兰居留期间的费用的证明,应当包括 www.embassyofireland.cn 9. broadcast digital vid o tape recorders - identification method for recording and or reproduction error status 广播数字视频录像机.错误图像复制或录制的识别方法 www.ichacha.net 10. Inadequate integration with other tools reduces productivity and or requires integration work 与其它工具不充分的集成降低了生产效率,并且或者需要集成方面的工作 www-128.ibm.com 1. The clinical study on changes of fibrinolysis after percutaneous transluminai coronary angioplasty and (or) coronary stenting 经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术和(或)冠状动脉支架术后纤溶的变化 www.ilib.cn 2. Adenoidectomy and (or) tonsillectomy treated snoring disease in children 扁桃体摘除和(或)腺样体刮除治疗儿童鼾症 www.ilib.cn 3. Under the arrangements of the Scheme, they may take up short-term employment and or enrol in a short educational course 按照计划的安排,参与人士可在香港度假期间作短期受雇及或修读短期的课程 www.immd.gov.hk 4. Do you have any experience on carbon audit and or energy audit in Hong Kong, including as a participator, auditor, etc? 你有没有进行在进行能源审核及碳审计的经验,包括参加审核或为审核员等等? my3q.com 5. If you are interested in attending future meetings and or becoming a member of the committee, please 如果您有兴趣出席未来的会议和或成为委员会的成员,请 aahiinfo.org 6. Support for different views and or potential solutions to a problem 支持不同的视图和或问题的可能解决方案 www-128.ibm.com 7. Hysteroscopy under B-ultrasound and(or) laparoscopic monitoring in the treatment of intrauterine adhesions: Analysis of 108 cases B超和(或)腹腔镜监护下宫腔镜诊治宫腔粘连108例分析 www.ilib.cn 8. it provides for privacy, authenticity, integrity, and, or repudiation 它提供私密、真实、完整、拒绝方面的安全保护? wenku.baidu.com 9. Percentage of teachers with PhD and or higher professional qualifications 拥有博士学位或以上专业学历教师之百分比 www.hku.hk 10. Event to determine if the minimum and or maximum size for the 事件中编写代码来确定是否已超过 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. type approval of buses after major body reconstruction and or changing seating layout 巴士在车身重大改动及或座位编排改动后接受类型评定 www.ichacha.net 2. Copy of records in connection with applications for visa, entry permit and or extension of stay 有关申请签证、入境证及或延期居留的纪录副本 www.immd.gov.hk 3. Survey of Government Land Pressure Receivers subject to Steam and or Air Pressure 检验政府陆上蒸汽及或压缩空气压力容器 www.hyd.gov.hk 4. This certificate can neither be transferred and nor be used as gist or voucher for avouch, facility and or facility in disguised form ; 本证明书不得转让,不得作为担保,融资和变相融资的依据或凭证; iask.sina.com.cn 5. Conversions between AND-OR expressions and AND-XOR expressions 与-或及与-异或表达式间的一种转换方法 ilib.cn 6. Conversion of RM expansion coefficients and OR-coincidence expansion coefficients based on tabular method 基于表格法的RM展开系数与或-符合展开系数的转换 www.ilib.cn 7. A New Method for Construction of Connectivity Sieve of Disassembly AND-OR Graph 拆卸与或图拆卸模型连通性筛子的新构造法 www.ilib.cn 8. Routes operated on Saturdays and or Sundays and public holidays only 只在星期六及或星期日及公众假期行走的路线 www.td.gov.hk 9. Display clearly product information and or menus; and 商品资料和菜单清楚列明 discoverhongkong.com 10. Sound Beginnings is a stretchy soft fabric band, there are no clips, velcro, and or glue to keep speakers in place 声音的开始是一个柔软的面料弹性带,没有剪辑,粘扣带,并保持或胶水到位扬声器 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Connectivity sieve in disassembly and-or graph 拆卸与或图模型中的连通性筛子 www.ilib.cn 2. If you need to setup a website to promote and or run your business on Internet, you can host your website in the following ways 若你需要设立网站,在网上推广及经营业务,你可用以下方法设置网站 www.info.gov.hk 3. Specifies the directory and or file name for the new file 指定新文件的目录或文件名 tangjiaqi.xinwen365.net 4. terminal lobes ovate, dentate, rep and, or entire; 顶生裂片卵形,具牙齿,,或全缘; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Interference with Sleep and or Healing 睡眠干扰或愈合 soleilmavis.spaces.live.com 6. Research on the Collaborative Evolution of OWL Ontologies Based on And-or Graph 基于变化生成图的OWL本体协同进化方法研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Recent illness and or infection 近来所患疾病及或感染 www.info.gov.hk 8. jettison and or loss overboard j . and or l . o 投弃及或落海损失 www.ichacha.net 9. Motherland is more important than our lives; she is our mother and or land. (Chile) Neruda 祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。——[智利]聂鲁达 wenku.baidu.com 10. Note: training material in English; Lecture in Chinese and or English 备注:英语教材,国语授课;或英语授课 www.szceo.com |
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