释义 |
1. | 卡他;黏膜炎thick liquid (called phlegm ) that you have in your nose and throat because, for example, you have a cold |
n. | 1. a medical condition in which your nose and throat become blocked with a thick liquid called mucus, usually when you have a cold |
1. | 卡他 人体器官英语单词_百度文库 ... cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他,粘膜炎 chicken pox,varicella 水痘 ... wenku.baidu.com | 2. | 粘膜炎 人体器官英语单词_百度文库 ... cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他,粘膜炎 chicken pox,varicella 水痘 ... wenku.baidu.com | 3. | 姜则对粘膜炎 在亚洲医学里,南姜则对粘膜炎(CATARRH)及呼吸困难症有改善的作用;并可用於改善肠胃胀气及消化不良,温胃、止痛、 … zhidao.baidu.com |
4. | 黏膜炎 n [呼吸系统] ︰袪痰的(Expectorant)、抗卡他;(鼻)黏膜炎(Catarrh)。n [消化系统]︰醛糖还原酶抑制剂(Aldose reductase inhibitor … meiioil.blogspot.com | 5. | 感冒 以h结尾的英语英文单词 ... caliph 哈利发,回教国国王 catarrh 粘膜炎,感冒 catch 钩住;挂住;绊住 ... www.517ming.com | 6. | | 7. | 卡他症 八、茶与桉混合使用,可以治疗感冒及咽喉卡他症(Catarrh),顺气除痰。等待您来回答 分享到: 来百度推广购物 九、在我 … zhidao.baidu.com | 8. | |