单词 | AMR |
释义 | 例句释义: 平均最小需要量,美利坚公司,自动抄表系统 1. American had been locked in talks with its pilots union for weeks in an effort to cut costs, but failed to agree a settlement. 为了削减成本,AMR与飞行员工会陷入了持续数周的谈判,但未能达成和解。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In its bankruptcy filing the company said it had assets of about $25bn and liabilities of about $30bn. 在破产申请中,AMR称有大约250亿美元的资产和300亿美元左右的负债。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The company has about $4bn in cash that analysts said would be enough to finance American through the initial restructuring process. AMR持有约40亿美元现金,分析人士表示,这足够支撑AMR度过最初的重组阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Chavez proposed peace plan for the Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said the initiative "under study. " U. S. 针对查韦斯提出的和平计划,阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨表示,这一倡议“正在研究之中”。 www.englishtang.com 5. Take time to visit Amr and the Agile Journal in the coming months to see what these improvements can do for you. 接下来的几个月里,不妨去访问下Amr和《敏捷月刊》的站点,看看这些改进能为你带来什么。 www.infoq.com 6. The Arab League's secretary-general, Amr Moussa, has edged back from his initial endorsement of the no-fly zone. 阿拉伯联盟秘书长阿姆鲁?穆萨(AmrMoussa)最初支持禁飞区,现在已经反悔。 www.ecocn.org 7. Meters can be considered as a part of house automations provided that they are implemented with AMR systems. 米可被视为一个房子自动化控制系统的一部分提供,他们实施了AMR系统。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Finally, the paper gives the performance test result of optimized AMR-WB algorithm and real-time realization. 最后本文对AMR-WB算法优化和实时实现的结果进行了详细的测试和分析。 www.fabiao.net 9. Morningstar analyst Basili Alukos said bankruptcy might make it easier for JAL to wriggle out of its alliance with AMR. Morningstar分析师BasiliAlukos表示,诉请破产可能让日航更易于退出与AMR的结盟关系。 cn.reuters.com 10. Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said the league's proposal to end the standoff is based on three points. 阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨说,阿拉伯联盟结束黎巴嫩僵局的建议是以三点为基础的。 www.voanews.cn 1. Remote Automation Meter Reading System(AMR) is a real time system which can monitor the consume situation of power customers . 电力远程自动抄表系统是一个对客户电能消费情况进行远程监控,电量采集、传输处理的实时系统。 www.13191.com 2. Beautiful eagle aviation is airline of a branch line, as congeneric as American aviation AMR Corp (AMR) subordinate. 美鹰航空是一家支线航空公司,与美国航空同属AMRCorp(AMR)旗下。 news.zyoo.net 3. "We have also definitely seen some significant fuel cost increases the last couple months, " AMR spokesman Tim Smith said. “我们确实发现,过去几个月以来的燃料成本明显上升,”AMR发言人TimSmith表示。 cn.reuters.com 4. AMR said in a statement that the filing was difficult but necessary and would allow it to become more competitive. AMR在一份声明中表示,破产申请十分困难,但很必要,这将增强自身的竞争力。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The results of the verification for analytical measurements range(AMR) and biotic interval were accorded with the request of the quality. 分析测量范围(AMR)验证和生物参考区间验证结果均符合质量要求。 www.bing.com 6. In one embodiment, the leak detection system is provided in connection with an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system. 在一个实施例中,提供了与自动抄表(AMR)系统相结合的泄漏检测系统。 ip.com 7. Men under 50 in Baba Amr, an area where houses have been ransacked, said they were prevented from going to the mosque. 巴巴·安尔(BabaAmr)区的房屋遭到彻底搜查,该区五十岁以下的男子表示他们被禁止前往清真寺。 www.ecocn.org 8. At the end of this study, AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) application is developed by using GPRS technology. 在本研究结束时,穆萨(自动抄表)申请开发利用GPRS技术。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa sounded unusually downbeat and discouraged in a press conference after the summit. 阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨以一种不同寻常的悲观和气馁的口气在首脑会谈以后的记者会上发表讲话,形容阿拉伯内部关系是一种麻烦的状态。 www.kekenet.com 10. We use super memory light AMR format, so you can literally record thousands of hours of calls on today's modern memory cards. 我们使用超级记忆体小巧的AMR格式,所以您可以真正的在今天的现代内存卡上记录数千小时的来电。 forum.minisoyo.com 1. And he praised AMR for attempting a complete overhaul, rather than incremental improvements. 他赞扬AMR公司尝试对系统进行彻底的整修,而不是逐步改良。 www.bing.com 2. If it is a politician's goal to appeal to the widest base, then Muslim Brotherhood candidate Amr Zaki is very good at his job. 如果说一位政治家的目标是吸引最广泛的基础,那么穆斯林兄弟会的候选人阿姆尔·扎基的工作做得非常好。 www.voanews.com.cn 3. The emergence of AMR is a complex problem driven by many interconnected factors; single, isolated interventions have little impact. 抗菌素耐药性的出现是一个复杂的问题,是由众多相互关联的因素推动形成的;单一和孤立的干预措施几乎没有作用。 www.who.int 4. Although we saw no footage of Baba Amr, there was word of more than six hundred protests throughout Syria. 虽然我们看不到有关巴巴阿姆尔的新视频,叙利亚国内流传着超过六百名示威者在此地遇害的消息。 www.bing.com 5. Cell phone company Qualcomm (QCOM) has teamed with American Airlines (AMR) to develop satellite-based air-to-ground cellular service. 电话公司奎尔通讯(Qualcomm)与美国航空公司联合提供卫星传导的空地手提电话服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa has concurred with the Palestinian position on settlement activity. Arab联盟秘书长穆萨的外交僵局已同意与巴勒斯坦的立场上解决activity。 www.englishtang.com 7. They also said AMR will likely benefit from the experience of its competitors in bankruptcy. 他们还说,AMR将可能从竞争对手的破产案中吸取经验。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Its parent company AMR Corporation added that the new single-aisle planes would "transform" American's fleet. 它的母公司AMR认为这些新的单走道飞机会改变美国航空公司的飞机队伍。 www.bing.com 9. The mixed reaction to the renewed talks could be seen in the comments of Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa. 从阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长为阿姆鲁·穆萨(AmrMoussa)的评论中可以看出民众对重启中东和谈的看法。 bbs.koolearn.com 10. Amr got his idea and made his video in just one day. His experiment will actually be done on the International Space Station. 阿慕尔在想到这个创意之后的一天之内就把它传到了网上。国际空间站上将进行他提出这个的试验。 www.bing.com 1. AMr . Brown wishes to see you . 一位叫布朗的先生想见你。 www.bing.com 2. The design of AMR system is related with the channel characteristics of power distribution networks. 配电网电力线载波自动抄表系统的设计与配电网信道的特性密切相关。 epub.cnki.net 3. But delegates emphasized their support for efforts by Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa to mediate a solution. 但是,与会代表强调说,他们支持阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨对解决方案进行调解所做出的努力。 www.voanews.cn 4. For the second consecutive year, Apple Computer has captured the top spot in AMR Research's rankings of the world's Top 25 supply chains. 在AMR公司对世界供应链25强的名单中,苹果公司连续两年位居榜首。 www.bing.com 5. United Continental Holdings Inc. and AMR Corp. 's American Airlines have yet to suspend flights to Japan. 联合大陆控股公司(UnitedContinentalHoldingsInc.)和AMRCorp.旗下美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)尚未暂停飞往日本的航班。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Baba Amr is locked down; after the barrage and the withdrawal of the Free Syrian Army, there are serious fears for the civilians who remain. 巴巴阿姆尔在大炮齐射和自由军的撤离后沦陷了,留下的居民状况令人极度忧虑。 www.bing.com 7. In a recent survey AMR Research, another consultancy, identified no fewer than 157 providers. 最近,另一家调研顾问公司AMR研究公司调查显示,同样的软件提供商不少于157家。 www.ecocn.org 8. A global and national multi-sectoral response is urgently needed to combat the growing threat of AMR. 迫切需要全球和国家采取多部门应对行动,抵御日益增长的抗菌素耐药威胁。 www.who.int 9. With management revolution in the water, power and gas management, the AMR research is becoming a trend. 随着水、电、气市场管理改革的不断深入、对自动抄表技术的研究必将成为热点与方向。 www.juhe8.com 10. Who of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage to take cautious and proper action about the AMR? 关于AMR要采取谨慎和正确的方法,在文章中没有提到。 cet.hjenglish.com 1. Replace the current AMR value with one granting broad data access rights. 使用授予广泛数据访问权限的值取代当前的AMR值。 www.ibm.com 2. AMR Corp. 's American Airlines and Delta Airlines are continuing discussions with JAL. 旗下的美利坚航空和达美航空仍在与日本航空谈判。 www.tesoon.com 3. Valerie Amos said she was devastated by what she saw during her brief 45-minute visit to Baba Amr on Wednesday. ValerieAmos周三在巴巴阿鲁姆简短访问了45分钟,她称自己对所见惨状深为震惊。 www.bing.com 4. At the end of this thesis, it depicts the difficulties in this AMR system and the future development of AMR technology in future. 最后,指出了本远程自动抄表系统中有待完善的地方以及抄表技术今后的发展趋势。 www.fabiao.net 5. In case you were curious, most of the 3GPP video is encoded in h. 263 MPEG-4, with AMR audio, but it's gradually shifting to h. 264, too. 如果你很感兴趣,大部分3GPP视频都是以h.263MPEG-4以及AMR音频编码的,但是它们现在也逐渐在转移到h.264了。 www.bing.com 6. relation (AMR) provides useful clues about the Galactic formation and evolution. 年龄--金属丰度关系给出了银河系形成和演化的线索。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. On April 21, 2002, Premier Zhu Rongji met with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo. 2002年4月21日,中国国务院总理朱镕基在开罗阿拉伯国家联盟总部会见了阿盟秘书长穆萨。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. The magnetization switch in the center of AMR element first started, and ended in the edge. 在磁化反转过程中,磁化反转先从中心开始,逐渐扩展到边缘。 www.jmonline.org 9. under Japanese law, foreign carriers can't take more than a one-third stake in JAL. AMR Corp. 根据日本法律,外国航空公司不能持有日航股权超过三分之一。 www.acsf.cn 10. But in the years to come, this too will change, predicts Stephen Stokes of AMR. 但在未来几年,这也会改变。AMR公司的斯蒂芬-斯托克斯预计。 www.ecocn.org 1. "My hunch is that it will create an easier opportunity for JAL to break free from the old AMR contract, " Alukos said. Alukos指出,“我的直觉认为这将让日航更易于打破与AMR间的旧有合约。” cn.reuters.com 2. We have moved one step in that direction with our recently published AMR paper. 我们已向我们在这方面与穆萨最近出版的论文方向迈出的一步。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. AMR still plans next week to launch a joint venture with Japan Airlines Corp. AMR仍计划在下周启动与日本航空公司(JapanAirlinesCorp.)的合资企业。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Amr said that NATO aircraft carried out the same day many times over in the Sirte reconnaissance and bombing missions. 阿姆鲁说,北约战机当天在苏尔特上空执行了多次侦察和轰炸任务。 www.englishtang.com 5. Simply, we exploit the Eigen value as the judge reference and preliminarily implement the AMR in this paper. 5. 较简单地,本文使用本征频率作为误差的判定依据并初步实现了网格自适应计算。 www.fabiao.net 6. Nineteen-year-old Amr Mohamed loves to read. 19岁的艾玛·默罕默德热爱阅读。 www.bing.com 7. and dry etching the transition layer of the AMR film. 干法刻蚀各向异性磁电阻效应薄膜的过渡层。 ip.com 8. AMR surveyed decision-making executives at 133 manufacturers and retailers, more than half of which each record over $5 billion in revenue. AMR调查了133家制造企业和零售企业的决策制定者,这些企业中半数以上的年收入超过50亿。 www.bing.com 9. AMr. Wang inquired your telephone number. 一位王先生打听您的电话号码。 wenku.baidu.com 10. The refuge was chosen because it is one of the few basements in Baba Amr. 这里被当作避难所,是由于它是巴巴阿姆鲁少有的几个地下室之一。 www.bing.com 1. Amr admits he was luckier than most in Egypt's second largest city. 艾玛承认自己比埃及的第二大城市的多数人更为幸运。 www.kekenet.com 2. But Sabre provides about 20 other tech programs to AMR, which help manage airport gates, staffing levels, food service and more. 但是,Sabre仍然为AMR提供约20个其它的技术项目,包括协助管理机场大门、员工配置、膳食服务等等。 www.bing.com 3. This paper introduces the AMR system of smart town with power line carrier. 本文介绍了一种基于电力线载波的智能小区AMR系统。 www.dictall.com 4. 'Of course, no one knows what the future holds, ' said AMR Treasurer Beverly Goulet on Tuesday. AMR财务主管古利特(BeverlyGoulet)周二说,当然,没人知道未来会怎样。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Amr made the remarks after meeting with visiting UN chief Ban Ki-moon in Cairo. 阿姆鲁与联合国秘书长潘基文在开罗会面后,发表了以上言论。 www.kekenet.com 6. Arpey said AMR Corp. expects to reach a definitive agreement with HP in the "near future. " Arpey表示,AMRCorp期望在“不久的将来”与惠普达成最终合同。 www.bing.com 7. Phone calls recorder records phone calls without beeps in MP3, AMR and WAV formats. 电话通话记录,电话录音没有哔哔声的MP3,AMR和WAV格式。 bbs.dospy.com 8. The achievements of modern medicine are put at risk by AMR. 抗菌素耐药性将现代医学的成就置于危险境地。 www.who.int 9. In term of the features of 3G system, a novel AMR link adaptation strategy for 3G system is proposed. 针对第三代移动通信系统的特点,提出了一种新的自适应多速率链路适配方案。 www.dictall.com 10. "AMR methods adaptively create finer resolution only where it's needed, " explains Ghattas. “AMR方法仅在需要的地方自适应性的使用更高的解析率,”伽特斯解释道。 www.bing.com 1. Save the caller's current key access rights (held in the AMR). 保存调用者的当前键访问权限(保存于AMR中)。 www.ibm.com 2. AMR cut costs about $4. 1 billion annually through steps such as consensual agreements with its labor unions. 通过与工会签署双方协议等措施,AMR每年缩减约41亿美元的成本。 www.bing.com 3. Another is Amr Moussa, a popular former foreign minister of Egypt who since 2001 has run the 22-member Arab League. 另外一位就是广受欢迎的前埃及外交部长穆萨,2001年起他担任阿拉伯22国联盟秘书长。 www.ecocn.org 4. The AMR comprises 32 pairs of bits, one pair for each storage protection key. AMR由32对二进制位组成,每对二进制位对应于一个存储保护键。 www.ibm.com 5. we also used 5 levels amr grid to simulate the helmholtz multi - fluid instability , but not compared the cpu time with each other yet. 我们也采用过五级剖分,由于均匀细网格的计算量太大无法比较耗费的时间。 www.ichacha.net 6. The encoder is set to the AMR_NB, which is an audio format, sampling at 8 KHz. 编码器被设置为AMR_NB,这是音频格式,采样率为8KHz。 www.ibm.com 7. Each processor has a 64-bit Authority Mask Register (AMR). 每个处理器都具有一个64位的权限屏蔽寄存器(AuthorityMaskRegister,AMR)。 www.ibm.com 8. RAMAR's cost per installed point is very competitive compared with other AMR systems. RAMAR的每一安装点的费用与其它AMR系统相比极具竟争性。 liaozhai.pujia.com 9. The setjmpx and longjmpx kernel services maintain the AMR and the context stack pointer. longjmpx和frr_add内核服务可以维护AMR和上下文堆栈指针。 www.ibm.com 10. The shares fell 11 percent this year before today. 今年AMR股价下滑11%。 www.bing.com 1. The filing ends months' of speculation about the future of the third-largest US carrier. AMR的破产申请,结束了数月以来人们对这家美国第三大航空运营商未来的猜测。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As 3G gains more and more popularity, AMR will play a more important role in audio communication. 随着3G业务的不断推广和普及,AMR将在语音通信中扮演越来越重要的角色。 www.13191.com 3. Last chapter is the end, which depicts the difficulty in our AMR system and the future development of AMR technology. 最后,第六章指出本系统设计中的技术难点以及抄表技术今后的发展趋势。 www.fabiao.net 4. In fact, AMR systems are just starting level for these kinds of systems. 事实上,AMR的系统是刚刚开始为这些类型的系统的水平。 wenwen.soso.com 5. AMR had assets of about $24. 7 billion and liabilities of $29. 6 billion on Sept. 截至9月30日,AMR集团拥有月247亿美元的资产和296亿美元的债务。 www.bing.com 6. 'The consumer is dictating where we go and what we are doing, ' said Mr. Ford, noting AMR's overall tech budget was similar to last year's. 福特说,消费者决定了我们的业务方向和内容。他指出,AMR技术预算总额与去年相仿。 www.chinaacc.com 7. Last year, Amr uploaded this home video to the Web. 去年,艾玛将视频上传到了网上。 www.kekenet.com 8. Brief Introducing about AMR used for Electric Energy Measurement at Inter-tie Point in Shanxi Power Grid 浅谈山西电网关口电能量自动抄表技术的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. power line carrier communication; AMR; carrier communication module; communication performance test; 电力线载波通信;自动抄表;载波通信模块;性能测试; www.zidir.com 10. Amr explained the responsibility process using a series of stories (from Christopher Avery's: Teamwork Is an Individual Skill) Amr解释说,责任流程使用一系列的故事(来自ChristopherAvery的“团队合作是一种个人技能”) www.infoq.com 1. power line carrier communication; AMR; carrier communication module; communication performance test; 电力线载波通信;自动抄表;载波通信模块;性能测试; www.zidir.com 2. Amr explained the responsibility process using a series of stories (from Christopher Avery's: Teamwork Is an Individual Skill) Amr解释说,责任流程使用一系列的故事(来自ChristopherAvery的“团队合作是一种个人技能”) www.infoq.com 3. do not build shared libraries [default=yes]--enable-amr_nb 禁止构建共享库(默认启用) blog.sina.com.cn 4. AMR Analysis in the Gas Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Network Analysis and Application 无线集中抄表在燃气输配管网分析及应用 wenku.baidu.com 5. A The issue of AMR led the scientists to be alert to the new human gene. AMR 的发行物使得科学家们对于新的人类基因产生警觉。 cet.hjenglish.com 6. The Design of Computer Wireless Interface about AMR Solid- State Vehicle Detector System AMR车辆探测系统的上位机无线接口设计 www.ilib.cn 7. AMR Magnetic Head Design with Eliminating Harmonics and Sinusoidal Wave Output 一种具有消谐波正弦输出的AMR薄膜磁头设计 service.ilib.cn 8. The Half Harmonic Phenomena and Analysis of Output Waveforms of AMR Magnetic Grating Ruler Head AMR磁栅尺磁头输出波形的半次谐波现象与分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Effects of the seed layer thicknesses on zero field resistivity and AMR in permalloy films with new seed layer NiFeNb 种子层厚度对以NiFeNb为新种子层的坡莫合金薄膜的零场电阻率和AMR的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. D AMR aroused the awareness of the scientists to the infections caused by the antibiotics. AMR 唤醒了科学家对于抗生素引起的传染病的意识。 www.exam8.com 1. Research of Reliability and Ability Preventing Error at AMR System 自动抄表系统中可靠性和纠错能力的研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Performance Analysis of AMR Voice Activity Detection Algorithm for Mandarin Based on Objective Test Method 基于客观测试方法针对普通话的AMR话音激活检测算法性能分析 ilib.cn 3. Effect of Moderate Temperature Annealing on AMR in Permalloy Films 中温退火对坡莫合金薄膜AMR的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Design of AMR System with ELF Power Line Carrier Communications 极低频电力线载波自动抄表系统设计研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Optimization Design of AMR Film Weak Magnetic Field Sensor AMR薄膜弱磁场传感头的优化设计 www.ilib.cn 6. Error Concealment Technology for AMR Speech Coding in the Third Generation of Mobile Communication 第三代移动通信中AMR语音编码的差错隐藏技术 www.ilib.cn 7. Anti-jamming design of automatic meter reading-AMR system 智能抄表系统的抗干扰设计 www.ilib.cn 8. Solutions to the New AMR System in Electric Locomotive 新型电力机车自动抄表系统的解决方案 www.ilib.cn 9. Several methods to improve the linearity of AMR sensors 改善AMR薄膜磁电阻传感器线性度的几种方法 www.ilib.cn 10. AMR hampers the control of infectious diseases 抗菌素耐药性对传染病控制带来了妨碍 www.who.int 1. Performance analysis of the network communication based on AMR speech coding by using NS 基于NS的自适应多速率网络语音通信的性能分析 www.ilib.cn 2. The slot of modem cards , it is different from another type of AMR . AMR Slot 之插槽,其与另一种规格之AMR有所差异,须特别注意。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Possibility to add any sound in amr format to sound list; 可能性增加任何声音穆萨格式健全名单; www.opda.net.cn 4. AMR: A Multipath Routing Algorithm Based on Maximum Flow in Ad-Hoc Networks 一个基于网络最大流的Ad-Hoc多路径路由算法 www.ilib.cn 5. AMR system based on acquisition and processing of image 基于图像采集与处理的自动抄表系统 ilib.cn 6. Main-Sub Speech Codec for Preventing Packet Loss Based on AMR 基于AMR的抗分组丢失主次型语音编解码器 service.ilib.cn 7. The AMR System of Smart Town with Power Line Carrier Based on DSSS 基于直序扩频电力线载波的智能小区AMR系统 ilib.cn |
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