单词 | car | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:cars v. n. drive car,park car,rent car,repair car,start car adj. n. German car,same car,japanese car,family car,powerful car Car- 显示所有例句
例句释义: 车,汽车,轿车,车厢,小汽车,小轿车 1. 'The total tooling investment for the body is about six per cent of a stainless-steel car, so it's massive change, ' said Murray. Murray说:“生产总模具使用量是不锈钢车辆的6%,所以其生产成本大降。” www.bing.com 2. For sure the team and the guys back at factory can focus more on getting the car back to the front and that can only be good. 可以肯定的球队和球员回到工厂可以更专注于让车回到前面,而且只能是良好的。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Syed Zainal said the vehicle was an Iranian initiative. "What they (Iran) want to do is to call that an Islamic car, " he said. 萨伊德.翟纳尔表示,这部车是伊朗的倡议,「他们(伊朗)想将之称为伊斯兰车,」他说。 exchristian.hk 4. I ve got to stop her! Officer Vogt thought, realizing that at any moment the car could spin out of control. 沃特警官知道这辆车随时都可能会失去控制,他心想:我一定要想办法让她的车子停下来! sm2000.org 5. "Then we got braver and started packing the car as if for a camping trip when the only place we were going was the local diner, " he says. 然后,我们鼓起更多勇气,开始装车,就好像我们要出门野营一样,而我们能去的唯一一个地方就是附近的快餐店。 www.bing.com 6. Today, I was driving back home after hanging out with some friends. I drove pass a woman standing next to a broken down car. 今天我跟朋友们玩了一阵之后开车回家,看到一个女人站在路边一辆抛锚的车旁边。 www.bucter.com 7. At the same time Roberta in her car forward was thinking that Clyde had not appeared so very unfriendly to her. 就在同一时候,前面一节车厢里的罗伯塔正在想,克莱德对她似乎并不十分无情无义啊。 8. I put him on the dashboard of the car and kept studying him all the way from Michigan to Erie, trying to figure out what I could do. 我把他放到了轿车的仪表盘上,然后在整个从密西根到伊利市的路上都在研究他,并尝试着去想我能够做点什么。 www.qzhlove.com 9. The contemporary phenomenon of car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails. 当前崇拜汽车现象可以用与所有权相伴的独立和自由意识来解释。 www.kekenet.com 10. Think about how much wood you could fit into a train's freight car. 想想看,您能在火车的货运车厢内,放入多少木材。 www.24en.com 1. He was told to get out of the car and stand in a line of people that were being given the infamous sobriety(not drunk) test. 他被叫出车外,排进队伍接受那个臭名昭著的清醒(不喝酒)测试。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. He did not make any mistakes, giving his all and, along with the team, was able to get the best out of the car. 他没有犯任何错误,竭尽全力,与车队一起发挥赛车的极限。 ferrari-china.com 3. I told him to stay in the car. You're wrong about him. 我让他呆在车里他不是你想的那样。 www.b2b99.com 4. How much does the car cost you? 这辆车花了你多少钱? www.zhongxueyingyu.com 5. He said after Essien had passed the blood control he was allowed to leave the police station and drove home in his own car. 他说埃辛通过了血样检测,他被允许离开警局,随后他驾车返回了自己家。 club.pchome.net 6. The thief was put in the police car with a policeman on either side of him. 窃贼被送到警车上,身旁各坐着一个警察。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I knew I'd be late because my car wouldn't start. It was too cold I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater. That's why I'm late. 我知道我会迟到,因为我的车没法发动,天气实在太冷了,我必须在车库用暖炉热车,这就是为何我会迟到。 www.tingroom.com 8. He said the car has three versions for sale and has a top speed of 105 kilometers per hour. 他表示,届时,车子将有三种不同型号,最快时速降到到105千米每小时。 www.bing.com 9. (lift)Paul got off his car, lifting the child and putting him on the front seat of the car. Paul下了车,抱起那孩子,把他放在了自己的汽车前座上。 www.tianya.cn 10. Pretty soon the car came. I got on it, they turning to look at my eye, and found a seat on the left side. 车子很快就来了。我上了车。人们都扭过头来看我的眼睛,我在车厢左边找到了一个空座。 hi.baidu.com 1. I really like this you feel bad, I will let you quickly back, I said the car off quickly. . . 你这个样子真的很让我心疼,我让你快点回去,我说车子快出发了… blog.sina.com.cn 2. Ahmadinejad found the shoe on the other foot as he waved to the crowd from an open-top car on his way to give a speech at a local stadium. 总统内贾德从敞篷车上向民众挥手时发现一只鞋飞了过来。他当时要到乌尔米耶当地一个体育馆去做演讲。 www.bing.com 3. Once he did touch Sebastian Vettel, but touching a Red Bull car is all part of the education process with Toro Rosso! 他追尾了维特尔,但是追到红牛赛车也是红牛二队的教育训练的一部分! bbs.hellof1.com 4. Never pass another car on a curve or near the top of a hill; obey the signs you see along the road. 切勿在弯路或近山顶之处超越它车,要遵守沿途看见的交通标志。 tr.bab.la 5. The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would. 这个孩子拦住的下一辆车没有象他所希望的那样把他带到巴黎市中心。 www.nbwaijiao.com 6. The man in the car sped up again, to his surprise the chicken was still running ahead of him at 60 mph! 开车那个人再度加速,令他吃惊的是,那只鸡却以时速60英里的速度跑在他前面! www.kekenet.com 7. It doesn't matter how much you like the neighbor's car, you don't go and spray gold on it. Spray it on your own car! 不管你有多么喜欢邻居的车,也不要铺黄金在它上面,要铺的话,是要铺在自己车上。 www.ebigear.com 8. A study of car accidents by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute put cameras in cars to see what happens right before an accident. 弗吉尼亚交通科技研究所做了一次研究,在车上放一部照相机,看看事故之前到底发生了什么。 www.bing.com 9. Authorities closed the highway after three car drivers skidded off the road, trying to dodge the frogs. 当局关闭了高速公路后,三车司机滑出路面,试图回避青蛙。 www.yappr.cn 10. As she finally hurried out the door, trailed by Adam and Lori , she found the car's luggage rack moving in the distance. 他们跟在乔伊身后匆忙走出校门,这时,乔伊发现远处汽车的行李架正在移动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. We were going to stop on lap 35 because if there was a safety car coming in we might be lucky. 我们会在35圈进站,因为如果会出安全车的话我们就走运了。 www.barrichello.com.cn 2. Software is a form of intellectual property and is entitled to just as much protection as real property like your car or your home. 软件是知识产权的一种形式,而且应该受到和你的不动产,如汽车或者房子等一样的保护。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. How much does it cost to rent a car? How much does it cost to repair a pair of shoes? 租一部车要多少钱?修理一双鞋子要多少钱? www.bing.com 4. When selecting the domestic charging mode, just insert the special plug at the front of car into a common 220V domestic power socket. 使用家用充电模式时,只需将车辆前端的专用插头插入普通的220V民用电源即可。 cn.globalimporter.net 5. Sort out the car you would like to buy and how much it would cost you. 梳理你想买汽车、多少钱你。 qc.tag100.cn 6. The number at the top of each bar shows the total number of feet that it takes to stop the car . (柱形条上方的数据表明将车刹住所需英尺的总数。)因此,该题选择。 360edu.com 7. XI, do not parallel with the vehicle in front wheels, be sure to ride the front car of one to three feet at the rear. 不要与前车车轮并行,一定要骑在前车后方一至三尺处。 www.xiami360.com 8. "This is no longer just a social issue, it is becoming an economic issue for us, " said the car yard's owner Said Mohammad Zaman. 二手车商负责人萨伊德?穆汉默德?札曼说:「这不再只是社会问题,它对我们也是个经济问题。」 www.taipeitimes.com 9. She had taken out a $6, 000 car loan six months previously at the same bank and suggested one positive element of her premature demise. 她先前曾在这家银行用分期付账的方式贷款买车,6000美元分摊到六个月。在这个事儿上她的“提前死亡”倒是能起到一些积极的作用。 www.bing.com 10. Why don't we stop and get out of the car for a while? 我们何不暂时停车,下车一会儿呢? www.share888.info 1. If you know someone else who takes roughly the same route as you each day (especially colleagues), do a car share, and share the costs. 如果你知道有人(特别是同事)每天上班的路线和你的差不多一样,你们可以同坐一辆车,然后共同承担费用。 www.elanso.com 2. 'Take me away as quickly as you can, ' he said. The car moved off into the darkness and the rain. “带我离开这儿,越快越好,”他说。汽车驶入黑夜和雨幕中。 www.kekenet.com 3. It is by making the front car with a relatively flat vertical deflection of a certain angle to the realization. 它是通过使前轮相对与汽车纵向平面偏转一定的角度来实现转向的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Ms. Li's husband, a businessman, drives his own car to work every morning, while his wife stays home. 李女士的丈夫是个商人,每天早晨开着车去上班,而她自己留在家中。 www.bing.com 5. in the car prior to observe the four weeks to see if there is no doubt that person, if there is, then the car should be careful. 在上车之前,注意观察四周,看看有没有怀疑之人,如果有,那上车时应该当心。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Cyclists pedal along the long shore road and the only vehicles are a police car and a workers' truck. 江畔的道路上都是自行车,所能见到的机动车全是警车和运送工人的卡车。 www.bing.com 7. Yes, he's grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it. 是的,从纽约搬出来之后,你把车给,他是很感激的。但是他会想要自己努力工作来赚到一辆车。 www.bing.com 8. Sitting in the long-distance car thinking lines, made a phone call to her, not to say a few words to shut down. 坐在长途车上就想着台词,打了电话给她,没说几句就停机了。 www.bing.com 9. The car was a standard model, which had been customized to provide greater luxury and performances. 这辆轿车是用标准型号根据顾客的具体要求改造的,更加豪华,性能更佳。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. For the time being, detailed information about this car is still scanty. So let's feast our eyes on these pictures! 目前关于该车的详细信息还很少,还是让我们一起来欣赏这些图片吧! www.elanso.com 1. Since there is no bulky engine up front, the car will also have a very low hood to help improve aerodynamics and give it a bold appearance. 由于没有庞大的发动机了前面,这辆车也将有一个非常低的发动机罩,以帮助改善空气动力学性能,并给它一个大胆的外观。 usa.315che.com 2. "He waited in his car for some time, there was no move by the policeman and he thought that it was OK for him to drive along, " Wang said. 他在车里等了一段时间,警察没动静,于是他以为没事了,就继续开车。 blog.artron.net 3. Just out of curiosity, how much did you pay for your car? 我只是出于好奇,请问你这辆车花了多少钱? www.xielw.cn 4. Austrian driver Gerhard Plattner was behind the wheel a week ago, driving the car through Spain and France on his way to Frankfurt. 奥地利车手总理普拉特纳是方向盘后面的一个星期前,驾驶汽车通过西班牙和法国前往法兰克福。 usa.315che.com 5. Towards the end of the video, we get a few slow and steady shots of the car and a sister mule as they pull out onto the open road. 在接近年底时的视频,我们得到一些缓慢和稳定的投篮车和一个妹妹骡子他们退出开放的道路上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. She said she wept as she left her old life. 'I thought, you know, what if I turned the wheel in my car and wrecked my car? ' 她哭泣着,仿佛失去了她原有的生活,“你知道的,我在想如果我的车都没了要怎么办?” www.bing.com 7. Ms. Osbourne, for her part, tried to run him over with a car, smashing his gold records with a hammer and taking out a restraining order. 雪伦自己也曾试图用车撞死奥兹,用榔头把奥兹获得的金唱片奖砸碎,并向法院申请对奥兹的禁制令。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. On our way back to her car and my bike, she told me with a laugh that the farmer's market wasn't as scary as she thought. 在回程的路上,她告诉我农贸市场并没有她最初想的那样可怕。 www.bing.com 9. The car has been out of sight for a long time, but Jenny is still beside the door, watching the end of the road. 汽车早已开走看不见了,珍妮还站在门口凝视着路的尽头。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Never forget to turn off the lights of your car after you park, or you won't be able to start your car. 停车后千万不要忘记关上灯,否则你的车就启动不了。 www.itreviews.cn 1. Ryan's determination conquered the challenge of loading into a compact car what turned out to be a fuller tree than we had realized. 瑞安的坚持战胜了把比我们所能预料到的还要大的树装进一辆体积窄小的车里的挑战。 wenku.baidu.com 2. As soon as he said this, a massive burst of wind hit my car, pushing it out of it's lane. 就在他说着的时候,一阵狂风把我的车吹出了行驶道。 www.bing.com 3. Also you can hop in and out of the two wheeled car from the front. 另外,你可以从其正面上下车。 www.bing.com 4. As I was abdomining exercises out to round the last corner I was forced to dive out of the way of a speeding car. 在我准备转过最后一个街角时,一辆车超速驶来,我不得不赶紧跳到一边。 www.xiya120.com 5. Then the old security lady yelled for me to stop. She told me my books were on the top of my car but one had already fallen off. 守停车场的大妈喊我停车,说我把书放在了车顶上,有一本已经掉了。 www.bucter.com 6. Today, holiday, After breakfast, I do not know is the home to see the next hesitate, or follow the dawn to catch a car to go home. 今天放假,吃过早饭,不知是不是该回家看看,犹豫了下,还是踏着朝霞搭上汽车回家了。 www.tradeask.com 7. A spokesman for the company said: "Not only is it a healthier option to a car, it's a great way of reducing your carbon footprint. " 该公司的一位发言人说:“它不仅比驾车更健康,而且也是减少碳足迹的一个有效方法。” bilingual.huanqiu.com 8. While initially suspected to be a car bomb, subsequent reports may indicate that th is was the result of a motor vehicle accident. 最初怀疑是汽车炸弹,随后的报告可能显示,这是由于汽车事故。 www.xcar.com.cn 9. Luci Johnson liked to race ahead of agents in her car, trying to lose them in traffic. 露西·约翰逊喜欢开着自己的车跑在特工前头,试图在车流中甩开他们。 www.joyen.net 10. Headlights suddenly flew around the corner, the car almost hitting the stocky one, forcing him to jump back toward the sidewalk. 车灯忽然从转角处飞快地冲过来,那辆车几乎撞上了那个矮胖的男人,逼得他跳回了人行道上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I decided to tell him that the car needed some repairs and that they had taken longer than had been expected. 于是,我决定这样跟他解释,说:修车的时间比原来估计的要长。 www.chinaedu.com 2. The police car idled in the driveway for a minute, perhaps taking down the license number of Isabel's car, and then pulled away. 警车在私人车道上转悠了一会儿,也许记下了伊萨贝尔的车牌号,然后离开了。 www.bing.com 3. Man in Video: A police car pulls up in front, and a cop comes to the front door and knocks and says he's looking for me. 录像中的男人:一辆警车停在房子前面,一个警察来到前门敲门,说是找我。 www.ted.com 4. If the Indy 500 teams are off by the thickness of a few sheets of paper, a once-front-running car can find itself laps down in a hurry. 如果印地500赛车有几张纸厚的调校出入也会让一度领先车手迅速败下阵来。 kk.dongxi.net 5. He said that John's mother, who had another car, would be in bed at the time he had to leave the house. 他说约翰的母亲有另一辆汽车,在他必须离开房子时候她会是在睡觉。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Please use this only as a guide, and be sure to look closely at the terms and projections of any car loan for which you apply. 请以此作为指导,一定要看清楚、职权和预测,为你的任何汽车贷款申请。 qc.tag100.cn 7. After visiting the church, we took the boat back to our parking place. We were still lucky and did not get wet before we arrived our car. 参观完红顶教堂,我们就乘船返回停车场。在到达车子之前,我们还是很幸运没有被雨淋到。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 8. We had an oil system problem which we had to manage and we had to ask a lot of him, so that the car could get to the finish. 我们的供油系统出现了问题,我们不得不解决并且像他询问了很多,所以赛车可以最终完赛。 bbs.vchina.com 9. With a little bit of luck, when the X Prize is ready, this car will be coming off the assembly line. 如果幸运的话,在X奖颁奖的时候,这种车就能批量下线了。 www.goldenenglish.net 10. "Then get out of the car and shoo it off the road, " I suggested halfheartedly . “那我们下车然后把它赶下公路。”,我兴趣不大地建议道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Back in the early autumn, he was stopped while driving his brother's car, which had Florida plates. 在早些时候,他被警告禁止驾驶他哥哥的那辆佛罗里达牌照的轿车。 www.bing.com 2. On a tour of a Chrysler car plant in Ohio, President Barack Obama said the economy continues to recover from the worst recession in decades. 在俄亥俄州的一个克莱斯勒汽车厂之旅,总统奥巴马表示,美国经济持续复苏,从数十年来最严重的衰退。 www.maynet.cn 3. It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window. 在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。 www.bing.com 4. He was off duty and he saw me actually flying in the air and got out of his car and immediately responded. 他当时不当班,他看见我在空中真的飞了起来,他马上下了车,并立即作出反应。 www.51mokao.com 5. He's planning on getting a little car with a tiny engine to make his wife a bit happier. 他想买辆小排量的汽车让自己老婆开心啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。 www.jxcad.com.cn 7. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 8. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 9. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 10. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 1. After visiting the church, we took the boat back to our parking place. We were still lucky and did not get wet before we arrived our car. 参观完红顶教堂,我们就乘船返回停车场。在到达车子之前,我们还是很幸运没有被雨淋到。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 2. We had an oil system problem which we had to manage and we had to ask a lot of him, so that the car could get to the finish. 我们的供油系统出现了问题,我们不得不解决并且像他询问了很多,所以赛车可以最终完赛。 bbs.vchina.com 3. With a little bit of luck, when the X Prize is ready, this car will be coming off the assembly line. 如果幸运的话,在X奖颁奖的时候,这种车就能批量下线了。 www.goldenenglish.net 4. "Then get out of the car and shoo it off the road, " I suggested halfheartedly . “那我们下车然后把它赶下公路。”,我兴趣不大地建议道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Is that the sort of view in your team ? that you have the fastest car and it is just a matter of putting it all together on Sunday? 这是你们车队的观点吗?你有一部最快的赛车,仅仅是一个你在周日把所有的事情结合在一起的问题吗? f1.sports.sohu.com 6. It was annoying of him to damage my car. 他损坏了我的车让人生气。 dfcorner.com 7. Back in the early autumn, he was stopped while driving his brother's car, which had Florida plates. 在早些时候,他被警告禁止驾驶他哥哥的那辆佛罗里达牌照的轿车。 www.bing.com 8. On a tour of a Chrysler car plant in Ohio, President Barack Obama said the economy continues to recover from the worst recession in decades. 在俄亥俄州的一个克莱斯勒汽车厂之旅,总统奥巴马表示,美国经济持续复苏,从数十年来最严重的衰退。 www.maynet.cn 9. It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window. 在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。 www.bing.com 10. He was off duty and he saw me actually flying in the air and got out of his car and immediately responded. 他当时不当班,他看见我在空中真的飞了起来,他马上下了车,并立即作出反应。 www.51mokao.com 1. "Then get out of the car and shoo it off the road, " I suggested halfheartedly . “那我们下车然后把它赶下公路。”,我兴趣不大地建议道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Is that the sort of view in your team ? that you have the fastest car and it is just a matter of putting it all together on Sunday? 这是你们车队的观点吗?你有一部最快的赛车,仅仅是一个你在周日把所有的事情结合在一起的问题吗? f1.sports.sohu.com 3. It was annoying of him to damage my car. 他损坏了我的车让人生气。 dfcorner.com 4. The last time Tiger hit that many tress was when he was trying to get his car out of the driveway. 上次老虎伍兹撞到这么多树还是在他要把车开离车道的时候。 www.ebigear.com 5. Back in the early autumn, he was stopped while driving his brother's car, which had Florida plates. 在早些时候,他被警告禁止驾驶他哥哥的那辆佛罗里达牌照的轿车。 www.bing.com 6. On a tour of a Chrysler car plant in Ohio, President Barack Obama said the economy continues to recover from the worst recession in decades. 在俄亥俄州的一个克莱斯勒汽车厂之旅,总统奥巴马表示,美国经济持续复苏,从数十年来最严重的衰退。 www.maynet.cn 7. It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window. 在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。 www.bing.com 8. He was off duty and he saw me actually flying in the air and got out of his car and immediately responded. 他当时不当班,他看见我在空中真的飞了起来,他马上下了车,并立即作出反应。 www.51mokao.com 9. He's planning on getting a little car with a tiny engine to make his wife a bit happier. 他想买辆小排量的汽车让自己老婆开心啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。 www.jxcad.com.cn 1. The last time Tiger hit that many tress was when he was trying to get his car out of the driveway. 上次老虎伍兹撞到这么多树还是在他要把车开离车道的时候。 www.ebigear.com 2. How much did you give for the car? 你买这车付了多少钱?。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Back in the early autumn, he was stopped while driving his brother's car, which had Florida plates. 在早些时候,他被警告禁止驾驶他哥哥的那辆佛罗里达牌照的轿车。 www.bing.com 4. On a tour of a Chrysler car plant in Ohio, President Barack Obama said the economy continues to recover from the worst recession in decades. 在俄亥俄州的一个克莱斯勒汽车厂之旅,总统奥巴马表示,美国经济持续复苏,从数十年来最严重的衰退。 www.maynet.cn 5. It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window. 在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。 www.bing.com 6. He was off duty and he saw me actually flying in the air and got out of his car and immediately responded. 他当时不当班,他看见我在空中真的飞了起来,他马上下了车,并立即作出反应。 www.51mokao.com 7. He's planning on getting a little car with a tiny engine to make his wife a bit happier. 他想买辆小排量的汽车让自己老婆开心啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。 www.jxcad.com.cn 9. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 10. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 1. Back in the early autumn, he was stopped while driving his brother's car, which had Florida plates. 在早些时候,他被警告禁止驾驶他哥哥的那辆佛罗里达牌照的轿车。 www.bing.com 2. On a tour of a Chrysler car plant in Ohio, President Barack Obama said the economy continues to recover from the worst recession in decades. 在俄亥俄州的一个克莱斯勒汽车厂之旅,总统奥巴马表示,美国经济持续复苏,从数十年来最严重的衰退。 www.maynet.cn 3. It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window. 在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。 www.bing.com 4. He was off duty and he saw me actually flying in the air and got out of his car and immediately responded. 他当时不当班,他看见我在空中真的飞了起来,他马上下了车,并立即作出反应。 www.51mokao.com 5. He's planning on getting a little car with a tiny engine to make his wife a bit happier. 他想买辆小排量的汽车让自己老婆开心啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。 www.jxcad.com.cn 7. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 8. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 9. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 10. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 1. It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window. 在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。 www.bing.com 2. He was off duty and he saw me actually flying in the air and got out of his car and immediately responded. 他当时不当班,他看见我在空中真的飞了起来,他马上下了车,并立即作出反应。 www.51mokao.com 3. He's planning on getting a little car with a tiny engine to make his wife a bit happier. 他想买辆小排量的汽车让自己老婆开心啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。 www.jxcad.com.cn 5. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 6. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 7. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 8. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 9. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 10. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 1. He's planning on getting a little car with a tiny engine to make his wife a bit happier. 他想买辆小排量的汽车让自己老婆开心啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。 www.jxcad.com.cn 3. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 4. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 5. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 6. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 7. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 9. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 1. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 2. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 3. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 4. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 5. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 7. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 9. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 10. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 1. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 2. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 3. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 4. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 5. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 7. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 8. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 9. Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city. 几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。 bbs.renyu.net 10. If you see show after show where people are driving a shiny, expensive car, you'll begin to see that car as normal. 如果你在一个接着一个节目里看到人们都开着闪闪发亮的昂贵的轿车,你就会开始认为这很正常。 www.elanso.com 1. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 2. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 3. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 5. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 6. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 7. Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city. 几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。 bbs.renyu.net 8. If you see show after show where people are driving a shiny, expensive car, you'll begin to see that car as normal. 如果你在一个接着一个节目里看到人们都开着闪闪发亮的昂贵的轿车,你就会开始认为这很正常。 www.elanso.com 9. As he began his U. S. job hunt, Morales considered buying a car in order to be able to go after the best available job. 当他开始在美国找工作时,莫拉莱斯考虑购买一辆汽车,以便能够追求最好的工作。 www.bing.com 10. The train crossing was not far from Enke's Hannover home. His car was found near the scene, unlocked, with his wallet on the seat. 穿过的火车距离恩科在汉诺威的家不远,他的车在事发现场不远处被发现,没有上锁,钱包在座位上。 www.bing.com 1. He's planning on getting a little car with a tiny engine to make his wife a bit happier. 他想买辆小排量的汽车让自己老婆开心啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。 www.jxcad.com.cn 3. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 4. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 5. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 6. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 7. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 9. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 1. If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy. 要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。 wx.jtyjy.com 2. How much did you spend for that car? 那辆车花了多少钱? wenku.baidu.com 3. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 4. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 5. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 7. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 9. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 10. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 1. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 2. ' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!” www.ebigear.com 3. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 4. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 5. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 7. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 8. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 9. Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city. 几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。 bbs.renyu.net 10. If you see show after show where people are driving a shiny, expensive car, you'll begin to see that car as normal. 如果你在一个接着一个节目里看到人们都开着闪闪发亮的昂贵的轿车,你就会开始认为这很正常。 www.elanso.com 1. I got out of the car , but he ran away before I could ask if he was all fight. It was very. strange. 奇怪的是,当我从车上下来想确定他是否安好之前他已经跑了。 wenwen.soso.com 2. And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。 www.bing.com 3. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 5. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 6. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 7. Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city. 几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。 bbs.renyu.net 8. If you see show after show where people are driving a shiny, expensive car, you'll begin to see that car as normal. 如果你在一个接着一个节目里看到人们都开着闪闪发亮的昂贵的轿车,你就会开始认为这很正常。 www.elanso.com 9. As he began his U. S. job hunt, Morales considered buying a car in order to be able to go after the best available job. 当他开始在美国找工作时,莫拉莱斯考虑购买一辆汽车,以便能够追求最好的工作。 www.bing.com 10. The train crossing was not far from Enke's Hannover home. His car was found near the scene, unlocked, with his wallet on the seat. 穿过的火车距离恩科在汉诺威的家不远,他的车在事发现场不远处被发现,没有上锁,钱包在座位上。 www.bing.com 1. First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I . 首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 www.bing.com 3. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 4. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 5. Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city. 几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。 bbs.renyu.net 6. If you see show after show where people are driving a shiny, expensive car, you'll begin to see that car as normal. 如果你在一个接着一个节目里看到人们都开着闪闪发亮的昂贵的轿车,你就会开始认为这很正常。 www.elanso.com 7. As he began his U. S. job hunt, Morales considered buying a car in order to be able to go after the best available job. 当他开始在美国找工作时,莫拉莱斯考虑购买一辆汽车,以便能够追求最好的工作。 www.bing.com 8. The train crossing was not far from Enke's Hannover home. His car was found near the scene, unlocked, with his wallet on the seat. 穿过的火车距离恩科在汉诺威的家不远,他的车在事发现场不远处被发现,没有上锁,钱包在座位上。 www.bing.com 9. Our car was not the best in the pack, but we managed to put everything together and this result comes from all the work done with the team. 我们的车并不是最好的,但是我们很好的融合了所有的东西,这样的结果来自车队每个人所作的工作。 www.f1-zone.net 10. When we got out of the car, our cat Val was sitting in the front garden soaking up the last bits of sunlight. Val rolled on to her back. 下车时,看到我们的猫瓦尔正躺在前花园,仰着蜷起身子,吸收着最后一缕阳光。 www.bing.com 1. We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 www.kekenet.com 2. I responded by telling her to return the car and the keys and get out of my life. 这让我很恼怒,于是告诉她把我的车和钥匙还回来,然后立马消失在我面前。 www.bing.com 3. Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city. 几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。 bbs.renyu.net 4. If you see show after show where people are driving a shiny, expensive car, you'll begin to see that car as normal. 如果你在一个接着一个节目里看到人们都开着闪闪发亮的昂贵的轿车,你就会开始认为这很正常。 www.elanso.com 5. As he began his U. S. job hunt, Morales considered buying a car in order to be able to go after the best available job. 当他开始在美国找工作时,莫拉莱斯考虑购买一辆汽车,以便能够追求最好的工作。 www.bing.com 6. The train crossing was not far from Enke's Hannover home. His car was found near the scene, unlocked, with his wallet on the seat. 穿过的火车距离恩科在汉诺威的家不远,他的车在事发现场不远处被发现,没有上锁,钱包在座位上。 www.bing.com 7. Our car was not the best in the pack, but we managed to put everything together and this result comes from all the work done with the team. 我们的车并不是最好的,但是我们很好的融合了所有的东西,这样的结果来自车队每个人所作的工作。 www.f1-zone.net 8. When we got out of the car, our cat Val was sitting in the front garden soaking up the last bits of sunlight. Val rolled on to her back. 下车时,看到我们的猫瓦尔正躺在前花园,仰着蜷起身子,吸收着最后一缕阳光。 www.bing.com 9. A few days later, as she was out driving around the countryside, she stopped her car to let a flock of sheep pass. 后来有一天,她漫无目的地开车走在乡村路上,她停下来给一群绵羊让道。 www.bing.com 10. While he worked on the train young Edison continued to experiment setting up a laboratory in the baggage car. 年轻的爱迪生在火车上工作时继续搞实验,,在行李车上建立了一间实验室。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Clementi is about as a few days later in an interview with CCTV cameras rushed to the car and two of our city. 几天后金文固然如约带着央视的采访车和两个摄像赶到了我们这个城市。 bbs.renyu.net 2. If you see show after show where people are driving a shiny, expensive car, you'll begin to see that car as normal. 如果你在一个接着一个节目里看到人们都开着闪闪发亮的昂贵的轿车,你就会开始认为这很正常。 www.elanso.com 3. As he began his U. S. job hunt, Morales considered buying a car in order to be able to go after the best available job. 当他开始在美国找工作时,莫拉莱斯考虑购买一辆汽车,以便能够追求最好的工作。 www.bing.com 4. The train crossing was not far from Enke's Hannover home. His car was found near the scene, unlocked, with his wallet on the seat. 穿过的火车距离恩科在汉诺威的家不远,他的车在事发现场不远处被发现,没有上锁,钱包在座位上。 www.bing.com 5. Our car was not the best in the pack, but we managed to put everything together and this result comes from all the work done with the team. 我们的车并不是最好的,但是我们很好的融合了所有的东西,这样的结果来自车队每个人所作的工作。 www.f1-zone.net 6. When we got out of the car, our cat Val was sitting in the front garden soaking up the last bits of sunlight. Val rolled on to her back. 下车时,看到我们的猫瓦尔正躺在前花园,仰着蜷起身子,吸收着最后一缕阳光。 www.bing.com 7. A few days later, as she was out driving around the countryside, she stopped her car to let a flock of sheep pass. 后来有一天,她漫无目的地开车走在乡村路上,她停下来给一群绵羊让道。 www.bing.com 8. While he worked on the train young Edison continued to experiment setting up a laboratory in the baggage car. 年轻的爱迪生在火车上工作时继续搞实验,,在行李车上建立了一间实验室。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It was a real cop car, it was a real policeman, and there were real neighbors in the street who didn't know that this was an experiment. 那是辆真警车,是个真警察,街上的邻居也是真的,他们不知道这是个实验。 www.ted.com 10. when a patient calls , the doctor is ready to rush to help ! the doctor ' s car is fully equipped to handle any emergency. 当病人呼叫医生的时候,医生叔叔马上准备奔赴现场!这个医疗车配备先进可帮助医生叔叔处理任何紧急情况。 www.ichacha.net |
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