单词 | assist in |
释义 | 例句释义: 帮助,协助,帮助做某事,参加 1. A symbolic offer of $25m to Pakistan a year ago, via the United Nations, to assist in flood relief, was unlikely to have melted many hearts. 一年前通过联合国捐给巴基斯坦以抵抗洪灾的2500万美元的象征性援助,似乎并没有让多少人心软。 www.ecocn.org 2. If you chose to be afraid and listen to propaganda then you shall assist in spreading that of the same. 如果你选择去害怕并听从“鼓吹”的话,那样你就会帮助扩散它们。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The great majority of Leonardo's studies and experiments like the Vitruvian Man were to assist in his quest for perfect art. 像「维特鲁威人」一样,达文西在他众多的研究实验中,强化了他对完美艺术的探索。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The application itself can be used as a tool to assist in monitoring your current networks with just a little work on the server side. 该应用程序本身可以用作一种工具来帮助监视您的当前网络,并且在服务器端只需做少量的工作。 www.ibm.com 5. The tertiary institutions may also be able to assist in providing IT awareness and skills training to the public. 高等教育院校亦可协助市民认识资讯科技,并为他们提供技能训练。 www.info.gov.hk 6. Any enterprise with an IT presence during the past few decades is bound to have legacy applications that assist in running its business. 任何过去数十年使用IT系统的企业都一定具有帮助其开展业务的遗留应用程序。 www.ibm.com 7. For a company that's invaluable. Being able to speak directly to customers can assist in many different instances. 对企业来说,这是无价的财富,与消费者直接进行交流,在很多情况下对企业的发展都有帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Running stitches used to assist in placement of an applique or in the placement of a die for cutting of emblems, also called a cut line. 用来辅助安放贴补或者单针安放用于剪切徽章的冲模,也称为切除线。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 9. Given that many in human form are not ascending, these events assist in supporting Earth in a manner that would not be possible otherwise. 因为人类中的许多人均没有提升,因此这些活动以不可或缺的方式支持地球。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Qamdo to Bomi road, the car is broken several times, finally found a few Ranwu repair workers to assist in repairs. 昌都至波密路上,车子坏了好几次,最后在然乌找到了几位修车工人协助维修。 www.oddstrange.com 1. Your Ascended Masters have blessed these reforms and are prepared to assist in making them see the light of day. 你们的扬升大师团体已经祝福了这些改革,并且准备好了支持以使得他们看到光明日期的到来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Just writing down everything you can think of within the four categories is sometimes enough to assist in making a decision. 只用写下你能想到的关于这四个方面所有东西有时就足够支持你作出决定。 www.elanso.com 3. On and ad-hoc basis, should be ready to do other tasks such as preparing financial reports, assist in purchasing or accounting matters. 工作努力,另还需处理其他如编制财务报告、协助采购和会计事宜。 www.0755sou.com 4. We are not able to assist in unlocking the device but you can check with the manufacturer to see if they are able to. 我们不能够帮助解锁设备,但你可以检查与制造商,看看他们能够。 moto.it168.com 5. Once engaged, you may be required to assist in the analysis, so it's essential that you come armed with a relevant diagnostic toolkit. 向网络管理员求助之后,他可能要求您帮助进行分析,所以您一定要掌握相关的诊断工具。 www.ibm.com 6. Heat sinks are usually made of metal and often have fins that assist in transferring heat to the atmosphere. 散热器通常用金属制成,并常用散热片帮助将热传送到空气中。 www2.ccw.com.cn 7. Having running water in the office will assist in discharging enough of the static to make it less problematic . 在办公室里放些流动的水将帮助充分放出静电,使它的问题更小。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This change is being made to help assist in balancing the opposing sides and their ability to compete in the battleground. 这个修改是为了帮助平衡部落方相应角色技能的优势,使联盟方在战场里更有竞争力。 www.bing.com 9. Yu took Ford design documents to China to assist in his efforts to find work with a Chinese auto company, the court papers say. 起诉书说,郁向东将福特汽车的设计文件带到中国,以帮助自己在中国汽车业找工作。 www.bing.com 10. Assist in following up and handling sales orders, customer inquires, account receivables or other business related issues. 协助跟进处理订单,客户查询,应收帐款和其他一切与商务有关的事项。 www.kuenglish.info 1. A traffic warden is a member of civilian staff employed by the police force to assist in regulating the flow of traffic. 交通协管员是受雇于公安部门来帮助维持交通秩序的编外员工。 www.1steng.com 2. And an additional one or two administrative staff members to assist in operation of the system. 两名管理工作人员协助系统的运行工作。 www.wipo.int 3. Assist in implementing the company intention assigned to him from time to time. 协助完成公司不时指派的其他任务。 hf.sozw.com 4. The processing of the reception services to assist in the management of good leadership, led by the unanimous praise and recognition. 处理各项行政接待事务,协助领导做好管理工作,受到领导们的一致好评和肯定。 wenwen.soso.com 5. It may be that the HKMA or other outside parties can assist in the performance of certain functions. 金管局或其他机构或许可以协助该独立机构推行某些工作。 www.info.gov.hk 6. Assist in ensuring the effective performance of the HDS Retail China store during allocated shifts or at the direction of management. 协助确保HDS中国商店有效的工作特性及管理层的指导为落实到每位员工。 dict.bioon.com 7. The object of security analysis is to answer, or assist in answering, certain questions of a very practical nature. 证券分析的目的是要回答或帮助回答某些非常实际性的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Although visual cues will trigger the hunt, their sense of smell and hearing will assist in alerting them to the whereabouts of their prey. 尽管视觉信号会激发捕猎行为,但狮子的嗅觉和听力也会辅助它们察觉猎物的行踪。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Select if the company is using a property management company to assist in administering residence details. 如果公司使用资产管理公司帮助管理住所详细信息,则选中此复选框。 yeebang.com 10. We expect that such a gathering will assist in identifying new directions for future research in this evolving field. 我们相信这样的聚会有助于在这个日新月异的领域确定我们未来的新的研究方向。 www.jukuu.com 1. Tools can assist in the design aspect to help you articulate and understand what you're going to build. 工具可以在设计方面帮助您清楚地说明所构建的对象,帮助对其的理解。 www.ibm.com 2. When problems occur, the tool is best placed at the point of failures to assist in data collection. 当出现问题时,最好将该工具安装在故障点以协助收集数据。 www.ibm.com 3. To assist in describing the directory structure and generated files used in the online help, this article refers to a project example. 为了帮助描述在线帮助中的目录结构和生成的文件,本文引用一个项目实例。 www.ibm.com 4. There should be a pastoral assistant for each school to assist in and execute religious activities. 学校应增设牧民助理以协助宗教培育及策划执行宗教活动。 catholic.org.hk 5. Party led to a deal with the customers, and to assist in the provision of housing to sign a contract for the sale. 促成甲方与相关客户达成交易,提供并协助签署房屋买卖合同。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. Headed by a police Chief Superintendent , ACB has its own technical support unit to assist in physical and electronic covert surveillance . ACB由一名总警司领导,辖下设有一个技术支援小组,为跟踪和电子追踪行动提供技术支援。 www.bing.com 7. A flowchart may also be implemented as a supplement to a NQCP procedure to assist in clarification. 流程表可以作为核质量控制程序(NQCP)的补充,以帮助说明。 www.366translation.com 8. Many tools can help you in creating a good database schema, just as many tools can assist in designing object-oriented systems. 许多工具都能帮助您创建良好的数据库模式,就好像许多工具都能协助设计面向对象的系统一样。 www.ibm.com 9. The hydrogel prosthesis may have expanded portions that assist in preventing expulsion of the prosthesis through the insertion aperture. 该水凝胶假体可以具有膨胀的部分以防止所述假体从插入孔脱出。 ip.com 10. When a global variable is referenced without the schema name, the SQL path is used to assist in the name resolution. 如果在没有使用模式名情况下引用全局变量,则使用SQL路径协助解析名称。 www.ibm.com 1. Please do not bring food or drink onto the arcade. This will assist in the conservation of this area. 请不要把带食物、饮料带进走廊,这有助于该区的保护。[古迹保护用语]。 www.wenhuayishu5.com 2. Assist in drawing up the marketing plan annually with the Director of Sales and Marketing (including section on Corporate Accounts). 协助销售总监制定年度计划。(包括公司客户部分的报告) zhidao.baidu.com 3. The risorius and the buccinator muscles assist in the retraction of the lips, as well as support entrapment of air within the oral cavity. 笑肌和颊肌帮助唇的收缩,也支撑了整个口腔的气体流通。 www.jukuu.com 4. Must be able to assist in preparation of presentations and report. 能够协助演示和汇报工作的准备。 www.imkown.com 5. To assist in the building of an efficient team of employees by taking an active interest in their welfare, safety and development. 积极关心员工的福利、安全以及发展以建立一个高效的团队。 www.jobui.com 6. Conclusions: These results should assist in both anticipating and facilitating postoperative care as well as managing patient expectations. 结论:此结果有助于预测和促进患者术后康复,管理患者的预期。 www.boshuo.net 7. Must be able to code and assist in connecting Transparent RETS to site. 必须能够在连接代码和透明的可再生能源技术协助工地。 www.bing.com 8. Assist in the implementation of external and internal audit. Responsible for implementing corrective action as a result of audits findings. 协助外部和内部的审计,并负责改进审计中发现的问题。 www.baijob.com 9. Jamie Venable: We were contacted by Shari Hanson (the overall VFX producer) to assist in a number of things. (总特效制作)联系了我们来帮助一些事。 www.wiifsgame.com 10. Enzymes assist in the breaking a part of old parts of the form requiring transmutation so that they can emerge into a crystalline blueprint. 酶帮助打破形体需要转换的旧部份,以让它们能出现一个水晶蓝图。 www.tisheng.org 1. A probe in a manual information retrieval operation that may be passed through holes or notches to assist in sorting or selecting cards. 在手工信息检索操作中使用的一种金属针,可以穿过卡片小孔或切口,用来帮助对卡片进行排序或选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If you were given the decision to assist in your family member's death, what are the challenges you might face? 如果你被决定在你家庭成员的葬礼上去帮忙,你会面对什么样的挑战? zhidao.baidu.com 3. The recruitment committee should assist in these efforts, and also try to reach segments of the community not represented in the coalition. 招募委员会应当协助这这项工作,并负责招募缺少组织来代表的相关人员。 www.bing.com 4. To assist in ensuring good governance through intensification of actions against improper conduct and corruption in a coordinated manner . 协调反贪工作,严厉打击不当行为与贪污舞弊,确保有效管治。 www.bing.com 5. We stand ready to assist in any way possible. 我们随时准备以任何可能的方式予以协助。 www.america.gov 6. LotusLive forms provides users with an applet-based form layout tool to assist in creating enterprise-level feedback forms and surveys. LotusLive表单为用户提供了基于applet的表单布局工具,帮助创建企业级反馈表单和调查。 www.ibm.com 7. With our own Incoming Department, we are able to offer you an experienced partner to assist in the organisation of all types of events. 借助我们独立的招商部门,我们能够为您提供经验丰富的合作伙伴以协助您组织各种类型的活动。 www.basel.com 8. We are ready to use these elements to bring you in due time to Inner Earth and to assist in your move from limited to full consciousness. 我们已经准备好通过这些行动在适当的时候把你们带入地下,帮助你们从局限意识状态进入全意识。 www.angozj.com 9. A team has arrived from U. S. -based Boeing Aircraft to assist in efforts to determine the cause of the crash. 阿队已抵达设在美国的波音飞机,协助工作,以确定飞机失事的原因。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. travel inbound travel domestic tourists, illegal aliens, travel agents not to report illegal aliens to assist in providing information. 旅行社接待入境旅游的旅游者非法滞留境内,旅行社未及时报告并协助提供非法滞留者信息的。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. Assist in delivery of parcels, envelopes, newspaper and concerned matters within the Hotel. 协助投递酒店内的包裹、信件、报纸和相关物品。 job.veryeast.cn 2. I will work hard during these few years and I believe I will achieve my goal with your assist in future. 这几年里,我要好好努力,相信不久的将来,我一定会在你的帮助下实现理想的! iask.sina.com.cn 3. In this case, you could define MyService via BPEL using tools to assist in the definition of the business process. 在这种情况下,您可以通过BPEL定义MyService(使用工具协助定义业务流程)。 www.ibm.com 4. A stainless steel sink finishes off the table and can be used to assist in cleanup during wine tastings. 在桌子的另一头,是一个不锈钢的水池,这可以在品酒结束后用来清洁。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Senior Software Technical Specialist Responsible for software measurement and optimization, assist in problem diagnosis and settlement. 负责性能度量与优化,并协助问题的诊断与解决。 douya.com 6. She added that the regulator was continuing to gather information, which it hoped would assist in the discharge of its duties. 她补充说,监管机构正在继续收集信息,它希望这些有助于履行其职责。 www.bing.com 7. To assist in the organization of effective improvement scheme, to " help start, send one cheng" . 协助组织有效的实施改进方案,做到“扶上马,送一程”。 www.cnqr.org 8. This technique should assist in the elucidation of those factors that are important in mediating tumor immune rejection. 此技术有助于阐明那些参与介导肿瘤免疫排斥的重要因素。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In rare instances, IP addresses may be used to assist in deterring and or preventing abusive or criminal activity on the website. 只有在极少数的情况下,网址可能被用来阻止对本站的恶意网络攻击和其他犯罪行为。 www.cathaypacific.com 10. One miner has died from the disease so far and two others have fallen sick but survived to assist in the investigation. 迄今已有一名矿工死于该病,并有另外两名患病,但大难不死,能够协助调查。 www.who.int 1. To assist in the building of an efficient team of employees by striving to maintain standards of excellence. 协助培养有效率的员工团队并保持卓越的服务标准。 www.jobems.com 2. Assist in setting up and maintaining communication with government authorities and industry associations. 协助建立和保持沟通和政府部门和行业协会。 www.lietou.com 3. Strength through the athlete's mid-torso will also assist in maintaining efficient running technique throughout the race. 运动员腰部的力量也有助于在比赛中保持经济的跑步姿势 www.bing.com 4. When the company needs people at other jobs, I also assist in typing and proofing documents or invoices. 如果公司缺人的时候,我也会去打打文件或是开发票。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The last two functions from the Ajax module I'd like to point out are really utility functions that greatly assist in working with Ajax. 接下来我要介绍的Ajax模块的最后两个函数是两个真正的实用函数,它们非常有助于Ajax的使用。 www.ibm.com 6. That country would not permit the use of its machines to assist in the production of atomic weapons. 那个国家不会允许使用它的机器来帮助制造原子武器。 etc.bjut.edu.cn 7. Relevant government departments shall assist in the work concerning statistics and declarations of international receipts and payments. 政府有关部门应当协助国际收支统计申报工作。 www.yanmon.com 8. The $2 stands ready to assist in the effort to rescue survivors and we are committed to the people of $2 as they recover and rebuild. 美国随时准备为拯救幸存者的努力提供援助,并致力于帮助土耳其人民恢复和重建家园。 www.verywind.cn 9. Assist in the routine function of Personnel Administration as well as staff welfare & benefit and all staff activities. 协助日常人事管理工作,以及参与办理员工福利、组织员工活动。 www.tourjob.net 10. As I previously noted, mnemonics are best used only for selective components to assist in gross navigation between component groups. 正如我先前提到的,助记符最好仅用于经过精心挑选的组件,以辅助组件组之间的总体导航。 www.ibm.com 1. Each succeeding hierarchy created another hierarchy to endow it with its own essence and to assist in the development of this universe. 每一个以后的层级创造另一个层级,赋予它自己的本质,而协助发展了这个宇宙。 hnpt.blog.163.com 2. Assist in developing company annual training plan as well as be in charge of the execution of the plan. 协助制定公司年度培训计划,并负责予以实施及跟踪。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 3. They assist in transmitting messages, maintaining cardiac stability, and regulating metabolism and absorption of other nutrients. 它协助信息传递、维持心脏稳定、调节其他营养素的代谢和吸收。 www.bing.com 4. As an independent and confidential third party, we facilitate consortia formation, set up agreements and assist in task force management. 作为中立的和为客户严格保密的第三方,我们可以帮助促进联盟的组成,制定协议和协助专责小组的管理。 cibaexpertservices.howpack.cn 5. Essential oil of pine or sage or other woodsy notes will assist in connecting one to the earth mother if one is ungrounded. 松树精油、鼠尾草精油或其它树林音调,将协助你连接到地球母亲那里,如果你并没有根植的话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The following code sample uses Round to assist in the computation of the inner angles of a given trapezoid. 下面的代码示例使用Round来帮助计算给定梯形的内角。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. May assist in supporting computer users, answering general application and operating questions, installing new systems and trouble-shooting. 指导协助系统用户计算机操作及软件应用问题,并负责安装新系统和排除故障。 www.shjob.cn 8. Provide cost estimations and quotations for laboratory equipment and instrumentation needs; assist in budgetary projections. 提供实验室仪器、仪器的成本预算及报价;协助进行预算计划; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Assist in resolving supply issues, proactively recommending and driving improvement activity to avoid recurrence. 协助解决供货方面的问题,积极推荐和驱动改善以避免问题的再现。 www.job592.com 10. Akita was not directly affected by the disaster but did send a fire department team to the area to assist in search-and-rescue efforts. 秋田市约有一百万人口,虽然没有受到直接灾害,但是派出了一个消防队前往灾区从事搜救工作。 www.america.gov 1. Assist in the growth of customer accounts through new product development, and deeper penetration of the account via product engineering. 通过新产品的开发挖掘客户资源,并通过产品工程密切和客户的关系。 www.sinohr.com 2. The system test team defined conventions and well-documented processes to assist in achieving repeatable and consistent testing. 系统测试团队定义约定及编写良好的过程,来帮助实现可重复的且一致的测试。 www.ibm.com 3. Retain independent counsel, accountants, or others to advise the committee or assist in the conduct of an investigation. 聘用独立的律师、会计师等提供建议或帮助调查。 club.esnai.com 4. Use this guide to assist in the configuration and management of your Team Foundation Server once your server has been installed. 使用本指南,可以在您安装服务器之后帮助您配置和管理TeamFoundationServer。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Executive Assist in the design, implementation, coordination, review and revision of quality assurance programmes in the organization. 优质服务事务主任协助公司优质服务计划的设计,推行,统筹,检讨及修改。 www.vtc.edu.hk 6. Your attention is drawn to the "Instruction to Bidders" , which has been produced to assist in the compilation of your bid. 请认真阅读我公司的“投标须知”,它将有助于您作出符合我公司要求的报价。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Fortunately, existing performance tools have been enhanced to assist in monitoring and managing AMS systems. 幸运的是,现有的性能工具已经得到改进,有助于监视和管理AMS系统。 www.ibm.com 8. If the fire is out of control, they should report to firehouse in time and introduce fire situation, and then assist in extinguishing fire. 火势不能控制情况下公安消防队到来时及时介绍火情情况,并积极协助灭火。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. How can technical practitioners assist in tracking the progress of the project without using a full-fledged project plan or software? 在不使用全面的项目计划或软件时,技术人员如何帮助跟踪项目的进度? www.ibm.com 10. Assist in drawing up the marketing plan annually with the Asst. Director of Sales or Sales Manager. 协助销售副总监制定年销售计划。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Quite often, the tradeoff is between requirements, and the stakeholders may be consulted to assist in making a decision. 通常,权衡是在需求之间作出的,可能还会请涉众帮助做出决定。 www.ibm.com 2. Coordinate with relating parties and assist in submitting weekly, monthly and quarterly project highlights to Project department manager. 配合相关部门工作,协助提交给项目部经理每周、每月、每季度项目报告。 www.jobui.com 3. Rescuers are working to dig out those trapped in rubble. Hundreds of troops have been dispatched to the region to assist in the effort. 救援人员正在努力挖掘那些困在瓦砾中的人民,数以百计的部队被灾区来协助。 xzj.2000y.net 4. Assist in the overall development, evaluation, administration and implementation of National and corporate EHS policies and programs. 协助EHS经理全面发展,评估,管理和执行国家和总部的环境健康安全法律法规和要求。 www.gao8dou.com 5. To assist in installation of new plant equipment, debug, troubleshoot and maintain all electrical and controls equipment. 协助工厂新设备的安装与调试,对所有电气和控制设备进行故障诊断和维护保养。 www.8aza.com 6. We will strongly consider provider who will offer revisions and assist in resolving bugs or other technical problems after site goes live. 我们将积极考虑将提供供应商谁修改,并协助解决错误后,网站或其他技术问题去住。 www.bing.com 7. The three pairs of armored legs assist in this pumping motion, as do a pair of pectoral guidance fins. 三对披甲的肢脚和一对导航胸鳍协助这一水泵式运动。 starwarsfans.cn 8. Assist in developing training materials & evaluating programs, collecting training needs and identify the extent of program impact. 协助编撰准备培训素材、参与培训计划的评估和设计,搜集培训需求并对培训计划的效果予以鉴定。 www.lietou.com 9. China will continue to work with Thailand, public security department will arrange an expert working group to assist in the investigation. 中方会继续配合泰方工作,公安部将安排一个专家工作组协助调查。 www.wangxiao.cn 10. To assist in the orientation of our associates, we regularly hold meetings and establish agreements on objectives. 为帮助员工确定目标,我们定期举行会议以就目标达成一致。 special.zhaopin.com 1. The first step is to enable the Form Functions toolbar to reveal icons to assist in adding controls to a document. 第一步是启用FormFunctions工具栏,显示图标以帮助将控件添加到文档中。 www.ibm.com 2. Assist in the maintenance of the organisational website by updating local sales and marketing information and promotions. 通过更新当地销售及市场的信息和促销活动来辅助网站架构的维护。 www.lietou.com 3. To provide forecast (principal supplier) reports, assist in inventory management and price negotiation with suppliers. 提供供应商的预测报告、协助库存管理及与供应商的价格谈判。 search51job.online.tj.cn 4. The WebSphere SWAT team has the opportunity throughout the year to visit customer sites to assist in diagnosing complex system problems. WebSphereSWAT团队有机会全年访问客户网站帮助诊断复杂的系统问题。 www.ibm.com 5. Help to recruit and mentor the next wave of volunteers to assist in developing them as leaders. 帮助组织招聘、指导下一批志愿者,并协助把他们培养为领导者。 www.bing.com 6. Use the deck with the desire to assist in the unfolding of the Divine Plan. 带着你们的心愿使用这套教程有助于你们揭开神的计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Integration Services also includes the Package Migration Wizard to assist in migrating DTS packages to the Integration Services format. IntegrationServices还提供包迁移向导以协助将DTS包迁移到IntegrationServices格式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The public security organ in the place of transit shall supervise or assist in the execution of transit for extradition. 第四十六条引渡的过境由过境地的公安机关监督或者协助执行。 www.chinalawedu.com 9. Attached is what i created for a 20 meter site, this may assist in guiding you. 附件是做什么网站上创建一个20米的我,这可能有助于指导你。 www.bing.com 10. And the units concerned should assist in the transformation of the scientific and technological achievements mentioned above. 该单位对上述科技成果转化活动应当予以支持。 www.24en.com 1. As you create your version of Heaven you assist in this process. 由于你创造出对于天堂的看法,你便支持了这进程。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Assist in business process training and eventually conduct business process training also for the ERP implementation. 帮助业务流程培训,为了ERP的执行管理业务流程培训。 sh.zhaopinxinxi.com 3. The consultant can assist in modifying RUP templates to your needs and optimally using them as a tool for creating useful artifacts. 顾问可以帮助按照您的需求修改RUP模板,并最恰当地将它们用于创建有用的工件工具。 www.ibm.com 4. Interns assist in researching both macroeconomic and microeconomic activity and help in the analysis of the resulting data. 实习生的职责包括:协助研究宏观和微观经济活动、协助结果数据的处理。 www.bing.com 5. Assist in and build contact with Government food supervision office in each district. 帮助和建立与各区食监部分的工作联系及关系。 www.job956.com 6. Assist in the training, scheduling and supervision of kitchen staff; ensure that all cook's duties have been performed during shift. 协助培训,安排和监督厨房的员工;确保所有厨师在当值期间完成自己的本职工作。 www.0951job.com 7. At sites where a panelist resided, a volunteer ran a second SL viewer to assist in the operation of the panelist's avatar. 在专家小组成员所在的站点上,有一个志愿者运行一个第二SL查看器以协助专家小组成员的角色运作。 www.ibm.com 8. Assist in investment and finance project, providing services and support of financial accounting, cost and sensibility analysis. 参与投资和融资项目的财务测算、成本分析、敏感性分析,配合制定投资和融资方案; www.010so.com 9. At some point you could, but there is part of your mission. Assist in the process. 从某方面来说,你会的,但你也有使命,就是在这个过程中协助他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It provides out-of-the-box reporting tools to assist in problem analysis. 现成提供了报告工具以帮助进行问题分析。 www.ibm.com 1. Student Referral You may be referring these publications to students regularly to assist in their studies. 学生参照你可以正对学生正常引这些出版去参考在他们的研究方面对进行帮助。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The perspective of the patients on the benefit versus risk balance can assist in making treatment and regulatory decisions . 患者权衡疗效和风险的这一观点对临床治疗选择和调整有一定的参考价值。 www.showxiu.com 3. The second concern is to rapidly move laboratory support to Aceh to assist in identifying the cause of disease outbreaks. 第二项关注是迅速对亚齐进行实验室支持,以帮助确认疾病暴发的原因。 www.who.int 4. The combination of herbs below also assist in learning Tri-Tone concepts of the Language of Light. 下列药草的组合也帮助学习光之语的三音调概念。 www.tisheng.org 5. Assist in training plan and implement the plan independently, summarize feedback from participants to take follow up measures of training. 协助制订培训计划,实施培训计划并总结参与者的反馈信息,采取改进措施; www.gdrc.com 6. Assistance from other personnel with specialist knowledge may be requested to assist in the audit activity if required. 如有必要,在审查活动中,可以安排其他具有专业知识的人员协助审查。 www.366translation.com 7. Turntables can be installed to assist in the removal of the bogies to other maintenance areas. 还应有转向架转盘将转向架送到其他维修区域去。 bbs.translators.com.cn 8. Regulators ought to assist in drawing up the standards the industry has been asking for. 监管方面应该协助制定基因测定行业所需要的标准。 www.ecocn.org 9. Last night against the Celtics, Bryantfound Pau Gasol for a hockey assist in the exact manner described by Soriano. 对阵凯尔特人的那天晚上,科比就是用以上这个套路以一个冰球式的助攻给加索尔。 www.bing.com 10. Review dimensional inspection reports, mechanical properties and assist in the evaluation of final functional testing. 审查设备检验报告,相关机械性能,并在设备试运行最终测评中提供帮助。 so.jobmet.com 1. Assist in developing and optimise the Civil & Structure system design including Tank system, Jetty facilities, Office Building etc. 协助执行和优化土建系统设计,包括储罐系统、码头设施、办公楼等。 www.ylrqhr.com 2. You'll counter this cost against developing an automated interface in a system to assist in data synchronisation. 需要通过在系统中开发自动接口来帮助进行数据同步,以抵消此成本。 www.ibm.com 3. Assist in managing Design Institute's work progress and submitting weekly, monthly and quarterly project highlights to Project Manager. 协助管理设计院的工作进度及提交项目经理的周、月、季度项目报告。 www.ylrqhr.com 4. In the physical, crabs and lobsters are bottom-feeding kingdoms that assist in the transmutation of decay upon the ocean floor. 在物质层上,螃蟹和龙虾是生物链底部王国,在海底帮助转换腐烂物质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It is at this juncture that the mineral kingdom will be of service to each ascending initiate to assist in holding one's boundaries. 就是在这个结合点上,矿物王国将具有对每一提升者服务的性质,帮助掌握你的界域。 tisheng.org 6. Candidate shall follow in house engineering processes and will assist in the creation and improvement of company wide process documentation. 按照公司规定的程序,协助设计和改善流程文件。 jobs.zhaopin.com 7. Assist in preparing and coordinating the production and distribution of hotel promotional materials and advertising. 协助策划以及协调酒店的推广,负责酒店所有的宣传品以及广告。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Site social insurance issue including application, update and maintain, assist in other office administration tasks. 社会保险及住房公积金缴纳,协助日常办公室管理工作。 www.gao8dou.com 9. Quite often, the tradeoff is among requirements, and the stakeholders may be consulted to assist in making the correct tradeoff. 通常情况是在需求中做出权衡,同时也要考虑涉众来帮助做出正确的折衷。 www.ibm.com 10. Be responsible for sample, test result, document management for lab. Assist in developing and improving quality management system. 主要负责样品,日常测试数据,文件的管理。协助进行质量管理体系的改进。 www.gao8dou.com 1. As discussed in the previous column, a model is a simplified description of a system that can assist in calculations and predications. 上一期已经指出,模型是帮助计算和预测的系统简化描述。 www.ibm.com 2. If the plan requires an immediate tactical response, assist in selecting a worksite, setting up equipment, and begin- ning the operation. 如果该方案需要紧急战术应对,协助建立工作场所,安置设备,开始运作。 pro.yeeyan.com 3. The Representative urged WIPO to request Member States to extend such invitations and IFLAI would be pleased to assist in that regard. 代表极力主张WIPO要求各成员国提供此类邀请,IFLAI也很高兴在此方面给予协助。 www.wipo.int 4. Then I push all angels down my grounding, asking earth to assist in casting a new set of angels from my source. 然后我将所有天使沿着我的根植送下去,请求地球来协助我从我源头那里重铸一套新的天使。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Assist in organizing meeting, draft meeting agenda, make meeting minutes, etc. Assist in organizing team building activities. 协助召集部门会议,安排会议议程,整理会议纪要等。协助组织部门活动。 www.jobui.com 6. If more details are needed to assist in the search of a domain idea name please feel free to contact me. 如果有更多的细节需要协助域的想法名称搜索,请随时与我联系。 www.bing.com 7. Assist in conducting regular divisional meetings ensuring all meetings are well planned, efficient and results-oriented. 协助主持部门常规会议并且确保会议是有计划的、高效的并且是以结果为导向。 www.cqjob.com 8. made their international business professionals to assist in the Marketing Department for client communication. 由通晓国际业务的专业人士协助市场部进行客户沟通。 www.bing.com 9. Assist in end-user training; developing training tools and documenting region specific business process procedures. 协助终端用户培训;开发培训工具,并建档区域具体业务流程程序; www.51job.com 10. Collections of standards, or profiles, are easier to comprehend and can assist in faster implementations and smoother operations. 标准的集合(即配置文件)更容易理解,实现起来更快,操作上也更顺利。 www.ibm.com 1. Cricket recommends working with all four elements through one's field daily to assist in the conscious freewill choice to ascend. 蟋蟀建议每天在你能量场里运作全部四种元素,以帮助你有意识自愿的提升选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You can add notes to assist in drafting the review. These notes will not appear in the published version of the review. 你可以添加笔记来协助写作。这些笔记不会再发表后的综述中出现。 www.bing.com 3. We made a conclusion of current classification systems of distal radius fracture to assist in guiding treatment. 本文就桡骨远端骨折分型状况作一综述,以期更好地指导临床治疗。 www.zggszz.com 4. In the context of assisted reproduction, this simple treatment may assist in improving sperm quality and ultimately achieving a pregnancy. 这种简单的方法或可帮助改善精子质量,并最终有助于怀孕。 cn.reuters.com 5. Assist in the employee engagement project to enhance employee morale, in the team building program to incorporate company culture & value. 参于员工投入度项目,提升员工士气,融合公司文化价值观的团队建设项目。 www.gao8dou.com 6. Such guidance came from our species to assist in the transference of our records back to mankind. 这些指导者来自我们的物种,在我们的记录返回给人类的转移中进行援助。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Assist in the analysis of recruitment, collect the talents' information, establish and maintain the internal and external talent pool. 协助完成招聘分析报告,以及招聘工作汇总和分析,搜集人才信息,建立内外部人才储备资料库; search.hr33.com 8. The Fiscal Technical Assistance Project will assist in implementing the current fiscal reforms and preparing future reforms. 本项目将协助实施当前的财政体制改革,为今后改革作准备。 www.shihang.org 9. In charge of finance, insurance, IPO management, assist in the management of investment and finance management centre, finance office. 分管金融、保险、企业上市工作,协管投融资管理中心、金融办。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Travelling is required to assist in technical meetings, training, investigating and commissioning. 需要协助技术会议、培训、考核和调试的出差时间 wenku.baidu.com 1. ANS products, can assist in body building, recovery from physical exercise and assist consumers to reach their personal wellbeing goals. ANS产品,能帮助健身,从锻炼中恢复,并且让您达到个人健康状态的目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Assist in unqualified products check and handling. Supervise disposing unqualified products. 参与质量不合格产品的审核,对不合格产品的处理过程实施监督; job.dajie.com 3. Effect: This product penetrates to dermis and assist in antioxidation process, replenishes with nutrition and moisture. 作用:能迅速渗透到肌肤真皮层,为肌肤提供抗氧化保护,及时补充营养和水分。 www.xici.net 4. FerrAus said CRM would assist in sourcing finance for the construction of rail infrastructure from its mine projects. FerrAus表示,中铁物资将协助其获得融资,以便该公司在矿区建设铁路基础设施。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Assist in the overall development, evaluation, administration and implementation of EHS policies and programs. 全面协助进行EHS方针政策和项目的执行。 www.haoqiantu.cn 6. Spell-checking can help, and using a real human being to assist in your editing can really perfect your articles. 拼写检查可以帮助,并使用一个真正的人在你的帮助才能真正完美的编辑您的文章。 corrugatedroofing.info 7. furthermore, you can grow with me, i provide good comments and will assist in work process. 此外,你可以随我,我提供了很好的意见,并协助工作的过程。 www.bing.com 8. In 1998, Mila chose to assist in raising the vibration of the land in Northern California where she then lived. 在1998年,Mila选择来帮助她所住的加州北部地区的陆地提高振动。 my.92dp.com 9. Assist in sourcing new joint venture deals or acquisitions. Conduct relevant study and prepare proposal for corporate approval. 协助寻找合资伙伴或项目收购目标。进行相应的研究并准备相关的建议书呈交总部批准。 www.lietou.com 10. Assist in the administration of the overall operation and arrangement, the management company day-to-day affairs. 协助参与行政工作的整体营运及安排,管理公司日常事务。 www.gdrc.com 1. Main Responsibilities Include: - Assist in Sales admin. work of Customer Service Department. 主要职责:-协助进行客服部门的销售方面的行政事务性工作。 www.meijob.com 2. Work Location: Beijing Main Responsibilities Include: - Assist in admin work of Sales Department. 工作地点:北京主要职责:-协助进行销售部门的行政事务性工作。 www.guolaisou.com 3. The integrative - based glyphs will assist in balancing the masculine and feminine within or balancing your inner and outer realities. 整合符号将帮助平衡内在阴阳,或平衡你的内在与外在实相。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Assist in new employee training, business training, execute training program, track and feedback the training effect. 协同开展新员工入职培训、业务培训,执行培训计划,联系组织外部培训以及培训效果的跟踪、反馈; www.beijingmyjob.com 5. However, if the money is available, there are a multitude of tools that can assist in monitoring social network reviews. 然而,只要有可用的预算,酒店还是可以通过很多工具来协助监控社会网络评论的。 www.bing.com 6. Coordinate and assist in the preparation of the quarterly and yearly financial report in consistent with US GAAP. 协助客户编制符合美国会计准则标准的年审报表及季度审阅报表; www.rencw.com 7. Additionally, this technology can assist in managing workloads within a System p landscape. 另外,这种技术有助于管理Systemp环境中的工作负载。 www.ibm.com 8. Assist in maintaining customer relationships and provide support and training for new market opportunities. 协助维护客户关系,并为新的市场机会提供支持和培训; www.jobui.com 9. Assist in the preparation of departmental manuals, procedures and control history dockets and inspection records. 负责部门内部手册和检验文件报告的准备和保管; www.jdjob88.com 10. The aim of the Portfolio Seminar is to assist in developing a critical position in relationship to their design work. 提案作品研讨之目的系为协助学生培养对设计作品之评论素养。 1. Collect and submit information about market situations and products timely, and assist in analysis of this information. 6. 收集在项目中碰到的市场、产品信息,及时提交,协助分析; job.01hr.com 2. Participate and assist in the performance of customer and Industry accreditation audits of testing and calibration issues. 参与和协助客户的行动执行和对测试与校准事项的行业合格性审核。 job.01hr.com 3. Ti is , thus , often desirable to use copper bars under or at the sides of the joint to assist in heat dispersal. 钛是,因此,可取的做法往往使用铜排下或在联合,以协助双方热量分散。 www.maihanji.com 4. Furthermore, there is no feedback to assist in correctly setting the controls of the monitor. 而且,没有任何反馈可帮助正确设置显示器控制。 www.portrait.com 5. to assist in monthly financial closings , review monthly trial balance and correct errors and reconcile bank statements. 辅助每月财务结账,审核每月试算平衡并改正错误,协调银行结单。 www.ichacha.net 6. The SIF record format also contains delta specific columns to assist in setting the indicator values of existing database records to NULL. SIF记录格式还包含特定于delta的列,以协助将现有数据库记录的指示符值设置为NULL。 www.ibm.com 7. Utilize "alumni" auditors to assist in developing better working relationships within entities. 利用“毕业”审计师帮助在组织内部形成更好的工作关系。 club.esnai.com 8. Participate in staff training and development activities to assist in the achievement of individual and team work objectives. 参加员工培训并发展协助实现个人和工作目标的能力。 www.lietou.com 9. To assist in the preparation of returns and statistical reports, which are, required by owner, hotel or local government authorities. 根据业主、酒店及政府要求,准备投资回报等数据报告。 job.veryeast.cn 10. To ensure all surfaces are kept in perfect condition and assist in new works, renovations alterations and decorative work as required. 确保所有表面处于完美状态中,如有需要,在新工作、改造、变更和装饰工作中予以协助。 www.tzjob.com 1. Assist in plant products technical improvement and production guideline management. 协助工厂生产产品的技术改进和生产作业标准的管理。 search.mechr.com 2. In an effort to ensure the safety of visiting kisses, Blarney Castle provides a worker to assist in the process. 为了保障慕名而来的亲吻者的安全,布拉尼城堡还配备工人专门协助亲吻过程的进行。 dict.kekenet.com 3. In sales, an engineering background enables them to discuss technical aspects and assist in product planning, installation, and use. 在销售部门,一定的工程背景使他们具备讨论技术问题,并协助项目规划,安装和使用的能力。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Sino-Forest has denied the report's findings and hired PwC to assist in the independent investigation into the allegations. 嘉汉林业否认了浑水的指控,并聘请普华永道(PwC)在针对该指控的独立调查中提供协助。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Caraway will also assist in the integration of the regeneration hormonal blueprints in ascension. 香菜也将协助提升中再生荷尔蒙蓝图的整合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This resolution also stipulates a positive obligation on the part of states to assist in the defense against aggression. 这个决议也要求国家积极协助防卫以对抗侵略。 www.bing.com 7. Desiring also to provide for States Parties additional means and procedures to assist in the identification of space objects. 也盼望为缔约各国提供另外的方法和程序,借以帮助辨认外空物体。 www.bing.com 8. You are welcome to join us and assist in the next victory of the Light! 欢迎你加入我们,并协助接下来的光的胜利! blog.sina.com.cn 9. Maintain quality acceptance records and assist in quality information collection and analysis. 负责保管验收记录,配合收集和分析质量信息; www.oumeng.com.cn 10. A network of local AAI offices should be created to assist in logistics of drugs ordering, purchase and clearance. 应当建立当地AAI办事处网络,协助统筹安排此类药物的订购、采购和清关。 www.who.int 1. Assist in maintaining cleanliness of all kitchens and BOH areas as well as ensuring all maintenance needs are looked after. 协助维护所有厨房和BOH区的清洁,并考虑到维护需求。 word.hcbus.com 2. Workers will not assist in codifying their tacit knowledge about doing their job if they feel it will jeopardize their employment. 如果工人感到文档化有关如何完成他们的工作的背景知识将危害他们的工作位置,那么,他们不会帮助这样做。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Your air squad should be used to wipe out targets both at Preemptive assaults and to assist in large battles. 你的空军部队应该在抢先打击或者在大型战斗中作为辅助来清除敌军单位… www.gamersky.com 4. Assist in administrative work including drafting contracts, preparing payments, making budget revisions and other related work. 协助行政工作,包括起草合同,准备付款、制作预算修正和其他相关工作。 www.flashtc.com 5. The desire to assist in unusual circumstances. 希望在非常情况下帮助客户。 forum.ozstudynet.com 6. Assist in the Product Development process to ensure that products meet customers' quality and budget requirements. 协助产品开发部门确保出货产品的质量符合欧美标准。 www.job592.com 7. Assist in preparing proposals for client presentation and participate in group presentations. 协助预备向客户提交的建议书,参与提案呈现。 www.job956.com 8. CT-simulated tracheobronchial trees can assist in the planning of therapeutic strategies before an operation. 经由电脑断层虚拟气管支气管,可以帮助我们在术前拟定治疗的计划。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. assist in preparation of tendering documents and vendor's technical bid evaluation of marine work engineer of marine work part. 协助准备海洋码头水工部分的招标文件和供货商的技术标评估。 www.vipcareer.com 10. To keep herself acquainted with the General Manager's activities in order to assist in discerning priorities. 确保自己知晓酒店总经理的活动安排,以便于协助辨识不同活动的优先性。 www.lietou.com 1. To assist in publishing to Web messaging clients, a publishing API is provided in the Web messaging application utility library. 为了帮助实现到Web消息传递客户机的发布,Web消息传递应用程序实用库中提供了一个发布API。 www.ibm.com 2. Assist in writing and editing sales and marketing materials, which include articles and presentations. 协助撰写和编辑销售和宣传材料,包括文章和演讲。 jobs.renhe.cn 3. they assist in differentiation from neoplasm in consideration of the history of trauma or surgery. 他们协助分化肿瘤考虑到历史上的创伤或手术。 www.syyxw.com 4. The cat-head is a large wooden beam that extends from vessels at a 45 degree angle and is used to assist in raising and lowering the anchor. 舰首猫架是一个大型木质梁,它以45度角延伸用于辅助提升或抛下锚钩。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Provide a selectivity and risk assessment software package to assist in the selection of containers and trucks for scanning. 提供一种可选择性和风险评估套装软件来帮助选择集装箱和货车进行扫描。 www.intertek-fts.com 6. WHO estimates that in several African countries traditional birth attendants assist in the majority of births. 世界卫生组织估计,在一些非洲国家,大部分的接生工作是由传统的接生医生做的。 www.zhongyiyao.net 7. These strategies would assist in the event of a shipping rate increase. 这些战略会在运输率增加的情形下起到协助作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Computer simulation technology is currently the major approach to assist in the analysis of collision accidents. 目前,计算机仿真技术已经成为辅助事故研究分析的主要手段。 www.say666.com 9. Acts as administration for the EHS&Q Committee and assist in the elimination of existing hazards in the WTC workplace. 担当安全委员会日常行政管理工作并协助消除WTC工作场所存在的各类危险。 www.jobuu.com 10. Assist in creating maximum efficiency within the department. 在部门里创造最高的效率。 job.veryeast.cn 1. assist in developing and implementing physical activity programmes for children. 协助制定和实施儿童身体活动规划。 www.who.int 2. Assist in system upgrades and perform system testing. Ensure data integrity in master files and various support tools. 协助系统升级并进行系统测试。确保主要文件和各种支持工具的数据完整性; www.51job.com 3. Manage vendor relationships and assist in building effective partnerships. 供应商关系管理,协助建立有效的合作伙伴关系。 www.lietou.com 4. Assist in maintaining cutter library with parameters relating to specific cutters and materials. 协助维护特殊刀具及材料的参数。 changning.01hrshanghai.com 5. Assist in technical support in cooperation with the Technical Service Engineer, Asia-Pacific. 协助技术支援,与亚太区技术服务工程师互相配合。 www.168job.net 6. Assist in the day to day function of the Accounts Payable section relating to Cost Control. 协助应付帐款处理与成本控制有关的日常业务。 search.hr33.com 7. They will have contact with customers to assist in troubleshooting and maintaining complex web server configurations. 他们将与客户联系,以帮助解决和维护复杂的网络服务器配置。 www.bing.com 8. Assist in analyzing, handling and solving quality problems, and come up with improvement solutions. 协助分析,处理和解决质量问题,并提出改进方案; www.ybenglish.cn 9. Bending at the elbow, immediately after entry, would assist in faster directional force change. 入水后立即屈肘有助于更快改变用力方向。 hi.baidu.com 10. To assist in choosing term paper topics, a list of possibilities (with references) is provided in the projects section. 为了帮助学生选择论文的题目,专题部份有一些可能选项(含参考书目)。 www.myoops.org 1. Assist in preparation of tendering documents and vendor's technical bid evaluation of Civil & Structure part. 协助准备土建部分的招标文件和供货商的技术标评估。 www.ylrqhr.com 2. Logging allows the application to gather and collect data to assist in diagnosing problems with applications. 日志允许应用程序收集数据来帮助诊断应用程序的问题。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Assist in developing a budget Breakdown Structure for yearly maintenance budget and budget tracking. 协助制定年度维修费用预算及预算分解、预算跟踪。 www.jobui.com 4. Assist in preparing quotations with Costing Engineer to support the commercial activities. 协助成本工程师准备报价,以支持商业活动。 www.jobui.com 5. The territory's chief executive, Donald Tsang, says his government is sending a team of rescue workers to assist in hard-hit areas. 香港特区行政长官曾荫权表示,香港政府派遣一个救援小组,协助遭受地震袭击的地区抗震救灾。 www.voanews.cn 6. l Comply with and assist in any investigations, inspections and incident reporting and recording requirements. 遵守并协助任何调查,检查及事故报告和记录。 jobs.zhaopin.com 7. Computers are in widespread use now(1972)to assist in development of the best operational plans for managing ground water reservoirs. 现在(1972)普遍使用计算机来管理地下水库,协助人们选定最佳的运用方案。 www.jukuu.com 8. The gluteus maximus turns the bent leg hip outward. External rotator muscles deep in the hip assist in maintaining the turnout. 臀大肌使弯曲退侧臀部向外。髋部深处的外旋肌辅助维持这个外旋动作。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. These signs of the five notes are evidence to assist in the conquest, the subtle moments of success and defeat. 这是五行生克的应验,辅助制胜的征兆,胜败的关键。 chinese-wiki.com 10. To ensure all surfaces are kept in perfect condition and to assist in new works, renovations as required by room maintenance supervisor. 确保所有饰面处于良好状态并按客房主管的安排进行新的工作和装修。 job.veryeast.cn |
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