单词 | catapult |
释义 |
复数:catapults 现在分词:catapulting 过去式:catapulted v. hurtle,shoot,throw,project,propel catapult 显示所有例句 例句释义: 弹弓,石弩,弹射器,猛掷,投石车,投石机,投石器 1. It was really foolish of him to barter away his bicycle for this cheap catapult. 他用自行车换来一个廉价的弹弓,实属愚蠢。 www.jukuu.com 2. A mere interjection, comment, the slightest question will catapult such a person into a talking fit. 仅仅欹、评论、毫不质疑会累成这样的人谈适合。 bvisi.amazing-network-marketing.com 3. The Deutsche Bank AG trader's early embrace and mastery of credit-default swaps helped catapult him to managing director at the age of 27. 魏因斯坦起初是德意志银行(DeutscheBankAG)的交易员,早年便精于信用违约掉期(credit-defaultswap)操作,27岁荣升董事总经理。 c.wsj.com 4. One is for Visible Air technology, which he created as a side project; it helped catapult Nike out of the doldrums in the mid-'80s. 其中的一项可见式气垫(VisibleAir)技术是他为一个编外项目发明的。 www.bing.com 5. The instrument that I used turned into a catapult. And it went like this . . . And then that was it. 我用的工具成了一个弹弓,就像这样……我的工作成果化为乌有。 www.ted.com 6. The catapult shot hundred-pound rocks at the enemy. 弩炮向敌人发射了上百磅石块。 dict.wenguo.com 7. shoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult. 向外射,似从弹弓上发射。 www.hotdic.com 8. To hurl or launch from or as if from a catapult. 射出从或似从弹弓上发射或射出 dict.hjenglish.com 9. The child broke his neighbor's window with a catapult. 这孩子用绷弓子打碎了邻居家的玻璃。 www.kekenet.com 10. A common myth among players is that a flexible racquet, that bends back more, returns more power to the ball due to a catapult-effect. 但是甚至在选手中间,也广为存在一个悖论,也就是说,柔韧的拍子,他弯曲变形得越多,那么他就能回给球更多的能量——就象弹弓一样。 www.dono.com.cn 1. Mounted on top was a mechanical catapult capable of hurling 50-lb. exploding firebombs . 机车顶部装有投石装置,可以投射50磅重的爆破火焰弹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Nokia's long-promised operating system revamp, which it says will catapult it back into the race, has just been delayed by several months. 诺基亚早就承诺的操作系统改造已拖延了数月。它曾表示,系统改造将使其迅速重新加入市场竞争。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mr. Gurstelle has also written "Backyard Ballistics, " "The Art of the Catapult" and "Absinthe & Flamethrowers, " among other useful works. 除了其他一些有用的著作,格斯特勒先生还写了《后院发射学》,《弹弓的艺术》及《苦艾酒与火焰喷射器》。 dongxi.net 4. The typical catapult was not a monster, but an easily portable affair, more powerful than the bow and requiring less skill. 典型的投弹器不是一个巨物,而是一个容易携带移动的事物,比弓更强有力,而且对技巧要求更少。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Her heart had been set afire and shot from a catapult. 她的心被点燃了,被弹弓射中了。 www.bing.com 6. In the updated version, he lacked his classic catapult (slingshot), peashooter and water pistol, and sported a much softer look. 在新版的造型上,他没有了他经典的弹弓,玩具枪和水枪。而且有了更流线型的外表和运动气质。 www.bing.com 7. Well, you can now own a piece of Leonardo's work in the form of the Da Vinci's Wood Catapult Kit. 现在,你可以拥有一套里奥纳多制作的达芬奇木制弩炮套件。 www.elanso.com 8. Basically, it allows you to construct your very own catapult based on Da Vinci's original plans. 这个套件可以让你大致上按照达芬奇的原有设计制造你自己的弩炮。 www.elanso.com 9. Are populist politicians turning on foreign capital? FOREIGN investment helped catapult central Europe to prosperity over the past 20 years. 外商投资让欧洲中部国家在过去的20年里繁荣昌盛。 www.ecocn.org 10. A 41 per cent appreciation in the renminbi would catapult China way beyond Japan and leave it half the size of the US. 如果人民币升值41%,中国的经济规模将骤增至美国的一半,遥遥领先于日本。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Can, optionally, be launched from a catapult and retrieved by parachute deployment. 能够,任选采用弹射器发射和降落伞回收。 www.armsky.com 2. Desperate for his father's approval, he hammers together a catapult designed to bring down his tribe's scaly enemies. 十分想得到父亲认同的他,于是打造了一个投石机,以消灭族人有鳞片的敌人。 udn.com 3. In nonthermal escape, chemical reactions or particle-particle collisions catapult atoms to escape velocity. 在非热逸过程中,由于化学反应或粒子与粒子之间的碰撞,原子因受到弹射而达到逃逸速度。 www.bing.com 4. Catapult, of Bethesda, Md. , is a firm owned by a service-disabled veteran. 位于马里兰州Bethesda的Catapult公司是一家由服务伤残老兵所拥有的公司。 www.etiri.com.cn 5. This could catapult you right into disapproval and let you move outside your comfort zone quickly. 这可能不会得到你的赞同,并且让你迅速离开“舒适地带”。 www.elanso.com 6. A tie up with another telecoms service provider would help catapult Apple sales. 和其它电信公司合作捆绑销售能够使苹果的销售额大幅度增长。 www.bing.com 7. Touch and move trigger of catapult and see changes of power. Then fight and attack enemies. 触摸和移动触发弹射器,看到力的转变。然后争取和攻击敌人。 android.d.cn 8. Of course, it is not new for you, that on 11. 11. 11 massive new energies will be activated which can catapult you into higher dimensions. 当然,这对你们来说不是从全新的,在11.11.11大量新的能量将会被启动,从而帮助你们进入高维度空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. According to the officer's statement, which sets a catapult machine capable of firing 2 kg of cannabis. 按这名军官的说法,这台弹射机一次可发射2公斤大麻。 www.englishtang.com 10. The weapon: flightless birds, launched by catapult. 武器是不会飞的小鸟,通过发射机起飞。 www.bing.com 1. Trebuchet: A medieval catapult for hurling heavy stones. 中世纪的一种用于投掷重型石弹的投石机。 web.zjdyzx.com 2. The pet shortcut bar automatically opens as soon as a player has a pet or catapult spell available. 宠物快速按钮将自动在玩家拥有一个宠物或者可利用的弹弓符咒时打开。 bbs.dnlchina.com 3. Crucial terms such as the catapult "washer" occur throughout the text but are not explained properly. 注入弹弓的“洗涤剂”等关键词虽然贯穿全文,却从未得到恰当的解释。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Why not just flatten the deck and fit the catapult and not be hampered? 为什么不把甲板弄平,再安装上弹射器? blog.sina.com.cn 5. But it proved unreliable and inaccurate, not least because the catapult launches upset the sensitive gyroscopes, and it never saw action. 但是经证明,这套系统不可靠也不够精确,特别是因为飞机弹射器发射后扰乱了灵敏的回旋装置,而且这个装置没有任何动作。 www.ecocn.org 6. The sting of the catapult bullet had worn off. 弹弓弹打的痛楚,已经消退了。 7. It's the same principle as a catapult. 这与弹射器是一个道理。 www.bing.com 8. By sword, knife, stone, catapult and club. 被那些刀剑刺,石头砸,驽炮和棍棒打。 www.engxue.com 9. China's consumers are set to catapult the country's tourism market past Japan's by 2020, according to Boston Consulting Group. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)预测,在中国消费者推动下,中国旅游市场大有可能在2020年之前超越日本。 chinese.wsj.com 10. This is how they use conflict as a catapult to high performance. 这样利用冲突,他们就能让自己的表现更上一层楼。 www.infoq.com 1. But experts caution that one study isn't enough to catapult green tea to wonder-drink status. 但也有专家警告,仅此一项研究尚不足以让绿茶一下子挂上“神奇饮料”的头衔。 www.bing.com 2. Mexican soldiers seized the catapult which was mounted on a trailer, but the smugglers escaped. 墨西哥士兵缴获了安装在拖车上的弹射器,不过毒贩事先逃逸。 www.tingclass.com 3. I asked Elizabeth Ziman of Elizabeth and the Catapult, who just finished her second album "The Other Side of Zero" . 我问了ElizabethandtheCatapult乐队成员伊丽莎白?齐曼(ElizabethZiman),她刚刚完成了第二张专辑《零的另一面》。 kk.dongxi.net 4. The Da Vinci's Wood Catapult Kit will cost you $19. 99. 这套达芬奇木制弩炮套件售价19.99美元。 www.elanso.com 5. This would catapult Chinaahead of Japan and make it the world's second-biggest economy after theUnited States. 这将使中国的GDP超越日本,成为世界上仅次于美国的第二大经济体。 www.bing.com 6. Precisely because you didn't know them very well, they could catapult you into new experiences. 就是因为你不太了解他们,他们才能给你带来新的体验。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Which is why the game was called Angry Birds and not, for example, "Catapult" . 这也就是为什么游戏被取名为愤怒的小鸟,而不是,举个例子,“弹射”。 www.bing.com 8. The ambitious plan would catapult the group's China presence towards its total of 72 outlets in Japan, the group's biggest market in Asia. 这个雄心勃勃的计划,将大大增强该公司的中国业务,直逼日本业务在整个集团的权重。日本是菲拉格慕在亚洲最大的市场,该公司在此开设有72家专卖店。 www.ftchinese.com 9. If I miss this chance, I don't know if this chance will catapult me to stardom 如果我错过这个机会,我不知道是否这个机会会让我作为演员突然成名 blog.cersp.com 10. The Simulation Calculation of Electromagnetic Force for Brushless Electromagnetic Catapult 无刷电磁弹射器中电磁力的仿真计算 www.ilib.cn 1. Design of a high speed hydraulic cylinder in a hydraulic catapult system 高速液压弹射实验装置中高速液压缸的设计 ilib.cn 2. Two-dimensional Interior-ballistic Model and Numerical Research on Low-pressure Chamber of Catapult 弹射器低压室二维内弹道模型及数值研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Optimal Design Research of Catapult Interior Ballistics on High-Velocity Missile 高速导弹弹射内弹道优化设计研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Glider catapult at identical or definite velocity in air track experiment 气垫导轨实验中滑块的等速和定速发射 www.ilib.cn 5. Simulation on dynamics of the steam-powered catapult 蒸汽弹射器的动力学仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Textual Research on Catapult Martial Skills 弹射武技考述 www.ilib.cn 7. 'Catapult' Mega Beam Laser I 投石车超级集束激光器 bbs.eve-online.com.cn |
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