单词 | an answer to | ||||
释义 | an answer to
例句释义: 的答案,名词……的答案 1. Because game players seem to have provided an answer to a scientific question that's vexed researchers for a decade. 因为游戏玩家常常可以为一个困扰研究者数十年的科学问题提出一个解决方案。 www.bing.com 2. I would have been happy with a simple "Thank you" after my first note and I really did want an answer to my question. 在第一次留言以后,哪怕是一句简单地“谢谢”,我都会感到很开心。而且,我的本意并不是让他们回答我的问题。 www.elanso.com 3. These writers will not be the last to offer an answer to the question of what makes China tick. But they could be among the best of them. 关于中国人的行为动机这个问题,还会有更多人著书立作。但以上三位作者可能是其中的佼佼者。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Christianity is often styled as an answer to our problems, particularly for those who have no options left. 基督教往往自称为我们的问题,答案特别是那些谁没有选择离开。 www.ccebook.net 5. And that goes into the system, the system basically comes up with an answer to your question, and responds appropriately. 这些内容将被输进系统,之后系统会回答你的提问,并且做出恰当的反应。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Now scientists claim to have come up with an answer to her changing moods - our eyes are sending mixed signals to the brain. 科学家称他们已经弄清楚了蒙娜·丽莎表情变化的原因,那就是我们的眼睛将混合的信息传递给了脑。 www.bing.com 7. Buddha, based upon his own personal experience, provided an answer to this question. 佛陀根据他个人的经验证悟,对这个问题提供了一个答案。 faculty.stut.edu.tw 8. It wasn't acknowledged that this algorithm was based on the SuperMemo one; I had to ask a question on the forums to get an answer to that. 这里没有讲到这个算法是来自于supermemo;我不得不在它的论坛上提问来寻求答案。 www.bing.com 9. This teleological ethics is nothing but an answer to the problem of free will from the classical German philosophy. 这种目的论的伦理学,是对德国古典哲学以来关于意志自由之问题的回答。 epub.cnki.net 10. One of these documents may contain an answer to your question, or give you clues about where to look. 其中的文档可能包含你的问题的答案,或给你一些线索到哪里去找。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 1. I don't have an answer to the fact that there are -- seem to be bad technologies. 我也不知道为什么,至少看来其实是有一些坏的科技。 www.ted.com 2. I think this announcement is as convincing an answer to the efforts undertaken in Tehran over the last few days as any we could provide. 我认为,我们宣布的这个决定与过去几天我们进行的任何努力是同样令人信服的答案。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Crispin's brief is to come up with an answer to Apple's campaign that does not feel reactive, and somehow makes Microsoft look cool. Crispin的任务主要是设计一个对苹果的宣传攻势的回应方案,这个方案不能显得过于被动,还要让微软看上去帅气一些。 blog.ecocn.org 4. So Keynes had to produce an answer to the Great Depression, or democracy would be swamped by totalitarianism. 因此凯恩斯必须为大萧条找到一个答案,否则民主就会被极权主义吞没。 blog.tianya.cn 5. The title of the book, "The Storm of War, " conceals an answer to Roberts's central question about the reasons for the German defeat. 这本著作的标题为《战争风暴》(TheStormofWar),仅这四个字就暗藏着罗伯茨对核心问题的答案,即德国为什么会战败。 dongxi.net 6. GROSVENOR: I came to Oaxaca hoping to make it better, hoping to help Oscar find an answer to why death came for his dad. 格罗夫纳:我来奥萨卡是希望心情会好些,帮助奥斯卡找到“为什么”的答案。 bbs.258en.com 7. I expect an answer to my letter within a few days. . . 我希望我的信在几天之内得到答复… www.6bei.com.cn 8. To meet the ever increasing demand of energy, nuclear power generation provides an answer to the continuous growth in power requirements. 人们对能源的需求不断增加,核能发电是解决能源需求日增的其中一个方法。 www.weather.gov.hk 9. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to; expect an answer you do not want to hear. 如果你们女人问我们一个不想知道答案的问题,那么请做好去听你不想听到的答案的心理准备。 www.ebigear.com 10. Thanks to its compact size and large tank capacity the CLT40 provides an answer to all cleaning problems, even with limited manoeuvring . 紧凑的设计以及大容量水箱,使CLT40能解决清洁过程遇到的问题,即使在有限的操作空间里,也能达到理想的清洁效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. They are trying to worry out an answer to the difficulty. 他们在试图绞尽脑汁,找出解决困难的办法。 www.jukuu.com 2. It doesn't, though, give us an answer to everything even if it often 'talks' in a tone of voice that implies it does. 经验是个好老师,可它并不是在每件事上都能给我们一个答复,尽管它经常用这样的口吻宣称。 www.douban.com 3. Portray, or even conceive, of your work as an answer to a puzzle. 描绘或者甚至设想你的文章是在猜谜语。 www.bing.com 4. What should CSR at Apple look like? I'm sure Steve Jobs has an answer to this question, but in case he doesn't, here are a few ideas. 那么苹果公司应承担怎样的社会责任呢?我相信乔布斯自己一定胸有成竹,但是假如他真的心中没有答案,以下几点可供参考。 www.bing.com 5. It will also struggle to find an answer to the question of how it diversifies its revenue in 2009. 它也将争取找到一个问题的答案如何多样化其收入在2009年。 www.xici.net 6. But sometimes mechanics come about as a result of looking for an answer to something else entirely. 但有时机制也可能来源于某种结果——为了其他某个完全不相关的事情所寻找的结果。 www.bing.com 7. An answer to the question: can promethazine be routinely used in asthmatic disease in childhood ? 关于异丙嗪能否常规应用于小儿喘息性疾病问题的答复?。 www.bing.com 8. Sought through a combination of theory and practice, provide an answer to this important issue. 力求通过理论与实践的结合,为这一重要不足提供可参考的答案。 www.zidir.com 9. So much for the argument that home-grown ethanol offers an answer to America's dependence on foreign oil. 因此,人们对本国生产的乙醇能否解决美国对外石油依赖这一问题的争议很多。 www.ecocn.org 10. For a long time, the mother waited in vain for an answer to her letter. 母亲等待着回信,可过了很长时间仍毫无消息。 qikan.syn.cn 1. One will watch "The Passion of the Christ" in vain for any hint of an answer to that question. “耶稣受难记”的观众,在这部片子中是找不到对这个问题的答案的。 www.bing.com 2. I'll start with an answer to the most basic question, the definition of a file system. 首先回答最常见的问题,“什么是文件系统”。 www.ibm.com 3. Journalism was an answer to an even more important question, which is, how will society be informed? 新闻本身是一个更重要的问题的答案,那就是,信息要如何传递给社会? www.ted.com 4. I often have to repeat an answer to a question that has been asked because students are not listening and ask the same question. 因为学生们不认真听,他们常常要反复问我同一个问题,而我常常重复回答同一个问题。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 5. No socialist has ever been able to provide an answer to Mises's devastating point. 没有哪一个社会主义者能够回应米塞斯的致命一击。 www.bing.com 6. An answer to a common question: you can submit your portfolio in an envelope, a folder with pockets, or a ring binder. 一个常见问题的答案:你可以将文件夹放在信封内、有袋的文件夹内、或是活页本内缴交。 dict.bioon.com 7. The bloody events of the ongoing war would indisputably provide an answer to that speculation. 无可置辩地,延烧的血腥战争事件证实了这些观察的答案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This essay will give an answer to this problem, and try to reveal the potential ethical meaning of "Being and Time" . 本文将致力于这一问题的解答,并进而尝试阐发《存在与时间》中所蕴含而又没有显现出来的伦理学意义。 www.juhe8.com 9. Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds? 运用你的显意识和潜意识,你能答出这些问题吗? www.bing.com 10. As more GM crops can be grown on relatively small parcels of land, GM crops are an answer to feeding growing world populations. 由于转基因作物可以生长在相对小的地片上,因此可以满足日益增长的全球人口的食物需求。 www.bing.com 1. That climax looks like a resolution and an answer to many "higher" problems. 这个高潮看起来象是一种解脱,一个对于许多“更高深”的问题的答案。 www.jukuu.com 2. Finding an answer to this question is a bit complicated. 这个问题的答案有点复杂。 www.bing.com 3. Would an answer to the question reduce present uncertainty or provide information not now readily available? 问题的答案是否会减少当前的不确定性或者提供现在还没有的信息? www.afdc.org.cn 4. This can be an answer to the guess of Mr. Thornton's possibility of being engaged in politics. 这算是外界对桑顿从政的猜测的一种回答吧! learning.sohu.com 5. Virtualization provides an answer to a basic question, he says: 'How can you increase productivity and allow more ubiquitous access? ' 他说,虚拟化给一个基本问题提供了答案,那就是,“你如何能够增加生产力,同时允许更多无处不在的访问端口?” chinese.wsj.com 6. The problems of death compensation is a social problem and the foundation of relief system will be an answer to this problem. 死亡赔偿“执行难”实质是一个在司法环节暴露出来的社会问题,彻底解决这一问题有待于国家救助制度的最终建立。 lib.cqvip.com 7. Don't push me for an answer to your request. 不要催促我答复你们的请求。 www.jukuu.com 8. The first was her colleague in a panic, looking for an answer to an urgent question. 第一封是一位恐慌的同事发过来的,向她救助一个非常紧急的问题。 www.hjenglish.com 9. I insisted upon an answer to my question whether he was coming or not. 我坚持要求他回答我的问题:他来不来。 bbs.ggv.com.cn 10. Each time I've muddled through an answer to the questioner, thinking I knew the answer but not being sure. 每次我都要找个答案应付下提问的朋友,我一度以为我知道真相,可事实并不是这样。 www.bing.com 1. He says it might take many years before he gets an answer to his hypothesis. 他说可能要花费许多年,他的假设才能得到一个最终答案。 www.hjenglish.com 2. It is a surprise that you gave such an answer to the question. 你对这个问题作了这样的回答,令人吃惊。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. For further information on what bullying is, click here. For an answer to the question Why me? , click here. 要了解更多有关什么是欺负的信息,点击此处。要获得“为何是我?”的回答,点击此处。(注:原文有链接) bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. No matter how the reporters heckled him the speaker always had an answer to come back with. 不论记者如何诘问,发言人总能对答如流。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods! 蚂蚁已很快找到了相应的对策,来对付我那套完全不科学的办法! www.kekenet.com 6. An answer to this problem must be found or mankind will destroy itself. 必须找到这个问题的答案,否则人类将会自己毁了自己。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Before there was anything to really celebrate, Karl Malone and the Jazz found an answer to every move the Bulls made. 在真正的庆祝开始前,卡尔?马龙和爵士队找到公牛队的每一个动作的答案。 www.kekenet.com 8. Gets or sets the error message shown when the user does not enter an answer to the password confirmation question. 获取或设置由于用户没有输入密码确认问题的答案而显示的错误消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Write an answer to each question. Each answer must be a complete sentence. 回答每个问题,每个答案必须是一个完整的句子。 www.amazon.cn 10. The second step is: answer. An answer to what you're asking. 第二个步骤是:应答。应答你的要求。 renyukexue.com 1. I decided I should make an answer to thee-mail to tell him or her that Uncle was dead. 我觉得我应该对这封邮件做一个答复告诉他或她伯父死了。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. But I can't give an answer to my question in most cases. This isn't strange. 但是大多数情况我是无法给自己这个答案的。这并不奇怪。 space.englishcn.com 3. It will take at least another generation to find an answer to the problem of hunger in the world. 要解决世界上的饥饿问题至少还需要一代人的时间。 www.bing.com 4. I couldn't find any threads addressing all 3 of these errors, and nobody else seemed to have an answer to the cc1plus error. 对于这3个问题我没有找到任何解决思路,似乎没有人能对cc1pule错误给出答案。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 5. Whether it's information, products, or services, they are looking for an answer to a question or a problem. 无论是资讯、产品或服务,他们正在寻找一个问题或一个问题的答案。 www.yourerictung.com 6. Right now they only question I need an answer to is why this team even bothered taking the court. 现在我就想知道答案的问题是,这支球队为什么连赢球的欲望都没有? www.bing.com 7. The video thus does not offer an answer to the question "Where will we go? " 所以这个视频录像并没有为“我们要去哪儿?” www.art-here.net 8. Of course, there's a question mark over fuel loads and we won't get an answer to that until the first pit stops tomorrow afternoon. 当然对于载油量人们还有疑问,只有到明天下午第一次进站之后答案才会揭晓。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Provided Ferrari can find an answer to McLaren's performance, Schumacher sees no reason why a similar reversal can't happen this year. 倘若法拉利能够看到迈凯伦的赛果的话,舒马赫觉得今年没理由不发生同样的逆转。 www.mmap.com 10. Repositories are an answer to the pressure to make the fruits of taxpayer-funded research freely available to the public. 开放存取资源是迫于要使纳税人提供资金的研究成果能被公众免费访问的压力而作出的应对。 www.bing.com 1. The RUP does not provide an answer to this issue of employee competence. 遗憾的是,RUP在如何解决员工能力这个问题上没有给出答案。 www.chinaitpower.com 2. But don't expect an answer to arrive via some super-natural form of email. 但是不要期待不要希望以邮件超自然的形式得到答案。 wenwen.soso.com 3. He's been thrashing about for an answer to the difficulty, but without success. 他一直在紧张不安地工作想找到解决这一难题的答案,可终究是徒劳。 www.jukuu.com 4. Click "Reply" to post a follow-up article, as an answer to the article you are currently reading. 单击“回复”可以投递一封后续文章,作为您正在阅读的文章的答复。 help.opera.com 5. Human Essence as an Answer to the Riddle of "the Two Marx" 人之本质:破解“两个马克思”之谜的新视角 www.ilib.cn 6. the reflection which, from the sixteen century, was devoted expressly to seeking an answer to the question, what is France? 这一思想在十六世纪也可用来明确解答一个问题:什么是法国(风格)? ask.suiniyi.com 7. First, every cause really is an answer to the question why? 首先,每个原因确实是对一个“为什么”的回答。 www.bing.com 8. Sometimes we need to have faith that "No" is an answer to prayer ! 有时候我们需要有信心,相信「不」就是上帝对祷告的回答! home.edzx.com 9. Argentinean newspaper La Nacion held a detailed survey and found out ten points, which will give an answer to this sore subject. 阿根廷国家报搞了一个详细的调查,找出了十个重点,这也许能给这个问题一个答案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In rest of this article, I will demonstrate how XKMS provides an answer to this problem. 在本文的其余部分,我将演示XKMS如何为这个问题提供答案。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale . Tomorrow will be too late . 他要对一个问题作出答复,否则的话,明天就太晚了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It is an answer to a real problem. 这是真正问题的答案。 www.ecocn.org 3. Force, or the threat of it, is not an answer to every challenge. 武力或者武力威胁,并非应对所有挑战的解决之道。 www.ftchinese.com 4. For four thousand years the Chinese people have been kowtowing before their ancestral tombs, seeking an answer to life in the past. 四千年以来,中国人民一直是向祖先坟墓磕头膜拜,寻求过去生活的答案。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 5. The complexity on the history of childbirth hygiene practice in some extent gives an answer to my reflection on the modernity. 分娩卫生的推行进程不仅呈现出这段历史的复杂性,而且也在一定程度上回答了笔者对现代性的反思。 www.boshuo.net 6. It is impossible and dispensable to make an answer to satisfy everybody completely about What Mathematics Is. 不可能也没有必要对“数学是什么”做出一个令所有人都完全满意的回答。 epub.cnki.net 7. 'Mrs Dean will want an answer to her letter, ' I reminded her. “迪恩夫人想有回信,”我提醒她。 www.hjenglish.com 8. When someone gives you a signal, it is an answer to a call for help. 当有人给你一个信号,那就是答案,打电话求助。 wenwen.soso.com 9. On each of the 20 sides is an answer to a yes-or-no question. 这20个面的每一面上都是一个问题的答案,答案只有是或否两种。 www.ibm.com 10. Email me each time I receive an answer to my question. 每当我的问题有回答时用电子邮件通知我。 www.italki.com 1. Cataloging these variations is an important first step, said Dr. Niedenthal, but it can't deliver an answer to the enigma of smiles. 将这种种的微笑方式分类是重要的第一步工作,她说。但仅仅分类还不能解开微笑之谜。 www.bing.com 2. answer, question give an answer to questionCan you answer his questions? Can you reply to his question? 根据“你能回答他的问题吗?”这个意思补充这句英文。 so.yeshj.com 3. But I can't find an answer to this one in the paper. 但我在论文中没有找到这一问题的答案。 www.bing.com 4. Sometimes information about a problem or an answer to a how-to question is already available, but not readily accessible. 有时候,已经提供了关于某个问题或操作问题的回答,但尚不能访问。 www.ibm.com 5. The angel, instead of returning an answer to this, simply vanished, and San Ysidro continued with his work. 对此天使没有回答,就消失了。圣·伊西德罗继续干他的活儿。 www.chinaedu.com 6. However, Super hybrid rice grown by Yuan Longping, presents an answer to this worldly problem. 但袁隆平发明的杂交水稻,为这一世界性疑问找到了答案。 hi.baidu.com 7. When would there be an answer to this damn nightmare? 这该死的噩梦何时才会一个答案呢? www.24en.com 8. We're all scratching our heads for an answer to the problem. 为了找到这个问题的答案我们都绞尽脑汁。 www.kekenet.com 9. "I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles, " the little boy answered. The boy had an answer to every question the father raised. “我有自己的拖车,而且我们都有三轮车。”小男孩回答。之后无论他父亲提什么问题,他都总能找到答案。 www.bing.com 10. Yet there is an answer to this crisis: the praying and fasting Body of Christ. 这个危机有解决的方法:就是藉著基督身体的禁食和祷告。 word.hcbus.com 1. It is an answer to his infidelity. 这是他不忠于妻子的报应。 chinafanyi.com 2. Could you find an answer to your problem in the book I gave you ? 你能在我给你的那本书中找到你的问题的答案吗? www.jukuu.com 3. Tao Wang of UBS has ventured an answer to that question. 瑞士联合银行的王涛就此问题大胆做答。 www.bing.com 4. I was so stunned that I could not find the words to formulate an answer to his question. 我实在是太震惊了,简直找不到语句来回答他的问题。我决定放弃这个话题。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Now we've already heard an answer to that argument. 现在,我们也听到了对于这种观点的一个回答 www.bing.com 6. Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? 于是他们说,你到底是谁,叫我们好回覆差我们来的人。你自己说,你是谁。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It is essentially necessary that I should have an answer to this question. 我对这个问题要一个答复,这是非常必要的。 8. You'll never get an answer to a question you never ask. 对于从来不问的问题你永远也得不到答案。 www.voice-english.com 9. It is hoped the new claim will provide an answer to these conflicting discoveries. 希望这一新观点将为这些相互冲突的发现提供答案。 www.bing.com 10. I don't know whether new film becomes an answer to Japan after the earthquake disaster. 我不知道这部新电影能不能给震后的日本一个答案。 www.bing.com 1. The idea is that instead of using a search engine, you'll ask your followers for an answer to a question. 有一个想法是,与其使用搜索引擎,你将会询问你的追随者们问题以寻求答案。 www.bing.com 2. By using the worldwide Domain Name System, the namespace URI provides an answer to the "Says who? " question. 通过使用世界范围的域名系统(DomainNameSystem),名称空间URI提供了对“说的是谁?”这一问题的回答。 www.ibm.com 3. Waiting for an answer to my letter. 等我回复那封信 dict.ebigear.com 4. The site then computes an answer to your question. 然后针对你的问题计算出一个答案。 www.bing.com 5. Can economics provide an answer to my dilemma? 经济学能为我的两难困境提供一种解决办法吗? www.ftchinese.com 6. And try to give an answer to the following question. 试着得出一个答案,对于接下来的问题。 open.163.com 7. You come up with an answer to that one, you let me know. 如果你对在这种事上找到了答案,请告诉我。 www.lovenglish.com 8. All these changes should provide an answer to a long-running debate about the industry. 所有这些改变可能为针对私募股权行业长期存在的争论提供答案。 www.bing.com 9. Contrary to what many people think, it is not the thing that is believed in that brings an answer to a person's prayer. 与一些人所想的相反,并不是一个人所信仰的事物为他的祈祷带来了回应。 www.bing.com 10. Brussels does not want an answer to such big questions now. 对于如此重要的问题,布鲁塞尔现在并不想要一个回答。 www.ecocn.org 1. won't vouchsafe an answer to your question. 不会屈尊给你的问题一个答案。 studclub.cn 2. Please find an answer to the question. 请找到此问题的答案。 www.bvtc.com.cn 3. Write an answer to your friend's letter. 写一封回信给你的朋友。 news.vcmedu.com 4. and an answer to every question. 每一个问题的答案 wenku.baidu.com 5. Please send an answer to my letter soon. 请尽快回信。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Shall we ever find an answer to the tough problem? 我们能找出解决这一难题的办法吗? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Click an answer to register a vote and view a results graph, as in Figure 4. 单击一个答案来注册投票,并且查看结果图表,如图4所示。 www.ibm.com 8. You can return to the Award Certificate Wizard at any time to change an answer to a question. 您可以在任何时候返回奖状向导,修改对某一问题的回答。 www.jukuu.com 9. We sought an answer to the question, but couldn't find one. 我们寻求这个问题的答案,可是没能找到。 www.putclub.com 10. ' And that's a fair question, which I don't have an answer to, " he says. " 这是一个很合理的问题,但我对此没有答案。 www.bing.com 1. And so two years later there is an answer to that woman's terrified question: "What are you going to do with the video? " 两年后,这就回答了那名妇女恐慌中提出的问题:“你拍这些有什么用?” www.bing.com 2. You shall have an answer to your complaints. 安静地离开吧,你们的申诉会有回应的。 www.joyen.net 3. However, this is far too simple an answer to a complex question. 可是,这是个没法简单回答的复杂问题。 www.infoq.com 4. Now, finally, we think that there is an answer to this devastating problem! 最后我们认为,这便是毁坏性问题的答案。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I hope this gives an answer to your query. 我希望这个可以回答你的疑问。 www.2muslim.com 6. Today I want to talk about a person who tried to make his professional life an answer to such questions. 今天,我想来说一说一个试图用自己整个职业生涯来解答这些问题的人。 www.xiaoma.com 7. However, I have not yet found an answer to my question: Are women supposed to offer Qada' for missed Prayers during menstruation? 然而,我至今都无法解答我的问题:妇女允许还补在经期缺失的礼拜? www.2muslim.com 8. If you happen upon an answer to your question, patent it (and legally defend your patent); you will make a fortune. 关于这个问题,如果你找到答案,别忘了申请专利并用法律保护它,你会大赚一笔。 www.publishedscholar.com 9. But God has an answer to our shame. He has garments that cover our nakedness. 然而神已赐下遮羞的方法,祂为我们预备了衣物来遮盖我们赤祼的身体。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Are you looking for an answer to "What makes me special and unique? " 您是否正在寻找一个答案:“是什么让我特别和独特的”? zhidao.baidu.com 1. He said what kind of legal system is this that I have to go to the House of Lords to get an answer to a simple legal question? 他说这是什么法律制度啊,这么简单一个法律问题,我居然要去上议院要答案。 www.ftchinese.com 2. direct or put; seek an answer to. 指导或提出;寻找答案。 www.jukuu.com 3. Why is it that obese US Consumers consider war as an answer to everything? 想不通为什么脑满肠肥、大腹便便的美国消费者总想通过战争解决一切争端。 multipletext.com 4. Luz never got an answer to the letter to Chicago about it. 她也没收到任何一封来自芝加哥的鸿雁传书。 www.tianya.cn 5. He is seeking an answer to the problem. 他正在寻找问题的答案。 www.oldq.com.cn 6. I don't have an answer to that. 我没有这些问题的答案。 www.ted.com 7. There's an answer to these questions, too, and it is also China. 这些问题也有一个答案,还是那个词:中国。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Study wisdom, my son, and make my heart joyful, that thou mayst give an answer to him that reproaches. 我儿,作个智慧人,使我心高兴,好叫我回答笑骂我的人。 www.ccreadbible.org 9. We may not have an answer to the Nemesis question until mid-2013. 我们可能在2013年中旬之前都不会得到关于“复仇者”的信息。 www.bing.com 10. They said then to him, Who are you, that we may give an answer to those who sent us? What do you say about yourself? 于是他们说,你到底是谁?叫我们好回覆差我们来的人。关于你自己,你怎么说? edu.china.com 1. Study of Peace and Cooperation: An Answer to the Cultural Challenge of this Century 和合学:对世纪文化挑战的回应 www.ilib.cn 2. There must be an answer to any question; 任何问题都有答案; www.100e.com 3. find an answer to (a problem, etc); explain or make clear (a mystery, etc) 解决、解答(难题等);解释,揭示(秘密等) www.nexoncn.com 4. solution n. (the act of finding) an answer to a problem 解决(问题的办法);解答 wenku.baidu.com 5. An Answer To A Russian Mathematician's Dream 俄罗斯数学家的梦想的答案 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Present an answer to the question 展现问题的答案 chinwee.bokee.com 7. an answer to the population explosion 解决人口爆炸问题之对策 zhidao.baidu.com 8. who has an answer to this objection about 谁来回答这个反对观点。 www.bing.com 9. supply an answer to the question 提供问题的答案 www.baike.com 10. Discuss an answer to an example in teaching materials 对教材中一道例题解答的商榷 www.ilib.cn 1. an answer to a question 某问题的解答。 www.ichacha.net 2. There is an answer to the darkest times 在这最黑暗的时刻,这里有一个答案 wenwen.soso.com 3. Not an answer to the earth 地球上找不到答案 bbs.qianlong.com |
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