单词 | cash out |
释义 |
第三人称单数:cashes out 现在分词:cashing out 过去式:cashed out 例句释义: 现金不足,提现,重贷提现,套现 1. By taking cash out of the business, Neal was able to semi-retire but remain in control of daily business operations with her daughter. 通过公司套现,Neal进入了半退休状态,但仍然可以和女儿一起控制公司日常业务运营。 www.bing.com 2. the potential for a cash-out from a sale or IPO is usually enough to keep employees around. 通过出售或上市的方式套现足以使员工保持履行职责。 dongxi.net 3. It can siphon inflationary cash out of the system by requiring the commercial banks to lodge deposits at the Bank - quantitative tightening. 通过商业银行定量收紧在银行的存款,可以虹吸通货膨胀现金。 www.bing.com 4. A wood is not an unsafe place to put money. I know people who are trying to pull cash out of pensions to buy their own woodland. “林地不是一个不安全的存钱之地,我知道人们正在极力从养老金中取出现金为自己购买林地”。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. Pulling a set amount of cash out of your account on a weekly basis for your expenses can help eliminate this mindless spending. 针对你的开销,每周在你的账户上设定一个现金值,它可以帮你减少不经过大脑思考的花费。 www.elanso.com 6. For some, the long-term strategy may be to scale up and sell to Amazon or cash out in a stock offering. 对于有些人来说,开公司的长期计划可能是把规模做大,然后卖给亚马逊或是上市套现。 www.bing.com 7. And since we pull cash out of China, it helps fund investments in other parts of the company as well. 本公司从中国赚取现金,同时为本公司于其他领域的投资提供了资金。 www.bing.com 8. You can't cash out for at least 12 months, and you forfeit the last three months of interest if you redeem in less than five years. 这种债券至少12个月不能变现,如果持有时间不到五年就进行赎回,还会丧失后三个月的利息。 c.wsj.com 9. Hagan had the foresight to cash out a quarter of his stake when it was worth something: $25 million. 当其股份价值2500万美元的时候,Hagan就预见到将获利四分之一。 www.bing.com 10. The equity injection into Alibaba, to cash out some employee stakes, made it clear that the company will not go public soon. 阿里巴巴得到的私人股本注资(让部分雇员能够变现自己手中的股份)表明,该公司近期不会上市。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Some large asset managers are actually required to withdraw their cash out of a fund if it is being investigated by the government. 事实上,如果某个基金正在接受美国政府调查,一些大型资产管理公司就必须将其现金撤出该基金。 www.bing.com 2. Sometimes you need to cash out on your growth, take a breath and celebrate your achievements. 有时你需要从你的发展中退出,休息一下并且庆祝你的成就。 www.bing.com 3. The elderly sleuth left cash out in her room as bait and then waited in a toilet. 留了些现金作为诱饵,然后躲在厕所里。 hi.baidu.com 4. The employees who got the fund can't cash out of the shares for at least five years. 获得该基金的员工至少五年内不能变现其股份。 www.bing.com 5. Others may be looking to cash out of their investments, complicating the debate over the fair value of PCCW's shares. 其他人可能也在择机兑现其投资,从而令电讯盈科公平价值的争论变得更为复杂化。 bbs.enfamily.cn 6. It's hard to match the performance of that kind of rally when you don't trust it and continue to hold a big chunk of cash out of the market. 如果心存疑虑,一直大量持币,就很难在这类回升中取得绩效。 www.bing.com 7. "We are very careful. We want to work with companies that will stand the test of time and not those that are just trying to cash out. " “我们会非常小心。我们希望与经得起时间考验的公司合作,而不愿与那些只想圈钱的公司打交道。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Coalition of insiders breaks up, e. G. , If top management wants to cash out in a bubble. 内部人集团破裂,例如,泡沫现象下高级管理层套现。 ccfr.org.cn 9. Ironically, that could potentially hurt companies' pricing power by taking spare cash out of struggling consumers' pockets. 具讽刺意味的是,这种情况可能会令本就不宽裕的消费者更加囊中羞涩,从而打击到企业的定价能力。 www.bing.com 10. Also, some countries could impose currency restrictions that could delay or stop the ability to "cash out" of the country's currency. 不仅如此,一些国家如果实施货币限额,也会延迟或阻止该国家货币的“兑现”能力。 jamieyzl.blog.163.com 1. up by the Communist Party, " says one. Another says only fools are still investing. But none has any plans to cash out. " “这真像共产党开的赌场”,另外一个说只有傻子还继续进行投资。但是并没有人有计划兑现。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 2. Japan's gold holders may be preparing to cash out of some bullion after the yen's drop has sent domestic prices of the metal soaring. 在日圆贬值导致国内金价飙升后,日本黄金持有者可能正准备将部分金条换成现款。 www.bing.com 3. For little potatoes, we may not be allowed to cash out receipts in the future, but I bet we will receive more shopping cards instead. “而对我们小人物来说,我们将来不能凭收据报销,但我敢说我们我们会发更多的购物卡”。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Once you have been a member for 30 days your account will then be set to a member who may request cash out. 一旦你加入30天以后,你的帐户将被置为需要现金支付的成员。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. He saw plainly the "great source of cash" out of the westernization business. 他显然看到了洋务事业的巨大“钱途”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Restructuring expertise and the ability to wring cash out of challenging balance sheets will come in handy indeed. 结构重组方面的专门知识,以及在富有挑战性的资产负债表中挤出现金的能力,肯定将会派上用场。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The wealthy say giving cash out on the street just fosters a culture of dependency. 陈光标说,上街散钱只是培养一种依存文化。 c.wsj.com 8. Sony collects royalties from sales, allowing it to squeeze more cash out of old assets. 索尼从中收取版税,利用旧资产赚得更多利润。 www.ecocn.org 9. In India, moves were taken to lock in pre-IPO investors, hence depriving them of the ability to cash out during the boom listing period. 在印度,当局已经实施了相关措施,锁定上市前投资者,由此剥夺了他们在热火朝天的上市期进行兑现的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Post-IPO, it became easier for employees to cash out their stake in the company. 上市后,对于雇员来说,在公司里把他们的股票兑成现金变得更容易。 www.bing.com 1. Free members can only cash out once per month, upgraded members can cash out once per week. 免费会员每月只能支付一次,升级会员每星期能支付一次。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Greed played a part: it was a way for partners to cash out above book value. 贪婪是一部分原因,因为这种做法可以使得合作者们超出账面价值的现金支出。 www.ecocn.org 3. The ruling is also bad news for Chinese entrepreneurs hoping to cash out to foreign strategic investors. 对那些希望向外国战略投资者转让股权变现的中国企业家来说,商务部的这一裁决是个坏消息。 www.bing.com 4. Indeed, worried depositors have already begun pulling cash out of Greek banks. 实际上,忧心忡忡的存款人已经开始从希腊银行提出现金。 www.bing.com 5. In April, Facebook forbade employees who hold shares to cash out to other investors. 今年4月,Facebook禁止持有股票的员工将股票卖给其他投资者。 c.wsj.com 6. Some suspect this is really about the founders, Henry Kravis and George Roberts, positioning themselves to cash out of the business. 有人质疑说此次上市事关其创始人利益,亨利?克拉维斯和乔治?罗伯茨想要从中套现。 www.ecocn.org 7. In Slots and Video poker, just press the 'Cash out' button to remove your coins from the machine back to your balance. 在电子扑克和角子老虎机,按「提出现金」从机器去除您的硬币回到您的帐户余额。 www.kuenglish.info 8. KKR itself has said it doesn't intend to cash out as part of any listing. KKR曾表示,无意通过任何上市套现。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Will home equity loan affect my refinancing even if I am not looking for any cash out? 净值贷款会不会影响我的再融资计划甚至是取出现金? women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Meanwhile, the deceive and cash out phenomenal about housing found was not be neglected. 同时,骗提、套现住房公积金也成为了我们不可忽视的一种现象。 www.ourtra.com 1. Accusations have also been leveled that Chinese investors throw money behind young artists, then bid up their prices and cash out. 也有人指责中国投资者把钱投向年轻艺术家,抬高价格然后转手卖出。 cn.reuters.com 2. Ferragamo intends to sell 23% of its existing shares to allow some of its 60-plus family shareholders to cash out. 菲拉格慕则计划将现有股权的23%上市,以便使60多个家族股东中的一些可以套现。 c.wsj.com 3. I would add that if ever an economy needed a market in corporate control, to shift cash out of the hands of sleepy managements, Japan is it. 我想加上一句:如果说有哪个经济体需要一种由企业控制的市场,将现金从昏昏欲睡的管理层手中转移出去,那就是日本。 www.bing.com 4. The financiers borrowed more and more money to pay ever higher prices for the company, enabling each previous owner to cash out profitably. 金融家们借款越来越多、出价越来越高,这样就确保了每次公司所有人要卖掉公司的价格就越来越高。 www.bing.com 5. He may, for example, simply take the gold or cash out of the vault and live it up, spending money on mansions or yachts. 他可以,比如,仅仅从金库里取出黄金或现金,把这些钱用来买庄园或游艇,好好享受一下。 www.bing.com 6. Yet Silicon Valley's top wealth managers are telling their newly rich clients to cash out as much as possible. 然而硅谷的顶级财富管理人士正告诉新富客户:尽可能地将股票套现。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Maintain cash-in, cash-out and balance daily. Observe regulations & rules of foreign exchange administration. 操作资金收入支出及结存,遵循外汇管理规定。 www.shipshr.com 8. They buy when a stock rallies (they rarely go short) and hope to cash out before the impulse runs out. 当股票上涨时买入(他们很少做空),希望在动力结束前兑现利润。 www.bing.com 9. One further factor is that any losses in the financial assets held by China will not be realised until their holders decide to cash out. 另外一个因素在于,中国所持有的金融资产的任何损失,只有当持有人决定套现时才会真正“实现”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Illiquid portfolios are more difficult to cash out when the political winds change. 非流动性资产在政治气候发生变化的时候很难变现。 www.ecocn.org 1. I have not seen a situation where insiders have tried to cash out by selling shares into the inflated earnings. 迄今为止,我还没有看到管理层试图以虚高的股价出售股份变现的案例。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In my own extremely modest way, I'm supplying liquidity for people who want to cash out. 以我绵薄之力,我现在正在给那些可望套现的人提供资金。 www.bing.com 3. With public markets allowing investors to cash out, there is less pressure for companies to seek takeover offers. 而在公开市场条件允许投资者套现时,企业寻求并购的压力就要小一些。 cn.reuters.com 4. Rong Zhijian and Yang Huiyan got a large sum of cash out by this method. 还有一类是分红套现,荣智健和杨惠妍都因此收入不菲; epaper.lnd.com.cn 5. Enter PE investors to buy out the American shareholders, delist in the U. S. , and then cash out by re listing in China. 于是私募股权投资公司出手从美国股东手中收购股权,让公司从美国退市并回归中国上市,之后私募再退出。 global.cjzg.cn 6. As for such method of paypal, carry out the difficulty very greatly, and can't cash out money in the paypal in China, not that realistic. 另外,这种支票在中国需要本人持身份证,并且亲自填写相关单据才能办理托收,否则将无法进行下一步的相关手续,钱自然也兑现不出来。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. If you are a paid member you should be able to cash out your cash balance from previous expired upgrades whenever you like. 如果你是paid会员,那么你将可以在你一个升级级别过期后的任意时间选择支付。 www.2008red.com 8. It is becoming too big with too many family members and eventually some will want to cash out. 它正在变得过于庞大,家族成员太多,最终会有一些成员希望套现离场。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Last year, Facebook helped current and former employees to cash out some of their shares to a Russian Internet company. 去年,Facebook帮助在职和离职员工套现部分股票,卖给一家俄罗斯的互联网公司。 www.bing.com 10. Refinance a Mortgage (includes cash out) Get Cash Using the Equity in Your Home. 转按揭(包括现金列)拿到现金使用的股票在你家…… qc.tag100.cn 1. Though the firms remain private, they have shares, and some employees or investors who have received such stock want to cash out. 虽然这些公司仍未上市,但他们有股票,有些拿到这种股票的员工或投资者希望将其套现。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Buy stocks now and cash out at Christmas. 在买进股票,圣诞节前变现。 cn.wsj.com 3. The problem with doomsday investing is that it's difficult to cash out. 世界末日投资的问题在于很难兑现。 www.bing.com 4. We learned our lesson last time. And we're going to cash out before this bubble pops. 上次我们已经尝够了教训。这次我们将在泡泡破裂之前收回资金。 www.kuenglish.info 5. You can cash out your 401(k) if you get laid off, but don't. 你可以在失业时从401(k)计划中取出钱,但请不要这样做。 www.bing.com 6. They can try to keep the cash out through controls on foreign capital, but these are often ineffective. 他们可以通过控制国外资金来防止这种情况的产生,但这些措施往往效果不好。 www.ecocn.org 7. needs to take some of that cash out the bank and take a bath in it 需要到银行取一些钱用来洗澡 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Can I have cash out? 会去现金? bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Credit Card Fraud Crime; Malicious Overdraw; Cash Out; Pilfered Credit Card and Use; Rob Credit Card and Use; 信用卡诈骗犯罪;恶意透支;信用卡套现;盗窃信用卡并使用;抢劫信用卡并使用; www.zidir.com 10. You want to cash out and get the hell out of town 你想去提点现金然后离开这个该死的小镇 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Time to Cash Out: Why Paper Money Hurts the Economy 钱币退出舞台的时代到了:为什么钱币损害经济 www.bing.com 2. Cash out flow for investment activites 投资活动现金流出 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Cash out flow for finance activites 筹资活动现金流出 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Cash out flow for oparating activites 经营活动现金流出 blog.sina.com.cn |
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