单词 | amongst |
释义 |
prep. in the middle of,surrounded by,in the midst of,between,among 例句释义: 在…之间,在…之中,在…当中 1. It was the dynamic consequences of the competition amongst fragmented political bodies that resulted in an especially creative environment. 这是分裂的政治体制间竞争的动态结果,这导致了创造性的环境。 dict.bioon.com 2. She could have been lingering amongst some of her more disreputable thoughts before clothing them for ever in convention. 在把邪恶的念头永远遮掩在习俗之中以前,她也许长期沉溺在自己的更为脏肮的思想中。 3. He said: "He won't be considered for the game but will travel just to get in and amongst the lads. It'll help him to feel a part of it. " 国王说:“他不会上场的,但是会跟我们一起去布拉格观战,这会帮助他尽快融入我们这个大家庭。” www.lfcbbs.com 4. Seems to have found his passion for the game again, and with that, has elevated himself into elite status amongst his peers. 看起来又找到了他对于这个游戏的激情,这样来估量他在和同龄人竞争中的精英地位吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Glasshouses are nurseries for seedlings scattered around the central part of the garden, amongst the school sports fields and playgrounds. 培育种子的温室苗园位在花园的中心区,周围有学校运动场和操场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The proof of our existence is no longer a matter for speculation, and only the most sceptic amongst you could deny it. 我们存在的证据不再是一种推测,只有你们当中的最怀疑的人才会否认它。 hi.baidu.com 7. I scratched around amongst the old tools, and got a pickaxe and give it to him, and he took it and went to work, and never said a word. 我在那堆破烂的农具里翻了一下,找到一把尖嘴镐,递给了他。他接过去了,干起来了,一句话也没有说。 www.putclub.com 8. yet to him who amongst her acquaintance might have approximated to this kind, she was but a transient impression, half forgotten. 可是在她认识的接近这一标准的人中间,她在那个人心中只留下一个短暂的印象,并且差不多已经被他忘记了。 waiyu.kaoshibaike.com 9. Here in Trinity it is right that I should give you an account of how he lived amongst you during these years of his greatest achievement. 正是在三一学院这儿,我将对你们阐述他如何在你们中间生活,如何在这些年中取得他的最伟大的成就。 www.bing.com 10. Looking out of the train window, I spotted a pair of camels feeding on the sparse vegetation amongst the salt flats. 从火车窗外看去,我看见两只骆驼在植被稀少的盐碱平地上觅食。 www.bing.com 1. Amongst birds, the contest is often of a more peaceful character. 鸟类的斗争往往比较和平。 www.jukuu.com 2. Antonia's figure, with its throat settled in the collar of her cape, slender, tall, severe, looked impatient and remote amongst the bustle. 安东妮亚的脖子舒适地藏在她的披肩的衣领里,身材纤巧,颀长,面容严肃,在杂沓的人群中显得又急躁又冷漠。 3. The hint of a link tarnished Scargill and yet trust of him amongst striking miners remained firm. 暗示与不明款项有染令斯卡吉尔声誉受损,然而,他在矿工中的威信依然牢不可破。 www.bing.com 4. Once or twice something moved about with a rustle and a splash amongst the rushes at the side of the pond. 一次或者两次,有什么东西在沿着池塘边的芦苇丛中爬行,并伴随着嘶嘶沙沙的响声。 wenku.baidu.com 5. It created a real buzz amongst the players and it got even better when he said the names of the two he'd be taking with him. 肯尼的话音刚落,教室里立刻炸开了锅,而当他说出那两个名字的时候,我感到更加美妙了。 www.ept-team.com 6. The tendency of a person to allow himself to be degraded, robbed, deceived, and exploited might be the diffidence of a God amongst men. 一个人听凭自己堕落、被掠夺、被欺骗、被利用,这或许是缺乏自信的表现。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The move would seem to have been made to avoid provoking unrest amongst the Shi'a majority in Bahrain. 该动作表面上像是避免激怒在巴林占大多数的什叶派穆斯林。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. Two out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. 我们每三人有两人是超重的,糖尿病病案正在激增,特别是在我们年轻的人群中。 www.bing.com 9. This question is often the most difficult to answer (and the right answer is rarely "divide them equally amongst the co-founders" ). 这个问题往往也是最难回答的(并且,正确的答案常常不是“在创始人之间平分这些股份”)。 www.bing.com 10. Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond. 从前有位青蛙先生,他叫杰里米·费希尔,住在池塘边毛茛之间一个潮湿的小房子里。 wenku.baidu.com 1. So tonight being able to be in a room amongst our peer being recognized with an honor like this, it's really very special. 因此,今晚能给授予我们这样的荣誉,的确是非常特别的。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. In June, Voyager 1 relayed data that showed it was no longer traveling amongst the outward flow of solar wind particles. 今年6月,旅行者1号发回数据表明,它不再在向外传送的太阳风粒子流中旅行。 kusolong.blog.sohu.com 3. Needless to say, the mortality rate amongst derro children is quite high with only one out of every three children surviving to adulthood. 不用说,迪洛矮人小孩的死亡率非常高,每三个只有一个有幸活到成年。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There is no appetite for learning, particularly amongst senior management, who seem to others to feel that they know it all already. 没有学习的欲望,特别是对于高管,让人们感觉他们什麽都懂。 club.esnai.com 5. The children and "SFS" staff held a minute of silence around a symbolic candle display and then shared their emotions amongst each other. 每一位小朋友和“明日之星”的工作人员围绕蜡烛,为遇难同胞默哀,并彼此表达了他们悲痛的心情。 www.chinatennis.org.cn 6. The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. 老流浪汉先领我走到一张桌子前,请我坐下稍等片刻,他则到一排排的书架上去翻找那些特别的东西。 www.oxford.com.cn 7. Even as we roam freely amongst each dimension he continues to reward us, there is no doubt a Creator is looking out for everyone. 甚至当我们自由漫步在每个维度中,他还是继续奖赏我们,毫无疑问地造物主照看着每一个人 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Ignatius is the name of a Roman Catholic saint; Doyle was born into a Roman Catholic family amongst a sea of Protestants. 伊格是一个罗马天主教圣徒的名字,道尔产生于一个被新教徒包围的罗马天主教家庭。 www.en400.com:8080 9. Sheep Head, Morocco. After it has been sitting in the open amongst the flies all day, bring it home and boil it up into a soup. 产自摩洛哥,把放在外面一整天、围满苍蝇的羊头带回家煮汤,然后…… www.bing.com 10. Wenger could not pick a winner amongst the last eight but he did suggest it would be one of his domestic rivals. 温格没能率队进入八强,但是他认为国内对手中的一个将成为冠军联赛冠军。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. Each and every one of us has the right to strive for his place in Paradise and to be amongst those who crowd around its gates. 我们中的每个人都有权利去为自己在天堂中的位置而奋斗,成为拥挤在天堂之门人群中的一员。 www.2muslim.com 2. We started out with a comprehensive victory (4-0 against Ukraine) and I got amongst the goals. 第一场对阵乌克兰我们以4:0大胜,我也进了球。 www.bing.com 3. So tonight being able to be in a room amongst our peers being recognized with an honor like this, it is really very special. 相对来说,我们是默默无闻的。今晚能够和我们的同行一起,荣幸的被大家认可,这是非常特别的。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Body piercing is something of a modern fad amongst youngsters (and some oldsters). 身体穿孔艺术在年轻人中间(甚至对个别年长人来说)都是时尚前卫的流行元素。 www.bing.com 5. The sooner the better as we have so much to get started, and we know how much you desire our presence amongst you. 越快越好,我们有太多的事情需要着手进行,我们知道你们多么渴望我们出现在你们中间。 hi.baidu.com 6. We must endeavour to satisfy you, that, at least, amongst our errors, we preserve Christian charity, and a desire to assist our brethren. 我们必须使你相信,即使我们有过错,我们至少要保持基督教徒慈悲为怀,以及帮助我们兄弟的心愿。 7. I would say that amongst European nations, the longest surviving national identity is probably that of Greece. 我想说,在欧洲众多国家之中,存在时间最久的国家可能是希腊。 ltaaa.com 8. We see that this pattern also plays out amongst many human beloveds and it is why we share of our experience. 我们看到,这一模式也在很多人类的爱人之间发生,这也就是为什么我们分享这一经历的缘故。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We're now starting to see the effects of these policies in lung cancer rates amongst UK men. But there's more work still to do. 我们现在开始看到这些政策对英国男性中肺癌比率的影响效果。但是仍有很多工作需要去做。 www.bing.com 10. We encourage them, saying that we are a lucky family, that nobody amongst us died, but they are unable to see this. 我们尝试鼓励他们说,我们一家已算幸运,至少没有家人死亡,但是他们始终不能接受。 www.oxfam.org.hk 1. 'I was uncomfortable with our photos amongst those and his Flickr contacts, ' she said in an email, 'So I blocked him. “我看到自己的照片和这样一些照片放在一起感到很不舒服”,奥黛在电子邮件中说,“因此我把他加到了封杀名单里”。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. RNAS Yeovilton has grown to become one of the busiest military airfields in the United Kingdom and is amongst the largest in Europe. 英国皇家海军航空队耶奥威尔顿机场已经成为全英国最繁忙的军用机场,并且是欧洲最大的军用机场之一。 cneaa.net 3. Demons of desire are amongst the most powerful, and are the ones most likely to seek out the living and actively trick them into a deal. 魅魔则是最强大的,且是那种尝试骗取生物达成某种协议的恶魔之一。 gl.ali213.net 4. Shevchenko felt playing in a deeper role did not help him get amongst the goals but was happy for the team to benefit. 舍瓦觉得深入到后场拿球并不能帮他增加进球,但他很高兴能够这样做对球队有利。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. S. , " he said. " A consensus prevails amongst economists that the biggest productivity gains come from invention. 经济学家中有一个广泛的共识:生产率的最大增长来自于发明创造。 www.goldenenglish.net 6. Amongst the middle of preparing for exams, and watching the graduates run past, all that's left for me is to wonder. 在忙着考试复习,和看着毕业生从眼前跑过之间,我的脑海里只有一件事情。 hi.baidu.com 7. Each of the big players has its own agenda, so picking a candidate from amongst them may be a hard sell within the group itself. 每个大型新兴国家都有自己的议程,所以要在集团内部从中挑选出一位候选人可能会是一项艰难的任务。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Amongst all the Hollywood elite these days, Angelina is consistently referred to as the most beautiful. 如今好莱坞精英中,安吉丽娜一直被认为是最美丽的。 www.elanso.com 9. Amongst the long rows of VIPs at the news conference were senior officials from the United States, China and the European Union. 此外在出席新闻发布会的一长串重要人物的名单中,有来自美国、中国和欧洲联盟的高级官员。 www.bing.com 10. The US-led NATO troops have a difficult time trying to identify insurgents from civilians as the Taliban operate amongst the population. 以美国为首的北约部队想从贫民中确认叛乱者的身份很困难,因为塔利班分子总是混在贫民中行动。 www.bing.com 1. Three people sat down to a supper consisting, amongst other things, of tinned lobster. 三个人坐下来吃晚餐,食物包括龙虾罐头。 www.jiongcun.com 2. It was out of such paranoid beliefs that the war broke out amongst them for dominion over Earth. 正是出于这样一种偏执狂的信仰,战争在他们之间爆发来争取对地球的统治权。 my.92dp.com 3. It is said the ceremony will end with excerpts from upcoming releases that may figure amongst next year's shortlisted films. 据说,仪式将以即将上映的影片片段结束。它们可能成为明年的入围电影。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. This provides a visual "vanishing point" within the home's landscape, and an even sense of balance and symmetry amongst its character. 这种设计在可以在有限的空间内,创造一个视觉上的“无限远”点,同时营造一种均衡的对称美。 www.bing.com 5. There was a time Jews lived amongst Muslims quite comfortably, without any discrimination or anti-Semitism. 历史上曾经有过犹太人与穆斯林人相处融洽的时期,没有歧视也没有所谓反犹情结。 www.ebigear.com 6. But you sir seem to be one amongst those 50 per cent Indian's who never cast their vote and treat elections as public holiday. 但是,先生你似乎是那些从来不参加投票的50%印度人中的一位,而只是将选举看作是公共假日。 www.santaihu.com 7. These criteria of directness, clarity and lack of rhetoric were to be amongst the defining qualities of Imagist poetry. 这些标准的直接因果关系,明确和缺乏言论将被界定之间素质的意象派诗歌。 q.sohu.com 8. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board from amongst the Non-executive Directors of the Company. 委员会成员须由董事会从本公司的非执行董事中委任。 www.sino-land.com 9. They don't necessarily lead from the front, as they tend to delegate responsibility amongst their teams. 他们不必非得在前线指挥,因为他们会把责任授权到团队中去。 www.bing.com 10. Amongst about six or seven former English versions, almost none of these abbreviations or abridges is accessible enough. 过去的六七中英文译本,几乎全是很不理想的缩写本或者节译本。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Amongst all the claims and counterclaims it was hard to say who was telling the truth. 所有这些要求和反要求,很难说谁说的是实话。 www.godict.com 2. For some readers who may not know, Ashtar commands the evacuation fleet amongst other duties including teaching. 有些读者可能不知道,阿斯塔命令用来撤离人们的舰队也包括教导(人们改变)。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And amongst everything else she did, she still managed to make almost all of our clothes. 除了这些事情外,她还总是要亲自给我们做衣服。 www.bing.com 4. He lost one of his shoes among the cabbages, and the other shoe amongst the potatoes. 他在卷心菜的旁边跑丢了一只鞋,另一只鞋也被甩进了土豆地里。 www.netfm.com.cn 5. I feel very honored and fortunate to have this opportunity to be amongst all of you today. 今天能在这里与大家共聚一堂,是我极大的荣幸。 bbs.poco.cn 6. The most wonderful times beckon, and if you so desire you will be amongst those who are lifted up in the end time of this cycle. 这最美妙的时刻在向你们示意,如果你愿意你可以成为那些在这个周期结束的提升时刻的一份子。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For me, those films proved that amongst all this popcorn entertainment, there are things out there with a heartbeat. 对我来说,那些电影证明了,在现时的速食娱乐片世界里,还有一些电影是有情感的。 shiningrain.com 8. Parental love is not like bread that can be broken to pieces and split amongst the children in equal shares. 父母的爱其他的孩子是像面包是可以被打碎和分裂之间不在同等份额的儿童。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. You are becoming aware that you are more than you appear, and that your destiny is to return to your real home amongst the stars. 你变得比你的表面更加的有觉醒意识,而且你的命运就是返回那灿烂星空的所属的你的家。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. One disaffected lawyer can do a great deal of damage to the perception of a firm amongst other lawyers. 一位心怀不满的律师可以做了大量的破坏看法坚定除其他律师。 www.tianya.cn 1. However, you must exercise your own discretion as to what you accept, as disinformation is still mingled amongst the truthful reports. 但是,你们必须运用自己的判断力,就你所期待的那些,因为虚假的信息依旧混杂在真实的报道中。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. The new report, "The Next Eleven, " highlights that by 2020 Nigeria is going to be amongst the top 10 economies in the world. 最新的报告,“N-11”,凸显出2020年尼日利亚会成为世界前10内的经济体。 www.ted.com 3. The sun, thrown into confusion, had remained low on the horizon, and by not rising had spread terror amongst the great doctors. 太阳陷入了错乱,它滞留在距离地平线很低的位置而不升起,这种现象在大学者们中间引起了恐慌。 www.tieku.org 4. Please, I beg you in the name of God to help me collect the deposit and distribute it amongst charity organizations. 以上帝知名,恳求您助我取得款项,捐给慈善机构。 blog.163.com 5. Ho'oponopono is an understanding amongst Hawaiian healers that everything is a mirror for your own internal state of being. oponopono是夏威夷疗愈者们的一种理解,那就是一切都是你内在状态的镜子。 iattraction.cn 6. When he left Nike, Tinker Hatfield got the sketches and in amongst it were the outline of the Air Jordan Jumpman logo. 当他离开耐克的时候,Tinker已经画好草图了,那个草图就是飞人logo的轮廓。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Some looked listless. Others chatted amongst themselves as though it were another summer's night. 有些人无精打采,有些人在聊天,犹如平时某个夏日的晚上一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A southbound train at the platform in Xihu station began to emit a burnt smell for unknown reasons, causing panic amongst passengers. 一列在西湖站南下月台的列车,因不明原因传出焦臭味,引起乘客恐慌。 times.hinet.net 9. Small aircraft, cars and trucks were shown scattered amongst the shattered debris of buildings like an unruly child's toy box. 小型飞机,机动车和卡车像一个个难以控制的孩童玩具一样分散在众多被冲乱的七零八乱的建筑残骸当中。 www.bing.com 10. It has been great to see waste disposal become increasingly habitual amongst everyone here. 看见这里每个人都养成了正确处置垃圾的习惯感觉很了不起。 www.bing.com 1. I don't want to break the euphoria amongst the fans, but more than favourites I prefer to say that Spain are contenders with high hopes. 我不想破坏某些球迷的自我陶醉,但与其说是热门,不如说,西班牙是一支满怀希望的竞争者。 www.bing.com 2. During the Intrepid cycle, amongst other things I packaged in universe a WBEM stack and tomcat6 (which ended up in main). 在Intrepid的年代,我做的各种universe包中包括了一个WBEM堆栈和tomcat6(它最后进入了main软件库)。 wiki.fcctt.org 3. It was quite often alcohol related, I got quite a bad reputation amongst other mums and teachers. 我在课上放烟花,成绩也不好,喝酒也是常事,名声在其它妈妈和老师之中坏透了。 www.bing.com 4. Seated in the carriage, watching the horse trotting amongst the stream of vehicles, it really was an unforgettable experience. 坐在马车里,看着马在车流中小跑前行,这真是一次难忘的阅历。 www.591lw.com 5. Bear in mind that this study is ironing out the spectrum of differences amongst both men and women. 要注意这项研究只是打破了男女不同之处的频谱。 www.bing.com 6. This intricate and complicated theory did not gain a single adherent, even amongst the most advanced critical school. 这错综复杂的理论没有得到一个单一的粘附,即使其中包括最先进的关键学校。 word.hcbus.com 7. As law cease to be bent upon a global scale, unity based relations shall become the norm amongst all species, including mankind. 当法则在全球尺度上停止被弯曲,基于统一的关系会成为所有物种间、包括人类的标准。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. We are having a party amongst friends to celebrate. . . and we would be very glad if you could come. 我们要举办个派对庆祝…如果你能来,我们将非常高兴。 tr.bab.la 9. These are crucial times and soon I shall be able to discern those amongst you are fully garbed with my mantle. 这是至关重要的时期,很快我会察觉到你们之中完全担负起责任的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. That is why living in amongst them in duality is such a hard challenge, and why there is always a danger that you can get pulled down. 这也是为何生活在这样的二元世界中是多么大的一个挑战,以及这是多么的危险,因为它十分有可能把你拉下水。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. Amongst overseas Chinese in Europe, a multitude of Chinese beauties shine like the twinkling stars in the night sky. 在欧洲的华人社会里,有一群中国美人象夜空中璀璨的星星光彩照人。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The colourful language of the rank-and-file endears this man to his troops, but causes vague disquiet amongst his peers. 此人“丰富多彩”的粗俗语言让他博得了士兵们的爱戴,但是在他的同僚中造成了不良影响。 www.clanlong.com 3. Around the time of Medivh's birth on Azeroth, Kil'Jaeden the Deceiver sat and brooded amongst his followers within the Twisting Nether. 在麦迪文降生的前后,欺诈者基尔加丹正和他的随从们在扭曲虚空中谋划着下一步的行动。 www.xlmagic.com 4. When the order was extended to humans after they too began to learn magic, it was kept as a secret Order amongst only the greatest magi. 当议会被扩充到了人类之后他们也开始学习魔法,这一直是被作为秘密组织在为一的最高层的魔法师之间。 wow.tgbus.com 5. We were amongst the first to say you really need to understand your epidemic. 世行是首个指出‘必需要了解艾滋病流行状况’的机构之一。 web.worldbank.org 6. The Company focuses on the reselling of prepaid digital multiplayer game cards amongst many other prepaid digital products. 在众多预付卡产品中,公司专注于转售多人游戏预付卡。 investor.pay88.com 7. Before long we will be amongst you, and before our arrival you will have been given much information by way of an introduction to us. 不久的将来,我们会在你们中间,在我们到达之前,通过一个介绍我们的方式你们会被给予许多信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. There is so much variation amongst the big gulls that even looking at single tracts of feathers in minute detail seems quite useless. 在大鸥中有那麽多种变化,有时觉得把一束羽毛看得那麽细微似乎没什麽用。 nature.kl.edu.tw 9. However, on the lighter side you'd probably not preach the same concept when out on roads or amongst the friends. 然而,往轻了说,你可能不会将它们告诉给朋友或其他人。 www.bing.com 10. The Mayans developed a strong political, artistic and religious identity amongst the highly populated Yucatan lowlands. 在人口众多优卡塔半岛低地,玛雅人发展出了一个强大的政治、艺术和宗教文化。 www.bing.com 1. We took a fishing boat out to a shipwreck near John Obey and snorkelled amongst the fish. 我们乘渔船到欧贝海滩附近一处沉船,潜到水下和鱼儿一起畅游。 www.bing.com 2. It is fair to say that the XML namespace specification is amongst the most contested of the basic XML specifications. 公平地说,XML名称空间规范是最受争议的XML基础规范之一。 www.ibm.com 3. Stern also indicated that another aim of the meetings were to manage expectations for Cancun amongst the MEF countries. Stern还指出,此次论坛的另一目的是满足主要经济体对坎昆会议的期望。 www.bing.com 4. She circled Kreiger, as he stood amongst the blood and the innards of her father. 她绕着站在她父亲鲜血和内脏中间的克里奇走了一圈。 omigaweapon.blog.163.com 5. Industry verification is an important tool for improving mutual trust amongst States Parties and for non-proliferation of chemical weapons. 工业核查是增进缔约国互信、防止化武扩散的重要手段。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. This is the only time I will sneak in amongst the tables if necessary to get a view of one of the parents. 这是我唯一串入桌子中间,去捕捉他们父母时候。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. There you will have option to select amongst different insurance companies the one you think will serve you better. 在那里,您将有选择之间选择不同的保险企业一个您认为会更好地为您服务。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Thangka paintings, as a charming flower amongst Tibetan arts, boast rich religious connotations and are a typical national cultural symbol. 唐卡是藏族艺术的一朵奇葩,有着丰富的宗教内涵,是一种典型的民族文化符号。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. However, without the Calciopoli handicap we'd have 12 points and be at least amongst the leaders and on track for the Scudetto. 但是,如果不是电话门事件的影响,我们至少会有12分,并且在领先行列,也在争冠的道路上。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 10. These failures caused a crisis of confidence that made banks reluctant to lend money amongst themselves, or for that matter, to anyone. 上述的现状引发了信任危机,银行不愿意彼此借钱,或者说不愿借钱给任何人。 www.bing.com 1. This quality usually enables him to adapt himself comfortably in different surroundings, and also amongst different people. 这一品质能使其灵活自如的应付任何场合和不同的人。 www.bing.com 2. M. M. One of Marx's writings which has provoked the greatest interest amongst new readers and commentators is the Grundrisse. 《大纲》是马克思著作中引起新读者群和评论者最大兴趣的作品之一。 www.360doc.com 3. So for me to single out an episode of love amongst this collective would be impossible. 所以,对我来说,要从这集体中单独选取一个爱的片断出来是不可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Membranes are used for micro and ultrafiltration, dialysis and reverse osmosis, amongst other processes. 膜用在微滤、超滤,渗析和反渗透以及别的一些过程中。 tr.bab.la 5. With some mixture of admiration, fear, and revulsion, their way is known amongst Groupon employees as "The German Way. " Groupon员工的反应交织着赞赏、恐惧与厌恶,称他们的管理模式为“德国模式”。 www.bing.com 6. He stood knee deep amongst the whispering undulations of the green blades with the lost air of a man just born into the world. 他挺直身子站在齐膝深、起伏不停、窸窣作响的青草中,神色茫然,好像刚出世似的。 www.tianya.cn 7. The male lion is amongst the largest known to science and its bones show it lived to an old age in captivity. 这只雄狮是目前科学界所知的最大的狮子之一。从它的骨骼来看,它一直被圈养,而且寿命很长。 www.ywhc.net 8. The leading enterprises lacked enough strength and blind competition was found to be existed amongst jasmine tea processing enterprises. 龙头企业实力不足,茉莉花茶加工企业之间盲目竞争较严重; www.nfnyxb.com 9. David told us that it's the best kept secret amongst foreigners in Xiamen that this place is the best in China for living. 戴维说,在此的外国人都有个心照不宣的秘密——厦门是中国最适合居住的地方! edu.sina.com.cn 10. Yesterday's 'chin up' instruction was impossible not to follow and was unique amongst our managers. 昨天的“抬起头”的号召很难让人不去响应,而且这在我们众多的教练中,是很独特的做法。 www.qieerxi.com 1. The general situation (and perceived plight) of China's Muslims has resonated amongst the global jihadist community. 中国穆斯林的总体处境(以及外界感知到的困境)在全世界的伊斯兰圣战组织中引起了共鸣。 www.kekenet.com 2. Nervously, the boys joked amongst ourselves as the DJ began to play songs over the loud speakers. 随着DJ开始通过广播播放歌曲,男生们紧张地相互开着玩笑。 www.bing.com 3. Amongst other sources of information, audit reports are used for review of the quality management system. 审核报告与其他信息源一同用于质量管理体系的评审。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. For too long people have lived amongst the ruins caused by the agenda of the dark Ones. 因为太长的时间里,人们一直生活在黑暗势力议程的噩梦中。 blog.163.com 5. Footman: Just a grain shipment from Andorhal. There's no need to worry, milord. It's already been distributed amongst the villagers. 步兵:只是些从安多哈尔运来的谷物。不用担心,大人,已经分发到村民那里了。 www.wow8.org 6. Amongst people with social phobia and social anxiety their self-focused attention tends to maintain the problem (Spurr & Stopa, 2002). 在具有社交恐惧、社交焦虑的人群中,人们朝自我集中的注意力往往会保持这些问题。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Even the release of an add-on pack for the game failed to stir up any real support amongst the gaming community. 即使释放一个插件包,为这场比赛未能激起任何真正支持在游戏社区。比赛的第一次重大的失败来自代表者。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. He punted back again amongst the water-plants, and took some lunch out of his basket. 于是他将船撑回原来停靠的地方,从竹篮里取出些午餐。 wenku.baidu.com 9. I knew the ice had been broken when these three strong personalities were laughing and joking amongst themselves. 我知道当这三个壮汉互相开玩笑时,他们之间的隔阂也被打破。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Filters allow dashboards to be personalized by communicating shared parameters amongst Web Parts on a dashboard. 筛选器通过在仪表板上的Web部件中传递共享参数来个性化仪表板。 office.microsoft.com 1. Well, this is according to my plan, and you are a great part of this divine plan, as you are here, mortals amongst mortals. 好,根据我的计划,你们是这神圣计划的伟大部分,你们在这里,是凡人。 hi.baidu.com 2. Then, at a gallop, the troop rode forward - some towards me, others following the wolf as it disappeared amongst the snow-clad cypresses. 骑兵们开始向前疾驰,一队向我,一队去追捕那只消失在白雪皑皑的柏树林的狼。 www.bing.com 3. The dark Ones still use the media to poison your minds, and cause fear amongst you. 黑暗势力依旧运用媒体的力量毒害你们的思想,在你们中间制造恐惧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He wanted to provide evidence for his philosophical ideas, most notable amongst these was his insistence that plants had minds. 他想收集证据支持他的则学观点,其中最高尚的要数他坚持植物也有思想。 www.bing.com 5. We meditate upon the purport of Your name, discuss Your name amongst ourselves, and chant Your name continuously. 我们冥想着您圣名的要旨,讨论着您圣名的深意,还不断唱颂着您的圣名。 www.krishna.com.cn 6. To BE A man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. 在这个年代,个人不过是千亿中一,俱都生活在想象所及最残暴最血腥的政体下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Wang Liqin, by winning the Men's Singles crown for a third time, surely can now be considered amongst the greats of table tennis. 王励勤,通过第三次赢得了男子单打冠军,现在当然能够被认为是乒乓球的伟大选手之一。 www.tianya.cn 8. Upon seeing this, the people were moved and said: "Ji Shao stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep, preeminent and superior. " 看到嵇绍奋勇杀敌的情景人们都很有感触,说:“嵇绍就像一只鹤站立在鸡群中一样,仪表出众,气度不凡。” edu.sina.com.cn 9. Kanga carries her family in her pocket and is the fastest amongst all animals in the forest. 她把她的家人在大口袋,是最快的所有动物在森林里。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I've stolen the identity of a personable, social butterfly before I'm about to go to a meetup amongst people I've never met. 在我偶然遇见一些从未谋过面的人时,我曾偷过一位貌美交际花的身份。 www.bing.com 1. The default value for a Choice field must be chosen from amongst the specified choices. Please try again. “选项”域的默认值必须从指定选项中进行选择。请重试。 www.jukuu.com 2. Chelsea are amongst a host of clubs interesting in signing the brightest talent to come out of South America since Diego Maradona. 切尔西是对南美洲自马拉多纳以来有有前途的天才感兴趣的球队之一。 bbs.qieerxi.com 3. You must understand that we cannot visibly show ourselves at this time for it will engender great fear amongst the general public. 你必须明白,我们此时不能显现自己是因为它将在一般市民中制造巨大的恐惧。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. There is much to be accomplished yet to foster whole and complete ascension amongst all possible tapestries of ancestry. 还有很多尚待实现,以在所有可能的祖先织锦当中培育整体与完全的提升。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The interrelationship amongst architecture, site environment and urban historical context is an ever-lasting topic in architecture domain. 建筑、场地环境与城市历史文脉的关系是建筑学永恒的话题。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. As international reserves soar I detect amongst reserve managers a desire to shift away from the dollar. 随着国际储备激增,我发觉许多国家的储备管理机构都有意避开美元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The National Stadium in Beijing will remain amongst the most memorable emblems of 2008 and of the resurgence of China as a global power. 北京国家体育馆将会是2008年度最值得记住的建筑之一,它也是中国的全球影响力崛起的象征。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The radicalisation of politics is just as visible in the creditor nations of Europe as amongst the debtors. 在欧洲的债权国,政治的极端化也和债务国一样明显。 www.ftchinese.com 9. We could see a schizophrenic situation with a widening disparity in consumption and attitudes amongst the top and middle. 我们会看到印度顶层家庭和中层家庭在消费品选择和消费理念上分化的状况,差距将会越来越大。 dongxi.net 10. Alternatively, wander through the old town for authentic inns hidden amongst the intriguing architecture of the narrow winding roads. 您也可到这古城狭窄、蜿蜒的小路溜达,发掘隐藏在神秘建筑中道地的小旅馆。 www.orangeway.cn 1. The Contractor shall not recruit, or attempt to recruit, staff and labour from amongst the Employer's Personnel. 承包商不应从雇主的人员中招收或试图招收职员或劳工。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. Amongst the ex-combatants demobilized were those who had sustained serious injuries during the war, and who now had severe disabilities. 在已经复员的前战员中,一些人在战争期间遭受重伤,目前身患严重残疾。 web.worldbank.org 3. To be successful, covers not only have to stand out amongst all the clutter, but they also need to make an instant connection with viewers. 为了吸引眼球,封面不仅要醒目独特,并要迅速与观众建立情感连接。 www.designerbooks.com.cn 4. Consider: every text message sent, every email received, every snap of a camera or camera phone, every slip of video shared amongst friends. 想一想,每一条发出去的短信,每一封email,每一个照相机或是照相手机的快门,每一段朋友们分享的视频—把这些都算上。 www.bing.com 5. Amongst the elites, there is a feebleness about standing up for a particular way of life. 在精英人物当中存在着一种软弱现象,不敢为某一特殊生活方式挺身而出。 www.poemlife.com 6. Passengers move through the building via covered bridges spanning over water, beaches and wait in lounges nestled amongst palm trees. 游客通过带有盖顶并且横跨水面、海岸的桥结构在室内穿梭,同时在棕榈树丛中进行休息和候机。 www.julemei.com 7. In my patched jeans and torn leather jacket I felt like a fish out of water amongst all those elegantly - dressed people. 我穿著打补丁的裤子和破旧的皮茄克,和这些衣冠楚楚的人在一起,觉得一点也不自在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Satellite image of drained areas (grey) amongst marshland (dark red) around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq. 伊拉克境内底格里斯河与幼发拉底河附近的枯竭区(灰色)与沼泽地(暗红色)的卫星图像。 www.bing.com 9. We've had a few discussions in the forums amongst the development staff and users and come to what we think are the right conclusions. 我们在论坛上与开发者和用户之间进行过一些讨论,最终达成了我们认为如何做是正确的结论。 www.bing.com 10. System applications are shared amongst all of the profiles associated with a single installation of WebSphere Application Server. 系统应用程序在所有与单个的WebSphereApplicationServer安装相关的概要中是共享的。 www.ibm.com 1. Only a few studies have considered the magnitude of plasticity amongst traits. 只有少数研究考虑了特性之间可塑性大小的问题。 soso.361xs.com 2. So the question is: were there any benefits amongst all this death. 而问题是:在所有死伤中,有没有什么好处呢? www.bing.com 3. It's a deserted monastery, down in the valley. Amongst the fir trees. 是一座破庙,在山谷下面,杉树丛中。 www.hxen.com 4. I found myself sitting amongst athletes that I had never met before but whom I felt right at home with. 我发现我自己是让那些我所没有见过的运动员所围绕着的,但却让我相见恨晚。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Taking the shape of a mini-spoiler over the windscreen, the item is sure to cause a stir amongst Mercedes fans. 以形成一个小型扰流的挡风玻璃,该项目肯定会引起轰动除梅赛德斯球迷。 usa.315che.com 6. The poliovirus can easily be imported into a polio-free country and can spread rapidly amongst unimmunized populations. 脊髓灰质炎病毒很容易被带进无脊髓灰质炎的国家,并可在未接受免疫接种的人群中迅速蔓延。 www.who.int 7. The Philly native's combination of size and length allows him to finish amongst the trees despite his lack of bounce. 融合了费城人的体型与长臂,尽管缺乏弹跳也使他能够在一众高人中完成进攻。 www.kobechina.com.cn 8. Overwork-amongst other things. You can't work 24 hours a day. You 've got to slow down. 加班,其它事情。你不能一天24小时都在工作。你得停下了。 www.hxen.com 9. Tourism is know as a sunrise industry, and is amongst three major industries along with petroleum and automobile industries. 旅游业是目前全球公认的朝阳产业,与石油业、汽车业并列为世界三大产业。 www.13191.com 10. The ecstatic moments are the expansion of field that occurs concurrently amongst all species upon earth through the intent to ascend. 这狂喜的时刻,是在地球上所有物种中通过提升的意愿,而同时发生的能量场的扩展。 tisheng.org 1. Recent epidemiology data suggest that it is in progress amongst the adult population despite generalized vaccination. 最近的流行病学资料表明,它在成年人口之一的进展,尽管广义接种。 www.syyxw.com 2. Keep talking amongst yourselves, I will be back in a minute. 你们继续谈,我一会就回来。 qquu.net 3. A fully integrated comprehensive education system, as a step towards eradicating sectarianism amongst school students. 一个完全集成的全面的教育体系,作为第一步消除教派之间的学生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Soda has one of the worst reputations amongst many dentists, doctors, and nutritionists . 苏打在牙医,医生和营养学家当中有很坏的声誉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Stream restoration projects create great sense of pride amongst residents. 河流恢复项目能建立居民强烈的自豪感。 www.bing.com 6. Green-thumbs are the best gardeners. They find solace and comfort amongst their garden and can revive plants in the worst of conditions. 精于园艺的市民是最佳的园丁,他们在花园中找到舒适与慰藉,就算状态最糟的植物他们也能恢复。 en-ch.com 7. This has to be the most common objection to condom use, at least amongst the women I know. 这是拒绝用避孕套最常见的理由,至少我认识的妇女大都是这样的。 www.elanso.com 8. The businessman has another competition, and that is of money. That is a horizontal competition amongst businessmen. 商人还有另一项竞争,是关于金钱,那是同阶层间的水平竞争。 p0w3.spaces.live.com 9. Pray for revival to break out amongst the Libyans and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this land. 祷告复兴在利比亚人中间爆发,神的国会被建立在这个土地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Far from ending the conflict, the no-fly zone might extend the ground war amongst the oil installations and along well-trodden desert lines. 离结束战争还远得很,禁飞区可能会延伸至(禁止)牵涉石油设施和老旧的沙漠公路沿线的地面战。 www.ecocn.org 1. An alternative, more earth-friendly chemical gaining popularity amongst dry cleaners is silicone decamethylcyclopentasiloxane. 一种替代办法,更多的地球友好的化学品日益普及,其中干洗店是有机硅decamethylcyclopentasiloxane。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 2. Last Wish: That his head be shaved and the hair divided up amongst his friends. 遗愿:他死后头被割下来,然后把头发分给他的朋友。 www.putclub.com 3. An assault fought amongst the rubble-strewn and treacherous environs of a ruined city is the most gruelling kind of battle. 那些对散落着残垣断壁和隐藏危险的城市废墟的轨迹是最危险的战斗。 www.zhihuiguan.com 4. An important goal in virtual appliances is the ability to share them amongst more than one hypervisor for the greatest portability. 虚拟设备中的重要目标就是共享的能力,而不是一个管理程序的最大便携性。 www.ibm.com 5. As you enter the training academy, you will be morphed into human form so you can travel undetected amongst the humans. 当你进入训练学院时,即会摇身一变而具有人类的外貌,以便你能在人丛中走动而不被发现。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 6. She lived amongst the Avariel, the winged elves, and was captured by slavers when she was still very young. 她原本和其他的翼精灵族人住在一起,却在还很年轻的时候就被人抓去当奴隶。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. The IT staff were amongst the fittest departments in your company, running from Personal Computer (PC) to the next cleaning them up. 公司各部门中身体最好的当属IT员工,因为他们奔走于各台计算机之间,清理病毒。 wiki.jukuu.com 8. The authors of the report also warn that the AIDS epidemic is evolving, with increasing rates of transmission amongst heterosexual couples. 本报道的作者们同样警告说,艾滋病流行正在演化,异性夫妇间的传播率正在增加。 www.transcn.org 9. They float like clouds made of rock, amongst the fixed mountains and swirling cloud structures. 它们就像由石头组成的云一样在固定的山脉和漩涡云中漂浮。 www.bing.com 10. However, we are working hard to get Disclosure acknowledged, and then we can really help you and would not delay coming amongst you. 然而,我们在努力的工作以展开【大揭露】,随后我们能够确实的帮助你们,而不会延迟对你们的帮助了。 bbs.humengdao.com 1. Amongst all the fruits, only litchis were delectable enough for the tastes of an imperial concubine. 如今,曾经是朝廷贡品的荔枝,早已成为人人都能吃得到的平常水果。 www.chinese.cn 2. Amongst these, one of the most important problem is to solve the boundary value problem for the solar force-free magnetic field equation. 这其中最重要的一个问题就是通过数值方法求解太阳无力磁场方程的边值问题。 soso.361xs.com 3. Including a journalist, two lecturers, a "drug education expert, " and a GP, amongst its other members. 在其他成员里包括一个记者,两个讲师,一个“毒品教育专家”和一个普通合伙人。 www.bing.com 4. and full spectrum love shall allow the scripts to alter to create greater peace amongst all associations within such an experience. 这就是提升社区的新梦想,而全谱的爱,将会允许剧本改变成在其中所有相关者之间创造更大的和平。 cqly186.blog.163.com 5. Once we have dealt with the problems that beset you on a day-to-day basis, a great feeling of hope will spread amongst you. 一旦我们处理了在日常生活中困扰你们的问题,一个伟大的希望会在你们中间会传播开来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There is a strong desire amongst the players to turn things around. 现在球员们都非常渴望能够扭转如今的局势。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 7. Regarding AM and PM, up to step 3, it's very important to always keep separated the preventive activities amongst the two pillars. 关于自主维修和专业维修,一直到步骤3,要一直将两支柱中的预防性维修分开很重要。 wenku.baidu.com 8. I told her some of the suffering, some of the tragedy, some of the denial of life I moved amongst in industrial Shanghai. 我向她讲述在这座所谓工业城市的上海,人们的苦难,痛心的悲剧,我耳闻目睹周围非人的生活。 9. What surprised Jin, though, was the 70% support that he won in a secret ballot amongst senior managers. 然而,令金志国意外的是,他在青啤中高级管理层的无记名投票中,赢得了70%的支持率。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. When you spend the greater part of your working life amongst squalor and foul language, you tend to become hard - boiled. 如果劳动生活大部分是在肮脏下流话环境中度过的,人就会变得没有美好情感。 dict.ebigear.com 1. This was then injected into the sheep, at different intervals, and, low and behold, the sheep made, amongst other things, raw AHG. 将这种物质按不同的时间间隔注入羊体内,观察除原AHG外,羊的其他可见的或微弱的变化。 cbs.ausbio.com 2. A good development office tries to foster a sense of competition amongst classes. 聪明的募捐者会在校友班级间制造竞争气氛。 www.bing.com 3. If you become aware during sleep projection you can take some control over it as in a lucid dream, and move amongst the levels. 在睡眠投射期间,如果你能像在清醒的梦中一样感知,你就可以对它进行某种控制,并在各个层中移动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. They also give you their recommended scripts for your website which are popular amongst their visitors. 该网站还会为你的网站推荐其访问者中流行的脚本。 dongxi.net 5. There has been a very worrying rise in unemployment amongst the young and they are not eligible for benefits. 失业率在年轻人中间出现了令人十分担忧上升,他们得不到任何的好处。 www.bing.com 6. Amongst various remedial measures available, the use of stone columns is one of the most popular choices. 在多种可行的防治液化措施中,最普遍的方法是采用碎石桩复合地基。 www.magsci.org 7. The lights consist of mesh bags suspended from the ceiling; each contains a light source hidden amongst thousands of crystals. 整个灯饰有很多网眼袋从天花板垂下,每一个都包裹着一个隐藏在数千个水晶之中的灯源。 www.elanso.com 8. I lingered till the sun went down amongst the trees , and sank crimson and clear behind them . 我们在这里一直逗留到太阳沉入树丛,又红彤彤,明晃晃地在树丛后面沉落。 www.bing.com 9. In Meereen she had become a leader amongst the Yunkish freedmen, their voice in Dany's councils. 在弥林她是渊凯自由人的领袖,他们在丹尼的议会里有发言权。 www.che147.com 10. Yet with only 500 scheduled to be built, the rarity and performance of the LFA ensure it legendary status amongst the sports car elite. 但是限产500辆的稀缺性和LFA的卓越表现保证了其在高端跑车中的传奇地位。 www.bing.com 1. The flowers were meant to be distributed amongst the mothers. Others present in the mass were also asked to wear flowers. 她打算将这些花分发给母亲们,后来也请在场做弥撒的其他人戴上了这种花。 bbs.24en.com 2. Plates should be checked before the students'computer, allowing you to keep track of what responsibility amongst each other nonsense. 印版答在上机后进动查抄,这样可以不分清使命,制止各部门之间彼此扯皮的不梢体。 www.bing.com 3. Many of these buildings still stand, towering amongst the low-slung saddle back Fujian-style traditional local architecture. 很多房子依旧伫立着,在传统的福建风格的低矮的建筑中鹤立鸡群。 www.bing.com 4. Nobody who uses magic should feel safe when amongst blood elves unless they are a blood elf as well. 使用魔法的人,没有谁和血精灵在一起会感到安全,除非他自己也是血精灵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Still, Qatar's oil minister said getting an agreement amongst all the players would be tough. 不过卡塔尔石油部长阿提亚表示,要在所有与会方之间达成一项协议将会相当困难。 cn.reuters.com 6. Information on an electric fireplace. . Electric fireplaces are growing in popularity amongst homeowners. 电动火炉正越来越受欢迎各业主。 search.114.vnet.cn 7. Amongst the major economic regions, our preference remains clearly for Asia due to stronger fundamentals and better growth outlook. 主要的经济区域中,我们明确看好亚洲,皆因它更坚实的基本面和更好的增长前景。 www.hsbcjt.cn 8. The HTML5 specification (which grew out of the WhatWG) includes a native tag for and amongst other enhancements. HTML5规范(从WhatWG发展而来)提供了很多增强,其中就包括对和标签的原生支持。 www.infoq.com 9. To be a witch is to move amongst the stars while staying on earth. 作为一个女巫,身在世间,心灵却与星辰一起游弋; zhidao.baidu.com 10. Visit the Ice Palace and take advantage of the everlasting snow and the breathtaking view amongst these imposing mountains. 你可以参观冰宫,饱览常年的积雪及周围高山峻岭令人叹为观止的景色。 www.bing.com 1. He and his horse had scarcely found shelter amongst some rocks, when the flap of the dragon's wings could be plainly heard. 还没等他把自己和马藏到岩石背后,就听见龙的翅膀扇动发出的声响。 bbs.028window.com 2. Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, my child, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence. 我的孩子,让你的生命到他们当中去,如一线镇定而纯洁之光,使他们愉悦而沉默。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Also the Masters who are revered and whose word is respected, will walk amongst you once more. 还有这些受人尊敬的扬升大师们,他们的话是值得尊敬的,他们将再次在你们中间行走。 www.angozj.com 4. Our channel has written much about the manipulations that occur unconsciously amongst all humans, one of which includes karmic manipulation. 我们的通道已写了许多关于无意识地发生在所有人类之间的操控,其中一种是业力操控。 www.tisheng.org 5. it will allow for a richer and fuller life amongst those who are ascending to be made manifest in the physical. 它将容许更富有和更充实的生活在提升者们之间被显化到现实中。 www.tisheng.org 6. tho' this can scarce happen amongst that part of mankind that have consented to the use of money. 不过这种情形很少发生在那些同意使用货币的人群之中。 www.bing.com 7. Transfiguring into to a fire and light based kundalini is helpful to emerging light work amongst consensus keepers. 转形到一个基于火元素和光的昆达里尼,是有助于在一致实相守护者中显现光工作的。 www.lingyuan.net 8. This approach dramatically increases the capacity for high concurrency because database connections are pooled and shared amongst clients. 这种途径极大地提高了高并发性的容量,因为数据库连接在客户端之间共享连接池。 www.ibm.com 9. Risk is hindering program's objectives in a very different way amongst the different program levels. 分歧级此外项目会存在分歧水平地项目风险,障碍项目完成进度。 www.35cai.com 10. For this reason, you'll find an astronaut and an ice cream cone amongst the otherwise Renaissance and Baroque adornment! 因此,你也能在文艺复兴时期和巴洛克时期的建筑风格中看到宇航员和冰淇淋。 hi.baidu.com 1. We are saddened by the loss of every single life amongst our servicemen and women. 我们为每一个生命的流逝感到悲伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Nonetheless, the one common thread amongst gay men is the liberation they feel once they no longer have to hide their feelings. 然而,同志间的共同点,就是一但他们不用再隐瞒自己的情感后而感到的一种心情释放。 www.bing.com 3. For some, the only way of avoiding danger is by hiding amongst their own kind in shoals. 对于它们中有一些来说,唯一躲避危险的办法,就是躲进同类的鱼群里头。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Owen has yet to win hearts and minds amongst some United supporters, who continue to view him suspiciously as a Liverpool "cast-off" . 欧文还要做的事情就是赢得曼联球迷的支持,他们现在仍然用怀疑的眼光看他,将其视为利物浦“不要的人”。 tieba.baidu.com 5. I had been looking in the wrong places. I had been looking for it amongst my passions. 原来是我一直找错了地方,我苦苦找寻于我的这些喜好之中。 www.bing.com 6. The certificates were given to recognise their efforts as well as encourage breastfeeding amongst other mothers. 致辞之后,母乳喂养婴儿的母亲都领到了一份证书。 www.bing.com 7. Mental disorders amongst middle-aged women have been on the rise in the last two decades. 从过去二十年以来,存在于中年妇女中间的精神障碍一直呈上升趋势。 www.bing.com 8. These XML configuration files contain application server-specific information amongst other information. 这些XML配置文件包含特定于应用服务器的信息,另外还有其他信息。 www.ibm.com 9. Even amongst laughs try not to feed into the stereotypes (learn about internalized homophobia). 就算在嘲笑中,也不要轻易的被卷入(了解“内在同性恋恐惧症”)。 www.bing.com 10. In recent years, there are ever increasing epidemiological evidences for a rise in oral cancer rates amongst younger individuals worldwide. 近年来,年轻人口腔癌的发病人数在世界范围内都有所增长。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. Cookery Magic offers a wide variety of classes in Malay, Indian, Mediterranean, Vegetarian and baking amongst many others. 厨艺魔术提供各种厨艺课程,包括马来、印度、地中海、素食以及烘烤等美食班。 in.visitsingapore.com 2. We all hang on to petty grievances and misunderstandings amongst our friends, work colleagues and most sadly amongst our family members. 我们都对我们的朋友,工作,同事,甚至包括家人不断的抱怨和误解。 www.bing.com 3. The SRU is an innovative architectural feature that enables complete and flexible routing amongst DAI blocks. SRU是一种创新的架构特性,能够在DAI模块间实现完整且灵活的路由。 www.bdtic.com 4. Amongst other areas, Shim has managed a number of large Data Warehouse projects and led Agile and Infrastructure deployment projects. 在其他领域,Shim管理着许多大型数据库项目并领导了敏捷和基础设施实施项目。 www.bing.com 5. In amongst personal information, advertisements are more likely to strike a jarring note. 在网站上的个人信息中间,广告很可能会显得比较刺眼。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Interests include. . . Riding motorbikes, motorbike riding and motorbiking, amongst other things. 兴趣…骑摩托车、驾驶摩托车和摩托车,前提是在做其他事情的时候。 lizzy081000100.diandian.com 7. Amongst the many sights one can see along the trail are the old converted railway stations. 沿著这条小路,看到最多的景致是老旧改变的火车站。 www.newdaai.tv 8. These smatterings of bryophytes are amongst the hardiest flora in the world, providing a home for a variety of minute life. 这些少量的苔藓类植物是地球上最坚强的群落之一,为一系列微小生命提供了家园。 www.bing.com 9. The ability to post high score as Facebook or MySpace status updates helps increase the visibility of the game amongst potential customers. 像Facebook和MySpace状态更新一样,在手机游戏社交网站上发布游戏积分榜将有助于增加游戏在潜在用户之间的知名度。 www.ecocn.org 10. With the holiday period almost upon us, fans are wishing for a swift end to the unrest amongst the squad. 藉由假日期间几乎在我们之上,狂热者对不安当中班期望一个褐雨燕结束。 www.bing.com |
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