单词 | Caribbean |
释义 |
复数:caribbeans 例句释义: 加勒比海地区的,加勒比海诸岛的,加勒比海地区,加勒比地区,加勒比海盗系列,加勒比海人 1. Another part of the holographic presentation that seems to have started involves the Andes and islands in the Caribbean. 全息演示会的另外一部分似乎是从加勒比地区安第斯山脉和岛屿问题谈起的。 gb666666666.blog.163.com 2. But that day I flew low over the islands -- it was a family trip to the Caribbean, and I flew in a small plane low over the islands. 但那天我乘飞机飞过一些岛--那是和家人前往加勒比海度假,我坐小型飞机从低空飞过这些岛。 www.ted.com 3. At this point, it was more a Notting Hill event than an Afro-Caribbean event, and only around a thousand people turned out. 在这一点上,这似乎更比一个非洲裔加勒比诺丁山事件的事件,并且只有大约一千人列席。 www.yxad.com 4. As the legend of Blackbeard grew and he continued to capture ships in the Caribbean, so did Blackbeard's wealth. 随着黑胡子的名声渐长,并且持续在加勒比海掠夺着过往船只,他的财富也随着看涨。 www.bing.com 5. Weather officials say Hurricane Earl was moving northward off the U. S. coast, after skirting parts of the eastern Caribbean this week. 气象官员称,飓风“厄尔”在本周掠过东加勒比海部分地区之后,正沿着美国海岸线向北移动。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. They had been given to me by Anik Alexis, a beautiful black Caribbean woman who was living in Paris and going out with Tom Williamson. 阿尼克是一位美丽的加勒比黑人妇女,住在巴黎,正和汤姆.威廉姆森约会。 www.bing.com 7. I'm so happy you're living it up in the caribbean While we're squatting with no heat in new york. Hear your father out, Nate. 当我们在纽约举步维艰时你还在,加勒比逍?旎羁烧娌淮戆?内特,听你爸说完。 www.bing.com 8. Scholarship winners from Latin America and the Caribbean spend a year at a journalism school in the United States or Canada. 拉丁美洲和加勒比的奖学金获得者需要花一年的时间在美国或加拿大的新闻学院学习。 www.showxiu.com 9. Take a geek cruise to kill kobolds in the Caribbean, or to talk Macs over Merlot as I cruise up the Pacific coast. 乘坐极客巡洋舰去加勒比杀怪,或者在太平洋海岸巡航的时候边喝Merlot边聊macs www.bing.com 10. On the occasion of my fortieth birthday, my husband surprised me with two tickets for a five day Caribbean cruise. 在我四十岁生日那天,我丈夫给了我一个惊喜——两张加勒比五日游的票。 www.360abc.com 1. With alphabetic intent, this branching coral near the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean Sea seems to be spelling out a message. 随着字母的意图,这一分支的珊瑚靠近特克斯和凯科斯群岛,加勒比海似乎拼写了一条消息。 word.hcbus.com 2. Criminals began to bring liquor across the long, unprotected border with Canada or on fast boats from the Caribbean islands. 罪犯们开始把整个漫长的,无保护的边界与加拿大或从加勒比群岛快艇酒。 www.englishtang.com 3. Caribbean Airlines said it did not know the cause of the accident, which happened during good visibility and light rain. 加勒比海航空表示,他们不清楚事故发生的原因,当时能见度很好,只是下了小雨。 www.fanyitie.com 4. Two families will visit the Caribbean, thrown together in daily life, the security and bound by downwind from the ship began to journey. 两个家庭将一起游览加勒比海,抛下日常生活中的安全感和束缚,这次的旅程从搭顺风船开始。 www.skyxk.com 5. Alexandre Dumas was the grandson of a French marquis and a beautiful Caribbean creole of mixed French and African descent. 大仲马是法国侯爵和一个美丽的混合法语和克里奥尔语非裔加勒比孙子。 www.en400.com:8080 6. In the case of the Haiti quake, the Caribbean and North American plates slide past one another in an east-west direction. 在这次海地的地震中,加勒比海和北美板块东西相向滑动。 www.bing.com 7. The president's brother, Adan, helps to co-ordinate the company's subsidised oil sales around the Caribbean as ambassador to Cuba. 总统的弟弟,Adan,作为驻古巴大使负责协调加勒比海区域的援助性石油交易。 www.ecocn.org 8. Tropical storm Isaac moved across the Caribbean over the weekend, one of the countries it hit there was Haiti. 而上周末热带风暴艾萨克穿过加勒比海,最早登陆的国家之一是海地。 www.bing.com 9. Even the least valid versions agree that it was a typical Monday in a Caribbean October, with a sad rain, low clouds, and a funereal wind. 关于这个事件的所有版本,甚至最不可信的,也一致同意,那是十月的一个星期一,加勒比海岸的天气一如往常,愁雨绵绵,乌云低垂,阴风如泣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I contacted Royal Caribbean to find out if it had ever heard of the business. 我联系了皇家加勒比公司询问他们是否听过这类商讯。 www.bing.com 1. And potential refugee migrations to the United States from the Caribbean region could impact U. S. homeland security, he said. 他说,来自加勒比地区潜在的难民潮有可能影响美国的国土安全。 www.america.gov 2. High Court in London has ruled the two Caribbean registered investment funds are entitled to claim payment of a large debt owed by Liberia. 伦敦高级法院裁决,两家加勒比海注册的投资基金有权向利比里亚追讨巨额债务。 bbs.koolearn.com 3. After all, the portion of the Caribbean Plate just to the west of this hump is deep water, so it has clearly been pushed down in the past. 毕竟,加勒比板块的该部分对着该隆起处的西面正好是深水,因此过去它很明显地被往下面推挤了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Scholarship winners from LatinAmerica and the Caribbean spend a year at a journalism school in the United States or Canada. 来自拉丁美洲和加勒比海的奖学金获得者可以在美国或加拿大的新闻院校学习一年。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage. 从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。 www.hbnew.com 6. Most Spaniards want to see them in court. They may prefer to be exiled to a beach somewhere in the Caribbean. 大部分西班牙人希望看到他们被法庭审判,他们则宁可被流放到加勒比海沿岸的某个地方。 www.ecocn.org 7. Paths branch out to classic rides (Dumbo, the Mad Tea Party) and newer additions like The Pirates of the Caribbean. 王国里不但有经典的小飞象和疯狂茶会旋转杯,还有新加入的加勒比海盗等游玩项目。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. The authorities drove cocaine smugglers out of the Caribbean in the 1980s. But they then popped up in Mexico. 1980年代当局将可卡因走私犯赶出了加勒比海地区,但他们却在墨西哥蹦了出来。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Bank has pledged $100 million in grant money to help with the reconstruction and recovery of the Caribbean nation. 世行承诺提供可以立即使用的1亿美元资金,帮助该加勒比国家开展恢复重建工作。 web.worldbank.org 10. He said the Chinese government released its first policy paper on Latin America and the Caribbean in 2008. 他说,中国政府于2008年发表了首份中国对拉丁美洲和加勒比政策文件。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Because glpsol said the dual problem is not feasible, the primal problem is unbounded (the Caribbean Islands situation I mentioned above). 由于glpsol断言对偶问题不可行,因此原始问题就是无界的(这就是我们前面谈到的加勒比海岛的情况)。 www.ibm.com 2. The Caribbean is unlike any other place in the world. It is home to some of the most beautiful islands and waters you will find anywhere. 加勒比与这个世界上的任何地方都不一样,这里是岛屿和波浪的天堂。 www.bing.com 3. U. S. weather reports that Hurricane was "Irene" across the Caribbean Sea from the south-east of the Bahamas toward the U. S. 美国的气象报告说,飓风正“艾琳”穿越加勒比海域,从东南方的巴哈马群岛直扑美国东岸。 www.englishtang.com 4. The company has opened Publix Sabor stores in south Florida, seeking to attract shoppers from its large Hispanic and Caribbean populations. 该公司在佛州南部开设了PublixSabor商店,希望吸引大量的拉美裔顾客。 www.ecocn.org 5. Pirates of the Caribbean has a few thematic similarities, mostly around the struggle between technology and magic. 在主题上类似于《加勒比海盗》,主要围绕于技术与魔法。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Manchineel tree is one of the most poisonous trees in the world, and can only be found in the Caribbean and Central America. 毒番石榴树是世界上最毒的树木之一,只有在加仑比和中美洲才有。 www.en400.com:8080 7. He is alleged to have violated ethics rules by, among other things, failing to pay taxes on income earned from his Caribbean villa. 兰格尔被控违反道德行为准则,其中包括缴纳报其从位于加勒比海的别墅所获收入的税款。 www.ecocn.org 8. The jungly garden of the grand scenery on Caribbean bank and multicoloured lets a person as if place oneself heaven. 加勒比海岸上的壮观风景和五颜六色的丛林花园让人仿佛置身天堂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. At least 14 people are now known to have died on the Caribbean island of St Lucia after Hurricane Tomas triggered landslides, officials say. 官员称,飓风托马斯袭击加勒比岛国圣卢西亚并造成泥石流,至少14人丧生。 www.enread.com 10. They rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. 他们在加勒比海上划了几英里,到了一座小小的珊瑚岛上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Then rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. 然后在加勒比海上划了几英里,到了一座珊瑚岛上。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Saudi Arabia is ending a lease for some of the vast storage facilities in the Caribbean it used to dispatch cargoes to US refineries. 沙特曾在加勒比海租赁了一些大型油库,用来为前往美国炼油厂的货轮供油,如今该国将停止租赁这些油库。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The spokesman for West Caribbean Airways said the incident occurred during a flight, but the tail was later repaired. 西加勒比海航空公司的发言人说,事故发生在飞行途中,尾锥后来修复了。 www.blogcn.com 4. Last month, Camilla confided to friends that a Caribbean cruise with Charles had been a "nightmare" . 上月卡米拉向朋友抱怨,称与查尔斯同游加勒比海简直就是噩梦。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The Caribbean people accepted her as one of them. They spoke with her freely, even about religious traditions. 加勒比海的人们将她看成是自己人,他们很随便地与她交谈,甚至谈论宗教传统。 www.bing.com 6. Most recently, travellers from some European countries trying to go to the Caribbean this winter discovered they needed a special visa. 就在最近,准备在今年冬天前往加勒比海的一些欧洲游客发现,他们需要一个特别签证。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Sitting pretty next door to the Caribbean Sea, you'll have plenty of time to count your pennies as you sun yourself on the golden beaches. 在加勒比海的黄金沙滩上晒着日光浴,你有大把的时间来数硬币。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Later buccaneers from the West Indies began to sail the waters of the Caribbean Sea and stole from any ship that they found. 后来,西印度群岛的海盗前往加勒比海域,从所有他们发现的船只中进行劫掠活动。 www.bing.com 9. With a $1. 8 million grant from Japan, the Bank worked with local Caribbean institutions to design a suitable mechanism. 在得到了日本提供的180万美元赠款之后,世行与当地的加勒比机构共同设计了一个适当的机制。 web.worldbank.org 10. The route to market used to run from Colombia to the tip of Florida, across the Caribbean. 过去的毒品销售路线起于哥伦比亚,经加勒比海,销往佛罗里达州前端。 www.ecocn.org 1. Breadfruit has long been a staple in Pacific islands, from where it spread to the Caribbean and Africa. 长期以来,面包果一直是太平洋岛屿上的主食,并从那里传播到了加勒比海和非洲。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Coleen had no qualms about displaying her figure in the stylish two-piece as she relaxed with family on the Caribbean island. 当她和家人一起在加勒比海岛上度假时,科琳对穿比基尼展示身材没有丝毫的不安和犹豫。 gb.cri.cn 3. Fhe regulators from the eastern Caribbean central bank said there're actions which prevent the bank's collapse. 来自加勒比海东部中央银行的调解员说他们这么做是为了避免银行破产。 www.bing.com 4. But a study of the north Atlantic and the Caribbean, just published in Science, suggests things are not getting worse. 然而最近在《科学》上刊登的一个着眼于北大西洋和加勒比海的调查却认为情况并没有变得更糟。 www.ecocn.org 5. It would hopefully appear as part of the traditional ebb and flow of revolution and counterrevolution in the Caribbean. 那么它就很有希望被看作是加勒比海地区传统的革命与反革命消长的一部分。 6. IT IS the time of year when the island nations of the Caribbean normally expect their hotels and beaches to be packed with sun-seekers. 每年这个时候加勒比地区的岛国们就期待着宾馆和海岸上满是晒太阳的游客。 www.ecocn.org 7. Latin American and Caribbean leaders have come to an agreement supporting Argentina over sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, reports say. 报道称,拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的领导人一致支持阿根廷对福克兰群岛的拥有权。 www.enread.com 8. The Caribbean monk seal was the first New World mammal to be discovered by Columbus and his company on the coast of Santo Domingo in 1494. 加勒比僧海豹是哥伦比亚和他的同伴于1494年在圣多明各海岸发现的第一个新大陆哺乳动物。 www.elanso.com 9. Because tourists' wallets are easy targets, "swim-with-dolphins" programs are sprouting up all over the Caribbean. 因为盯上了关观者的腰包,“和海豚一起游泳”的观光项目在加勒比海周围很广泛。 blog.chinamil.com.cn 10. A packed Caribbean Airlines passenger jet broke in two at the edge of a ravine after overshooting the runway last month. 上月,一架满载乘客的加勒比航空客机滑出跑道,在峡谷边缘断成两截。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The first woman then says , 'And just last month he took me on one of them Caribbean cruises. ' 第一位女士接着说,“就在上个月,他还带我去了加勒比海旅游。” www.fanyiland.cn 2. Specifics might be uncertain, but the Beach Boy Industry operates on the islands of the Caribbean as do Car Rental agencies. 其具体情况虽不确定,但如同租车中介一样,在加勒比海域的岛屿上,的确有人从事着“海滩男孩”这一行业。 www.elanso.com 3. It needs to appear to have been delivered with care, so to send it from the beach house in the Caribbean via BlackBerry is a bad idea. 它必须看上去是在用心发送,因此,选择在加勒比海滩别墅里通过黑莓(BlackBerry)发送感谢信,实在是个糟糕的创意。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mexico suffered the steepest recession of any country in the Americas, bar a couple of Caribbean tiddlers. 除了两三个加勒比海的小国外,墨西哥是美洲遭受经济危机最严重的国家。 club.topsage.com 5. The steady tearing apart of the Atlantic is forcing the S America Plate at this point to push under the Caribbean Plate. 大西洋的逐步撕裂迫使该位置的南美板块朝加勒比板块下面扩展,而该地区明显是个火山区。 hi.baidu.com 6. The chain of islands from Barbados to Tobago is expected to be the most gravely affected by the sinking of the Caribbean Plate. 从巴巴多斯到多巴哥岛的岛链预期受到加勒比板块下沉的影响最严重。 cnufo.com 7. Some drive new cars, others eat in good restaurants, and a few take cruises on the Caribbean every January. 有些人驾驶新车,有些人在豪华餐馆吃喝,也有少数人在每年一月份都乘船游览加勒比海。 www.chinesetodays.org 8. hurricane warnings for haiti , dominica republic and jamaica , as hurricane dean bears down on the caribbean islands. 飓风迪安袭击了加勒比海岛屿,海地;多米尼加共和国以及牙买加都发出了飓风警报。 www.ichacha.net 9. Hurricane warnings for Haiti , the Dominican Republic and Jamaica as Hurricane Dean bears down on the Caribbean islands. 飓风迪恩逼近加勒比群岛,海地,多米尼加共和国,牙买加拉响了飓风警报。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. They said the remains of the 19th Century vessel were on a reef off Haiti in the Caribbean. 该探险组织称,这艘19世纪船只的残骸现在正停在加勒比海国家海地近海的一块暗礁上。 www.ycwb.com 1. Caribbean police forces were set up in colonial times to catch mango thieves and quell native unrest. 在殖民时期,设置加勒比海警察是为了抓偷芒果的贼,以及镇压国内动荡。 www.ecocn.org 2. I think he eats too much, he lays against the back of that starting gate, like he is in the Caribbean. 我觉得它吃得太饱,它躺在那起跑门栅附近,仿佛身陷加勒比海。 www.eoezone.com 3. And recently, fire ants have shown up in Australia, Taiwan, China, and the Caribbean. 最近,火蚁也出现在澳大利亚、中国和加勒比地区。 www.bing.com 4. I got on a sailboat and I sailed down to the Caribbean , and walked through all of the islands and to Venezuela . 我乘上一艘帆船,航行到加勒比海,走过所有的岛屿,来到委内瑞拉。 www.bing.com 5. The two would meet up once every few weeks, for a night out in Miami or a romantic weekend in the Caribbean. 两位每隔几周就会见上一面,或外出在迈阿密过夜,或在加勒比海地区共度浪漫的周末时光。 www.bing.com 6. Nancy shares her recent vision in which the Caribbean would be crushed as the S American plate rolled, but cannot say when. 南茜与他人分享了她的看法,即当美洲板块滚动的时候,加勒比地区就会被摧毁,但不能说出是什么时候。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Employment with Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is offered for a specific period of time, the Service Period, through an Employment Agreement. 皇家加勒比邮轮有限公司就业是指一个特定的时间内提供有服务期间的就业协议。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The main festival that locals and tourists partake of, throughout most of the Caribbean isles would be Carnival. 加勒比海岛屿居民和游客参加的主要节日是狂欢节。 www.elanso.com 9. Many will stay because the buzz and quality of life in London is preferable to the quiet life in some offshore Caribbean haven. 许多人会留下来,因为比起在加勒比海岸某个港口的平静生活,他们更喜欢伦敦的热闹和生活品质。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Only in a Royal Caribbean cruise ship can you experience the best of both worlds, so diverse yet in perfect harmony. 也只有皇家加勒比海的邮轮,能将风格迥异的海陆之旅结合得如此人性化的完美。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A storm moving through the eastern Caribbean has strengthened to a Category Four hurricane, prompting warnings for several islands. 一股强风暴已抵达东加勒比海地区,并逐渐增强至四级飓风,对周围几座岛屿造成威胁。 www.enread.com 2. Calypso is a traditional performing art form of music and rap originated in Trinidad and Tobago and spreads widely in the Caribbean Islands. “卡利普索小调”是殖民时期发源于特多的一种说唱艺术,随后在加勒比诸岛广泛流行。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. On the Caribbean island nation of Jamaica, Amizade places volunteers with a local partner in the small community of Petersfield. 在加勒比海岛国牙买加,友谊服务组织安排志愿者与当地合作伙伴在彼得斯菲尔德的一个小社区。 www.anxue.net 4. You may bring up to two liters of alcohol and two cartons of cigarettes to the Caribbean islands. 您可能会带来两个公升酒精和两箱香烟给加勒比岛屿。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Galactic Suite plans to transport its travelers to space via Russian rockets from a spaceport to be built on a Caribbean island. 银河酒店公司计划在加勒比海的一个小岛上建造一个发射场,并使用俄国火箭来接送宾客。 www.bing.com 6. Experts say the political void compounded Haiti's problems, leaving the Caribbean country unable to sign foreign aid deals. 专家指出,政治真空使得海地的问题更为复杂,这个加勒比国家因此无法签署外国援助协议。 www.voanews.com.cn 7. Located in the Caribbean, Saint Lucia is a small island country with a rich culture that shows heavy African, English and French influences. 座落在加勒比海的圣露西亚是一个蕞尔岛国,丰富的文化展现其深受非洲、英国与法国的影响。 www.taipeitimes.com 8. she decided to go for a Caribbean cruise instead . 她决定乘船巡游加勒比海。 www.jukuu.com 9. A coral reef near the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean showcases some of the enormous diversity found in the coral realm. 珊瑚王国图片画廊。一个珊瑚暗礁靠近开曼群岛在加勒比海地区的陈列柜一些巨大的多样性被发现在珊瑚王国。 bbs.tiexue.net 10. The president returned from the Caribbean on December 16 and broached his plan at his press conference next day. 总统在12月16日从加勒比海归来,翌日便在记者招待会上说明了他的计划。 1. You see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 yet, it is great, Jack developed his style of the head, the final outcome do you think? 你看加勒比海盗4了吗,它很棒,杰克把他的风格发展的淋漓尽致,最后的结局你认为如何?OK?给我个最佳答案散。 www.pai-hang-bang.com 2. In May, Royal Caribbean announced that from next year some of its ships would call at Cartagena, a colonial walled port on the north coast. 今年5月,皇家加勒比海公司宣布,明年起其部分船只将停靠卡塔赫纳(位于哥伦比亚北海岸、殖民时期建造的港口城市)。 www.ecocn.org 3. His music was an innovative blend of American and Caribbean music. 他的音乐是美国和加勒比音乐创新混合。 www.douban.com 4. Storms off the Caribbean have whipped up more rainfall: in July Hurricane Alex brought devastating floods to the northern city of Monterrey. 加勒比海沿岸风暴加剧了雨量:7月Alex台风带给了蒙特雷背部城市以毁灭性的洪水。 www.ecocn.org 5. From the drug runners' point of view, the working environment along Nicaragua's Caribbean coast is as good as it gets. 在贩售者的眼中,尼加拉瓜濒加勒比海的工作环境简直是好到不能再好。 mailftp.lihpao.com 6. You don't know? It's a. . . I think it's around the Caribbean. You know the Caribbean? Caribbean Sea, a really warm sea. 你不知道?它是一个……我想它在加勒比海。你知道加勒比海吗?加勒比海,是一个温暖的海域。 7. John Redman was a scientist and agronomist, and is credited with saving the sugar industry in Barbados and the wider Caribbean. 约翰.里德曼.博韦尔,科学家兼农业学家,博韦尔被公认为挽救了巴巴多斯以及环加勒比海地区的制糖产业。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Undoubtedly, Carnival in Haiti is one of the Caribbean's least known cultural treasures. 毫无疑问,海地的狂欢节是加勒比最鲜为人知的文化珍宝。 www.kekenet.com 9. "Guatemala has the fourth highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world and the highest in Latin America and the Caribbean, " she said. 危地马拉的慢性营养不良状况占世界第一位,而在拉美和加勒比地区为最高。 jp345.com 10. Two decades ago the United States Coast Guard shut down the Caribbean cocaine route, so the trade shifted to Mexico. 二十年前,美国海岸警卫队关闭了加勒比海的可卡因航线,于是贸易地点转移到墨西哥。 www.ecocn.org 1. Likewise about a Caribbean escape: you'll get more pleasure if you book a flight in advance than if you book it at the last minute. 就像加勒比海度假一样:如果你在最后一分钟提前预订机票,你会更快乐。 www.bing.com 2. Hiring lawyers in California will likely be an onerous task for a volunteer-run website from a tiny Caribbean island. 对于一个依靠志愿者运行的并且来自加勒比海岛的网站而言,在加洲雇律师是一件艰巨的任务。 www.bing.com 3. After China, the biggest holders of American debt securities are Japan, the United Kingdom, Caribbean banking centers, and OPEC nations. 中国之后美国最大的持有美国国债的债权国是日本,英国,加勒比银行中心,欧佩克国家。 www.bing.com 4. The regulators, from the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, said they had acted to prevent the bank's collapse. 来自加勒比海东部的中央银行的管理者表示他们已经采取措施防止银行倒闭。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Finally these pirates were chased out of the Mediteranean Sea by the French and went to live in the Caribbean on the island of Hispaniola. 最终这些海盗被法国追捕,只好前往加勒比海在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛上生活。 www.bing.com 6. The fact that things are not working efficiently on this cash-strapped Caribbean island is hardly news. 事实上这个资金紧绌的加勒比海岛屿上事情没有有成效的开展几乎不是什么新闻。 www.aitrans.net 7. The Caribbean nation is a member of the Commonwealth, the association of countries that used to be part of the British empire. 加勒比国是一个共和国,曾经隶属于大英帝国。 www.bing.com 8. Boat rides and a possible trip to a Caribbean island are also on offer for ministers. 乘船出游,甚至可能前往某个加勒比海岛游览,也在各国部长的日程安排范畴。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The United States recognized the presence and claims of European powers in the Caribbean, but sought to dominate the region nevertheless. 美国认可欧洲列强在加勒比的存在以及他们对势力范围的要求,但最终夺得这片海域的主导权。 kk.dongxi.net 10. This activity along the N Andes fault line and the Caribbean Plate border are but rumblings of the larger S American Plate roll to come! 沿着北安第斯山脉断层线和加勒比板块边界处的这些活动只是规模更大的南美板块即将滚动的先兆性“隆隆”之声! hi.baidu.com 1. Sperm whales gather in their breeding grounds off the Caribbean island of Dominica in a file photo. 照片中一群聚集在多米尼加加勒比岛外围繁殖区的抹香鲸正在水中翻滚。 www.bing.com 2. First test drive on 20, "Water Wizard ------ Necker, " chose his site owned by the Caribbean islands "Necker" near the sea. 2月20日首次试驾“水精灵------内克尔”,地点选在了他所拥有的加勒比小岛“内克尔”附近海域。 word.hcbus.com 3. NOTE: Mailed items do not affect your duty-free customs allowance upon your return from the Caribbean. 注意:邮寄物品不会影响您的免税津贴,海关对你的回报加勒比。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. At the bottom of the Caribbean Sea lies sunken pirate treasure. 沉没的海盗宝藏位于加勒比海海底。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Since the 1990s, most big Caribbean tourism projects have been planned around second (or third) homes for babyboomers. 20世纪90年代以来,大部分加勒比大型旅游项目成型于第二次(或第三次)婴儿潮。 www.ecocn.org 6. Where it is lowland there, the beaches at Cancun are at the same elevation, and the tropical rains come from the direction of the Caribbean. 由于是低地,坎昆的海滩处于同样的海拔上,热带降雨来自于加勒比海的方向。 hi.baidu.com 7. In the Caribbean, the emphasis continues to be to find regional solutions to infrastructure investment and recovery from natural disasters. 在加勒比地区,世行的重点工作仍是结合本地区实际,找出解决基础设施投资和自然灾害后恢复问题的办法。 web.worldbank.org 8. The properties, ranging from one-bedroom flats to a four-bedroom villa on its own half-acre plot, represent modern Caribbean living. 这些住宅从一居室公寓到4居室别墅,代表着现代加勒比人的生活。 www.ftchinese.com 9. She kicked off the plan during the family's Easter break in the Caribbean that left injured soccer idol Becks flat on his back. 这个计划始于他们复活节在加勒比海的假期,受伤了的足球偶像贝克汉姆只能在床上度日。 www.bing.com 10. Jamaica is the only English-speaking Caribbean island where tourist numbers have kept on growing. 牙买加是加勒比海地区唯一说英语的国家,这里的旅游人数一直在增长。 www.ecocn.org 1. The void will primarily be at the southern part of the Caribbean Plate, where islands will suddenly lose elevation, some sinking entirely. 该空白将主要在加勒比板块的南端,此处的岛屿会突然失去海拔高度,一些将完全沉没。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. The ship seemed to stop at every island in the Caribbean Sea. 那艘船好像在加勒比海的每一座岛屿都停泊。 www.bing.com 3. This Central American country borders with Mexico in the north and is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. 这个中美洲国家北接墨西哥,并与太平洋和加勒比海相临。 www.bing.com 4. Looking at this complicated picture, just what portions of the Caribbean Plate will be pushed under as the S American Plate rolls? 看看这张复杂的图片吧,当南美板块滚动的时候,加勒比板块的哪些部分将被推挤到南美板块下面呢? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Attacks by pirates are a serious concern in the waters off the coasts of Africa, South America, Indonesia and in the Caribbean. 在非洲,南美,印尼和加勒比海海岸,海盗袭击的事情非常让人担忧。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. The rest I had, I spent a beautiful summer at the Caribbean islands and was fresh when returning at Milanello. 就是我得到的休息,我在加勒比的小岛上度过了一个美妙的夏季,回到米拉内洛的时候我神清气爽。 www.milanchina.com 7. In many Caribbean countries the Emancipation Day celebration is a part of Carnival, as the Caribbean Carnival takes place at this time. 在许多加勒比海国家,解放日是嘉年华会庆祝的一部分,两者发生时间恰好在一起。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. As for the honeymoon location, some media speculation that Prince couples may choose to Africa, Australia or the Caribbean islands of a. 至于蜜月地点,一些媒体猜测,王子夫妇可能选择非洲、澳大利亚或加勒比海某座岛屿。 www.englishtang.com 9. Hurricane Earl is heading for the US east coast after causing power cuts and heavy rain across the eastern Caribbean. 飓风伯爵正在向美国东海岸挺近,它已经造成东加勒比海地区供电中断与暴雨。 www.enread.com 10. Four types of endangered sea turtles feed and mate among the corals of the Caribbean. 在加勒比海的珊瑚礁中,共有四种濒危的海龟生息繁衍。 www.bing.com 1. An island of the Netherlands Antilles in the southern Caribbean Sea off the northwest coast of Venezuela. 加勒比海南部荷属安的列斯群岛中的一个岛屿,位于委内瑞拉西北海岸外。 www.poptool.net 2. As NPR reported in 2009 on Morning Edition, Miami continues to be a destination for patients from the Caribbean and Latin America. 2009年美国国家公共电台早间报道,迈阿密已经成为加勒比和拉丁美洲病人看病的目的地。 www.bing.com 3. And if you think that's a strange phobia, Johnny Depp, who was in the film 'Pirates of the Caribbean', he's afraid of clowns. 如果你觉得那是个奇怪的恐惧症的话,约翰尼德普,《加勒比海盗》中的影星,竟惧怕小丑。 www.enfamily.cn 4. superior food fish of the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean with broad yellow stripe along the sides and on the tail. 热带大西洋和加勒比海的高级食用鱼,身体两侧和尾部有宽的黄色条纹。 www.dictall.com 5. Life in Color: Green A green tree snake peers from its leafy perch in Costa Rica's Caribbean lowland. 生活的色彩:绿色。一条绿色的树蛇隐约从它的树叶栖息在CostaRica’s的加勒比低地。 bbs.a0598.com 6. From Mexico, President Obama traveled Friday to the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago for the Fifth Summit of the Americas. 奥巴马周五从墨西哥返回,到达加勒比国家的特里尼达和多巴哥参加美洲峰会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Homicide in most parts of the world has been falling since 1995, but it has risen recently in Central America and the Caribbean. 自1995年以来,世界大多数地方的谋杀数都在下降,不过最近在美洲中部和加勒比海势头攀升。 www.ecocn.org 8. Depp, who stared Pirates of the Caribbean , has two young children with his girlfriend, French actress and pop singer Vanessa Paradis. 作为电影《加勒比海盗》的主演约翰尼·德普,据称和他那位法国女歌星凡妮莎帕拉迪丝生有了两个小孩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Four out of five turbines at the biggest of them, Planta Centro on the Caribbean coast, are out of action. 其中最大的火力发电站是位在加勒比海沿岸的PlantaCentro,五台涡轮机其中四台无法运转。 www.ecocn.org 10. Hurricane Felix has been upgraded to a category four storm. It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curasao and Bonaire . 飓风费利克斯已经升为四级飓风,并袭击了加勒比海沿岸的阿鲁巴岛、克拉索岛以及博内尔岛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The British government is taking what is a highly unusual step in restoring direct rule in the Caribbean territory of Turks and Caicos. 英国政府正采取非常规措施,恢复土耳其和凯科斯群岛在加勒比地区的直接统治。 www.showxiu.com 2. Thestory is about an old ship. It sails around the Caribbean islands. 故事是关于一条旧船的,它环绕着加勒比海诸岛航行。 www.bing.com 3. While Barbados is considered part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located within the western Atlantic Ocean rather than the Caribbean Sea. 通常认为巴巴多斯所在的小安的列斯群岛位于加勒比海,其实说它处于西大西洋才更为恰当。 www.bing.com 4. When Roosevelt Roads closes, Guantanamo Bay in Cuba will be the only U. S. naval base left in the Caribbean. 罗斯福路基地关闭后,古巴的关塔那摩湾将成为美国海军在加勒比海惟一的一个据点。 www.changsha.cn 5. "I'm a bit more optimistic, " says Augusto de la Torre, Chief Economist in the World Bank's Latin America and Caribbean region. “我更乐观一些,”世界银行拉丁美洲和加勒比地区业务局的主任经济师AugustodelaTorre说。 web.worldbank.org 6. Mexico, which has served three previous terms on the council, was unopposed in its bid for the Latin America and Caribbean seat. 曾经在安理会担任过三期非常任理事国的墨西哥在角逐拉丁美洲和加勒比地区席位的过程中没有遇到对手。 www.exam8.com 7. Vieques, Puerto Rico is one of the most unspoiled islands of the Caribbean. 波多黎各的别克斯岛是加勒比地区最原始的岛屿之一。 www.bing.com 8. Just two days before that, Liam Neeson called from the Caribbean, at the end of a holiday. 就在两天之前,连姆·尼森从加勒比海打来电话,在假期快要结束的时候。 www.bing.com 9. African-Caribbean males are a special worry. African-Caribbean boys do much worse in school than African-Caribbean girls or African boys. 在学校里,非洲-加勒比裔男孩比女孩或非洲裔男孩表现要差很多,这尤其让人担忧。 www.ecocn.org 10. From Indonesia to the Caribbean to S America reports of rain have been inserted into almost every report of sudden or unusual flooding. 从印尼到加勒比到南美降雨的报道几乎被插入到所有突然的或是不寻常的洪水报道之中。 www.angozj.com 1. Caribbean dolphin plan to go out, to their destinations on the road, crossing the tip of the terrible region. 加勒比的海豚们计划出门,前往目的地的路上,将穿越可怕的冰山地区。 www.fishjava.com 2. Jennifer Figge pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand, exhilarated and exhausted as she touched land for the first time in almost a month. 詹妮弗菲戈把她的脚趾头踩入了加勒比海的沙滩,当她历经几乎一个月时间第一次触摸到陆地时她既兴奋有疲惫。 bbs.putclub.com 3. And John Knoll, visual effects supervisor on the third Pirates of the Caribbean, figures half of his team members were new to ILM. JohnKnoll,在加勒比海盗3中的视觉效果总监,所期待的小组成员中的一半都是ILM的新人。 www.bing.com 4. Fortunately, he says, by measuring the speed of the Enriquillo fault line, his team has made substantial progress in Caribbean geophysics. 他说,幸运的是,通过测量恩里基洛断层线的速度,小组已在加勒比海地球物理学上取得了实质性的进展。 www.bing.com 5. Spykman called the Caribbean "the American Mediterranean" to underscore its importance to the United States. 斯皮克曼将加勒比海称为“美洲的地中海”,强调它对美国的重要性。 www.bing.com 6. All of our homes have beautiful views, whether it is of the Alps, the Caribbean or Manhattan skyline. 我所有的房子都有漂亮的风景,无论是阿尔卑斯山,还是加勒比海或曼哈顿地平线。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The initial wave had come from Commonwealth countries in the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent to man Britain's buses and factories. 第一波是来自加勒比海地区英联邦国家以及印度次大陆的移民,他们主要服务于英国的巴士和工厂。 www.ecocn.org 8. The European Union and countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific regions are currently negotiating the terms of EPAs. 欧盟和非洲的国家,加勒比海和太平洋地区正在协商EPA的[条款]。 tieba.baidu.com 9. It was the final night of the 18-year-old's trip to this Dutch Caribbean island. 那天是他在这个荷属加勒比海岛上所作十八岁旅行的最后一个夜晚——身上的一案。 www.tianya.cn 10. Among its legacies are the many Caribbean descendants of Indians who migrated to work on plantations. 此后效仿这种做法的是外出去种植园劳作的印第安人加勒比后裔。 www.ecocn.org 1. Another 30 in Tocuyito, near the Caribbean coast, did the same and called for solidarity after they said they were beaten by guards. 在临近加勒比海岸的托库伊托,另有30名囚徒声称自己遭受了看守的殴打,他们同样绝食抗议并呼吁团结一致。 www.ecocn.org 2. Finding the globe's tiniest snake demonstrates the remarkable diversity of the ecologically delicate Caribbean. 寻找全球最小的蛇,显示了生态微妙的加勒比地区显著的多样性。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. The most turbulent have been on the island of Guadeloupe, a French department in the Caribbean that has been paralysed by a general strike. 局势最为动荡的莫过瓜德罗普——加勒比海的法属岛屿;全民罢工,目前当地陷于瘫痪。 www.ecocn.org 4. Irene is blamed for more than forty deaths in the United States. Five deaths were reported in the Caribbean. 据报道艾琳已经造成美国40多人死亡,加勒比海5人死亡。 www.hxen.com 5. The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is known for reggae music, Jamaican food and an edgy vibe that occasionally spills over into violence. 哥斯大黎加的加勒比海沿岸,以雷鬼音乐、牙买加美食以及偶尔会酿成暴力事件的紧张气氛闻名。 swsh.tw 6. A tropical storm forming in the Caribbean could pose a potential threat to Florida next week during the Republican National Convention. 加勒比海域一股正在形成的热带风暴可能影响佛罗里达州下周举行的共和党国民大会的举行。 www.enread.com 7. Many pirates came to the Caribbean after the end of the War of the Spanish Succession. 许多海盗来到加勒比海后的西班牙王位继承战争结束。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. This practice is quite common in the Middle East, China, Mongolia, the Canadian Arctic, North and South Africa, and the Caribbean. 这一实际在中东、中国、蒙古利亚、加拿大北极地区、南北非和加勒比海地区相当普遍。 www.elanso.com 9. In 2003, four of his movies will be released: The Kelly Gang, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Calcium Kid, and The Return of the King. 2003年将有四部他的电影上映:《凯利帮》、《加勒比海盗》、《钙片小子》和《指环王3:国王归来》。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the numbers continued to improve and there are now 275 000 people on treatment in this region. 在拉丁美洲和加勒比,这些数字在继续上升,该地区目前有275,000人正在接受治疗。 www.who.int 1. In July the Caribbean Community said meekly that a new election would be better than direct rule. 在7月加勒比共同体懦弱的表态说一次新的选举比直接插手更好些。 www.ecocn.org 2. And so I watched from Tokyo as a mighty economy melted like an iceberg in the Caribbean. 因此,我在东京看到的就是一个强大的经济体却像加勒比海的冰山一样消融了。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. T-Bag enters, claiming to be studying Caribbean religions, but the priest won't let him enter the sanctuary, which is where the lock is. 西奥多走进去,称自己想研究加勒比宗教,但是牧师不允许他进礼拜堂,那是锁的所在。 www.rayzen.cn 4. Many Caribbean countries get nearly half their gross national product from visitors seeking tropical underwater experiences. 而许多加勒比海的近半国家国内生产总值来源于慕名游览热带海底风光的旅客。 www.bing.com 5. His feet were still bare on the hot Caribbean concrete. 在加勒比海地区炙热的水泥地面上,他依旧赤着脚。 www.24en.com 6. After a decade of borrowing in the markets, Caribbean governments have once again become clients of the international development banks. 十年都从市场借钱之后,加勒比联盟政府再一次成为国际发展银行的客户。 www.ecocn.org 7. They see the South China Sea the way the U. S. saw the Caribbean when it was expanding its power under President Theodore Roosevelt. 他们看待南中国海的方式就像在西奥多-罗斯福治下扩张势力的美国看待加勒比海那样。 www.bing.com 8. The Belize-based Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) coordinates much of the Caribbean region's response to climate change. 总部设在伯利兹的加勒比海共同体气候变化中心(简称CCCCC)协调加勒比海地区大部分的气候变化应对行动。 www.america.gov 9. Grenade's wall - to - wall greenery extends right down the steep hillsides to some of the best beaches in the Caribbean. 格林纳达遍地的绿色草木顺著陡峭的山坡一直延伸到加勒比海的几个最好的海滩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. genus of prickly shrubs and small trees of the Caribbean region; source of a durable hardwood. 一种加勒比海地区多刺的灌木丛和小乔木属;木材硬,十分耐用。 www.hotdic.com 1. One of the strongest influences in Florida comes from the Caribbean. 其中以来自加勒比者对佛罗里达州影响甚钜。 www.24en.com 2. The Jim Fazio course features dramatic elevation changes and offers unrivalled panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic. 由吉姆-法齐奥(JimFazio)设计的这个球场高度变化很大,加勒比海和大西洋的绝佳美景一览无余。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The hand-rolled cigars are a major export for the Caribbean island, although they are limited by a long-running US trade embargo. 虽然受到长期的美国贸易禁运限制,手卷雪茄依然是加勒比岛国的主要出口产品。 www.tobaccochina.com 4. In the second, America acquired colonies and protectorates around the Pacific and the Caribbean. 第二阶段,美国获得了沿太平洋和加勒比海沿岸的殖民地和保护领地。 www.ecocn.org 5. n. A true yam is a starchy edible root generally imported to the United States from the Caribbean. 真正的番薯是指一种可使用的淀粉质根菜类食物,通常从加勒比海输入美国。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Gazetteer Indo- Pacific: including Gulf of Mexico. Western Atlantic: equatorial and subtropical, the Caribbean, or east of Florida. 印度-太平洋:包括墨西哥湾。西大西洋:近赤道而亚热带的,加勒比海,或佛罗里达以东。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. His annual income is $75 million and his movies like Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean and many other were huge success. 德普年平均收入7千5百万美元,他主演的电影比如《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《加勒比海盗》等都是家喻户晓的佳作。 www.hjenglish.com 8. CLR James, the great writer on the Caribbean, asked: "What do they know of cricket who only cricket know? " 以加勒比海为作品主题的大作家CLR·詹姆斯(CLRJames)曾经提出这样的问题:“那些只有板球认识他们的家伙懂得什么叫板球?!” www.bing.com 9. Underwater Scenes A gossamer parasol spreads its feathery arms to catch plankton in the Caribbean waters of the Cayman Islands. 水下景色图片。一把轻飘飘的阳伞伸展其生有羽毛的桥臂捕捉浮游生物在加勒比海域的开曼群岛。 bbs.cnnas.com 10. Under a microscope each long kingfisher barb, finer than a human hair, glitters with shades of the Caribbean. 在显微镜下观察翠鸟的长羽支,这些比人类头发质地更好的毛发一直闪烁着,让人联想起加勒比的风光。 www.bing.com 1. Nearly all Costa Rica's exports to the United States already enter tariff-free under the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI). 而且通过加勒比海盆计划(CBI),哥斯达黎加对美国的绝大部分出口都已经是免关税的了。 www.ecocn.org 2. Her stance is popular across the English-speaking Caribbean, where murder rates have soared since the 1990s. 卡姆拉·珀塞德·比塞萨尔的立场深受加勒比海英语区的欢迎,因该地区自20世纪90年代后,谋杀犯罪率飙升。 www.ecocn.org 3. Haiti is prone to disasters, but this huge quake is the worst to hit the Caribbean island state in two centuries. 海地经常受到灾害的威胁,但是这次大地震是两个世纪以来袭击这个加勒比岛国的最严重的一次。 www.kekenet.com 4. Caracas is on the coastline, the sliding edge along the border with the Caribbean Plate as the Zetas describe. 就像齐塔人描述的,加拉加斯在沿着加勒比板块边界的滑动边缘的海岸线上。 www.chinaufo.com 5. an island in the eastern Caribbean in the Windward Islands; administered as an overseas region of France. 位于加勒比海东部向风群岛的一岛屿;是法国的海外省。 www.hotdic.com 6. from the view of network quantity to be deployed soon, the Caribbean and Latin American region is the region with most deployment. 而从即将部署的网络数量来看,加勒比及拉美地区更是成为最多的区域。 cn.9iquzhou.com 7. The voyage came to symbolize the start of the great postwar wave of Caribbean immigration to Britain. 这次航行标志着二战后从加勒比海向英国大规模移民的开始。 www.dictall.com 8. Antigua means ancient or antique in Spanish, and it is the perfect name for that tropical and charming island in the Caribbean. 在西班牙语中,安提瓜的意思是“古老的、古代的”。对这个迷人的热带海岛而言,真是个完美的名字。 www.bing.com 9. Pedals for Progress bicycles have been sent to countries in Central America, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Caribbean. “进步的踏板”的自行车已发送至中美洲、非洲、东欧以及加勒比海地区的一些国家。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. The submersible Alvin investigates the Cayman Trough, a transform boundary on the floor of the western Caribbean Sea. 用阿尔文潜水器研究西部加勒比海底面上转换边界-开曼群岛海槽。 www.bing.com 1. It was the second crash involving a West Caribbean airways plane this year. 这是西加勒比海航空公司今年第二次坠机事件。 www.blogcn.com 2. During the next several years, Hurston traveled in Florida and the Caribbean to collect and write stories about what she saw. 在此后的几年里,赫斯特到了佛罗里达和加勒比海,收集黑人文化资料,撰写她所看到的故事。 www.bing.com 3. Pirates Of The Caribbean star Johnny Depp has sparked controversy after comparing photo shoots to 'being raped'. 《加勒比海盗》系列电影主演明星强尼?德普将被拍照比喻为“被强奸”的言论点燃了一场辩论。 m.yeeyan.org 4. Pirates of the Caribbean star Depp, who was placed first in 2007, also did not make the 2008 list. 同时落选的还有2007年的“冠军”《加勒比海盗》主演强尼·戴普。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Release of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, inspired by a Disney theme park ride. 受迪斯尼的一个主题公园的启发所创作的《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒》上映。 www.bing.com 6. I love the tranquil atmosphere of this small hotel on a white beach on Mexico's Caribbean coast. 我很喜欢这座墨西哥加勒比白色海滩上小酒店里的宁静氛围。 www.bing.com 7. In the Caribbean, African cultural dance of influence is also visible in the religious songs to listen to, in the food can be tasted. 在加勒比海岸,非洲文化的影响也在舞蹈中可见、在宗教歌曲中可听、在食品中可尝。 blog.163.com 8. A World Bank report released in March describes the severity of the shortage of nurses in the Caribbean and Latin America alone. 世界银行在今年3月发表的一份报告仅介绍了加勒比地区和拉丁美洲护士短缺的严重程度。 www.who.int 9. Hi, we are a small start-up company with plans to develop a small, classy condominium in the Caribbean geared to international buyers. 嗨,我们是一个小的启动,计划开发一个小的,在加勒比优雅公寓面向国际买家的公司。 www.bing.com 10. Many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are highly exposed to a range of natural disasters. 拉美和加勒比地区很多国家极易遭受各种自然灾害袭击。 web.worldbank.org 1. I loved your reaction when I told you I wanted to buy my own private island in the Caribbean. It was a hoot! 你还想开着飞机到自己在加勒比海买的一个岛上去!你真是在做梦! www.hjenglish.com 2. All rooms and suites are air-conditioned and are lined with Brazilian walnut wood paneling with balconies overlooking the Caribbean Sea. 所有的客房和套房都装有空调,并与巴西核桃与阳台俯瞰加勒比海木镶板内衬。 catalogue.horse21.cn 3. Immigrants from Haiti and Cuba have brought Afro-Caribbean traditions, blending both African and Catholic symbols and images. 来自海地和古巴的移民带来了非洲-加勒比传统,融合了非洲和天主教的标志和形象。 www.america.gov 4. Issac is the name of a storm making its way to the Caribbean sea. 艾萨克是以其自身的方式即将登陆加勒比海的风暴的名称。 www.bing.com 5. The queue for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride is nearly an hour long, according to the helpful warning sign at the entrance. 在入口的温馨提示中我们得知,“加勒比海盗船”游乐项目的等待时间要将近一个小时。 club.topsage.com 6. another hit with audiences was pirates of the caribbean : at world ' s end , the latest film of the disney adventure saga. 另外一部卖座的是加勒比海盗:世界的尽头,迪斯尼的冒险传奇故事。 www.ichacha.net 7. Establish the fault lines, the borders of the two plates in question - S America Plate and Caribbean Plate. 确定断层带,即所讨论的两个板块的边界--南美版块和加勒比版块。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The largest island in the Caribbean, it was also the wealthiest, thanks to sugar. 古巴是加勒比海地带最大的岛国,由于盛产蔗糖,它也是该地区最富裕的国家。 www.ecocn.org 9. The most recent Caribbean hanging was in St Kitts-Nevis, a few days before Christmas in 2008. 最近的一次加勒比海地区绞刑实施是在圣基茨和尼维斯联邦,就在2008年圣诞节的前几天执行。 www.ecocn.org 10. Under the light of the summer moon, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. . . 在夏天的月光下,墨西哥湾的海水和加勒比海… www.yappr.cn 1. Though not too widely used in the United States, cassava is a woody shrub that is generally found in the Caribbean and South America. 虽然在美国并不常见,但灌木状的木薯广泛分布在加勒比海和南美洲。 www.bing.com 2. Most south Asian and Black Caribbean cares with traditional ideologies possessed strong religious values. 绝大多数持传统照料观念的南亚人和加勒比黑人都拥有强烈的宗教价值观。 news.dxy.cn 3. It currently provides 19 Caribbean countries with duty-free access to the U. S. market for most goods. 目前,它为19个加勒比海地区国家的大部分货物可以免税进入美国市场。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. La Nina reduces wind shear over the Atlantic Basin, which includes the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. 拉尼娜减弱了大西洋盆地的风切变,也包括了加勒比海域和墨西哥湾流域。 ngmchina.com.cn 5. Surf frosts the sparkling surface of the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Belize in Central America. 在自然界的模式。海浪霜冻闪闪发光的水面在加勒比海离开海岸线在中美洲伯利兹城。 forum.home.news.cn 6. In Disneyland, children love seeing famous cartoon characters in person. They are fond of exciting rides like Pirates of the Caribbean. 在迪斯尼乐园,孩子们喜欢看那些由人扮演的著名的卡通角色,他们喜欢看像“加勒比海盗”这种令人兴奋的娱乐项目。 360edu.com 7. Depp is filming the latest Pirates of the Caribbean instalment at the nearby Old Royal Naval College. 而他最近正在离学校不远处的前皇家海军学院拍摄最新的一部《加勒比海盗》。 www.hjenglish.com 8. That was merengue. It's originally from the Caribbean but it's popular all over. 那是梅伦格舞。最初来自加勒比海。但是现在到处都很流行。 zinisha.anyp.cn 9. The guayabera shirt has long been popular in Cuba, as well as other Latin American and Caribbean nations. 它在古巴一直备受欢迎,在其它拉美国家和加勒比海国家都赢受到人们的喜爱。 page.renren.com 10. You may prefer work dinners with clients to eating in a romantic Caribbean restaurant, all alone. 你可能宁愿去与客户吃工作餐,也不愿意孤零零地在浪漫的加勒比风格餐厅独自用餐。 www.fortunechina.com 1. There is extreme pressure now where the hump of the S American Plate rides over the Caribbean Plate. 在南美板块坐落于加勒比板块的突起处,压力现在变得极大。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. Stronger fundamentals helped the Latin America and the Caribbean region weather this crisis much better than in the past. 基本面较强使拉美和加勒比海地区在此次危机中的表现远远好于以往。 web.worldbank.org 3. Had the biggest number of opening theaters with 4366. Former record holder was Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007). 在4366家影院上映成为史上上映院线最多的电影。之前的记录是由《加勒比海盗3:世界尽头》(2007)打破的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This week it won the support of a summit of the leaders of 32 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean. 本周,阿根廷赢得来自拉美和加勒比海卅二国元首高峰会的支持。 www.ecocn.org 5. Local languages still exist alongside the Caribbean English dialect, too, but they are mostly the patois of the marketplace and home. 当地的语言也仍然和加勒比海式英语方言并存着,但它们大都是在市场和家里所用的土话。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Royal Caribbean said it has not sold out all its cruises on the new ship. 皇家加勒比公司表示,海洋绿洲号游轮的乘票还未售完。 www.bing.com 7. Caribana is a festival of Caribbean culture and traditions held each August in the city of Toronto, Ontario , Canada. 加勒比那狂欢节是加拿大安大略省多伦多市每年八月举行的加勒比海地区的传统文化盛会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The most expensive Caribbean and Latin American destinations include the Bahamas, Bermuda, Turks and Caicos and U. S. Virgin Islands. 酒店房价最高的加勒比和拉丁美洲地区包括:巴哈马、百慕大、特克斯和凯科斯群岛、美属维尔京群岛。 www.bing.com 9. Caribbean Literature (revisited). "How to be a Caribbean writer? " (重返)加勒比海文学。“如何成为加勒比语作家?” bbs.ebigear.com 10. The EU and the US have made freeing prisoners a condition for improving relations with the Caribbean island. 欧盟和美国一直要求古巴释放政治犯,将其作为与古巴改善关系的先决条件。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Since, he continues to follow, by round trip, the human trends that irrigate the Caribbean. 从那时起,他在多次的往返旅行中,继续观察着滋润了加勒比地区的人类时尚潮流。 www.china-linguist.com 2. They across the Caribbean and arrived at a tiny coral island. 他们通过加勒比海,来到一个很小的珊瑚岛上。 www.b2b99.com 3. In the wild, however, their relatives inhabit the warmer climes of Central and South America, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa. 在野生环境,然而,它们的亲属居住在温暖的中美洲和南美洲,加勒比和次撒哈拉沙漠非洲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Enron's finances were obscured by its habit of hiding debt in its hundreds of subsidiaries in the Caribbean. 安然公司的金融状况便是因债务隐藏在上百个加勒比海子公司的习惯而模糊了。 www.ecocn.org 5. mostly trailing cacti having nocturnal white flowers; tropical America and Caribbean region. 一个主要为蔓延的仙人掌属,夜间开白花;产于热带美洲和加勒比海地区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Photo Gallery: Schools of Fish Blue-striped grunt fish and French grunt fish school together near Bonaire Island in the Caribbean Sea. 鱼的学校图集。蓝条纹发出咕哝声鱼和法国的发出咕哝声鱼学校共同靠近在博内尔岛,在加勒比海域。 word.hcbus.com 7. But John, if pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat tourists. 可是约翰,如果加勒比海盗出故障了,海盗们不会把游客吃掉的。 www.aviliv.com 8. The first inhabitants of Jamaica were the Arawaks, a seafaring people from South America who crossed the Caribbean in canoes. 牙买加最早的居民是阿拉瓦人,南美航海渔民乘舟跨越加勒比海才来到这里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Note that where flooding is reported, as well as where horrific crumbling of the landscape is reported, it is on the Caribbean Plate! 注意到报道洪水和可怕的土地碎裂的地方,都在加勒比板块上! blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then in 1991, he collaborates and travels with the "Revue Noire" , he starts his first illustrations and begins to meet Caribbean artists. 然后在1991年,他与“黑色杂志”结伴旅行,并与其开展合作。此时,他开始做自己的首个图片集,并开始接触加勒比地区的艺术家。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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