单词 | ancient times |
释义 | 例句释义: 古代,上古,远古,远古时代 1. Changes between the states have been used by man to work for him since ancient times. 自古以来,人类就利用这两种状态的变化为自己服务。 www.hxen.com 2. The Great Wall, you know, was constructed in ancient times to guard against invasion by nomadic tribes from the north. 你知道,长城是古代为了防御北方的游牧民族入侵而建的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In very very ancient times, there was a strong man named Kuafu who cherished the ambition of running a race against the sun. 很久很久以前,有一个身强力壮的人,名叫夸父。夸父心怀奇志,决心和太阳赛跑,追上太阳。 playenglish.net 4. An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times. 一根在接近顶端地方横梁的立柱,在古代用来处死被判有罪的人 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Modern, manufactured days can be costly. Natural dyes form plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. 现代的人造染料会比较贵,而从动、植物提取的天然染料在远古时期就已被使用了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Meng Zi is a work of Meng Zi who was a famous thinker in ancient times. It had been listed one of the thirteen classics in feudal times. 《孟子》是我国古代著名思想家孟子的著作,封建时代被列为十三经之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Distillation of fermented solutions has been used since ancient times to produce distilled beverages with a higher alcohol content. 古代,人们蒸馏发酵液以产生乙醇含量较高的蒸馏酒。 www.foodmate.net 8. As early as in ancient times , the various tribal alliances PREVAILING along the Yellow River began to take shape as nations. 早在远古时代,活跃在黄河流域的部落联盟就已初具国家规模。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The construction of the gigantic Egyptian pyramids at Giza during the 2500 B. C. was one of the greatest engineering feats of ancient times. 在吉萨期间建设的巨大的埃及金字塔是在远古时代2500年中最大的工程壮举。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 10. In ancient times however, tickling was used as a form of torture -- goats would lick salt off the bottom of a person's foot. 然而,在古代挠痒痒被用作一种折磨人的刑法,在一个人的脚底抹上盐,让山羊来舔。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 1. There was a place in ancient Greece called Magnesia and this place was a source of several useful mineral products back in ancient times. 在古希腊有个叫Magnesia的地方,这里早在远古时期就盛产许多矿石。 www.bing.com 2. You were nevertheless unable to stop what occurred in ancient times, and that was way before your recorded history. 然而,你们无法制止发生在远古时代的事情,那是在你们有记录的历史之前的道路。 www.bing.com 3. If it is in the ancient times, I walk to you, must be from a young teenager into a decrepit old man to get to your hand. 如果是在远古的时代,我徒步走向你,必定从一个风华正茂的少年成为一个风烛残年的老者才能与你手牵。 www.bing.com 4. Ginger has been used around the world and in ancient times to support immune systems, cardiovascular health, and for overall energy. 已用于世界各地的生姜,在远古时代,以支持免疫系统,心血管健康,并为整体能源。 www.freemerce.com 5. In ancient times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds could feed, or to find better climates. 古代,人们旅行不是为了寻找乐趣,而是为寻找一块新的地方来喂他的产牲畜或寻找气候条件更好的地方。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. In ancient times he would have been swept off his feet and carried to the chapel, where a mass would be said in his honor. 在古时候他可能就会被抬起并抬进礼拜堂,那里一群人会欢呼他的荣誉。 www.bing.com 7. Miao word as the name implies, is a species of field crops, in ancient times, the word represents the Miao ethnic group paddy - Miao people. 苗字顾名思义,就是田里种的庄稼,因此在上古时代,苗字代表了种水稻的族群-苗民。 jztu.5d6d.com 8. Arjuna said: your birth is recent, the sun-god's birth is previous, therefore you instructing in ancient times, how am I to understand this? 阿诸那说:您出生在近代,太阳神出生在先代,就是说您在古时候就教导给他了,我怎样才能明白这个道理呢? uni.biguan.cn 9. Essay was an important part of Chinese ancient prose, which had the largest number and the most influential in ancient times. 论说文是我国古代散文的重要组成部分,是古代数量最多、影响最大的文体之一。 www.fabiao.net 10. How can humans today recall the truth of ancient times with such a tattered state of being that truth has fallen into? 今天的人们,在真相已跌入这样破破烂烂的状态下,又怎么能回忆起远古时代的真相呢? cqly186.blog.163.com 1. In ancient times, salt was an important item on the table of kings and queens. It was placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat. 盐在古代是国王和皇后餐桌上的重要物品,当国王坐下用餐时,它就被放置在国王面前。 www.thvs.tp.edu.tw 2. Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. 现代的人造染料价格昂贵,而从植物和动物身上提炼出的自然染料从古时候起就开始使用了。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. He said that there had been no merchants in ancient times. He was wrong; he had never heard of the Silk Road. 他曾说古代没有商人,他错了,他没有听说过丝绸之路。 www.bing.com 4. "Loud White Ears" had set such a trend back in the ancient times that they decided to build a large effigy of him in commemoration. 白色耳机的潮流居然流到了古代,连祖先们都决定给他雕像以示纪念了。 www.elanso.com 5. He said that the two countries are friendly close neighbors and the friendship between the two peoples goes back to ancient times. 他说,中斯是亲密友好的近邻,两国人民的友谊源远流长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. In ancient times the psyche was conceived as a microcosm, and this was one of the characteristics attributed to the psychophysical man. 在古代,心灵被构想为一个小宇宙。这就是被归属给心理物理学的人其中一个特性。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. Heaven long, since ancient times, she was the number of transfer passengers of a man of poetry. 悠悠苍天,自古以来,她被多少迁客骚人诗意化了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In ancient times, a king and a boulder placed on a roadway . Then he did himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. 古时候,有一位国王命人将一块大古头放在路中间。然后他藏了起来,暗中观察是否有人会将巨石移走。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. The ancient city gates and well-preserved city walls with signs of erosion seem to be telling of the beautiful legends in ancient times. 古旧的城门,保存完好的城墙带着风霜剥蚀的痕迹,诉说着远古美丽的传说。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. The simplest example of this type is the abacus, which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times. 这一类型中最简单的实例就是世界各地自古以来使用的算盘。 1. In China, from ancient times until now, there's never been a woman writer who has written in my style. 在中国,从古至今,没有女性作家以我的方式写作。 www.bing.com 2. It had been used in the West since ancient times, reaching an aesthetic and technical peak in 12th-century Byzantium. 自古以来,它就在西方使用,在十二世纪的拜占廷时期达到美学和科技的高峰。 www.bing.com 3. This was why in ancient times this method was used to examine the pulsating points over several regions of the body. 这也是为什么起初这种方法只能检测人身体的某些穴位。 www.chinese.cn 4. Card buddy movement originated in ancient times at valencia, but an old folk games, used for personal attack and defense. 卡巴迪运动源于古代西亚,起初只是一种古老的民间游戏,用作个人的进攻和防守的练习。 www.jianfeicha.org 5. I saw many beacon towers. My mother told me that those towers were used to send signals in the ancient times. 我看到有许多烽火台,妈妈说,那是古代用来传递信号的。 i.myechinese.com 6. Camels have served as an important form of transportation since ancient times. They are known as "ships of the desert. " 在古代,骆驼就成为了一种重要的运输工具,号称“沙漠之舟”。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. In ancient times, been enshrined in the dark sky for the Artifact, mainly as a sacrificial utensils. 在远古时期,鼓被尊奉为通天的神器,主要是作为祭祀的器具。 rosewood.zhonghuarui.com 8. I major in philosophy, I'm quite obsessed with it though I find it hard to understand some ideas in the ancient times. 解释一下我主修哲学,我非常喜欢他尽管我发现很难去理解一些古代的想法。 wenku.baidu.com 9. It was in ancient times that the thought of pedagogical pragmatics began to gestate and form. 古代是教学语用学思想的孕育和形成时期。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Also known as the Spring Ingress Chart, it has been looked upon as a major indicator of the upcoming year by astrologers from ancient times. 也被称为春季入口图,它被看成是即将到来的一年,从古代占星学家的主要指标。 bbs.88158.cn 1. In ancient times, the majority of Mahjong is the back bone made of bamboo. It can be said actually a card with a combination of a domino. 在古代,麻将大都是以骨面竹背做成,可以说麻将实际上是一种纸牌与骨牌的结合。 www.xcn-chinese.com 2. In ancient times, when a man of royal blood married a foreign woman of royal blood, it wasn't on a romantic whim. 在古代,当一位皇族要娶异邦的皇族女子为妻,并不是因为浪漫的一时所想,而是外交政策的一部分。 www.internet.org.cn 3. In ancient times, yoga was often referred to as a tree, a living entity with roots, a trunk, branches, blossoms, and fruit. 在远古时代,瑜伽被比喻做一棵树,有根基,躯干,枝桠,花蕾,还有果实。 www.bing.com 4. The old man told me that to rotate walnuts in hand is a way of exercise descending from ancient times. 老人告诉我,别小看这揉核桃,它可是从中国古代传下来的一种健身方式。 i.myechinese.com 5. The gods that vanquished the evil in ancient times sealed the power needed to thwart it in a great sword and a mysterious symbol. 在古代曾经击败过恶魔的女神把能阻止邪恶的力量封印在一把伟大的剑和一个神秘的符文中。 bbs.a9vg.com 6. According to one legend, once in ancient times, a celestial swan came into the mortal world where it was shot down by a hunter. 有一个传说是这样的,在古代,有一位神界天鹅闯入人间被猎手误杀。 www.hjenglish.com 7. In ancient times , there was a dignitary traveling far and wide. One day it was getting late . He stayed overnight at a peasant family . 古时候,有一得到高僧云游四方,一日由于天色已晚,就借宿农家。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. In ancient times, it has "only court, do not see the huangshan face" the laudatory name, was quite a coup. 古时有“不到文殊院,不见黄山面”的美称,果然不同凡响。 www.268r.com 9. The idea of copyright did not exist in ancient times, when authors frequently copied other authors at length in works of non-fiction. 古时候并没有智慧财产权的概念,有一段很长的时间在非小说的领域里面,作者常常引用他人的作品。 www.linux.org.tw 10. In ancient times, there was a prime minister named Shang Yang in the State of Qin. He was held in high regard by the King. 古时候秦国有个相国叫商鞅,秦王非常器重他。 www.ebigear.com 1. Collectibles have been a part of almost every culture since ancient times. 从古代开始,收藏品就是文化的一部分。 www.putclub.com 2. Ma said the Diaoyu Islands are, and have been since ancient times, an integral part of Chinese territory. 马朝旭说钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的固有领土。 www.putclub.com 3. The origin of English idioms goes back to ancient times. It has a strong expressiveness and vivid national character. 英语习语源远流长,有很强的表现力和鲜明的民族色彩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Its actual origin, however, probably traces to harvest festivals that have been traditional in many parts of the world since ancient times. 然而,它真正的起源可以追溯到很久以前在世界很多地方成为传统的丰收节。 wenwen.soso.com 5. "The rule of law " as a way of governing the country, whether from China or from around the world, all goes back to ancient times. “法治”作为一种治国方式,无论从世界范围还是从中国来说,都源远流长。 www.fabiao.net 6. He said that China neighbors with Central Asian countries and the friendship between both sides goes back to ancient times. 他说,中国与中亚国家毗邻,友谊源远流长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. Since ancient times, its inhabitants have turned to a strong central government to keep them safe behind high walls and embankments. 自古以来,黄土地上的人民就一直靠着强有力的中央政府通过修筑高墙和堤坝来确保他们的安全。 www.bing.com 8. Very impressive, considering that this city was built in ancient times when the machine is not created yet. 想想在当时还没有机械的时期能建成这样的城市,这是多么的不可思议。 www.bing.com 9. In the ancient times, it was made of a group of jade components, and it is a symbol of identity and status of the person who wears it. 在古代是由多件玉质构件组合而成的一套玉佩饰,是佩戴者身份和地位的象征。 www.fabiao.net 10. And then on into the two steps is Nantianmen days Street, Tin Street, hanging in the sky since ancient times like the one downtown. 进了南天门再上两层台阶就是天街,天街自古以来就似悬在天上的一条街市。 taian.qite8.com 1. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. 植物和动物生产的自然染料从古代就开始使用了。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Modesty has long been a traditional virtue of the Chinese Race since the ancient times. 谦虚自古以来就是我们中华民族的传统美德。 wenwen.soso.com 3. when in reality it may only be a portion of thought -form left over from ancient times lost due to combustion of our holographic archives. 而事实上,这只是来自远古时代、由于我们全息档案的自我焚化而丢失的思想形态的一部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The fist part expounds the cognitions about categorization, course and mechanism of strangury disease by TCM from ancient times up to date. 文献综述部分论述了中医对淋证的分类、病因病机及辨证论治的古代、现代认识。 www.fabiao.net 5. Q: You said the Diaoyu Islands have been China's territory since ancient times. 问:你提到钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的领土。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. This collection gives us a wonderful sense of what it must have been like to stroll through a city in ancient times. 这些收藏品使我们体会到了在一座古代的城市漫步的那种美妙感觉。 www.jukuu.com 7. Anyway, it is only a dream for me to go ancient times. 不管怎样,回到古代只是一个梦想。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. It has a pleasant texture with a fresh, vegetable crispness, and the Japanese have been eating the stuff since ancient times. 它有着令人愉快的质地,新鲜蔬菜的脆嫩,自古以来日本人一直在吃这种东西。 www.bing.com 9. Society and BU witch to do combine the time must be in ancient times, genetic so far. 做社与卜巫结合,其时必在上古,遗传至今。 www.elycn.com 10. Aswan was an important city in ancient times, linking the pharaonic centers in Egypt's north with the empire's southern territories. 阿斯旺在古时是一座重要的城镇,是将位于埃及北部的法老中心与帝国南部的领土连接起来的枢纽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In his view, the scope of thought and culture, the modern and ancient times must not be out of touch. 他认为在思想和文化的范围里,现代决不可与古代脱节。 www.cutpic.cn 2. As early as in ancient times, "Summer" and "Yi" is just the two that the concept of regional and national. 早在上古时代,“夏”与“夷”只是两个表示地域和民族的观念。 jztu.5d6d.com 3. Cultivated for salad since ancient times, lettuce is harvesting before its flower stem shoots up to bear its small yellow flowers. 从古代就种植用于色拉食用,生菜在它花茎生出去支持它的小黄花之前就被收割了。 www.zhksw.com 4. Thousands of people come every year to see these ruins and to tour the many museums that house artifacts from ancient times. 每年成千上万的各地游人来到希腊参观这些古迹和藏有古代工艺品的博物馆。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Differential calculus as the basis for the limit theory, as early as in ancient times with a relatively clear exposition. 作为微分学基础的极限理论来说,早在古代以有比较清楚的论述。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. Her most celebrated statue in ancient times was that by Praxiteles at Cnidus, on the coast of Asia Minor. 她最著名的一座古代雕便是由帕雷克雪梯利斯在小亚细亚海岸上的乃狄斯城塑造的。 www.showxiu.com 7. Racial features as the physical and biological mark of a group led to xenophobic psychology and ethno-cultural centralism in ancient times. 种族特征作为一种生物学事实和群体性的身体标记,在远古的历史时代便导致排外心理和种族-文化交叠的种族中心论。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Ever since ancient times, plants have been the best sources for the making of good quality hair care products. 从古代起,植物就被认为是制作上好头发护理产品的最佳原料。 www.bing.com 9. The layer surface was of a wavy structure, probably due to the place being a sand dune during ancient times. 该地层表面之形势呈波浪状走势,可能与古老形成之沙丘有关。 www.kuenglish.info 10. A year today is the equivalent of several decades, a century or even a longer period in ancient times. 现在的一年抵得上过去古老社会几十年、上百年甚至更长的时间。 www.bing.com 1. In ancient times, there was an Arab caliph, Harun al-Rashid, who would disguise himself and go out into the streets to check the pulse. . . 古时候,有一位阿拉伯哈里发(国王)哈伦拉希德微服私访,上街去替别人检查脉搏… www.bing.com 2. Families hung wormwood and calamus on the door for the traditional Double-Fifth Festival in ancient times. 旧时的端午节,家家户户都会在门口挂艾草,插菖蒲。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The ancient times ruled in the feudal system, force the day then is the only a Chinese real female emperor. 在封建制度统治的古代,武则天是中国唯一一个真正的女皇帝。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Study of the bones of these cattle from ancient times shows the ages at which the animals were killed. 对于这些远古时期驯化牛骨骼的研究结果告诉了我们这些家畜宰杀时的年龄。 www.bing.com 5. In ancient times, China took wushu as an important means of fitness and self-defense, and selection of soldiers. 古代的中国把武术看作一种强身健体、自我防卫和遴选士兵的重要方式。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In ancient times, people do not have enough food, often died of starvation, only to stand festivals can be a hearty meal. 在古代,人民没有足够的食物,经常饿死,只有站在过节时才能饱餐一顿。 www.goodlk.com 7. Myrrh has many medicinal uses. In ancient times it was used for cleaning wounds and sores. 没药还有很多医药用途。在古时候,它是用作清洗伤口和疼痛处。 arcanumfire.spaces.live.com 8. Since ancient times, our working people to understand the truth of, and reflected in the many folk sayings. 自古以来,我国劳动人民就认识这个道理了,并反映在许多民间谚语里。 www.xiami360.com 9. The health properties of a range of substances found in hives have been recognized since ancient times in countries like China. 自古以来,在类似于中国这样一些国家,人们早已知道蜂箱里具有一系列有利于身体健康的物质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. THE resemblance between cuckoos and sparrowhawks has been a cause of comment since ancient times. 杜鹃和雀鹰之间的相似性自古以来就是引发评论的原因。 www.hxen.com 1. THE resemblance between cuckoos and sparrowhawks has been a cause of comment since ancient times. 杜鹃和雀鹰之间的相似性自古以来就是引发评论的原因。 www.hxen.com 2. Village Gushan Mountain in ancient times built against an enemy warning beacon (also known as Beacon), the name of the village Yandun angle. 村东崮山上古时建有御敌示警的烽火台(也称烟墩),所以村名烟墩角。 weihai.qite8.com 3. Darwin's theory of evolution as a background to develop the game, played by the audience is an ancient times the fish. 一款以达尔文进化论为背景的养成游戏,玩家所扮演的是一条远古时代的鱼。 www.fishjava.com 4. Personal doctor as a profession was unknown in ancient times, but now it becomes common all over the world. 私人医生是一门古代没有的职业,但现在它在全世界都很普遍。 learning.sohu.com 5. Jincheng Jincheng City are the original counties (cities) as part of a long history and goes back to ancient times. 晋城市城区是原晋城县(市)的一部分,历史悠久,源远流长。 www.elycn.com 6. Time, ancient times to now, or walked leisurely, no delusions acceleration or deceleration is only a feeling of people Bale. 时间,自古至今,还是不紧不慢地走着,谁也妄想提速,或减速,只不过是人的一种感觉罢了。 www.bing.com 7. The Japanese have enjoyed aquatic insect larvae since ancient times, and chapulines, otherwise known as grasshoppers, are eaten in Mexico. 日本人从古至今都善食水虫幼虫,而墨西哥人食用蝗虫。 www.bing.com 8. In ancient times, some of these alternative versions may have circulated more widely than the familiar four Gospels. 在古代,这些其他版本可能比我们所熟知的四部福音流传得更广。 www.bing.com 9. Since ancient times, marriage is vital to people's life in an activity, in almost every culture has held society wedding customs. 自古以来,婚姻就是人的一生中至关重要的一项活动,,几乎在每一个社会文化中都有举办婚礼的习俗。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. It has been a flourishing place here since ancient times. 这个地方自古就是个繁华之地。 www.kekenet.com 1. When girls married in ancient times, they did not wear white wedding dresses. 古代女孩儿来归的时候,是不穿白色婚纱的。 www.websaru.com 2. Let me give another example, in the ancient times, how would people react to the mirage such as a hill on top of the sea. 再举一个例子,古代,在海面出现“海市蜃楼”,比如海面上出现一座山,人们会怎么想? source.yeeyan.org 3. Pisa but in ancient times used Gregorian calendar than a year earlier, so the campanile di pisa of Pisa was founded in 1173 . 但实际上比萨古时所使用的历法比公历早一年,所以比萨斜塔的始建年为1173年。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. China, as one of the world's four countries of great ancient civilizations, is famous for its scientific discoveries in ancient times. 中国作为世界四大文明古国之一,曾创造了光辉灿烂的古代科技和文化。 www.jukuu.com 5. Lute was the general name for all Stradivarius in ancient times. 琵琶,在古代是所有弹弦乐器的总称。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. From ancient times till now, the farmer is always society's main body, their life receives the universal attention. 论文发表网-摘要:从古至今,农民始终是社会的主体,他们的生活受到普遍的关注。 www.qikan120.com 7. Legend, in ancient times, one year, appear ten SUNS in the sky to the earth, and the sea baked dry eye, people cannot live. 相传,远古时候有一年,天上出现了十个太阳,直烤得大地冒烟,海水枯干,老百姓眼看无法再生活去。 wenda.tianya.cn 8. Hu Zhou City silk has long history tradition , great reputation does not decline since the ancient times. 湖州丝绸有着长久的汗青传统,自远古以来,盛名不衰。 www.laikg.com 9. One day, he saw in an old temple some murals depicting Heaven and Earth and the gods and sages of ancient times. 有一天,他看到一座古庙里的墙壁上,画着天地神灵和古代圣贤的故事。 www.zftrans.com 10. In ancient times, a required course as well as a major course was to learn to be like a lady. 在古代,女人的必修课而且也是主修课就是要学会温柔。 www.kekenet.com 1. Sheng Ji will decline, move in circles, heaven and earth to. Since ancient times, no one can escape this law, Shi Chong is no exception. 盛极必衰,循环往复,天地至道。自古没有人可以逃过这样的规律,石崇当然也不会例外。 www.bing.com 2. Jiangnan Water and enthusiastic ; From ancient times , poems always looking to the Little impression . 江南水乡,柔情似水;从古人诗词中总能寻觅到点点滴滴的感觉。 www.bing.com 3. I would like to reiterate that the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's territory since ancient times. 我愿重申,钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的固有领土。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Scenery beautiful Yuelu shan is located the Changsha Xiangjiang River West bank, is the famous beautiful scenery since the ancient times. 风景秀丽的岳麓山位于长沙市湘江西岸,自古以来就是著名的胜景。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Figuring out how far north or south you were had been known since ancient times. 在古代,人们已经能弄清楚北方或者南方离你有多远了。 www.bing.com 6. All this has been reported in ancient times, as humans observed accompaniments to the cataclysms. 所有这一切都在古时候被报道过,人类观察到了相伴相随的大灾难。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Just as London Bridge in ancient times, this bridge is a thoroughfare lined with shops, offices and dwellings. 正如古代时候的伦敦,这座桥是一种两旁都是商店,办公室和住所的大道。 www.bing.com 8. The badaling geographical environment, since the ancient times is the way to shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and of zhangjiakou hubs. 八达岭地理环境优越,自古以来就是通往山西、内蒙、张家口的交通要道。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Ding in ancient times, Chinese ancestors is a cooker, then developed into a sacrificial vessel. 鼎在远古的时候,是中国先民使用的一种炊具,后来又发展成为一种礼器。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. In ancient times, that country was famous for its position as a world power and the kernel of a great empire. 在古代,那个国家因它作为一个世界强权和一个大帝国核心的地位而出名。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Jinan, beautiful natural scenery, ancient times known as the "Springs" is laudatory. 济南自然风光秀丽,自古素有“泉城”之美称。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Yang Jiechi also reiterated the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times. 杨洁篪重申,钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的领土。 www.kekenet.com 3. During ancient times, when the earth enjoyed a very warm and moist climate, the land was covered with large forests and big plants. 在古代,地球经历了温暖、潮湿的气候,土地被大片的森林和高大的植物所覆盖。 writingenglish.com.cn 4. In ancient times, to cultivate the sense of shame of the criminal is through positive and negative ways. 古人对罪犯羞耻心的培养是从积极的教育和消极的教训两个维度并举的。 www.dictall.com 5. long ago , in ancient times , a demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race. 在很久以前的远古时代,一名恶魔因自己的情感而反叛魔界,更为人类而战。 www.ichacha.net 6. It was an important trade route between China and Europe in ancient times. 它是古代中国和欧洲进行商贸往来的交通要道。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As to the former, a couple of great masters emerged in the Axial Period of Civilization that lasted for a few centuries in ancient times. 在道德宗教这一类里,古史有个文明的轴心期,那时期世界上就产生了几个大伟人。 blog.niwota.com 8. This beautiful Fruit Gully in ancient times was a pass of the Silk Road that led to Central Asia and Europe. 这么美的果子沟自古以来还是新疆通往中亚、欧亚丝绸之路的关口呢。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is among the greatest inventions of the ancient times and still beneficial to modern human beings. 这是古代最伟大的发明之一,至今对现代人都很有好处。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Known as the first pass under heaven, shanghai guan was of military importance in ancient times. 山海关是古代的军事要塞,有“天下第一关”之称。 www.chinese.cn 1. Elegance----to appreciate the social cultural and educational life of the residents since ancient times. 高雅—将让读者更信服地体会“教化嘉定”自古以来对文化的孜孜以求。 ebook.artron.net 2. Long ago in ancient times, the demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race. 在很早的太古期间,一个恶魔为了人类叛逆了本人的种族。 site.krshadow.com 3. In ancient times, shaft yellow emperor abolish with chiyou independent waging a war between the war! 上古洪荒时代,轩辕黄帝与蚩尤之间展开一场声势浩大的战争! www.yc55.cn 4. Since ancient times, health and longevity have been the general expectation of all mankind. 健康和长寿从古至今就是人类普遍的愿望。 www.teps.com.cn 5. Legend: In the ancient times Olympic Games was the sports activity hold at the regular intervals to offer sacrifices to Zeus. 传说:古代奥林匹克运动会是为祭祀宙斯而定期举行的体育竞技活动。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. happy children , s day National Day of the long history and goes back to ancient times. 快乐的孩子们快乐的一天,国庆节的历史悠久,可追溯到远古时代。 wenwen.soso.com 7. You do not see the edge of Qinghai, the bones of the dead soldiers killed since ancient times no one buried. 您没有看见,青海的边上,自古以来战死士兵的白骨没人掩埋。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Since ancient times, Chinese fashion has evolved and reached other parts of the world mostly by way of the legendary Silk Road. 自古以来,中国服饰文化通过举世闻名的“丝绸之路”流传到世界各地。 www.cctv.com 9. Since the ancient times, China's prevailing philosophy has been one that preaches "peace is most precious" , "harmony without uniformity" . 从上古时代起,中国盛行的哲学宣扬“和平是珍贵”,“不一致的和谐。” bbs.24en.com 10. In ancient times, it generally referred to long gowns worn by the people of Manchuria, Mongolia and the Eight-Banner. 旗袍,满语称“衣介”。古时泛指满洲、蒙古、汉军八旗男女穿的衣袍。 coffee.1sthotwomen.com 1. He spoke highly of the friendly relations between the two old civilizations that date back to ancient times. 他高度赞扬中伊两个文明古国之间源远流长的友好关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. Formerly known as the Western Territory, Xinjiang has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times. 新疆古称西域,自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分。 www.360doc.com 3. In ancient times, eating was less necessary. Humans gathered their chi from the sun through such practices. 在古时候,饮食不是那么必须的事情,人类可以通过这种方法为自己从太阳那里聚集到气。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If in the ancient times, general has grasped "Sun Zi Bingfa" , can defeat the enemy, defeat the enemy. 如果在古代,将军掌握了《孙子兵法》,就能打败敌人、战胜敌人。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Suzhou's crisscrossing waterways gave it the name "the Venice of the East" since ancient times. 苏州交叉的水路从古代以来就赋予苏州“东方威尼斯”的美称。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This thesis begins with Great Harmony idea of Chinese ancient times and traces back to the earliest implication of the global thought . 本文首先从中国古代大同思想着眼,追溯全球化思想的最早内涵。 www.zidir.com 7. Since ancient times, the land policy is an important factor to measure a country's development conditions. 从古至今,土地政策都是衡量一个国家发展的重要条件之一。 m.qikan.com.cn 8. Camels have served as an important form of transportation since ancient times. 从古代起,骆驼就被当作一种重要的运输形式。 www.unsv.com 9. In his view, the Neo-Confucian would be the same modern and ancient times, the latest and most the old one. 他认为,新儒家将是现代与古代的同一,最新与最旧的同一。 www.cutpic.cn 10. An hourglass was an instrument used to measure time in ancient times. 漏刻是古代的计量时间的仪器。 www.nciku.cn 1. In ancient times men did not think that the brain was the centre of mental activity. 在古代,人们并不认为脑子是智力活动的中心。 wenda.tianya.cn 2. The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times. 禅让与世袭是我国古代社会政权传承的主要形式。 www.dictall.com 3. This mission led him to ancient times, one has been cursed palace, where the hidden fear of human beings since time immemorial. 这个使命带领他到古代,一个已被诅咒的宫殿,在这里藏着远古以来对人类的恐惧。 www.fishjava.com 4. do not have a country like ours, like China, since ancient times has a pulse on the origin of the word. 没有一个国家像我们中国一样,从古至今就有着一脉相传的血统。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Shang Shu is one of the remotest historic literature handed down from ancient times . 《尚书》是流传于今最为久远的一部历史文献汇编。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times. It has beautiful scenery and is rich in agricultural products. 宝岛台湾自古以来就是中国不可分割的领土,它风景秀丽,物产丰富。 bbs.chinese.cn 7. Cold Food Festival on the origins of ancient times many of the claims so far the researchers were still express their views. 关于寒食节的来历,自古就有许多说法,至今研究者们仍然各抒己见。 jztu.5d6d.com 8. The Yanmen Pass has glorious history. It has important military strategy status since the ancient times . 雁门关历史悠久,形势险要,自古以来就有重要的军事战略地位; www.fabiao.net 9. In ancient times, all known swans were white and "black swan" was widely used in the same way we now refer to a flying pig. 古时候,人类知道的所有天鹅都是白色的,“黑天鹅”的意思和我们现在说“飞猪”差不多。 www.bing.com 10. In ancient times, if enemies accidentally met underneath mistletoe, they had to hug and stop fighting for a day. 在古代,如果与敌人相遇在槲寄生下,以互相拥抱而停战一天。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 1. Since ancient times water has generally been seen as a resource and water use has mostly been taken as an economic issue. 水从自古以来就被人类视为一种「资源」,因此,水的运用及其引发的危机,通常也都视同为一种经济问题。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 2. In ancient times, however, people believed that the swan was given a special gift of song at the end of its life. 然而,在远古时代,人们认为,天鹅在其弥留之际,会得到一份特别的歌声之礼。 www.unsv.com 3. It is not strange to say people are fleas. Because in ancient times, the person is just the fleas residing in the giant Pangu. 说人是跳蚤也没有什么好奇怪的,因为在远古的时候,人就是寄居在巨人盘古身上的跳蚤。 word.hcbus.com 4. In ancient times there Phoenix brood nest in this beautiful story, therefore, also known as Phoenix, Quzhou County. 古时候有凤凰在此筑巢育雏的美丽传说,因此,曲周县城亦称凤凰城。 www.elycn.com 5. Fuzhou has been a producer of precious stones since ancient times. 赏心悦目:福州自古盛產名石。 big5.cctv.com 6. Women in ancient times because of the head shaped like a bun, formerly known as bun mountain. 因形如古代妇女头上发髻,旧称髻山。 nboard.nciku.com 7. These ancient times the law have had the profound influence to China. 这些都对中国古代法律产生了深远影响。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Since ancient times, fall is the season to think, she makes a more mature and competent manner. 秋天古来都是多思的季节,她使人更加地成熟与干练。 enwaimao.cn 9. China and Japan should inherit and carry forward the historic tradition of a friendship that has existed since ancient times. 中日应该继承与发扬历史久远的友谊传统。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. people have known that accompanying kings is just like accompanying tigers even since the ancient times. 自古以来人们就知道“伴君如伴虎”。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. This has been a place of military importance since ancient times. 这里自古就是军事重地。 www.cctv.com 2. Since the ancient times, the thinking is an indispensable tool of accounts. 自古以来,盘算就是算账不可缺少的工具。 www.qianyan.biz 3. Magic word is a foreign language, our ancient times known as "Illusion" , commonly known as "magic. " 魔术一词是外来语,我国古称“幻术”,俗称“变戏法”。 wenwen.soso.com 4. In ancient times, warriors could challenge one another to a fight. 远古时代,勇士可以通过搏斗的方式相互挑战。 www.englishbaby.com 5. In ancient times, Lu Ban was supposed to be a consummate master in construction and sculpture. 在古代,鲁班被认为是在建筑和雕塑的登峰造极的大师 www.kekenet.com 6. A peaceful world and their friendship with other people have always been the aspiration of the Chinese people since ancient times. 自古以来中国人民就希望天下太平、同各国人民友好相处。 moonandstart.home.24en.com 7. In ancient times, the penis was revered and worshipped as an integral part of the reproductive process. 在古代,人们敬畏并崇拜阳具,把它作为生殖过程中不可或缺的一环。 www.bing.com 8. Humans are the descendants of a fully conscious race with large craniums that came to earth in ancient times. 人类是一个在远古时代来到地球的、带有大头颅全意识物种的后代。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In ancient times, people carved small persons or animals out of soft stones, which could be carried along with. 在古代,人们用软石雕刻出小人或小动物,将它们随身携带。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Saakashvili noted that the friendship between the two peoples goes back to ancient times. 萨卡什维利说,格中两国人民之间的友谊源远流长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. As your voice walks from the ancient times to the future, I feel the whole course and my inner flowing joy just like a shadowless wall. 你的声音从远古走来,向未来走去,我只是无影的墙壁,感受着过程,感受着内心流淌着的欢欣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Being connected by a stream, China and Korea frequently communicates with each other since the ancient times. 中韩两国是一衣带水的邻邦,从古代开始在各个领域有频繁地交流。 www.fabiao.net 3. People of ancient times loved its brightness and beauty so much that they named it after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. 远古时代的人们如此喜爱它的明亮和美丽,因此他们以罗马爱和美的女神维纳斯(VENUS)为它命名。 www.lqqm.net 4. since ancient times , shanwei has been a well - known port city. 汕尾历来就是一座有名的港口城市,位于市中心的品清湖。 www.ichacha.net 5. Since ancient times, here Wuhua Tianbao, outstanding people, rich in mineral resources, the "iron and coal town" of good name. 自古以来,这里物华天宝,人杰地灵,矿产资源丰富,有“煤铁之乡”之美称。 www.elycn.com 6. In ancient times most scholars' main pursuits were to become government officials. 在古代,出仕为官是大多数文人的追求。 www.nciku.cn 7. Since ancient times it has been used by yogis and rishis for the relief and elimination of all kinds of diseases and defects. 从古时候起,瑜伽士和圣人们就用它来减轻和消除各种病患与不适。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Beautiful quartz, the "rock crystal" used in ancient times to make crystal balls and bowls, is today more often seen set in gold jewelry. 美丽的石英,“岩石水晶”被使用在古老时期做水晶球和碗,今天是经常看的集合在金首饰。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Since ancient times, people have been accustomed to be full of thoughts and wishes, sending Yu Zhongqiu home or have their own thoughts. 从古至今,人们已习惯了将满满的思念与祝福,遥寄于中秋的故乡或有着自己牵念的远方。 www.bing.com 10. Since ancient times, the general division of labor between men and women is "men, women inside. " 自古以来,男女的普遍分工是“男主外、女主内”。 gigi20111.blogspot.com 1. Since ancient times, the Chinese philosopher that has some wake up to reality and therefore I made his famous "Heaven and Man" theory. 中国的哲人自古即对此有所省悟,故而提出著名的“天人合一”论。 www.cutpic.cn 2. Since ancient times, mountain climbing is always a popular mass movement, even the ancients put at 99 Chongyang as "Denggao Festival. " 从古到今,登山总是一种颇受欢迎的群众活动,古人甚至在把九九重阳定为“登高节”。 wenwen.soso.com 3. in fact in our present day, no one is able to transcend this all-encompassing condition, nor can they return to ancient times. 事实上,在今天,谁也无法超越这一大的背景,更不能回到古人生活的时代。 www.ionly.com.cn 4. Since ancient times guided by the diplomacy of the pragmatic peaceful good neighbor, China pursued countrys benefit as the objective. 中国自古以来在务实王道睦邻外交思想指导下,以追求本国利益为宗旨,兼顾道义的原则。 www.dictall.com 5. From very early ancient times, the ancestor of our Chinese nation works, lives, breeds on this vast land. 从很早的古代起,我们中华民族的祖先就劳动、生息、繁殖在这块广大的土地之上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. In more ancient times, our species roamed the earth and communicated with one another and all other kingdoms nonverbally. 在较早的远古时代,我们的物种游历地球并彼此间及与所有其他王国之间非语言通讯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A visit to these heritage s, I am sure, will let me learn about what China was like in the past and how people lived at ancient times. 参观这些遗迹可以让我亲身感受到中国之过去是什么样子之,过去之人们是怎样生活之。 www.wzksw.cn 8. Jia said that both countries are close friendly neighbors and the friendly exchanges between the two peoples go back to ancient times. 贾庆林说,中马是亲密友好邻邦,两国人民的友好交往源远流长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. In ancient times, when dukes and princes travelled around in carts, their bodyguards had to run behind them. 在古代,诸侯乘坐马车出游的时候,护卫们就得在后面跑步跟着。 www.readywin.com 10. In ancient times, the ancestors used to laboured and lived on the vast land clothed with lush grass and varied plants. 远古时代,这里曾经草木茂盛,植物繁盛,中华民族的祖先便在这块广大的土地上劳动生息。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The establishment ideal condition's primary meaning is quite important, ancient times a useful ideal condition word said it. 确立意境的基本含义颇为重要,古代又有用意境一词而言它者。 www.fw789.com 2. Since ancient times, Xiao San is to be despised by people, like rats crossing the street, as obnoxious to everyone. 自古小三就是被人们所鄙视,就如过街老鼠那样,人人喊打。 www.dota123.com 3. The primitive worship of ancient times also put a piece of mysterious veil on the "thunder" . 上古时期的原始崇拜也给“雷雨”披上了一层神秘的面纱。 www.boshuo.net 4. Capital sentences have universially been the oldest and severest punishment all over the world from the ancient times. 死刑是人类历史上最古老、最严厉的刑罚种类。 www.lw23.com 5. References to removing salt from seawater can be found in stories and legends dating back to ancient times. 让我们参考手头上涉及到淡化海水的故事和传说回到过去。 boboan79.blog.163.com 6. Inspiration is an important psychological mechanism of literary creation, and also a common concern in modern and ancient times. 作为文学创作的重要心理机制,灵感一直是古今中外文论家普遍关注的热点和重点问题。 lib.cqvip.com 7. Drinking as a food culture, in ancient times to create a very everyone must abide by the courtesy. 饮酒作为一种食的文化,在远古时代就形成了一很大家必须遵守的礼节。 www.9999jiu.com 8. Wise men of ancient times ingeniously discovered how to tell people the truth without being blunt to their faces. 古代的智者巧妙地发明了说出真相却又不让人感到丢脸的方法。 www.bing.com 9. Since ancient times rulers have recognized, explicitly or implicitly , the ethnic common laws or even incorporated them into the state laws. 早在古代统治者们就或明或暗地认可少数民族习惯法甚至将其纳入国家制定法之中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. But we also are the same as the ancients, and permanent to satisfy the "existed since ancient times, " the era of Yao? 但我们也就都像古人一样,永久满足于“古已有之”的时代么? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Symmetry has been a source of fascination since ancient times. 自古以来,对称就是魅力之源。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Besides, origin memory is one of the most important elements for self-identity as ethnic migrations frequently occur in ancient times. 族群迁徙在古代民族中是经常发生的,祖源记忆则构成族群自我认同最重要的内容之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As the first day of the year, Yuandan has been considered to be the most important festival since the ancient times. 作为新年第一天,元旦已被认为是自古以来最重要的节日。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He pointed out that despite the distance keeping the two countries apart, the friendship between both peoples goes back to ancient times. 他指出,中摩两国虽然相距遥远,但两国人民的友谊源远流长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. In ancient times, the neighborhood outside the city gate was the most prosperous area of this city. 古代,关厢一带是这座城市最繁华的地方。 www.websaru.com 6. Milo, a wrestler of the 6th century B. C. , may be considered the greatest athlete of ancient times. 米洛,公元前六世纪的一名摔跤手,算得上是古代最杰出的运动员。 www.thnu.edu.cn 7. Chinese traditional blue and white pattern, is the essence of the interpretation of patterns, since ancient times, Oriental charm. 中国传统青花图案,是中华图案的精髓,演绎着自古以来东方的韵味。 www.orangelipin.com 8. Its origin dates back to ancient times, when craftsmen reproduced their signatures, or "marks" on their artistic or utilitarian products. 商标的起源可追溯到古代,当时工匠们将其签字或“标记”印制在其艺术品或实用产品上。 www.wipo.int 9. Japan is China's sacred territory since ancient times an integral part of it. 日本自古以来就是中国神圣领土中不可分割的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The child speaks of the Persian ghosts, known from the ancient times. 这个孩子所说的波斯幽灵在古代就已经知道了 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Since ancient times, Chinese people to the old trees with a special kind of emotional, people respect it, worship it. 自古以来,中国人民对古树含有一种特殊的情感,人们尊敬它、崇拜它。 www.fabiao.net 2. Since ancient times, these landscapes are ancient literati loved, each attraction has left the immortal poem. 自古以来,这些景观被历代文人墨客所喜欢,每个景点都留下了不朽诗篇。 www.cutpic.cn 3. On the contrary, humanist philosophy has continued since ancient times to hold up such experience as the "good life" . 相反,自古以来,人文主义哲学一直认为这种体验是“美好的生活”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Since ancient times, philosophers to explore the various theories, the aim of life values from the fundamental solution to the problem. 自古及今,哲学家进行的各种理论探讨,其目的是要从根本上解决人生价值问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. As recorded in a historical book of the sixth century, in ancient times, there lived a man named Huan Jing. 据六世纪时期的一本史书上记载,在古代,有个叫桓景的人。 www.chinese.cn 6. Of course, public relations spontaneous activity could be traced back to ancient times more distant. 当然自发的古代公共关系活动可能追溯到更为久远。 www.xiami360.com 7. It exorcises evil spirits to be ancient times spirit beast in being sharp Fu, like lions and take the wing. 是一件别开生面的精品。辟邪是古代傅锐中的神兽,似狮而带翼。 zdyq.cn 8. In ancient times, historiographers were in charge of writing the national history, memoirs, and minutes. 凡修国史、实录、会要等,均随时设置编修官。 www.nciku.com 9. This shows that since ancient times China advocated the ethics of fair trade, honesty towards customers, no deception and no falsification. 这说明,中国自古在商品买卖中,就提倡公平交易、诚实待客、不欺诈、不作假的行业道德。 www.hwjyw.com 10. In the middle ancient times, the mystical landscape in fairy poems mainly consists of two systems: mountains and islands. 在中古游仙诗中,游仙所经历的山水主要有山岳与海岛两大体系。 www.dictall.com 1. Thus, from ancient times, people developed many activities to escape the heat of Dog Days. 因此,从古代起,人们就有了很多三伏天避暑消夏的活动。 i.myechinese.com 2. Although China is far away from central and eastern Europe, interaction between both sides goes back to ancient times. 中国和中东欧国家远隔千山万水,但双方交往源远流长。 club.topsage.com 3. In ancient times, salt as a national patent, production and distribution of its relationship with the people's livelihood. 在古代,盐作为国家专利,它的生产与运销关系着国计民生。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. She elegant and poised since ancient times, the title of king of flowers, a flower known as wealth. 她雍容华贵,国色天香,自古被尊为花中之王,有富贵花之称。 lunwenzs.com 5. In ancient times, Hasan for the volcano, in geological formations, magmatic eruption occurred, forming the East stone, stone Peaks West. 远古时期,艾山为火山,在地质构造中,发生岩浆喷溢,形成东石、西石诸峰。 qingdao.qite8.com 6. Athens Wei Cheng was the ancient times Greek culture symbol, also was modern Greek's arrogant. 雅典卫城是古代希腊文化的标志,也是现代希腊人的骄傲。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. There were buildings like this in ancient times. That's amazing. 古时候能有这样的建筑真是了不起啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Although a staple since ancient times, this was the first time that sheep were produced provincially on a commercial basis. 虽然从古代就成为主要的家禽,但这是第一次基于商业目的大量养绵羊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Folk legend: The Chinese in ancient times there is a "year" of the monster, which the first long tentacles, unusually ferocious. 民间相传:中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,它头长触角,凶猛异常。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Typically, in ancient times was used to guard scorpion door leading to the underworld. 通常,在古代蝎子是用于看守通向冥界的大门的。 www.xiami360.com 1. since ancient times , lake dongting , yueyang tower and junshan island have been reputed as famous tourist resorts. 这里的洞庭湖岳阳楼和君山岛自古以来就是驰名远近的旅游观光地。 www.ichacha.net 2. Leek is still bent on the traditional Chinese medicine, is widely used since ancient times. 韭菜仍然热衷于中药,是自古以来广为使用。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Since ancient times, the great poetics , famous paintings and grand buildings were initiated by paper. 自古以来,伟大的诗歌、流传的名画、雄伟的建筑,都是从一张白纸开始。 sn.zhulong.com 4. The enduring morning tea in Guangdong, and Guangdong trade flourishing since ancient times, rapid economic development are inseparable. 广东早茶的长盛不衰,与广东自古以来贸易兴盛,经济发展迅速是分不开的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. From ancient times, civilization has brought the comfort of our spiritual and material development. 从古至今,文明带给了我们精神上的安慰,物质上的发展。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Human use of the media from the beginning of ancient times, when people paint some designs in the stone. 人类运用媒体从远古时期开始,那时人们把一些图案画在在石板上。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Since ancient times, the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs are to make it the dumping of countless patrons. 自古以来,阳澄湖大闸蟹即令无数食客为之倾倒。 www.007china.com.cn 8. From ancient times supernatural powers have been attributed by astrologers to certain gemstones. 在古代星卜家认为超自然的力量是由某种宝石造成的。 www.jukuu.com 9. Man began to raise pets in ancient times, and from then on, pets gave help in many aspects of life. 在远古时期人类就开始饲养宠物了,从那时起,在很多生活方面宠物给我提供帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In ancient times, people expressed understanding and imagining to science and culture, it is the early art originals of mankind. 远古人民表现对自然及文化现象的理解与想象的故事,是人类早期的不自觉的艺术创作。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn |
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