单词 | arrive at |
释义 | arrived at是arrive at的过去式
第三人称单数:arrives at 现在分词:arriving at 过去式:arrived at 例句释义: 到达,得出,到达某处,到达某个地方应用,地点状语 1. By 5. 30am, when I arrived at the media centre for the National Day parade, the skies had cleared sufficiently to be able to see a star. 早上5点30分,当我抵达国庆阅兵的媒体中央时,天空已经清楚得足以看见星星。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. No sooner had he arrived at home when she told him the matter. 他一回到家,她就告诉他那件事。 wenwen.soso.com 3. He wrote in his diary before he died, that when he arrived at the Pole, he found paw prints and a Norwegian flag. 他死前的日记里说,当他到达南极点的时候他发现地上的爪子印和一面挪威旗。 i.www.chinapet.net 4. When he arrived at the school he had been whisked into a holding room: National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice needed to speak to him. 刚一到达学校,总统就被引入一间休息室,国家安全顾问莱斯有情况通报。 www.bing.com 5. When they arrived at Longbourn, Elizabeth and her aunt were able to help Jane in looking after the children. 到了浪搏恩后,伊丽莎白和舅母帮着简照看孩子们。 www.hjenglish.com 6. His wife is specially virtuous, discovered that each time delivers the food, arrived at there meal to be then cool. 他的妻子特别贤惠,发现每次送饭,走到那里饭菜便凉了。 www.fenleimama.com 7. "You've cut off your hair? " asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor. 吉姆费了好大的劲才问道:“你将头发剪掉了?”就如同在经历了艰苦的脑力劳动之后却没有获得专利的感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Once we've applied GQM and arrived at a measurement model that supports our needs, we are ready to set that model into motion. 一旦我们应用了GQM并到达了支持我们需要的度量模型,我们就要准备设置行动模型了。 www.ibm.com 9. The virus is currently spreading westwards along the flyways of wild birds and it has arrived at the front door of European countries. 病毒目前正在沿着野鸟的飞行路线向西蔓延,已经抵达欧洲国家的前门。 www.fao.org 10. Everybody had to work hard to pack everything up in the old house , and then unpack it again when it arrived at the new house . 大家认真地把旧房子里的一切包好,在新家又把他们(一件件)拿出来。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. We seem to have arrived at a moment when further economic expansion is hemmed in by financial as well as natural limits. 目前,国家财政和自然环境似乎都已达到承受极限,进一步的经济扩张受到制约。 www.bing.com 2. At 1. 30 a. m. they arrived at Portsmouth. Edward got out of the car and a voice said: 'The King is here! ' 凌晨1点30分,他们到达朴茨茅斯。爱德华走下汽车,只听一个声音叫道:“国王来了!” www.kekenet.com 3. Introduction: Heaven say who you were aliens get into a time element space, arrived at the map of red spots before we leave. 天意弄人,你被外星人弄进了一个次元空间中,到达地图的红点才能离开。 4455.cc 4. Very shortly after we arrived at Mr Chen's place, unexpectedly he said to us, "you were supposed to congratulate on me today. " 到了陈先生家,甫一坐定,陈先生就颇有些出其不意地说,你们今天应该向我道喜。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. A Frenchman had arrived at a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. 一个法国人到了一个意大利镇和他的妻子住在那里最好的旅店。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. When Mr. Huang arrived at police headquarters, he said, Mr. Wang got straight to the point. 黄济人说,当他到达市公安局时,王立军开门见山。 cn.nytimes.com 7. When he arrived at the sea it was dark gray, and the water heaved up from below and had a foul smell. He stood there and said. 他来到海边时,海水一片灰黑,波涛汹涌,从海底翻涌上来的海水散发着恶臭。他站在海边说。 www.01ielts.com 8. The Christmas season has officially arrived at the White House in the form of a six-meter balsam fir tree. 欢庆圣诞的季节随着一棵6米高的香脂冷杉树的到来已经正式在白宫拉开序幕。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 9. We arrived at the palace, went in, and got to the dressing-room. When we opened the door, Fritz was asleep, but he woke immediately. 我们到达王宫,走进去直到更衣室。当我们开开门时,弗里茨正在熟睡,但他立刻就醒来了。 www.kekenet.com 10. Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has arrived at a renowned private hospital in London to receive surgery on his torn right Achilles tendon. 中国跨栏运动员刘翔已经抵达伦敦一家著名的私立医院接受右脚跟腱手术。 www.tingclass.net 1. asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labour. 吉姆吃力地问,好像即使经过最艰难的脑力劳动后他仍没有弄清那个明显的事实。 www.zftrans.com 2. Many family members of passengers had not been informed of the AF447 crisis by the time they arrived at the airport. 在很多乘客的家庭亲属抵达机场的时候,尚未被告知AF447的危机。 www.bing.com 3. I remember there was one morning when I just arrived at my office. A young couple came in. 那天早晨,我刚上班,一对年轻的夫妇走了进来。 www.ebigear.com 4. When he arrived at the scene, he says, the door of professor Ali-Mohammadi's house was torn off and there was a fire. 他说,当他赶到现场时,穆哈马迪教授房子的门被炸掉了,房子还着了火。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. You were first sent out into the desert to think on this, and when you had arrived at what you knew for certain, you returned. 你会被第一次送进荒芜的沙漠去思考这一问题,当你达到对知识确定的认知后,你将会回来。 www.bing.com 6. Unfortunately, by the time Rudd had arrived at the train station, the poor forgetful man had forgotten the name of his destination himself. 很不幸,当他来到火车站的时候,可怜的健忘男自己已经忘记了目的地的名字。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I arrived at her house the next day where she handed me a piece of paper with her three pieces of wisdom written out. 第二天我又来到她的住处,她给了我一张纸,上面写着她的三条智慧。 www.bing.com 8. The U. S. has arrived at the point where poverty could be abolished easily and simply by a stroke of the pen. 美国已经到达了如此的地位,以致可以非常容易地消除贫穷,而且只要用笔一挥就可以做到。 9. When he arrived at the corner of Dundas and Waterloo Streets, a young man pressed a book into his hands. 当他走到登打士街和滑铁卢街的夹角处时,一个年轻人往他手里塞了本小册子。 www.bing.com 10. Shortly before he arrived at the hospital earlier this month, Patrick Patterson received a call from his mother. 这个月初就在他即将在达医院的时候,PatrickPatterson接到妈妈的电话。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake. 他们来到天堂门口,看到圣·彼得慌乱的说有个错误。 bbs.24en.com 2. I'm glad we have arrived at a complete agreement on the clauses discussed so far. There remains only the question of packing. 很高兴我们各项条款讨论取得完全一致意见,剩下就只是包装问题了。 www.putclub.com 3. The representative not only arrived at the last minute but did not have all the proper documents with him. 据称,这名代表不仅在最后一刻才赶到现场,而且没有带全所需材料。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. When he arrived at the train station, he hurried through his breakfast, manifestly ill at ease and keeping a sharp eye about him. 到达火车站后,他匆忙吃完早餐,显然很不自在,并警惕地注视四周。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. When Burris arrived at the Capitol without the document, the secretary of the Senate informed him he would not be accepted. 而伯里斯到参议院报到时并无这一证件,因此,参议院秘书通知他其任命不被接受。 www.america.gov 6. But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school. He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile. 但当她们到达学校的时候,安妮还是打量了吉尔伯特一下。他是个长着鬈曲的棕色头发的高个男孩,脸上挂着友善的微笑。 www.kekenet.com 7. He promised that he would attend to the matter the moment he arrived at the office. 他答应一到一到办公室就处理就处理这件事。一到就处理 wenku.baidu.com 8. "The thing that impressed me most about him when he arrived at the club was that he would not let anyone bully him, " he said. “最让我印象深刻的是当他来到俱乐部,他不会让任何人欺负他,”他说道。 www.jczqw.com 9. The once a year National Day has arrived at , this minor long leave this year has run into a stage manner intentionally. 一年一度的国庆节到了,今年的这个小长假偏偏又赶上了台风。 ourtra.netat.net 10. For she had arrived at a wonderful truth: if she were fat and ugly, no one would expect her to look like her mother. 因为她找到了一个绝妙的真理:如果她又胖又丑,那么就没有人会指望她长得象她母亲那样美了。 www.jukuu.com 1. By the time I arrived at the supermarket everyone was there ready to start working. 当我到达超市,那里所有的工作人员都已经准备开始工作了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When I first arrived at Er Wai, I had no idea it had been founded by Premiere Zhou Enlai, but when I found out, I was delighted! 我刚来二外的时候,并不知道二外是在周总理的倡导下创建的,但当我得知这一历史事实的时候,我欣喜万分。 www.bisu.edu.cn 3. Come back refreshed and ready to go. Some of the greatest ideas in history have been arrived at on a zen-like stroll. 历史上很多伟大的想法都是在到处溜达的时候想出来的。 www.elanso.com 4. Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe's busiest time of day. 墨非先生说星期一中午,在一天中最忙碌的时刻从兰开普郡警察署来了两位穿制服的人。 www.bing.com 5. When they arrived at Gibeah, a procession of prophets met him; the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he joined in their prophesying. 扫罗到了那山,有一班先知遇见他,上帝的灵大大感动他,他就在先知中受感说话。 new.fuyinchina.com 6. When he arrived at the bank, he found the door closed. 当他到达银行时,发现门已经关了。 wenku.baidu.com 7. They arrived at Hangzhou at noon. The beautiful West Lake cheered up Nixon and Kissinger. Nixon had a tour of the West Lake with his wife. 中午抵达杭州,下榻刘庄宾馆。美丽的西湖景色使得尼克松与基辛格的心境也豁然开朗起来。尼克松偕夫人游览西湖。 www.sapfm.com 8. You are ready to close the small gift to express gratitude to the guests arrived at the scene. 你应该已经准备好礼物,向到场的来宾表示感谢。 www.bing.com 9. It arrived at the top of human ancient civilization, which had never been happend before. 雅典几乎在所有领域取得了前无古人的成就,达到了人类古代文明的最高度。 www.zidir.com 10. When he arrived at the sea the water was purple and dark blue and gray and dense , and no longer green and yellow . He stood there and said. 他来到海边时,海水不再是绿得泛黄,已变得混浊不清,时而暗蓝,时而深紫,时而灰黑,不过仍然很平静。渔夫站在岸边说。 www.bing.com 1. We arrived at theatre, where, curiously enough, all our 'bus-load except an old woman with a basket seemed to be going in. 我们终于抵达了剧院,奇怪地是,除了一个携篮子的老妇人,全车人都进了剧院。 blog.tianya.cn 2. Last night Kate was positively glowing as she arrived at the central London hotel where she was to spend her final night as a single woman. 昨晚,凯特抵达伦敦市中心的一家宾馆时,洋溢着幸福之情。她在那里度过了单身的最后一个夜晚。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. When I was able to leave, I raced out the door and arrived at my second job. 当我能离开后,我冲出了大门,到了我第二份工作地点。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. He arrived at Paddington Station and smartly turned out in his best suit, favorite Panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole. 他到达帕丁顿车站,穿得漂漂亮亮的在他最好的西装,喜爱的巴拿马草帽,一束红玫瑰,在他的钮扣。 wenwen.soso.com 5. So far, South Korea does not seem to have arrived at the point where inaction becomes unpalatable. 到目前为止,韩国似乎还没有到不作为让人难以接受的地步。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They arrived at the gate of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake. 他们到达了天堂的门口,神色慌张的圣彼得解释说,弄错了。 bbs.51job.com 7. It's easy to forget that when he arrived at the club he was just 21 and his best years are well and truly ahead of him. 很容易忘记他来的时候才21岁,而他最好的职业生涯才刚刚开始。 www.bing.com 8. You recall that you arrived at the beach on a boat and that you left the boat tied to the dock. You know how you will get home. 你记起来你是坐船来海边的,而且把船系在船坞上了,你知道怎么回家。 www.ebigear.com 9. When Bonnie arrived at the house, she saw an image that would be engraved in her mind for the rest of her life. 邦妮赶到事故现场,映入眼帘的景象将在她余生中永远铭刻在脑海里。 www.ebigear.com 10. When they arrived at the dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, love asked knowledge, another elder. 等他们到了陆地之后,长者独自离开了。爱突然意识到这位长者无私的救助,于是问另一个长者——知识。 www.hjbbs.com 1. They were able to point me in the right direction, and I soon arrived at his house. 我只是向人打听他的住处,他们为我指出了正确方向,很快我到了他家。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. When I arrived at the rehearsal, only 11 kids had shown up, and I said to myself, "Do I close the program or multiply these kids? " 当我来到排练的场地,发现只来了11个孩子。我就对自己说,“我是应该停止这个项目呢,还是使参与的孩子数量成倍增加呢?” www.ted.com 3. Hardly had he arrived at the station when the train began to leave. 他刚赶到车站,火车就要开车了。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Obama and his wife arrived at the White House about ten minutes early. 奥巴马及妻子提前10分钟抵达白宫。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Mr. Tang, it's a great pleasure for me to call on you today soon after I arrived at my post in Beijing. 唐先生,我刚到任就能拜会您,感到十分荣幸。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. The alarm clock arrived at my house safely six days ago and worked well for the first few days but now there was something wrong with it. 闹钟在六天前顺利送达,一开始的几天它运作正常,不过现在出了点问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Except AS otherwise provided, where a decision cannot be arrived at by consensus, the matter at issue shall be decided by voting. 除非另有规定,否则如无法经协商一致作出决定,则争论中的事项应通过投票决定。 dict.ebigear.com 8. That evening, before his parents and Lily arrived at the dwelling, he had held it in his hands and looked at it carefully. 那天傍晚,在他的父母跟莉莉回到公寓之前,他把苹果拿在手上并仔细的看著它。 www.easeparts.com 9. After a short time, I arrived at Grauben's relatives' home, just as she was leaving to return to my uncle's home. 过了一会儿,我来到了格劳班亲戚的家,她这时正要动身返回我叔叔家。 bbs.tingroom.com 10. Though only a year removed from Dartmouth when he arrived at XY, Michael had seemingly read every gay book ever written. 尽管迈克尔进入XY杂志社工作时刚刚从达特茅斯搬来一年,他似乎已读过所有的同志类书籍。 www.bing.com 1. Once the army arrived at Valley Forge, it was time to start building camp ovens, like this one, a representation of what was used in 1777. 一旦军队抵达山谷热,现在是时候开始建立这样的一个营地烤炉,一个是,在1777年使用的代表性。 www.bugutang.com 2. Maybe she was destined not to die so early. Her mother arrived at home ahead of time and smelled a strong gas after opening the door. 也许是命不该绝,许玉萌的母亲这天刚巧提前下班,回到家打开门就闻到一股浓浓的煤气味。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. Wang Xueqi, who arrived at Cannes on the last day, said he just wanted to "feel the atmosphere of such a top film festival" . 王学圻在电影节最后一天才赶到戛纳,他表示只是想“感受一下这个顶级电影节的氛围”。 www.ebigear.com 4. "From the moment Langbehn and the children arrived at Jackson Memorial Hospital, they encountered prejudice and apathy, " the suit claims. 诉状还称:“从Janice和她的孩子们到达杰克逊纪念医院之后,他们遭遇到偏见与冷漠。” www.bing.com 5. Before he arrived at the basket of steamed buns, the lame girl could hardly wait for him, and dotted and went one away with her own bowl. 跛女子在他未到馍筐之前,就早已经迫不及待地端着自己的饭碗一瘸一跛地离开了。 ld04020402.blog.163.com 6. As Mr Diamond arrived at the slopes, back in London Mervyn King was spelling out some dismal economic truths. 当戴蒙德抵达达沃斯的时候,英国央行(BoE)行长默文?金(MervynKing)正在伦敦阐述一些黯淡的经济现实。 www.ftchinese.com 7. "Rafa has enough to deal with with what he's got, " he said as he arrived at Spain's training camp. 到达西班牙队训练基地后,小托说,“拉法对于他的那些东西已经有够多的事儿要应付了。” www.lfcbbs.com 8. After my initial training in painting, I arrived at my own way of doing things by continually working from life. 在我结束了初学时,我决定以自己的方式继续描绘日常生活的对象。 matthewlodove.blog.163.com 9. When he had arrived at this stage of succor which he was administering to this dying man, the officer opened his eyes. 正当他把那垂死的人救到现阶段时,那军官的眼睛睁开了。 www.ebigear.com 10. when the police arrived at the school, students and teachers is still in a state of a loss. 当警察到达学校的时候,学生和教师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。 wenwen.soso.com 1. They thought what he said was nonsense until they arrived at the ship. 他们认为他在废话胡说,直到他们到达了那条船。 www.ebigear.com 2. As we arrived at her house later she said, "I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you. " 后来,送她到家时,她说:“下次我还会和你出去的,但只能让我来请你。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. The abolition of the concept of time and space, through the form of a very soft, I arrived at such a theory. 取消时间和空间概念,通过一种非常柔顺的形式,我就到达了这样一个理论。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The pilots flew in the dark arrived at the simulated compound and settled into a hover while the SEALs fast-roped down. 飞行员在黑暗条件下飞行并到达模拟环境,在海豹队员用速降绳降落的时候飞机处于悬停状态。 www.bing.com 5. It arrived at her home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles shortly after she had returned from his memorial service. 这封信在她从他的悼念会回来之后就寄到了她在洛杉矶贝尔航空部的家中。 www.bing.com 6. He said that since the first deer arrived at the Nanhaizi Milu Park from Britain in 1985 , the number of the milu deer has grown every year. 他说自从第一只麋鹿1985年来到英国Nanhaizi麋鹿公园以来,麋鹿的数目每年都在增长。 wenwen.soso.com 7. guided by the light of an almost full moon , we arrived at the new location , about an hours drive from the last village. 在即将满月的月光引导下,我们来到距离上个村落大约一小时车程的另一个村落。 www.ichacha.net 8. When I arrived at her modest white house on the outskirts of town, she carefully inspected my dress and asked me to try it on. 当我来到她在小镇边缘的普通白色房子时,她认真地检查了我的礼服,让我试穿一下。 hi.baidu.com 9. In due course we arrived at the British Legation, which lay within a strong cordon of British-Indian troops. 最后,我们到达了英国公使馆,使馆周围有英印部队的严密警戒线。 10. As he arrived at the Pearly Gates, Smith met his maker and complained about this turn of events. 当他到了鬼门关(珍珠门),他见到了上帝并抱怨他的不幸。 mysearch.100e.com 1. In due course we arrived at the British Legation, which lay within a strong cordon of British-Indian troops. 最后,我们到达了英国公使馆,使馆周围有英印部队的严密警戒线。 2. As he arrived at the Pearly Gates, Smith met his maker and complained about this turn of events. 当他到了鬼门关(珍珠门),他见到了上帝并抱怨他的不幸。 mysearch.100e.com 3. We have arrived at the point in a crisis when ambitious leaders call for a "new Bretton Woods" . 这场危机发展到现在,雄心勃勃的领导人已在呼吁制定一套“新的布雷顿森林体系”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In April the moderate leader of a fundamentalist Wahhabi organisation, al-Hadith, was blown up as he arrived at a mosque in Srinagar. 今年四月的原教旨主义瓦哈比教派组织的一位温和的领导者,al-Hadith,在他抵达斯利那加的一个清真寺是被炸身亡。 www.ecocn.org 5. It is not in the future as a goal to be arrived at, it is here - in our breathing, circulating in our blood, beating in our heart. 生命不是你将要的目标,它存在我们的呼吸中,流淌在我们的血液里,跳动在我们的心房。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Many messages wishing him well arrived at Felipe and his family over the last hours and several friends came to Budapest to see him. 在过去的几小时已有许许多多的希望他康复的讯息传达给了费利佩与他的家人,并且有几位好友赶到布达佩斯去看望他。 ferrari-china.com 7. A few minutes later, a train from the west arrived at Harpers Ferry. The wounded guard warned the train men of the danger at the bridge. 几分钟后,一列从西开过来的火车到达了哈珀斯,这名受伤的看守警告列车员,桥上危险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. when he arrived at the meeting room, he found a lot of people waiting for him. 当他到达会议室时,发现有很多人在等着他。 wenwen.soso.com 9. A certain Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, arrived at Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker and an authority on the Scriptures. 有一个在亚历山大里亚出生的犹太人,名叫阿颇罗,是个有口才的人,长于圣经,他到了厄弗所。 www.ccreadbible.org 10. The sailor and the lad, creeping among the grass, arrived at the foot of a tree, whose lower branches were covered with little birds. 水手和少年从草丛里爬到一棵树底下,这棵树靠近地面的树枝上歇满了锦鸡。 novel.tingroom.com 1. The sailor and the lad, creeping among the grass, arrived at the foot of a tree, whose lower branches were covered with little birds. 水手和少年从草丛里爬到一棵树底下,这棵树靠近地面的树枝上歇满了锦鸡。 novel.tingroom.com 2. On this basis an understanding was easily arrived at, and for several years Catherine fraternized with her young kinsmen. 在这个基础上,他们很容易地达成了谅解,几年来,凯瑟琳与这些小弟兄们算是情同手足了。 3. On Wednesday, Bryant arrived at the courthouse in a sport utility vehicle, got out and said nothing as he walked inside. 本周三,科比乘坐一辆跑车到达法院,下车后说话直接走进法庭。 www.ttxyy.com 4. And I was shocked when the newbie arrived at the office the next morning holding a CD of Hawaiian music that contained THAT song. 而第二天那个菜鸟来办公室时带来的一盘夏威夷CD中竟然有那首歌,我被震到了。 www.bing.com 5. When a person practises the Way thus, he sees no Wisdom, no form of Wisdom, no one practising WIsdom, and no fruition to be arrived at. 当一个人如此实践道时,他没有看见智慧,没有智慧的形式,没有人实践智慧,没有要达到的成果。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The invoice can be changed as long as the ship has not arrived at the port when shipping is concerned. 海运发货,船没到港口都可以更改的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I arrived at the open country as if, saw that many pandas, in is not disturbed comfortablely contentedly is doing own matter. 我仿佛来到了野外,见到了那么多的猫猫,在自得自在地不受干扰地干着自己的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor's mouth. 刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。 bbs.ahu.edu.cn 9. He and his wife, Michelle, arrived at the White House 14 minutes early. 他和他的妻子米歇尔提前了14分钟到达了白宫。 www.bing.com 10. From there we set sail and arrived at Rhegium. The next day the south wind came up, and on the following day we reached Puteoli. 又从那里绕行,来到利基翁。过了一天,起了南风,第二天就来到部丢利。 new.fuyinchina.com 1. In three minutes, the policeman arrived at the spot and fought with the robber who tried to run away with the money. 三分钟内,警察赶到,与试图携款逃跑的歹徒激战。 www.bing.com 2. I arrived at the forge early on Monday afternoon. Joe was sitting in the front room, wrapped in a black cloak. 星期一下午,我早早地到达了铁匠铺,乔卷着黑色的斗篷,正在屋子前面坐着。 www.tingclass.net 3. One evening, I had just arrived at my home airport and was waiting outside in the twilight for my wife to pick me up. 有一天晚上,我刚从机场回到家,在暮光之中等着我老婆来开车接我。 wenwen.soso.com 4. After having already visited several members, he arrived at the door of a poor, elderly widow. He rang. 当他拜访完几个成员后,他来到了一个贫穷的年老的寡妇门前,他按下了门铃。 bbs.teawang.cn 5. Alberta Fish and Wildlife officers arrived at the scene with a dog team but were unable to track the cougar . 艾伯特省渔业和野生动物的官员带着一队猎犬稍后赶到事发现场,但他们始终不能追踪到那头山狮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He was one of those who treated me best when I arrived (at United). 他是我来之后对我最好的球员之一。 bbs.argstorm.com 7. On that day, I hastily drove back to homeland, it had been nighttime in lights when I arrived at Chifeng. 那一天,我驱车从北京匆匆回返故里,到赤峰时已是灯火点燃的夜晚。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. millionaire arrived at the beach, see fishermen to lie on the beach in the sun, leisurely fishing nets lost in the side. 富翁来到海边,看见渔夫躺在沙滩上悠闲地晒太阳,渔网渔船丢在一边。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Night fell, and after walking a few more miles down country roads, They finally arrived at an old house standing alone by a river. 夜幕降临,又走了几英里的乡间小路,他们终于到达了坐落在一条河边的一幢古老房屋。 www.iamlk.cn 10. As a 23-year-old math genius one year out of Harvard, Jeff Hammerbacher arrived at Facebook when the company was still in its infancy. 只在哈佛呆了一年的23岁数学天才杰夫哈默巴赫尔,当他进入Facebook的时候,这家公司尚处于起步阶段。 www.bing.com 1. When he arrived at the scene , he found the woman with a melon - size stomach , groaning and writhing in pain . 当他赶到现场,他发现那个女人的肚子足有西瓜那么大,她因为疼痛辗转反侧地呻吟着。 www.bing.com 2. They rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. 他们在加勒比海上划了几英里,到了一座小小的珊瑚岛上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Then rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. 然后在加勒比海上划了几英里,到了一座珊瑚岛上。 dict.ebigear.com 4. As soon as he arrived at the school, he began to read books. 他一到达学校,就开始读书。 edu.askuu.com 5. I arrived at the theatre ahead of him. 我比他早到戏院。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Thank you for coming. Mr. Brown, as you may recall, the February consignment arrived at Manila seriously damaged. 谢谢你来。布朗先生,你也许记得,二月份发运到马尼拉的那批货物破碎严重。 www.englishto.com 7. The young woman arrived at the university two weeks ago to begin studies in accounting, he said in the statement. 他还在声明中称,女性死者两周前刚抵达学校开始其会计学课程。 www.bing.com 8. While vacationing in the West, we arrived at a church just as the minister was asking the congregation to please stand for prayer. 在西部度假期的时候,我们到达一个教堂时,牧师正要求会众请站起来祈祷。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But a straw poll of dozens of protesters arrived at a consensus that the Brotherhood was not the organizer. 不过,但数十名接受访问的抗议人士都说,穆斯林兄弟会不是组织者。 c.wsj.com 10. Also so to speak be to have arrived at this day finally, seem not to what meaningful thing to do , resemble one kind in the past. 也可以说是终于又到了这一天,好像并没有做什么有意义的事情,像以往一样。 blog.163.com 1. There was an accident on the M4 which meant I was an hour late, so arrived at the hotel in a huge rush. 在M4发生了一起交通事故,这就意味着我就要迟到一个小时,所以非常仓促地达到酒店。 weike.taskcn.com 2. Harry heard from Hogwarts one sunny morning about a week after he had arrived at the Burrow. 到陋居大约一星期后,在一个晴朗的早晨,哈利收到了霍格沃茨的来信。 www.kekenet.com 3. In a tribute to nature's nous, the lowest-level filters arrived at in this unaided process are edge-seeking ones, just as in the brain. 在这个体现自然界智能(过程)的“无人工管理”学习过程中,过滤器达到的最初级别是搜寻边线,就像大脑中的情况一样。 www.ecocn.org 4. Up we went, going ever deeper into a poorly lighted neighborhood, until eventually we arrived at a small, dark, secluded shack. 我们上去,深入昏暗的街区,直到我们最终到了一个小、黑暗、僻静的棚屋。 www.bing.com 5. And they passed through from Perga and arrived at Pisidian Antioch. And they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down . 他们离了别加往前行,来到彼西底的安提阿。在安息日进会堂作下。 www.bing.com 6. When I arrived at the informal breakfast, I found a cheerful spirit of camaraderie. 当我参加这个早餐聚会时,我找到了同路人的喜悦。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He ran from his room and arrived at the race track a few minutes before the race was about to begin. 他跑得从他的房间,来到赛道的前几分钟,比赛即将开始。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. 当我到了她家,我注意到她好象也对我们的约会有些紧张。 mysearch.100e.com 9. Nicolas Sarkozy arrived at the Group of 20 summit having said: "The all-powerful market that is always right is finished. " 尼古拉·萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)到达20国(G20)集团峰会时曾说:“一贯正确的全能市场完了。” www.ftchinese.com 10. Kaka then got a low drive away which the 'keeper saved and Rui Costa arrived at the back post only to put a downward header wide. 卡卡随即低射攻门,门将奋力化解。鲁伊。科斯塔又在后门柱头球,可他顶出的弹地球偏了出去。 www.bing.com 1. She was granted asylum in the United States, and on June 6 arrived at the U. N. refugee facility in Romania. 美国政府给予她政治避难,她于六月六日抵达了罗马尼亚的联合国难民设施。 www.bing.com 2. They arrived at twilight, and, as we strolled out among the sparkling hundreds, Daisy's voice was playing murmurous tricks in her throat. 他们在黄昏时刻到达,然后当我们几人漫步走到几百名珠光宝气的客人当中时,黛西的声音在她喉咙里玩着呢呢喃喃的花样。 dict.veduchina.com 3. When the police arrived at Bradley Waldroup's trailer home in the mountains of Tennessee, they found a war zone. 当警察来到位于田纳西州山区的布拉德利-沃尔德鲁普的拖车屋时,他们发现这里简直就是一个目不忍睹的血腥的战场。 www.bing.com 4. Soon they arrived at Miss Minchin's School for Girls and went into the big house. 他们很快来到了明钦小姐的女子学校,走进了那座高大的建筑。 www.chinaedu.com 5. The children walked on and on. It was after a long walk that they arrived at the destination. 走呀走,走了很久,孩子们才走到目的地。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. When I arrived at my last trip to Singapore there was a message waiting for me. 上次去新加坡,到?后收到一个口讯,是总统发的。 hourofpower.org.hk 7. When they arrived at the king's palace, the gate keeper told the king the firewood woman and her little son wanted to see him. 他们到了国王宫殿前,殿门的守卫通报了国王说柴姑和她的小儿子要见他。 george.shi.blog.163.com 8. When they arrived at the bank he was dangling by one leg and stuffing cash into his underpants . 警方抵达那家银行时,他一脚悬在半空中摆荡,同时把现金塞进内裤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Little red-cap arrived at the house at that moment. She opened the door, just to see her grandma dancing in the hut. 这时小红帽已经来到了外婆家,打开门看到扮成外婆的大灰狼在跳舞。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. host out of his opening remarks, introduced guests arrived at the scene. 主持人出场致开场白,介绍到场嘉宾。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The next day, he claimed, soldiers had arrived at his friend's property and bulldozed his trees. 他声称,第二天,当兵的就来到他朋友的土地上,用推土机推倒了他的果树。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Angela Ahrendts arrived at our interview in a showroom at her new London headquarters with a bustling retinue. 安吉拉?阿伦茨(AngelaAhrendts)在她伦敦新总部的展示厅接受了我们的采访,来时带着一群忙前忙后的随从。 www.ftchinese.com 3. All the children that have arrived at school age are enrolled. 达到学龄的所有儿童都已入学。 www.jukuu.com 4. We have arrived at a point in time where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level. 换言之,我们已经到了一个只有在全世界范围内才可以解决这个问题的地步。 www.hnenw.com 5. From the moment she arrived at the Twelve Oaks, she would be her gayest, most spirited self. 她从到达十二橡树的一刻起,就一直要装的十分调悦,十分兴头。 fld.hsu.edu.cn 6. They felt his presence was an intrusion of their privacy. When police arrived at the scene, the car had moved on. 居民们认为他们的隐私受到了侵犯,当警方到达时,拍摄车就开走了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. He and a colleague arrived at the boat within minutes. 他和一位同事即刻赶到船上。 www.bing.com 8. The first I knew about it was when a workman arrived at my home yesterday. 我第一次知道这事是在昨天,一个工人来到我家。 www.bing.com 9. Once we arrived at our camp, we were greeted with a traditional song and a drink of milk and baijou. 到达了营地后,我们立刻受到了传统歌曲和一种用牛奶和白酒做的饮料的款待。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In the original spec, you arrived at the meeting location before anyone else, so you could plan your attack and set traps. 原始的设计规范是:你需要在不引起任何人注意的情况下到达开会地点,这样就可以从容的计划你的攻击和设计陷阱。 www.bing.com 1. Two admission tickets, but when he arrived at the stadium, he found they were only for the basketball game two weeks later. 他好不容易弄到两张入场券,但当他赶到体育馆时,发现这两张入场券是看两周以后的篮球赛的。 wlzx.jpu.edu.cn 2. I was in a much better mood when I arrived at the evening event than I would have been. 我怀着比任何时候都好得多的心情在傍晚到达酒店。 weike.taskcn.com 3. Two of Ben Ali's and Leila Trabelsi's daughters reportedly arrived at Disneyland Paris in an attempt to seek asylum. 另据报道,阿里和莱拉的两个女儿为避难,已飞往巴黎迪士尼乐园。 www.bing.com 4. The auditor should also try to establish how the customer needs have been identified and product specifications arrived at. 审核员还应尝试证实(组织)识别顾客需求的方式,以及产品规范满足这些要求的方式。 www.qilongtan.com 5. With no experience of any sort in joint, continent-wide planning, the delegates arrived at a grand total of $28 billion. 与会代表在对进行全欧大陆的联合规划毫无经验的情况下,拟出总额280亿美元的预算。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 6. But when cops arrived at the William Street apartment -- a few blocks from where the vehicle was later found -- no one was home. 但是警察到达距出事地点不远的公寓时,他们家中空无一人。 www.hxen.com 7. A missile , thought to be a brick , cracked a side window in the team coach as it arrived at the ground . 一枚导弹,可能是块砖头,砸碎了刚刚抵达的切尔西球员大巴的侧窗。 www.bing.com 8. Finally they arrived at their destination but the ambience was a little ambiguous, her battle companion regarded her as a spy. 最后他们来到了目的地,但是气氛却有点含糊:她的战友把她当成了间谍。 www.tingclass.com 9. I was too embarrassed to say that I arrived at airports early so I wouldn't have to hurry . Instead , I ran down the corridor to the plane. 我实在不好意思说我早就来机场了,我一点儿都不着急。相反,我匆匆穿过登机通道,赶到那架飞机上。 www.91fane.com 10. One morning they arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there was no cheese. 一天早上,当嗅嗅和匆匆到达奶酪C站时,发现这里已经没有奶酪了。 www.netfm.com.cn 1. I arrived at the Castle early on Monday morning, and after a glass of rum and milk, we set out on the road. 星期一一大早,我到了那座城堡,喝了一杯朗姆酒和牛奶以后,我们动身上了路。 www.tingclass.net 2. Now, the shipment of the Nanjing mobile destruction facility has arrived at the site. We look forward to its early start of operation. 目前,南京移动式销毁设施已运抵现场,我们期待着它早日启动销毁。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. The newly married couple was busy celebrating their wedding reception, when Coker arrived at the door with some unusual gifts. 当这对新婚夫妇正忙于婚宴的招待时,寇可带着一群反叛少女来了。 www.bing.com 4. My husband and I arrived at the hotel early on Sunday morning, having travelled on the overnight sleeper train from Rome. 从罗马乘坐午夜的卧铺火车后,我和丈夫在周日早上很早就到达了酒店。 weike.taskcn.com 5. While Apollos was at Corinth , Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus . There he found some disciples. 亚波罗在哥林多的时候,保罗经过了上边一带地方,就来到以弗所。在那里遇见几个门徒。 www.bing.com 6. He arrived at the post office just before closing, and came only once every two or three weeks. 他只在邮局快要关门的时候才去,两三个星期去一回。 www.bing.com 7. So he and the boys walked for more than a week, crossed the Senegal border and arrived at another mine in Mali. 所以,他和其他孩子一起走了一个多星期,穿过塞纳加尔边境,到了马里北部的矿山。 www.bing.com 8. I found the train had already gone when I arrived at the railway station in a hurry. 昨天我急急忙忙干到火车站,发现火车已经开走了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The conclusion that sequential two-point method is the best fit method for straightness measurement was arrived at the end of this paper. 最后由此得出两点法与三点法相结合的组合方法是最适用于超精密直线度测量的误差分离方法的结论。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. It was an undignified journey. As Mr Berlusconi arrived at the palace, a large crowd booed and jeered. 此行并不光彩,贝卢斯科尼到达总统官邸时,一大群人向他发出嘘声和嘲笑声。 www.hxen.com 1. When I arrived at the hospital they told me that he had a heart attack while having sex. 当我赶到急救室的时候,他们告诉我说原因是他在和某人偷情的时候心脏病发作了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When a tourist group arrived at the station, but there is no tour guide to greet them, this kind of thing is called miss receipt. 漏接是指旅游团抵达一站后,无导游人员迎接的现象。漏接是有主观原因和客观原因两个方面造成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When he arrived at the girl's house he was quickly whisked into the dinning room where they were getting reading to sit down for dinner. 当他到达女孩的家里后,很快被领到餐厅,他们都已经坐好了准备开始吃饭。 blog.163.com 4. I arrived at the station early, so I sat in the car, closed my eyes, and imagined the interviewer asking me questions about the subject. 我早早就到了台里,因此我坐在车里,闭上眼睛,想象主持人问我相关问题时的情景。 www.bing.com 5. Thousands of company files were found on his computer when he arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport in 2010, prosecutors said. 检察官还称,当他2010年抵达纽瓦克自由国际机场时,当局从他的电脑里发现了数以千计的公司文件。 cn.nytimes.com 6. We arrived at the hotel after pre booking and pre paying for the room for a week. 我们提前预订客房并提前付款后,来的酒店,要住一个星期。 www.bing.com 7. When we finally arrived at my house , I ran to the phone to tell my best friend my address and phone number . 当我们最终到新家的时候,我就跑到电话那里去告诉我最好的朋友我的地址和电话号码。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. She arrived at the telephone booth finally. After putting coins for charge , she began to dial numbers to Paris. 她终于来到了电话亭,投入了硬币后便开始往巴黎拨打电话。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The subject of our meeting was the Mond Bequest, a contentious issue from the time it arrived at the gallery in 1923. 我们此次会议的主题是“蒙德的遗赠”(MondBequest)——自从1923年进入该美术馆以来,这些遗赠品就成为一个富有争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 10. You need to fly on the red-eye mid-night flight. You got to work in the office tomorrow morning when you arrived at your destination. 您在红眼午夜飞行需要飞行。当您到达了您的目的地,您得到在办公室明早工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I'm glad we arrived at the airport three hours early-there was such a long line at the check-in counter . 能提前三个小时到达机场真好,在办理登机手续的时候拍了好长的队哦。 bbs.putclub.com 2. But when he arrived at the door he heard a deep voice from within reciting names. 当他达到门口时,听到里面有一个声音正在念名字。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Sometimes I also a little bit rejoice and I arrived at the joys and sorrows which lets me taste to the utmost human life! 有时我也有点庆幸,我来到了这个让我尝尽了人世的悲欢离合! www.hicoo.net 4. Here we have arrived at a second sharp break with the general experience of mankind. 这里我们又有了第二次与人类总体经验相对的剧烈冲突。 www.bing.com 5. Three daughters arrived at the Yellow Earth, to see groups of antelope in the gallop, they live together with them, games. 三女儿来到了黄土地,看见一群群羚羊在飞跑,便同它们一起生活、游戏。 baobao.zhishi.sohu.com 6. "We all share ambitions for this round, " Mr. Hill told reporters as he arrived at his hotel on Wednesday evening. “对于这一轮会谈我们所有人都抱有信心,”希尔先生星期三晚到达他下榻的宾馆时告诉记者。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. His confidence got a blow when he arrived at the site and saw the long line of people waiting to get in. 当他到达指定地点,却发现排着很长的队伍,自信心受到一点打击。 icecoffeesky.blog.163.com 8. Henry arrived at the embassy still undecided, with not much more than a half hour in which to make up his mind. 亨利来到大使馆还没拿定主意,他只有半小时可以考虑了。 9. As I arrived at the ford in the river, I pulled up my pant legs and prepared to cross. 我来到河的浅滩处,挽起裤腿,准备趟过去。 www.ebigear.com 10. When he arrived at the destination exhausted, the report after the news of the victory and he died. 他到达目的地时精疲力尽,报告完胜利的消息后就死了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. But, she said, "it's newly arrived at after a period of extreme romanticism. " 但是,她说,“这是经过一段时期的极端的浪漫主义之后,新近出现的。” www.bing.com 2. The simplicity of wabi-sabi is best described as the state of grace arrived at by a sober, modest, heartfelt intelligence. 对wabi-sabi的简单性最好形容为一种冷静,谦虚,真心实意智慧达成的优雅状态。 www.bing.com 3. Finally, Einstein arrived at a conclusion that maximum speed in the universe is that of light. 最终,爱因斯坦得出了一个结论,那就是宇宙中的最大速度为光速。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. An 8-year-old boy arrived at an Arizona court in handcuffs today after being charged with shooting dead his father and one of his friends. 一名8岁的小男孩被拷上了手拷,于今天出现在亚利桑那州法庭。他被指控枪杀了自己的父亲和一个朋友。 english.xv88.net 5. He arrived at the court, accompanied by his legal counsel. 他是在他的律师陪同下到达法庭的。 www.hebtu.edu.cn 6. Wow. At least you arrived at the office safe and sound. 天哪。至少你平安无事到公司了。 www.taipeitimes.com 7. A short while later, Labor Party chief Gordon Brown arrived at Buckingham Palace, where the queen will direct him to form a new government. 稍后,工党党魁戈登。布朗抵达白金汉宫,女王将要求他组建新政府。 www.way2english.com 8. After all that traffic in the city, we arrived at a clear shot. 经过城里那些交通阻塞的路段,我们来到了一条畅行无阻的路段。 www.59edu.com 9. The Portugal international arrived at Chelsea in January on loan from Dinamo Moscow, with a view to a permanent move in the summer. 这位葡萄牙国脚是今年一月份从莫斯科迪那莫租借来到切尔西的,并且希望今夏能够永久转会。 bbs.ustc.edu.cn 10. When we arrived at my residence, a deer ran toward our car and passed us. We were happy to have met it. 当我们抵达我的住处时,有一只鹿跑向我们的车并从我们旁边经过。我们很高兴遇到牠。 originalpurity.org 1. AS I arrived at the office, my buttock was almost become two parts and my thigh couldn feel anything. 当我到达公司时,我屁股都块变成两半了,我的大腿没有知觉。 www.rainlane.com 2. The road passed in front of my house and I was still singing when I arrived at the door. 那条路要经过我家,走到门口时我还在唱。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When they arrived at the Tianzhu, Wukong was disappointed to say: "that's the Tianzhu ? Ungelivable, teacher " 当他们到达天竺后,悟空失望地说:“这就是天竺吗?不给力啊老师” wenku.baidu.com 4. A ship carrying tens of thousands of tons of grain from the United States has arrived at a North Korean port. 一艘满载数万吨粮食的货船从美国抵达北韩港口。 www.ebigear.com 5. Ronaldo was on his way to training when the accident occurred, but he later arrived at the ground and took part in the training session. 事故发生时,罗纳尔多正在前往训练的途中。事后他依旧到达了训练场并参加了训练。 www.bing.com 6. They arrived at Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila. He himself went into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. 到了以弗所,保罗就把他们留在那里,自己进了会堂,和犹太人辩论。 www.ebigear.com 7. Television news helicopters arrived at the scene ahead of the police, who said they struggled to find boats to take them from the mainland. 报道电视新闻的直升机在警方之前到达了案发现场,警方说他们很难找到船只将警员从大陆运到岛上。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Professor Wang was determined to find a solution, but it took him 10 years of experiment before he arrived at a satisfactory answer. 宾语王教授决心解决这个问题,但是他做了10年的实验才找到一个满意的解决办法。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Dr Conway-Morris has arrived at this view from a detailed study of what is known as convergent evolution. Conway-Morris博士是从一个被叫做趋同进化而为人熟知的详细研究中得到这一观点的。 www.bing.com 10. Delightful be glad to have arrived at a pole, poetry and song comes to express self wish aspiration with this. 喜悦高兴到了极点,用这首诗歌来抒发自己的心愿志向。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In London I discovered that my aunt had arrived at the Golden Cross Hotel, and had booked a room there for several days. 回伦敦后,我发现姨婆早就等在“金十字”旅馆了,而且已经在那儿住了好几天了。 www.chinaedu.com 2. When sheriffs arrived at the Benoits' home, they found the wrestler, his wife, and their son dead. 而当警方到场的时候,已经发现他与妻子和儿子已死亡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I had just arrived at school. My teacher picked up the phone in our classroom, and I could tell something wasn't right. 刚到学校不久,老师就在教室里接到一个电话,我能感觉出有些不对劲儿。 www.bing.com 4. She was always very lively when someone new arrived at the house, jumping up and wagging his tail. 当有陌生人来我家的时候,她总是非常活泼,跳跃,摇着尾巴。 www.ieltsunlimited.com 5. After going though a few countries, they arrived at the land of the Cyclopes. 他们经过一些国家以后抵达库克罗普斯国。 6. He never asked for getting off again, and the bus arrived at the bus station at five A. 他再也没有叫停下车,班车凌晨五点多到站,所有的旅客都睡在车里等天亮。 www.onlylz.com 7. the horses only arrived at two o clock , and the cicerone did not bring the passport till three. 驿马到两点钟才来,去代领护照的向导直到三点钟才到。 www.ichacha.net 8. The Queen arrived at the White House Monday morning and is attending a white-tie dinner tonight. 女皇周一早上到达白宫并在当天晚上出席了白宫的晚宴。 bbs.putclub.com 9. When I arrived at Milan they told me that I was entering a great family and today I can truly say it's all true. 当我第一天来到米兰的时候,别人对我说这是一个大家庭——今天我不得不的说这是真的。 www.bing.com 10. About noon the next day the boys arrived at the dead tree; they had come for their tools. 大约在第二天中午,这两个孩子来到了那棵枯树跟前,他们是来取那两件家伙的。 1. I arrived at the cinema early so as not to miss the beginning of the film. 我早早到了电影院,这样我就不会错过影片的开头了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When the police arrived at the scene, the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW. 当警察来到现场,该律师一个劲地控诉他心爱的别摸我的损坏状况。 www.5iuni.com 3. They kept him in irons until they arrived at the prison. 他们一直被铐着镣铐,直到抵达监狱。 www.nciku.cn 4. you're going to know one scientific theory, make it the one that explains how the universe arrived at its present state. 如果你打算了解一些科学理论,那么你就应该选择这个解释宇宙如何发展至今的理论。 www.bing.com 5. The train journey lasted all day, and it was dark when they arrived at the station. 火车走了一天,到站时天已经黑了。 www.kekenet.com 6. As he arrived at the showroom , stagehands were checking the large loft like hall where Prada presents her shows . 他到达秀场时,舞台管理人员正在检查这个巨形的大厅,普拉达将在这里上演自己的服装秀。 www.bing.com 7. If a player has two or more fleets headed to the same astro, they will automatically merge once both have arrived at the planet. 如果一个玩家有两支或两支以上的舰队选择了同一个目标星球,那么两支舰队将自动合并为一支舰队到达目标星球。 bbs.cwebgame.com 8. Oshine arrived at the rescue centre from South Africa where she was kept as a pet since she was a baby. “Oshine”还是婴儿期时就被南非一个家庭当做宠物来养,它最近来到了营救中心。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. At the time of the accident, the managers received emergency notification and arrived at the scene within 20 minutes. 在事故发生时,经理接到紧急通知,并在20分钟内到达现场。 tieba.baidu.com 10. In science, each piece of numerical evidence must be arrived at by using scientific methods; otherwise doubts will remain. 科学上,每一个数据都必须用科学的方法得到,并有出处,经得住质疑。 www.chinadialogue.net 1. As if just mind blowing swing swing, suddenly arrived at present, it is also the realistic. 仿佛刚才脑海里飘荡的秋千,蓦地荡到了眼前,一切又是现实的。 www.bing.com 2. Understanding this reality requires a reminder of how we arrived at this point. 认识这个现实需要回顾一下我们是如何走到现在这个状态的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. he phoned his mother as soon as he arrived at shanghai. 他一到上海就给他妈妈打了电话。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Hill told reporters as he arrived at his hotel on Wednesday evening. "We want to make a good start, a good step forward. " 希尔先生在周三晚抵达酒店后对记者说道:“我们希望有一个好的开端,并顺利进展下去。” www.hjbbs.com 5. We analyzed 510 visitor surveys to understand the mindset of those who arrived at the Voices. com site but didn't ultimately subscribe. 我们分析了510个访问者问卷,以理解来到Voices.com网站却没有完成最终提交的访问者的心态是什么。 blog.163.com 6. Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. 卡伦。马什今天到达伦敦机场。她穿著一套蓝色的裙子和一件貂皮大衣。 467758069.qzone.qq.com 7. Although people have arrived at the common understanding of Chinas achievement, their views about her future are at opposite poles. 尽管人们对中国的成就有共同的认识,但他们对中国的未来看法不一。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Had you arrived at the station five minutes earlier , you could have caught the train. 如果你能早五分钟到车站的话,你就能赶上火车了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, the pot-holers arrived at an enormous cavern, the size of a huge concert hall. 洞穴探险者从岩石缝里挤身过去,来到一个巨大的洞里,其大小相当于一个音乐厅。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Uncle Gen arrived at Old Wang's house to see everything was in a mess. 根叔到老王家时,正乱成一锅粥。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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