单词 | choke | ||||
释义 | chokes是choke的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:chokes 现在分词:choking 过去式:choked
例句释义: 窒息,噎,拥塞,节气门,阻止,干死,减,压住,阻风门,节流阀,节流器 1. The action is similar to that of other automatic chokes previously discussed. 其作用与上面讨论过的其它自动阻风门相似。 www.bing.com 2. If you did not watch those chokes or build up defenses, your enemies will slip by and attack your mineral line directly. 如果你不留意这些要道或者建造一些防御,你的敌人很可能会从这里溜进来直接进攻你的矿区。 www.sc2c.com 3. Asset sales are an attractive way of cleaning up the public balance-sheet without doing anything that further chokes demand. 对于清理公共的资产负债表来说,国有资产出售是一个极具魅力的方式,因为它不会在远期阻碍需求的增长。 www.ecocn.org 4. As the financial crisis chokes off borrowing, investors are pulling out of commodities to release much-needed cash. 因为金融危机引起借款困难,所以,投资者们都正在将商品脱手以换得非常需要的现金。 www.bing.com 5. The identify mercilessly chokes into center of palm of hand, condition like this, no quite natural! 指甲狠狠的掐进掌心里,这样的状况,很不正常! www.hiclub.cn 6. In (4), the writer knows more or less what he wants to say, but an accumulation of stale phrases chokes him like tea leaves blocking a sink. 例(4),作者多少知道自己想说什么,但是陈腐短语的堆砌就象茶叶堵了水槽一样噎着他。 www.bing.com 7. Adjustable chokes enable the fluid flow and pressure parameters to be changed to suit process or production requirements. 可调节流器可改变流体的流动参数和压力参数,以适合于处理要求或生产要求。 www.infopetro.com.cn 8. With output chokes in continuous conduction, each output voltage is the average of its secondary voltage neglecting diode drops. 输出扼流圈在连续导电的情况下,每个输出电压等于次级电压的平均值忽略二极管 www.wendang365.cn 9. Suddenly, a man comes into the restroom and chokes Ellis as he's talking. 突然,一个人走进卫生间,在他讲电话时捏住了他的脖子,使其窒息。 www.bing.com 10. It's as though the alcohol has a noose around their neck and it's slowly chokes them to death at a slow pace. 它就像套在人们脖子上的绞索,慢慢让人窒息而死。 www.foodmate.net 1. A channel is no sooner cut than it chokes in its own detritus. 一个河道刚被切割了不久,很快又被它自己的碎屑物质所充塞。 tr.bab.la 2. This unit has a force field ability, allowing you to create your own chokes. 这个单位有力场的技能,可以让你制造你自己的主基地。 www.10bu.com 3. The second bullet in the previous section probably chokes you up a bit. 上一节的第二点可能会让您有点难于理解。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Listen to next discussion. Marston chokes to death or is poisoned. Talk to all the characters in the parlor again. 聆听下一轮辩解。Marston呛着窒息或者是被下毒了。与会客厅里所有人再次交谈。 173.cc 5. Because mainly cold has not had completely well, today when training also felt that some ' chokes '. 主要还是因为感冒还没完全好,今天训练时还感觉有些‘呛’呢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To appearing " old ox chokes with resentment greatly " person, avoid by all means covers shut up bazoo, inflectional limb, lest choke. 对于出现“老牛大憋气”者,切忌捂住口鼻、屈曲四肢,以免窒息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I got two tubes of sunscreen and a flashlight says he chokes. 我押两管防晒霜和一个手电筒,赌他输 www.tingclass.net 8. A "full information" regime permits the state to engage in unlimited predation which chokes off private incentives. 一个“完整信息”的政体允许国家进行无限制的掠夺,从而扼杀了对私营企业的激励。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Evaporation of the outer disk deprives the black hole jet of the mass that serves as its fuel, and eventually chokes it off. 蒸发的外部磁盘剥夺黑洞射流的质量,可作为燃料,并最终扼流圈它关闭。 bbs.railcn.net 10. The soluble fiber in blueberries ushers cholesterol through your digestive tract before it chokes your arteries. 蓝莓中的可溶性纤维能够在胆固醇进入你的动脉之前将其在消化道中扫清。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. You cough - they profit Well i thought it was about mutual respect But your filthy smoke chokes me so am i incorrect? 咳嗽-他们的利润嘛,我认为这是有关相互尊重,但你的肮脏的烟雾扼流圈我我我不正确? zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 2. When an inmate chokes on his rice and coughs, a supervisor rushes over to rub his back. 当一名犯人因吃米饭呛住而咳嗽的时候,狱监急忙赶过去轻揉他的背部。 www.bing.com 3. Ash chokes the sky above a coal ash dam owned by the Shentou number two power plant, in Shuimotou village. 在水磨头村,神头二电厂一个煤灰水坝上空的煤灰让人窒息。 www.bing.com 4. and finally, calculating the turn number to determine the filter chokes. 最后对匝数进行计算以确定滤波扼流圈。 ip.com 5. Iron core chokes are usually found on mid to low-end boards these days with higher-end models using the more expensive ferrite core chokes. 铁芯电感一般用于中低端主板,高端主板则会使用更昂贵的铁素电感。 itbbs.pconline.com.cn 6. Chokes are available in several configurations for both fixed and adjustable modes of operation. 对于固定的和可调的工作方式的节流器都有几种结构。 www.infopetro.com.cn 7. Ralph, Sr . chokes on his whiskey at the sound of the scream. 大拉尔夫正在喝威士忌酒,听到尖叫声,呛了一口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Some quiet time with nature can cleanse away the noise and tech pollution which chokes our lives. 静静的聆听大自然,净化生活中的喧闹和充斥生活的科技污染。 www.bing.com 9. In air not current air conditioning house stays too longly , make person bosom chokes with resentment frowzily easily, giddy dazzled. 在空气不流通的空调房呆得过长,易使人胸闷憋气、头晕目眩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Here's a close up of these chokes, notice the bubbles. 这有些生锈电感的近照,注意那些气泡。 itbbs.pconline.com.cn 1. It chokes the circle of compliance that we try to establish, and it damages law-abiding fisherman. 这阻碍了我们试图建立的守法环境,它损害守法渔民的利益。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat. 我们不能把窒息鸟儿的空气和鸟的翅膀拍打的空气分开。 www.qqywf.com 3. No tests shall be performed against closed chokes. 不能对封闭的节流管线进行试压。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. His sister's dog ate his homework and I hope it chokes him. 他妹妹的狗把他的家庭作业吃掉了,我宁愿这狗噎着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Thesimple three characters "I love you" , actually lets the girlfriend be moved chokes with sobs. 简单的三个字“我爱你”,却让女友感动到泣不成声。 bbs.d9it.com 6. Because Qin has shouted loudly prays for rescue, Sun then chokes to death it. 由于秦某一直高喊求救,孙某便将其掐死。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The man gave a few chokes and then got his breath. 那个男人噎了几下才喘过气来。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Changing of chokes is permitted in a round. 在一轮比赛中允许更换闭锁。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He drops down from a steam tower and chokes Lincoln with razor wire. 他从一个蒸汽塔跃下,用细铁丝勒住Lincoln的喉咙。 www.bing.com 10. Something that constricts or chokes. 压制或堵塞的东西。 www.dictall.com 1. Iron core chokes are coated in a clear lacquer to prevent rust. 铁芯电感外层涂有漆料以防止其生锈。 itbbs.pconline.com.cn 2. What happens when the master thread chokes and the other threads keep going? 当主线程崩溃而其它线程继续运行时发生什么? www-128.ibm.com 3. Chokes Funds to Iranian Terror Groups. 布什政府掐断伊朗恐怖组织资金。 world.people.com.cn 4. Chokes up sadly, tear recklessly flow. 哽住忧伤,眼泪肆意地流淌。 f.qqgexing.com 5. Front, side, and rear head locks and chokes. 前面、侧面和后面锁颈和绞技的反击。 www.wubei.com 6. Also, the toilet chokes too easily. 还有,厕所太容易堵了。 weike.taskcn.com 7. If someone chokes on a piece of food, retired civil servant Pamela Hussey says, "Have you clunked a snodderwig? " 如果有人被一块食物噎住了,退休公务员帕米拉·哈塞会说:“你撞上甲虫(snodderwig)了?” www.readersdigest.cn 8. "This is amazing, " he chokes, but I know that he's in serious discomfort. “这真过瘾,”他仍呼吸不畅地说,但我知道他一定很不舒服。 www.bing.com 9. "I want, I want. . . " The girl nods again and again, chokes with sobs. “我愿意,我愿意……”女孩连连点头,泣不成声。 bbs.d9it.com 10. "I can't believe today is my last day, " she chokes through sobs, her voice barely audible above the solemn music. “我不敢相信今天是我活在世上的最后一天,”她哽咽道。在庄严的哀乐声中,她的声音几乎听不见。 www.ftchinese.com 1. What are you, birdlings, who eat the pre-chewed food their mother chokes up? 你们是什么,是吃着母亲事先咀嚼过的食物的雏鸟吗? blog.sina.com.cn 2. fertilizer s from farm fields can end up in the ocean , causing such dramatic algae growth that it chokes off other ocean life 用于农地的肥料也可能流入大海,使海藻大量滋生,危害其他海洋生物的生存。 www.ichacha.net 3. terminal markings for small transformers , safety isolating transformers , variable transformers and small chokes 小型变压器端子标记.安全绝缘变压器.可调变压器和小 www.ichacha.net 4. Then, sitting on a pitch pine bough, they attempt to swallow in their haste a kernel which is too big for their throats and chokes them; 然后,它们坐在一棵苍松的枝头,想很快吞下那粒玉米,可是玉米太大,梗在喉头,呼吸都给塞住了; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Tabular layouts of article characteristics for core laminations, cores and coil formers for small transformers and chokes 小变压器.继电器.扼流圈用铁芯片.铁芯及线圈管的事物特性表 www.mapeng.net 6. wind chokes on the ashes as acrid smoke strangles the sun 灰烬上风的哽咽就如使太阳窒息的浓烟 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Generic specification of power supply-transformers and filter chokes for use in electronic equipment 电子设备用电源变压器和滤波扼流圈总技术条件 blog.globalimporter.net 8. Optimization of Current Limiting Chokes in Quick Protection Device of Test Transformer 工频试验变压器快速保护装置中限流电抗器的参数选择 www.ilib.cn 9. Model of Temperature Drop Mechanism when Gas Flowing through Chokes 天然气节流温降机理模型 www.ilib.cn 10. the transformers and chokes, and one for the remaining 《变形金刚》的和暗晦且,另一个是为留下一个 wenwen.soso.com 1. High Frequency Modeling for Common Mode Chokes Based on Impedance Measurement 基于阻抗测量的共模扼流圈高频建模 www.ilib.cn 2. Smog Chokes Beijing Fourth Time This Month 北京遭遇本月第四次雾霾天 english.cri.cn 3. And the perverted fear of violence Chokes a smile on every face 暴力带来堕落的恐惧,隔断人们脸上的笑容 wanderer7169.bokee.com 4. Price of Input and Output Chokes 输入和输出电抗器价格 www.haisenec.com 5. Leon chokes on his milk 莱昂被牛奶呛到了 blog.sina.com.cn |
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