单词 | catapult |
释义 | catapults是catapult的复数
复数:catapults 现在分词:catapulting 过去式:catapulted v. hurtle,shoot,throw,project,propel 例句释义: 弹弓,弹射器,弹射座椅,〈古〉弩炮,石弩,用弩炮[弹弓、弹射机]发射,用发射机射出,投石机,投石器需,抛石机 1. Leaping is usually done with a springboard that catapults the performer high into the air. 跳跃运动通常利用能使表演者高高地弹入空中的跳板。 www.godict.com 2. Cultists take the word ecstasy in its original meaning: a sudden, intense rush of feeling that catapults the subject into an altered state. 教徒口中的ecstasy就是它本来的意思:一种突然的、强烈的感觉就像把人弹射进高空,进入一个不一样的世界。 www.ellesime.net 3. Ford will get reliable, very last-century steam catapults instead, spelling costly re-designs and likely a year or more in delays. 这将花费大量成本用于重新设计并可能造成一年或更长时间的拖延。 www.bing.com 4. Use was also made of catapults, both manufactured and improvised, although these were eventually replaced in the trenches by small mortars. 还有人使用弹射器,同时生产和即兴,虽然这些最终在小迫击炮的战壕取代。 www.sorpack.com 5. with craned his neck to want to peck mantis, but do not know to have a child holding catapults under the tree will shoot it. 黄雀伸长脖子想要啄食螳螂,却不知道有个小孩举着弹弓在树下要射它。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The ogres brought catapults to the front of their ranks as their mags summoned huge spheres of flame to launch at the walls. 巨魔们把投石车推到了阵前,用它把他们的法师召唤的巨大火球射向城墙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And sometimes they turn into little catapults and things go up in the air. 有时候它们会变成小弹弓,把零件弹上天。 www.ted.com 8. It is dynamic, irresistible and catapults you into the most exquisite experience of all that life is. 它是动态的,不可阻挡的弹射器进入所有生命中最精致的体验你的。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. Many shall be magnetised toward their inner Light as the impending Wave catapults man in to the throes of God's love and understanding. 当即将发生的“巨浪”把人类投进上帝之爱和理解的剧痛中的时候,许多人会被磁化朝向他们内在的光。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. In the game, players use catapults to fire infuriated birds at pigs hiding inside buildings made of planks. 在游戏中,玩家使用弹弩发射被激怒的小鸟,击打那些藏在厚木板建成的建筑物中的猪。 gb.cri.cn 1. It has even landed and taken off from a carrier deck without benefit of arresting gear or catapults. 它甚至能够使用弹射器和没有制动装置的甲板上起降。 www.bing.com 2. All basic siege units( Mortar Teams, Catapults , etc. ) have had their night sight increased to1100 from1000. 所有的攻城单位(击炮小队,弩跑等等)夜间视野都有所提升。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Like all other catapults , the Gungan model utilizes a torsion-action arm, which lifts and throws devastating energy balls. 如同所有其他弹射器,这种冈加机器也利用了一把金属扭转臂,能抬升并投掷毁灭性的能量球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Police who searched his home found two catapults and a bag of stones . 在他家中的进行搜索警方找到发现两个弹弓和一袋石头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Steam catapults were developed in Great Britain and since adopted by American (same as angled deck and Mirror and landing-hook). 英国开发蒸汽弹射器,和美国同采用的斜角甲板,镜和着陆钩。 top.jschina.com.cn 6. All basic siege units (Mortar Teams, Catapults, etc. ) have had their night sight increased to 1100 from 1000. 所有的攻城单位(迫击炮小队,弩跑等等)的夜间视野都有所提升。 www.moon-soft.com 7. The game has a large selection of units for both sides including knights, drunken idiots, catapults , war elephants and much more. 该游戏当中的每一方都拥有包括武士,酒鬼,发射器,战象等在内的大量可供选择的游戏单元。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The black lift powder at the base catapults the shell into the air. 底部起到推进作用的黑火药负责将烟花壳送入空中。 wangmenghuai6667.blog.163.com 9. Twin-turbocharging catapults the biggest Bimmer into another league. 双涡轮增压的最大Bimmer弹弓到另一个联赛。 usa.315che.com 10. light ship War Galleys are larger than normal galleys. Equipped with ballista or catapults. 加列战舰比战船更为巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Two massive drug catapults were found in the Mexican state of Sonora, about 20 yards from the US border. 有两个放在越野车拖车上的巨大的毒品抛射弹弓在墨西哥距美国大约20码的索诺拉州被发现。 eamrs5211.blog.163.com 2. Significant volume has been reserved for auxiliary boilers should the decision be taken to fit steam catapults. 因为可能决定使用蒸汽弹射器,大量的空间被预留下来安装辅助的锅炉设备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We move to the moor defenses. We'll counterattack with the catapults. 我们去空旷的地方防守用投射器反攻 wenku.baidu.com 4. Surprisingly, the black hole also catapults stars away. 出人意料的是,黑洞也会弹射恒星。 www.bing.com 5. At best Jonos Bracken had five hundred men about the castle. Jaime saw no siege towers, no battering rams, no catapults. 裘诺斯?布雷肯在城堡周围最多只有五百人,而且詹姆没看见攻击塔楼、投石机和弓弩。 www.cndkc.net 6. War Galleys are larger than nformal galleys. Equ epped with ballista or catapults . 加列w战舰比战船更为巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. As we speak, Harrogath is under siege by Baal's demons. Catapults rain death just outside the town walls. 在我们交谈的同时,哈洛加斯正受到巴尔手下恶魔的围攻。投石器带来的死亡布满了城镇的墙外。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. so-named because it catapults uneaten food out of sight. 把没有吃掉的的食品投出视野而得名 www.tingroom.com 9. The car "catapults from zero to 100 kph (zero to 60 mph) in 4. 8 seconds, " according to company literature. 据该公司说,这种车“的速度能在4.8秒内从0增加到100公里每小时”。 www.bing.com 10. knows there are no catapults to let fly at him 它晓得这儿没有朝它射来的弹弓。 www.ichacha.net 1. Some special units like Catapults and Ballista are dedicated to this task; 某些特殊作战单位如攻城车和弩车需要加入这些任务; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. they ' ve even dropped all their arms , and even the catapults 他们甚至丢了他们所有的装备,还有投石车。 www.ichacha.net 3. Attack distance of catapults has been changed 弹弓的攻击距离已经被改变 bbs.dnlchina.com |
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