单词 | as seen | ||||||||||||||
释义 | as seen
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 参考图片所示,如图所示,看货买卖 1. One of these was the evolution of the hammer and sickle symbol from its agrarian roots into a space-age propaganda object, as seen above. 其中的一项便是象征工农的锤子和镰刀造型转变成了太空时代的宣传工具,如上图所示。 www.bing.com 2. Although the boat was still empty as seen during the daytime, in the water waves there seems to be something in swimming. 舟,虽然还是白天看到的空舟,但水波中似乎有什么东西在游动。 www.bing.com 3. The actual note itself is just a small box with standard text and a link that enables the user to edit the text later, as seen in Figure 2. 实际节点本身只是一个带有标准文本和链接的框,这个框允许用户稍后再编辑文本,如图2所示。 www.ibm.com 4. The gay dads might have "looked straight, " but I have never so much as seen the imprint of a wedding band. 这些人的确是守口如瓶。“老同志”往往看上去很“直”,却很难从他们身上看出婚姻的痕迹。 www.bing.com 5. I'm going to share with you what I ate to lose body fat FAST (as seen in picture above). 我要与你们分享一下让我快速减掉身体脂肪的食物。 www.bing.com 6. Shanghai regained some of its zest after the war, as seen in the everyday bustle of a bar or basketball game. 战后上海仍保留着它所独有的风味,这在日间繁忙的小馆子和篮球赛中依稀可见。 www.bing.com 7. The peripheral coronary arteries may undergo sclerosis, as seen here in an artery branch with a very small lumen, with chronic hypertension. 慢性高血压病时,冠状动脉硬化,正象所见冠状动脉小分支的腔非常狭窄。 terms.shengwuquan.com 8. The old man began to describe the accident as seen through the eyes of a witness. 这位老人开始描述这一起事故,如同是一个证人亲眼目睹了一般。 wenwen.soso.com 9. But to begin with, as seen from Earth, the sun is nearly as large as a little fingertip held at arm's length, or half a degree wide. 但首先,从地球上望太阳,太阳似乎触手可及,与我们小指尖一般大小,或者只有一半宽。 www.bing.com 10. As seen from a distance, the Sun Tunnels and a quickly approaching dust devil, in Utah's Great Salt Lake Desert. 从远处看,太阳快接近隧道和沙尘暴在犹他州的大盐湖沙漠。 www.bugutang.com 1. Such a diagram will contain a variable name and its class type in the boxes along the horizontal axis, as seen in Figure 2. 这样的图将在水平轴方向的框中包含一个变量名及其类类型,如图2所示。 www.ibm.com 2. The appearance and apparent size of Venus as seen from the earth depend upon the relative positions of the two planets and the sun. 从地球上看到的金星的外貌和视在尺度取决于它与地球、太阳的相对位置。 3. The sunrise as seen on the sea was a fine spectacle. 海上看到的日出真是美妙的奇观。 www.enfang.com 4. Bivalent --- A pair of homologous chromosomes in association, as seen at metaphase of the first meiotic division. 发生联会时的一对于同源染色体,见于首届减数分裂的中期。 www.iloveyoubb.com 5. North Korean soldiers keep watch, as seen through a window in one of the huts on the northern side of Panmunjom this April. 在板门店北面一侧的铁片房里透过窗子望出去,可以看到北朝鲜士兵时刻保持警惕的守望。 kk.dongxi.net 6. it also has an ideological dimension, as seen in the US debate over the efficacy of the stimulus package and the bail-out of Wall Street. 还有意识形态上的因素,正如美国有关刺激方案和华尔街纾困效果的争论所体现的那样。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Nonsurgical treatment of this infection is possible, however, as seen in this case. 但是,这类感染非手术治疗是可能的,就如同本例所见。 adoop.cn 8. Predator's Toolbox looks like an alien's self-destructing "wrist-bomb" , as seen in the famous Predator movies. 捕食者的工具箱看起来像外国人的自毁“腕炸弹”,如著名的电影中看到的捕食者。 www.xjttt.com 9. An airplane seems to fly past a partial solar eclipse on Tuesday, as seen from Barcelona, Spain. 在西班牙巴塞罗那上空,一架航班仿佛要飞行穿过周二的日偏食。 www.bing.com 10. "The salmon are less concerned about a white object as seen from below the surface, " Reimchen speculates. “大马哈鱼从水面以下往上看时,很少能注意到白色的物体,”莱莫什推测。 www.bing.com 1. TeleBrands has used its "As Seen on TV" marketing machine to sell more than 35 million of the little gizmos used to smooth rough feet. TeleBrands使用“电视上所见”销售工具(即电视购物)卖出了超过3500万个磨脚的小玩意。 www.bing.com 2. Buffalo Bill was a major contributor in the creation of the myth of the American West, as seen in Hollywood movies and television. . 野牛比尔的主要贡献在于创造了美国西部神话,一如好莱坞电影及电视影集所呈现出的蛮荒景象。 www.24en.com 3. This monthly series will chronicle the history of the American century as seen through the eyes of its novelists. 这个月刊系列将记载小说家眼中看见的美国上个世纪的历史。 www.bing.com 4. This change in flow as seen on a brain scan correlated with changes in how the smokers themselves reported feeling before and after smoking. 通过大脑扫描能够发现这些物质流的改变和吸烟者所述的吸烟前后的感觉有关联。 www.elanso.com 5. The role of most magazines, as seen by their owners, was to act as a broker in bringing together the buyers and sellers of goods. 在老板们看来,大部分杂志的作用是充当商品的卖主和买主之间牵线搭桥的中间人。 www.kuenglish.info 6. As seen above, someone took an empty chassis, dumped in a pile of coal, and decided to cook several sticks of meat. 如上所述,有人拿了一个空机箱,在一个煤堆倾倒,并决定将肉煮熟数枝。 www.bing.com 7. "The declaration will be a statement on oil relations as seen by Opec, " said one cartel source, referring to a draft of the statement. 一位欧佩克方面的消息来源在谈及声明草案时表示:“此项宣言旨在从欧佩克立场出发,阐明石油关系。” www.ftchinese.com 8. As seen by the judiciary, a little adultery should not trump marriage as an institution. 在法官眼中,根据习俗,些许通奸击不垮视若王牌的婚姻。 www.ecocn.org 9. As a teenager my heartthrob was the slender Leonardo DiCaprio, as seen in Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo and Juliet" . 作为一个青少年我喜欢的偶像是苗条的昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,因为他在巴兹·鲁曼的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”的角色。 kk.dongxi.net 10. What are the expectations for this great event as seen through the eyes of a child? 在小家伙眼中,对这一盛事有什么期待吗? www.bing.com 1. As seen in Chapter 4, these measures depress food production and can be very costly if maintained over long periods. 如第四章所述,用这些手段抑制粮食生产,若长期实行就可能付出极大的代价。 2. The main antennas are located near the flat plastic plates on the top and bottom of the phone, as seen in the second and third pictures. 主天线位于手机顶部份子化合物塑料盖平面部分内,可以在第二张、第三张图片上看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As a cube, on a black background, as seen through a piece of Swiss cheese. 如果把方块当作放在黑色背景之上,就像是从一块瑞士奶酪的洞里看过去。 www.ted.com 4. He must be reminded that the world demands the truth as seen and distilled from the ground. 他必须清楚的是,世界需要得知那些从地面观察到的甄选出的真相。 www.bing.com 5. Morale is now almost as low as seen in the wake of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, noted Martin van Vliet at ING Financial Markets. 荷兰国际集团(ING)金融市场部的MartinvanVliet表示,市场如今就像雷曼兄弟刚刚倒塌那时一样萎靡不振。 www.bing.com 6. Ecological Ethics Uygur rich content in literary works can be a vivid manifestation of "Happiness and Wisdom, " as seen. 维吾尔族生态伦理的丰富内容在文学作品中的生动体现可以通过《福乐智慧》略见一斑。 www.cutpic.cn 7. Unblock all of them, and you'll eventually get a small, move-able menu bar on your desktop, as seen in the top screenshot. 开启它们之后,最后在桌面上会有一个小的,可移动的菜单栏,如第一张截图。 www.bing.com 8. One complication of hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis with malignant hypertension is fibrinoid necrosis, as seen here in a renal arteriole. 恶性高血压伴增生性小动脉硬化的并发症之一是细动脉纤维素样坏死,正如图中所示肾动脉的表现。 jpkc.czmc.cn 9. Fortuitously, the flyby also happens at the same time that Venus is at its maximum elongation from the Sun as seen from Earth. 幸运的是,这次飞越同时发生在金星位于同太阳间最大角距的位置上。 www.astronomy.com.cn 10. Sometimes blood clot and chorionic villi, as seen here, are recovered outside of the tube following rupture of an ectopic pregnancy. 输卵管异位妊娠输卵管破裂口外侧可见血凝块和绒毛。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. These days, as seen to read your home water out of the brook, clear and deep, cheerful. 这样的日子读你,就如看到家乡细水长流的小溪,清澈、幽远、欢快。 hi.baidu.com 2. "I would say that it's a picture of a park as seen from an airplane, " James said thoughtfully . “我认为,这是一幅公园中从飞机上看到的,”詹姆斯说,陷入沉思。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Out of this material tow pieces must be cut as seen below. 如下图示,必须从这块材料中裁剪出两块。 www.showxiu.com 4. Astronomers were able to "sample" the planet's atmosphere by watching the world pass in front of its host star, as seen from Earth. 天文学家们通过观察设置在其宿主性之前的世界通就能够领略这颗行星上的大气,就像从地球上观察一样。 www.bing.com 5. Somehow curious heart it continued to urge on, I'm going to take risks, and so I will visit through as seen, you see the cunning. 无奈的是好奇的心它始终怂恿我去冒险,所以我会透过缝隙往外探望,看到的是人世的狡诈。 tieba.baidu.com 6. The CPU limits specified in the command in the previous example refers to the "virtual" CPU as seen by the system. 以上命令中指定的CPU限制是指系统看到的“虚拟”CPU。 www.ibm.com 7. These plaques are best seen with a silver stain, as seen here in a case with many plaques of varying size. 采用银染色很容易看到这些斑块,如图所示,许多斑块的大小各异。 www.binglixue.com 8. Partial solar eclipses happen when the moon blocks only part of the sun's disk, as seen from Earth, casting regions of the planet in shadow. 当月亮遮住部分太阳时,日偏食发生了,就像从地球上看到的一样,使得地球上的部分地区笼罩在阴影中。 www.bing.com 9. One important precondition is the perceived risk, as seen by the Federal Open Market Committee FOMC of the US Federal Reserve, of inflation. 美国加息的其中一个重要先决条件,是美国联邦储备局辖下联邦公开市场委员会对通胀的预期。 www.info.gov.hk 10. The jet fuel burned up within minutes and even the office fires became small isolated pockets as seen here at the North Tower impact zone. 飞机上的燃油在几分钟内就已基本烧尽了,即使还能看到一些办公室的零星火焰。 www.tianya.cn 1. But presume the earth is the center and not the sun. Then this is what the planets have to do to satisfy the senses as seen from earth. 假设地球是中心而非太阳为中心,行星就必须如此动作才能符合从地球上看的感觉。 www.bing.com 2. a reduction in a woman's ability to reproduce - her primary value as seen by society. 衰老的迹象表明一个女人被社会肯定的首要价值——生殖能力的下降。 www.shanbay.com 3. Grieg soon started to travel all over the world, as seen in his paintings. 格里格很快便开始周游世界各地,在他的画看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. the apparent displacement of an object as seen from two different points that are not on a line with the object. 从两个与物体不在同一直线上的点观察物体时产生的明显的位移。 www.jukuu.com 5. Only if the tiger was a 3-D object the stem could stretch along the tail, hip and the back of the tiger as seen in the photo. 只有当老虎是3D对象时,树枝才能像照片中那样沿老虎尾巴、臀部和背部伸展。 url.cn 6. Cubism is best defined as the exact reproduction of an image as seen from different angles simultaneously. 立体派是最好地定义了同样地那精确的再现图像当做见到从不同的同时地的角度。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. And then their location on the sky as seen from a certain latitude on the back plate. Okay? 他们于天空上的位置则是通过观察盘子背后的纬度测出。 www.ted.com 8. Based on the object to be called and the arguments found in the SOAP envelope, as seen in Listing 1, you can generate such a key. 在将被调用的对象和SOAP信封中的变元的基础上(如清单1所示),您可以生成这样一个密钥。 www.ibm.com 9. Sponsored by Nikon, the annual contest showcases "the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope. " 这项年度比赛由尼康赞助,旨在展现“通过光学显微镜看到的生命的美丽和复杂性。” www.bing.com 10. It does not mean the markets will collapse right away, although it might be the case as seen in 1929 and 2000. 当然这并不意味着市场很快就会下跌崩溃,尽管也确实存在如1929和2000年的情形。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Annunaki, even historically, as seen as walking taller than man, giants, with a face and head more long than round. 甚至历史上,看起来行走时比人类还高大,巨人,脸和头部和圆形比起来更长一些。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. One of the most common findings with portal hypertension is splenomegaly , as seen here. 图示,门脉高压的最常见并发症之一脾肿大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Because editNote takes the id value of the appropriate div, the same function can be used for any note, as seen in Figure 5. 因为editNote使用相应的div的id值作为参数,相同的函数可以用于任意节点,如图5所示。 www.ibm.com 4. The heart has been sectioned to reveal the mitral valve as seen from above in the left atrium. 左心房可见二尖瓣,呈特有的鱼口状狭窄,并有慢性风湿病瘢痕。 www.binglixue.com 5. A moving object appears to shrink in the direction of motion, as seen by a stationary observer. 固定的观察者来看运动的物体,它在运动方向上似乎会缩小。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 6. It could follow the movements of the sun and moon, predict eclipses and recreate the irregular orbit of the moon as seen from the earth. 它可以追踪日月的运动,预测日食和月食,还可以模拟从地球看到的月球的不规则轨道。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Cinematic dialogues, as seen in the Knights of the Old Republic games, are utilized to allow for more dramatic conversations and cut scenes. 电影式的对话,如同你在《旧共和国武士》中见到的一样,利用这些能制造出更多戏剧性的对话和场景切换。 post.baidu.com 8. Founded in 1974, the contest showcases the beauty and complexity of light as seen through a light microscope. 于1974年成立的摄影竞赛展现了在显微镜下所观察到的美丽和光芒四射的复杂错综的事物。 www.bing.com 9. The timing of Toba's tempest fits with an interesting bottleneck known to exist in human evolution, as seen in DNA evidence. DNA证据显示,Toba的这场风暴来得很是时候,突破了人类进化的瓶颈,这很有趣。 www.bing.com 10. Information about the shadow of the electron orbital as seen by the traveling electron wave is imprinted on the ultraviolet emission. 藉由行进中的电子波所获得关于电子轨道投影的资讯,会包含在辐射出的紫外线中。 www.showxiu.com 1. Figure 4 shows all the parts of our wasce plug-in as seen from the Package Explorer view in Eclipse. 图4显示了我们的wasce插件的所有组成部分,如在Eclipse中的PackageExplorer视图所见。 www.ibm.com 2. The essence of the benchmark (as seen in listing 1) is to take a couple of strings and concatenate them together. 这个基准测试的关键(如清单1所示)在于将大量的字符串拼接在一起。 www.infoq.com 3. Elayne Rapping, professor emerita of American studies and media studies at SUNY Buffalo, is the author of "Law and Justice as Seen on TV. " 伊莱娜·拉普林(ElayneRapping)是纽约州立大学水牛城分校的美国研究和媒体研究荣誉退休教授,著有《电视上的法律和正义》。 dongxi.net 4. As seen in the inittab file, Sysvinit needs additional scripts in its own directories. 就象在inittab文件里看到的一样,Sysvinit需要在它自己的目录下的一些附加脚本。 www.ibm.com 5. A generic sequence diagram contains only a class name in each box along the horizontal axis, as seen in Figure 1. 常规序列图在水平轴方向上的每个框中只包含一个类名,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 6. It's quite an intelligent projector, which works almost like the R2D2 robot as seen in the movie, Star Wars. 这是个相当智能的投影机,它工作起来几乎就像电影《星球大战》里看到的R2D2机器人那样。 www.elanso.com 7. Quantity is the strength of the chart, as seen in terms of survival. 就生存这一角度而言,“量”关乎一个星盘的能量。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As seen here, some sapphires, when cut to a convex shape, exhibit a striking six-pointed star in direct sunlight. 正如我们所见,被切割成凸镜状蓝宝石会在阳光直射下呈现出一个六角星。 www.bing.com 9. Still other planets pass in front of their stars as seen from Earth, causing the starlight to dim for a moment. 另外,当其它行星从其恒星面前经过时(从地球的角度观测)会使星光有短时间的暗淡。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. A biogas digester, as seen here at a Lashi Lake area residence, converts waste to a clean gas. 上图为拉什湖附近一处居民家的沼气池,它将垃圾转化为清洁的沼气。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The law as seen in the Old Testament often leaves us with a feeling of guilt and failure. 旧约的律法只会让我们停留在罪咎和失败中。 blog.163.com 2. Earth, as seen in the Blue Marble: Next Generation collection of images, showing the color of the planet's surface in high resolution. 地球,例如在蓝色大理石:下一代的图像采集,展示了这个星球的表面的颜色在高分辨率。 tieba.baidu.com 3. I'm going to turn the corkscrew as seen from your side, clockwise. 下面转动螺旋锥,从你们那侧看是顺时针。 open.163.com 4. A replica of the Hubble Space Telescope, as seen at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, in Washington, D. C. 哈勃太空望远镜翻版,因为在史密森国家航空和航天博物馆,在华盛顿特区看到。 www.bugutang.com 5. Thus, invasion (as seen here in a vein) and metastases are the most reliable indicators. 因此,浸润(如此处浸润静脉)和转移才是最可靠的指标。 www.binglixue.com 6. As seen in the results below, the single-guest configuration provided the best performance results at each data point. 从上面的结果可以看到,单客户机配置在每一个数据点上实现了最佳的性能结果。 www.ibm.com 7. Science and art merge in a stunning new Smithsonian exhibition featuring planet Earth as seen from above . 科学与艺术融合了惊人的新史密森展览从地球以上。 www.bing.com 8. Ensure that all ssh server configuration files refer to the canonical name of the client, as seen by the server. 确保所有ssh服务器配置文件引用客户机的规范名称,也就是服务器所看到的名称。 www.ibm.com 9. Yes, confirmed in recent ZetaTalk. The Spiral, as seen in Norway recently, is seen leading into the pole shift, and thus memorable. 是的。这已经被齐塔人之声所证实了。最近在挪威看见的螺旋是进入极移的先兆,因而很难忘。 blog.163.com 10. Aortic atresia is not compatible with continued survival as seen in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. 发育不全左心综合症造成的主动脉闭锁患者一般不能生存。 www.goo--gle.com 1. How do I change the name of my program (as seen by 'ps')? 我怎样改变我程序的名字(即“ps”看到的名字)? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Post-conflict security assistance, as seen recently in Comoros, the Central African Republic and Liberia, also has potential. 冲突后安全协助,象最近在科摩洛、中非共和国和利比里亚中看到,也有潜力。 www.armsky.com 3. As seen in Figure 1, a Web services enabler acts as an abstraction layer that provides various "channels" to access the needed services. 如图1所示,Web服务启用程序是提供各种“通道”以访问所需服务的抽象层。 www.ibm.com 4. I began idly reading verses describing the shore of Ireland as seen by a returning, dying emigrant. 无所事事时,我还开始阅读诗歌,读到一位返乡的爱尔兰移民在垂死时所见的海岸景象。 www.bing.com 5. High-Frequency Planetary Waves in the Polar Middle Atmosphere as Seen in a Data Assimilation System . 数据同化中的极地中层大气的高频行星波。 www.bing.com 6. In a future article, I will provide a more extensive discussion of portfolio management essentials, as seen from an IBM viewpoint. 在将来的文章中,我将对投资组合管理的要点从IBM的观点来做更深入的讨论。 www.ibm.com 7. In this extended monologue, Murakami reminisces about his life as seen through the prism of the sport. 在这部独白中,村上从跑步的视角追忆自己的生活。 www.bing.com 8. This study examines the impact of concealment on organization-public relationships as seen from the perspective of customers. 本文给颈客观黑术视公关隐瞒行为对企业-群众关系的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. As seen from neighboring Vermont , autumn begins to sprinkle the White Mountains of New Hampshire with color. 每日一图秋天观叶。就像看见附近的佛蒙特,秋天开始撒布白色的山脉的汉普夏以色彩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Directions of Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Russia as Seen from Mutually Holding "Year of the Country" 从中俄互办“国家年”看两国经贸合作取向 www.ilib.cn 1. As seen above, this person merely secured a chassis to a tree using lots of rope--keyboard included. 如上所述,此人仅仅获得了底盘在树上用绳子地段-键盘中。 www.bing.com 2. ET Sept. 23. At that moment, the sun was exactly overhead, as seen from the point on Earth's equator directly facing the sun at that time. 今年三月份的春分精确时刻,正是美国东部时间星期六下午1时32分,这时从位于地球赤道的某一点上面对太阳时,太阳正好在头顶上方。 www.bing.com 3. A view of the Washington Monument across the Reflecting Pool, as seen from the Lincoln Memorial. 作者认为在整个华盛顿纪念碑反映池,从林肯纪念堂看到。 www.bugutang.com 4. This 2 Part Tutorial aims to show various techniques used to create an imaginary hi-tech divers mask, as seen from the divers viewpoint. 这二部分教程的目的是显示用于创建一个假想的高科技潜水面具,从潜水员的角度来看,各种技术。 www.cgfriend.org 5. As seen from Beijing, the euro is a European affair. And the Europeans will have to make right their own mistakes. 在中国政府看来,欧元即属于欧洲事务,而且欧洲人自己犯的错误必须自己去改正。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the remainder of this discussion, all data rates are quoted relative to this base rate as seen on that day. 在本讨论的其余部分,引用的所有数据速率都基于当天看到的此基本速率。 www.ibm.com 7. Occasionally, it may be deeply basophilic or een lavender in color as seen in this case. 偶尔,也可以呈深深的嗜碱性染色,在我们看到的这个病例它甚至染成了淡紫色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This tool is designed to make administrators most informed of the issues as seen from the user perspective. 该工具旨在从用户角度告诉管理员问题。 www.ibm.com 9. Microscopically, the granulosa cell tumor attempts to form structures that resemble primitive follicles, as seen at the left. 镜下,颗粒细胞瘤趋向于形成类似于原始的滤泡的结构,如图左示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. So as seen here, the ls -l output shows nobody: nobody for user: group of the file created in the NFS-mounted directory. 可以看到,对于在NFS挂装的目录中创建的文件,ls-l输出显示的用户名和组名是nobody:nobody。 www.ibm.com 1. As seen above, Spring's annotation-driven autowiring can significantly reduce the amount of XML without sacrificing fine-grained control. 正如上面所示,Spring注解驱动的自动装配可以在不牺牲细粒度控制的前提下极大程度地减少XML的使用。 www.infoq.com 2. And, as you might expect, you can create views based upon such queries, as seen here with "goldview" 正如您所预料,您可以基于这样的查询创建视图,下面的“goldview”可以说明这一点 www.ibm.com 3. buy product: As Seen On TV Products, Casual Furniture, Children's Accessories, Children's Furniture, Tuton Mattresses, Inflatable Furniture. 采购产品:主要经营家具,儿童用品,儿童家具,床垫等各种家具。 www.tradesns.com 4. Depending on the type of cursor in use, the result set as seen by the application may change to reflect these changes or may not. 根据所使用的游标类型不同,应用程序所看到的结果集可能会更改以反映出这些更改,也可能不会更改。 www.ianywhere.com 5. The sky or universe as seen from Earth; the firmament. 天,天空从地球上所见之天空或宇宙;苍穹 wenwen.soso.com 6. Vasculitis, as seen in Raynaud disease , or vasospasm, as seen in decompression sickness, may interfere with extraosseous circulation. 血管炎,看到的雷诺氏病,或血管痉挛,看到的减压病,可能会干扰外流通。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. As seen by quantum theory, space and time are a static backdrop against which particles move. 从量子力学角度看,空间和时间是粒子运动的静态舞台。 www.bing.com 8. Browse through visions of the world as seen through a photographer's eye. 透过摄影师的眼睛,去浏览世界上的各种景色。 www.bing.com 9. We like the clean-cut styling, but want to give it some depth by using the zoom in, zoom out style as seen in the below examples. 我们喜欢干净的造型,而是想给它通过使用放大,缩小风格看下面的例子在一定深度的。 www.bing.com 10. This is not the time to channel Angelina Jolie in a black silk mini dress as seen in a Japanese airport this week. 现场连线报导“本周大嘴茱莉身着黑色丝质迷你裙在日本机场出没”已经不合时宜了。 www.bing.com 1. In general, the total momentum 0 as seen from your seats is not zero. 总的来说,总的动量,从你们座位来看是。 open.163.com 2. Some arrangements include blanket guarantees on deposits and guarantees on new debt issues, as seen in Hungary. 有些安排包括对存款的统保和对新债务发行的担保,如在匈牙利。 web.worldbank.org 3. Generally speaking, the quality of life especially as seen by the individual. 一般来说,生活质量,特别是在个人看来,其意义。 www.hxen.com 4. The causes of mood dysfunction, as seen in depressive and bipolar disorders, are still not fully understood. 抑郁症和双向情感障碍中情感紊乱的原因尚未完全弄清。 news.dxy.cn 5. buy product: As Seen On TV Products, Body Massagers, Face Massagers, Foot Massagers, Kitchen Timers. 采购产品:主要经营按摩产品,如身体,脸部,脚部等,同时还经营厨房定时器。 www.tradesns.com 6. Past events, such as seen in smoke a film, and heard of a song, go over the places of interest in the past is the past, there questions. 往事如烟,像是看过一场电影,听过的一支歌,逛过的名胜,过去便是过去,无凭无据。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Cooking Chinese food at home is also becoming more popular as seen in the openings of large Asian supermarkets in many places in the world. 在家里烹饪中国菜越来越流行,正如在世界许多地方大型亚洲超市纷纷开张一样。 www.bing.com 8. Do not forget the rules to analyze your code against, as seen in Figure 24. 不要忘记分析代码所依据的规则,如图24所示。 www.ibm.com 9. Have students help demonstrate the proof of this theorem as seen on the video. 让学生们自己像录像中那样证明这条定理。 www.pte.sh.cn 10. The yellow and red hues in this composite image show the galaxy's sweeping spiral arms as seen in visible and infrared light. 从可见光、红外(红、黄两色)复合图像看,是一个正常的涡旋星系。 www.fyjs.cn 1. The law applies to everyone, as seen with the imprisonment of the famous Chinese singer, Gao Xiaosong. 这项法律适用于任何人,看看中国著名歌手高晓松被监禁就知道了。 www.rrting.com 2. If one record set has more rows than the other, data in that column will continue while nulls will be displayed for the other as seen below. 如果一个记录集比另一个多,此列中的数据将会继续增加,而另一个显示null,如下所示。 www.ibm.com 3. Sky: The expanse of air over any given point on Earth; the upper atmosphere as seen from Earth's surface. 天,天空:在地球上给定地点上方空气的宽阔区域;大气层上部,如从地球表面看上去。 bbs.hoopchina.com 4. The Working Group organizes National Coordinated Meetings as seen needed. 工作组将根据工作需要召开国内工作组协调会议。 cicete.org 5. The final report elements to display are the scatter and line plots of the data, as seen in Figure 4. 要显示的最终报告元素是数据的分布图和线图,如图4所示。 www.ibm.com 6. Muzzle fairly long and not pointed, either as seen from above or from the side. 不论从上面观察,还是从侧面观察,都相当长,且不尖。 bbs.zaqi.net 7. This irregular reddish, ulcerated exophytic mid-esophageal mass as seen on the mucosal surface is a squamous cell carcinoma. 食管中段肌层表面不规则、带红色的溃疡是鳞状细胞癌。 www.showxiu.com 8. restaurant as seen from the street, including the side alley. 增加,如从街道,包括小巷餐厅。 www.kk8k.cn 9. As seen in these examples, using SOA techniques can substantially reduce the costs of implementing a HIN in any scale. 如这些例子所示,使用SOA技术可以充分降低任何规模HIN的实现成本。 www.infoq.com 10. A fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery , as seen in dreams or fever . 幻觉效应一连串偶然联想的幻景,如在梦中或发烧时。 www.bing.com 1. Data Studio provides an integrated query builder and can give context-based assistance (as seen in Figure 3) while typing the statement. 在输入语句时,DataStudio提供了一个集成的查询构建器,并且提供基于上下文的帮助(如图3所示)。 www.ibm.com 2. The link also contains a reference to a template as seen in the snapshot. 链接还包含了对快照中所示模板的引用。 www.ibm.com 3. The most common neoplasm in small bowel is a metastasis as seen here. This mass caused local obstruction. 最常见的小肠肿瘤是转移而来的,如图所示,包块导致了小肠梗阻。 www.binglixue.com 4. The so-called spaceship watch has a rendition of Earth as seen from space which rotates every sixty seconds. 这块所谓的宇航飞船表内有一个从太空视角望去的翻版地球,每隔六十秒这个小地球会旋转一下。 www.bing.com 5. As seen here, the irregular tan to red to brown tumor mass is breaking through the cortex. 可见不规则的从灰色到红色再到棕色的肿瘤块正穿透皮质。 www.binglixue.com 6. Here is normal cancellous bone as seen under polarized light microscopy, which highlights the lamellar structure. 图示偏振光显微镜下的正常骨松质,可见突出的板层状结构。 www.binglixue.com 7. As seen in this image, many Chinese laborers worked in South African gold mines along with black and white laborers. 就像这幅照片展示的一样,许多中国人和黑人白人劳工一起在南非金矿里工作。 www.bing.com 8. They study economic development as seen from the field, clinic or school, rather than the finance ministry. 做了当务之急。他们研究的经济发展多来自田野、诊所或学校,而不是财政部门。 www.ecocn.org 9. These data constitute the longest record of Earth's continental surfaces as seen from space. 这些数据构成的最长纪录,对地球表面的大陆,从太空。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Once you change the compiler compliance settings, you will have to rebuild your project, as seen below in Figure 8. 一旦更改了编译器遵从设置,您将需要重新构建工程,如下面图8中所示。 www.ibm.com 1. Deposits of volcanic ash colour this view of the Meridiani Planum, as seen by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera. 颜色的火山灰沉积这个子午线平原认为,正如火星快车高分辨率立体照相机看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. These guard conditions are enclosed in square brackets to the left of the message name, as seen in Figure 3. 这些保护条件用方括号括起,放在消息名的左侧,如图3所示。 www.ibm.com 3. There is blunting and flattening of villi with celiac disease, and in severe cases a lo of villi with flattening of the mucosa as seen here. 脂痢病肠绒毛变扁平,严重病例黏膜扁平、绒毛缺失,如右图所示。 yiqi.ebioe.com 4. It's rather ugly -- and heavy handed, but works well at very small sizes on the monitor, as seen at right. 这是相当丑陋-重手,但工程的显示器尺寸也非常小,因为看到在右侧。 www.bing.com 5. Value Conflicts in the New Period Literature as Seen Through MacIntyre's "Virtue Theory" 从麦金太尔的“德性论”看新时期文学的价值冲突 service.ilib.cn 6. Divorce Club in Shanghai, China, provides counseling, social events and divorce parties, as seen in this 2006 picture. 中国上海的一个离婚俱乐部。它提供咨询、社会活动和离婚者的聚会。就像在2006年这张照片。 www.bing.com 7. Unreal or imagined thing, as seen in a dream or vision; illusion. 不真实的或想像的事物;梦幻之物;幻觉。 chinafanyi.com 8. As seen in Figure 1, AXIOM is slower overall than any of the other document models tested except Xerces2. 如图1所示,从整体上看,除了Xerces2之外,AXIOM比所测试的任何其他文档模型都要慢一些。 www.ibm.com 9. Finally, investment demand has been torrid, as seen with the surge of capital into gold-backed ETFs. 最后,投资需求一直非常狂热,正如我们在市场上所看到的那样:流入黄金ETF的资金出现激增。 www.forbeschina.com 10. Poverty was severe, as seen in disease, hunger, and sub-standard schools and clinics. 我目睹疾病、饥饿、简陋的学校和诊所,知道那里实在很贫穷。 www.oxfam.org.hk 1. The self object is created by the Box constructor, which also overrides the return value, as seen in Listing 3. self对象是由Box构造函数创建的,后者也覆盖返回值,如清单3所示。 www.ibm.com 2. IBM contributes a suite of applications and client software to enrich end-user Quality of Experience (QoE), as seen in Figure 2. IBM提供了一整套应用程序和客户机软件来增强最终用户的质量体验(QualityofExperience,QoE),如图2中所示。 www.ibm.com 3. Grim as gruel, and must-see TV, the series is like Law and Order as seen by The Sopranos. 严峻的米粥,必须看的电视,该系列产品的订单是像法律和所看到的黑道家族。 www.englishtang.com 4. Simply update your existing project's compiler compliance (as seen below in Figure 7) and JRE when you begin to fix your compiler errors. 当您开始修正编译器错误时,只需简单地更新现有工程的编译器遵从(如下面图7中所示)及JRE。 www.ibm.com 5. For this scenario, you will configure a pattern with Deployment manager, custom node, and IBM HTTP Server parts as seen in Figure 7. 对于该场景,您将使用部署管理器、自定义节点和IBMHTTPServer部件配置一个模式,如图7所示。 www.ibm.com 6. The results can then be shown in the page, as seen in Figure 3. 结果显示在如图3所示的页面中。 www-128.ibm.com 7. These links take the user to the content of the portlets, as seen on the right side of Figure 6. 这些链接把用户带到portlet的内容,如图6的右侧所示。 www.ibm.com 8. Churchview Estate gets its name from the Heritage Listed St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, as seen from the tasting room. 从品酒室向外望去,可以看见西澳大利亚州文化遗产圣约翰大教堂,而圣景酒庄的名字也由此而来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The filesystem gpfs0 on IBM SONAS is configured using two different pools, secret and system, as seen from the output of the lspool command. 使用secret和system这两种不同池来配置IBMSONAS上的gpfs0文件系统,如lspool命令的输出结果所示。 www.ibm.com 10. The Data Explorer tab can help you view all the data sources, data sets and parameters, as seen in Figure 12. DataExplorer项可以帮助您查看所有的数据来源,数据集和参数,如图12所示。 www.ibm.com 1. An aurora glows from the Earth's magnetosphere, as seen from the International Space Station. 极光发光从地球的磁气圈,显然从国际的空间站。 forum.home.news.cn 2. Power comes from Nissan's ubiquitous 1. 8-liter inline four-cylinder engine as seen in its platform partner, the Nissan Versa. 权力来自日产的无所不在的1.8升直列四缸发动机所看到的合作伙伴在其平台,日产Versa的。 usa.315che.com 3. As seen in Listing 2 above, a separate JavaScript file is used for each spawned thread. 如前面清单2所示,对于每个派生线程,都要使用单独一个JavaScript文件。 www.ibm.com 4. Next, you will note the curvature of this world, concave, as seen through Linda' s sniper scope. 接下来,你会注意到这个世界的曲率,凹面,通过琳达的狙击镜观察到的。 bbs.a9vg.com 5. The database management is located in the Services tab as seen on the screenshot. 如下面屏幕截图所示,数据库管理在Services标签下可以找到。 www.infoq.com 6. The elevators in this mall are usually crowded as seen here. 在这商场内的电梯多数都如这里所见挤拥。 wowviewer.com 7. A "Heads-Up Display" shows flight information as seen from a pilot's view on a Boeing 737-900 Technology Demonstrator airplane. 飞行员在波音737-900型技术展示机上,观看一个显示飞行讯息的「操控面版」。 www.wwenglish.com 8. You can see the MySQL protocol content details by expanding the MySQL protocol section of the Wireshark window, as seen here in Figure 3. 您可以通过展开Wireshark窗口的MySQL协议部分查看MySQL协议的内容,如图3所示。 www.ibm.com 9. The giant spider webs in Sindh, Pakistan, sometimes stretched from tree to tree, as seen above in December 2010. 2010年12月,在巴基斯坦的信德省,出现了缠绕于树与树之间的巨大蜘蛛网。 www.kekenet.com 10. As seen form the table, the density of air varies directly as pressure, with temperature being constant. 从表中可以看出,在温度不变的情况下,空气的密度与压力成正比。 www.jukuu.com 1. Can you try to draw a picture about the vision of four living creatures and four wheels as seen by Ezekiel? 你是否能尝试画出以西结所见的四活物与四轮的异象? www.efcchicago.org 2. Panorama of the lower falls as seen from the artist's point. 从艺术家的角度看到的黄石河下游的黄石瀑布的全景。 www.bing.com 3. The mycobacteria stain as red rods, as seen here at high magnification. 高倍镜示,分支杆菌被染成红棒。 yiqi.ebioe.com 4. Everything you'll read in this series is true, as seen through my eyes. 你在这篇连载中读到的每件事都是真实的,均为我亲眼所见。 www.ecocn.org 5. The For Compile Link option generates steps to do both the compile and link, as seen in Figure 34. ForCompileLink选项生成编译和链接的步骤,如图34所示。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The following explains the component type for this component implementation, as seen in Listing 3. 下面将说明此组件实现的组件类型,如清单3中所示。 www.ibm.com 7. As seen in: Hitman, The Transporter, Casino Royale, Crank. 电影包括:杀手,玩命快递,皇家赌场,曲柄。 hi.baidu.com 8. As seen before, synchronized methods acquire a lock on the object. 正如在前面看到的那样,同步方法获取对象的一个锁。 www-128.ibm.com 9. And it's the missing energy of the Universe, as seen by those who are looking for it. 而它正是缺失的宇宙能量,将由那些寻找它的人发现。 lumking.spaces.live.com 10. As seen from without, the building is white. 从外面看,这座建筑物是白色的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Also, the JavaScript code to find the data in the XML can be complex (as seen in Listing 8). 同样,JavaScript代码在XML中查找数据也很复杂(参见清单8)。 www.ibm.com 2. It also affects the color of the ocean water as seen from space. 也影响从太空中观看到的海水颜色。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. As seen above, it was being tested on Seattle's Green Lake in1990. 如上文所示,1990年他正在西雅图的格林湖进行尝试。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Static electricity is sometimes discharged as lightening, as seen in this picture of Sydney Harbor Bridge, Australia, on May 28, 2008. 静电有时候会以闪电的形式被释放,就像这张摄于五月二十八日的照片中,澳洲雪梨港桥上的情况一样。 www.taipeitimes.com 5. dialog and then selecting Web Services in the left column and Web Service in the right column, as seen in Figure 1. 对话框,在左边栏中选择Web服务,在右边栏中选择Web服务,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 6. In this file we replaced the include for the members. css, as seen in Listing 1, to members_alt. css. 在这个文件中,将members.css的包含语句(见清单1)替换为members_alt.css。 www.ibm.com 7. The apparition was even caught on film (as seen in the photograph above). 这次显灵甚至被摄入电影(如上面的照片所见)。 www.elanso.com 8. To fill that space, create a control and associate it with the ID you gave the toolbar as seen in figure 13. 为了填充那个空间,创建一个控件,并将它与工具栏的ID相关联,如图14所示。 www.ibm.com 9. The angular distance between two celestial bodies as seen from Earth. 距角从地球上看的两个天体之间的角距离 www.baike.com 10. As seen above, the shorter route leaves a blind approach. 如上所述,在较短的路线,留下了盲目的做法。 www.igolfyou.cn 1. The default editor interface will then appear, as seen in the first picture. 这时如上图所示的默认编辑界面就会显示出来。 www.bing.com 2. It is the same pattern of 1's and 0's as seen in the truth table for an OR gate. 它和我们在或门形式中看到的1和0的真值表中的形式相同。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Historically this has been strongly supported in Britain, as seen in our reluctance to cede power to the courts or the European Union. 在历史上,这条原则得到了英国的坚决拥护,我们不愿把权力交给法院或欧盟,就体现了这一点。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The orderly texture of matter as seen through an electronmicroscope. 通过电子显微镜看到的物质的有序结构。 cb.kingsoft.com 5. So here is a picture of the high seas as seen from above -- that area in the darker blue. 好,这是一幅公海图片,正如之前所看到的--是用深蓝色表示的区域。 www.ted.com 6. The hologram is a laser photograph which shows an object as seen from all360 degrees. 全息图就是一种激光照片,可以从360度观看一个物体。 www.dictall.com 7. They found that such mice could not detect carbon dioxide, as seen in the chart. 由上图表数据得出结论,他们发现这样的白鼠探察不到二氧化碳。 www.bing.com 8. Use case modeling communicates the system behavior as seen by the stakeholders (for example, users and maintainers). 用例建模可以描述利益相关者(例如,用户和维护人员)所看到的系统行为。 www.ibm.com 9. The joint most often affected is the first MP joint (big toe) as seen here. 如图所见的第一MP关节(大趾),它是最常受影响的关节。 www.binglixue.com 10. Please type the five letters exactly as seen in the box below. 请准确键入你在方框里看到的五个字母。 spaces.msn.com 1. The world-class view of New York's Columbus Circle, as seen from the Per Se dining room. 纽约哥伦布环路世界级的看法,从每硒餐厅看到。 2007.famousnudelady.com 2. Based on these alerts, the rule engine generates directives to various city departments, as seen in the output fragment (Figure 2). 根据这些警报,规则引擎向各个城市相关部门作出指示,如输出片段所示(图2)。 www.ibm.com 3. As seen in: Kill Bill 1 &2, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Blade Runner, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Apocalypse Now. 此类电影有:杀死比尔1和2,藏龙卧虎,银翼杀手,星际旅行:可汗之怒,现代启示录。 hi.baidu.com 4. In the firewall partition, you can have a network interface card that connects directly to the physical network as seen in Figure 6. 在防火墙分区中,您可以拥有一个直接连接到物理网络的网络接口,如图6所示。 www.ibm.com 5. As seen in: Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, The Fast and the Furious. 电影包括:铁胆雄心,致命武器,速度与激情。 hi.baidu.com 6. The Montreal skyline as seen from Mont Royal. 从皇家山上看到的蒙特利尔。 www.bing.com 7. Issues Concerning of Enantiosemy as Seen from the Meanings of "jie" 从“介”的意义看反训的几个问题 www.ilib.cn 8. Thus supermarkets can pick up custom with every food scare and animal health crisis, as seen in China with the SARS outbreak. 因此,超市可以拿起每一个食品恐慌和动物的健康危机,因为在中国看到的非典疫情,自定义。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Upon careful examination, Erika finds the following trace decode as seen in Figure 1. 经过仔细检查,Erika发现了下列跟踪译码,如图1中所示。 www-128.ibm.com 10. And Configure advanced options are selected as seen in Figure 15. 和配置高级选项被选中,如图15所示。 www-128.ibm.com 1. This will help maintain debt sustainability and avoid another debt crisis as seen in the 1970s and 1980s. 这将有助于维持债务稳定,避免再现1970年代和1980年代出现的债务危机。 web.worldbank.org 2. As seen in Figure 2, a common theme among optimized Web sites is the use of vertical lists of hypertext. 如图2所示,优化的Web站点的共同主题就是使用纵向的超文本列表。 www.ibm.com 3. As seen above, the design angle of attack for the second segment is10 deg. 如上所述,设计攻角的第二部分是10甘醇。 www.jukuu.com 4. After the command is completed, enter it again on the multibos shell and check the current TL, as seen in Listing 16. 在命令完成后,再次进入MultibosShell,检查当前的TL,如清单16所示。 www.ibm.com 5. Now, let's choose a target service to transform, as seen below(Figure 16). 现在,让我们选择要转换的目标服务,如下图所示(图16)。 www.ibm.com 6. Perhaps most important, the gangs raise the spectre of sectarian war, as seen in Iraq or Lebanon. 也许最重要的是,这些武装团伙使宗教战争更加妖魔化,就像人们在伊拉克和黎巴嫩看到的那样。 www.ecocn.org 7. Node in the Model View, which will display the UML diagram, as seen in Figure 5. 节点,这将显示UML图,如图5所示。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The first quarter Moon and the Aurora Australis appear above the Earth as seen by astronauts aboard the ISS on September 14 2010. 第一季度的月亮和南极光出现在地球上空,由茴航员登上国际空间站上看到2010年9月14日。 www.56gk.com 9. As seen in Figure 5, "HEIGHT" is a decimal but we entered a string value. 如图9所见,“HEIGHT”是一个小数,但我们输入了字符串值。 www.ibm.com 10. As seen in this photo from the first season, Oscar was gold. 就像照片中看到的那样,第一季《芝麻街》中的奥斯卡是金色的。 gb.cri.cn 1. This is a tattoo of the Earth as seen from a great, great distance. 这是个从很远的地方看到的地球 www.bing.com 2. With wide stripes , however , higher order lateral modes are generally dominant as seen in the near- field micrograph of Fig. 7 . 7. 1. 但是,当条形较宽时,一般都是高阶横模占优势,这可以从图7.7.1的近场显微照片看出来。 www.bing.com 3. This is frequently done to provide comments about individual lines of code, as seen in the following example. 这么做通常是为了提供有关个别代码行的注释,如下面的示例所示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. 19Upsala Glacier as seen from the International Space Station in February of 2010. 2010年2月,国际空间站上看到的乌普萨拉冰川。 www.bing.com 5. Surely, some get slowly flung away in long tidal arms as seen in the wide-field image, but that is hardly apocalyptic. 当然,有的会慢慢地从长长的潮汐星臂中被甩出去,就像宽视场照片中所看到的那样,但也几乎不会发生灾难。 www.bing.com 6. In this case, we use the leveling bubble on the 303 head to find the horizon and level the camera as seen in Figure 10. 在这个例子中,我们使用了303云台上的气泡水平仪对相机进行水平校准,如图10所示。 www.manfrotto.com 7. Remove the disk from the rootvg (assuming that X is the disk device number), as seen on Listing 6. 将这个磁盘从rootvg删除(假定X是磁盘设备号),如清单6所示。 www.ibm.com 8. Only human tasks with forms will show in the list, as seen in Figure 15. 只有带表单的人工任务才会显示在列表中,如图15所示。 www.ibm.com 9. Sites that are not OK are shown first, as seen in Figure 2. 状态为notOK的站点被列在了前面,如图2所示。 www.ibm.com 10. Once you are connected, the 6 camera view screen will appear as seen below. 一旦连接,6相机视图屏幕上会出现如下图所示。 www.360doc.com 1. You can find this information in the help files, as seen in Figure 25. 您可以在帮助文件中找到这些信息,如图25所示。 www.ibm.com 2. check out our father's day special values as seen in our weekly ad. 请参阅我们的父亲节的特殊值中可以看出我们每周的广告。 xd86.com 3. Every GNU MathProg file must end with end; , as seen on line 19. 每个GNUMathProg文件必须要以end;结束,正如我们在19行看到的一样。 www.ibm.com 4. Yosemite as seen from space. 从太空看到的约塞米蒂。 www.bing.com 5. The move method updates the dragger, as seen in Listing 6. move方法更新这个dragger,如清单6所示。 www.ibm.com 6. Now Ms Abbott has explored the nature and history of the extra-marital affair as seen through the mistresses' experience. 而今,阿伯特女士洞察了情妇们的经历,探讨了婚外情的本质和发展史。 www.ecocn.org 7. To separate the systems, we would insert actors (as seen in Figures 3 and 4) to represent the two systems to each other. 要分离它们,我们将插入一些参与者(就如图3和图4中所示)来分别互相代表两个系统。 www.ibm.com 8. We coded some validation in the form bean, as seen in Figure 29. 我们在表单bean中编写了一些有效性检查,如图29所示。 www.ibm.com 9. As seen from the image, this is, however, a technology now well mastered on Paranal. 不过如图所示,这项技术已经被帕拉纳尔山完全掌握。 bootes.lamost.org 10. The "Round trip per message" (the response time as seen by the OEMPUTX) is 55. 482 milliseconds. 每条消息的往返传递(Roundtrippermessage)时间(由OEMPUTX观察到的响应时间)是55.482微秒。 www.ibm.com |
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