单词 | around the corner |
释义 |
例句释义: 在拐角处,即将来临,即将到来 1. That was the last day I saw Jessie as he ducked around the corner. 他走进拐角处后就是我见到杰西的最后一天。 www.kekenet.com 2. She walked down the hall and around the corner to where the telephones were. In a rage, she dialed her husband. 她走到大厅放置电话机的角落,怒气匆匆地拨通她丈夫的电话。 bbs.chinajavaworld.com 3. I pursued after the robber, but finally lost sight of him around the corner. 我在追赶那个强盗,可是最终还是在拐角处把他给追丢了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Now he is usually seen around the corner of 48th Street and Seventh Avenue, a block or two from the heart of Times Square. 现在,一般可以在48街街角和第七大道周边看到他,那里距时代广场中心一到两个街区。 www.bing.com 5. You should make full use of every minute to work hard as the final examinations are around the corner . 期末考试临近了,你们应该好好利用每一分钟。 www.bing.com 6. Around the corner, a small cafe is standing with flowers waving above the door. 转过一个街角,有一个门上挂着花的小咖啡店。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If you could just loosen up a bit, your break could be around the corner. 如果你能够稍稍地放轻松点,你的大好时机可能就在那拐弯处。 www.ef.com.cn 8. There used to be a small park just around the corner. 以前在那个拐角就有一个小公园。 www.englishcrazy.com 9. However, as her gaze holds the camera while she wears a chic black dress, some could perhaps see that The Fame was just around the corner. 然而,从她在照片中身穿小黑裙凝望镜头的气场看来,也许有些人会感觉到,那时的她已经成名在即。 dongxi.net 10. Don't you know Jim works as a dish washer at a restaurant around the corner? 你难道不知道Jim在拐角处的一个饭店做刷盘子的工作吗? bbs.yuloo.com 1. Although an upside move is possible from here, it might be the case that the top is just around the corner. 虽然,从目前的价格区间可能会出现一轮上涨,但是短期的顶部可能就在这里。 www.bing.com 2. However, a solution seems to have been found in Uruguay with the Serie A kick-off around the corner. 然而现在看来在联赛开始前球队已经在乌拉圭找到了一个解决方案。 www.laziofly.com 3. Just around the corner from the can company, fire trucks lined the street and a thick blanket of smoke covered the sky. 就在罐头公司外的拐角处,消防车在街上排开,天空笼罩着一片浓烟。 bbs.bugutang.com 4. NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U. S. consumer may be hurting, but a bounce back is right around the corner. 路透纽约4月29日电---美国消费类股可能正在受打压,但也许不久就会反弹。 cn.reuters.com 5. Ok, we have several different styles in those sizes, right around the corner. Let me know if I can help you any more. 好的,我们有不同的尺码不同的款式,在拐角处那里。如果我还有什么能帮您请告知我。 www.hxen.com 6. The vicious drug lord, found in an alley just around the corner with his head cutoff, and his spinal column torn from the body. 就在最近,大毒枭金·威利被发现死在小巷的拐角,头被砍掉,脊柱都被扯出体外。 ihifi.5d6d.com 7. The orthodontist's office is right around the corner from his office, and he agreed that he'd schedule the appointments and take her. 牙齿校正医生的办公室就在他的办公室拐角,丈夫同意由他安排时间带她去。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Even today stray board members speak out on excesses in our financial markets and grumble that inflation lurks around the corner. 即使今天一些美联储委员仍然大声疾呼我们的金融市场过热了,并且抱怨说通货膨胀正隐藏在角落。 www.bing.com 9. The officers walked him around the corner and, as he began resisting, wrestled him to the ground. 两位警官将他带到角落附近,而当他开始抵抗时,警察将他摔倒在地。 www.bing.com 10. Wherever one goes, a good photo spot is simply around the corner for one to capture the moment forever. 不管到哪,都能很容易找到一个绝妙的拍摄点去捕捉永恒的一瞬间。 www.elanso.com 1. oh, there is a supermarket not far from here. But there is also a tea house around the corner, where you can get tea and a tea set as well. 离这里不远有家超市.街角有个茶叶店,那儿也有茶叶和茶具卖。 talk.oralpractice.com 2. Upon exiting the building, I tear around the corner to my parked patrol car and threw myself against the hood in exhaustion. 我跑出大楼,跑过转角到我的巡逻车停的地方,然后筋疲力尽得靠在引擎盖上。 en.eol.cn 3. As they turned around the corner of the road, which seemed like a mountain to them, they found a little shade, where they rested. 当他们要在路边转弯的时候——远处好像有座山,大家找到了一小片阴凉地,可以休息一下。 www.bing.com 4. We had hired a cab to come pick me up but we told him to park around the corner so no one would notice him. 我们已经聘请了一位出租车来接我,但我们告诉他公园里一角,没有人会注意到他。 www.fnovel.com 5. With the Children's Day around the corner, I'd like to wish you a very happy Children's Day. 六一节快到了,预祝各位小朋友节日快乐。 blog.bjmti.com 6. Don't pull up to the door, though, I'll get out around the corner. 尽管这样,请不要把门拉开,我会在转弯处出来的。 blog.163.com 7. Competition, in the form of a newly arrived Chilean pharmacy chain, looms around the corner from his main store. 在萨莫拉主要的一家药房拐角处新开了一家智利连锁药房,竞争已在所难免。 www.elanso.com 8. I sat on the front step for at least 10 minutes and next thing you know my motorbike came around the corner with the receptionist riding it. 我就在前台阶上坐了至少10分钟,接下来你也会猜到我发现酒店的接待员骑着我的摩托车呢正在在拐角那呢。 weike.taskcn.com 9. are straws in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner. 有种种迹象表明和平即将来临。此语也可写作 wenku.baidu.com 10. Bob : I've got to start my holiday shopping. Christmas and new years are just around the corner and I have barely started. 鲍伯:我要开始我的节假日购物计划。圣诞节和新年马上就要到来了。我还几乎什么都没准备呢。 www.xianzai.cn 1. The U. S. Presidential Election is around the corner. Take a wild guess, who will be the next president? 美国马上就要总统大选了。我们不妨猜猜看,谁会是下一任总统。 www.kekenet.com 2. The children used to make me park around the corner. 孩子们通常会让我把车停在拐角处。 www.hjenglish.com 3. The pungent smell of the aptly named local treat wafted around the corner, along the narrow alleyway and straight up my nostrils. 被称为当地特色的臭豆腐的刺鼻味道这时正飘过街角、顺着那条狭窄的胡同直接飘进我的鼻子。 english.rednet.cn 4. They started after him, but he outran them across the parking lot and disappeared around the corner, dropping the documents as he fled. 他们在他之后开始,但是他超过他们横过停车场而且消失即将来临,降低文件当他逃出。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As the rays of light stopped by a building never reach our eyes, we cannot see around the corner of the building. 由于被建筑物挡住的光线射不到我们的眼睛,我们看不见建筑物拐角后面的物体。 hi.baidu.com 6. There is a fantastic and modern dumpling restaurant recommended by the concierge right around the corner, not to be missed. 附近拐角处有家很棒的现代化的饺子店,这是礼宾推荐的,真的不容错过。 www.bing.com 7. Christmas is just around the corner. I wonder what I'm going to get from my parents. 圣诞节就要到了。我不知道父母会给我什么礼物。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. With one of the top flower giving holidays just around the corner, deciding on a blossom for your honey can be a fun but extensive task. 其中一个最花给予假期即将到来,决定对花的蜂蜜可以是一个有趣的,但广泛的任务。 bbs.canjiren.org 9. I know the feeling. I'm calling to let you know about this new Italian place I found. It's right around the corner. 我知道这种感受。我打给你就是想让你知道我发现的一家新的意大利餐馆。它就在这附近。 bbs.24en.com 10. This grand flag is so big on a building in New York that it had to be continued around the corner. 纽约一栋大楼外的国旗巨大得要转弯接着挂起。 www.bing.com 1. Headlights suddenly flew around the corner, the car almost hitting the stocky one, forcing him to jump back toward the sidewalk. 车灯忽然从转角处飞快地冲过来,那辆车几乎撞上了那个矮胖的男人,逼得他跳回了人行道上。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Big moves are just around the corner and I suggest you Google "Dismantling of an Empire. " 大手笔还在后头呢。我建议你谷歌一下“帝国的解体”。 www.bing.com 3. Danger seems to lie around the corner of every luxury flagship. 危险似乎正逼近所有的奢侈品旗舰公司。 www.ftchinese.com 4. adaptive forward lighting from opel . it helps to see what ' s just around the corner . from bb do , south africa. 欧宝)自适应灯光系统能帮助你看清楚周围的每个角落,远离危险。 www.ichacha.net 5. A slow sly smile is creeping around the corner of his mouth. 他的嘴角慢慢露出了诡秘的微笑。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There was a good restaurant with a little awning just around the corner. 转角处就是一家外支着布蓬的好餐馆。 blog.qingyun.com 7. Political rhetoric has made people believe there is a solution around the corner but there is not, he said. “政治语言让人们相信,在某个角落有解决办法,但实际没有。”他说。 www.bing.com 8. The next football season is around the corner, and our team is surely to be better. 下一个足球赛季就在眼前了,我们队这次肯定会好些。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. I once saw a tall, dark shadow walk around the corner and into the kitchen, but there was no one there. 有一次,我看见一个高大的黑影转过墙角进了厨房,但那儿根本没人。 www.kekenet.com 10. Look, you know, I gotta go around the corner and see a few friends. Just for a minute, ok? You finish your burger, and . 我得到街角去见几个朋友,一会儿,好吗?你把汉堡吃完 www.tingroom.com 1. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll ride my bike over to the little restaurant around the corner and dig into a plate of dumplings. 我知道自己的弱点是什么。如果你能原谅我,我会骑车来到角落里的小餐馆,在那儿好好享用一顿水饺大餐。 hi.baidu.com 2. Outside in the square the sun is blazing as around the corner appears a group of young men who can best be described as 'hoodies'. 教堂外的广场上阳光强烈,街角上出现了一群年轻人,这种人该叫他们小混混最合适。 www.bing.com 3. An island in the center is called Browning's island, after the poet Robert Browning who lived around the corner. 中心的一个小岛因为诗人勃朗宁曾在附近居住过而被称为了勃朗宁岛。 www.bing.com 4. In fact, I joined the Almaden Research Labs, which are looking a bit further out than just a product around the corner. 实际上,我加盟的是阿尔马登研究实验室(AlmadenResearchLabs),该实验室正在进行一些比起即将推出的产品来略具前瞻性的工作。 www.ibm.com 5. M: Christmas is around the corner. And I'm looking for a gift for my girlfriend. Any suggestions? 男士说:“圣诞节快到了,我要给女朋友选件礼物,有什么建议吗?” blog.sina.com.cn 6. Around the corner, Pete stopped for a moment, felt a terrible pain in his stomach, then fell to the sidewalk unconscious. 拐过街角后,皮特停了一会儿,感到胃里一阵剧痛,随后倒在人行道上,不省人事。 www.rrting.com 7. Roger: Well, I know there's an apartment complex around the corner that seems to have a few vacancies. 好,我知道在一个混合的角落附近有一套公寓,那看起来有一些空地方。 www.hxen.com 8. Although only the most modern browsers currently support these effects, it's still fun to see what's around the corner! 虽然目前只有最先进的浏览器支持的这些效果,但它仍然很有趣! h-impression.blog.163.com 9. The last Friday of the month is around the corner, which means its time for another bike ride across the city. 本月的最后一个周五就要到了,这也意味着又一次骑车逛京城的活动时间到了。 www.greeningthebeige.org 10. He has locked himself in with his dream of a better world and a jerry can from the Statoil station around the corner. 他将自己锁了起来,连同他改革世界的美梦和在街角挪威汽油站买来的一罐汽油。 www.bing.com 1. For over a year, Noam and Aviva Shalit slept in a tent around the corner from the prime minister's official residence in Jerusalem. 超过一年的时间,诺姆和艾维娃?沙利特就睡在位于耶路撒冷总理官邸转角处附近的一个帐篷里。 www.ecocn.org 2. The annual food fest known as the holidays is still upon us, but the New Year is also right around the corner. 作为节假日的食品大餐还是要靠我们,但是新年又要到了。 www.suiniyi.com 3. But with the structure of the agricultural sector slow to change, the next bout is always just around the corner. 但是由于农业结构的转变进展缓慢,下一轮食品价格高涨的情况始终指日可待。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Outside you see street vendors around the corner from luxury stores, and dilapidated structures next door to high-end apartments. 在奢侈品商店外面你能看到街头小贩,高档公寓隔壁能看到废弃的建筑。 www.ltaaa.com 5. No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner: a uniquely styled and busy cafe? 谁也不会知道在下一个转角中会是怎样的惊喜,会是一家风格独特食客不断的小吃店? www.ecocn.org 6. the drug store is only around the corner . such a stupid guy ! 药房就在转角而已,真是个大笨蛋! www.ichacha.net 7. A number of these marvels are available right now, and others may be just around the corner. 目前这些奇迹有一些是可以实现的。其它的也指日可待。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Just around the corner. See that old stone building? It's a bank. I'm going to turn there. I live down that street. 就在拐角那里。看见那座旧的石头建筑物没有?那是家银行。我要在那转弯。我住在那条街。 9. As summer holiday is around the corner, a great number of children will have to devote themselves into cram schools. 伴随着暑假的到来,万千的学子即将投入到纷繁的英语补习班中。 www.19lou.com 10. Lucky for you Christmas is just around the corner and everyone of you will run each other over to be the first one to the cash register. 对你们来说,幸运的是圣诞节近在眼前,你们每个人都要挤破头的抢占收银台的第一个排队的人。 www.ltaaa.com 1. Summer is just around the corner for some of us and nothing says welcome to summer like a fabulous outdoor barbecue party. 夏天的脚步越来越近了,没有什么比野外烧烤派对更能表达我们对夏的到来的欢迎之情。 www.bing.com 2. I will urge you to stay focus and positive he might be around the corner. 我将敦促你保持注意力的集中和积极的心态,他马上回来。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I was on my bike and i had almost come around the corner when a man came running toward me. 就在我骑着车将要拐弯的时候一个男人向我跑来。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The fortune teller told Jane there was good luck for her just around the corner. 算命的人告诉简说她的好远就在眼前。 home.xdf.cn 5. But the lonely days, she can not boil a few days, the heart has started just around the corner. 但这种寂寞的日子,她熬不了几天,心便开始蠢蠢欲动了。 www.dota123.com 6. Firefox 3. 6 has been a much-delayed release, but the release candidate means that the final release is just around the corner. 火狐3.6已经延迟发布很久了,但发布候选版的出现,意味着最终版本即将到来。 www.bing.com 7. Even though May is right around the corner, recent weather reports have been far from spring-like. 虽然五月即将到来,但是最近的天气却不像是春季。 www.bing.com 8. Jeff: Happiness is just around the corner, so do not worry about your present problems. 杰夫:快乐就在你的身旁,因此不要因为你目前的问题感到烦恼。 www.movieenglish.cn 9. Knowing that a state competition was just around the corner, I realized I could cost my team the gold medal. 全州的大赛快要举行,我意识到自己可能会拖累队伍拿不到团体金牌。 www.ryedu.net 10. Mother's day is around the corner and I hope you are not leaving the gift shopping for the last minute. 母亲节马上就到了,我不希望看到你在最后一分钟还徘徊在商店里给妈妈选礼物。 www.bing.com 1. sweet girls, i'm around the corner with jubilant sunshine all over, bringing honey to bees and flowers to bushes. 小姑娘啊,我即将来临,满载着喜悦的阳光在身,有蜜汁给蜜蜂有花朵给树丛。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. As long as every Chinese works to his capacity in the construction of China's economy, the rise of Chinese nation is just around the corner. 只要每个中国人都全力投入到中国的经济建设中,中华民族的腾飞就指日可待。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. So how can we rationalize the modern goldbug position? Basically, it depends on the claim that runaway inflation is just around the corner. 那么当下的金虫立场有什么依据呢?基本上它的出发点就是认为恶性通胀眼看就要爆发了。 cn.nytimes.com 4. You couldn't even back up and around the corner without risking ploughing into another out-of-stater coming along behind you. 你甚至不能备份和角落没有冒著耕作到另一个外州未来沿著你身后。 www.en400.com:8080 5. FRANK YAMAMOTO: People come from around the world to see the Fair. You're lucky. You live right around the corner. 人们从世界各地到万博会来参观,您很幸运,您刚好住在附近。 6. By the summer of 1932, most Americans were now somewhat weary of the President's talk about prosperity being just around the corner. 到1932年夏天,大多数美国人这时对总统关于繁荣即将到来的言论多少有些厌倦。 www.jukuu.com 7. Uh, I live right around the corner. I'm just picking something up to take to, um. 我就在拐角那住。我正要挑点东西给。 www.bing.com 8. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery being just around the corner was untrue. 任何稍加注意失业数字的人都知道关于经济复苏将很快到来的断言是不正确的。 edu.sparke.cn 9. It makes you feel that there is always something else happening around the corner which you are missing. 总会有预想不到的惊喜在某个角落等着你。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I recall that your birthday is just around the corner, and suppose your family is planning some surprise for you. 记得你的生日就快到了,我想你的家人正为你计划一次意想的祝贺。 www.yxtvg.com 1. This has already led to rapid growth in solar installations, but even more change may be just around the corner. 由此导致太阳能发电装机的快速增长,不过,更多的变化即将来临。 www.bing.com 2. And of course there's joy for this season of holidays, Christmas, New Year's Day and the Spring Festival are just around the corner. 更有欢乐,因为这是节日的季节,圣诞,元旦,春节都在眼前正向你招手。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 3. s next to [across from, around the corner from] the bank. 在银行旁边[对面][所在的街角处]。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Vincent Reinhart at AEI said it may not happen immediately, but he believes significant Fed action is just around the corner. 在AEI的文森特莱因哈特说,它可能不会立即发生,但他认为美联储的行动显着的是指日可待。 www.maynet.cn 5. Once you sign up, you can exchange messages and alerts with people who live on your block, around the corner, or down the street. 在你注册后,你可以与同一幢楼、街角处或街尾处的人交流消息和发出警告。 dongxi.net 6. There used to be a shop around the corner. 拐角处过去有一家商店。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Christmas is around the corner ; no one likes to get a pink slip during the holidays. 圣诞节即将来临,谁都不愿在假期中收到解雇通知。 blog.163.com 8. A couple on the edge of divorce do not rejoice that their wedding anniversary is around the corner. 而走到离婚边缘的夫妇则不会为即将到来的结婚纪念日感到开心。 www.bing.com 9. Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner. 古代中国人相信端午这一天是不吉利的,因为仲夏即将到来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The next "killer application" could be just around the corner. 下一个“杀手级应用”可能就会出现。 club.topsage.com 1. So far, they have focused on wind energy, but Shi informs the politicians change is just around the corner. 迄今为止,这些政策主要集中在风能利用,而他告诉政客们,变革即将来临。 www.bing.com 2. So I feel like it might be around the corner. Maybe not. 所以现在我觉得可能已经迫在眉睫了。 www.bing.com 3. Just walk across the street and go around the corner on Green Road. Walk one block east, take a right at 20th, then walk about half a block. 你只要横过马路,在格林大道拐角处绕过去向东走一个街区,在第二十街往右拐,然后大约走半个街区。 www.bing.com 4. Not long ago, someone broke into one of the unoccupied houses around the corner. 不久以前,还有人闯入了街角的一间空屋。 www.bing.com 5. There's always something better coming around the corner. But if she's not careful, she could spend her whole life waiting. 总会有更好的在某个角落出现。但是如果一不小心,她可能要等上一辈子。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In the opening scene, our handsome hero is peering around the corner of a building in downtown Los Angeles. 在开幕式时,我们帅气的英雄两眼凝视洛杉矶市区拐角处的一座建筑物。 www.rr365.com 7. Back in 1997, when Cameron was struggling to complete Titanic, disaster seemed right around the corner. 回望1997,卡梅隆为泰坦尼克号殚精极虑,而灾难似乎就在眼前。 www.yingyu.com 8. Attention please! Our English talent competition is around the corner, please set your cell phone in a silent mode, thank you! 英语风采大赛即将开始,请把您的手机设置成静音或振动模式。谢谢! zhidao.baidu.com 9. With Easter almost around the corner, this egg-shaped digital photo frame could not have come at a more opportune time. 在复活节之际,这个蛋形的数码相框可谓是应试应景之作! www.feedou.com 10. A great many things lurk just around the corner ; new chapters , new publications , new groups of readers and researchers . 许多东西就潜伏在拐角处;新的分会,新的出版物,新的读者和研究者团体。 www.bing.com 1. A micro-biocide to help women protect themselves is likely just around the corner. 一种有利于妇女自身保护的杀菌剂可能会指日可待。 www.who.int 2. In my experience, it's an essential component of reading that one should be able to see around the corner. 以我的经验,阅读主要的组成部分,在于书籍要能触手可及。 www.bing.com 3. Free class is around the corner, and the place is at the corner of somewhere. 免费课即将来临,地点在某个地方的转角处。 blog.163.com 4. The rest of Rome is also just minutes away due to the Metro stop located just around the corner at Piazza Barberini. 由于地铁站就位于酒店附近的PiazzaBarberini广场拐角处,所以仅需几分钟便可以抵达罗马的其它景点。 www.orangeway.cn 5. A handful of us will pop out for tea at a place around the corner. 我们中的一小撮人会到街角的一个地方喝杯茶。 dongxi.net 6. There are not something you can find just around the corner , try again and again. . . Nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan . 没有什么东西是可以随便得到(找到)的,只有不断的尝试…没有什么事情是随便发生的,都是上天计划中的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Remember this: When you are in a season of sorrow, hang in there, because a season of joy may be just around the corner. . . 请记住:当你正经受忧患的时候,坚持下去,因为你人生的改变即将在此刻来临。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Right now that link redirects to Google. com, but we assume the gallery's launch must be right around the corner. 现在点击这个链接会转向Google.com,但Google很可能马上就要推出正式扩展了。 www.bing.com 9. Manufacturers have advertised inconsistently and many consumers expect better technology is right around the corner. 生产商的广告前后矛盾,而很多消费者预计更好的技术马上就会出现。 c.wsj.com 10. He was telling me that he grew up right around the corner from here. 他告诉我他就在那个角落长大的。 sfile.ydy.com 1. With many groups predicting that human immortality is just around the corner, you could say we all have a vested interest in the answer. 由于许多团体预测,人类不休指日可待,你可以说我们都有一个既定的答案。 www.bing.com 2. We can always see cross-age friends, for instance, an elderly and a youth playing chess around the corner of a street. 我们总会发现忘年交,比如,一个老人和一个年青人在街角一起下象棋。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. No matter how hard things may seem, there is always something good coming around the corner. 不管事情看上去有多困难,总会有好事临门。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Before the hearing began, a crowd of people lined the hall and around the corner to hear her speak. 在听证会开始前,许多人在大厅以及角落站立,听Kidman发言。 www.bing.com 5. The bank is just around the corner. 银行就在拐角附近。 learning.sohu.com 6. As we said, the 7 of 10 when mankind will be in shock is around the corner, by the end of 2010. 正如我们所说的那样,到了2010年底,10个阶段中的第7阶段将要来临,人类震惊不已的时刻即将到来。 hi.baidu.com 7. With the Olympic Games just around the corner, the world's most populous country is at fever pitch. 奥运会即将开幕,这个世界上人口最多的国家已经开始狂热。 club.learning.sohu.com 8. Don't you remember, Harvey? We were married yesterday evening at 8 o'clock in the Little Church Around the Corner. 难道你不记得了吗?哈维,我们昨晚八点钟在‘街角的小教堂’里举行过婚礼了。 www.putclub.com 9. Then the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pour out of vans and from around the corner. 大批的加拿大皇家骑警从车后和角落里现身出来。 www.bing.com 10. We waited through the short silence until two tall, dark-skinned boys strolled around the corner into the shed. 我们静静地等着,不一会两个深皮肤的男孩晃了进来。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. Hello everyone, we just had our one-week-holiday last week for Thanksgiving. The finals for this semester are just around the corner! 大家好,我们刚刚过完我们的感恩节一周长假。这学期的期末就快到了! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Luckiness is always just around the corner. 幸福总在街角的转弯处。 www.feng37.com 3. When you came around the corner and saw Ogier's car what did you think? 当你经过那个弯道发现奥吉尔的赛车时候,你有什么想法? www.wrchome.cn 4. When you walk the streets of Paris, there is always a picture around the corner or on a bridge. 当你漫步在巴黎的街头,在大桥的一角你总会看的这样的一幅景象。 zone.it.sohu.com 5. Avoid Mr. J at all cost, then buy some socks when you go out for lunch today. There's a department store right around the corner. 无论如何避免见到琼斯先生。然后趁午饭时间出去买上袜子。在那个角落有个百货公司。 www.ebigear.com 6. With the summer camping season just around the corner, Volkswagen has unveiled a new limited edition California Black motorhome. 随着夏季露营季节即将到来,大众汽车公司推出了一种新的限量版的黑色汽车。 usa.315che.com 7. The rest of the team would be waiting around the corner on Route 202 in th two cars. 其他人藏在202公路上的汽车里,那里拐了个弯。 en4ch.blog.tianya.cn 8. Should everyone show filial affection towards their parents, the solution to the aging problems in the whole society is around the corner. 如果每个人都能很好地孝敬父母,那离整个社会老年问题的解决,距离也就不远了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But then one morning I saw Nick waiting tables at the restaurant around the corner from my apartment. 但之后有一天早上,我居然看到尼克在我公寓外角落里的饭店当服务员。 www.bing.com 10. Jason: You could try that place around the corner. They offer good food. 你可以试试转角的那个地方。他们有很好的食物。 davidsenglish.spaces.live.com 1. I thought I was never going to ace the test unless I had a doughnut from the store around the corner. 我认为我要是不在街角的商店买一个油炸圈饼我考试就永远不会得A。 www.bing.com 2. Walk down the block and turn left. The bus stop is just around the corner. 沿着这条街直走然后左转弯,拐角处就是车站。 www.hxen.com 3. 'Business won't come back for one year at least, ' said Vijay K. Hegiste, who owns a tobacco shop around the corner from the Taj hotel. 在泰姬陵酒店旁的街角上经营香烟店的VijayK.Hegiste说,估计生意至少要一年才能恢复正常。 www.ebigear.com 4. the silver screen, which could only mean one thing for games - its multi platform tie-in, Transformers: The Game is right around the corner. 擎天柱大哥和他的伙伴们马上就要来到银屏上了,而对于游戏玩家而言只意味着一件事-多平台的介入,《变形金刚:游戏版》已经蓄势待发。 www.jukuu.com 5. Then the happy lion went into the cobblestone street where he met Mousieer Dupont just around the corner. 快乐的狮子接着走到了鹅卵石铺成的街上,在拐角那里碰到了杜邦先生。 www.blowing.cn 6. Halloween is just around the corner, which means that costume-shopping is in full swing. 万圣节就在你的身旁,这意味着服装秀已经全面展开了。 www.kekenet.com 7. 2012 is right around the corner. Sharpen your mental toughness tools and finish off the year strong! 2012正跃跃欲试。擦亮你坚忍不拔的意志力武器,让这一年强劲地结束! www.douban.com 8. When you are in a season of sorrow, don't be depressed, because a season of joy may be just around the corner. 当你处在一个悲哀的季节时,不要沮丧,因为喜悦的季节也许就在那个拐角口了。 www.suiniyi.com 9. It feels like the summer is just around the corner. 感觉夏天马上就要来临了。 studioclassroom.net 10. The bank is around the corner. 银行在附近。 www.bing.com 1. The Century Park, Oriental Art Centre and Shanghai Technology Museum are within a close reach and 2010 Expo Park is just around the corner. 它紧邻世纪公园、东方艺术中心和上海科技馆,与2010世博园区仅咫尺之遥,站在47楼顶层,便可俯瞰整个园区。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 2. While most large comparative waiting to see whether this is around the corner. 而多数大型跨国公司对此还处于观望阶段。 www.bing.com 3. Diallo says she hid around the corner in the hallway nearthe service lobby and tried to compose herself. Diallo说她躲在靠近服务大厅的走廊的角落里,想让自己镇静下来。 www.bing.com 4. New year is around the corner, let us pray that our Might God will continue to bless us and protect us in the coming year. 新的一年即将到来,让我们一起祈祷希望在新的一年里我们一样可以得到庇护和祝福。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Since the examination is around the corner, up doing sports. 既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。 wenku.baidu.com 6. As the Spring Festival comes around the corner, partially made family dinners sell well on the Internet, Xinhuanet reported. 据新华网报道,春节将至,半成品年夜饭套餐在网上热销。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. SCULLY and SKINNER walk around the corner of the building beside them. 史高丽和斯金纳走过他们旁边的屋角 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Revolution is not around the corner; at least, not in America. 革命不会转瞬爆发;至少在美国不会。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A thunderstorm is likely to be just around the corner. 很有可能要下一场雷雨。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Maybe, the guy who could make me happy and laugh again, would be around the corner? 也许,那个能逗我开心让我展笑颜的男子,在这个转角? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. If you're too fixated on something, you might miss a car coming around the corner and fail to jump out of the way. 如果我们过于专注某一样东西,就很可能忽视前方路口拐过来的车辆,并且来不及跳到一旁躲避。 www.bing.com 2. Since the compelled to around the corner, give up doing sports. 既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动.十九, wenku.baidu.com 3. As the Spring Festival is just around the corner, railway and airline departments are witnessing the annual travel peak. 春节临近,铁路和航空部门迎来了春运高峰。您可以和我们分享您的春运故事吗? www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. It's a new little place near the boardwalk, right around the corner from that little antique shop. 这个新开张的小店离海滨的木板人行道很近,就在那家小古董店的拐角处。 www.joyen.net 5. And just when all the pieces starting to fall into place, the four year deadline is right around the corner, and the mess? 当这一切都即将走上正轨,四年任期却又近在咫尺。剩下的这团乱麻怎么办? www.dioenglish.com 6. All their pronouncements rest on a mythical assumption that "recovery" is around the corner. 他们所有的声明都基于一个虚幻的假设:“经济复苏”即将到来。 www.ftchinese.com 7. President. But if you really want them, get ready; the time to earn your Nobel Peace Prize may be right around the corner. 不过,如果你确实有所需要,就要做好准备,为自己赢得诺贝尔和平奖的时机就在眼前了。 www.bing.com 8. Well, let me see. Oh, yes, it's just around the corner. 让我想想看。哦,对了,就在拐角处。 bbs.24en.com 9. How time flies! The first month of this term has passed. And another monthly exam is around the corner. 时间过得真快,这学期第一个月就这样结束了,又一次月考也临近了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. As the bus came around the corner, it collided with a van. 公共汽车在转过街角时与一辆货车相撞。 dict.hjenglish.com 1. He is confident that no hurricane is around the corner, even though he is at sea during September, the worst month for hurricane. 没有飓风近期来临,他对此非常自信,即使是他在九月——这个飓风的高发月份在海上独自行动。 legendjack.hnhc.blog.163.com 2. Mrs. Lovett: She poisoned herself. Arsenic from the apothecary around the corner. . . and hes got your daughter. 洛薇特夫人:她服毒自尽了,是从街拐角的药剂师那里得到的砒霜……他接管了你的女儿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. hence it is not realistic to keep working hard, even though the horrible Senior 3 was just around the corner. 因此一直努力工作是不实际的,即使可怕的高级3在拐角处。 blog.163.com 4. Now, listen up, you foreigner boys and girls, Chinese New Year is around the corner and I want to talk to you seriously about fireworks. 外国朋友们,现在请注意:中国的春节就要来了。在这里,我想严肃地和你们说说烟花爆竹的事情。 wtoshimaoenglish.blog.163.com 5. Sorry, you can only pay by cash, but there's an ATM around the corner. 对不起只能付现,但街角有个自动取款机。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Maybe you could find one in the antique shop around the corner. 或许你可以在街角的古董店内找到。 www.tingclass.net 7. And he comes around the corner -- finds a group of young African-American men playing dice. 他转过楼梯角--发现一群非裔小年轻在玩骰子。 www.ted.com 8. "What's that funny clicking noise? " called Fred as they hurtled around the corner. “哪里来的咔嚓声?”他们疾速转弯时,弗雷德喊道。 www.kekenet.com 9. e. g. A new wave of autumn drama is coming around the corner this year, with a series of well-known hot dramas. 本年度新一波秋季剧即将来袭,其中不乏一系列早已是耳熟能详的热门剧集。 www.hjenglish.com 10. 'There's no huge [increase in sales] volume around the corner, ' Mr. Press said. 'We need to give up that dream and face reality. ' 普利斯表示,汽车业现在难以实现销量的大幅增长了,我们不应该再做梦,而要面对现实。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 1. There're two bars and a shop selling flowers around the corner. 在街的拐角处有两家酒吧和一家商店卖花。 cqzx.sdedu.net 2. Coupled with Phase 1 Problem Determination, solutions to software-related problems could be just around the corner. 通过与第1阶段问题结合,可以很容易地找到软件相关问题的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 3. I was about 200 metres from my front door when a group of young men appeared around the corner in front of me. 就在离我家前门只有两百米左右的时候,一群年轻人出现在我前方的拐角处。 www.langfly.com 4. As the National Day is around the corner, let us give our dorm a thorough clean. 国庆节快到了,我们把宿舍彻底打扫一下 wenku.baidu.com 5. There has been plenty of festivity in Ji'an's main shopping street lately. The reason? Christmas is around the corner! 最近,步行街多了一很多节日的气氛。原因是纪念耶稣基督诞辰的“圣诞节”快到了。 www.bing.com 6. the egg shell fire burned after inquiry into powder and scatter it around the corner, or the colony may be set ants on the death. 蛋壳消防调查后焚烧成粉末,撒在拐角处,或殖民地可能定在死亡的蚂蚁。 www.qiyeku.com 7. Jack: Sure. How about meeting at the cafe around the corner from the book store? I'll bring my laptop. 当然可以。那我们明天在书店转角的咖啡屋见面,我会带笔记本电脑过去。 www.bing.com 8. Yes. Just go straight ahead and turn left . The post office is around the corner . 一直向前走,走到主街向左转,就到银行了。 www.bing.com 9. Her flat was around the corner, too, so they paid the driver and walked the rest of the way. 她的公寓也在转角处,所以我们付了车费然后走回家。 www.bing.com 10. The other houses around us were either abandoned or rented by foreigners: the French Embassy and the BBC were around the corner. 我们周围的房子要么被遗弃,要么被外国人给租下来:法国大使馆和BBC就在角落处。 www.bing.com 1. We've attempted a thought experiment with tougher standards: predicting a future that's just around the corner. 我们试图以严格的标准来进行一项思想实验:仅仅预测可见的未来。 www.bing.com 2. Bank of China ? Oh , yes . There's one around the corner. Just make a right at the light. 中国银行?啊,有。在转角处就有一家。在红绿灯右转就可以了。 www.bing.com 3. In this view, the U. S. growth spurt is just around the corner. 按照这种观点,美国经济的井喷式增长即将到来。 scm.jlu.edu.cn 4. He was especially careful when driving around the corner that had seen many car accidents. 他在驾车驶过那事故多发的拐角时总是格外小心。 ts.hjenglish.com 5. We don't know whether a Chinese blowup is around the corner or not. 我们不知道,中国崩溃是否即将到来。 www.bing.com 6. Sure. How about meeting at the cafe around the corner from the book store? Ill bring my laptop. 当然可以。明天在书店转角的咖啡屋见面,好吗?我把笔记本电脑带过去。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. B: Yes. Just go straight ahead and turn left. The post office is around the corner. 可以。一直往前走,然后向左转,邮局就在拐角处。 wangsc.blog.com.cn 8. Right in the middle of our game, Mrs. Craig came around the corner and caught us red-handed. 正玩到一半,克雷格老师从拐角处出现,把我俩当场抓获。 ysszlj.blog.163.com 9. Just as I was crossing the road, a car came around the corner. 我正要过马路时,一辆汽车从拐角处开过来了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. And the best part? A ten minute walk around the corner revealed not one, but TWO more rip-off Apple stores. 最经典的还在后面——十分钟后,在拐弯的地方又有两家山寨苹果专卖店闪亮登场! www.yingyu.com 1. We often go around the corner to the parties given by a generous couple named Newsome. 我们常常转过街拐弯角,去参加晚会,主人是一对叫纽瑟姆的慷慨大方的夫妇。 dict.veduchina.com 2. College life coming to an end, a new beginning around the corner, waiting for my new challenge. 大学生活即将结束,一个新的开始即将到来,等待我的是新的挑战。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. She said, "Let's go to my apartment, it's just around the corner. " 她说:“去我的公寓吧,就在拐角处。” www.bing.com 4. But don't you remember, Harvey? We were married last evening at8: 00, in the little church around the corner. 但是哈维,难道你不记得了,就在昨天晚上8:00我们在街角的那个小教堂举行的婚礼啊? www.jukuu.com 5. Spacious, clean and just around the corner from Times Square - an ideal base for exploring NY on a long weekend. 广阔,干净且在时代广场周边的一角——一个在长长的周末探索纽约的理想地点。 weike.taskcn.com 6. So, with Ascension just around the corner, you know that we can't have to wait much longer! 所以,随着扬升就在转角处了,你知道不能在等更久了! blog.sina.com.cn 7. REYES notices SHANNON MCMAHON turning around the corner into the hallway. 瑞斯注意到莎农麦克马洪从走廊角落转过来。 x.myxfiles.com 8. And you do not own the phrase "Around the corner. " 再说“拐角”这个词也并不是只有你一个人能用。 www.tingroom.com 9. There is a laundromat around the corner which is cheap and a little supermarket not far away. 街角有便宜的自助洗衣店,不远还有一家小型超市。 www.taskcn.com 10. Since the examination is around the corner, I have to give up doing sports. 知能达标测评点拨既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。 wenku.baidu.com 1. In other words, even if another Depression were around the corner, you shouldn't expect much advance warning from the economics profession. 换句话说,如果另一场萧条真的已经迫在眉睫,你也不可能指望这些经济专家较早得提出预警。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. So time is involved in fear, fear of death which comes at the end of life, which may be waiting around the corner and I am afraid. 所以恐惧之中涉及了时间,对生命终结之时死亡来临的恐惧,死亡也许就守候在转角,对此我心存恐惧。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 3. The 2012 presidential campaign may seem like a long ways off but for those contemplating a run it is just around the corner. 2012年总统竞选似乎离现在还很远,但是,对考虑参选的人来说,却近在咫尺。 www.voanews.com.cn 4. The vegetarian restaurant around the corner attracts many tourists each year. 拐角的那家素食餐厅每年都吸引很多旅游者。 www.kekenet.com 5. You don't like to be surprised by people who come around the corner. 黑帮显然很不待见突然从转角出现的外人。 www.ted.com 6. The contest is just around the corner. I could only feel more joyful than tired. 大赛日益临近,虽然有一点点疲惫,但却被更多的快乐覆盖。 www.mbahome.com 7. We were turning left, when suddenly a man came around the corner. 我们正向左转,正好一人闯了过来。 zxkt.com 8. Guards will whip out radios and demand heavily armed backup before chasing you around the corner. 敌兵在追逐你之前,会快速掏出对讲机,请求重装兵的支援。 www.bing.com 9. Eg. I went outside, ran around the corner, up the alley, into the back yard and wormed through the cellar window. 我走出门外,跑步拐了个弯,奔向后巷,进了后院,蜷着身从小窗口钻入地窖。 blog.163.com 10. I know there's a good one around the corner. It is famous for it's drunk chicken and eggplant with garlic sauce. 我知道转角有一家不错的餐馆,它是以醉鸡和鱼香茄子闻名。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. There was a school around the corner years ago. 几年前,拐角那里有过一所学校。 bbs.koolearn.com 2. Just around the corner are robot vacuum cleaners and cars which automatically keep a safe distance from the car ahead. 遥控的真空吸尘器和能够自动与前面汽车保持安全距离的车很快就会出现。 www.docin.com 3. With electric cars around the corner, my dream of green motoring suddenly seems possible. 随着纯电动汽车时代的来临,我的环保发动机的梦想就指日可待。 www.bing.com 4. The little boy disappeared around the corner. 那小男孩在街角处消失。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. Christmas Day is just around the corner. I wish you a merry Christmas. Here are some songs I record on my own. 圣诞节要到了,祝你圣诞节快乐,这是我自己录的一些歌。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The new Indian restaurant around the corner does home delivery , shall we call them and order a curry ? 街角的那家印度餐厅提供送货服务,我们要不要给他们打个电话好订一份咖喱?。 www.bing.com 7. Two Minotaurs appear from around the corner and one throws an axe at the running soldiers. 两个牛头怪从街角出现,其中一个向着逃跑的士兵扔出了斧头。 bazaarnet.cn 8. And you can imagine a team of robots waiting around the corner for a spill. 你会希望有一队机器人为泄漏随时待命的。 www.bing.com 9. With January's primaries just around the corner, Mr Romney is ahead in New Hampshire by a more than 2: 1 margin. 明年1月的初选迫在眉睫,罗姆尼在新罕布什尔州以超过2比1的比率领先。 www.ftchinese.com 10. You have to shift as you drive around the corner. 你拐角时要换挡变速。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Around the corner from my office in New York stands a string of sushi restaurants. 在我纽约办公室的街角周围,开着好几家寿司店。 www.ftchinese.com 2. With Valentine's Day around the corner, the holiday of hearts has made me realize that business is a lot like dating. 情人节就要到了,人们都兴致勃勃地准备营造浪漫,我突然意识到,其实经商和谈恋爱有很多相似之处! www.bing.com 3. A: Do you know how old the church around the corner is? 你知道街角的那座教堂有多少年历史了吗? bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 4. Stern opinion pieces warn that hyperinflation is just around the corner. 严厉的意见建议警告说,超级通货膨胀就在眼前。 blog.163.com 5. With every turn of the page, I felt Mia's decision lurking just around the corner. 每一次的翻页,使我感觉米亚的选择潜藏在转角处。 gongyan.89322.blog.163.com 6. The darkness comes, hidden in the night of Xenobiotics began just around the corner. . . 黑暗来临,隐于夜的异生物开始蠢蠢欲动…… baike.baidu.com 7. When I cam to the farm as a bride, the rock was there, just around the corner of the house. 我嫁到农场的时候,石头已经在那儿了,就在房子的拐角处。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. She used to live just around the corner. 她以前就住在附近。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. With the election just around the corner, the candidates will be campaigning in full force. 随着选举即将到来,候选人无不卯足全力造势。 www.360abc.com 10. Mid-autumn festival is around the corner, yet I can hardly feel the refreshing breeze of autumn. 中秋将至,可是到现在还感觉不到半点秋天气息。 inmagazine.com.hk 1. We ask for evidence of gunshot fire and the group directs us around the corner to an internet cafe. 我们要求得到枪击的证据,他们指引我们去拐角处的一家网吧。 www.tryjohn.com 2. Well, cheer up. Try and look on the bright side. Maybe there`s something better around the corner. 振作点吧.尽量朝乐观的方面想问题.也许将来有更好的机会也说不定。 www.bing.com 3. Analysts and fanboys continually promise or hope that a revival in fortunes is just around the corner, but it never comes. 评论家和粉丝们不断的保证或者是希望马上会有一个财富的重新洗牌,但是这种事从来都没有发生。 www.bing.com 4. Excuse No. 1: Just around the corner, there's a rainbow in the sky. 借口1:光明就在前头,天空已经出现彩虹。 www.bing.com 5. We grab a quick salad, or buy a sandwich and eat at our computers. Sometimes, if there is a deadline around the corner, we just skip lunch. 我们随便吃几口速食沙拉,或是买个三明治,然后在电脑前解决掉。有时,一旦工作大限将至,我们甚至都顾不上吃午饭。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Yes, the lift is just around the corner. You can go up first, and your luggage will be brought up straight away. 可以,电梯在拐角处,您可以先上去,您的行李马上就搬上去。 talk.oralpractice.com 7. For a lot of college students, the new semester is just around the corner. 在一些大学生看来,新学期正好进入一个拐点。 www.bing.com 8. The plumber used an elbow to run the pipe around the corner. 管道工在管道拐角处用了个弯管。 wordnet.sparke.cn 9. But with sales volume sharply down that could be just around the corner. 但随着房屋销量的急剧下滑,这一天可能即将到来。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports. 考试近在咫尺,我不得不放弃做运动了。 dipan.kekenet.com |
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