单词 | art director |
释义 | art directors是art director的复数
复数:art directors 例句释义: 美术设计人,美术编辑,美术监制,数位广告设计杂志 1. Heller: Quite true, but in an era when editorial illustration, at least, is undervalued by art directors and publishers, how? 海勒:是真的,但出版商编辑的时代画像,并在至少是低估了艺术总监如何? www.bing.com 2. The were run by an inexperienced staff, with no visual culture, no budgets for visual arts. In many places there were no even art directors. 这些报纸都由一位没什么经验的人来经营,当时还没有所谓的视觉文化,当然也没有与视觉艺术相关的预算,在许多地方甚至连美编指导都没有。 www.ted.com 3. Almost all of my clients are designers or art directors, and the projects they send me arrive at my door in many different forms. 我的客户几乎全部是设计师或艺术导演,他们寄给我的项目什么样的都有。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Like Chinese restaurants in search of a name, magazine art directors have trouble resisting the Great Wall. 正如一家中国餐馆正在寻找合适的店名一样,杂事贴画设计家也没办法低档住长城的魅力。 www.bing.com 5. It was before the days where you had to have stylists and hair and makeup and background art directors and assistants. 这是前几天在那里,你得有造型师和发型和化妆和背景的艺术总监和助理。 www.englishtang.com 6. Art directors in advertising aren't necessarily the head of an art department although the title may suggest it. 艺术导演的广告不一定是头一个艺术部虽然标题可能建议。 douban.com 7. Currently, the dialect film hot in the ascendant, the use of dialect in the film element has been a lot of art directors to choose. 当前,方言电影热方兴未艾,在电影中使用方言元素已经成为不少导演共同的艺术选择。 www.fabiao.net 8. We had dinner with some of the art directors after wards in a restaurant near our hotels on the Sunset Strip. 我们与一些艺术导演在酒店附近的SunsetStrip餐厅共进晚餐。 www.bing.com 9. Far too often art directors don't trust their photographers to create work that will suit the pages of the magazine and please its readers. 远东艺术导演常常不相信自己的摄影师,创造适合的工作,该杂志的网页,并请读者。 www.bing.com 10. A series of poster based on the golden years of Italian products were designed by different art directors and artist in the agency. 一系列的海报,在意大利的黄金岁月基础上,由不同的艺术家设计的艺术总监进行设计。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Designers gather relevant information by meeting with clients, creative or art directors, and by performing their own research. 设计者藉由和客户见面聚集有关的数据,有创造力的或艺术指导者,和藉由操作他们自己的研究。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Today's dreams are projected on the walls of multiplexes, illustrated by the movies' art directors, whom we now honor. 如今我们把梦想投射到剧院的墙上,由电影艺术指导表现出来,现在我们要对这些艺术指导进行嘉奖。 wiki.dioenglish.com 3. Access the national archive of advertising history for the Art Directors Club, Netherlands. 访问广告史的艺术指导俱乐部,荷兰国家档案馆。 movingshop.org 4. Art directors in publishing typically work with the publications editors. 艺术导演通常在出版工作与刊物的编辑。 www.douban.com 5. Art directors aren't trained to present illustration as an option. 艺术总监是不是受过训练的表现为一种选择的例证。 www.bing.com 6. Today's art directors delve into this tinder, igniting hidden worlds through the subtle use of styling and photographic imagery. 今天的艺术从业者试图发现这个隐藏的通过巧妙运用造型和摄影图像点燃世界的导火索。 www.designerbooks.com.cn 7. And another piece for the art directors' club is Anna Rees casting long shadows. 另一个为艺术总监们的俱乐部设计的是安娜里斯投射的长长的影子。 www.ted.com 8. On March 22, YouTube will host an event for the winners at the Art Directors Club in New York City. 3月22号,YouTobe将在纽约艺术指导俱乐部为获胜者举办一个活动。 www.bing.com 9. The top-paying state for art directors: New York. 给艺术指导付酬最高的州是纽约。 www.bing.com 10. Designers, art directors, web developers and other creatives are in a worse position, in some ways. 从某种角度讲,设计师、艺术指导、网站开发人员和其他创造性工作的处境很糟。 www.bing.com 1. I love designers and art directors who paint, or cut paper or make collages. 我喜欢那些还会画画,剪纸,和玩抽象派美术的的设计师们。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Art Directors Guild Awards 美国电影业艺术指导会奖 dataxnet.com 3. Art Directors Club Of Europe 欧洲艺术指导俱乐部:欧洲设计与广告 ad110.com 4. The Art Directors Club of N. Y 月,纽约艺术指导俱乐部 journal.whu.edu.cn |
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