单词 | a mountain of |
释义 | 例句释义: 山一般的,大量的,堆积如山的,山一样的一大堆 1. I might never have gotten into a mountain of debt, but then I wouldn't have learned the amazing satisfaction of getting out of it. 我本可以永远都不用欠下一屁股债,但是那样的话我可能永远都不知道从中解脱的痛快满足。 www.ebigear.com 2. It frustrated her to sit among a mountain of papers; but the role of a background worker, patiently picking up after Jo, also suited her. 整天埋头在纸山案牍中,难免会有些沮丧,但是做一位幕后工作者,耐心地接过乔尚未完成的任务,倒也很适合她。 www.bing.com 3. If I found a mountain of monkeys, I would have a great time there. 假如我找到猴山,我将会在那儿玩得很开心 zhidao.baidu.com 4. But it also has a political class focused on addressing its real problems, as well as a mountain of savings with which to do so (unlike us). 但中国同时也有一个政治阶层集中力量解决实际问题,而且他们有大量积蓄支持他们的工作(不像我们)。 dongxi.net 5. And at the end of the story, he's sitting on a mountain of pearls with a bloody knife in his hand and his wife dead in his arms. 在故事的结局,他坐在珍珠堆成的山上,手里拿着血淋淋的刀,他的妻子死在了他的怀里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Homework is like the cut them off the mountains, and I was hard to move a mountain of pieces of stone. 作业仿佛是挡住去路的大山,而我正在辛苦地搬着山上的一块块石头。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. There was no insurance --just many expenses and a mountain of bills. 由于没有买保险,所以也没有保险赔偿金,她留下的只有一大堆帐单。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Working from clues in the body of the body of the letters, we must patiently sift a mountain of material for a few pertinent grain of fact. 从文字的主体着手,我们必须耐心的审查大量的资料以便从中得到有限的事实收获。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. If you focus on your tasks one at a time, it will not seem like a mountain of all the work you have to do. 如果你一次只集中精力完整一个项目,就不会觉得要做的工作很多了。 www.bing.com 10. This was a pithy summary of a mountain of reports from congressional committees, scientific panels and business groups. 上述评论提炼出了国会委员会、科学小组和商业团体得出的众多报告的实质内容。 www.ecocn.org 1. But it will also gather a mountain of data on the performance of every charter school, and pupil, in Newark. 此外其也会收集大量纽瓦克每所学校和每个学生表现情况的资料。 www.ecocn.org 2. The northeast turned black and menacing. There was a mountain of a wave on the sea. 东北方向变得墨黑吓人,海上涌起山一般的巨浪。 bbs.wwenglish.org 3. Of course, fewer and fewer people are willing to hammer through a mountain of nuts to make enough for a couple of pies. 当然,越来越多的人不愿意自己去砸一堆堆得像小山一样的坚果来做充足的馅饼。 www.bing.com 4. Perched on a bench near an oversize wok used to cook a mountain of white rice, she says it helps to be around neighbors. 毛顺玉坐在一张长椅上,她的边上就是一口用来给许多人煮饭的大锅。 www.bing.com 5. They believe low interest rates and heavy deficit spending will be ineffective while leaving the U. S. with a mountain of debt. 他们认为,低息高赤字效率不高,而且会让政府债务如山。 www.bing.com 6. but the economists who try to work out the effect on the price of platinum when a mountain of the stuff arrives from outer space. 而是当大量的铂从天外而来时,那些试图算出其价格跌幅的经济学家。 www.ecocn.org 7. The boat sank in a mountain of a wave . 小船在排山倒海的巨浪中沉没了。 www.bing.com 8. Now the Georgians are following suit. A crane is lowering breeze-blocks on to the road, next to a mountain of orange sandbags. 现在格鲁吉亚人开始照葫芦画瓢,吊车正在道路上卸载轻型建筑用砖,把它们放在堆积如山的桔色沙袋旁边。 www.ecocn.org 9. Government buildings still look like a war zone, even as a mountain of flowers and candles grows outside Oslo's cathedral. 政府大楼看上去仍像个战场,即便奥斯陆大教堂外的鲜花与蜡烛正越堆越多。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Attracted by the tales of a " mountain of gold, " thousands of Chinese began arriving in California in 1848. 吸引的故事山金矿,成千上万的中国人开始抵达加州在1848年。 hi.baidu.com 1. The easiest way to dig ourselves out of a mountain of stress is to do something just for fun! 把自己从压力的大山中拯救出来,最简单的办法就是做些有趣的事! www.bing.com 2. But a mountain of economic data might be hard to ignore this week and could even say something about the future. 但人们或许很难忽视本周大量公布的经济数据,通过这些数据甚至还能了解美国经济的未来走势。 www.bing.com 3. Huddled under a mountain of blankets in small groups around the center were Chinese laborers. 在大厅中央,蜷缩在一堆毯子下的几小撮人是中国劳工。 c.wsj.com 4. The White House and Congress are being buried under a mountain of protest at any further bailout. 由于这些进一步的援助,白宫和国会正在被潮水般的抗议声包围。 www.bing.com 5. After culling through a mountain of entries we're very happy to announce the results of the LOTRO Design a Horse contest! 经过了参赛作品的山区扑杀,我们非常高兴地宣布了LOTRO设计的结果,马的比赛! bbs.178.com 6. As stocks plummeted this summer, investors shifted a mountain of money from stocks into bank accounts and government bonds. 今年夏天股价暴跌时,投资者将巨额资金从股票转移到了银行账户和政府债券上。 cn.wsj.com 7. And He totally gave me a mountain of new understanding that I had never known before. 而他给了我此前决不知道的如山一样多的全新的体验和理解。 blog.tianya.cn 8. Kia has ambitious expansion plans and no one can bank on it "doing another Daewoo" by collapsing under a mountain of debt. 起亚的扩张计划目标宏大,而且没人认为它会被巨额债务压成“另一个大宇(Daewoo)”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The contaminated powdered milk scandal must not be buried beneath a mountain of "sovereignty" issues. 不能把毒奶粉这类事件的交涉,也压在「主权定位」的五指山下。 datelinetaipei.wordpress.com 10. Is there a mountain of debt on top of you, stifling the lifestyle that you thought you would have? 还是你有巨额债务?还是你将陷入令人窒息的生活方式? www.bing.com 1. They have accumulated a mountain of it at every level, from the personal to the corporate and the sovereign. 从个人,到公司再到国家,他们在各个程度上都积压了成堆的债务。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. But the family faced a mountain of hospital bills and had to put their home on the market to fund treatment. 但他的家里却面临着一大堆医院的账单,他们必须把房子卖掉才能支付治疗的费用。 www.bing.com 3. Sustainability researchers also face a mountain of variables in their quest to create accurate predictions about future waste streams. 在可持续发展研究者寻求建立一个关于未来废物流的精确预测的过程中,他们也面临大量的可变因素。 www.bing.com 4. This equates to a mountain of leftovers, enough to fill 4700 Olympic-sized swimming pools, says the government's anti-waste arm, Wrap. 这可相当于一个足以装满4700个奥运会规格游泳池的剩菜山啊。 www.bing.com 5. These few seconds invested will keep your counters, tables or chairs from disappearing under a mountain of objects lying around. 只需几分钟,就能避免你的吧台、桌子和椅子淹没在到处乱放的物品中。 www.bing.com 6. Although there remains a mountain of research from multiple institutions about the reality of climate change, the public has grown uneasy. 尽管证明气候变化真实性的研究在多家机构里堆积如山,公众却已经变得不安。 www.bing.com 7. Hew out of a mountain of despair a stone of hope. 在绝望的山上砍下一块希望的石头。 wenku.baidu.com 8. That our schools are still crumbling. That our children are looking at a mountain of debt because of our irresponsibility. 我们的学校仍旧摇摇欲坠。我们的孩子们因我们的不负责任而背负沉重的债务。 www.yappr.cn 9. Porsche has found itself under a mountain of debt as of late, including a $12 billion deficit racked up by the failed takeover of VW. 保时捷发现自己下一个山区的债务月末,包括一百二十零点零零亿美元赤字累积的失败收购大众汽车。 usa.315che.com 10. Of which There is a mountain of which the top is always covered with snow. 有一座山顶总是覆盖着雪的山。 wenku.baidu.com 1. You've been tied up in so many meetings this week that you have a mountain of messages you haven't even opened yet. 这周有太多的会议要参加,致使未读邮件业已堆积如山。 big5.cri.cn 2. Though still nominally communist, its institutions are sitting on a mountain of capitalist cash. 尽管名义上仍是共产主义国家,它的制度下是如山的资本主义现金。 www.stnn.cc 3. Yougushentan for your efforts to create a "mountain of Koetsu birds, Tan Ying empty heart" of the tourist realm. 幽谷神潭为您着力打造出“山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心”的旅游境界。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Underneath that lush green park is a mountain of trash generated by the city's 3 million residents more than a decade ago. 但在这个郁郁葱葱的公园下面,却是杭州300万居民10多年来制造的堆积如山的垃圾。 www.bing.com 5. What may be simple to you can present a mountain of complexity to others. 对您来说很简单的事情对于其他人来说可能非常复杂。 www.ibm.com 6. The englishman jumped next and yelled "gold" he landed in a mountain of gold coins. 接着是英格兰人跳了,他的愿望是“黄金”,最后他掉到了一个遍地金币的山冈上。 learning.sohu.com 7. It's a mountain of festering refuse, a half-hour hike across, emitting clouds of smoke from subterranean fires. 腐烂的垃圾堆积如山,要花上半个小时才能走到头儿,烟雾笼罩宛若来自地下的熊熊火焰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Hanuman also flew to the Himalayas and carried back a mountain of medicinal herbs to cure Rama's grievously wounded brother Laksmana. 哈奴曼飞到喜马拉雅山,取回药草,医治罗摩军中伤兵。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. El-Rab says the people here are the poorest in Cairo. "We are the garbage collectors, " he says, "but we live on a mountain of faith. " 他说,住在这个“特区”里的人,是埃及最穷的,“我们都是以捡破烂为生的”,但是他说,“我们住在信仰的圣殿里。” www.qiewo.com 10. In many cases it only creates a mountain of data that fails to create business intelligence. 在许多情况下,它仅仅创建了数据巨大集合,而不是创建商业智能。 www.ibm.com 1. China has been stockpiling a mountain of cotton, presumably to insulate its textile makers from shocks. 中国已囤积了大量的棉花,可能会使其国内纺织品商免受价格波动之苦。 www.kekenet.com 2. If your father works in an office, he may occasionally have a mountain of paperwork to do. 如果你爸爸在办公室工作,他偶尔会有堆积如山的文书要处理。 chunhua1989.com 3. We found Si as ZhongYaoPu general, bamboo in some objects looks like a mountain of fungi, some like animal bones. 我们发现竹笥如同中药铺一般,有些物体看上去如同山区产的菌类,有些好似动物的骨骼。 www.gupiaochina.com 4. UCB, which was failing under a mountain of bad loans, was seized by the FDIC this month and its assets transferred to East West Bank. 由于大量坏账而破产的联合银行,本月被美国联邦存款保险公司接管,其资产转移到华美银行(EastWestBank)。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Celtic Tiger has collapsed under a mountain of bad debt. “凯尔特之虎”(CelticTiger)已经在巨额坏账下的重压下崩溃。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A mountain of coal next to its turbine hall holds 180, 000 tonnes, enough for 18 days' winter production. 发电站的涡轮机大厅旁边的煤山就储存了18公吨的煤,可供冬天里18天的发电。 www.ecocn.org 7. Wenzhou think he's a mountain of water and very cultural place! 他觉得温州真是个有山有水又很有文化底蕴的地方! learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. It looks like a lot of fun to slide down a mountain of snow. 从雪山上滑下来好像乐趣不少。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. I could pile a mountain of food on my plate and NOT to eat it. 我可以将山一样的食物堆在我的盘子里,而我则不去吃它。 www.hxen.com 10. There is a mountain of evidence, he says, that more personal forms of contact are better. 他说,大量的证据表明,更多的个人式联系更为有效。 www.ecocn.org 1. Once there, he was handed a mountain of forms to fill out. 当到了医院,他有一大堆的表格需要填写。 www.bing.com 2. There is also a mountain of paper comment, ranging from newspaper reviews to academic studies. 此外,还有堆积如山的评论文章,小到报纸书评,大至学术研究。 www.ecocn.org 3. a mountain of letters arrived just after the report. 报告之后信件纷至沓来。 www.enread.com 4. Indian companies took on a mountain of debt, largely because it was there. 印度公司大规模举债,很大程度上是因为必须要借。 ecocn.org 5. The service is built on a mountain of lies. 这是建立在堆积如山的谎言之上的机构。 www.ecocn.org 6. He will often climb a mountain of a Sunday. 他常要在礼拜天去爬山。 blog.csdn.net 7. There are a mountain of invoices on the sale manager's desk. 销售经理的桌子上堆着大量的发票。 www.hotdic.com 8. That is due, more than anything, to the painful process of deleveraging, as banks and borrowers work off a mountain of debt. 在诸多原因中,痛苦的去杠杆化过程是最主要的,银行和借款人都在急于清理堆积如山的债务。 www.ecocn.org 9. For Facebook, the deal provides a mountain of extra cash to invest in things such as new data centres and acquisitions. 对Facebook来说,这笔交易给了诸如新的数据中心和数据获取等提供了巨大的多余资金。 www.bing.com 10. A mountain of solid-gold has passed us by for a long time. . . but not anymore! 一座金山已经与我们擦肩而过很久很久很久了…但是这次它将不再!!! www.barmap.com 1. Fad diets may promise you that counting carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit will make the pounds drop off. 时尚餐饮的理念可能会向你许诺:减少碳水化合物摄入,或者吃上一大堆葡萄柚,那样就能使你的体重减轻。 www.bing.com 2. The snag is that these profits may be built on a mountain of bad debt. 而缺陷是,这些高额利润的背后也许是一群呆账坏账。 www.bing.com 3. Let's invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt. 让我们投资于自己的人民,不要给他们留下如山的债务。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A low risk creates a mountain of waste. 但降低了克雅氏病的传播风险却造出了一个垃圾山。 www.ecocn.org 5. Tepco says, with attention to finickety detail, that it has accumulated a mountain of 480, 000 such suits in need of disposal. 东京电力公司说,注意力放在finickety的细节上面,那样会积累到480000套装置需要我们去处理。 www.ecocn.org 6. I've a mountain of things to do. 我有很多事要做。 test.2u4u.com.cn 7. The 'priest on a mountain of sugar' means a person who cannot see the blindingly obvious. 今天的这句“糖山上的神父”的意思是看不到明摆着的事实。 www.lfcbbs.com 8. In order to support the financial industry, which is working under a mountain of bad loans and the credit market fragmentation. 为了扶植金融业,这是劳动下,山区的不良贷款和破碎的信贷市场。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I've got a mountain of work to do. 我需要做的事情堆积如山那么多。 www.englishtown.com.tw 10. Imagine you have a mountain of spare cash: would you invest it in eurozone government bonds right now? 设想你手中有一堆闲置的现金:此刻,你会将它们投入欧元区政府债券吗? www.ftchinese.com 1. If we don't find a solution to the problem of waste disposal, we will live with a mountain of waste in the near future. 如是找不到任何处理垃圾的办法,不久的将来我们将会生活在成堆的垃圾山中。 k8edu.com 2. Google has a mountain of data based on how people search. 谷歌有大量的基于人们如何搜索的数据。 www.bing.com 3. As a result there is a mountain of Chinese patents of dubious quality. 其结果便是数量堆积如山,质量却存在质疑的中国专利。 www.ecocn.org 4. Britain, for example, is struggling with a mountain of green glass. 比如说,英国极力在解决绿玻璃成堆成山的问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. We are buried under a mountain of work. 我们的工作堆积如山。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There aren't many women who can tuck into a mountain of food every day and stay trim. 既要每天湖吃海喝、还要身子曼妙,这样的女性实在不多。 www.kekenet.com 7. If we kept these things we would soon have a mountain of rubbish. 如果我们保持这些我们很快就会有一大堆垃圾。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I'm buried under a mountain of work so I can't go out. 我的工作堆积如山,因此不能外出。 www.b2b99.com 9. She has a mountain of work to do. 她要做的工作堆成了山。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I was blessed to find a mountain of support because I spoke about it. 我很幸运,因为把它说出来了而得到了那么多的支持。 group.m.mtime.com 1. I like nature, Like a mountain of water and the forest plants send out that faint scent. 我喜欢大自然,有山有水的地方。喜欢爬山时那林间植物散发出来的那股清香。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. If we kept these things we should soon have a mountain of rubbish. 如果我们留下这种东西,我们很快就会有一大堆的垃圾。 wenwen.soso.com 3. It frustrated her to sit among a mountain of papers 终日埋首于纸山案牍之中,难免会有些沮丧 www.ecocn.org 4. Maybe you have to face a mountain of work every day. 或许你每天必须面对堆积如山的工作。 www.ebigear.com 5. Unhappy shopper: A child is wheeled along in a pushchair buried under a mountain of groceries 不愉快的购物者:一个婴儿坐在手推车里被山一样的杂物掩埋 www.bing.com 6. It's more like a mountain of dynamite about to explode 这东西比起船更像是个装满炸药即将爆炸的山 www.kekenet.com 7. So if you're sitting there, looking at a mountain of debt, 因此,假设你坐在那里,看着山似的债务, renyukexue.com 8. a mountain of (difficulties, debts) 山一般的(困难、债等)。 www.ichacha.net 9. From a mountain of frights 自恐懼的山頭 wenwen.soso.com 10. incur a mountain of debt 承受巨大债务。 www.ichacha.net 1. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls, 你有没有把鼻子埋在一丛秀发中, blog.sina.com.cn |
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