单词 | am sick |
释义 | am sick例句释义: 全部 1. No, I've had a fever for a few days and I am sick to my stomach. 不好,我发烧了,胃也不舒服。 www.hxen.com 2. I am serious, Miss Woodhouse, whatever your penetrating eyes may fancy - I am sick of England - and would leave it to-morrow, if I could. 我是当真的,伍德豪斯小姐,不管你瞪着一双敏锐的眼睛在想什么——我对英国已经厌烦了——只要办得到,我明天就想离开。 novel.tingroom.com 3. Dear Annie: I am sick to death of the assumption that when someone's house is a mess they might be suffering from depression. 安妮:我亲爱的生病死亡的假设当某人的房子一团糟,他们可能患有抑郁症。 www.beiin.net 4. Never shut down you mobile, in case of I am sick , I need you take me to hosipital , stay with me. 唔好关机,万一半夜我有事要去急症室我想你陪住我。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Honestly my condition here in the refugee camp is quite unbearable and i am sick and tired of staying here any longer. 说老实话,我的健康状况在这里是相当令人难以忍受的难民营,我厌倦了呆在这儿了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. She always gives me a cup of tea when I am doing homework. She takes care of me when I am sick. She gives me a lot. 她通常在我做家庭作业的时候给我买混合饮料,她在我生病的时候照料我,她给了我很多! wenwen.soso.com 7. I am sick and tired of not being able to come home each evening without seeing you show your face five minutes later. 每天晚上我回来五分钟就看到阁下光临,这实在是要我的命。 www.bing.com 8. Yang Li: So anyway, what do I say if I really am sick? 好吧。那么,我要是真的病了,用英语怎么说呢? www.remword.cn 9. I am sick of all of your boasting about boring into a mountain in Montana to find your bonanza! 你整天吹牛,说是要在蒙大拿的一座山上钻个洞寻找财源,我算是受够了。 www.kekenet.com 10. Although I admit that I am sick of the current development, I would say I'm driven by my love for Europe, European culture and Europeans. 尽管我对欧洲的现状很不满,但我仍然热爱欧洲这片土地,热爱欧洲文化和欧洲人民。 www.bing.com 1. "I'm so ashamed that I am sick, " he said. 他说:“我为自己生病感到很羞愧。” www.who.int 2. let me condense now . i am sick of the subject. 让我长话短说吧,我讨厌这个话题。 www.ichacha.net 3. Erin: You are a freak! I am sick and I so don't want to talk to you. Bye. 你这个怪人!我是个病人,我真不想跟你说话。再见。 www.bing.com 4. Gordon: Do you want my job? I am sick of it. My boss has a bad character. He makes me work overtime every week without OT pay. 戈登:你想要我的工作吗?我厌倦了这份工作。我老板有一点不好,他让我每周加班,不给OT工资。 www.xianzai.cn 5. "I am sick of Mr. Bingley, " cried his wife. “我就讨厌谈彬格莱先生,”他的太太嚷起来了。 www.kekenet.com 6. Benjamin: I feel dizzy and weak. And I'm having this pain in my ear. I think I am sick. 本杰明:我感觉头晕,虚弱。耳朵也有点疼,我想我是病了。 www.51test.net 7. Once again we are only missing 1 or 2 small parts and to be honest with you i am sick of guessing. 再次,我们唯一缺少的1或2小零件,并且要在你我的猜测生病诚实。 www.bing.com 8. You come! I am so happy that I should jump from the bed to welcome you. But I am sick! Any movement will make me feel tired! 你来了!我真是高兴地要从床上跳起迎接。不过,我病了!连动一下都很吃力! appleshow.cc 9. I am sick and tired of this terrible weather . I need to take a vacation somewhere sunny and warm ! 我烦透了这种鬼天气,我要到阳光充足又暖和的地方去度假。 wb.bjtzh.gov.cn 10. Brian: I am sick of the Internet. Just the same old websites that take forever to load with my slow modem. 布莱恩:我讨厌网络。就老面孔网站,我的猫(调制解调器)很慢,半天都下载不下来。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Scripture: "I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love. " 耶路撒冷的众女子啊,我嘱咐你们,若遇见我的良人,要告诉他,我因思爱成病。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I am sick, I have to confine to bed. 我病了,我得卧床休息。 www.kekenet.com 3. I adjure, O daughters of Jerusalem, If you find my beloved, What shall you tell him? That I am sick with love. 耶路撒冷的众女子阿,我郑重的嘱咐你们,若遇见我的良人,要告诉他什么呢?要告诉他,我因爱成病。 www.jukuu.com 4. The prince gave him a wary look. "I am sick of cyvasse. " 王子给了他个小心谨慎的眼神。“我受够了锡瓦斯棋。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. I am sick and tired of politicians who reap the benefits of the country and build business and property in foreign lands. 我已经厌倦了政治人物在这片土地上获得好处,在另一片土地上经营渔利。 www.56gk.com 6. I am sick and tired of dancing with you! 别碰我!我讨厌和你跳舞! www.24en.com 7. A: It was hard in the beginning, but now I'm doing very well. Sometimes I forget that I am sick. 答:起初很痛苦,但现在我很好,有时我忘记了自己是病人。 www.who.int 8. That fairy-tale thinking, but I am sick of the paranoid. 那童话式的思维,不过是我病态的偏执。 www.qqyjx.com 9. I am sick to death of that kind of life. 我对那种生活腻得要命。 www.jpkc.tzc.edu.cn 10. And I am sick and tired of my phoner-ringing. 对于电话响个不停,我已经厌烦了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I am sick of London, and of balls, and of young dandies with their chintips, and of the insolent great ladies. 我对伦敦厌恶透了,它那些舞会,那些花花公子。他们的甜言蜜语,以及那些傲慢的高贵夫人。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. My health is good even though I am fragile , and sometimes I am sick. But my health is good compared to many other people . 尽管我的身体很娇嫩,有时候会生病,但是和其他许多人相比起来,我算是非常健康。 www.bing.com 3. I can't bear you anymore. I am sick of your drinking. I am divorcing you. 我再也不能忍受了。我讨厌你喝酒。我要和你离婚。 talk.oralpractice.com 4. I am sick to-day. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't feel well. 3今天我病了,当我起床的时候,我感觉很糟糕,。 wenwen.soso.com 5. General Bizimungu: Paul, I am sick and tired of your lies. 保罗,我很讨厌并且已经厌倦了你的谎话。 chapi.bokee.com 6. Applause Anyway, in order to find out whether I am sick or not, he had to find my body type, body code, from the sixty-four. 为了检查我是不是生病,他得先从六十四个类型中查出我的身体类别和身体数码。 sm2000.org 7. I am sick of that fucking route. 这个路线讨厌死了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. what the hell? , put away your ugly smile. what the hell? i am sick of your smile. 搞什么?收起你丑陋的笑脸。搞什么?我讨厌你的笑脸。 yc.5sing.com 9. I am sick and tired of you slow moving little wankers! 我已经厌倦了你们这些动作迟缓的怪物。 www.b2b99.com 10. I am sick of talking with that fellow. 我讨厌和那家伙谈话。 www.zhounan.com 1. Dry up! I am sick and tired of hearing you complain all the time. 闭嘴!你没完没了地抱怨,我都听得烦死了。 learning.sohu.com 2. I am sick. Do you know what I've got? 你看看我生了什么病啊? www.soflash.net 3. And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity. 城内居民必不说,我病了。其中居住的百姓,罪孽都赦免了。 bible.popcastle.com 4. I am sick with fury, like a wounded animal. 我得了一种狂怒的病,像一头受伤的野兽。 www.bing.com 5. I am sick of women who love me. Women who hate me are much more interesting. 我讨厌爱我的女人。我更喜欢恨我的女人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I am sick of other people putting me down all the time. . 别人总小看我,让我深恶痛绝… bbs.eduu.com 7. I am sick to death of your complaints. 我对你的抱怨听得烦死了。 video.2u4u.com.cn 8. After my tough words out, the boy will be seriousness immediately and say i am sick that fantasy to eat his friends! 狠话放出,男孩立即严肃,说我有病,竟然幻想吃他的朋友! blog.sina.com.cn 9. But I am sick at heart, not only for old times, but for the present. 可是我很伤心,不是为过去伤心,而是为现在伤心。 www.ebigear.com 10. I am sick and tired of this vending machine. 我很讨厌贩卖机总是吃钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I am sick of his bad manners. 他的不良举止真让我厌恶。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. Stop lying to me. I am sick of grown-ups lying to me. 不要再说谎了。我讨厌大人对我说谎。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Song of Solomon (Song) 5 Song 5: 8 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love. 雅歌(歌)5歌5:8耶路撒冷的众女子啊,我嘱咐你们:若遇见我的良人,要告诉他,我因思爱成病。 home.godwithus.cn 4. Lester: Shut up! I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't exist. 莱斯特:闭嘴!我厌倦、讨厌被人当作没这个人一样。 www.examw.com 5. I am sick as a dog. Who's gunna make me some soup! 我病得好厉害,谁要给我煮点汤? www.bing.com 6. I am sick of your whining . 我讨厌你发牢骚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I am sick of having to truckle to my superiors. 我不得不对上司唯命是从,这叫我很难受。 www.b2b99.com 8. Gods Word assures us: "No resident will say: I am sick. " 圣经向我们保证:居民必不说:我有病。 www.wearyourchinesename.com 9. I am sick to death of other countries asking for our help. 我快被其他国家寻求我们的帮助烦死了。 www.51junshi.com 10. I am sick; otherwise, I am on my examination now. 我有病,不然的话,我现在正在考试。 tieba.baidu.com 1. I am sick. I feel like getting a cold. 意思是「我病了,我像得了感冒」。 paper.wenweipo.com 2. I am sick of this bad weather. 我对这种天气讨厌透了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I am sick of the tough love speech jer. 我不想再苦口婆心的说教了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. "So, " she thought, "that's the way he does. Tells my friends I am sick and cannot come. " “哼,”她想,“原来他就是这么干的。跟我的朋友们说我有病,来不了。” www.bing.com 5. I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't exist. 我厌倦、讨厌被人当作没人一样。 www.ttxyy.com 6. I am sick of computer exhibitions. 我对计算机展已经感到厌烦了。 www.360abc.com 7. I am sick of being lonely and helpless again. 我不想再孤独无依了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I am sick of it. 我对它已经感到厌烦了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I am sick of watching the scenery here. 这里的风景我看腻了。 studymorechinese.com 10. I am sick of such bad weather. 我厌烦这种糟糕的天气。 1. I always have great fun running even when I am sick. 甚至在生病时,我也总能从跑步中得到很大乐趣。 www.yuyicn.com 2. I am sick and need some more medicine. 我生病了,并需要多一些药。 served.christianlovedating.com 3. I am sick of being an English teacher. 我一想到要继续做英文老师便想呕了! hk.myblog.yahoo.com 4. This job is boring, I am sick of doing it. 这个工作无聊,我讨厌做这个工作。 www.ouredu.com.cn 5. I am sick of always waiting for him. 我对于总等他已经厌倦了。 6. I am sick of the whole thing. 对整个事情我都很厌烦。 www.allwinworld.net 7. I am sick to death of all of you. 我对于你们大家厌烦透了。 springhero.wordpress.com 8. I am sick of the way you've treated me. 你这样对我,我很厌烦。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I can no longer do it myself because I am sick. 因为有病,所以我已不能再亲自做了。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 10. I am sick to my stomach. 我是真正胃不舒服。 www.moon-soft.com 1. I am sick of politics as usual. 我向来不喜欢政治。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. I am sick about the programme. 这个节目让我很恶心。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. for I am sick with love. 治好我这病在爱里的人儿! www.bing.com 4. because i am sick, i studied chinese less. 因为感冒了,我才练习中文。 www.italki.com 5. I am sick of them all. 他们全都叫我讨厌。 www.ebigear.com 6. I am sick at heart. 我心中苦闷。 7. I am sick of all your shit! 我受不了你的行径 blog.sina.com.cn 8. t keep the appointment because I am sick. 因为生病所以我不能赴约。 www.15chinese.com 9. I am sick to-day. 今天我生病了。 www.ok06.com 10. what we can do at this moment , try our best to help. even I am poor. even I am sick. even I am old . even I am disabled! 我们在此刻能做的就是.尽我们的全力去和兄弟姐妹共度难关!即使我贫穷即使我虚弱即使我很老即使我是残疾人! wenwen.soso.com 1. When I am sick, I have a dulled appetite. 病了后,我吃什么都没有胃口。 tianya.8684.cn 2. He said, there are always some people I like, some people I hate, and some people I am sick, this is life. 他说,总有一些人我喜欢的,一些人我讨厌的,一些人我恶心的,这就是生活吧。 bbs.vaecn.com 3. I have some medicine already. Just go to class and tell the teacher that I am sick today. 我这儿有。你快去上课吧,帮我跟老师请个假吧。 taipei1945.blog.163.com 4. I am sick of reading the same book every day. 我厌倦每天都读同一本书。 wenwen.soso.com 5. I have got to see a doctor. (I am sick. ) 我必须得去看医生。(我病了。) www.mapleleaf.net.cn 6. Vae said there are always some people I like, some I hate, and some people I am sick, this is life right. Vae. 说,总有一些人我喜欢的,一些人我讨厌的,一些人我恶心的,这就是生活吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I am sick and will not go to school tomorrow. 我生病了,明天不能上学了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I am sick, he always told me to take medicine on time, drink plenty of water; 我生病的时候,他总是叮嘱我按时吃药,多喝水; bookapp.book.qq.com 9. Although I am sick, I still go to school. 虽然我生病了,不过我还是去学校。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I am sick of you being so perfect all the time 你时时刻刻都表现的如此完美让我很不爽 www.ecocn.org 1. I am sick of doing my work, so I go to play tennis instead of working in the office. 我在办公室工作得烦了,所以我去打网球了,没去工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I am sick of all of your Boasting about boring 你整天吹牛,我算是受够了 www.tingroom.com 3. I am sick of the bizarre way your hair doesn't move 我讨厌你的头发从来不乱 www.ecocn.org 4. I am sick and tired of 我对···感到厌烦 wenku.baidu.com 5. I am sick in my throat 我嗓子坏了 goabroad.wenda.sohu.com 6. When I am sick, I will do the following: 当我生病的时候,我会这样处理: zhidao.baidu.com |
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