单词 | as't | ||||||||||
释义 | as't
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶,谷草转氨酶,血清谷草转氨酶 1. This in turn led to a stronger adaptive response, orchestrated by the type of white blood cells known as T cells. 接下来在一种称为T细胞的免疫细胞的配合下,可引起更为强烈的适应性反应。 page.renren.com 2. The giant meat-eating reptile, known as a pliosaur , had a bite four times as powerful as T. rex. 一方面是一种被称为上龙的巨型食肉爬行动物,咀嚼力度是霸王龙的四倍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Immune cells, known as T-cells, have been found to proliferate in response to cow-milk proteins in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic children. 在新诊断出患1型糖尿病的儿童体内已发现称为T-细胞的免疫细胞为抵抗牛奶蛋白而激增。 www.bing.com 4. They then watched the organization of these labeled proteins as T cells landed on the membrane [see illustration below]. 然后再观察T细胞接触到这些膜后,标示萤光染剂的蛋白会产生什麽变化(见下方图示)。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 5. The molecules are referred to as T cell inducible factors. 这些分子可称作T细胞诱导因子。 ip.com 6. The researchers expected that activating CD40 would provoke a counterattack by the immune cells known as T cells. 研究人员期望通过刺激CD40受体将会引起一种叫做“T细胞”的免疫细胞进行反击。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 7. Work to date on therapeutic vaccines has focused on another immune system mechanism known as T-cells. 另一种称为T细胞的免疫系统机制集中在治疗性疫苗的工作迄今。 www.hbvhbv.com 8. The technique exploits a characteristic of immune cells carried in the blood known as T cells. 人的血液中含有一种叫做T淋巴细胞的免疫细胞。这项技术正是利用了这种细胞的一种特性。 www.bing.com 9. Half the workforce on the huge interstate project known as T-REX is Hispanic ? ? ? 这项称作T-REX的大型跨州建筑工程中,一半劳动力是美籍西班牙人??? www.ebigear.com 10. I know he's had great players in the past, Drexler, the Kings, etc. but he's had no one who's as pure and deadly a scorer as T-Mac is. 我知道,他在过去有过像德雷克斯勒等这样的伟大球员,但他却从来没执教过像麦迪这样的一个纯正的得分杀手。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 1. Other industries, particularly in artistic formats such as T-shirts, have developed methods for manufacturing in small units as well. 其他的行业,尤其是涉及艺术形式的,比如T恤衫,已经研究出了少量生产的方法。 www.ibm.com 2. The escape crew watches them as T-Bag notes that each time he's been caught, it was always because of the dogs. 越狱团队观察着他们,T-Bag闲谈说每次他都是被狗捉住的。 www.bing.com 3. Mostly because of its shape is a T-runway, so had previously been known as T-units or T station. 由于其形状大多是一个T型伸展台,所以以前一直称作T型台或T台。 qzhi5.com 4. Just as T-bag found his full bag of cash, they saw him. 就在T-袋子找到了他地满满一袋子钱的时候,他们发现了他。 www.1363.cn 5. The EM52 (also known as T-1) is a submarine-laid fast-rising rocket-propelled bottom mine. 中国EM52型(也即是特-1)是一种潜水艇放置快速-上浮火箭推进沉底水雷。 www.globalmil.com 6. For all three tools below, a t-Statistic value, t, is computed and shown as "t Stat" in the output tables. 对于以下所有三个工具,t-统计值t被计算并在输出表中显示为“tStat”。 office.microsoft.com 7. Then again, Verizon has nearly triple the number of subscribers as T-Mobile, so they already have a head start. 并且Verizon用户是T-Mobile用户的将近三倍,所以Droid一开始就具有领先优势。 www.bing.com 8. and as't was raining out I opened the door. 外面正在下雨,所以我就把门打开了。 www.putclub.com 9. You are not assuming we are Detroit , Scola wont get as many shot opportunities as T-mac & Yao does, even Rafer. 你别把我们当成是底特律了,斯科拉不会得到那么多投篮机会,像麦蒂和姚明那样,连拉夫也不能。 club.learning.sohu.com 10. Secondly, this article summarizes the cracking characteristics of conventional bridges such as T section bridges and slab bridges. 其次,本文在对收集资料的观察、分析基础上,对T梁、板梁等常规桥梁的开裂特点做了总结; jiaotong.whut.edu.cn 1. The statistical methods, such as T test, rank test and MANOVA were used to analyse the data. 所得数据采用t检验、秩和检验及多元方差分析等方法进行统计分析。 www.fabiao.net 2. It's certainly popular, as T-Mobile reps tell me it's selling briskly at $179, or $20 less than the cheapest iPhone. 它一定会流行,就像T-Mobile的代表告诉我的它卖179美元或比最便宜的iPhone便宜20美元。 www.bing.com 3. In the algorithm, SubBytes() and MixColumns() were defined as T-table to store, which could increase the speed. 在算法实现上,将字节替换和列混合定义成T表进行存储,可以提高运行速度。 www.joca.cn 4. So we encouraged security companies to match some products with fixed yields, such as T-debt, financial bonds. 因此我们鼓励保险公司多对一些固定收益的产品进行配制,比如国债、金融债券。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. As T-Bag and Gretchen scan the harbor, Self and Mahone go to the harbor master's office to get information. 在西奥多和格雷琴搜索港口时,赛尔夫和马宏到港口经理的办公室询问信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. What happens to the value of w as t changes? 随着t的变化,w的值会如何呢? open.163.com 7. The mascot has marketing value that can easily attached to different Olympic products, such as T-shirts, bags, cups, pens, and so on. 奥运吉祥物具有市场开发价值,能够用在例如T恤衫、包、茶杯、钢笔等不同的奥运授权产品上。 www.dearedu.com 8. A cell can also be added to the table by just providing the text of the cell, such as t. addCell( "1. 1" ); . 也可以通过只提供单元格的文本将单元格添加到表格中,例如,t.addCell(“1.1”);。 www.ibm.com 9. Strong Relative As, T Finite Determinacy of Map Germs and Relation with Relative Versal Unfolding 相对映射芽的强有限决定性与通用开折 www.ilib.cn 10. Websites allow entrepreneurs to post information about their business plan and to offer perks, such as T-shirts, in return for "donations" ; 企业家也可以在网上投放他们生意计划的信息,并拿一些诸如T-恤等物品作为别人“捐赠”的小回赠。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. As t increases, this angle increases and 随着t的增加这个角度也在增大 www.bing.com |
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