单词 | amortization |
释义 |
复数:amortizations n. repayment,payback,paying off,remuneration 例句释义: 分期偿还,不动产的让渡[捐赠],摊销,摊还,分期偿付 1. The usual accounting entry for amortization consists of a debit to Amortization Expense and a credit to the intangible asset account. 摊销的一般会计分录由借记摊销费和贷记无形资产账户组成。 dict.ebigear.com 2. The entry to be made to record the annual amortization expense would be . 记录年摊销费的会计分录是… www.jukuu.com 3. The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life is termed as amortization. 将无形资产的成本在其存续期内系统化地结转到费用叫做摊销。 dict.ebigear.com 4. A bank loan to a company , with a fixed maturity and often featuring amortization of principal . 银行发放给公司的有一定期限的贷款,常以分期偿还本金为特征。 www.bing.com 5. The amortization of above-mentioned adjustment amounts shall be finished on the maturity date of the financial instrument. 上述调整金额应当于金融工具到期日前摊销完毕; yingyucihui.scientrans.com 6. The next section provides a summary of the current rules and the FASB's new rules on goodwill amortization. 下一节提供了一个简要的现行规则和财会准则委员会的新规则对商誉摊销。 word.hcbus.com 7. formation of intangible assets, in accordance with the cost of an intangible asset amortization of 150%. 形成无形资产的,按照无形资产成本的150%摊销。 www.bing.com 8. Roth said earnings before interest, taxes and amortization has increased about 25% since the toy chain was bought by Vornado, KKR and Bain. 罗丝表示,自从被收购后,玩具反斗城的息税摊销前利润增长了大约25%。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 9. Analysis by the sinking-fund procedure is also known as "amortization with interest on first cost. " 以偿债基金步骤进行分析,也就是大家所熟知的“对初始成本进行带利息分期偿还”。 www.jukuu.com 10. This part discusses the regulation on intangible assets measurement, including beginning measure, amortization and devaluation. 对无形资产的摊销,本文分别就摊销的范围、年限、方法等进行了论述; www.fabiao.net 1. and shall implement the dynamic administration of the ledgers on depreciation (amortization) of fixed assets and intangible assets. 通过建立固定资产和无形资产折旧(摊销)台账,进行动态管理。 law.chinalawinfo.com 2. The life of a machine and related amortization costs, are related to the amount of time the machine was running. 机器的生命周期和相关折旧成本,与机器运转的时间相关。 www.bing.com 3. Moreover, the paper simply discusses problems concerning intangible asset amortization and information disclosure. 文章还简单介绍了无形资产价值摊销和信息披露所面临的有关问题。 www.lw23.com 4. The reasonable amortization amount of intangible assets shall be its cost minus the expected residual value. 第十八条无形资产的应摊销金额为其成本扣除预计残值后的金额。 cq.netsh.com 5. D. Discover and identify cost drivers which include parts and tooling, chart out labor, subcontract, material, amortization and consumables. 发掘识别成本因素,包括部件与模具,标明劳力、分包、材料摊销和易耗品等。 www.lietou.com 6. Approve all accounting vouchers in User Friend System, prepare voucher for revenue & cost recognition, amortization and accruals. 审核所有用友系统中的会计凭证,做好收入、成本、待摊和预提费用确认的会计凭证; yjs.cnokjob.com 7. Any write-offs or amortization of noncurrent items deducted on the income statement must be added back to net income . 任何已从收益表减去的非流动项目的注销或摊销,都必须加净收益。 www.showxiu.com 8. In evaluating the wisdom of business acquisitions, amortization charges should be ignored also. 在评估商业并购是否明智时,摊销费用也应被忽略。 www.enoya.com 9. As for other leased assets, systematic and reasonable methods shall be adopted for its amortization. 对于其他经营租赁资产,应当采用系统合理的方法进行摊销。 www.bing.com 10. However, revenues are increasing and machines continue to produce paper long after amortization. 然而,收入的增加和机器继续生产了很久之后摊销。 512121.com 1. long-term deferred expenses accounting enterprise already defray, but amortization of one year or more (excluding 1 year) all the expenses. 长期待摊费用核算企业已经支出,但摊销期限在1年以上(不含1年)的各项费用。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. You can live a full and rewarding life without ever thinking about Goodwill and its amortization. 你根本不用想商誉和其摊销,也能生活得很充实有益。 rb.m.zkiz.com 3. Many business loans use a level amortization with roughly equal principal reductions from each periodic payment. 许多商业贷款采用的平均摊销的方法是:从每次的周期性付款中,进行大体相同的本金削减。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There is no restriction on payment of amortization of loans or depreciation of direct investments. 对于分期偿还贷款支付和直接投资的折旧等项目没有限制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Furthermore, the respective banks will grant a respite on interest and amortization payments into the year 2011. 此外,有关银行将给予利息和摊销缓解到2011年支付。 bzxw.a1pak.com 6. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization at the overseas business climbed 15 percent. 海外业务的扣除利息、税项、贬值和摊销前的收益攀升了15%。 www.yanbaidu.com 7. "Amortization" includes depreciation; it does not include compensation for use of capital. “摊销”包括折旧,但不包括对资本使用的补偿。 www.lawyee.com 8. Plant and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization. 固定资产(厂房和设备)的核算方法是成本减去累计折旧和摊销。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. This means forever viewing purchased Goodwill at its full cost, before any amortization. 这意味着永远视所购买的商誉为在任何摊销之前的全部成本。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. That means no amortization charges to gradually extinguish that asset need be made against earnings. 这意味着不需针对盈利核算摊销费用而逐渐削减这项资产。 blog.hexiewang.com 1. Borrowing expense refers to interest expenses, discount, premium amortization, auxiliary expenses, loss of exchange, etc. incurred by loan. 借款费用是指因借款发生的利息支出、折价或溢价的摊销、辅助费用、汇兑差额等费用。 www.1x1y.com.cn 2. Followed by the measurement of goodwill and amortization, in the specific methods of operation there are a lot of problems. 其次是商誉的计量和摊销,在具体的操作方法上也存在很多问题。 www.tianya.cn 3. the period of amortization shall not be less than five years. 摊销期限不得少于五年。 www.zftrans.com 4. Money which is not paid when due , under a payment plan or amortization schedule . Could lead to enforcement of loan agreement by lender . 根据付款计划或分期偿还日程表,没有及时支付的金额。可能会导致贷方强制执行贷款协议。 www.bing.com 5. An item such as amortization of bond premium would be deducted from the net income figure in the statement of changes in financial position. 对公司债溢价摊销这样的项目,在财务状况变动表中则应从净收益数字中减去。 www.showxiu.com 6. Chapter 5 internally generated goodwill amortization with disclosed. 第五章自创商誉的摊销与披露。 www.fabiao.net 7. Should goodwill amortization? 商誉该不该摊销? zhidao.baidu.com 8. Amortization methods differ based upon the type of loan. 分期摊销的方法根据贷款的不同类型而不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The straight-line amortization of the unrecognized APBO at the time FASB Statement No. 106 is adopted. 未被认识APBO的直线分期偿还当FASB陈述106号被采用的时候。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. SABMiller's bid values Foster's at 12. 5 times current year forecast earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA). 按未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销之利润(EBITDA)标准计算,SABMiller的出价估值为富仕达现行年度预估获利的12.5倍。 cn.reuters.com 1. Article 47 The amortization of intangible assets shall be computed using the straight-line method. 第四十七条无形资产的摊销,应当采用直线法计算。 www.bing.com 2. This article on the goodwill nature, the confirmation and accountant deals with and issues and so on amortization carries on the discussion. 本文就商誉的性质、确认及其会计处理和摊销等问题进行探讨。 www.slgz.cn 3. The structure of amortization system is unique, which eliminated contact bounce. 独特的缓冲结构消除了触头弹跳。 www.hongmei-e.com 4. The processes of depredation, amortization, and depletion discussed in this chapter all have a common goal. 本章讨论的折旧、摊销和损耗处理都有一个共同的目的。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Repayment of the bond is conditioned on 10 years' amortization. 此项债券规定分十年偿还。 6. the term loan amortization schedule. 摊还时间表的长期贷款。 08translation.cn 7. The large-span spatial steel ro of structures own specialities such as good rigidity, light weight, fine flexibility and small amortization. 大跨度空间钢结构屋盖具有整体刚度好、质量轻、。柔性大、阻尼小等特点。 www.say666.com 8. Should the investor impute a $2 per share amortization charge annually ($80 divided by 40 years) to calculate "true" earnings per share? 这个投资者是否应该每年拿出2美元的摊销费用,用于计算“真实”每股盈利? www.irich.com.cn 9. in less than 17 years, amortization should be based on the shorter period of estimated useful life. 然而,如果专利权可能在不到17年内就失去效用,摊销应以更短的预计存续期限为基。 www.jukuu.com 10. Amortization of Prior Service Cost. 之前服务费用的分期偿还。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Banpu's offer is priced at 11. 16 times Centennial's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. Banpu的出价为Centennial息税、折旧和摊销前收益,即EBITDA的11.16倍。 www.bing.com 2. Some expenses such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expenses. 像折旧费用,摊销费用,递耗费用之类的费用属于非现金费用。 www.juyy.net 3. You can pay it in amortization . 你可以分期偿还。 www.bing.com 4. BHP is paying 19. 54 times earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. 据彭博数据编汇,必和必拓将付19.54倍的收益。此收益是利息,税,折旧和摊销前的收益。 www.bing.com 5. Here is a quick and easy way to calculate your mortgage payment and get an amortization schedule. 用这种方法计算你的抵押贷款还款以及得到分期偿还明细表既快速又容易。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Another reality is that annual amortization charges in the future will not correspond to economic costs. 另一个现实是,未来的年度摊销费用将无法符合经济成本。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For example, varying the interest rate that is used in an amortization table to determine the amount of the payments. 例如,更改分期支付表中的利率可以调整支付金额。 office.microsoft.com 8. The carrying value of intangible assets used for guaranties, the amortization amount for the current period, and other information; and (四)用于担保的无形资产账面价值、当期摊销额等情况。 www.bing.com 9. A transition line is arranged between the main body and the amortization wall, and between the side body and the folding part; 一转折线,位于该主本体与该缓冲壁、该侧本体与该折叠部之间; ip.com 10. Internally generated goodwill; Confirmation; Measurement; Amortization; Disclosure; 自创商誉;确认;计量;摊销;披露; www.zidir.com 1. Intangible Asset; Identification; Measurement; Amortization; Goodwill; 无形资产;确认;计量;摊销;商誉; www.zidir.com 2. the over-profit ability of the business creation does not fade with the price amortization; 商誉创造超额收益的能力不随价值摊销而消失; www.dictall.com 3. Equity investment on the difference between the average debit balance by Decade amortization, charged to profit or loss; 对股权投资差额借方余额按十年平均摊销,计入损益; zhidao.baidu.com 4. EBITDAR = earning before tax, interest, depreciation, amortization, and restructuring costs 除息、税、折旧及摊销前盈利 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A Penetrating Analysis of Amortization Housing Mortgage Loan with Equivalent Amount of Principal and Interest 透析个人住房抵押贷款等额本息还款法 scholar.ilib.cn 6. EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization EBITDA 息税折旧摊销前利润 wenku.baidu.com 7. The Ethical Amortization between Health Administrative Enforcement and the Autonomy Right Exertion of Private Party 卫生行政强制与相对人自主权行使的道德缓冲 service.ilib.cn 8. Loan amortization schedule - Templates - Microsoft Office Online 贷款分期偿还-模板-MicrosoftOfficeOnline office.microsoft.com 9. Research on Nanometer Modified Damping and Amortization Rubber Nanometer Modified 纳米改性橡胶的阻尼特性研究 ilib.cn 10. Amortization methods for capitalized research and development costs; 资本化研和发展成本的摊销法; www.fane.cn 1. Research and development costs of the current period deferred for amortization over the future periods; 递延到以后各期摊销的本期研究和发展成本; www.powerdict.com 2. Monthly closing work including expense prepaid, accrual, amortization etc; 月结工作,包括费用预提、摊销等; www.gao8dou.com 3. Discussions on Confirmation of the Amortization Ratio of the Negative Goodwill 确定负商誉摊销比例的探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. The Reasonable Choice of Accounting Methods on Value Amortization of Easily Exhausted Product with Low Value 低值易耗品价值摊销会计核算方法的合理选择 www.ilib.cn 5. The issuer of the financial assets can settle it with a sum which is obviously lower than the post-amortization cost; 该金融资产的发行方可以按照明显低于其摊余成本的金额清偿。 www.bing.com 6. Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization 未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前盈利 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Amortization of discount on debentures payable (less amortization of discount) 应付公司债折价摊销(减溢价摊销) blog.sina.com.cn 8. (b) The depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, provision for asset impairment, and other non-cash projects; and 固定资产折旧、无形资产摊销、计提资产减值准备等其他非现金项目; www.bing.com 9. Prepare depreciation and amortization for fixed assets and intangible assets; 负责固定资产折旧和无形资产摊销; nb.qjrc.com 10. Amortization of goodwill by systematic charges against periodic income; 递延成的摊销; www.sinobay.com 1. Probe into the Practical Rate Amortization in Bond's Premium Price and Conversion into Money 债券溢折价实际利率摊销法的再探讨 beta.ilib.cn 2. Monthly amortization report and bookkeeping of intangible assets 月度无形资产摊销表编制及入账 www.gao8dou.com 3. Amortization of premium on long-term investments (less amortization of discount) 长期投资溢价摊销(减折价摊销) blog.sina.com.cn 4. Thinking of Calculating Intangible Asset and Amortization 关于无形资产计价与摊销问题的思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Amortization of the Premiums and Discounts of Long-term Bond Investment 长期债券投资的溢折价摊销 www.ilib.cn 6. Research on Rational Default of Stop Amortization of Residential Mortgage 论住房抵押贷款终止偿付型理性违约 ilib.cn 7. business amortization has the negative effect for the profit target of enterprises; 商誉摊销对企业的利润指标产生负面影响; www.dictall.com 8. Goodwill and its Amortization: The Rules and The Realities 商誉及其摊销:规则与现实 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Amortization of Intangible Assets & Deferred Asset Item 序号项目无形资产及其他资产摊销 wenku.baidu.com 10. Calculate and account for the charge for the charge for amortization 计算和摊销费用的收费帐户 wenku.baidu.com 1. The methods for the amortization of intangible assets; 无形资产的摊销方法。 bbsnew.esnai.com 2. Operating loss after amortization of goodwill 撇销商誉后的经营业务亏损 www.t6pr.com 3. Amortization of discount on long-term investments; 长期投资折价摊销; www.fane.cn 4. It will help you a lot especially when it comes in paying your house payments (taxes and amortization) 它将帮助你很多,尤其是涉及你家在支付款项(税收和摊还)。 bbs.daliancity.com.cn 5. Vop; valued at cost less amortization or depreciation; 按成本减摊销或折旧额计值; www.powerdict.com 6. Amortization of premiums or discounts; 溢价或折价的摊销; www.fane.cn 7. The amortization of intangible assets; (三)无形资产摊销; www.bing.com 8. Amortization of Long-term Deferred Expenses 长期待摊费用摊销 blog.sina.com.cn 9. CAM the Constant Amortization Mortgage Loan 分期偿还固定本金式抵押贷款分期偿还固定本金式抵押贷款 wenku.baidu.com 10. Intellectual Capital Amortization Based on the Enterprise Co-governance Logic 共同治理逻辑下的智力资本摊销问题研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Amortization of premium on bonds purchased 购入债券溢价摊销 www.powerdict.com 2. Deferral and amortization of gains and losses; 延期任列并摊销损益; www.powerdict.com 3. The amortization rate for repayments 预付款分期摊还比率 wenku.baidu.com 4. Amortization of intangible assets pro closed no ok 无形资产摊销 chi.proz.com 5. Explain the purpose of amortization 解释的目的摊销 wenku.baidu.com 6. amortization of Bond issued expense 债券发行费摊销 www.jukuu.com 7. Amortization of Discount on Funded Debt 长期债务的折价摊销 forex.678678.com 8. Amortization of low value articles 低值易耗品摊销 cnnsr.com.cn 9. We can adopt the method of systematic amortization and impairment test combination in subsequent treatment of goodwill; 在商誉后续处理上,建议采用系统摊销和减值测试结合的方法; www.13191.com |
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