单词 | A.O. |
释义 | 例句释义: 史密斯,政务官,美军飞行官太阳眼镜 1. The F. A. O. said Africa was the only area of the world where in recent years people have been eating less fish instead of more. 联合国粮食及农业组织说,非洲是近年来世界各个地区中唯一的一个,当地人们一直吃少量的鱼,而不是很多。 www.bing.com 2. Memory deallocation may be as simple as adding that chunk to the front of the free list, a O(1) operation. 内存的释放也很简单,只是将区块重新加到可用链表的开始,这是一个O(1)操作。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 3. a: o. k. but let me park my car in a better position. all right, miss. where are the bags? 好的,但是让我先把车停在比较适当的位置。好了,小姐,行李在哪儿? eng.chinaue.com 4. But the F. A. O. says Ghana is the only country that has reached two sets of hunger reduction targets. 但是联合国粮食农业组织说加纳是唯一一个已经达到2套减少饥饿的目标的国家。 www.unsv.com 5. But F. A. O. official Hafez Ghanem says lower prices have failed to end the food crisis in many poor countries. 但是联合国粮食农业组织官员哈菲加尼姆说,在很多贫穷国家中依靠降低价格来结束粮食危机已经失败了。 www.unsv.com 6. The F. A. O. says that by signing the treaty, governments promise to take steps to guard their ports against ships involved in such fishing. 联合国粮农组织表示,通过签署协该条约,各国政府承诺将采取措施守卫自己的港口、禁止涉嫌非法捕捞的渔船进入。 wenwen.soso.com 7. A. O. statistics. China's corn crop is mostly in the country's northern provinces, where the drought is worst now. 而且中国的玉米产产区主要集中在该国的北部省份,那里正是旱情是最严重的地方。 www.bing.com 8. Yet, the F. A. O. says, aid to agriculture fell almost sixty percent from nineteen eighty-four to two thousand four. 然而,粮农组织表示说农业援助从1984年到2004年下降了近60%。 www.hjenglish.com 9. In the end, Jacques Diouf, head of the F. A. O. , said differences of opinions about biofuel were too wild wide to settle. 最后粮农组织总干事雅克-迪乌夫关于生物燃料的不同意见太多了,众口难调。 www.hicoo.net 10. In the end, Jacques Diouf, head of the F. A. O. , said differences of opinion about biofuels were too wide to settle. 最后,JacquesDiouf,食品和农业组织部长说,关于生物燃料观点分歧太大,所以不能决定。 bbs.0562.cc 1. He is an international student of Columbia University. His Chinese name is Li Tao, L-i, T-a-o. 他是哥伦比亚大学的留学生.中文名字叫李涛。 www.bing.com 2. A-O processors, space and time-integrating correlators, radar applications. 适应性光学处理器,空间与时间整合相关器,雷达应用。 www.myoops.org 3. The F. A. O. has suggested several measures to deal immediately with the situation. 提出了几项即刻应对现状的措施。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. So the problem looks like effectively you're going from A o C. Forget about the intermediate. 所以这个问题看起来你从A到C是有效的,忘掉中间产物。 open.163.com 5. And that's F. A. O. Schwarz. It's still my favorite store. 这就是F.A.O,舒瓦茨,它他是我最喜欢的商店。 www.kekenet.com 6. The A&O report asked 1, 054 executives globally where they thought the RMB would be in 10 years time. 该报告向全球1054名企业高管提出了这样的问题:10年后人民币将处于什么地位? www.ftchinese.com 7. Little known outside of China, the country's corn industry actually grows one-fifth of the world's corn, according to F. A. O. statistics. 中国以外很少有人知道,根据粮农署的统计,这个国家的玉米产业实际上占到世界玉米产量的五分之一。 www.bing.com 8. In the simplest case, memory allocation is merely removing the first chunk from the free list, a O(1) operation. 在最简单的情况下,内存分配只不过是将第一个区块移离可用链表,这是一个O(1)操作。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 9. The diacritics on a, o, or u produce new letters. o或u上的变音符会产生新字母。 www.ibm.com 10. I'm a "O" level dud, who is just one another onlooker who is not here to stir up any fierce argument between different supporters. 我只是一个身怀“坳”程度的旁观者。来这里留言,并没有丝毫的“煽风点火”还是“兴风作浪”的目的。 www.hicoo.net 1. Officials from the F. A. O. and the World Food Program visited North Korea in October. 粮农组织和世界食品组织的官员在十月份访问了朝鲜。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. The most elegant top A. O. C. Bourgogne, this is a wine adored by true wine connoisseurs. 这是最优雅的布根地A.O.C。酒,其深受真正的内行家宠爱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A. O. Smith (China) Water Heater Company passed the ISO9002 and ISO9001 certification test in 2000. 2000年艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司先后通过了ISO9002及ISO9001认证。 my.yingjiesheng.com 4. A: O. K. So, where do you think we can save more money? 好,那么,你觉得我们可以在哪些方面省钱? www.kekenet.com 5. U, I, A, O, E, can you be a friend with me? 你能和我做朋友吗? wenku.baidu.com 6. It means something to the fans because it is a*o a book. People can go "YAY" or "NAY" because of how the character is in the book. 对于粉丝来说,就意味着仅仅是一本书而已,大家可以“同意”或“不同意”,因为角色就是在书里。 www.kidtong.com 7. a: o. k. i have the name here. would you like to take a seat while you wait for them to show up? 好的,我找到这个名字了。你们要不要先坐下来一面等他们来呢?。 www.kaoshi365.com 8. The F. A. O. says developing countries grew more potatoes than developed countries for the first time in two thousand five. FAO说发展中国家在2005年首次比发达国家种植更多的土豆。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Start-up and Adjustment of A-A--O Process Coking Waste Water Treatment System A-O法焦化废水处理装置的开工与调试 ilib.cn 10. And as A&O's charts show, there is an increase in the expected use of RMB products over the next five years 安理的调查结果也显示,企业高管们预计未来5年对人民币产品的使用将大幅增多。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Analyses of a O. Officinalis Monosomic Alien Addition Line in Meiosis with GISH 一个药用野生稻异源单体附加系在减数分裂时期的GISH分析鉴定 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on the Effect of Diffraction Efficiency on Pulse Compression of A-O Q-switched Laser 声光调Q衍射效率对脉宽压缩的影响研究 www.ilib.cn 3. A-O compound staining showing Nissl bodies, medullary sheath and red blood cells A-O组合染色法显示神经尼氏小体、髓鞘和红细胞成分的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Synchronous Pumped A-O Q-switched All Solid Pulse Laser 同步泵浦声光调Q全固态脉冲激光器 www.ilib.cn 5. Several Conclusions on Determining an A-O-A Diagram 箭线网络图确定的几个结论 www.ilib.cn |
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