单词 | amphibious |
释义 |
例句释义: 水陆两栖的,两栖作战的,登陆的,水陆两用的,两栖类,两栖式,两栖单位 1. Amphibious forces, unlike traditional combat-based hulls, are utilitarian and meant to be used for a range of contingencies. 两栖作战部队所使用的船只不同于以往传统意义上的战斗船只,它们更加实用,也追求在意外情况下更灵活的应急能力。 www.bing.com 2. Probably constructing a railway on the bottom of the sea isn't such a great idea after all, but we do have amphibious vehicles. 也许在海底修建铁轨并不是什么值得称道的主意,但是现如今我们也有水陆两用卡车。 www.bing.com 3. I had been teaching my seventh-graders about World War II, and a test question was, "What was the largest amphibious assault of all time? " 那时,我给七年级的学生讲有关二战的课程,有一道测验题问,“史上最大规模的两栖攻击是什么?” www.eol.cn 4. The ship was designed to provide medical treatment for military personnel in the war zone, in particular in an amphibious assault operation. 船被设计在战争区域中为军事人员提供治疗,尤其在水陆两栖攻击军事行动中。 www.globalmil.com 5. China, almost finished with a second new amphibious-warfare vessel, is in the early stages of a rumored building program of sixteen. 中国基本上已完成第二代两栖作战舰船的研制工作,而其传言中的“十六号建造方案”目前已进入早期阶段。 www.bing.com 6. Converting the bikes to amphibious vehicles to explore Halong Bay might be a step too far for a holiday. 把摩托车改成水陆两栖车驶进下龙湾,对度假者来说是有点过分了。 www.bing.com 7. Balcony would also like to be able to stay running, it is best to enjoy the sea, set in an amphibious capability. 还要能够在阳台上停留行走,最好能在海中畅游,集三栖能力于一身。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. ABC News said amphibious ship USS Kearsarge had left the Red Sea to transit through Suez Canal into the Mediterranean, close to Libya. 美国广播公司新闻报道,美国海军奇尔沙治号两栖攻击舰(amphibiousshipUSSKearsarge)已经离开红海,途经苏伊士运河,进入地中海,驶向利比亚。 www.bing.com 9. U. S. Marines will conduct training and amphibious exercises, and the Air Force will station some of its aircraft at the bases. 美海军陆战队将进行训练和两栖演习,空军将在基地停泊飞机。 www.bing.com 10. Swimmers are seen in an amphibious battle vividly portrayed in the designs of an unearthed bronze pot of the Warring States period. 曾出土了一个战国时期的青铜器,上面的设计生动地展示了游泳者出现在水路战场上的场面。 www.readywin.com 1. We call such creatures amphibious, which means that they are able to live with equal ease on the land and in the water. 我们叫这种生物两栖的,即它们能在路上和水里同样舒适地生活。 my.putclub.com 2. Non- amphibious units, however, will perish when transported out of their element with a Chronosphere. 对于非两栖单位,传送会毁灭他们。 www.zh.818-818.com 3. A three-ship amphibious ready group will move from its position off the Horn of Africa into the Mediterranean Sea. 由三层甲板的两栖船组成的队伍,已经准备从他们在非洲合恩岛的驻地出发,进入地中海。 learning.sohu.com 4. Hiding a big fish, eat fish, the evolution of a marine in Bazhe, the final climb up the land for the evolution of amphibious animals. 躲大鱼,吃小鱼,不断进化,成为海洋中的霸者,最终爬上陆地进化为两栖类动物。 www.fishjava.com 5. In the Mediterranean ground based firefighters are often reinforced by fixed-wing aircraft, including amphibious planes, and helicopters. 在地中海陆地消防员经常得到一些固翼飞行器的支援,包括水陆两栖飞机和直升飞机。 dict.kekenet.com 6. Chagrians were truly amphibious, retaining their ability to breathe underwater while also able to function without difficulty in air. 查格里亚人是真正的两栖种族,保留着水下呼吸的能力,同时也能在岸上毫不费力的作到这一点。 www.starwarschina.com 7. "Blue Ridge" is an air and sea amphibious command ship, has been served in the Navy 40 years. “蓝岭”号是一艘海空两栖作战指挥舰,至今已在美国海军服役40多年。 www.englishtang.com 8. And a critical first step is to recognize the potential impact of Beijing's low-tech amphibious ambitions. 最为重要的第一步就是认识到中国那些无甚技术含量的“两栖野心”的潜在影响。 www.bing.com 9. The Chinese have maintained that their civilization was founded by amphibious beings that had a man's head and a fish tail. 华人传承下来的文明是被具有人头和鱼尾的两栖生命建立的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Their amphibious talents in the past may be the key to understanding how they flourished in, and ultimately survived, the dinosaur era. 它们古老的两栖特征可能是理解恐龙时代的繁荣及它们最终幸存下来的关键。 www.bing.com 1. The multi-locomotion modes and compound mobile mechanism are the main traits of the amphibious robot. 多运动模式和复合移动机构是该机器人的突出特点。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The invention relates to the field of robot research and engineering, in particular to a joint module for an amphibious snake-like robot. 本发明涉及机器人研究和工程领域,具体是一种水陆两栖蛇形机器人关节模块。 ip.com 3. The airborne units were to secure the flanks of the amphibious assault. 空降部队的任务是从侧翼掩护两栖进攻。 wiki.jukuu.com 4. The U. S. S. Makin Island, the Navy's first hybrid amphibious assault ship has just completed its maiden voyage. 美国海军马金岛,海军的第一款混合动力两栖攻击舰刚刚完成它的处女航。 www.kekenet.com 5. What could the amphibious creature have been, who, by this terrible blow had destroyed the formidable dugong? 究竟是什么两栖动物进行了骇人的袭击,把凶猛的儒艮咬死的呢? novel.tingroom.com 6. An amphibious bus that can travel on water and roads was grounded today - less than an hour after taking to the water. 一辆水陆两栖大巴今天在英国克莱德河进行了试水,然而仅仅下水不到一个小时,大巴就发生了技术故障,试航被迫终止。 www.bing.com 7. From amphibious ship trains to underwater tour buses, water-based transportation was clearly thought of as the way of the future. 从水陆两用的轮船火车一体化,到水下公共汽车,在未来的方式中清楚可见的是以水为基础的交通思路。 www.bing.com 8. The British-led landings at Gallipoli (1915) were the main amphibious assault in World War I. 英国领导的利波利(Gallipoli)登陆(1915),是第一次世界大战重要的两栖战。 prog.nssh.tpc.edu.tw 9. The Navy currently has an aircraft carrier strike group and an amphibious landing vessel, with Marines and helicopters, in the Red Sea. 目前,海军在红海上拥有一个航母战斗群贺一搜两栖登陆舰,载有海军陆战队和一批直升机。 www.bing.com 10. The underwater walking experiment results of the amphibious multi-legged robot verify the feasibility of the proposed gait. 通过分析两栖多足机器人的水下实验结果,验证了步态的可行性。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. But outside of an all-out blue-water fight, the geopolitical utility of China's amphibious force deserves a far more rigorous analysis. 但是除了全面远海战斗,中国两栖军事力量的地缘政治效用值得我们进行更缜密分析。 www.bing.com 2. Or vested interests to use this amphibious sexual confusion right and wrong, false information to mislead consumers and reduce government. 或是既得利益集团利用这种两栖性来混淆是非、制造虚假信息来误导消费者及要挟政府。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. At the behind animal diverse sex-the amphibious type introduces several categories that the kinds represent sex only. 在后面动物多样性-两栖类仅介绍几种代表性的种类。人们通过认识两栖类物种的多样性。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Originally, the amphibious amphibious tank's outer covering manufactures with the thin steel plate, the chassis design is dexterous. 原来,水陆两栖坦克的外壳用薄型钢板制作,车体设计轻巧。 www.qdcs5.com 5. The two countries practised blockades, capturing airfields and amphibious landings. 两国演习了海上封锁、抢占机场和两栖登陆等项目。 www.ecocn.org 6. Beijing's investments in modestly militarized amphibious-assault support platforms have also been overlooked. 中方在适度发展军用两栖作战后勤平台上的投入也被忽视了。 www.bing.com 7. either of two amphibious reptiles with shorter broader snouts than crocodiles. 两种两栖爬行动物,比一般鳄鱼有更宽、更短的鼻子。 www.1stenglish.com 8. China has improved and expanded its amphibious landing exercises, but PLAN still faces huge logistics and operational problems. 我国改善和扩大其两栖登陆演习,但计划仍面临着巨大的物流和业务问题。 bbs.news.163.com 9. In October the USS Makin Island, an amphibious assault ship, was the first of 12 hybrid-powered ships to take to the water. 十月份美国船只“马金岛”号,一艘两栖攻击舰,成为12艘混合动力船中第一艘下水的船只。 www.ecocn.org 10. The US is reportedly dispatching an aircraft carrier and a large-deck amphibious ship. 美国据称派了一艘航空母舰和一艘大型两栖登陆舰前往地震灾区。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The hull is air and watertight, making the Chimera both amphibious and survivable in a toxic environment. 车身是通风而且防水的,它被制造用于两栖作战和生存在染毒环境中。 www.anetcity.com 2. In the greatest amphibious operation ever attempted, . . . 在史上最大的两栖作战中,… www.engxue.com 3. Optional equipment is said to include an amphibious capability, a low light level driving device and GPS. 可选择的设备据说包括水陆两栖能力,一套微光驾驶装置和GPS。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The port, the key link of the water transportation and the node of amphibious transportation, has a prominent significance. 港口作为水运的中心环节和水陆交通节点,本身空间意义突出。 www.daysogo.com 5. The theory seems plausible for platypuses, which are amphibious creatures. Echidnas, however, dwell solely on land. 这个理论对两栖的鸭嘴兽来说有些道理,然而针鼹却是完全陆生的动物。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. When sending a Spy through the water, select a disguise of an amphibious enemy unit. 当派间谍走水路的时候,要选择伪装一个两栖的敌人单位。 youxi.wo.tc 7. Submersed, amphibious, or terrestrial herbs, rooted at nodes when terrestrial or at plant base when aquatic; stem slender. 沉水,两栖,或者陆生草本,陆生植物在节上生根,水生植物在植株基部生根; www.flora.ac.cn 8. Now the world first amphibious houses, these houses can be left floating in the flood, the ground will be completed in the Netherlands. 如今世界上首座两栖房屋,这些房屋可以离开地面漂浮在洪水上,将会在荷兰竣工。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The forestry can be generally classified into three types as public welfare type, commercial type and amphibious type [2]. 林业按照划分可分为大概三类,公益型、商品型和两用型[2]。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. They are an amphibious species with hardy lungs capable of holding breath for extended periods. 他们是水陆两栖生物,肺部发达,能够长时间屏气。 starwarsfans.cn 1. To Washington defense elites, China's low-tech amphibious platforms are comfortably unthreatening. 对于华盛顿的国防精英来说,中国技术落后的两栖平台不足挂齿。 www.bing.com 2. I had this happen thrice: amphibious assaults of obsolete units without the amphibious promotion, resulting in mass suicide. 我已经三次发现这种情况了:用没有晋升过两栖作战的老旧部队进行两栖登陆攻击,造成大批量的自杀。 www.civclub.net 3. His amphibious bicycle has eight water buckets that act as pontoons and adjustable vane wheels that provide the driving power. 他的水陆两用自行车有八个作为浮筏用的水桶和一个可调节的叶片轮来提供驱动力。 www.elanso.com 4. From a tiny Chinese company comes this amphibious vehicle. That's right, you can drive this baby right into the water. 这辆两栖汽车来自中国的一家小公司。没错,你可以驾驶它直接进入水中。 www.yappr.cn 5. This amphibious vehicle fires single guided missiles at infantry and armored threats over great distances. 这种两栖单位所发射的单程导向导弹对于步兵和装甲单位同样有效。 zhihuiguan.com 6. The Normandy campaign (1944) ranks as the greatest amphibious assault in history. 诺曼第登陆(NormandyCampaign,1944)是历史上最著名的一次两栖作战。 prog.nssh.tpc.edu.tw 7. My late father, Henry M. Margolis, fought at Iwo as a member of the renowned 5th Marine Amphibious Division. 我已故的父亲,亨利-马戈利斯,作为赫赫有名的的第五海军两栖军团的成员,参加了攻打硫磺岛的战斗。 www.bing.com 8. They proposed a heavy and concentrated amphibious assault. 他们计划进行一次猛烈而集中的两栖攻击。 www.kuenglish.info 9. Sometimes you don't want an amphibious vehicle to look too much like a car. 有时候你不想要一辆太像普通车的两栖车。 www.bing.com 10. The navy's fleet of frigates, amphibious vessels, and other surface ships, will also be cut. 海军护卫舰,水陆两栖舰,以及其他船舰也将被裁减。 www.bing.com 1. Chinese amphibious landing operations-AAAV vehicles. 中国两栖登陆作战。AAAV战车。 mainiti.com 2. yuke landing force assault squadron , provide fire support to the amphibious force. 进攻中队,为两栖军提供火力支援。 ichacha.net 3. After that, China would try to invade with airborne and amphibious forces. 在之后,中国大陆军队会试着以机载和水陆两栖兵力进攻。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The amphibious armoured command & control vehicle in service with the PLA Marine Corps. 在PLA海军陆战队服役中的水陆两栖装甲指挥&控制车辆。 www.globalmil.com 5. The Empire pressed these gentle, amphibious people into war by subjugating their watery world. 帝国对他们海洋星球的征服将这个温和的两栖种族推入了战争。 www.starwarschina.com 6. A serviceman from the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, he was killed in a Viking armoured amphibious vehicle in Babaji. 第二皇家坦克团的一名技师在巴巴吉的维京水陆两栖装甲战车中被杀。 www.bing.com 7. The amphibious whale shaped toy is provided for solving that the amphibious toy is less. 为解决当前水陆两用玩具较少而提供的。 ip.com 8. The Mistral is a mighty, 199-metre-long vessel that carries tanks and helicopters, and can conduct and manage amphibious landings. 西北风级两栖攻击舰长199米,搭载有坦克和直升机,可作为两栖登陆战的指挥舰。 www.ecocn.org 9. The next is the Hall of amphibious animals. 接下来是两栖动物展览厅。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Primary mission for these ships are amphibious landing operations. 对这些船只的主要任务是两栖登陆作战。 www.tianya.cn 1. Herbs, perennial, to 30 cm, aquatic with emergent inflorescence, amphibious, or terrestrial. 多年生草本,对30厘米,水生的具露出水面的花序,两栖,或陆生。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Macarthur staged a massive amphibious landing behind enemy lines. 麦克阿瑟在敌后布置了大批的两栖登陆部队。 www.websaru.com 3. defense and communications units. It is a rapid assault force for amphibious operations. 程兵及侦察、防化、通信等部(分)队,是实施两栖作战的快速突击力量。 blog.chinamil.com.cn 4. In addition, the military will increase the number of amphibious vessels and Mi-17 combat and transport helicopters stationed in the region. 而且,军方将增加布署在该区域的水陆两栖舰、米格-17战斗直升机以及运输直升机的数量。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Obsolescent fish, amphibious, the feeding of reptile. 不适用鱼类、两栖、爬行动物的饲养。 bbs.qinen.net 6. Selecting the right units to disguise is also very important since Spies are amphibious units. 选择正确的单位来伪装也是非常重要的,因为间谍是两栖单位。 youxi.wo.tc 7. an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory. 为奇袭敌人领地而训练的水陆两栖军事单位。 www.hotdic.com 8. Fixed an out of synch related to amphibious warfare . 修订了两栖作战的一个不同步问题。 www.bing.com 9. When chronosphering amphibious units from, say, land to sea, will they just convert to their water version instantly or will they sink? 当超时空传送两栖单位从陆地到海上时,这些单位会立刻转换成水上形态还是会沉下去? www.zh.818-818.com 10. The first China-made amphibious plane, coded Seagull 300, started its test flight Thursday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,5日,我国首架具有完全自主知识产权的轻型水陆两栖飞机——海鸥300飞机进入试验试飞阶段。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. 1943 - World War II: Operation Husky - Allied forces perform an amphibious invasion of Sicily. 1943年的今天,爱斯基摩行动—盟军从水陆进攻西西里。 www.for68.com 2. The world's first amphibious ice cream van is touring Britain's seaside resorts and waterways. 世界第一辆水陆两栖冰淇淋车日前在英国海滨度假胜地以及各水道开动(见上图)。 www.kekenet.com 3. The development and characteristics of amphibious excavators at home and aboard are analyzed. 分析国内外水陆两用挖掘机的发展概况和性能特点。 www.dictall.com 4. Work on 75 more ships, including aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates and amphibious vessels, would begin over 10 years. 包括航空母舰、驱逐舰、护卫舰和两栖舰艇在内的其它75艘军舰,将在未来10年陆续开建。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Before the Normandy landings of 1944, an amphibious raid was launched by the Allies on Dieppe, Normandy. 一九四四年诺曼第登陆战之前,盟军曾向诺曼第迪耶普港发动两栖突袭。 forum.bomoo.com 6. Exhaust performance is good, can dry wet amphibious. 排气性能好,可干湿两用。 jixie.waimao8.com 7. August 19, 1942, a large-scale amphibious assault across the English Channel directly toward Dieppe Kyrgyzstan calendar. 一九四二年八月十九日,一个大型的两栖登陆袭击横跨英吉历海峡直扑第厄普。 wenda.tianya.cn 8. Fantastic! I become an amphibious animal! 见鬼,我简直成两栖动物了! blog.sina.com.cn 9. sand island this is sand island base defense ! enemy amphibious force intercepted at the coastline. 这里是沙鸟基地守备队!已经将敌军两栖舰队拦截在海岸线! ichacha.net 10. Farmers help a horse to jump into an amphibious vehicle in flooded Juliszew village in central Poland at Wisla river on May 24, 2010. 帮助农民在维斯瓦马跳江成在淹水Juliszew波兰中部乡村两栖车辆在2010年5月24日。 08062788.blog.163.com 1. Studied the possibility of using small road wheel on amphibious track layer based on the analysis of big one. 在分析水陆履带车采用大负重轮方案的基础上,研究了采用小负重轮的可能性。 www.dictall.com 2. Had this invisible bed, guest, the study can act as temporarily bedroom, can accomplish " one room is amphibious " . 有了这个隐形床,来客了,书房可以充当临时卧室,能做到“一房两用”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In this paper, different kinds of resistance of amphibious vehicle steering on the water have been analyzed. 本文对两栖车辆在水中行驶的各种阻力进行了分析。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. Sure, if your vehicle is amphibious. And do wear a snorkel. 当然可以,只要你的车是水陆两用的就行。另外记得开车时戴上潜水呼吸管。 www.bing.com 5. Have 40% that the national amphibious animal grows a number. 占全国两栖类动物种数的40%。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This is called the Detroit Fish. It's an amphibious auto which means it can go on land or sea, and it's Chinese-made, Chinese-designed. 它叫做“底特律之鱼”。它是一辆两栖汽车,这意味着它可在陆地或海上行驶,而且是由中国设计和制造的。 www.yappr.cn 7. The leader among them was ROKS Dokdo, an amphibious vessel carrier that is the largest ship in the South Korean fleet. 其中的领航船是海陆两栖船只独岛号(ROKSDokdo),它是韩国舰队中最大的船只。 c.wsj.com 8. The world has amphibians, 10 years later we have "amphibious vehicle" of! 世界上有两栖动物,10年后就会有“三栖汽车”了! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The U. S. doesn't have any aircraft carriers or big-deck amphibious ships in the Mediterranean now. 美国目前在地中海没有部署航空母舰和大型两栖战舰。 c.wsj.com 10. A fully loaded B-model can take off on 1, 200 feet of AM2 runway matting or from an amphibious assault ship, providing basing flexibility. 满载的B型机可以从1,200英尺的AM2型钢垫跑道或者是一艘两栖攻击舰上起飞,具有基本的机动能力。 www.fyjs.cn 1. It mainly studies on the key branch of course of kinds of amphibious and triphibious machines. 它主要是研究二三栖类机器的学科分支。 www.dictall.com 2. The upgraded amphibious Type 63A tank has a welded turret and rifled 105-mm tank gun. 改进的63A式两栖坦克有一个焊接炮塔和105毫米坦克线膛炮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Bullfrogs - They have a long range, are amphibious, and are pretty fast but you can engage them if you have numbers on your side. 牛蛙——它们拥有长射程,而且是两栖的,它们可以非常快的移动,不过如果你有数量优势的话,可以干掉他们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Herbs, annual, terrestrial or amphibious, to 20[-55] cm. 一年生草本,陆生或两栖,达20[-55]厘米。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. This is an amphibious vehicle. 这种交通工具是水陆两用的。 www.nciku.cn 6. As the Lotus Temple had both Foseng, there are some priests, it became a Buddhist and Daoist shrine amphibious. 由于芙蓉寺既有过佛僧,又有过道士,所以成了佛道两教的两栖圣地。 www.elycn.com 7. Last year, the first deployment of the Type 071 amphibious transport vessel to anti-piracy duties off Somalia passed uneventfully. 去年,为防范索马里海盗,首次部署了071型两栖运输舰,不过护航行动平平淡淡地过去了。 www.bing.com 8. Numerical Simulation Study of Hydrodynamic Characteristic for the Amphibious Tank 某水陆坦克静水航行性能数值模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 9. the navy may be made to give up the Royal Marines and amphibious landing ships; 海军可能要弃用皇家海军陆战队和几艘两栖登陆舰; www.ecocn.org 10. Design and Hydrodynamics Analysis of the Propulsive Mechanism of a Small Amphibious Robot 小型两栖机器人推进机构设计与水动力学分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Numerical Simulation of the Steering Resistance of a Wheeled Amphibious Vehicle 某轮式两栖车水上行驶阻力数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis of the Waterborne Performance of Amphibious Armored Vehicles with CAD Secondary Developing CAD二次开发进行两栖装甲车水上性能分析 www.ilib.cn 3. The Requirement Demonstration and Ideation for Testability Design of New Type Amphibious Armored Vehicle 新型两栖装甲车辆的测试性设计需求论证及构想 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of the Waterborne Capability of Amphibious Armored Vehicles with CAD Secondary Developing CAD二次开发与两栖车辆水上性能分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Performance and Characteristics of a New Type Amphibious Excavator 新型水陆两用挖掘机的性能特点 www.ilib.cn 6. Statistics and Analysis of Characteristics of the Amphibious Journals of Natural Science and Social Science 自然科学与社会科学两栖期刊学科特点的统计分析 www.ilib.cn 7. The Simulation Analysis for the Surviving Ability of the Amphibious Assault System Crossing the Lane 两栖突击作战系统通过通路生存能力仿真分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Analysis of Factors That Influence Amphibious Equipment Manipulator Reliability 两栖装备乘员可靠性影响因素分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Hydraulic System of the Amphibious Vehicle and Its Fault Diagnosis Search Strategy 两栖车液压系统及其故障诊断搜索策略研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Medical support for the consolidation and extension of beachhead in amphibious landing campaign 渡海登岛作战巩固扩大登陆场卫勤保障几个问题的探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Study of Retarding Sway Control System on Amphibious Vehicles 两栖车载减摇控制系统探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. The Application of Advanced Coatings Protection Technology on Amphibious Armored Vehicle 先进涂层防护技术在两栖装甲车辆上的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Evaluation of Integrating Support Abilities on Amphibious Armored Forces in Landing Operation 渡海登陆作战两栖装甲部队综合保障能力评估 service.ilib.cn 4. The Research of Synthetic Environment for Simulation of the Assault Force with Amphibious Tank 装甲两栖突击分队作战仿真中的综合环境研究 www.ilib.cn 5. A Nearly Modern Amphibious Bird from the Early Cretaceous of Northwestern China 中国西北部白垩记早期鸟化石暗示现化鸟的水生起源 6. Volume of fluid model based parallel numerical computation of resistance for amphibious vehicles 基于流体体积的两栖车辆阻力并行数值计算 www.ilib.cn 7. The nodus and countermeasure of medical support in the antiaircraft forces'amphibious landing campaign 防空兵部队渡海登岛作战卫勤保障的难点与对策 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Growth characteristics and sewage purifying effect of amphibious banyan in constructed wetland 两栖榕在人工湿地的生长特性及其对污水的净化效果 service.ilib.cn 9. Ecological Economic Effects of Amphibious Rotation Model with Two Vegetable Varieties 两种蔬菜水旱轮作模式的生态经济效益 www.ilib.cn 10. Tentative exploration of medical guarantee of emergency military depot in the high-tech amphibious operation 高技术条件下渡海登岛作战应急兵站卫勤保障初探 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Amphibious Rescue Society - Rescue drills and helicopter evacuation 两栖救援协会成军有看头 www.ichacha.net 2. Spaehpanzer Luchs Armoured Amphibious Wheeled Reconnaissance Vehicle 山猫水陆两用轮式侦察车 forum.110help.com 3. The design features of amphibious vehicle and its market situation 水陆两栖交通艇设计特点及市场前景 ilib.cn 4. On the Application of New Material in Maritime Rescue of Amphibious Armored Equipment 新材料在两栖装甲装备海上抢救中应用探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Amphibious Armored Equipment Simulator Model of Battlefield Damage 两栖装甲装备战场损伤仿真模型 www.ilib.cn 6. Organization and execution of sea medical evacuation in amphibious landing campaign 登岛战役岛上大批伤病员海上医疗后送的组织与实施 www.ilib.cn 7. Classification and Assessment for Water Propulsion Unit of Amphibious Vehicle in Foreign Army 外军两栖车辆水上推进装置的分类及评价 www.ilib.cn 8. Discussion on medical support of sea medical evacuation in amphibious islanding campaign 登岛战役岛上大批伤病员海上后送卫勤保障难点与对策探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. The Research History of Mammal and Amphibious Reptile and Geographical Division in Hebei Province 河北哺乳及两栖爬行动物研究史与地理区划 scholar.ilib.cn 10. The Operational Capability Comparison Between Amphibious Armored Vehicles and Reequipped Ones 两栖装甲车辆改装前后作战性能评估 www.ilib.cn 1. The invention relates to an amphibious electronic advertising car with solar energy, comprising an amphibious car (1); 本发明涉及一种太阳能水陆两栖电子广告车,包括:水陆两栖车(1); ip.com 2. The design of unilateral amphibious steel structure he ad frame for the lift of composite wells 混合井单侧主、副提升钢井架设计 service.ilib.cn 3. An Introduction to Amphibious Construction Machinery Development 两粞类施工机械发展概述 www.ilib.cn 4. On the cultivation of commanding personnel for amphibious operations 两栖作战指挥人才培养刍议 service.ilib.cn 5. Research on Measurement of Buoyant Center of Amphibious Fighting Vehicle 两栖战车浮心测量方法研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Research into the Increasing of Amphibious Vehicle Velocity on Water 提高两栖战斗车辆水上航速的研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on Vehicle Body Stress Test of the Amphibious Armored Vehicle 两栖装甲车辆车体应力试验分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Explored and receives problem of the oil-gas seismic exploration in amphibious area 滩浅海两栖地区油气地震勘探激发接收技术研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Without amphibious tanks Chinese troops resort to sampans in meeting their enemy 没有水陆两栖坦克,中国部队依靠舢板作战 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Study on Initiative Driving Training Simulator of Amphibious Tank 某式两栖坦克主动驾驶模拟训练系统研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Noctiluca ZAKU Warrior Amphibious Assault Landing Type 强袭登陆型扎古勇士 ae.cnmsl.net 2. Analysis on Power Plant Type-Selection of Dock Amphibious Warship in Foreign Navies 国外坞式两栖战舰动力装置选型分析 www.ilib.cn 3. The Analysis of the Model on the Attack-landing of Amphibious Armored Unit 两栖装甲分队突击上陆速度模型分析 www.ilib.cn 4. One Of World's Fastest Amphibious Cars Now For Sale 全世界最快的水陆两用开始出售 www.kekenet.com 5. beachcomber amphibious boot ballet shoe Artistic shoe 海滩鞋水陆两用靴芭蕾舞鞋工艺鞋 wenku.baidu.com 6. The Research and Develop of an Amphibious Tractor 十吨牵引力两栖牵引车研究设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle, AAAV 原名先进两栖突击载具 www.baike.com 8. LPH Amphibious Assault Helicopter Carrier 两栖直升机攻击舰 blog.sina.com.cn 9. AAAV- Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle 先进两栖突击车 wenku.baidu.com 10. A Study on Static Water Resistance Prediction of Amphibious Vehicle 两栖装甲车静水阻力近似估算方法初探 www.ilib.cn 1. A Method of Calculating Primary Parameter of Water-Jet Propulsion System in Amphibious Vehicles 两栖车辆喷水推进系统主参数的确定方法 www.ilib.cn 2. Optimization Design of Water-Jet Propulsion System Use in Amphibious Vehicles 两栖车辆喷水推进系统的优化设计方法 www.ilib.cn 3. Firing Method Selection For Amphibious Tank platoon 水陆坦克分队射击方法选择问题 www.ilib.cn 4. Impact of the Shape of the Hull Back of Amphibious Vehicle on the Inlet Flow Field of Waterjet Propulsion 两栖车辆车体尾部形状对喷水推进器进口流场的影响 www.ichacha.net 5. The Study of Rules of the Amphibious Armored Equipment Erosion 两栖装甲装备腐蚀规律探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. Research on water resources amphibious system in Jinan city 济南市水资源陆空协同系统研究 service.ilib.cn 7. D-Day Book Chronicles Historic Amphibious Assault 诺曼底登陆日书籍记述历史性的两栖军事袭击 www.amazon.cn 8. tarawa - class amphibious assault ship 塔拉瓦级两栖登陆舰 www.ichacha.net 9. THE AMPHIBIOUS ERA IS FAR FROM OVER 两栖协同作战的时代远未结束 www.bing.com 10. Study on Water Propulsion Unit of Amphibious Vehicle 两栖车辆水上推进装置的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Research and Application of Water Propulsion System of Amphibious Vehicle 喷水推进系统在两栖战斗车辆上的研究与应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Real-time Simulation of Amphibious Tank's Shooting in Waves at Sea 两栖战车海上射击海浪环境的实时仿真研究 service.ilib.cn 3. The resources of amphibious animal in weifang area 潍坊地区的两栖动物资源 www.ilib.cn 4. PBL Amphibious Assault Patrol Boat 两栖突击艇 blog.sina.com.cn 5. LPD Amphibious Transport Dock Ship 两栖船坞运输舰 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Amphibious motor vehicles are classified under the appropriate heading of Chapter 87; 水陆两用的机动车辆,应归入第八十七章的相应品目; www.china-customs.com 7. the electronic advertising board (3) is fixed in the center of the amphibious car (1); 电子广告板(3)固定在水陆两栖车(1)的中央; ip.com 8. A Study on GPS Based Navigation System of Amphibious Robots 基于GPS的水陆两栖机器人导航系统的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Toss Motion of Amphibious Vehicle in Sea-way 两栖车辆在波浪中的摇荡问题研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Combat System of Amphibious Assault Ship 两栖攻击舰作战系统 www.ilib.cn 1. The amphibious plants and trees 水陆草木之花, zhidao.baidu.com 2. Research on Scene Simulation of Amphibious Tank in DVBE 虚拟战场环境中水陆坦克视景仿真研究 compmicro.cn 3. Amphibious (can live on land and in water; a frog) 两栖的(可以生活在陆地上和水中:青蛙) cet.hjenglish.com 4. 8 amphibious reptile species, such as the Chinese toad, Bufo toad, money frog, Wang Snake and so on; 两栖爬行动物有8种,如中华蟾蜍、花背蟾蜍、金钱蛙、王锦蛇等; dictsearch.appspot.com |
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