单词 | analytical solution | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | analytical solution
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 解析解,分析解,解析解法 1. In theoretical study of the past, the use of too many similar and assumptions in analytical solution have to be verified the correctness. 以往理论研究使用了过多的近似和假设,得到的解析解的正确性有待验证。 www.boshuo.net 2. An analytical solution relating X and T can be found for the case of constant or mean heat capacity. 对常数热容或平均热容,还可求出分析解。 www.chemyq.com 3. An analytical solution for the mode I stress intensity factor at the crack tip of a symmetric parabolic crack is thus obtained. 得到了含轴对称抛物线曲裂纹平面弹性问题的曲裂纹尖端I型应力强度因子的解析表达式。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. A continuous velocity field is established and applied to the ironing process, and an upper-bound analytical solution is obtained. 利用连续速度场解析了筒形件变薄拉深过程拉深力,并获得其上限解析解。 www.chemyq.com 5. Analysing the rationality of the solution and discussing its consistency with the analytical solution, satisfactory the results are shown. 分析了解的合理性,讨论了与可对比解析解的一致性,其结果是令人满意的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The proposed analytical solution is also can be used to verify other numerical solutions of large strain consolidation problem. 此外,本文的解析解也可用于验证各种大应变固结数值解法的正确性。 www.magsci.org 7. Using a piecewise linear method, the analytical solution to a shock isolation system with coulomb damping was obtained. 利用分段线性方法对含库仑阻尼系统的冲击方程进行了解析求解。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Using a general analytical solution of a plate, the vibration problem of rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions has been solved. 应用一般解析解来求解具有中间支承的正交异性矩形板的自由振动问题。 www.dictall.com 9. The usefulness of the simplified approximate analytical solution was demonstrated by analyzing two parallel and two cross tunnels. 简化解析解的有效性,通过两种情况(两条相互平行隧道和两条相互垂直隧道)的计算得到验证。 www.cgejournal.com 10. Analytical solution to stresses, displacements and dynamic stress intensity factors were obtained by the method of self-similar functions. 利用自相似函数的方法获得应力、位移和动态应力强度因子的解析解。 tech.zidian8.com 1. Finally, the analytical solution of the dynamic response of anchorage chamber is shown to make appropriate project proposal. 最后给出了洞室锚固体动态响应解析解,并提出相应工程建议。 www.boshuo.net 2. When solving different ordinary differential equations, we may take the analytical solution or numerical solution. 不同类型的常微方程可以采用解析解法或者数值解法。 www.dictall.com 3. Arbitrary initial pore-water pressure distributions and flux boundary conditions are considered in the analytical solution. 此解析解考虑了任意初始的孔隙水压力分布和流量边界条件。 www.cgejournal.com 4. For the flow in horizontal wells, both Green's function and source function may provide an effective analytical solution. 格林函数和源函数方法能够给水平井流动问题提供一个有效的解析解。 www.chemyq.com 5. On the basis of classical plane strain case, the analytical solution on dynamic response of pipe pile in frequency domain was derived. 基于经典的平面应变假定,推导出了管桩动力响应的频域解析表达式。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Belonging to the American-to-equity options, and the American option has been difficult to accurate pricing for its analytical solution. 转股权属于美式期权,而美式期权一直难有精确解析解为其定价。 www.boshuo.net 7. The stress sensitivity reservoir permeability model was Established, and the model is solved by analytical solution. 初步建立了应力敏感性油气藏渗流模型,并对渗流模型进行了解析求解。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 8. A mathematical model is used to describe this system and the analytical solution of this model is derived. 建立了描述该系统中地下水水头随潮汐波动的数学模型,并得到其解析解。 www.magsci.net 9. The analytical solution of roadway discharge is given, under the condition of rock permeability attenuation with mining depth increase. 给出了在岩石渗透性随深度衰减条件下,二维稳定流巷道涌水量的解析解。 www.chemyq.com 10. The approximate analytical solution on the burning rate of droplet mass is also found on the basis of some simplified hyPotheses. 在一些简化假设的基础上,找到了液滴质量燃速的近似解析解。 www.chemyq.com 1. The analytical solution of ultra-short pulsed elliptical Gaussian beams in free space is obtained based on the Fourier transform technique. 基于傅里叶变换的方法,得到了超短脉冲椭圆高斯光束在自由空间中的解析表达式。 www.dictall.com 2. Skewing, however, is included in the analytical solution. 倾斜,但也包括在解析解。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Based on the Taylor expansion, analytical solution for surface potential calculation is presented. 采用泰勒展开,实现了表面势的解析求解,且得到了较高的求解精度。 4. Modeling the dynamics of fish contamination by Chernobyl radiocaesium: an analytical solution based on potassium mass balance. 切尔诺贝利放射性铯对鱼类污染的动力学模型:分析液基于钾质量平衡…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 5. The comparison between analytical solution and uncorrected solution shows that uncorrected truncation errors can not be ignored. 通过解析解与没有修正的差分解进行对比,结果表明,没有修正的截断误差是不能忽略的。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Analytical Solution for the Heat Conduction Problem in a Compound Sphere and its Applications to an Incapsulated PCM 复合球体非稳态导热的理论解及实例分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Analytical solution of the temperature distribution of the rotor wall in the centrifuge made of two layers materials 双层材料离心机转子侧壁温度分布的求解 service.ilib.cn 8. The Analytical Solution to the Electromagnetic Scattering by an Anisotropic Ferrite-Coated Conducting Sphere 导体球涂覆各向异性铁氧体介质电磁散射的解析解 www.ilib.cn 9. An Analytical Solution to the Master Equation for the Dissipative Harmonic Oscillator Driven by an External Field 受力耗散谐振子主方程的解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. Analytical Solution of a Simply Supported Piezoelectric Beam Subjected to a Uniformly-Distributed Loading 均布荷载作用下压电材料简支梁的解析解 www.ilib.cn 1. The Analytical Solution for a Class of Partial Differential Equations and Its Application to the Steady State Crystal Growth 一类偏微分方程的解析解及其在稳态晶体生长中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Analytical solution for cracking time of reinforced concrete structure due to corrosion expansion in marine environment 海洋环境中钢筋混凝土构件锈胀开裂时间的解析解 service.ilib.cn 3. Analytical solution to the surface water wave equation 表面波问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. An Analytical Solution of Internal Force and Deformation for Anchorage Length of Abti-slide Pile in Layered Rock Mass 成层岩体中抗滑桩锚固段内力变形计算解析解 www.ilib.cn 5. Comparison Results between the Analytical Solution and the Difference Numerical Solution for the Sediment Transport Equation 泥沙传输方程广义初边值问题的解析解与差分解比较 ilib.cn 6. Analytical solution of the threshold pump power of a double-clad fiber laser 双包层光纤激光器泵浦阈值的解析表达式 service.ilib.cn 7. Analytical Solution on the Overestimation of the Interface Thickness around Grain with Arbitrary Convex Shape by the Section Analysis Method 截面分析法对任意凸形粒子周围界面厚度过高估计的解析解 www.cbccs.com 8. The Analytical Solution of Two Concentric Plasma Anisotropic Spheres Electromagnetic Scattering 两同心各向异性等离子体球电磁散射的解析解 www.ilib.cn 9. Analytical solution for a class of coupled linear second-order differential equations limited by transformations 一类带限定变换的二阶耦合线性微分方程组的解析解 ilib.cn 10. Analytical Solution of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in Packed-type Counterflow Liquid Desiccant Systems and Its Verification 逆流填料式液体除湿系统传热传质过程解析解 ilib.cn 1. Analytical solution and its proof of the stream function of the uniformly moving helical vortexes 匀动螺旋状集中涡的流函数解析表达及其证明 www.ilib.cn 2. Static Analytical Solution of the Main Cable Curve of a Suspension Bridge 悬索桥主缆线形静力解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. Elastic-plastic Analytical Solution for an Eccentric Crack Loaded by Shear Forces in a Finite Rock Plate 偏心裂纹板受剪应力作用下的弹塑性解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. Analytical Solution of the Problem of Quasi-Resonant Flyback Converter and Its Geometrical Characteristics 准谐振反激变换器问题的解析解及其几何特征 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical solution of seepage flow in a confined aquifer with a standing column well 单井回灌地源热泵承压含水层渗流解析解 www.ilib.cn 6. Analytical solution of space probability distributions of two-dimensional few-body adiabatic piston system 二维少体绝热塞子系统在位形空间的统计行为 www.ilib.cn 7. An Analytical Solution to the Static Analysis of a Simply-Supported Piezoelectric Thick Plate 四边简支压电层合厚板的一阶理论解析解 8. Analytical Solution for Consolidation of Composite Ground with Granular Columns Considering Stress Concentration Effects 考虑应力集中效应的散体材料桩复合地基固结解析分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Analytical solution to relatively moving resistance of two spheres with interstitial second-order fluid 存在填隙二阶流体时两圆球相对运动阻力的解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. An analytical solution for lateral vibration of a pile with finite length pile in viscoelastic subgrade 粘弹性地基中有限长桩横向受迫振动问题解析解 www.ilib.cn 1. Analytical Solution for Solving Strain and Stress of E-Type Membrane of a Triaxial Linear Accelerometer 三轴线加速度计E膜片弹性体应力应变解析法研究 www.ilib.cn 2. An Analytical Solution for the Elastic Plane Problem with a Symmetric Parabolic Crack 含轴对称抛物线曲裂纹平面弹性问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. An Approximate Analytical Solution for Unsteady Coupling Seepage Flow in Soil and Its Dynamic Pressure Behavior 土壤中非稳定耦合渗流问题的拟解析解及压力动态特征 www.ilib.cn 4. Nonlinear Analytical Solution of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beam with Bond-slip and Its Application 考虑粘结滑移的锈蚀梁非线性解析解及其应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical Solution of Soil-structure Interaction of a Pressure Tunnel in Saturated Soil 饱和土体中压力隧洞衬砌-土相互作用解析研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Moving Contaminant Source Model for Sediment Reaction and Dispersion and Its Analytical Solution 含移动污染源的泥沙反应扩散模型及其解析解 service.ilib.cn 7. An Analytical Solution to the Electric Field Distribution of a Uniformly Charged Ring 均匀带电细圆环电场分布的近似解析解 www.ilib.cn 8. Application of the analytical solution of piles under dynamic testing to analysis of test curves of piles with defects in the upper part 基桩动测解析解在浅部缺陷桩测试曲线分析中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. An analytical solution of the temperature response in geothermal heat exchangers with groundwater advection 有渗流时地热换热器温度响应的解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. Semi-analytical Solution to One-Dimensional Consolidation Equation of Layered Non-homogeneous Subgrade 成层非均质地基一维固结方程半解析求解 www.ilib.cn 1. Analytical solution of the controller for simultaneously stabilizing two single input control systems 同时稳定两单输入系统控制器的解析解 service.ilib.cn 2. Analytical Solution of the Basic Equations Set of Atmospheric Motion 大气运动基本方程组的解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. Analytical Solution for A Beam with Partially Covered Constrained Layer Damping 局部覆盖约束层阻尼梁动力学问题的解析解 ilib.cn 4. Analytical Solution of the Flow Field Induced by the Uniformly Moving Double Helical Vortex Filaments 由均匀运动双螺旋涡丝诱导的流场的解析解 www.ilib.cn 5. Further Study on the Analytical Solution of Schrodinger Equation of a Hydrogen-Like Atom 类氢原子薛定谔方程解析解的进一步研究 www.ilib.cn 6. An analytical solution for diffraction of plane P-waves by cylindrical cavity in a fluid-saturated porous media semi-space 饱和土半空间中圆柱形孔洞对平面P波的散射 www.ilib.cn 7. The Analytical Solution for Sediment Reaction and Diffusion Equation With Generalized Initial-Boundary Conditions 泥沙反应扩散广义初边值问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 8. An Analytical Solution to the Spectral Density Function of Across-Wind Load Fluctuation on Rectangle High Rise Buildings 矩形高层建筑横向湍流脉动风压谱密度函数的分析计算 www.ilib.cn 9. equation; stress function; quadratic function; analytical solution; 双调和函数;应力函数;二次函数;解析解; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Analytical Solution of One-Dimensional, Unsteady, Inconstant Heat Flux Slab Temperature Distribution in Reheating Furnace 加热炉内一维、非稳态、变热流钢坯温度场的解析解 www.ilib.cn 1. Discussion about lower-bound analytical solution of circular foundation bearing capacity using limit analysis method 圆形基础极限分析下限解探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Analytical Solution of Restrained Torsional Stresses and Displacement for Rectangular-Section Box Bar With Honeycomb Core 等直蜂窝夹芯盒式矩形截面杆约束扭转应力和位移的解析解 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Analytical Solution for Pile Hammer Impact and Application of Optimum Design Technique for Determining Cushion Parameters 打桩锤击解析模型及垫层材料参数的优化 www.ilib.cn 4. Mathematical model of flow field around tapered windscreen fan and its analytical solution 锥形风幕风扇流场数学模型及其解析解 service.ilib.cn 5. Analytical Solution of Space Probability Distributions of Particles in One-dimensional Space with Fixed Boundary Conditions 一维硬边界条件下粒子位置空间概率分布的解析解 www.ilib.cn 6. Newly Established Equation of Flyback Converter and Its Analytical Solution 新建自激反激变换器方程及其解析解 www.ilib.cn 7. An Analytical Solution for Dynamic Stress Concentration of Underground Twin Cavities due to Incident SV Waves 地下双洞室在SV波入射下动力响应问题解析解 www.ilib.cn 8. Analytical Solution of Bending-Compression Column Using Different Tension-Compression Modulus 不同模量弯压柱的解析解 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Semi-analytical solution to small strain dynamic response of integrate anchor bar and its analysis 完整锚杆低应变动力响应问题的半解析解及分析 10. Investigation on Analytical Solution of One-Dimensional, Steady, Non-Equilibrium Transpiration Cooling 一维、稳态、非热平衡发汗冷却的解析解研究 www.ilib.cn 1. An Analytical Solution of Cylindrical Cavity Expansion and its Application 柱孔扩张问题的解析解及应用 ilib.cn 2. Temperature Field Model of the Sinter Bed and Its Common Analytical Solution 烧结料层温度分布模型解析解及其统一形式 www.ilib.cn 3. Analytical Solution for Coupled Extensional-torsional Free Vibration of the Helical Spring 螺旋形弹簧拉扭耦合自由振动的解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. Analytical solution to progressive destructive strength of natural soils in consideration of multiple factors 多因素作用下天然土体渐进破损强度解析 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical solution of one-dimensional transient phreatic flow and its application 潜水一维非稳态运动的解析理论及应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Analytical Solution of the Resonance Length for Ultrasonic Torsional Fatigue Samples 超声疲劳扭转试样谐振长度的解析法计算 ilib.cn 7. Analytical solution of loads on supporting structure for circular tunnel and stresses in viscoelastic surrounding rock 粘弹性圆形巷道支护结构上的荷载及其围岩应力的解析解 www.ilib.cn 8. The analytical Solution about rectangular thin slab with three clamped edges and one simply supported edges under temperature load 热载下三边固支一边简支矩形薄板的解析解 www.ilib.cn 9. General analytical solution for consolidation of double-layered composite ground with granular columns 双层散体材料桩复合地基固结普遍解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. Quasi-analytical solution and numerical simulation for two-region model of solute transport through soils under steady state flow 稳定流条件下土壤溶质运移两区模型的准解析解及数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 1. Analytical Solution of Massive Concrete Temperature Field in Stratifying Construction of Large Bridge 大体积混凝土成层浇筑过程温度场分析 www.ilib.cn 2. The Advection-Dispersion Model of Reaction Solute TransportThrough Soil and Its Analytical Solution 土壤中反应溶质运移的对流-弥散模型及其解析解 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Analytical solution of bearing capacity of circular shallow foundations using upper-bound theorem of limit analysis 圆形浅基础地基承载力极限分析的上限解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. A quasi-analytical solution to soil-pile interaction in longitudinal vibration in layered soils considering vertical wave effect on soils 成层粘弹性土中桩土耦合纵向振动时域响应研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical Solution for Axial Loading-settlement Curve of Piles Using Extensive Shear Displacement Method 单桩轴向荷载-沉降曲线广义剪切位移解析算法 www.ilib.com.cn 6. An Analytical Solution for an Exponential-Type Dispersion Process 指数型弥散过程的解析解 www.ilib.cn 7. Analytical solution to a moving boundary problem by error integral method 误差积分方法求一类活动边界问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 8. Analytical solution to terminal stress and displacement of foundation under vacuum preloading 真空预压地基最终应力和位移的解析解 www.ilib.cn 9. Analytical solution of the pressure field induced by uniformly moving helical vortex tube 匀动螺旋单涡管诱导压力场的解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. Analytical solution of the fundamental space filling mode of photonic crystal fibers 光子晶体光纤包层基模解析解法的研究 service.ilib.cn 1. The Analytical Solution for Magneto-electro-elastic Beams under Linear Electric and Magnetic Potential 线性电势和磁势边条下磁电弹性梁的解析解 www.ilib.cn 2. Mathematical Model and Analytical Solution of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in Plate Evaporative Cooler 板式蒸发冷却器传热传质模型与解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on the Analytical Solution of Mathematical Model for the Tight Gas Reservoir about Start-up Gradient 考虑启动压力梯度的致密气藏渗流数学模型解析解研究 service.ilib.cn 4. Analytical solution for corrosion damage of reinforced concrete structures 钢筋混凝土结构锈蚀损伤的解析解 jhe.ches.org.cn 5. Analytical solution for thick laminated plates with clamped edges on two parameter elastic foundation 双参数弹性地基上周边固支叠层厚板的解析解 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Approximate Analytical Solution to the Two-species Competition System 两种群竞争系统的近似解析解 www.ilib.cn 7. Analytical Solution of Confocal Elliptical Waveguide Filled with Mutilayered Dielectric 填充多层介质的共焦椭圆同轴线解析解研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Analytical solution of fractional reaction diffusion equation in finite fractal media 有限分形介质中分数阶反应扩散方程及其解析解 ilib.cn 9. Analytical Solution for Orthotropic Propped Cantilever Beam Subjected to Uniform Load 均布载荷作用下正交各向异性一端固支一端简支梁的解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. Semi-analytical Solution for Longitudinal Vibration of Rigidity Supporting Pile 刚性支承桩纵向振动的半解析解 ilib.com.cn 1. Analytical Solution of Simply-Supported Gradient Piezoelectric Beam 简支梯度压电梁的解析解 www.ilib.cn 2. Small Deformation Analytical Solution of Spatial Curved-rods in Natural Coordinate System 空间曲杆小变形问题自然标架的矩阵分析解 www.ilib.cn 3. Analytical solution to the spatial optical solitons propagating in the strong nonlocal media 强非局域非线性介质中光束传输的空间光孤子解 www.ilib.cn 4. A General Analytical Solution to Bending Problem of Orthotropic Rectangular Thin Plates on Elastic Foundations 弹性地基上的正交异性矩形薄板弯曲问题的一般解析解 ilib.cn 5. Analytical solution of contaminant diffusion through multi-layered soils 层状土中污染物的一维扩散解析解 www.ilib.cn 6. A Semi-Analytical Solution of Vibration Characteristic for Turbo-Generator Stator Core System 汽轮发电机定子铁芯系统的振动特性半解析解 ilib.cn 7. Two Dimensional Analytical Solution for Piezoelectric Body with Central Crack 含中心裂纹压电体的二维精确解 www.ilib.cn 8. Analytical Solution and Numerical Analysis on Low-index Core Optical Waveguide of Double Cladding 双包层低折射率芯光波导的解析解及数值分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Analytical solution of electromagnetic field in rectangular chirowaveguide 填充旋波媒质矩形波导电磁场的解析求解 www.ilib.cn 10. Analytical solution of three-dimensional elasticity problem 三维弹性问题的解析解 1. Analytical Solution of Radiation Sound Pressure of Double Cylindrical Shells in Fluid Medium 双层柱壳在流场中辐射声场压力的解析解 www.ilib.cn 2. Analytical solution for time-dependent ultimate bearing capacity of single driving pile 考虑时间效应的预制桩单桩极限承载力解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. Through Coal Particles and Its Analytical Solution 煤粒瓦斯扩散的理论模型及其解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. Analytical Solution for Bending Beam Subject to Lateral Force With Different Modulus 不同模量横力弯曲梁的解析解 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical Solution on Wide Sheet Thickness Variation during Bending Process 宽板弯曲成形过程中板厚变化精确解 service.ilib.cn 6. An analytical solution for coupled convection-diffusion and chemical reaction in fixed-beds 固定床中对流扩散与反应耦合问题的一个解析解 www.ilib.cn 7. A General Analytical Solution for Solving Linear Elastic Bending of Rectangular Thin Plates 矩形薄板线弹性弯曲的一般解析解 ilib.cn 8. Analytical Solution to Magneto-electro-elastic Cantilever Beam Under Uniform Load 均布荷载作用下悬臂磁电弹性梁的解析解 www.ilib.cn 9. Analytical Solution of Plate-fin Heat Exchangers Considering the Dispersion of Fluids 考虑流体弥散的板翅式换热器动态特性解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. An analytical solution for spherical coordinate of random media thermal elastic model 随机介质热弹性力学模型球坐标问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 1. Analytical Solution of the Elastic Mechanics for Static Indeterminate Beams Fixed at Two Sides under the Even Load 均布荷载作用下两端固支梁的弹性力学解析解 www.ilib.cn 2. The Analytical Solution of Oil Droplet's Transport-Diffusion Equation Under Limited Oil Slick on Water 水面有限长油膜下油滴输移扩散方程的解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. Analytical solution of simply supported magnetoelectroelastic beam under uniform load 均布荷载作用下简支磁电弹性梁的解析解 ilib.cn 4. Explicit analytical solution of shearing and radial stresses in the composite curved beams 复合曲梁中剪应力和径向应力的显式解 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical solution for rectangular thin cantilever plate 矩形悬臂薄板的解析解 www.ilib.cn 6. The Analytical Solution of Magnetoelastodynamics'Problem in the Anisotropic Thick-Walled Cylinder 各向异性厚壁圆筒的磁弹性动力学问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 7. An Analytical Solution for Elastoplastically Nonlinear Seepage Coupling 弹塑性非线性渗流耦合问题的一个解析解 service.ilib.cn 8. Analytical Solution for Fixed-Fixed Anisotropic Beam Subjected to Uniform Load 均布载荷作用下各向异性固支梁的解析解 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Analytical Solution to the Bending Problem of Laminated Open Cylindrical Shells With Free Edges 具有自由边的层合开口柱壳弯曲问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. Analytical Solution of Magneto-electro-elastic Cantilever Beam with Point Force at Free End 悬臂磁电弹性梁自由端作用集中力问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 1. Approximate Analytical Solution for the Temperature Fieldsof a Circular Tunnel in Cold Regions 寒区圆形截面隧道温度场的解析解 www.ilib.cn 2. An Analytical Solution for Settlement of Composite Piled Foundation 复合桩基沉降的一种解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. One Dimensional Non-linear Semi-analytical Solution for Structured Soft soils 结构性软土地基的非线性一维固结半解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. Analytical solution for fixed-end orthotropic beams subjected to uniform load 均布载荷作用下正交各向异性固支梁的解析解 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical solution of crystal growth for two - dimension unsteady state 二维非稳态晶体生长控制方程的解析解 www.ilib.cn 6. Analytical solution of pile-soil stress ratio of soil-cement pile composite foundation 水泥土桩复合地基桩土应力比的解析算法 www.ilib.cn 7. An Analytical Solution to the Problem of Convection, Diffusion of Multi-phase Gases with Gas-Solid Reaction 多相气体对流扩散与气固反应问题的解析解 service.ilib.cn 8. An Analytical Solution of the Spherical Area in the Rectangular Domain 力学分析中矩形积分区域上球面积的解析解 www.ilib.cn 9. Hybrid finite analytical solution for confined coaxial jets of super small area ratio 超小面积比同轴受限射流流动的混合有限分析解 service.ilib.cn 10. Analytical solution of stress in corners during deep drawing for rectangular box 盒形件拉深角部变形区的应力解析 service.ilib.cn 1. Analytical solution of stress in flanges during deep drawing for rectangular box 盒形件拉深过程中法兰区应力解析 www.ilib.cn 2. Analytical solution of profile surface for cylindrical camwith spherical-faced follower 求解球底从动件圆柱凸轮实际轮廓曲面的解析法 www.ilib.cn 3. Analytical solution of temperature in wellbore and formation in multi-layer 多层地层中的井筒及地层温度解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. An approximate analytical solution for nonlinear free rolling of ships 船舶非线性自由横摇运动的近似解析解 ilib.cn 5. Analytical Solution to Unsymmetrical Well Flow Problem 非对称井问题的一个解析解 www.ilib.cn 6. Analytical Solution of The Residual Stress When The Inflexion of The Retaining ring Is On The Top 两炮喇叭口爆炸成形强化护环拐点在上端面时残余应力的解析解 www.ilib.cn 7. analytical solution of transient heat conduction 非稳态导热问题分析解 wenku.baidu.com 8. An Analytical Solution of Settlement-Time Relation on Single Pile under Static Load 静荷载下单桩沉降与时间关系的解析解 www.ilib.cn 9. Semi-analytical Solution for Free Vibration of Short Shear Wall with Small Openings 低矮小开口剪力墙自由振动问题的半解析解 www.ilib.cn 10. Explicit analytical solution to shearingand radial stresses in composite curved beams 复合曲连梁剪应力和径向应力的显示解 1. Analytical Solution Transformation Method for Data of O-cell Pile Testing 自平衡试桩结果的解析转换法 ilib.cn 2. Analytical Solution to the Piezoelastic Laminated Beam Subjected to Electric Field 压电弹性层合梁在电场作用下的二维解析解 www.ilib.cn 3. An analytical solution for criterion of onset of strain localization of soils 土体应变局部化现象的理论解析 www.ilib.cn 4. A coupling analytical solution of piles subjected lateral loads 水平受荷桩的耦合算法 www.ilib.cn 5. Analytical solution of installing curve of suspended bridge's main cable 悬索桥主缆安装曲线的解析解 www.ilib.cn 6. A New Analytical Solution to Bending Problem of Rectangular Thin Plates on Elastic Foundation 弹性地基矩形薄板弯曲问题的新解析法 ilib.cn 7. The Approximate Analytical Solution of Unsteady Heat Transfer on Large Plate Under The First Boundary Condition 大平板第一类边界条件下非稳态传热近似解析解 www.ilib.cn 8. Analytical Solution of Solid Missile Motor Grain under Long Gravity 固体导弹发动机药柱长期重力作用下的解析计算 www.ilib.cn 9. Analytical Solution for Determining Basic Size of Mechanism with Follower Cam Based on Allowed Pressure Angle 按许用压力角确定推杆凸轮机构基本尺寸的完全解析法 www.ilib.cn 10. The Analytical Solution to Oil Film Stiffness and Damping of Thrust Bearing 推力轴承油膜刚度和阻尼的解析解 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on analytical solution of temperature field of artificial frozen soil by exponent-integral function 基于指数积分函数的人工冻土温度场解析研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Analytical Solution of Rockburst on Working Surface 采煤工作面冲击地压的解析分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Improved coupling method of analytical solution for drainage hole and FEM 改进的排水孔解析解和有限元耦合计算方法 www.ilib.cn 4. Analytical Solution of Bearing Capacity of Ground under the Action of Eccentric and Inclined Loads 偏心倾斜荷载作用下地基极限承载力上限解 scholar.ilib.cn 5. An Analytical Solution of Liner Internal Forces of Circle Tunnels 圆形断面隧洞衬砌内力分布的解析计算模型 www.ilib.cn 6. Analytical solution of shear wall subjected to lateral loads 侧向荷载下剪力墙问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 7. Semi-analytical Solution Analysis of Elastic Plate 弹性板平面问题的半解析法分析 www.ilib.cn 8. An analytical solution for the uneven and steady temperature field of principal axis system 轴系非均匀稳定温度场的精确解 ilib.cn 9. analytical solution of motion equation 运动方程分析解 www.bing.com 10. An analytical solution for settlement of single pile 单桩沉降的一种解析解法 www.ilib.cn 1. An Analytical Solution to the Triangular Flow 三角形绕流问题的分析解 www.ilib.cn 2. Similar Structure of Well Test Analytical Solution in the Fractal Composite Reservoir 分形复合油藏试井分析解的相似结构 www.ilib.cn 3. Analytical Solution to Advance of Solute Front in Soils 土壤溶质锋运移的解析解 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Analytical Solution for Hyper Static Beam 超静定梁的弹性力学解法 service.ilib.cn 5. Approximate analytical solution for stress field of cutting slopes 边坡开挖应力场的近似解析解 jhe.ches.org.cn 6. analytical solution for periodic motion of x3 oscillator 3振荡器周期运动的解析解 www.ichacha.net 7. Analytical Solution of One-Dimensional Heat Transfer Model of Tongue Based on Fin Cube 基于楔形体的舌一维传热模型及其解析解 www.ilib.cn |
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