单词 | case in |
释义 | 例句释义: 下套管,酪蛋白 1. So it was quite an upset when academics found some years ago that this had not been the case in advanced countries over the 20th century*. 所以,当学者们在几年前揭示这条“常识”并没有在20世纪的发达国家中实现时*,着实让人感到很失落。 www.ecocn.org 2. The case, in which Mr Deripaska disputes Mr Cherney's claims to a Rusal stake, is due to be heard in London soon. 切尔尼主张有权获得俄罗斯铝业的股份,德里帕斯卡则表示反对。此案很快将在伦敦开庭审理。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The party's monopoly on political power does not give it a lock-grip over the economy; the currency is one case in point. 党对政治权力的垄断,并不意味着它能够牢牢把握经济;汇率就是一个很好的例子。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court. 诉讼要点,案情摘要包含与案件有关的所有证据、论点的文件,由律师出庭辩论时提出 blog.hjenglish.com 5. As is usually the case in a crisis, investors have been overreacting, throwing away the "baby with the bath water" as Wall Street pros say. 危机当下通常会发生投资者反应过度的情况,像华尔街专家们说的那样:不分青红皂白一股脑儿地抛售股票。 www.forbeschina.com 6. Before that, he repeatedly approached higher authorities to appeal a legal case in which he tried to sue the company for unfair wages. 在此之前,他曾多次试图起诉这家公司“同工不同酬”等问题。 www.bing.com 7. It is also possible that the attack was less specific, a case in which an intruder was testing the system merely to see what was available. 这次攻击也有可能并非是专门针对IMF的,仅仅是黑客试验能否攻破该系统。 www.bing.com 8. But now health officials have confirmed the first case in a boy who had not left the city for at least a year. 但目前卫生官员证实首个确诊的男孩至少一年都没离开过太子港。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. I think they're trying to tell us something. Apple's homepage is an extreme case in point. 苹果的主页是一个极特别的例子,它们在向我们传递某种信息 www.bing.com 10. This can lead to massive pay out, as is often the case in the United States. 这种做法可以导致巨额的支付,美国经常就是这种情况。 www.kle100.cn 1. As is often the case in debugging, fixing one problem fixes (or reveals) several others. 这在调试中是经常出现的事:修复了一个问题就修复(或者暴露了)另外几个。 www.ibm.com 2. I have had only one or two bitter enemies, for whom I was, as is always the case, in part responsible. 我只有一两个不共戴天的仇敌,而且象通常的那样,我自己对此要付部分的责任。 sympwsq.blog.163.com 3. "As was the case in Iraq, " he said, "we cannot do for Afghans what they must ultimately do for themselves. " “像伊拉克一样”,他说“我们不能为阿富汗人民做那些他们最终必须为自己做的事情”。 www.bing.com 4. She says prosecutors were not able to present all the evidence they wanted in the case in which defense lawyers did not call any witnesses. 她说,在被告的辩护律师不传唤任何证人的案件中,检方无法举出他们所需的所有证据。 www.ebigear.com 5. As is often the case in the murky world of foreign-labor recruiting, responsibility for this debacle is hard to pin down. 在外籍劳工招募乱象丛生的世界里,这种事情上是很常见的,这种行为的责任很难弄清楚。 kk.dongxi.net 6. As is often the case in medicine, the risk to benefit ratio of blood transfusion requires careful examination. 往往就属于这种情况在医学上,面临的风险效益比输血需要仔细检查。 www.syyxw.com 7. But all that knowledge doesn't matter if there's no one to pass it along, as is often the case in rural hospitals in South Africa. 但是这些知识如果没有人来传播推广,就没有什么意义可言,但在南非的乡村医院里却亟需这些医疗服务。 www.bing.com 8. Guiyang court case was one of the widely effective court case in the modern Chinese history. 贵阳教案是中国近代教案史上影响较大的教案之一。 www.13191.com 9. The court approved his applications after careful consideration. This was the first case in which interest was earned from bail money. 法庭经考虑后同意他的申请,开创以保释金赚取利息的先河。 www.icac.org.hk 10. as is often the case in equitation problems, the root cause lies somewhere else. 而是在其他地方,例如经常是由于平衡的问题。 www.lvye.org 1. This is also the case in historiography, at least in what I would like to call postmodernist history (of mentalities). 这也是历史编纂中的情形,至少在我所称的后现代主义(精神状态)史学中是如此。 alittlefoxblog.blog.hexun.com 2. The Court hears appeals only from persons or parties who have lost a case, or at least a significant part of a case, in a lower court. 最高法院只审理在下级法院败诉,或至少在很大程度上败诉的案件。 www.america.gov 3. They did mention the case in their 2010 corporate supplier report, but said the matter had been solved. 在2010年度的企业供应商报告中他们提及了这一案例,但宣称事情已经得到了解决。 dongxi.net 4. The Reagan administration eventually dropped the case in 1982, asserting that it had been "without merit" . 但最终里根当局还是在1982年驳回了案件,并声明(拆分IBM)“没有好处”。 www.ecolion.cn 5. This is often the case in many of the ethical dilemmas that are faced by individuals as well as professional accountants. 这是常有的事在众多的专业伦理两难面临个人以及专业会计师。 bbs.hnerp.com 6. eg. What's more, the countryside is far from the noise and not crowded, as is often the case in the city. 除此之外,乡村远离噪音而且不拥挤,而在城市却总是这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Instead the Obama administration now seems ready to show China there is a cost to its actions. North Korea could be a case in point. 因此,现在,鉴于这种情况,奥巴马政府看起来想给中国点颜色看看。朝鲜就是个典型。 www.bing.com 8. The British are not so familiar with different culture and other ways of doing things as is often the case in other countries. 英国人对不同的文化和不同做事方式不太熟悉,这种情况在其他国家也如此。 waiyu.alicollege.net 9. As is often the case in software, an organized semiformal presentation of the use cases helps you get organized. 正如软件中的常见情况,一个经过整理的半正式用例表示有助于您建立用例。 www.ibm.com 10. Case in point: I was able to unlock the phone by holding a photo of my face up to its lock screen. 举例而言,我用一张自己脸部的照片就能解锁手机。 chinese.wsj.com 1. In June, Shafii told the New York Times that he had not been able to meet with the two men since taking up their case in late 2009. 6月,沙非曾告诉《纽约时报》,自从2009年接手这个案子之后他还没能和自己的委托人见过面。 dongxi.net 2. "Intra-regional trade within Asia accounts for a similar share of total trade as was the case in Europe in 1992, " he said. 他表示:“亚洲地区内部贸易占整体贸易的份额,与1992年欧洲的情况颇为相似。” www.ftchinese.com 3. But make no mistake: As is often the case in technology, only one platform will prevail. 但是千万不要出错,因为在技术领域司空见惯的是,只有一个平台能占据优势。 www.bing.com 4. Naturally I ran and now my case in court is still pending. But I never found out what happened to that penguin. 我自然是跑掉了,现在我在法院的案子还悬而未决。 www.24en.com 5. It is only effective when radioactive iodine is present, which likely would not be the case in an attack involving a dirty bomb. 只有放射性碘元素存在时,它才能起作用。所以在脏弹袭击的情况下,它没有作用。 dongxi.net 6. But even the most disgusting image may become palatable over time, as seems to have been the case in Canada. 但即使是最恶心的禁烟形象长期下去也可能会让人们感到麻木,就像加拿大出现过的这类案子。 www.ecocn.org 7. They started pointing to Conley's case in lectures, and writing about him in their books. He became their poster child. 他们开始在演讲中提到康利案件,在书里写到他的事,康利成了他们的典型事例。 www.bing.com 8. Would you be surprised if I told you there was a recorded case in California over a century ago? 如果我告诉你一世纪以前在加利福尼亚有一宗有记录可查的案例的话,你会吃惊吗? 9. As is often the case in Africa, the customers enjoy the drink on the premises, the deposit on the bottles being too dear. 这样的情况在非洲很普遍,顾客必须在店里享用饮料,因为瓶子的押金是相当贵的。 www.bing.com 10. Can you think of a case in which the ecology of an area is in balance? 你能想到哪一个地区有平衡的生态? zhidao.baidu.com 1. They were due for a hearing in a vandalism case in which they're also accused of squatting on a Santa Barbara property they used to own. 由于他们是在破坏的案件中,他们也是在圣巴巴拉财产,他们用自己的蹲指控进行聆讯。 www.citynoon.com 2. Novartis recently lost a patent case in India and said it had changed its plans to invest in R&D in India. 诺华最近在印度输了一场专利官司,并且表示它将改变在印度的研发投资计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Walmart said there was "no correlation" between the resignations and the case in Chongqing. 沃尔玛表示,此次高管辞职与重庆事件“无关”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The implement steps of this method in the case of two dimensions and an application case in the Xinjiang Oil Field were introduced. 给出了在二维情况下该方法的具体实现步骤以及在新疆油田建立储层砂体骨架剖面模型的实例。 syxb-cps.com.cn 5. At the police station, and find work, but the wind ze help asking the case in wind ze, he called him as soon as possible after stopping. 阿亚找到在警察局工作的风泽帮忙,没想到风泽在询问这个案子之后,竟叫他尽快停手。 www.yc55.cn 6. The election is likely to be close, with a second round in early November, as was the case in 2005. 大选很有可能像2005年那次一样在11月的早起进行的第二轮就结束。 www.ecocn.org 7. Police arrested a man and a woman in connection with a criminal damage case in Kwai Chung. 警方拘捕一男一女,他们涉嫌与一宗葵涌的刑事毁坏案有关。 word.hcbus.com 8. Of course there was still the odd screamer - the long-range, right-foot winner against Liverpool was a case in point. 当然还有那个世界波--在对利物浦比赛中长距离,右脚打入的致胜球。 news.arsenal.com.cn 9. Obviously Avatar was a unique case in that it was basically sold as a 3D "experience, " so if you saw it in 2D you were missing out. 显然,《阿凡达》是一个特殊的案例,它销售的就死3D“体验”,那么如果你看的是2D版本的,你就错过机会了。 www.bing.com 10. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only case in which this cardiac anomaly was demonstrated by radionuclide technique. 尽我们所知,这是唯一的情况下,这个心脏异常表现放射性核素技术。 www.syyxw.com 1. A "bet the company" case, in which price is no object, will probably still be billed by the hour. 无法估费的“把公司的存亡都赌进去”的案子,可能还得计时收费。 www.ecocn.org 2. In this case in an epileptic seizure, in Milgram's study, it was the electrical shocks participants themselves were administering. 在本例中,是癫痫发作的情况下;在Milgram试验中,是参与者自己实施的电击。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The Chinese Treasury Secretary doesn't have to ask for legislative approval to help the banks with these loans, as is the case in the USA! 和美国不同,中国的财政部长不必通过立法审批就可以帮助银行解决这些贷款问题。 www.forbeschina.com 4. Responsible for all HSE case in hot forming area. Refer in particular to hot forming area in the description as if no special version. 全面负责热成型区域的健康安全环境事宜,以下所有描述如无特别说明主要指热成型区域。 www.job700.com 5. The official press has been highlighting another case in Beijing involving a man whose affair allegedly prompted his wife to commit suicide. 官方媒体还报道了北京的一个案子。该案涉及的男子因有婚外恋而导致其妻自杀。 www.ecocn.org 6. Maybe, New Mother Town is such a case in point for the building of New Mother Town can reduce the social cost. 新母城可能就是这样一个先机。新母城这种新观念的推出,符合当下降低社会总成本的发展方向。 www.abp.cn 7. I recently ran into a case in which the bonding driver was used to bond two NICs that used different drivers. 我最近碰到一种情况,即通过连接驱动程序连接两个使用了不同驱动程序的NIC。 www.ibm.com 8. This is the first case in history that a man die due to his belief, and is regarded as the second death to that of Jesus. 因信念而选择死亡,历史上这是第一宗,被称为仅次于基督之死。 blog.163.com 9. Article 3 A lawyer shall not represent two or more criminal suspects or defendants in a same case in criminal proceedings. 第三条律师不得接受同一案件两名或两名以上犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的委托,参与刑事诉讼活动。 www.lawinfochina.com 10. The result of system running shows that the system first search similar cases to the custom's case in the case library. 对于顾客的请求,系统首先查找以往相似案例,进行案例推理; www.fabiao.net 1. Shopper said he once served as an expert witness in amurder case in which the defendant had paranoid psychosis. Shopper自称他曾在一场谋杀案诉讼中当过法医鉴定人。案中的被告患有妄想型精神病。 www.bing.com 2. And that did, indeed, turn out to be the case in his first experiment. 的确,他的第一个试验证实了上述假设。 olive18.wordpress.com 3. Consider a case in which every operating system instance in an enterprise is required to have special anti-virus software installed. 考虑这样一个情形:企业中的每个操作系统实例都需要安装特殊的杀毒软件。 www.ibm.com 4. But then Japan has always been a bit of separate case in Asia, compared to expat magnets like Hong Kong or Singapore. 但是另一方面,日本在亚洲一直都比较特殊,相比对海外人士有着巨大吸引力的香港或新加坡而言。 www.fatisia.com 5. As is often the case in this complex world we live in, this immediately obvious explanation is also wrong. 因为我们所处的复杂世界里通常就是这样的,这种简单的解释是不合情理的。 www.scientrans.com 6. Although it may be considered more proper to entertain a guest at a restaurant in some countries, this is not the case in the United States. 虽然有些国家,在餐馆里款待客人会被认为更恰当,但在美国可不是这样。 www.jukuu.com 7. And to be conspicuous the existence of pure, simple pastries, there is only one half-floating, nine-meter display case in Japanese black. 同现在的那些干净、简洁、光鲜的点心店不同,这里只有一个一半悬浮的、九米长的点心柜台,还是日式阴沉的黑色。 www.bing.com 8. However, I will pay for your advice only if you think I will win the case in court. 但是我只有在你认为我有胜算的情况下才付钱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. A very proper, is also a very difficult case in point is the question of the fonts. 一个很恰当的、也是很有难度的例子是字库的问题。 www.bing.com 10. A recent case in point: Bournemouth's woes during the bank holiday at the end of May. 最近的一个例证,就是5月底银行假日期间波恩茅斯(Bournemouth)出现的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As the case in many marriages these days, problems had arisen between lesley and Jeef, but they did not extend to Zac. 与当时许多婚姻情况一样,莱斯利和杰夫之间出现了很多问题,但并未影响到扎克。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Good work is going on for the general SACK handling case in the current Linux kernel development tree. 在当前的Linux内核开发树中,有一些关于普通SACK处理的工作进行得很好。 www.ibm.com 3. Often, as used to be the case in the West, the powerful are used to being above the law, and children who complain of abuse are disbelieved. 通常就像西方那些案例中的一样,权力经常凌驾于法律之上,那些抱怨受到虐待的儿童却得不到信任。 blog.ecocn.org 4. Such was the case in the run-up to the financial crisis from which we are still recovering. 这就是在我们仍未摆脱的金融危机发生之前的情形。 c.wsj.com 5. The full analysis about the difference and a correct judgment can be a sample to direct future similar case in judicial practice. 该案认定分歧的厘清和准确定性将对未来司法实践中类似案件具有指导作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. optimistic. Not in this case. In this case, look on the dark side. Assume rejection first. 但不是在这情况中。在这类情况中,寻找黑暗面。承受拒绝。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Egypt Watchman says that the report mentioned that the judge is not entitled to file such a case in court in the first place. 埃及看守人指出该调查报告提到,该法官本来就无权提出这项诉讼。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. But he said Malawian law allows the party to present evidence to support its case in court . 但是他说马拉维法律允许政党向法庭递交证据来支持自己。 word.hcbus.com 9. Sometimes we talk about this case in the office, everybody steal smiling. 我们在办公室有时谈到你这个案子大家都偷着笑。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Case in point: Mass Effect 2, which came out in January and sold more than 2 million units in its first week of release. 准确例子:质量效应2,一月份发布,发行第一周销量超200万套。 www.bing.com 1. The trial of an appealed or protested case in a people's court shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to five judges. 人民法院审判上诉和抗诉案件,由审判员三人至五人组成合议庭进行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. He quoted an interesting case in which he was asking his manager for a better computer and his requests were being ignored. 他引用了一个有趣的案例,其中他向经理申请性能更好的电脑,可他的请求一直被忽略。 www.infoq.com 3. Only then will we be able to examine the merits of the case in an unbiased and clinical manner. 只有这样,我们才能检验的方式在一个无偏和临床。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Case in point -- in the win over the Nets, Chuck Hayes did not attempt a field goal, grabbed 10 rebounds and fouled out. 举个例子,在赢网队的那场球里,查克海耶斯没有尝试一次投篮,但是抓了10个篮板,而且犯满离场。 www.bing.com 5. The Japanese employment system probably exploits women more extensively than is the case in any other industrialized country. 日本的就业制度使妇女在更广泛的范围内受到剥削与其他工业化国家相比。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. No. This was the case in previous versions due to a bug but that has been corrected (sorry! ). 号码这由于一个错误是在先前的版本的盒子但是那被改正了(抱歉!)。 blizzardcn.com 7. Consider, as a case in point, what's happening in Texas, which more and more seems to be where America's political future happens first. 一个恰当的例子,可以想一想得克萨斯州目前发生的情况。得克萨斯看上去越来越像美国政治未来最先发生的地方。 www.bing.com 8. Not a link to a picture, as is the case in every other service mentioned in this post, but the actual data that makes up the image. 不是像这篇文章中提到的其他服务一样提供一个图片的链接,而是组成图片的实际的数据。 www.bing.com 9. Van Loan said a more flexible currency would help China's case in asking to be treated as a market economy by its trade partners. VanLoan指出,较有弹性的汇率将帮助中国要求贸易夥伴以对待市场经济体的方式对待该国。 cn.reuters.com 10. Many intelligent animals can be trained to understand human speech. A good case in point is the pet dog. 很多聪明的动物能够训练得明白人类的语言,很好的例子就是狗狗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Many intelligent animals can be trained to understand human speech. A good case in point is the pet dog. 很多聪明的动物能够训练得明白人类的语言,很好的例子就是狗狗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Case in point: At a recent sci-fi conference, a woman told me about taking her Volkswagen bus deep into the Oregon forest. 案例分析:在最近一次关于科幻的会议上,一名妇女跟我谈起她的一次经历。 www.bing.com 3. As a case in point, we may see a fresh nationwide enthusiasm for Mao as China marked the centenary of his birth last week. 作为一个例证,我们可以看一下上星期当中国庆祝他诞生一百周年时全国出现的一股新的毛泽东热。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Another case in the area saw doctors remove a healthy organ from a patient after a GP did not forward scan results. 在另一起案例中,由于一名普通开业医生没有转寄扫描结果,导致医生摘除了一位病人的健康器官。 www.putclub.com 5. Let me walk you through a case in point, one that I've been following lately. 我带您透视一件贴切的事例,本人最近一直跟踪的事情。 www.bing.com 6. The growth opportunities in the domestic Chinese market are enormous, as was the case in the U. S. one hundred years ago. 中国国内市场有着巨大的增长机遇,一百年前的美国即是如此。 c.wsj.com 7. In one infamous case in 2006, a woman from Hangzhou posted a video of herself stomping a kitten to death with her stiletto heels. 在2006年一个臭名昭著的案件中,一名杭州女子将她用锥形鞋跟将小猫踩死的视频放到网上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. An instrument known as "collateralised debt obligations of asset-backed securities" was a case in point. 一种被称为“资产支持证券中的债务抵押债券”(CDOofABS)的工具就是一个例证。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A good case in point is (can be best provided by) that of. . . 关于这一点最好的例子是……(……可以提供最好的证明。) www.yuloo.com 10. "Except in Florida, New York, California and Texas, a judge may only hear one Hague case in his career, " says a State Department official. “除了在佛罗里达、纽约、加利福尼亚和德克萨斯,某位法官可能在其职业生涯中只听说过一件海牙讼案,”国务院的一位工作人员说。 www.bing.com 1. In the trophy case in my home in Shanghai, I have two pictures of me with Jordan. 我在上海家中的奖杯陈列柜中有两张我同乔丹的合影。 www.6665.com 2. The case in its contract to sell land-use agreement for business use, the hotel is, does not allow for real estate development. 该宗地在土地出让合同中对其用途约定为商服用地,是酒店项目,不允许作为房地产开发。 blog.eastmoney.com 3. Dahl is among the many Norwegian writers who have explored the neo-Nazi threat, in his case in a book entitled The Man in the Window. 作为《窗里的男人》一书的作者,达尔正是众多探讨新纳粹主义威胁的挪威作家之一。 www.bing.com 4. We had progressed to a point when retreat would have been more dangerous than continuing , frequently the case in technical climbing . 我们面临了这样一种境地:后退所蕴含的危险比继续前进还大,这通常正是考验您的攀登技巧的时候。 www.bing.com 5. This was the case in 1991; as soon as Saddam Hussein was allowed to use helicopter gunships, he did. 例如在1991年,一旦萨达姆·侯赛因有条件动用武力,他就是这么干的。 www.ecocn.org 6. Now they play with an extra midfielder instead [of two strikers, as was the case in Bergkamp's day]. 现在他们多上一个中场(而不是像博格坎普年代使用两名前锋)。 cnc.arsenal.com.cn 7. Only a simple majority is needed, so the NYSE will need to make an airtight case in explaining why shareholders should take a lower price. 只要有简单多数票即可批准交易,因此纽交所需要就为何股东们应接受一个较低的价格做出完美的解释。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Such is not the case in societies where income, education, and opportunity are concentrated in a tiny elite. 而在收入、教育、机会集中于一小撮精英阶层的社会情况却不是这样。 www.bing.com 9. Let me put the case in terms a government official would appreciate. 我来试着用政府官员能够了解的语言解释一下。 www.bing.com 10. In some cases, however, it may be useful to define an automated activity as a separate use case in its own right. 不过,在有些情况下,将自动化活动定义为独立的用例可能会有用。 www.ibm.com 1. Muslims too might kill all prisoners taken in battle: an Arab chronicler of this crusade records such a case in 1097. 穆斯林也有可能杀害了战争中逮捕的俘虏:一名阿拉伯史学家记录了1097年十字军东征时的一个例子。 www.bing.com 2. Over the next two columns, I'll continue the exercise by formally specifying the "depositing funds" use case in depth. 在后面的两篇专栏文章中,我将通过深入详细地说明“存款”用例来继续这个练习。 www.ibm.com 3. A recent case in point, a few months ago Cisco decided to "retire" the Flip brand of camcorders. 最近的一个例证是,几个月前,思科公司决定让Flip品牌摄像机“退市”。 dongxi.net 4. Mr Altman writes with some verve, yet he makes only a partially convincing case in support of his predictions. 奥特曼写这本书的时候很大胆,但在支撑自己的预测时所举出的案例,只有部分令人信服。 www.ecocn.org 5. The last week and a half's worth of coverage offers a stunning case in point about media bias in the service of power. 结果就在最近一个半星期内的报道中发现了有关媒体偏袒强权的漂亮案例。 dongxi.net 6. A case in point was the controversy provoked by the agitation for full and immediate payment of the so-called bonus. 一个恰当的例子,是由争取全部和立即支付所谓退役金的鼓动所挑起的争论。 7. You may remember this case from a year and half ago. 12 members were charged in the largest child custody case in US history. 你或许记得这件一年半之前的案子。在这件美国历史上最大的儿童监护案中,12人被起诉。 www.bing.com 8. I thought you had to finish your case in London. 我以为你得在伦敦办完你手头上的那个案子呢。 hi.baidu.com 9. The best I can do is state the case in my defense and let market participants decide whether or not they want to exchange with me. 我所能做的只是说清楚整件事情来为自己辩护,然后让市场参与者自己判断是否与我交易。 www.bing.com 10. To them, the Indian-owned Mehta Group's effort to convert about one-fourth of the Mabira Forest into a sugar plantation is a case in point. 对他们来说,印度Mehta集团试图将4分之1的马比拉森林转变为蔗糖种植园就刚好是个例证。 www.ecocn.org 1. The exploitation of tourism is bound to destroy some and natural resources and scenic areas. Environmental pollution is a case in point. 旅游开发肯定会破坏某些自然资源和风景区,环境污染就是一个很好的例子。 www.edu58.com.cn 2. End to pass civil case in court into the protection education equal power of the possibility carried on a synopsis of discuss. 最后对通过民事诉讼进保护教育平等权的可能性进行了简要的论述。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. And in fact that seems to be the case in my experience. 事实上我的经验似乎也是这样。 www.bing.com 4. There is only one case in entire recorded history of a king having a genuine change of heart, after winning a battle. 在人类历史记载中只有一个这样的例子:一个国王在赢得一场战斗后真诚的同敌方交换心意,寻求谅解。 www.elanso.com 5. Such is the case in a new study of electroencephalography (EEG) readings gathered from dozens of teens while they slept. 在最近一项新研究中,科学家集齐十二个青少年,在他们睡眠中对他们的脑电图进行识别。 www.bing.com 6. The administration should cast Libya as a case, in lawyer's parlance, limited to its circumstances. 政府应该按照律师的说法在利比亚的情况范围内以它为案例。 www.bing.com 7. I knew Africa was changing, but making the continent's case in print was not the same as banishing the ingrained doubt from my mind. 我知道非洲正在改变,但要让这块大陆的人们相信,并不像剔除我个人心中长年的怀疑一样简单。 item.feedsky.com 8. A common use-case in applications that interact with a content repository is to display or download content directly from a URL. 应用程序中与内容库交互的常见用例是显示或直接从URL下载内容。 www.ibm.com 9. This was particularly the case in the "eastbound" mice, the group whose light cycle had been brought forward. 这种趋势在“东行”组(光周期被不断提前)中表现得尤为显著。 www.ecocn.org 10. That is not the case in Thailand, a country that has to deal with a southern insurgency as well as mayhem in its capital. 而泰国的现状并非如此,该国不得不应付南部的叛乱,以及首都的极端混乱。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Once a Condition is defined on a case in an event, subsequent cases will begin with an "Else If" by default. 一旦条件是一名在一案中所界定的事件,后来的案件将开始一个“品如果”默认情况下。 www.fantuaner.cn 2. As is often the case in China, foreign firms face huge barriers. 在中国,外国公司面临很大的阻碍,这是常有的事。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. It is also the case in the United States, where unprecedented stimulus spending has failed to sufficiently reignite growth and job creation. 美国的情况也是这样,超过以往的刺激性开支并没能有效地激发经济增长和创造就业。 dongxi.net 4. e. g. A good case in point is that of a businessman who makes money by fair means or foul. 关于这一点最好的例子就是生意人光明正大挣钱还是靠走旁门歪道挣钱。 www.putclub.com 5. This was also the case in an earlier PPA study involving appetite suppressants. 此前对食欲抑制剂研究的结果与之相同。 news.dxy.cn 6. The Herd Behavior of the open-ended funds is just a case in point. 开放式基金的“羊群行为”就是其中一种。 www.fabiao.net 7. More than three weeks (two times the maximum incubation period) have passed since the last case in the cluster died on 22 May. 自该群集中的最后一例于5月22日死亡以来已有三个多星期(最长潜伏期的两倍)。 www.who.int 8. to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role. 就可以探究一下声音在什么情况下有绝对的实用价值。 www.rrting.com 9. I tell you Tom is selfish. His unwillingness to help his friend is a case in point. 我告诉你,汤姆很自私。他不愿意帮助朋友就是一个明显的例子。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But Mr. Fowler's plea on Monday suggests that he was not certain he would win the case in a courtroom. 但福乐先生在周一的辩护也说明他没有十足的赢下官司的把握。 www.bing.com 1. Companies are resuming production (the British arm of Honda is a case in point) and are building up their inventories once again. 公司继续生产(本田英国分部就是一个例子),又开始积累他们的存货了。 www.ecocn.org 2. A good case in point is the change that took place in state-run factories. 国营工厂发生的变化就是一个典型的例子。 www.jukuu.com 3. But, as is the case in many endeavours, the extraordinary performance of an individual or organisation easily eclipses underlying forces. 不过,同许多事业一样,个人或机构的非凡成就,很容易掩盖其根本动因。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The utility model relates to the technical field of a luggage case, in particular to a draw-bar handle of the luggage case. 本实用新型涉及行李箱技术领域,特指一种行李箱拉杆手把。 ip.com 5. A lawyer who goes into court with prime case in the express will convince petit judge nor jury if IT attitude is negative. 假如一位律师带着消极心态步人法庭,即使他所辩护的是全全地球最棒的案子,还得无法说服法官和陪审团。 www.bing.com 6. Fourthly, through a typical case in judicial practice, illegal identification of abuse of market dominant position is discussed. 第四部分首先通过司法实践中的典型案例入手提出了对滥用市场支配地位的违法认定进行了探讨。 www.zidir.com 7. Another case in point is Kuala Lumpur's decision to add a low-cost terminal to help develop AirAsia, the region's biggest budget carrier. 另一个例证就是吉隆坡决定增加一个低成本航站楼,以助推东南亚地区最大廉价航空公司AirAsia的发展。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This section walks through a use case in the Short Running area at the bottom of Figure 4. 此部分逐个介绍图4中的“短时间运行”(ShortRunning)区域的用例。 www.ibm.com 9. The customs shall write off the lost manual of processing trade after handling the case in accordance with the relevant provisions. 海关在按照有关规定处理后对遗失的加工贸易手册予以核销。 rondeng.blog.163.com 10. Case in point: a portion of a twisting mountain road in the southern province of Yunnan collapsed a day after opening last month. 例如:中国南部省份云南的盘山公路上个月仅开通一天就出现部分垮塌。 www.bing.com 1. the last case in terms of integration of modern mass culture design stores. 最后以案例融合大众文化来看现代专卖店的设计。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. "Fierrabras, " one of his ten completed operas, is a case in point. 例如“费拉布拉丝”,有他创作完成的十部歌剧之中的一首便是如此,历经磨难。 www.elanso.com 3. I think green buildings can only have further development when people enjoy higher living standards. At least, it is the case in China. 我想只有生活水平提高了,绿色建筑才能得到发展,至少在中国是这样的。 dialogue.iflove.com 4. Consider a case in which your catalog prices have changed between the order submission by the caller and the message receipt. 考虑一个例子,在这个例子中你的目录价格在订购提交和信息接受的过程中而有所变化。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The zope. testing module, as a case in point, actually provides no mechanism itself for detecting tests at all! 目前,zope.testing模块本身实际上根本没有提供检测测试的机制! www.ibm.com 6. In August, a husband and wife were sentenced to three years in federal prison in a case in the northwestern state of Washington. 八月时,在华盛顿州西北部的一起案件中,一对夫妇被判处了3年的联邦狱刑。 www.unsv.com 7. However, it also expects banks to accept some of the pain, as was the case in the Dubai World restructuring. 不过,预计与迪拜世界的重组一样,银行也会承担部分痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Note that this was not the case in UML 1, where, for example, the activities formalism was based entirely on the state machine formalism. 注意:这在UML1中是不行的,在UML1中,活动的形式完全是基于状态机的形式。 www.ibm.com 9. This isn't the case in Windows 7: The only windows and apps using video memory are those visible on your screen. 但Windows7不同:只有在当前桌面上可以看见的窗口和应用才会使用显存。 space.cnblogs.com 10. He keeps his helmet from that day (pictured here), still dusted with shattered concrete and drywall, in a glass case in his living room. 他至今还将当天佩戴的头盔保存在卧室的玻璃柜中(下图),上面依然嵌满了混凝土碎片和石膏泥板。 www.bing.com 1. Case in point: A diversified portfolio of U. S. junk bonds yields more than 20% a year. 例如,一个美国后保债券的多元化组合可以过的超过20%的年收益。 www.bing.com 2. A high-powered European delegation is due to press the case in a visit to Beijing next week, followed in short order by a high-level U. 下周,一个高级别的欧洲代表团访问北京时预计会就这个议题施加压力。 www.zftrans.com 3. This article describes an example use case in which a UML modeler is transformed into a logical data model (LDM). 本文将描述一个示例用例,其中,一个UML模型将被转换为一个逻辑数据模型(LDM)。 www.ibm.com 4. It is the case in shipping economics too, every pair of curves determine one spot freight rate. 航运经济学中也有类似的二维供给与需求曲线,每对曲线决定一个运价。 www.13191.com 5. China is a case in point: far from experiencing a credit crunch, it has more liquidity than it knows what to do with. 中国正是这样一个例子:现在完全没有经历信贷紧缩,而是充足的资金流充可以让他们做比他们知道的更多的事情。 www.bing.com 6. It was a politically sensitive case in which Canberra butted heads with Beijing. 堪培拉方面曾因这一政治上十分敏感的案件与北京方面争论不已。 chinese.wsj.com 7. And Professor Waite noted a recent environmental case in the United States captured by someone flying his remote-controlled airplane. 怀特教授指出,美国最近的一起环境案件就是由某个人操作他的遥控飞机拍摄的。 www.bing.com 8. If we prepare ourselves to a similar case in the process and to quickly download on the Internet, it must be a very pleasant thing. 如果我们自己来编写一个类似这样的程序,也能够快速的在互联网上下载文件,那一定是非常愉快的事情。 ftp.hackchina.com 9. In Milan judges are due to begin hearing a case in which he is accused of bribing a British lawyer, David Mills. 在米兰法院审理的一个案件中,他被指控贿赂一个英国律师大卫米尔斯。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Supreme Court took up Mr Padilla's case in 2004 but ruled against him on procedural grounds. 2004年,最高法院接手了帕迪拉案件,但是以程序上的理由对他做出不利决定。 www.ecocn.org 1. Regulatory activities have snowballed partly because "it is a shrewd business model" , says Charles Monteith of White & Case in London. 监管活动的规模越来越大,部分原因在于“这已成为一种精明的业务模式,”伦敦伟凯律师事务所的查尔斯?蒙蒂思(CharlesMonteith)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Case in point: Family Guy's "Blue Harvest" episode, a Star Wars parody , became so popular that it's been released as a standalone DVD. 典型的例子:家庭家伙的“蓝色收获”插曲,星球大战的模仿,成为如此受欢迎,它的被释放作为一个独立的DVD。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. They are not, of course, the total body of appropriations and budgeting case in which separation of powers has been at issue. 当然,不论从合适与否或者正处于讨论中的预算与权力分离的问题上考虑,它们都不是这些问题的主体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Knowing the user goals can influence the direction of a use case in radical ways. 知道用户目标可以从根本上影响用例的发展方向。 www.ibm.com 5. She had explained that interviews were the only way to keep the case in public consciousness. 她曾解释道,接见记者是使公众不至忘却这桩案件的唯一办法。 wenku.baidu.com 6. In that case in the ground, which promised at first to supersede contradiction, a new contradiction seems to arise. 这样,本来想要超越矛盾的根据,好像又产生了一种新的矛盾。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In that case, in modern graphic design, traditional patterns of how the application and its status is? 那么,在现代平面设计中,传统图案是如何应用的,它的地位又是如何? wenwen.soso.com 8. It is frequently more detailed than would be the case in many civil law systems and may contain an extensive list of definitions. 这一部分通常比各大陆法系国家的法律文本更加详尽,并且可能还包括一个长长的定义列表。 translation168.lingdi.net 9. In this case, in a departure from normal practice, the bookmaker had allowed the customers in question to set their own odds. 在该赌盘中,与正常的惯例不同,庄家允许下注的客户自行决定赔率。 www.ecocn.org 10. There is a strong case in both economic and ethical terms for the idea that money production should be wholly private. 货币生产应完全私有化的思想,无论在经济方面还是伦理方面都有着有力论据。 kk.dongxi.net 1. No court has yet ruled in this case in light of the new facts, and we decline to be the first to do so. 迄今尚未有哪一所法院在本案中依据新的事实作出裁决,本院亦不愿为人先。 www.bing.com 2. Australia's firewall is a case in point, even if it is a clumsy way of enforcing the law. 澳大利亚的防火墙就是个例子,即使他是一种笨拙方式在实施法律约束。 www.bing.com 3. Not the case in the city, about as long as the bus ride, open to what the car really easy ah! 可在城里就不一样了,只要搭一下公交车,开一下汽车就到了,真方便啊! gotofob.cn 4. This paper considers typical case in the engineering and applies analogous theory to set up testing model performed in a flume. 结合工程实践中的典型情况,应用相似比理论,建立起可在水槽中进行的试验模型。 www.chemyq.com 5. And he'd made the case in a number of papers and done a number of studies, but nothing had really kind of stuck. 而且,他把他的想法写成了很多论文,还做了很多研究,但是,没有一个真正被保存下来的。 www.ted.com 6. Notice how like our recursive programs, the definition of a linked list also contains a base case -- in this case, the NULL pointer. 注意,与我们的递归程序非常类似,链表的定义也包括一个基线条件——在这里是NULL指针。 www.ibm.com 7. In recent years, using possession and income of a whole project as the floating charge collateral charge is not a rare case in China. 近年来,我国以整个工程的资产和收益作为担保客体设定浮动抵押的例子也不鲜见。 www.13191.com 8. Unlike the case in domestic and wild birds, there is no evidence that domestic cats are a reservoir of the virus. 与家禽和野鸟的情况不同,没有证据表明家猫是病毒宿主。 www.who.int 9. This is not the case in Scala, where we are able to pass in a method literal, or closure. 而在Scala中则不同,在Scala中可以传入方法字面量(literal)或闭包。 www.ibm.com 10. A case in point is the fudged figures on which Greece's entry into the zone were based in the first place. 相关的例子就是捏造的数字被基于首位考虑并让希腊进入了欧元区。 my.chinese.cn 1. There's being comparatively little coverage of the case in Germany, re-enforcing perceptions that Europeans are prejudiced against Muslims. 相对来说,德国基本没有对这个暗金进行报道,更增强了人们认为欧洲对穆斯林有偏见的观念。 club.topsage.com 2. For me, a case in point of what the previous reporter asked you was Uzbekistan. 我提问的内容有关前一个记者问及的乌兹别克斯坦问题。 web.worldbank.org 3. In many cases religious persecution is at the root of mass flights. A case in point is colonial India. 在很多情况下,宗教迫害都是人们大批逃亡的根源,殖民时期的印度就是典型例子。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Cholera is endemic in Nepal whereas Haiti has not had a recorded cholera case in the last 50 years. 霍乱在尼泊尔地方流行,在过去的50年海地没有霍乱病例的记录。 www.scidev.net 5. Mr. Chen's accountant and three of his senior advisers already have been detained in the case in the past two months. 陈水扁的会计和三位高级顾问在过去两个月也因涉案而先后被拘留。 www.ebigear.com 6. It is not a sign of male superiority or of high status, as was the case in ancient societies. 这并不像古代社会那样,认为它是男性优越或者位尊的标志。 www.2muslim.com 7. Residential areas data cartography generalization is a particular case in special element cartography generalization research. 另外,居民地的空间分布规律也是影响制图综合实现的重要因素。 www.fabiao.net 8. As a market economy and a symbol of trade credit notes in the rise and fall of China is a case in point. 作为市场经济和商业信用象征的纸币在中国的兴亡正是一个典型的例子。 www.bing.com 9. In any case, in today's tighter economic conditions, the talents of graduate trainees cannot be wasted pouring the coffee. 无论如何,在目前更为紧缩的经济环境中,毕业培训生的才能不能浪费在倒咖啡上。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A fast-track deliberation by the appeals court should resolve the case in the next week or so. 上诉法院将于未来的一周左右快速审议这个案子。 www.ecocn.org 1. But as has always been the case in war, the more junior the officer, the less concerned he is about the weapon he is bringing to the fight. 但是,正如一贯在战争中出现的,军衔越低的军官对他将带去打仗的武器并能不担心。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Then select the existing test case in the list of test cases shown in the test suite details pane. 然后在测试套件细节窗格中显示的测试用例列表中选择现有测试用例。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Once Log Analyzer has started, you can import the log file that you added to your case in the IBM Support Assistant's case manager. LogAnalyzer一旦启动后,就可以导入添加到IBMSupportAssistan的案例管理器的案例中的日志文件。 www.ibm.com 4. That would make Nokia one of the few major European technology companies to bring a case in Brussels. 这表明诺基亚将成为欧洲少数几家主要科技公司中,在布鲁塞尔法庭上审理案件的一家。 www.bing.com 5. Is that still the case in the 21st century, when competition and materialism among the thousands of practising lawyers is so rampant? 而在21世纪,当竞争和物质主义在数以千计的执业律师中泛滥成灾时,情况还是如此吗? www.ftchinese.com 6. The riots in Britain do appear less socially and economically motivated than was the case in France. 看上去,英国骚乱的确不像法国当年的骚乱那样,带有那么强烈的社会和经济诉求。 www.ftchinese.com 7. However, this action can only be taken if ARFM was queuing traffic for the service policy, which was not the case in the previous example. 但是,这种措施只能用于ARFM正在让此服务策略的请求流排队的情况,而前面的示例不是这种情况。 www.ibm.com 8. Teresa Amabile proved the case in the negative, demonstrating that time pressure is the enemy of creativity. TeresaAmabile则从反面证明了这一情况,他论证道:时间压力是创造的大敌。 www.bing.com 9. This is often the case on color television-sets in Europe, but not yet the case in the US. 欧洲的彩色电视机大都是这种情况,但美国的并非如此。 10. War-weary electorates in the U. S. and many other nations are wondering why the same isn't the case in Afghanistan. 美国和其他国家厌烦了战争的选民们在想,为什么在阿富汗不是这样。 hi.baidu.com 1. And you repeat that process over and over again until you have something that walks -- in this case, in a straight line like this. 然后你不断重复这些步骤,直到你得到真的能够让火柴人走路的神经系统—就像这里这个能走一条直线的。 www.ted.com 2. This might prove to be the case in Libya, but even then the cycle of challenge to authority could begin anew. 利比亚的情况或许会如此,但即使到了那一步,挑战当权者的循环也可以重新启动。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mr. Assange has given conflicting accounts of the handling of his case in Sweden. 在处理自己在瑞典的案件方面,阿桑奇先生给出的理由自相矛盾。 www.bing.com 4. Otherwise, successive rate increases coincide with (rather than arrest) the increase in endogenous liquidity, as was the case in 2004-2006. 否则,连续加息与市场内在流动性的增加就是步伐一致(而非相逆的),美国2004年至2006年情况就是这样。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Further, there was some discussion as to how to handle the case in which the value of wsa: From changed over the course of a Sequence. 另外还有一些问题比如如何处理wsa:From的值在序列的过程中发生变化这一情况。 www.ibm.com 6. The HSBC situation involves a case in which Mr. Falciani apparently tried and failed to market the stolen data to several governments. 在汇丰控股的案件中,法尔恰尼显然试图把窃取的数据卖给几个国家的政府,但未能如愿。 c.wsj.com 7. Another device management scenario to consider is the case in which a device is aware that it requires an update. 另一个要考虑的设备管理情形是在设备意识到它需要更新的情况下。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Such was the case in 1989 with the Black & Decker Professional Products Division line of rotary hammers. 如此的是在1989年以黑色&装饰者旋转槌的专业产品区分线情形。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. However, as is always the case in all science, research is a long term and social enterprise. 然而,我们知道科学研究是一项长期的社会事业,所有学科的研究都是这样并且总是如此。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The following sequence diagram illustrates a case in which an integration layer is involved for data exchange in a Web service-based SOA. 以下序列图说明了一个案例,其中涉及到使用集成层来在基于Web服务的SOA中进行数据交换。 www.ibm.com 1. More than half of China's listed companies are known to earn below their actual cost of capital. This is not the case in India. 中国超过一半的上市公司的收益低于实际资本成本,印度却不是这样的。 www.stnn.cc 2. Whichever is the case, in marmots the idea that a little of what you fancy does you good clearly applies to both sexes. 不管事实是什么情况,对异性的奇思异想惠于自身的观念对土拨鼠来说确实让两性都有利可图。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Every spectral component is not resolved equally as was the case in the STFT. 每个谱分量都不是由像STFT里那样用相同的方式解决。 blog.163.com 4. As is the case in many U. S. political contests, turnout is expected to be a key factor, Yepsen said. 耶普森说,如同很多美国政治竞选情况一样,投票率将会成为一个重要因素。 www.america.gov 5. He decided to engage a lawyer to defend the case in the court. 他决定聘请律师在法庭上为此案进行辩护。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The cathartic method required that the case in question should be under scrutiny carefully and individually. 宣洩疗法要求:正在讨论中的个案,应该个别地接受仔细的审查。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. The hand vibrato should only be used if it is explicitly demanded (which will quite rarely be the case in classical music). 仅仅当确实需要手振音的时候才运用它(在古典音乐中相当少见)。 www.chinaharp.com 8. "Four dishes, one soup" is just a case in point. “四菜一汤”之规定,其中之一也。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He also suggests presenting your case in a humble manner and rehearsing several times before you actually have the conversation. 他也建议用谦卑的态度提出你的要求,并且在你与上司谈话之前多做几次练习。 www.hjenglish.com 10. A case in point can be that computer technology could be used to lower our daily expense. 一个很好的例子就是电脑科技可以被用来降低我们的日常开销。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. As part of the Purchase Product use case in the merchant context, the merchant triggers the Request Payment use case in the Simpay context. 作为在商业语境中购买产品用例的一部分,商业触发器支付请求使用Simpay语境中的例子。 www.ibm.com 2. A case in point is Nancy, who was forever "recommending" to her boyfriends things they should do to better their lives. 下面这个例子,南茜总是推荐她的男朋友做些能改进他们生活的事情。 www.bing.com 3. This solution does not address the case in which user IDs are different between platforms. 此解决方案并不能处理平台间用户ID不同的情况。 www.ibm.com 4. We've seen some good races in Shanghai, and I hope that will be the case in 2009 as well. 上海站曾见证过好几场精彩的比赛,因此我希望精彩在2009年也能够得以延续! ferrari-china.com 5. This was the case in many eastern European countries for several years after 1986. 在1986年之后数年间,在许多东欧国家也发生了同样的情况。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. A case in point is the Obama administration's refrain that China's rise presents America with a new "Sputnik moment" . 值得一提的例子就是奥巴马政府一再重复中国的崛起向美国呈现了一个新的“史泼尼克时刻”。 www.bing.com 7. This will especially be the case in organizations with low visibility regarding measurable, quantifiable objectives. 特别是在对可度量的、可计量的目标的低能见度的组织中的情况下。 www.ibm.com 8. Apple brought its case in a German court, claiming that Samsung had copied the design of its iPad. 苹果这次在德国的起诉声称三星抄袭了iPad的设计。 www.ecocn.org 9. But that was not the case in 2007 when he entered the industry as a fresh graduate. 但是在他2007年作为大学毕业生刚刚进入这个行业的时候,事实却并非如此。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He says it's also been the case in France, which is one of the leading poultry producers in the European Community. 他说,法国(欧盟主要家禽生产国之一)的情况也是如此。 web.worldbank.org 1. Tellingly, it hardly ever has been the case in the U. S. that a sector or industry group is the leader of two successive bull markets. 坦言之,在美国,还没有说哪一个板块或行业群是连续两个牛市的领涨者。 www.bing.com 2. The design and debug of powered harmonic filter are discussed and analyzed with a practical case in detail. 结合实例对谐波滤波器的设计和调试进行了详细的讨论和分析。 elec.wanfangdata.com.cn 3. Police vowed that they will cooperate with prosecuting authorities to investigate and deal with the case in accordance with the law. 警方承诺,他们将遵循法律,与检控机关合作调查及处理这起案件。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 4. And, as is the case in other industries, Baby Boomers are aging out of oil engineering jobs, creating even more openings in the market. 而且,与其他行业的情况相同,随着婴儿潮一代“退休潮”的到来,就业市场中的石油工程职位空缺进一步增加。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Risk control mechanism set up for a business is very important, I'm talking about a case in point. 风险管控机制建立对于一个企业来讲是非常重要的,我讲一个例子吧。 www.bing.com 6. The democratic decision to engage in a series of expansionist wars, as sanctioned by the Athenian Assembly, is a similar case in point. 同样合适的例子还有经雅典议会通过,开始一系列扩张战争的民主决议。 www.bing.com 7. I've presented the use case in the template order, but I was skipping around in the form when I actually put the thing together. 我已经按模板次序介绍了用例,但当我真正把东西拼装在一起时,我不会固守一种形式。 www.ibm.com 8. The Nationalist Nation View Of the Warlord Government -- A Case Study of Handling "the Hijacking Case in Lincheng" 论军阀政府的民族主义国家观--以“临城劫车案”处理为例 ilib.cn 9. Returning a deep clone enables the runtime to support the case in which multiple custom bindings share a custom binding element. 通过返回深层克隆,运行时将能够支持多个自定义绑定共用一个自定义绑定元素的情况。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Ought to adjust self psychology, not the case in time now, will be a dangerous signal. 此时,应该及时地调整自己的心态,不然,将是一个危险的信号。 www.hao910.com |
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