单词 | assertive |
释义 |
例句释义: 坚定自信的,坚决主张的,过分自信的,断定的,断言的 1. TV is now trying to tell women to be a lot more assertive, to speak up for themselves, which shows that women do have choices. 现在,电视正尝试告诉妇女们要更加自信,要为自己大声疾呼,这表明:女性是拥有选择权的。 www.bing.com 2. He made solid eye contact with everybody in the room, he pulled his hands out of his pockets and used purposeful, assertive hand gestures. 他和屋子里每个人都做了一对一的目光交流,手也伸出口袋,并做了具有目的性的,断定性的手势。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. You are being legitimately assertive when you stand up for your rights in such a way that the rights of others are not violated. 如果你在主张自己的权利时没有冒犯他人的权利,这种果敢自信就是正当的。 www.cntopedu.cn 4. Presents logical opinions in an assertive way when trying to persuade and convince others. 信心坚定,提出合理的意见劝导和说服其他人。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Assertive Chinese and job-hungry Americans are gearing up for a trade war across the Pacific. Fortunately, cooler heads will likely prevail. 过于自信的中国人与渴求工作的美国人正为一场横跨太平洋的贸易战争添柴加火。幸好,更为冷静的观点看起来占了上风。 www.bing.com 6. With a greater consciousness of their own strength, China's leaders are prepared to be more assertive. 由于对自身的实力有了更清醒的认识,中国领导人准备表现得更加自信。 www.ftchinese.com 7. an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue; pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act. 一个总是准备着争论的、精力充沛的、过分自信的男孩;直接指向某个听众是一个武断的行为。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Talk to bankers and the conversation is as it always was - assertive, gossip-filled and permanently ready to bash rivals. 与银行家们交谈你会发现,他们的谈吐一如既往:坚定自信、八卦连篇,时刻准备抨击对手。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Bennett and his wife have five daughters Gui word in question, both of which Elizabeth is a woman of intelligence have assertive. 班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Assertive, yet a team player as well as team manager - capable of taking as well as giving advice - able to delegate and empower the team. 自信,做好团队管理者同时,也具备团队合作精神。擅长沟通和提出建议,能够授权工作。 www.jobems.com 1. Assertive behaviour can be very effective if used in the early stages of bullying. 如果在欺负行为的早期阶段,有主张力的行为可能非常有效。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The assertive action is to train others and give them feedback about how you'd like the work to be completed. 而具有主张的行为是培训别人,给人们做出工作要如何来按你的愿望完成的反馈。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You come with all this trouble, with broken families, uncertain or assertive, wanting your way or shyly acquiescing but inwardly rebelling. 你来到这里,带着所有这些麻烦,你有着破碎的家庭,犹豫或坚定,追求自己的方式,或者胆怯地默认而内心却在反抗。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 4. Researchers found the most effective strategies for securing a bigger salary were to be assertive and "not take no for an answer" . 研究人员发现赢得更高薪水最有效的策略是要坚定,“不接受否定的答复”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The big US guns, as it were, will be reserved for east Asia and the geopolitical contest with a more assertive China. 可以说,美国的主要军力将用于东亚地区,以及与一个更为自信的中国展开地缘政治较量。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Assertive Mars, the traditional ruling planet of your sign and a key to your strong personality, is fired up this weekend. 有进取心的火星这周末会被点亮,它是你这个星座的传统的守护星,也是你坚韧个性的来源。 www.douban.com 7. Even many who proposed taking a more assertive stance against America often argued that such a posture was not for now. 即使是在建议对美国采取更强硬立场的阵营中,也有许多人经常主张,现在还不是采取这种姿态的时候。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In a sign Russia would not soften its assertive energy policy, state-controlled Gazprom cut supplies to Ukraine by a quarter on Monday. 国有的俄罗斯天然气公司(Gazprom)周一切断了对乌克兰一个季度的供应,这显示俄罗斯不会软化强硬的能源政策。 cn.reuters.com 9. Men are typically more comfortable with getting their points across and standing up for themselves in a more assertive manner. 男性在清晰阐述观点时处理的更加自如,并且会以更自信的方式坚持自己的观点。 www.bing.com 10. Or would he be especially assertive and try to show the Bulls what they missed out on when their trade talks with the Lakers fizzled? 或者他特别想证明给公牛看,在他们和湖人的谈判破裂后,他们到底错过了什么? www.bing.com 1. You can be just as effective in expressing yourself whether you use passive, aggressive, or assertive communication. 不论你用被动式、侵犯式还是主张式的交流,表达自己你都会一样有效。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. No one at home against young my husband and I are the chaos in confusion, there is no point assertive. 家里人没有一个反对的,年轻的我和丈夫更是乱了方寸,没有一点主见。 www.bing.com 3. This was, quite possibly, the most assertive, surprising and rebellious act in the history of the U. S. intelligence community. 这可能是美国情报历史上最武断、最令人惊讶和最叛逆的行为。 www.gztol.com 4. True, young Muslims cannot identify with a vacuum. But filling it with assertive Britishness is no guarantee of winning hearts and minds. 确实,年轻的穆斯林不能对着空洞确认身份,但以刚毅的英国性来填补这一空洞不能保证赢得人心。 www.bing.com 5. We're going to see AQIM become more assertive, taking over entire areas and consolidating its presence. 我们将看到AQIM变得更加自信,接管整个地区和巩固它的存在。 www.englishtang.com 6. With Ginobili becoming more assertive, Turkoglu might have remained passive had he stayed. 随着吉诺比利变得更加自信,特格格格鲁即使留下来依然会很被动。 chinaspurs.com 7. Let us prepared to be more assertive in protecting their rights and interests. 让我们更多地保护权利和利益,成为自信的中国消费者。 hongfan.nwu.edu.cn 8. Cole had never seen such an assertive killer before, she repeatedly assailed the guards, and tried to asphyxiate her cell mate. 科尔从没见过这样武断的凶手。她不断攻击狱警,并试图使自己的狱友窒息死亡。 club.topsage.com 9. China's air force is known to be rapidly modernizing, and its navy has become more assertive, operating far from China's shores. 外界都知道中国空军正在迅速进行现代化,中国海军也已变得更加自信,能在远离中国海岸的地区展开军事行动。 c.wsj.com 10. But many people confuse being assertive with being aggressive - as both involve standing up for your rights but are not the same thing. 可是有许多人将有主张和侵犯混淆--两者都包括为自己的权利挺身而出,可是不是同样的东西。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. One of the benefits of assertive speaking may be that I'm more comfortable with supervisors at work. 主张式说话的一个好处可以是我将在工作中更舒适地和上级相处。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Over the last few years, Chinese leaders, aware of the country's growing power, appear to have become more assertive. 最近几年,中国的领导人意识到了国家日渐增强的力量,开始变得更加坚定而自信。 www.bing.com 3. Something that resonated inside me like the assertive crisp ring of a bell. 敲响了我内心中那段共鸣的铃音。 www.bing.com 4. You could attract aggressive or assertive people, which may be to your benefit if you handle it well. 你会吸引具侵略性或过分自信的人,如果相处得好,他们会带给你利益。 www.360doc.com 5. In personal affairs, you walk a fine line between assertive and aggressive. 个人事务上,你在过分自信与积极争取之间游走的轻松惬意。 www.douban.com 6. In being a more assertive mother, you may find that this will be helpful for your daughter, who is clearly in a very sad place. 你应该做一个有主见的母亲,以帮助你的女儿脱离困境。 www.bing.com 7. Assertive communication can lead you to positive results when making personal and professional requests. 在提出个人和职业请求时,有主张力的交流能让你获得积极结果。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. But, instead of being the demure queen expected of her, she was assertive and ambitious. 但是,她并没有成为大家所期待的端庄的皇后,而是武断的、野心勃勃的。 www.bing.com 9. I am a very assertive, strong personality who, like the competition, like in the constant than in the complete sense of their own. 我是一个十分有主见,个性强的人,喜欢竞争,喜欢在不断的超越中完善自己的感觉。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. China's growing economy, and its subsequent increased power on the global stage, have made Beijing proud and, increasingly, more assertive. 中国经济的增长以及在国际事务中逐渐上升的力量使北京方面愈来愈傲慢和果断。 www.bing.com 1. In fact, I was a very assertive, intelligent man of the boys. 我其实是一个很有主见,才智过人的男孩 zhidao.baidu.com 2. "VISION Youth vision of" promoting the most assertive avantgarde culture, the most luxurious fashion, among the most tasteful visual space. 《VISION青年视觉》倡导最张扬的前卫文化,最奢华的消费时尚,最品位的视觉空间。 www.expomd.com 3. Assertive communication means speaking up for yourself in a thoughtful, tactful way. 主张交流是指用一种经过思考、有策略的方式为自己说话。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. One of the ways I can show assertive body language is to make eye contact with the person I'm talking to. 一个展示主张式肢体语言的方法就是和我在谈话的对方进行目光接触。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Some might imagine that a typical "alpha male" is going to be brash, assertive, overbearing. But in my experience, that's rarely the case. 有些读者可能会认为,一个典型的“大男人”是一个傲慢的、专断的、自大的家伙,但是就我的经验而言,事实并非如此。 www.bing.com 6. "If government regulation increases, microblog services are likely to be more assertive in removing controversial content, " he wrote. 他写道,如果政府加强监管,微博服务可能会采取更加果断的措施删除有争议的内容。 chinese.wsj.com 7. "China might be more assertive towards the US but it will not be aggressive, " says Ms Glaser at CSIS. 美国国际战略研究中心的葛来仪表示:“中国对美国的态度可能会更自信,但不会变成挑衅。” www.ftchinese.com 8. The solution here is too simple: Take your hands out of your pocket and use them for purposeful, assertive hand gestures. 解决它的办法很简单:从口袋里拿出你的手,作些有决心的、果断的手势。 www.360doc.com 9. Perhaps he or she will become assertive in a way that could make you feel a need to go on the offensive. 也许他或她将成为自信的在某种程度上,会使你觉得需要继续进攻。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 10. Conversely, as a woman's estrogen level decreases with age, she will become more assertive. 相反的,由于女性的雌激素分泌随着年龄降低,她们会变得更刚硬。 www.bing.com 1. Here are seven ways to help your child learn to be respectfully assertive. 下面有7种方法帮助你的孩子变得自信。 www.elanso.com 2. Typically, new comers simply watch for a time, then join in very tentatively at first, being more assertive only in very cautious steps. 典型地,新的来人只是暂时看,然后起先非常试验性地加入,在非常谨慎的步骤只有更断定。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Maybe if I learned to be more assertive and use more 'I' statements we'd have less problems. 也许如果我学会更果断,并且更多表态,那么我们的问题可能会少一点。 www.bing.com 4. Even if it were, assertive leadership in Congress of the sort the Republicans demonstrated in 1994 is very unusual. 即使时机成熟,共和党1994年在国会中表现出的那种果断自信的领导力亦很不寻常。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Many Koreans suspect that China wants to dominate the peninsula again, as a useful buffer against a more assertive Japan. 许多韩国人怀疑中国想重新支配朝鲜半岛,使之成为有效的缓冲地带,以阻挡对半岛更有野心的日本。 www.ecocn.org 6. RED: With its aggressive, stimulating and sexy nature, assertive attention and provoking action, the red is impossible to ignore. 红色:气质咄咄逼人,令人振奋而本性魅惑,彰显自信和挑战,这样的颜色自然不容忽视。 www.01ielts.com 7. The public's reaction to Obama's assertive steps points up the potential gains and risks of being seen as clearly in charge. 奥巴马走的每一步都过于自信,公众对此的反应增加了他作为明显的国家掌权者的所得与风险。 www.bing.com 8. The idea for a more assertive role appears to be gaining influence. 力争变得更加自信的观念似乎就是要扩大影响力。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. China also became more assertive, much to the discomfort of its neighbours. 中国也变得更为强势,令邻国很是不安。 www.ftchinese.com 10. There could be the odd confrontation through the day, not because you are assertive, but you just feel a little over-emotional. 今天可能会有意外地对质,不是因为你过分自信,而是因为你过于情绪化。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions. 他是个固执的孩子,总是坚持自己的权利和主意。 wenku.baidu.com 2. A major Realization stage mission is learning the basics of good dialogue: assertive speaking and empathetic listening. 领悟阶段的主要任务,就是学习良好对话的基本因素:坚定的表达和设身处地的倾听。 www.dudu360.com 3. The American situation widens the opening for a more assertive China. 此消彼长,美国的局势让中国更加强硬。 www.bing.com 4. Yet the French are clearly still willing to give him credit for assertive diplomacy that they no longer do for domestic affairs. 但法国人“显然”仍愿就萨科奇极自信的外交予以内政上久未有的信任。 www.ecocn.org 5. The resentment against this two-tier class system has risen as a more assertive generation of workers fill these cities. 随着更加自信的新一代农民工涌入这些城市,对这种二元体制的愤恨之情也有所升温。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They've become more personally assertive, more sexually aggressive, and less willing to put up with self-indulgent bullshit from their men. 他们变得越来越自我肯定,有更多的性需求,更不愿意纵容只说废话的男人。 www.bing.com 7. Japan is taking stock of its defence hardware in the face of China's growing military might and assertive stance in the Pacific. 面对中国不断提高的军事实力和坚定的立场,日本正考虑提高军事装备。 www.bing.com 8. The Indians say that China is becoming more assertive about its claims to parts of Indian territory. 印度表示,中国在声称对印度部分领土拥有主权时,立场日渐强硬。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Abroad he has chosen to pursue an increasingly assertive, anti-Western foreign policy in the name of re-establishing Russia's greatness. 在国际上,他以重建俄罗斯光荣的名义推行一种自信心不断膨胀的反西方的外交政策。 www.ecocn.org 10. TTO: I'm not an actor, so this may be a dumb question, but has playing this character made you even more assertive or honest in real life? 采访人:我问个傻问题,你会因为角色影响而在现实生活中变的很武断和直白嘛? blog.sina.com.cn 1. It shows signs of being assertive and able to stand by a decision. 这也显示出孩子坚持己见,并能够坚守自己的决定。 www.elanso.com 2. But Romney's assertive debate performance against a tired-seeming Obama rallied Republicans again to his side. 但与看起来很疲倦的奥巴马对峙,罗姆尼自信的辩论表现再次使共和党站到了他那边。 www.hxen.com 3. More assertive Chinese activity has also raised hackles in nations neighbouring the South China Sea, which Beijing claims in its entirety. 中国更加强势的行为还激怒了南海周边的邻国。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But the government has been increasingly assertive in trying to prop up stock prices. 但中国政府在试图支撑股价方面日趋主动。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In recent weeks, the United States has taken some assertive steps in the South China Sea -- and Beijing is watching anxiously. 近几周来,美国在中国南海采取了一些措施,因而北京方面在密切关注。 www.bing.com 6. Develop an assertive style, backed with solid facts and examples, to focus others' attention on your ideas and proposals. 培养一种自信的风格,并以确凿事例为支撑,从而让别人的注意力集中在你的想法和提议上。 kaoshi.edu5a.com 7. Advocates of assertive communication argue that it is much more adaptive than either submissive or aggressive communication. 主张进行果断自信交际的人认为,这种交际方式比顺从型或好斗型交际方式更有助于提高人的适应能力。 space.exue.com 8. It has become commonplace among diplomats and analysts in China to say that Beijing is becoming more assertive in international affairs. 北京在国际事务的处理上正变得愈发自信坚定,这在驻中国的外交官和分析人士中间已成老生常谈。 www.wyzxsx.com 9. Being assertive is about standing up for yourself without getting upset or losing your temper. 有主见的意思是,据理力争而不感觉沮丧或恼火。 www.bing.com 10. Local staff have resisted, warning that a more assertive tribunal risks sowing unrest among the many former cadres in the country. 当地的法庭官员一直都反对这样做,警告说更加激进的审理会导致很多前红色高绵官员的不安。 www.ecocn.org 1. But to the U. S. 's increasingly assertive cadre of atheists, that argument will seem absurd. 但是对美国日渐增多的无神论者来说,这种观点显得荒谬。 www.bing.com 2. Internationally, Asia needs the US and European Union to take a more assertive role co-ordinating financial regulation. 在国际层面上,亚洲需要美国和欧盟在协调金融监管方面发挥更为积极的作用。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Among assertive , learned , or eloquent people, she seemed to feel her dowdiness and insufficiency . 在这群过分自信,学识渊博,伶牙俐齿的人中间,她总仿佛觉得自己过于懒散,笨头笨脑的。 www.bing.com 4. And its newly assertive foreign policy is making it count not just in neighbouring countries but as far afield as China and Africa. 而最新的强硬外交政策正在使它的影响力不在局限于邻国中,而且扩大到远至中国和非洲。 www.ecocn.org 5. One is the emergence of a more assertive, even aggressive, Russia. 其中之一就是出现了一个更为自信,更加敢做敢为的俄罗斯。 www.ecocn.org 6. Second daughter, Elizabeth, Qingli intelligent, ambitious, assertive, consistent with the property of the nobility million youth met Darcy. 二女儿伊丽莎白,聪慧清丽,有志气,有主见,与家产万贯的贵族青年达西相识。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The women in the network seem to agree with Sandberg that sexism in America is mainly a problem that women can fix by being more assertive. 这个圈子里的女人们似乎都同意桑德伯格关于美国的性别歧视大部分都可通过女人变得更加自信果断来解决的观点。 www.bing.com 8. Japan had already taken a more assertive line towards North Korea after the missile tests in July. 日本在朝鲜7月份导弹试射之后就已对朝鲜采取了更主动的线路。 www.ecocn.org 9. Vietnam, which also claims part of the Spratly chain, has likewise complained of China's increasingly assertive approach in the region. 而声称对南沙群岛拥有部分主权的越南也同样对中国在处理该地区问题时日益刚愎自用的态度颇多怨言。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The secret is to be assertive without becoming preachy or self-righteous. 秘诀是保持自信而坚定的态度,而不是唠叨说教或自以为是。 www.bing.com 1. Vietnam, which also claims part of the Spratly chain, has likewise complained of China's increasingly assertive approach in the region. 而声称对南沙群岛拥有部分主权的越南也同样对中国在处理该地区问题时日益刚愎自用的态度颇多怨言。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The secret is to be assertive without becoming preachy or self-righteous. 秘诀是保持自信而坚定的态度,而不是唠叨说教或自以为是。 www.bing.com 3. Almost 30 years later, China has emerged as an economic power and is slowly becoming more assertive militarily. 近30年过去了,中国已发展为一个经济强国,军事上也逐渐变得更为自信。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Most importantly, it's an indicator of your reluctance to express your feelings and be assertive. 最重要的是,这是一种信号,意味这你不情愿去表达自己的感觉,并且显示出你太过自信。 bbs.internet.org.cn 5. In this one important sense, the United States needs a more assertive China. 从这一重要的角度来说,美国需要一个更加自信的中国。 dongxi.net 6. France's more assertive stand began to emerge last week. 法国更果决的立场是在上周开始成形的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Mostly made with the youngest vines on the estate, its structure is less assertive and can be enjoyed earlier. 他是采用庄园内树龄最小的葡萄树的葡萄酿制而成的,酒体结构比较简单,能在年轻时饮用。 www.winecenter.cn 8. Select the most appropriate and effective assertive response to a variety of situations. 选择最适当和最有效率及畅所欲言的沟通方法回复各种情况; www.world-channel.net 9. The execution was seen by many Western analysts as a sign of China's increasingly assertive posture toward foreign governments. 在许多西方分析师看来,对沙伊克的处决显示,中国正对外国政府日益表现出专断姿态。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Assertive teachers with a constant eye on these students can keep them in line. 严厉的教师总是时刻监管这些学生,让他们保持秩序。 www.zk5u.com 1. Assertiveness is a useful communication tool. It's application is contextual and it's not appropriate to be assertive in all situations. 自主性是一种有效地交流技巧,它需要有应用背景,而不适合所有的情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In most cases, being assertive works better than being passive or aggressive. 在大多数情况下,主张比被动或侵略效果更好。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. OPUS treatment consisted of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) with manuals for family involvement and social skills training. Opus的治疗包括自信社区治疗(ACT)的家庭与社会的参与和技能培训手册。 www.syyxw.com 4. In Asia, Washington has expertly marshalled regional nations eager to hedge against a more assertive China. 在亚洲,美国巧妙地将急于防范更自信中国的国家团结在一起。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Marcus Svedberg, chief economist at leading Russia fund East Capital believes that Mr. Medvedev is becoming increasingly assertive. 俄罗斯最重要的基金管理公司EastCapital的首席经济师马库斯-斯维德伯格(MarcusSvedberg)认为,梅德韦杰夫正变得越发坚定自信。 chinese.wsj.com 6. On the international stage, the domestic tensions are making themselves felt in familiarly assertive and unco-operative rhetoric. 在国际舞台上,国内的紧张局势让伊朗像往常一样,发布一些自信而不合作的言论。 www.ftchinese.com 7. This time, the focus was on China's more assertive foreign policy and what it means for the rest of the world. 但是这一次的关注点却是中国更加强势和自信的外交政策,以及其对世界其他国家的寓意。 www.bing.com 8. The most likely outcome is a more assertive China that wants to get more done abroad without fundamentally upsetting the world order. 就目前的状况看,最可能出现的结果是,中国变得更加强硬,而且希望在基本不扰乱世界秩序的前提下在外交上有所建树。 www.ecocn.org 9. You can be nice and still be assertive or stand up for yourself. 您的友善依然可以建立在自信和自重的基础上。 www.elanso.com 10. As the Tao operates impartially in the universe, so should mankind disavow assertive, purposive action. 道在宇宙中公平地运转,人类将会否认自己过分自信,有目的性的行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. As the Tao operates impartially in the universe, so should mankind disavow assertive, purposive action. 道在宇宙中公平地运转,人类将会否认自己过分自信,有目的性的行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Being assertive is a matter of practicing certain communication skills and having the right inner attitude. 坦诚可以通过进行某些交流能力训练、形成正确的态度来建立 www.bing.com 3. On the contrary , they tend to view self-assertive behaviors as embarrassing and undignified, and potentially dangerous to group harmony. 相反的,他们更多地认为,自矜(或独断专行)的行为令人尴尬并且极不庄重,还对团队的和谐融洽形成潜在的危险。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. Reactions to this surge largely focus on cheap Chinese imports or on China's assertive efforts to win access to energy reserves. 这种谨慎反应的主要源头在于中国廉价商品的输入,或为获得储备能源开采权中国所采取的过于独断的手段。 www.bing.com 5. In recent years as China has become richer and more powerful it has taken a more confrontational and assertive approach in these disputes. 近年来,随着中国变得更加富裕和强大,它在此类纠纷中采取了更为对抗和自信的姿态。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This breed is best suited for those with pervious experience with large dog breeds, and those which are more assertive. 这品种是最适合那些与透水经验与大狗的品种,以及那些是更加自信。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Aggressive behavior and assertive behavior of soccer players were studied with the method of psychology questionaire . 采用心理问卷法研究足球运动员的攻击性和敢为性行为。 www.jukuu.com 8. So as southern Canada looks with new interest at the Arctic, it finds that northerners are becoming increasingly assertive. 因此当加拿大的南方人被新的利益驱动而注视北方的时候,他们会发现北方人现在越来越有其独立自主的能力。 www.ecocn.org 9. But the victory was limited somewhat by overseas media reports portraying China's more assertive attitude and bolder territorial claims. 但是这种胜利不过局限于一些海外媒体报道中国有了更自信的态度,在领土主权方面出言更为大胆。 dongxi.net 10. Their misgivings come as China becomes more assertive across the region. 在印度感到担忧之际,中国在亚洲地区正变得更为强硬。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Ms Sandberg is doing her part to change this by encouraging women to be more assertive and by building an "old girls' network" . 通过鼓励女性更加有主张,通过建立“大龄女性关系网”,Sandberg女士正在用她的行动改变这一切。 www.bing.com 2. Then, a politically and unreformed and assertive China could be calling the shots in the most vibrant economic region of the world. 那时,自信的中国将掌控这个世界上经济最活跃的地区。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. If you can delegate and are capable of being assertive, we'll be impressed and you as management potential. 如果你有把握代理一切,我们会留意你的,认为你有管理潜能。 www.ryedu.net 4. Transatlantic friction between companies and regulators has grown as Europe's data guardians have become more assertive. 横跨大西洋两地的公司和管理人员之间的摩擦随着欧洲数据守护人变得独断专行而升温。 www.ecocn.org 5. Being assertive can reduce stress by helping me feel more in control of a situation. 主张可以通过让你对一个局面感到有更多控制,从而来减少压力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Explain the conditions in which we need to use non-assertive words in positive statements and assertive words in questions. 解释在肯定句中使用非肯定词和在疑问句中使用肯定句的情况。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. To get into a calm and assertive state, watch dogs. 要进入镇定、主张力的状态,看看狗。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Instead of accepting the offer of a full partnership, China became far more antagonistic and assertive on the world stage. 中国没有接受一个全面的伙伴关系,在世界舞台上,中国变得更加敌对和武断。 club.china.com 9. Russia, an old adversary, is becoming more assertive. 美国的老对手俄罗斯正变得愈加自信。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Some people are naturally more skillful when it comes to being assertive. Others need more practice. But everyone can improve. 有些人天生就能更为熟练的掌握坦诚的技巧,而另一些则需要更多的训练。但是,每一个人都能够进步。 www.bing.com 1. Unfortunately, they also start to lose their giggly little charm and become more arrogant, aggressive, and assertive. 不幸的是,他们也开始失去傻笑的小巧魅力,变得更傲慢、侵略性、果断的态度。 www.ddeaw.com 2. The Holocaust is increasingly becoming a faint and ineffectual memory and the Arab states are increasingly powerful and assertive. 大屠杀日益成为一段遥远模糊的记忆,而阿拉伯国家变得日益强大和自信。 www.bing.com 3. If your team is in chaos mode, then you need to be especially assertive. 如果你是在一个处于混乱状态下的一个团队里面,那你必须非常独断。 kk.dongxi.net 4. Could a more assertive Obama have made a difference? 一个独断的奥巴马会做的不同吗? www.bing.com 5. See the related wikihow article on being assertive to get a few ideas. 参见关于有主张力相关wikihow文章获得一些主意。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. His conciliatory tone stands in contrast to China's increasingly assertive stance towards other neighbours. 温家宝的这一和解语调与中国针对其它邻国日趋强硬的态度形成鲜明对比。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Last week, I saw a slightly more assertive approach to campaigning organisations from some company leaders. 上周,我从一些企业领导人那里,看到了一种对活动组织略微更为自信的方式。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Assertive, full-bodied flavours with deep, earthy undertones typify the coffee treasures of indonesia. 丰厚浓郁,充满深度与大地气息,正是印度尼西亚咖啡的珍贵之处。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Speaking at a news conference, Mr Wen wasat pains to dismiss suggestions that Chinese foreign policy wasbecoming more assertive. 新闻发布会上,温总理极力否认中国在外交政策上变得越来越自信。 www.bing.com 10. Governments should be more assertive in preventing corrupt officials from hiding the proceeds of corruption in foreign banks. 各国政府应更加注意防止贪官们将腐败所得的钱财隐匿到外国银行。 www.hrw.org 1. This shift reflects France's increasing anxiety about Germany's economic strength and assertive diplomacy. 这种转变反映出法国对于德国的经济实力和自信外交政策日益感到焦虑。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Expressing your angry feelings in an assertive - not aggressive - manner is the healthiest way to express anger. 用自信果敢的举动——而不是挑衅的举动来表达愤怒——是最健康的。 www.bilingualtime.com 3. own character training - to be more assertive, to be brave in face of difficulties. 因为我的一部分目的就是磨炼我自己的个性??使我更加果断,能够勇敢地面对困难。 www.jukuu.com 4. Chila's like: good at thinking, assertive, hard to eat soft food, and sometimes find fault with others who love the small defects. 喜欢吃辣的人:善于思考,有主见,吃软不吃硬,有时爱挑剔别人身上的小毛病。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Chinese naval honor guard. China's navy has grown more assertive in recent years, rattling the nerves of maritime neighbors. 中国海军仪仗队近年来,中国海军变得更加自信,使得海上邻国稍有不安。 www.bing.com 6. These people are anxious about the security of their property and, like their fellows in the countryside, are becoming more assertive. 这些人关注他们财产的安全,就像农村的老百姓一样,现在正在变得越来越有自信。 www.fane.cn 7. China's more assertive foreign policy has challenged the Obama administration's worldview. Expect a new US grand strategy. 中国更坚定的外交政策是挑战奥巴马政府的世界观。期待新一轮的美国宏大的战略。 club.china.com 8. An assertive and relatively stable China, it seems, must expand, lest pent-up internal pressures tear it apart. 一个自信和相对稳定的中国必然走上对外扩张之路,以免被压制住的内部矛盾有朝一日爆发让自己分崩离析。 www.bing.com 9. Involved in teaching the course, students receive a stretch and assertive personality, class "live up. " 参与式教学过程中,学生的个性得到了舒展和张扬,课堂“活起来了”。 www.goodook.com 10. The mature, elegant, restrained features could fully show you non-assertive noble temperament. 成熟、优雅、内敛、给您一种不张扬的高贵气质。 wwww.chris-tina.com 1. The "G" button on the centre console makes the GLK with off- road engineering package even more assertive on rough terrain. “克”按钮,该中心控制台,使glk与场外道路工程方案,更自信的粗糙的地形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. What's new is the marked heightening of tension as China has adopted a strikingly assertive neighbourhood policy. 新情况是,随着中国采取一种自信得惊人的邻国政策,紧张显著加剧。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The rise in the oil price over the past decade has led to a richer and more assertive Russia. 而过去十年油价的攀升,让俄罗斯变得更加富裕,也更加自信。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Start putting the alternative assertive behaviours into practice. 开始将别的有主张力的行为用于实践中。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Adult video gamers also seemed less outgoing, or extroverted, and less social and assertive than non-gamers. 成年电动玩家跟非玩家比起来,似乎较少外出或较内向,不善社交且缺乏自信。 www.chinapost.com.tw 6. Put oneself forward in an assertive and insistent manner. 自信、坚持不懈地坚持自己的意见。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. To be more assertive, you focus on what you say and how you say it. 要更有主张,你要把注意力放在要说什么,怎么说上面。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. A fear of being assertive can be disastrous in a chaos team. 在一个处于混乱状态下的一个团队里面,惧怕独断是致命的。 kk.dongxi.net 9. "These individuals were empowered and were generally more assertive. " “这些人能控制局势,所以往往也更强势。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Many women in modern urban China are well-educated, confident, assertive, career-minded, and well-paid. 中国城市的妇女大都受过良好教育,她们自信,有职业理想,收入不菲。 www.putclub.com 1. Second, China has recently taken a more assertive attitude towards the US. 其次,近来中国在对待美国方面,采取了一种更为自信的态度。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Being self-motivated, assertive, energetic and service oriented. 自我激励,有活力,有服务意识; www.haoqiantu.cn 3. "The underlying element is balance --you can't be a jerk, and you can't be too nice, " says Edelman, "You haveto be assertive and cordial. " Edelman说:“最基本的要点是平衡性—你不要去做个混蛋,但是你也不用太好。你必须要非常自信、很热忱。” edu.sina.com.cn 4. In the year since the financial crisis broke, the Chinese government has become noticeably more assertive in the way it talks to America. 自从金融危机爆发以来,中国政府对美国说话的语气已明显变得更为自信。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Nitze was focused, outgoing and assertive; Kennan ruminative, inward and unsure. 尼采备受关注,为人外向,刚毅自信;而凯南却喜欢沉思,内向而不自信。 www.ecocn.org 6. In assertive communication, you state your opinions, feelings, and needs openly. 在主张式交流中,你会公开表达出自己的观点、感受和需求。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. As some countries grew in strength and resources they became more assertive and nationalistic. 随着一些国际实力和资源的增加,它们变得更加自信和国家主义。 www.bing.com 8. Being assertive is a very important skill that everyone should learn. 有主见是一项每个人都应该学习的重要技巧。 www.bing.com 9. New Delhi's idea that the Indian Ocean was India's Ocean, plus its assertive policing, was another. 而新德里认为印度洋是印度的大洋的理念,加上它过度自信的管辖,这些构成了另一个动机。 www.stnn.cc 10. Other observers think the management is not assertive enough. 其他的观察家则认为管理层不够强势。 www.ecocn.org 1. Being assertive helps you communicate without causing stress to yourself and others. 有主张帮助你进行交流而不给自己和别人带来压力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The secret is help our kids learn how to be more assertive and speak up for themselves. 秘诀在于我们要帮助孩子学会如何更加自信,学会自我保护。 www.elanso.com 3. suggestions that Chinese foreign policy was becoming more assertive. 温家宝极力否认有人认为中国的外交政策变得更加自信。 www.97bg.com 4. It might seem easier to avoid it but, you need to be assertive and resolve it. 或许逃避更加简单,但是你必须用自信来面对和解决它。 www.hxen.com 5. Yet, instead of seeking to soothe and reassure, too often China's leaders present their country as defensively assertive and angry. 然而中国领导人没有寻求安抚别人,却只顾为自己辩解,动不动就生气。 www.ecocn.org 6. Be assertive and stand up for yourself, but don't be rigid. 要自信并坚持自己的主张,但不要固执己见。 blog.zol.com.cn 7. Third-rate managers: the messenger, not assertive supervision. 三流的管理者:传话筒,无主见的监工。 www.xiami360.com 8. This portends a Germany that can be both more assertive and more useful to its allies. 这一切都预示着一个更为强势的德国,一个对其盟国更为有用的德国。 www.ecocn.org 9. Some people think that American speak their mind too much, so I tried not be so assertive, if that make sense. 有人认为美国人太直率了,所以我尽量不表现的太惹眼,如果这样做有意义的话。 www.bing.com 10. The newly assertive middle class will no longer put up with this. 行事果断的新兴中产阶级再也不能忍受这一切。 cn.wsj.com 1. MEANING: You show your teeth when you smile and when you bite, so they reflect how self-assured and assertive you feel. 解梦:微笑和咬东西时人会露出牙齿,因而它们象征着自信和自我肯定。 www.hxen.com 2. Lo and behold, over the past decade, a new group of assertive atheists has done battle with defenders of faith. 你瞧,在过去十年中,一批有主见的新无神论者与信仰坚守者进行了斗争。 www.bing.com 3. They are not self-assertive, either individually or nationally; their pride is. too profound for self-assertion. 无论是作为个人还是整个民族,中国人从不自我表现,因为他们自尊心太强,不屑于自我表现。 dict.ebigear.com 4. At the same time, fears that China has become more assertive as it has grown richer are having real consequences. 与此同时,对于中国会因其变得富强而使其更独断的担心造成了一系列真正的影响。 www.bing.com 5. Lesbians tend to be more assertive and less neurotic than straight women. 与直人女子相比,女同志往往自信更多,神经质更少。 bbs.yeeu.org 6. You can use the assertiveness ladder to practice assertive communication. 你可以用主张阶梯来联系主张式的交流。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Beijing has recently become more assertive in the South China Sea, which is believed to hold large oil and gas reserves. 最近,北京方面在南海问题上表现得更加强硬——据信,该海域拥有大量油气储备。 www.ftchinese.com 8. 'I became more assertive. ' Most of all, she finds it much easier, both professionally and personally, to discuss money. 最重要的是,她觉得谈起钱来更加容易了,不管是在职场上还是生活中。 chinese.wsj.com 9. It came as Chinese fishing vessels have become more assertive in entering Korean waters. 周一的事件发生时,正值中国渔船对进入韩国海域一事显得更为自信。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Beijing has become more assertive in pressing its claims over disputed territory, catalysing an arms build-up. 中国在对有争议领土宣称主权方面更加自信,这加剧了亚洲的军备扩充。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The fire element of Aries brings assertive "I" energy. 火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Give a passive man testosterone and it will fire him up and he'll become more assertive and self-reliant. 给一个消极被动的男人补充睾酮后,会激发出他的热情,使他变得更为自信和独立。 www.bing.com 3. An assertive person wins by influencing, listening, and negotiating so that other people choose to cooperate willingly. 一个果断的人以施加影响、倾听意见、进行商谈取胜,因而他人很乐意选择同他合作。 www.jukuu.com 4. People with blood type O are self assertive and really hate it when others object their opinion. O型血的人对自己相当有自信,讨厌人家反对自己的意见。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Try assertive responses against the bully . 对欺负者尝试主张力回复。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. It's in America's interest to have strong, assertive partners that are clear about their perspectives and their interests. 强大而自信的合作伙伴往往都很清楚自己的观点和利益,美国正需要这样的伙伴。 dongxi.net 7. She also doesn't like a dead man, pedantic or is not assertive. 她也不像一个死人,学究式的或不自信。 www.97616.net 8. She is so assertive that she will surely achieve her ambition. 她敢作敢为,有能力实现她的抱负。 wenku.baidu.com 9. We should try to avoid aggressive statements in communication and use assertive statements instead. 交流的时候,我们要尽量使用自述式语言,避免使用挑衅式的语言。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. For the trivia, there is no need to spend a lot of time to debate and struggle, there is no need to weigh every assertive or aggressive. 对于小事,没有必要花费大量的时间进行辩论和斗争,也没有必要事事自信或攻击。 www.qiyeku.com 1. Monday and Tuesday could find you suppressing your more assertive urges, but don't. 周一和周二你会尽力控制自己过于自信的冲动,其实不必这么做。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The challenge, then, is to learn to be firm and assertive without going a step too far and becoming aggressive. 这里,人们所面临的考验是如何做到坚定、果断,而不越雷池一步,变得好斗。 space.exue.com 3. Assertive Japanese investors have also been beaten back. 一些胸有成竹的日本投资者也遭遇惨败。 www.ecocn.org 4. The resulting dynamic is more assertive on both sides, with greater clarity on what each expects from the other. 其结果是,客户和咨询公司都变得心里更加有谱,对彼此的预期也更加明确。 www.ftchinese.com 5. When bad governments make good money, they become more relaxed at home and more assertive abroad. 糟糕的政府一旦大赚其钱,它们会对内更加自如,对外更加强硬。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The Chinese banks that dominate onshore trading have grown more assertive and are demanding that foreign banks play by their rules. 主导本地交易的中资银行已变得更加自信,正要求外资银行遵守它们的游戏规则。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Only the aggressive and the assertive and the strong will inherit the earth. 只有积极进取的,自信又刚强的人,才可以承受地土。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Honest officials are not fearful of assertive citizens. 有德的官员,不会讨厌顽强的民众。 www.bing.com 9. China is also growing increasingly assertive over its boundaries (see map). 中国在其领海国界问题上也越来越强硬。 www.bing.com 10. In the third group are people who use an assertive style to express anger and communicate their feelings without blaming the other person. 第三类人用一种比较果敢的方式表达愤怒,并在表达他们感受的同时没有责任他人。 www.fanyi7.com 1. If you follow the steps above, you are well on your way to developing assertive communication. 如果按照上边步骤去做,你就很好地开始进行培养主张交流路途。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. In that period China was actually more innovative, proactive and assertive than it is today. 在那一时期,中国实际上比今天更加具有创新精神,更有前瞻性,也更自信。 dongxi.net 3. Some will be more assertive, pulling on your hair and tugging at your clothes. 相对而言,有些更直率--会扯你的头发、拉衣服角。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. This huge bestseller encouraged management writing to adopt a brasher and more assertive voice. 这本极为畅销的图书让管理类图书焕发出了一种更为傲慢和自信的色彩。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Also, don't let your worries get in the way of being appropriately assertive. 另外不要让您的担忧妨碍您建立恰如其分的自信。 www.bing.com 6. 'The prenup changed me, ' she says. 'I became more assertive. ' 她说,婚前协议改变了我,我变得更加果断了。 c.wsj.com 7. Assertive: Help me understand why the report wasn't submitted on time. 自述式:我想了解一下这篇报告没有及时上交的原因。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Rather than being "nice" , I think you should aim for being assertive and honest. 我认为你的目标应该是果断和真诚而不是做个“老好人”。 www.bing.com 9. Nevertheless you are in a self-assertive mood today. 今天你的情绪会比较独断独行。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. China is becoming more nationalistic and more assertive. How will other countries react? 中国民族精神日益高涨,对外政策日益强硬,别国该如何应对? www.ecocn.org 1. So when you're at a networking event--formal or informal--do you stick to small talk and shy away from being an assertive networker? 当你在一个正式或非正式的勾通互动活动中,你是否坚持小谈,避免成为一个唐突的、主动进取的交际人呢? www.bing.com 2. a confident assertive person who acts as instigator. 过分自信行动像是煽动者的人。 tieba.baidu.com 3. As China pursues its more assertive global role, this is likely to become a familiar stance. 在中国谋求其更为自信的全球角色之际,这可能成为一种常见的立场。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Being assertive doesn't mean being uninterested, arrogant or impatient. 主动进取不等于对别人不感兴趣、傲慢或不耐烦。 www.bing.com 5. This is important because sometimes the pack can teach you something, and you can't listen if you're in a totally assertive state. 这很重要因为有时候”圈子“会教导你某样东西,如果你没有处于一个完全的主张状态,那么就无法倾听。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. They were bred as sheepdogs because they had very gentle temperaments and assertive, responsible personalities. 牠们的个性相当温驯、积极、负责任,因此被培育成牧羊犬。 times.hinet.net 7. Most of them do, but there are a few who are not so assertive. 大部分是这样的,但是也有一些没有这样宣称。 hi.baidu.com 8. If you are firm, cool, and assertive, they may feel that the balance of power tips in your favor. 如果你很坚定、冷静且坚毅,他们会感到权力的天平倾向于你。 www.zk5u.com 9. This article provides some tips on how to go about assertive communication. 本文提供如何进行有主张力交流的一些提示。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. I set myself is the role of slow, shy, not assertive personality. 我给自己设定的角色是慢热、腼腆的,不是张扬的性格。 quote.psytopic.com 1. This is an assertive sentence when describes interests of sb. , which means: He is fond of collecting stamps. 这是个描述某人兴趣爱好的陈述句、相当于: zhidao.baidu.com 2. He's a brain, Polo Ralph Lauren pas cher, who wouldn't be bamboozled into assertive your babbling. 他可是个有脑筋的人,决不会信任你的那一套。 www.tiqin.org 3. The first thing they must do is to become more assertive. 他们需要做的第一件事就是变得更自信一点。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. NPS is becoming more assertive at home, too. NPS在国内也越来越信心倍增。 www.ecocn.org 5. Assertive: I really enjoy it when you're especially gentle. 自述式:你温柔地对待我的时候,我感到很高兴。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Body language is also important to assertive anger communication. 身体语言同样对于有主见的生气沟通是重要的。 www.dictall.com 7. Not all pups are born equal. There are assertive pups, shy pups, active pups and fearful pups. 每只幼犬并不是生而相同的,有的会自信满满,有的则十分害羞,有的异常活跃,也有的生性胆怯。 www.chinapet.net 8. An overly assertive developer can also throw off a pair programming session. 一个极度自信的开发者也可能会抛开结对编程这一方式。 www.infoq.com 9. The weak will only Hunhunee to accept fate, there is no assertive followed up, do a puppet show. 弱者只会浑浑噩噩地接受命运的摆布,毫无主见地跟从,做一只木偶。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Talk in Washington is that Beijing's once-cautious foreign policy has suddenly become assertive and caustic. 华盛顿方面发现,中国曾经非常谨慎的外交政策突然变得固执且刻薄起来。 dongxi.net 1. That doesn't mean they're wimpy or cowardly. But it can mean they are less likely to be assertive. 但这并不表示他们很懦弱很胆小,他们只是没有主见。 www.bing.com 2. Certainly, there's reason to pay attention to China's more assertive stance in global affairs. 当然,我们有理由关注中国在全球事务中更加自信的立场。 www.bing.com 3. For example if you have a shy and quiet type of personality your Guardian Angel might be a strong and assertive type. 例如你是一个害羞和安静的人,你的守护天使可能是一个强壮和有魄力的类型。 sites.google.com 4. It is this quality, in love before her on the issue of an independent assertive, and she and Darcy result of a happy family. 正是由于这种品质,才使她在爱情问题上有独立的主见,并导致她与达西组成美满的家庭。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. eg. Be assertive and spell out exactly how you feel. 要自信点儿,把自己的感受讲清楚。 www.bing.com 6. But it is already far more assertive than Japan. 不过,它现在的表现已远比日本更加自信。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Be assertive not aggressive, find a middle way between boasting and passivity. 面试时,要自信但不激进,在自夸与被动作答之间找到一个平衡点。 www.englishok.com.cn 8. Assertive: This makes me angry. 自述式:这让我很生气。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Assertive: I don't understand that. 自述式:我不明白那种行为。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Assertive : You look you best, I think, in solid colors. 自述式:我觉得你穿纯色的衣服最好看。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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