单词 | assist | ||||
释义 | assisting是assist的现在分词
第三人称单数:assists 现在分词:assisting 过去式:assisted
例句释义: 协助,帮助,辅助装置,辅料 1. If you failed to support Britain, you were assisting the enemy. 如果你不支持英国,那你就是协助敌方。 www.bing.com 2. People familiar with the matter said that Singapore's DBS Bank was assisting Emaar with the sale process. 知情人士表示,新加坡星展银行(DBSBank)正在帮助埃玛尔出售资产。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Sam: That's a great attitude to have, Michael. Wendy will be in charge of your day-to-day work, but you'll also be assisting Dennis. 山姆:这种态度很好,迈可。温蒂将会负责你每天的例行公事,但此外你还要协助丹尼斯。 tw.biz.yahoo.com 4. Nevertheless, public giving seems to bring greater happiness to a nation as a whole as well as assisting those less fortunate. 尽管如此,公众的捐赠对于作为一个整体的国家而言,也带来了更多的幸福感,并且能够帮助那些不是很幸运的人们。 www.bing.com 5. As one of the developed country, the United States is always assisting the UN to implement its development-aid programs. 作为发达国家之一,美国一直在努力协助联合国完成其制定的发展援助计划。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Corporate-level management is often involved in assisting SBU to achieve their objectives. 企业层级的管理,往往是参与协助SBU来达成目标。 el.mdu.edu.tw 7. The Company will also be capable of assisting manufacturing and technical partners with event management, marketing and PR. 该公司还将协助制造业及事件管理,市场营销和公关能力的技术合作伙伴。 www.hotelvi.com 8. It said the Red Cross had no role in managing blood donations, only in assisting health authorities with publicity. 报道称,中国红十字会在管理他人献出的血液方面没有任何贡献,仅仅是配合卫生部门宣传献血。 www.ltaaa.com 9. i may have been born to be a benefactor to you , by sometimes giving you an opportunity of assisting me in my little perplexities. 也许我生来就是你们的恩人,常常给你们一些机会,在我遇到一些小困难的时候给我帮个忙。 www.ichacha.net 10. But she said having personalized, accurate prognostic information would be invaluable in assisting women's decisions to keep going or not. 但她说将来有个个性化的,能够得到准确的信息的模型来帮助妇女的决定,是继续还是放弃。 news.dxy.cn 1. Assisting and advising those responsible for providing welfare facilities and ensuring coordination between them. 帮助提供福利设施的主管人员,并向他们提出建议,保证他们之间的协调。 www.cnss.com.cn 2. She decided to remain on the island because her son works as a civilian for the military and was assisting in the cleanup. 她决定待在岛上,因为她儿子是军队的文职人员,正在协助清理工作。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Not until the dramatic end does the obsessive Nicholson recognize the folly of assisting the enemy in war and destroy the bridge. 直到戏剧的最后执着的尼科尔森才意识到在战争中帮助敌人是多么愚蠢,然后毁掉了这座桥。 www.bing.com 4. A surgeon can be very gifted but is more capable of saving a life if he has a team of medical personnel assisting him. 更能够强化他的强项。一个外科医生可能很有天赋,但如果让他加入一个医疗小组,而且有人协助他的情况下,他会更有能力拯救他人的生命。 www.ebigear.com 5. Joseph was assisting in the procession when he suddenly soared into the sky, where he remained hovering over the crowd. Joseph是在协助游行时突然上升到空中的,彼时他仍然盘旋于人群之上。 www.elanso.com 6. and before he had time to devise any other method of assisting them, an absolute breach between the sisters had taken place. 还没等他想出别的法子来帮助他们,那姊妹俩已经彻底决裂了。 novel.tingroom.com 7. Enabling Plagiarism: the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarize or to copy your own work. 这些以前的学生被指控剽窃。剽窃,是指将他人的文字或想法据为己有。 www.dictall.com 8. WS-Inspection (this can be used for assisting in the inspection of a site for available services). WS-Inspection(它可以用来协助检查一个站点的可用服务)。 www.ibm.com 9. Our role will be firstly to help in the clean up of Mother Earth and in assisting her with her changes. 我们的首要任务先是帮助地球母亲清理,协助她的转变。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Michelle Martin was charged for her role in assisting her husband Marc Dutroux to kidnap and rape six young girls, four of whom died. MichelleMartin被控告协助他的丈夫MarcDutroux绑架并强奸了六名幼女,其中四人死亡。 www.hxen.com 1. I had been assisting the department during a crunch period of being very short - handed, and was watching everyone get close to burn -out . 我在这个部门人手不足的危急时刻来这儿帮忙,亲眼目睹了每个人都接近于精疲力竭的状态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. For its part, the Bank is assisting by backing feeding and cash programs for vulnerable people and public work for food programs. 世行本身正在通过支持针对弱势人群的粮食和现金计划、以工代赈计划等方式提供援助。 web.worldbank.org 3. He hid himself among the mangrove swamps close to the Kenyan border, assisting in the training of new recruits. 他隐藏在靠近肯尼亚交界的红树林沼泽地里,帮着训练新兵。 www.ecocn.org 4. So we really feel that this group energy is assisting a lot to really push forward this second window of opportunity into manifestation. 因此我们真的觉得这个集体的能量正在极大地帮助让这个第二次机会之窗得到显化。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. After strenuous rehabilitation, he was able to ambulate without any assisting device and could perform daily activities independently. 经过复健治疗,病人可以行走,步态接近正常,日常生活活动亦可独立完成。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Furthermore, it also provided a general user interface, assisting users to call the corresponding routines. 此外,该框架还提供了一个通用访问界面,方便用户集成和调用相应的共享应用程序。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. We look forward to assisting you and thank you for your interest in Christie's. 我们盼望协助你而且谢谢你对克里斯蒂的兴趣。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I believe this procedure will also be an important means of assisting me, the Chair, in advancing our work. 我认为这样做也是帮助我作为主席推动工作进程的一个重要途径。 www.wipo.int 9. Be responsible for assisting the company's Chief Financial Officer (Filipino) handling daily affairs of the company. 负责协助公司的财务总监(菲律宾人)处理公司日常事务。 www.kshr.com.cn 10. gathering and collecting the operation data of the company, assisting each department to complete the analysis work. 公司运营数据的收集、汇总,协助和跟踪各部门完成分析工作; www.lietou.com 1. High pressure jet to crack rocks for assisting drilling has always been an important research subject explored by the well drilling sector. 高压射流辅助钻井破岩一直是石油天然气钻井界研究的重要课题。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. conducting or assisting to conduct signature verifications or any other verification, or exchange . 进行或协助进行签名核对、任何其他核对或交换资料; ggn.cc 3. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your immigration related problems! 我们期待与您联络并帮助您有关移民的难题! pearli.com 4. We report its reverse application in assisting the early diagnosis of a depigmentation condition-localized vitiligo. 我们报告其应用在协助扭转的早期诊断的脱色条件本地化白癜风。 www.syyxw.com 5. Official Website: Assisting manager to collect and produce content used for WOM marketing and official website. 官网运营:协助上级经理,收集并创作用于官方网站和互联网口碑营销的内容,吸引用户访问阅读。 jobs.zhaopin.com 6. of helping the poor and assisting the needy, and there lie abundant social resources for poverty relief among the masses of people. 中华民族历来具有扶贫济困的优良传统,人民群众中蕴藏着扶贫开发丰厚的社会资源。 www.jukuu.com 7. Thank you for assisting me with my diagnostic. 谢谢你帮我进行诊断。 shynuphy.spaces.live.com 8. The application may be lodged by either a parent of the child or by the assisting Chinese agent . 签证申请可以由收养儿童的父母或者协助收养的中国中介服务机构提出。 www.bing.com 9. The WIPO secretariat is assisting the WHO secretariat to help clarify relevant technical patent-related issues raised by the debate. WIPO秘书处正在协助WHO秘书处,以帮助澄清与这一辩论中所提出的专利方面相关的技术问题。 www.wipo.int 10. We would also expect you to assist us in finding potential new clients and assisting where possible in all other areas of our work. 我们也希望你能帮助我们寻找潜在的新客户,并协助地方对我们工作的所有其他领域的可能。 www.douban.com 1. One of the main elements assisting FAO to fulfill its role in providing information in this area is its FAO Biotechnology website. 作为协助FAO履行其职责之一,提供这方面信息情报的是FAO的生物技术网站。 www.fao.org 2. They presented the money to Mayor Jim Cahill, who turned it over to a local group assisting victims of the attack. 他们将募款呈给市长吉姆?卡希尔(JimCahill),后者将它转赠给一个协助袭击事件受害者的当地团体。 www.america.gov 3. It was designed for a variety of uses, including search and rescue, fighting forest fires, and assisting in fighting fires in cities. 它设计为多用途,包括搜索和援救,扑灭森林火灾,同时协助城市灭火。 www.bing.com 4. Indicate your interest towards assisting me by sending your phone and address so that I can communicate with you at any time. 表明你对帮助发送您的电话和地址,以便我能与您沟通在任何时候我的兴趣。 www.0-311.com 5. "People need to take it seriously, " said Samantha Carrier, a local nurse, as she took a break from assisting those in need. “人们需要认真对待它,说:”萨曼莎载体,本地护士,因为她从协助有需要的人休息。 www.englishtang.com 6. Assisting insurgents is a classic form of unconventional warfare, and it does not necessarily mean putting Western personnel in Libya. 支持叛乱者是非常规战争的一个经典形式,这并不意味着我们必须派驻西方的人员到利比亚。 dongxi.net 7. The film portrays the brutal tactics of the Gestapo who torture and execute a priest found to be actively assisting the resistance fighters. 这部电影描写的盖世太保谁酷刑和执行祭司的野蛮行径发现积极协助抵抗战士。 www.fallill.com 8. The reasonable expenditures incurred in his assisting the investigation shall be borne by the administrative organ. 因协助调查产生的其他合理费用由行政机关承担。 www.dffy.com 9. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a supposedly empty head. 教学不只是将信息硬塞进据说是空洞的头脑中,而更应是一种指导和帮助。 www.ebigear.com 10. However, the Chinese embassy in Syria did not charge any fee for assisting the evacuation of the overseas Chinese. 我驻叙使馆在协助侨胞撤离过程中未收取任何费用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. He also doubles as help around her warehouse, assisting with getting crates out the door. 他也加倍当做在她的仓库周围的帮忙,与出自门得到板条箱协助。 www.d1999.com 2. I have been assisting the police since the first day the photos were published and I will continue to assist them. After this press con. 自照片发布当日起我一直在协助警方,这次记者会后我将会继续他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Well reputaions from assisting the traffic for a week. 做过为期一周的交通协管工作,得到好评。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He wants voluntary groups and private companies to help reduce reoffending by assisting former prisoners in finding homes and jobs. 他希望志愿团体和私企帮助这些人员安居乐业,从而降低犯罪的复发率。 www.ecocn.org 5. and any other personnel assisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works. 以及其他所有帮助承包商实施工程的人员。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. Greets guests at the Airport upon arrival, assisting them in carrying their luggage and directing them to the hotel transportation. 向到达的客人问候,帮助他们搬运行李,将他们送至酒店提供的运送车辆处。 www.ahzp.com 7. Although Arnold was a loyal American officer in 1775, four years later he was branded a traitor for assisting the British. 虽然阿诺在1775年时是一位忠心的美国军官,但是四年之后,他却被认为是协助英国的叛国贼。 www.24en.com 8. Any doctor upon the Earth, who is using traditional methods, is assisting the body in a sort of a band-aid effort. 地球上任何医生,正使用传统的方法,正帮助身体补缀的一种的努力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Therefore, the developed "On-line test-based learning assistant system" can be an available media for assisting student in learning. 因此,『线上辅助学习系统』可成为未来高职教师辅助学生学习的方式之一。 www.cetd.com.tw 10. I started assisting the photographer, designing the windows and things. Soon after that they asked me to oversee the fashion. 起初,我帮助摄影师设计橱窗和物品,不久他们让我做时尚设计方面的监工。 www.bing.com 1. Assisting to make trade manuals and conducting the inventory and statistics of the number of materials imported and products exported. 协助贸易起手册,对进口材料和出口产品数量进行盘点、统计。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In February the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) issued new guidelines on when someone might expect to be prosecuted for assisting suicide. 针对何时会因协助自杀而被起诉的问题,皇家检控署于二月份颁布了新准则。 www.ecocn.org 3. Actor Mel Gibson assisting Green Rubber Global, a Malaysian tire-recycling company, which seeks to turn old tires into new goods. 影星梅尔?吉勃逊协助马来西亚一家轮胎公司「全球绿胶」,把废弃轮胎回收后,转而制成新产品。 bbs.teawang.cn 4. If your boss likes you, she will be willing to spend more time assisting you, training you, and ultimately promoting you. 如果你的上司喜欢你,她会花更多的时间来帮助你,栽培你,并最终提拔你。 www.bing.com 5. teachers' deliberative competence in inclusion and discursion should be accomplished for assisting students to ascertain politics criticism. 充实教师涵容、论辩的审议素养,助益学生批判政治知能之习得。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Position Responsibilities: Specific duties of this position include assisting in client proposals and project estimates. 主要职责:该职位的具体职责包括对客户的提议和项目预算提供协助。 www.shjob.cn 7. Zadkiel is one of the two Angels assisting Michael in battle, the other being Jophiel. 除了约菲尔,萨基尔是在战斗上帮助麦可的另一位天使。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 8. Analysts are assisting you online to trade in stock market together, to let you enjoy those services for organizations. 分析师在线协助您一起炒股,让您享受机构级的服务。 www.chinacapitalonline.com 9. The surprise move came whilst The Pirate Bay is still awaiting trial in Sweden for charges of assisting in copyright infringement. 就在“海盗湾”仍然在等待瑞典法院就其协助侵犯版权的案件进行审理的时期,这个行为让人吃惊。 www.bing.com 10. Rest assured that the first actions we would take will be in assisting Mother Earth in her Ascension. 请放心,我们的第一个行动采取的行动,将是协助地球母亲经历她的《扬升》。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A good Alias Modeler communicates where and why he does not stick to the requested rebuild tolerance, thus assisting design and engineering. 一个良好的别名建模沟通,在哪里和为什么他不坚持要求重建宽容,从而协助设计和工程。 gaosheji.5d6d.com 2. In Libya, we've urged our people to leave the country and the State Department is assisting those in need of support. 在利比亚,我们吁请我们的人撤离这个国家,国务院也在帮助那些有需要的人们。 www.america.gov 3. We are delaying, or rather not assisting GAIA for just a couple days until this plan is fully operative. 我们正在延期,确切地说,几天内我们不会援助盖亚,直到此计划全面运转。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Security experts assisting the FBI identified the suspect as Ryan Cleary, whose details were published last month on an Anonymous-run site. 为FBI提供协助的安全专家确认犯罪嫌疑人为瑞安?克利里(RyanCleary)。克利里的详细资料上个月曾被发布在一个由Anonymous运营的网站上。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Bank has a critical role to play in assisting governments to carry out these steps. 世行在协助各国政府执行这些步骤方面起着至关重要的作用。 web.worldbank.org 6. We are dedicated to assisting you to get hold of the valuable competitive advantages and play outsmart. 我们致力于帮助您的把握领先的竞争优势并制胜商场。 www.xyzp.net 7. When assisting and advising institutions, vendors should consider OSS on its merits to that institution. 在协助和说服机构的时候,供应商应该按事情的是非曲直为那家公司考虑OSS。 www.bing.com 8. India was key in assisting the Bhutanese government as it developed its economy in the early sixties. 在1960年初,印度是不丹政府发展经济的主要援助者。 www.ebigear.com 9. The invention provides a solution for a new multimedia service manual for assisting the user terminal to receive the multimedia service. 本发明提供了一种新的多媒体业务指南的解决方案,以辅助用户终端接收多媒体业务。 dict.kekenet.com 10. As an important content in American Noise Control Act, Public Participation succeed in assisting America to achieve great social effects. 公众参与作为美国噪声控制法的重要内容,使美国噪声控制取得了良好的社会效果。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. we find people who do that are usually thieves using stolen accounts, and we have no interest in rewarding or assisting thievery . 这样做的人一般是使用盗用帐号,不会有人有兴趣为虎作伥帮助窃贼的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The Elders or many indigenous tribes have been monitoring and assisting it. There has been historical evidence of its movement. 长者或很多土著已经监视和援助它。这是它的运动的历史性证据。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Assisting families facing a death necessitates constant reevaluation of each family's adaptation to the illness. 帮助家庭面临死亡就必须每个家庭的适应不断重新评估的疾病。 www.syyxw.com 4. We are a service oriented firm committed to assisting the project team with the complete resolution of our client's needs and problems. 我们是一家设计服务的企业做对协助与我们的客户的需要的完全决议的项目小组和问题。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 5. The BBC has condemned the conviction of its reporter in Tajikistan on a charge of assisting a banned Islamist organisation. BBC记者在塔吉克斯坦被指控帮助一被禁的伊斯兰组织,BBC对此表示谴责。 www.24en.com 6. Without such protection, sources may be deterred from assisting the press in informing the public on matters of public interest. 如果没有这种保护,消息来源可能不敢就事关公共利益的问题协助新闻界为公众提供信息。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. Why the wind and rain assisting autumn arrives! 助秋风雨来何速! blog.sina.com.cn 8. WIPO had critical work to do, including norm-setting and assisting countries to gain full advantage of the IP system. WIPO有重要的工作,包括制定规范和帮助各国全面利用知识产权体系。 www.wipo.int 9. For instance, the movie depicts David Ferrie, one of Garrison's suspects, confessing to assisting in the conspiracy. 例如,电影里说守备部队的嫌疑人之一大卫。菲瑞承认在密谋中协助。 www.lailook.net 10. guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind. 超过强迫数据进入空格指导和协助介意。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. A motion to be moved by Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung on "Assisting people with disabilities in integrating into society" was passed. 梁耀忠议员就“协助残疾人士融入社会”动议的议案获得通过。 www.legco.gov.hk 2. this will activate greater love from within your being, assisting with the expansion of your heart chakra. 这将会激化你们存有内部更大的爱的力量,帮助你们扩张心查克拉。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Both of you have been working for Professor Adams assisting him with his class work and research. 你们俩一直致力于协助教授亚当斯与他的工作和研究他的阶级。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The parents of the groom are responsible for hosting the rehearsal dinner, but the groom should be assisting with the whole operation. 新郎的父母亲对招待彩排晚宴的事是要负责的。 www.bing.com 5. Decision Theatre is a complex of new technologies for assisting policy makers to make group decisions facing with complicated issues. 决策剧场是一种辅助决策者面对复杂问题进行群决策的新技术结合体。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. A circuit for assisting signal transitions on a wire, and a method thereof are provided. 一种在线路上辅助信号跃迁的电路及其方法。 ip.com 7. Production dispatching and arranging assisting, all necessary recording and statistics and checking for all the production. 生产调度、安排,记录所有要求的数据并进行分析! www.jobems.com 8. The prospect of assisting China's birth as an industrial superpower exerts a powerful pull on other Chinese professionals. 推动中国成为工业超级强国的前景,对中国其它职场人士产生了强大的吸引力。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Zhou gong was very diligent at government matters when assisting young King Cheng. He tried to attract talents widely. 周公辅佐年幼的成王时,勤于政事,广泛招揽人才。 bnu.eduwuca.org 10. Whoever makes outstanding achievements in assisting people's policemen to perform their duties shall be commended and awarded. 对协助人民警察执行职务有显著成绩的,给予表彰和奖励。 www.bing.com 1. Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Technical Support. My name is Tom and I will be assisting you today . 非常感谢您与暴雪娱乐技术支持部门联系,我的名字是汤姆,今天由我来为您提供帮助。 www.bing.com 2. Time and rain assisting, a humble gastronomical announcement had become a profound piece of advice. 为招引食客而写的这一微不足道的广告,在季节和雨水的帮助下竟成了一种有深远意义的劝告。 www.ebigear.com 3. Since the very beginning, EAPO's activities had been geared towards assisting the development of national patent offices in the region. 从一开始,EAPO为支持该地区各专利局的发展开展了活动。 www.wipo.int 4. He hopes the South Korean government will get actively involved in assisting with a Kaesong zone recovery. 他希望韩国政府积极介入开城工业区的相关事务,帮助公司恢复运营。 www.ebigear.com 5. The Deployment Manager can be "hands-on" , actually assisting with builds and helping to deploy assets to the portal. 部署管理员在实际帮助进行构建和帮助部署门户的资产时可以“动手操作”。 www.ibm.com 6. assisting relevant administrative departments in supervising and checking commodities and services. 参与有关行政部门对商品和服务的监督、检查。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Assisting clients before courts, tribunals or administrative authorities, where appropriate. 在法院、法庭和行政当局面前给予委托人以适当的协助。 lawyer.fabao365.com 8. We look forward to welcoming you on your first day and to assisting you to settle and get to know ABC. 我们期待着欢迎您在您的第一天,以帮助您解决和了解的基础知识。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. A raven, like many others, made his living by assisting priests as they prophesied at a temple to Zeus near Athens. 一只乌鸦,许多人一样,使他的生活,协助他们预言祭司在宙斯神庙附近的雅典。 www.en400.com:8080 10. A high switching frequency is chosen to minimize the size of the passive filtering components, further assisting in cost reduction. 选择一个较高的开关频率,以最小化被动过滤元件的尺寸,进一步降低成本。 www.allegromicro.com 1. During their Sichuan home visitations , Tzu Chi volunteers have also been assisting impoverished local children by providing scholarships. 慈济人在四川进行访视,其中也协助当地贫困孩子求学,送上助学金。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Initial responsibilities will include assisting CFO to develop, establish and implement the finance, accounting and control function. 首要职责包括协助财务总监发展,建立,执行贯彻财务,控制职能。 www.lietou.com 3. NOTE: Interim (final) project evaluation results will serve as payment terms. Assisting PMO with the completion of other related activities. 注:中(终)期项目评估结果将作为项目付款依据配合项目办完成其他相关活动。 www.docin.com 4. Responsible for North area distribution channels management, assisting distributors to make sales plans and complete the sales budget. 负责区域内分销渠道管理,协助经销商制定销售计划,完成渠道销售任务。 www.lietou.com 5. It urged WIPO to be pro-active in assisting in the implementation of the Doha Declaration. 它敦促WIPO更加积极主动地协助实施多哈宣言。 www.wipo.int 6. Assisting tooling engineer to complete general tooling regrind task inside as well as verification process. 协助刀具工程师完成常规的内部刀具修磨任务以及确认过程。 www.o-hr.cn 7. Assisting and auditing the contractors in security aspects, including testing of physical security systems and assurance of performance. 监督指导承包商保安工作,检查其保安系统是否能按照规定有效运作。 www.jobui.com 8. During commissioning, assisting the instrument engineer to implement various commissioning plans. 在项目调试阶段,配合仪表工程师,实施各项调试计划。 sh.jobems.com 9. Assisting the supervisor of maintenance to make the maintenance plan for all equipment and follow up the implementation. 协助维修主管制定全厂设备的维修保养计划并对实施情况进行跟踪。 www.gao8dou.com 10. We are very pleased that our applied testing technologies are assisting the international drive against infectious diseases in livestock. 我们非常荣幸我们的应用检测技术能够协助这项国际计划的完成,帮助检测家畜类传染性疾病。 www.labbase.net 1. Since October 2010, Steinberg said, the United States has provided $383 million worth of food, assisting 4. 4 million people in the region. 斯坦伯格说,2010年10月以来,美国提供了价值3.83亿美元的食品,救济了该地区440万饥民。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. Subtopics include administration. children and youth library services. archives. library science. as well as library assisting. 主要课程包括:行政管理,青少年图书馆服务,档案,图书馆学以及图书馆协助。 www.114liuxue.cn 3. As an information system assisting human beings to make decisions, Decision Support System (DSS) has been well studied and widely used. 决策支持系统作为一种协助人类决策的资讯系统,目前已经得到了深入研究与广泛应用。 www.fabiao.net 4. when answering telephones, registering guests, assigning rooms, checking out guests and assisting in different requests. 包括接听客人电话、登记客人入住、分配房间、客人结帐退房以及满足客人其它不同的要求等。 job.veryeast.cn 5. Projects include teaching English, caring for children, building and repairing community buildings and assisting with health care. 项目包括教英语,照料孩子,建造和维修社区楼宇以及协助卫生保健。 ww1.1x1y.com.cn 6. They are only concerned about whether the application is assisting or obstructing them in the pursuit of their goals. 他们只关心这个产品在他们完成自己的目标时是否会协助或者阻碍他们的工作。 www.ibm.com 7. A circuit for assisting signal transitions on a wire, and a method thereof. 一种用于在线路上辅助信号跃迁的电路及其方法。 ip.com 8. All this agitation finds no justification till the teeth are out and have begun assisting in the absorption of food. 直到乳牙都钻出来并开始帮助咀嚼食物,一切的烦躁不安才能消除。 www.bing.com 9. We are busily assisting them in setting up the final pieces needed before the new governments make their first announcements. 我们忙着帮助完成新政府做第一次公告前最后的一些事项。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. An important focus of the Education Committee is assisting developing nations in the advancement of accounting education. 教育委员会工作重点在于帮助发展中国家会计学教育的进步和提高。 cfo.esnai.com 1. COE members then put those policies into practice, mentoring and assisting teams with developing services and composite applications. COE成员随后将这些策略付诸实施,指导和帮助团队开发服务和组合应用程序。 www.ibm.com 2. By assisting Business Centre staff and Banquet staff where required and carry out any reasonable duties requested by the Manager. 在必要的时候协助商务中心的员工与宴会的同事,并完成经理交与的任务。 job.veryeast.cn 3. Favorable for assisting elimination of black spots and treatment of aging skin due to internal secretion disorders. 对内分泌紊乱引起的黑斑、老化有良好的辅助效果。 www.baiduaroma.com.cn 4. By the use of movable cam mechanism in assisting shaping, the die plate can be recovered automatically after stripping. 利用移动凸轮机构辅助成形,取件后凹模自动复位。 www.bokee.net 5. Leading and assisting suppliers to improve product quality. Evaluating existing Supplier and Searching new suppliers. 主导及协助供应商处理品质问题,定期评估现有供应商,开发新供应商 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Leaders agreed that IMF should play a critical role in assisting countries seriously affected by the crisis, upon their request. 领导人同意国际货币基金组织在向遭受危机严重影响国家提供帮助方面应发挥关键作用。 www.putclub.com 7. He cares about the thing that I care most, the person that I love most. Step by step he has been assisting me to fulfill my dreams. 他记得我最在乎的事,惦记着我最爱的人,一步一步帮我实现未完成的梦想。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. assisting regional manager to manage filing & documentation of contracts, logistics procurement etc. 协助区域供应链经理管理合同、供应链采购等文件; www.gao8dou.com 9. By assisting both individuals and institutions, TWAS' research grants provide broad support for science and society in the developing world. 通过支持科学家和科研机构,TWAS的研究资助为发展中国家的科学和社会提供了广泛支持。 www.scidev.net 10. The intensive meaning is actually "non-principal function" , yet "assistant function" implies to assisting offender. 其内涵的实质是“非主要作用”,“辅助作用”暗指帮助犯; www.13191.com 1. The international team is also assisting in conducting retrospective epidemiological studies to further characterize the outbreak. 国际小组还在协助开展回顾性流行病学研究以进一步确定疫情的特征。 www.who.int 2. The WTV(World Taiwan Vision)is now assisting in building five elementary schools in the Katimbira region in central Malawi . 台湾世界展望会现在正在马拉威中心的卡丁比拉协助建造五所小学。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This cd. ROM is therefore published with the aim of assisting teachers in preparing, teaching and running ecology field study activities. 制作此光盘旨在协助高中生物科教师筹备和举行野外生态考察活动。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Progress, gaps and redundancies will be clarified and responsibilities assigned for assisting affected countries and countries at risk. 将查明工作进展、差距和备援情况并分配职责,帮助受影响和处于风险的国家。 www.who.int 5. Job Description: assisting the vice sales president to complete the daily work of the sales department. 职责说明:协助销售副总裁完成销售部门日常事务工作。 www.lanhr.com 6. Improving current equipment by assisting the technical staff, decrease the repairing cost for the equipment. 坚持持续改进,配合技术部分不断完善现有设备,降低现有设备的停台率和维修用度。 www.job956.com 7. We are certainly assisting you all in this process of awakening and the enfolding of your heart into the Greatness of Divinity. 我们当然会在这个过程中帮助你们觉醒,将你们的心送到送到伟大的神圣身边。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. IMC will continue assisting India to set up good organization structure and administrative system. 印度事工小组将协助印度设立一个好的组织和管理系统。 ia.tjc.org 9. The obvious mothership over Fukushima was doing more than monitoring and assisting in preventing a greater catastrophe. 在福岛上空那个显眼的母舰不仅是在监视并帮助防止一个较大的灾难。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. N. B. In many countries the military operates tracking stations; assisting the giant American National Security Agency. 在许多国家,军方运作着追踪站,帮助巨大的美国国家安全局。 tntddv.blog.163.com 1. I am assisting and guiding you as you proceed with the work you came on Earth to do. 我们在支持并且在指引着你,使得你很好的进行你因为它才来到地球的工作。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. Offer assisting the drawing menu of CAD, the ones that let the figure revised and drawn and changed are simple. 并提供CAD的辅助绘图菜单,让图形修改和绘制变的简单。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Students awarded studentships will receive stipends in return for assisting in the teaching and research work of the Graduate Division. 获授以研究生助学金之学生,将每月获取津贴,并须协助有关学部进行研究或教学工作。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 4. Conducting investigations on security incidents, assisting in the co-ordination of crisis management program. 对安保事件进行调查,帮助协调处理紧急问题的方案。 suzhou.jinti.com 5. It aims to help Italy's economic growth, assisting, in doing so, its members. 其目的是促进意大利的经济发展,并在国家经济发展的情况下,帮助成员企业发展。 www.ecocn.org 6. The character of "Zan" has five different meanings. Its basic meaning is assisting and illustrating, and others are extended meanings. “赞”字在上古有五种含义,最基本的意义为“助”、“明”,其它皆其引申之义。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Chinese companies in various industries have crow-barred their way into overseas cash flows by assisting distressed asset-holders. 而在此之际,各行各业的中国企业都忙着向海外问题资产持有者伸出援手,以设法让现金走出国门。 www.ftchinese.com 8. By the treaty, each country is pledged to assisting the other in case of war. 根据条约,两国保证在发生战争时互相支持。 www.hotdic.com 9. Issuance, verification and recording of VAT receipts. Assisting manager on the tax filing issues and relative finance issues. 增值税发票的管理,包括增值税发票的开具,认证及记录工作;协助经理办理各项税务事项和相关部门的财务事项。 www.yjbys.com 10. Ashtar: Crop circles are assisting with a spiritual awakening. 阿斯塔:麦田圈正用一个灵性觉醒来援助。 scienceyi.5d6d.com 1. Ensures Housekeeping personnel are familiar with in house facilities for the purpose of assisting guests. 确保客房员工熟悉房内设施设备,以便更好地为客人提供服务。 job.veryeast.cn 2. Additionally, the stability of keto form has been further enhanced in the presence of the assisting molecules and solvation effects. 另外辅助分子和各种介质的溶剂效应均有利于酮式结构的稳定性,这与有关的研究吻合较好。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Assisting the Service Manager setting-up Service Repair Workshop in Wuxi Oversees installation of Equipment for Service Shop. 协助售后服务经理在无锡设立售后技术服务中心。 114hrm.com.cn 4. Assisting clients with the professional legal training regarding the related legal knowledge. 为客户提供相关法律知识的专业培训。 www.bokee.net 5. The scheduling classes are like a chain of modules assisting the core scheduler. 该调度类类似于一个模块链,协助内核调度程序工作。 www.ibm.com 6. More funds and materials allocated for assisting poor areas should be directed to poor ethnic minority areas. 各项扶贫资金和物资要更多地用于少数民族贫困地区。 www.hotdic.com 7. Mr Geithner avoided commenting on the PBOC statement, instead praising China for its "major role" in assisting global recovery. 盖特纳避免对中国央行的声明做出评论,而是赞扬中国在推动全球复苏方面发挥了“重大作用”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The professors from FCU were directing some programmes, and assisting social enterprises to compose business plans. 与我们同行的逢甲大学教授也正在为好几个项目做指导,帮助社会企业撰写创业计划。 word.hcbus.com 9. Assisting with related department, deal with the appearance quality problem on time. 协助相关部门及时解决外观质量问题。 www.haoqiantu.cn 10. Conciliation agreement by the parties to fulfil, or by assisting the parties to fulfil the chairpersons . 调解协议书由当事人自行履行,或者由主持人协助双方当事人履行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The company is based on assisting enterprises to develop their core e-commerce services. 公司主要是以协助企业开展电子商务为服务核心。 www.tonke.cn 2. Assisting in the resolution of Accounts Receivable past due issues relative to pricing, delivery or order processing errors. 帮助处理基于价格,送货或订单处理错误产生的过期未付款。 jobcn.com.cn 3. Researching for and assisting the justices in drafting judicial opinions is the third major task of a Supreme Court law clerk. 协助大法官进行调查和起草司法意见书是最高法院法律助理的第三项主要任务。 www.america.gov 4. International finance officials commit to assisting economic development in the Asia-Pacific region. 国际财经官员保证协助亚太地区的经济发展。 bbs.teawang.cn 5. Tentative Study on the Equipment-Assisting Composition Pedagogy Model Based upon "Data-Driven Learning" 基于“数据驱动学习”的机辅写作教学模式初探 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Participation in customer complaint management process and assisting customer in any quality related queries. 参与处理顾客投诉,帮助顾客解答与质量相关的问题。 www.jobui.com 7. Books and recitations are essential aids in assisting inner awakening, and can neither be totally relied on nor totally ignored. 书本仅仅在唤醒灵魂方面能起一些作用,不能完全依靠它,但也不能完全忽视它。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The biogas technology is widely used in the field of environment protection, energy exploitation, poor assisting etc. 沼气技术广泛应用于我国的环保、能源、生态、扶贫等领域,研究成果层出不穷。 www.dictall.com 9. Provision of proper guidance and supervision in assisting subordinates to complete tasks assigned. 在协助下属完成任务方面提供适当的指导与监督。 yt.sdrc315.com 10. assisting in the settlement of Indian water rights claims; and exchanging water to assist Colorado River communities. 协助解决印度水权纠纷和进行科罗拉多河的公共水交易。 watsagri.nstl.gov.cn 1. Assisting consultant in business communication . 协助顾问进行相关的业务沟通。 www.bing.com 2. Assisting the president with the work in development and reform, transportation, statistics, policy research and others. 协助主席分管发展改革、交通运输、统计、政策研究等方面工作。 www.china.org.cn 3. Thank you for assisting me in finding the perfect home; we're safe now. 感谢您帮助我寻到完美的家,现在我们是平安的。 www.douban.com 4. Assisting the president with the work in sectors of civil affairs, labor and social security, industry and commerce, bidding and purchasing. 协助主席分管民政、劳动保障、工商管理、招标采购等方面的工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. assisting farmers to shake off poverty ans accelerating centralization of urban population. 鼓励和帮助农民下山脱贫,加快城镇人口集聚进程。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. It will not be the end-all and the be -all of this but it is definitely assisting, especially with skeptics. 它将不是终结和顶点,但是它是明确的援助,尤其对怀疑论者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. What's more, assisting crime as regulated in criminal law provision is a phenomenon of independent crime in accessory. 此外,刑法分则规定的帮助型犯罪,是从犯独立成罪现象。 www.13191.com 8. The device overcomes the deficiency of high vibration and noise of plasma assisting high powered roller ball grinder. 克服了等离子体辅助高能振动式球磨机振动大,噪音大的不足。 ip.com 9. At present, Nepal Volunteers Council (NVC) does not have its own orphanage, we are assisting other orphanages. 当前,NVC没有自己的孤儿院,我们帮助其他的孤儿院。 www.douban.com 10. As the survivor of a serious car accident 12 years ago, he feels strongly about assisting those who are "less-abled. " 他曾经在十二年前遭逢一场车祸。因此对行动不便人士有更感同身受的体会。 toastmasters.org.tw 1. Duties: selling raffle tickets, directing guests, assisting fundraising and au. 销售奖券,引导嘉宾,现场协助募捐以及拍卖活动。 www.21campus.cn 2. Significant time savings can happen by assisting co-workers who have faced similar problems or are having similar experiences. 通过帮助遇到相似问题或具有相似体验的合作者,可以节省大量的时间。 www.ibm.com 3. Assisting JOINT VENTURE to get water supply, electricity, transport services and other necessities required; ' 协助合营公司联系落实水、电、交通等基础设施; blog.sina.com.cn 4. Educational technology is not just another option or an assisting tool in education. 教育技术不再是教育中的一种选择和辅助的工具。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Greeting each guest with smile and eye contact and assisting guest for their needs at all the times. 向每一位客人问好,面带微笑,作眼神交流并在客人需要帮助的任何时候提供服务。 www.61hr.com 6. Assisting to obtain the quotations for Due Diligence of new projects for BD department. 协助公司BD部门完成新项目尽职调查的询价工作。 jobs.zhaopin.com 7. This position will be filled on the DART when DART operations include assisting disaster victims directly with medical care. 当灾难援助反应队需要直接给予灾难受害者医疗救助,则需要设此职位。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. This has the practical meaning in assisting to the planning of urban structure, overall arrangement and the planning of public facilities. 对城市规划结构和用地布局、公共设施配套等发展思路具有现实指导意义。 www.keyanjijin.cn 9. So far, almost 60 aid organizations from 13 countries were assisting in the aftermath of the quake. 迄今,已有来自13个国家的近60支急救队伍在帮助进行震后救援。 www.bing.com 10. The conference limits three units to be assisting units. 本次大会只限三家单位作为协办单位。 www.juyy.net 1. It should be used only as a tool, assisting in messaging and data representation by applications. 它应该只作为工具使用,帮助应用程序进行消息传递和数据表示。 www.ibm.com 2. The present invention provides a high-powered ball grinding technology, specifically a plasma assisting high powered roller ball grinder. 本发明涉及高能球磨技术,具体是指一种等离子体辅助高能滚筒球磨装置。 ip.com 3. Assisting contract manager in relevant negotiation on construction cost. 协助合约项目经理进行有关工程造价的商务谈判。 www.jobui.com 4. An application has the choice of either rebuffing those perceived mistakes or assisting users in their explorations. 程序要么回避这些可理解的错误,要么协助用户探索不同的选择。 www.jukuu.com 5. Assisting and performing maintenance measures and repairs if necessary and advised. 协助和采取设备维护措施,以及必要的维修。 jobs.zhaopin.com 6. Assisting Seifer inside Lunatic Pandora. Uses support magic, as well as. 在月之潘多拉内Seifer的助手,使用辅助魔法以及攻击魔法。 squarecn.com 7. Assisting the BAAN system manager and process engineers to prepare the other necessary documents. 协助BAAN系统经理和工艺工程师编制其它必需的文件。 www.gao8dou.com 8. Anyone assisting a person to commit suicide could face up to 14 years in prison. 任何协助他人自杀的人最高可能面临14年徒刑。 www.bing.com 9. The Japanese Red Cross will be clearing debris, assisting with nuclear decontamination, and feeding those in need. 日本红十字会将会清理废墟、帮助净化核污染,并且为那些需要帮助的人提供食物。 www.bing.com 10. Assisting the president with the work in land resources, health, family planning, food and drug regulation, mining and others. 协助主席分管国土资源、卫生、计划生育、食品药品监管、地矿等方面的工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Development on Courseware of "Teaching Assisting System of Refrigeration Principal" “制冷原理教学辅助系统”课件的研制 www.ilib.cn 2. By assisting users with problems on the various user support lists you are contributing to the community. 在用户邮件列表中帮助用户解决问题就是在为Debian社区做贡献。 www.debian.org 3. Keeping close contact with the clients, and assisting the jobs following their signing . 与客户保持紧密联系,协助处理客户签约后的相关事宜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. They do this by improving motivation and concentration or assisting with stress management. 他们做这些是为了提高动力和集中精力或帮助控制压力。 bbs.24en.com 5. We are open to assisting with your ascension as we are all in this ascension of Earth together. 我们敞开来援助你的提升,因为我们全部在这条与地球一起提升的路上。 tisheng.org 6. Julia was assisting him to prepare his speech. 朱莉娅正在帮他准备讲演稿。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Six others have pleaded guilty to assisting him, while a seventh alleged conspirator is standing trial. 其他六人为协助巴罗特的罪名辩护,而宣称是同谋者的第七个人则正在接受审讯。 club.topsage.com 8. For two decades, Project Hope has been dedicated to assisting students in the poor areas of China with their educational needs. 希望工程已经致力于帮助中国贫穷地区的学生解决教育需求二十年了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Health Club Attendant will be confident in demonstrating and assisting guests with these exercises. 健身中心服务员应了解如何帮助客人得到锻炼并且演示给客人看。 job.veryeast.cn 10. Some can give play to the role of intensive assisting of nutrition and resist the oxidation in the ordinary food. 在普通食品中有的可以发挥营养强化的辅助作用及抗氧化作用。 www.chinavalue.net 1. This white paper explains the particular practices and patterns that we observed while assisting clients during 2008. 本白皮书介绍了2008年我们在协助客户的过程中总结的特殊实践和模式。 www.ibm.com 2. Assisting him was Stephen King, a popular author who has written a novella that will be available only on the device. 著名作家斯蒂芬.金到场支持,他的新作将在Kindle上独家发行。 www.bing.com 3. When vehicles return to low-speed operation, the power assisting flywheel stops working. 当车辆返回低速运转时,助力飞轮中断工作。 ip.com 4. Assisting countries to control avian influenza in animal populations. 协助各国在动物群中控制禽流感。 www.who.int 5. Assisting of internal and external auditing requirements. 协助内部和外部的审计要求。 www.job700.com 6. Operating systems also supply ATs for assisting users with hearing impairments. 操作系统也提供AT来辅助有听力障碍的用户。 www.ibm.com 7. A curious, competent undergraduate can always find work assisting a researcher. 一个好奇又有能力的大学生一定能时刻找到一些工作来帮助研究者们。 wenku.baidu.com 8. This semester, I'm assisting a professor specializing in international minutes. 这学期我给一位专门研究国际法的教授当助教。 wenku.baidu.com 9. By assisting the passenger v. stores handling, and regulate the trading of deficiencies. 通过协助门店的客诉处理,规范营运中的不足之处。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I-I just thought I'd be more help if I was assisting you in a surgery. 我只是认为如果可以协助你手术自己会更有用 www.tingclass.net 1. Almost any major in college that relates to helping or assisting individuals with any type of problems. 只要你的本科专业是与帮助他人有关的,你就可以申请。 www.gxgac.com 2. A number of volunteers are assisting those people living in the earthquake-hit area. 很多意愿者正在协助那些寓居在地动灾区的人们。 www.sxms5.com 3. Assisting the architect to drawing CAD and schematic design from concepts and sketches. 将设计师的概念图纸转化为CAD图纸,并持续深化设计。 www.gao8dou.com 4. A spokesman for Ms. Brooks said Sunday that she is assisting the police. 布鲁克斯一位发言人周日说,她正在协助警方的调查。 cn.wsj.com 5. The SetZCCEnvAttr. pl utility is delivered as part of field service assisting clients with this process. pl工具作为域服务的一部分进行传递,以在过程中帮助客户。 www.ibm.com 6. Be responsible for assisting Sales Director to handle work about business affairs. 负责协助销售总监处理商务方面的工作; jobs.zhaopin.com 7. Assisting HR & Admin manager to develop and implement HR policy, project or plan related to compensation and benefit function. 协助人力资源行政经理发展并实施与薪酬福利相关的人力资源管理政策,发展计划或项目。 www.021so.com 8. French and US aircraft along with numerous boats and navy divers are assisting local crews in the search for survivors. 法国和美国飞机与多艘船只及海军潜水员正协助当地人员搜救幸存者。 www.bing.com 9. Help to assure quality product is packaged by assisting production personnel. 协助生产包装工人确保产品质量; www.jobui.com 10. Assisting test team in module testing, integrated testing and system testing. 协助测试小组内完成负责模块测试、集成测试和系统测试。 community.csdn.net 1. the auxiliary agent is stabilizer, assisting agent and filling material. 辅剂为稳定剂、助剂和填料。 ip.com 2. And I'll Form the Head! - Obtain Mimiron's Head from 25-player Yogg-Saron with no Keepers assisting you. 我来组成头部!-25人模式,在没有守护者协助你的情况下从尤格萨隆那里获得米米尔隆的头。 bbs.duowan.com 3. My major task is assisting you in mastering as many writing skills and testing techniques as possible. 我的主要任务是帮助你们掌握尽可能多的写作技巧和应试技巧。 romanticzhao.bokee.com 4. Assisting exhibitors in unpacking and positioning of exhibit. 协助开箱及展览品就位。 www.cismef.com.cn 5. Smuggling guns, ammunition and drugs or assisting stowaways . 七私运枪械、弹药、品或协助偷渡人口者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Assisting Marketing Team in assessing the agronomic fit and value of corn traits in the Tropical Corn market. 为市场部对转基因性状的农艺适应性及商业价值的评估提供帮助。 www.monsanto.com.cn 7. Assisting with sales order processing, from data entry to expediting orders. 辅助订单处理,从数据导入到订单导出。 jobcn.com.cn 8. Kempton is a management consultant who specializes in assisting start-ups. Kempton是一位专门从事企业管理的顾问,特别是在创业方面。 www.bing.com 9. Enterprises shall be responsible for assisting the government in implementing measures related to environmental protection. 事业应有协助政府实施环境保护相关措施之责任。 www.cntranslators.com 10. Assisting the work of Staffing, PA, TD and participate in the related HR project. 协助招聘,绩效评估,培训发展等人力资源工作并参与相关管理项目; www.tojob.cn |
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