单词 | a-spot |
释义 | 例句释义: 一个地方,有一点 1. Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycling, hiking or rock-climbing. 尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。 chinafanyi.com 2. Instead, it appears he was resting in a spot protected from the wind, tranquilly digesting his meal, unaware of the danger he was in. 相反,看起来他好像在一个地方休息,这个地方没有风,让他安定地吃饭,丝毫未意识到他所身处的危险。 www.bing.com 3. Can they maintain a spot among the top two teams in the West to secure home-court advantage through at least two rounds? 他们能否取得西部赛区前两名的位置来确保后两轮的主场优势? www.bing.com 4. Feign exhaustion as you get out of the pool, saving your energy for a spot of bonding in the changing rooms. 出游泳池的时候显出筋疲力尽的样子,留着力气用来在更衣室跟他缓和关系。 www.ftchinese.com 5. One survivor said the flood torrents in the mine swept him to a spot where he had to hang from tunnel walls by his belt to avoid drowning. 据一名幸存工人讲,大水冲进矿井时,他被水流冲到某处。防止被淹死,他将腰带挂在了矿壁上。 www.ttxyy.com 6. This tall, well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him. 那位高个精心打扮的男士身体缩进座椅中,眼睛无神地盯着他对面的一面墙。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. As the owner or editor of a space, you can drag any of the portlets shown in the menu on the left, and drop them into a spot in the columns. 作为空间的主人或编辑,您需要将左侧菜单中显示的所有portlet拖放到列中的某个位置。 www.ibm.com 8. I was reversing out of a spot today and had a bit of a bump. Nothing serious. 今天,我在停车场倒车时,发生了一点儿小碰撞。不要紧。 dict.bioon.com 9. "Look, " she said softly, her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the bed. “看,”她轻轻地说,她的眼睛我指挥上的一个点旁边的地板床。 www.0799.tv 10. But I did. I walked along the stairways, found a spot to take my first shot of the day. 于是,我转了进去,并且在这条巷子里,找到今天我第一个想要拍照的地点。 www.simplykat.com 1. But for now, DSC manufacturers' job is still to pick a spot, find a growth opportunity, flesh it out and define it a new fault line. 而对数码相机制造商来说,眼前要务是选好一个立足点、找到一个成长机会,并想办法将之扩大、定义出一个新的市场分界线。 www.tiantianbt.com 2. "Had a spot of trouble, " he said. "In fact, had a load of trouble with the bird. " He jerked his head towards the helicopter. “有点麻烦,”他说。“其实和鸟儿打交道有很多麻烦。”他突然朝直升飞机扭过头去。 www.1stenglish.com 3. The man gazed at a spot on the wall over Tom's head, screwed up his eyes and pursed up his lips. 那人盯着汤姆头顶上方的一处墙壁,皱起眉,撅起嘴。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. "Look, " she said softly, her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser. “看,”她轻声说,顺着她的眼神,我向梳妆台边望去。 i.cn.yahoo.com 5. C: Well, you know , we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month. 康纳:是的,您知道,我们必须至少每隔一个月对每一位出纳员的柜内现金就要进行一次现场检查。 www.mdaxue.com 6. The site would primarily be a directory site in which clients would be required to pay for a spot before their listing appears. 该网站将主要是目录网站中,客户须当场支付了其上市前出现。 www.bing.com 7. That what I need is, to get an clear high level Trailer (it has to look chic), to Broadcast this on my website, as a spot. . . ! 这就是我需要的是,为了得到一个明确的高层次预告片(有看时尚),以广播这在我的网站,作为一个点…! www.bing.com 8. Spot price The price of a commodity available for immediate sale and delivery, the commodity being referred to as a "spot" commodity. 现货价格可立即出售和交货的现成商品的价格。这种商品称为“现货”。 9love.bokee.com 9. You seem to have got yourself into a spot of bother . 你似乎让自己遇上了点麻烦。 10. A top athletic court says sprinter and double amputee Oscar Pistorius must be allowed to compete for a spot in the Beijing Olympics. 比赛高等法院说必须允许赛跑选手和奥斯卡参加北京奥运会的比赛。 bbs.putclub.com 1. It was a no-brainer to hire the guy and place him in a spot where he could really influence things. 雇佣这个家伙的时候根本不用考虑,给他一个能发挥影响力的职位,他就真的能让人刮目相看。 www.bing.com 2. he never knew he was on my personal board of directors. But, he was one that I had a spot for. 斯托克代尔是个名人,他并不知道他是我个人董事会中的一员,但我的确给他留了个位置。 www.mwjx.com 3. "We found a spot on your lung, " he said. "We can't tell if it's active. " “我们在你的肺上发现了一个黑点,”他说,“我们不知道它是不是活性的。” www.bing.com 4. Christ left eight of the disciples somewhere near the gate and took Peter, James, and John with Him to a spot under the trees. 基督吩咐八个门徒留在园子入口附近,然后带著彼得、雅各和约翰走到树下。 blog.163.com 5. Some people yelled and pushed aside one young man when he tried to press his way into a spot near the front of the line. 一位年轻人试图挤到前排,但人群中呼喊声一片并把他推开。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. So, for example, if I check-in near a spot where a friend of mine asked his wife to marry him, I'll get a message alerting me of that. 试想,当我无意在一个地方checkin时,我突然收到一条提醒说:您的朋友XXX曾在这里向他的妻子YYY求婚。 www.36kr.com 7. Afterwards, we take another fishing boat across the bay back to the hotel for a spot of synchronized swimming and pool volleyball. 后来我们又乘渔船渡过海湾回到旅馆,在旅馆泳池游泳的同时玩了水中排球。 www.bing.com 8. I'm in a bit of a spot financially. 我经济上有点困难。 dict.netat.net 9. You may see a spot where you want to get out - a profit target, where you can place a limit order. 也许,你会发现一个很好的出场点——你的利润目标价格,你可以下限价单。 www.leson6666.com 10. But Lu's heroics will not be enough to guarantee him a spot in the squad for the Beijing games, Zhang said. 但是陆斌仅靠这种精神是不足以保证他能参加明年的北京奥运会,张佩文说。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But it has turned itself into a global company, listed on the London Stock Exchange, with a spot in the FTSE 100 index. 但是它也把自己发展成伦敦证交所挂牌的国际企业,FTSE100指数中的一员。 www.ecocn.org 2. You seem to be having a spot of bother with your car. 看来你的汽车有点让你伤脑筋了。 www.i21st.cn 3. To find their hotel, they turned on a laptop and drove around in circles until they found a spot with wireless Internet coverage. 为了找旅馆,他们打开笔记本电脑,然后一圈一圈地转,最后终于发现了一个无限因特网覆盖的区域。 cnc.wesiedu.com 4. Each Bid or Ask Price shall be for a Spot Contract with a specified Date and for a specific Foreign Currency pair. 每次出价或询价应为有具体日期的某一特定外币组合的现货合同。 www.lawtime.cn 5. If the fruit is infected, it will show a spot of fluorescence, which is like a small right circle in the middle of the dark. 如果是被感染的水果,它会显示一个荧光斑点,就像在黑暗中的一个小光圈。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. Please do not let the youth only be left over the books and the examination paper, lets them be also many a spot other recollection! 请不要让青春只剩下书本和试卷,让他们也多一点别的回忆! zhidao.baidu.com 7. The 67-year-old says he used to be a fairly heavy lifter in his younger days, bench pressing 300 pounds with a spot. 今年67岁的他说,他年轻时能举起很重的分量,卧推纪录是300磅。 www.ebigear.com 8. As the site of its first dealership in the U. S. , Toyota picked a spot on iconic Hollywood Boulevard, just off the 101 freeway. 在开设第一家经销商时,丰田选择了好莱坞的林荫大道——离开101公路不远,作为办公地点。 www.bing.com 9. You look at me, and see me, has a spot to be lovable? In the eye has a spot of expectation, the expectation of your love. 你看看我,你瞧瞧我,是不是有一点点可爱?眼中有一点点的期待,期待著你的爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Whenever she was in a spot she turned to him for help. 每当她遇到困难时,就找他帮忙。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In 2004, an x-ray turned up a spot on Olsen's lung, and the infrared-camera developer had to wait a year for clearance to fly. 2004年,一次X光检查发现奥尔森的肺部有阴影,红外光治疗需要一年,此后才能飞行。 www.bing.com 2. While when you're using something like a spot, you'll get a hotspot and a falloff zone, which you don't have in real life. 相比之下,当你使用诸如聚光灯之类的东西,你将获得一个灯光焦点和渐变区域,它们在真实的生活里是不存在的。 www.esau2.com 3. But it was original, audacious and exciting and a spot of wild implausibility did it no harm at all. 但它是独创的、大胆而激动人心的,而且因为它没有任何坏处而显得有点不真确。 site.douban.com 4. Rio, which has a bigger share of production, relies more on traditional benchmarking once a year, while BHP favors a spot price. 力拓更依赖于传统的一年一次指标定价,而必和必拓则青睐现货价。 cn.reuters.com 5. "The [initial operational test and evaluation] was a spot in time, " he said. 他说:“初始作战测试和评估只是一个时间点。” www.bing.com 6. A flexible programmable electron beam deflection system is proposed which enables an electron beam to be controlled externally to a spot. 设计了一个可编程电子束扫描控制系统,能够使电子束受控的偏摆产生任何图形。 www.chemyq.com 7. At the moment, none of them is in the G8 club, and only China has a spot on the UN Security Council. 到那时,他们就不会是G8的成员了,而且只有中国在联合国安全委员会里占有一席。 www.bing.com 8. I'd like to go on the company's research trip to the Philippines, Mary; can you reserve a spot for me? 我想参加公司所组的菲律宾研究团,可以替我留个位置吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. As such, finding a spot to lock it up on London's busy streets is a cinch - you simply wrap it around the nearest lamppost. 如此,想要在伦敦街头找到一个锁定它的地方简直是轻而易举——仅仅需要把它环绕在最近的电杆就行了。 www.bing.com 10. On a day like that, even walking the three blocks to the old city cemetery to pick out a spot for Thor was a relief. 这样的日子,哪怕走上三个街区到公墓给托尔选墓址也是一种慰藉。 dongxi.net 1. Tom found a spot near the stuffed animal friends. Tom在那些绒毛动物朋友们之间腾出了一个空档。 www.bing.com 2. Pick a spot and stare at it until you think of something to do. 找个东西,一直凝视它直到你有事情做为止。 www.bing.com 3. If you will contain a spot color channel of an image print spot color to a composite printer that will print as an additional page. 如果您不兵包罗专色通道的图象打印到不简独打印机,专色会作为附加页面印出。 www.bing.com 4. With him out of the way as my best friend, there's a spot open. 因为他已不再是我最好的朋友了,所以(最好的朋友)这个位置空缺。 tianya.8684.cn 5. A tiny round mark made by or as if by a pointed instrument; a spot. 由或象有尖头器具标记的小圆点;点 zhidao.baidu.com 6. However, if you can choose a spot in some rolling hills, not near the edge of an earth plate, this might be best. 不过,如果你可以选择在一些连绵的山丘地,而且附近没有地球板块边缘,这可能是最好的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Most large sharks regularly returned to a spot some 100m due south of the main place where seals came ashore on to the island. 许多大鲨鱼定期回到海豹们登陆到岛上的主要场所正南约100米一个地点。 www.suiniyi.com 8. 8 candidates were supposed to compete for the title and a spot in the Worldwide Mr. Gay pageant, to be held next month in Oslo, Norway. 原本8名参赛候选人将角逐桂冠,获胜者将在今年2月参加在挪威奥斯陆的世界同志先生选美总决赛。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Now, with the peg they don't want to let the Yuan appreciate, so they are in a spot of bother getting that USD back to China. 现在,随着挂他们不想让人民币升值,所以他们在一个越来越麻烦,美元回中国的地方。 lt.cjdby.net 10. They were a spot of brightness in the stark blackness of the sky. 一闪一闪的光点,在黑暗中显得有些耀眼。 www.chinese.cn 1. But she isn't looking for a spot. She's in search of the car seat installation team from Children's Hospital of Alabama. 不过,她来不是找停车位,而是找阿拉巴马儿童医院的汽车座椅安装队。 www.bing.com 2. His government spent $30m putting in electricity posts and building small houses at a spot on a highway out of the town. 其政府耗费3000万美金用于建设电杆,以及在城镇外的高速公路的某些地方修建小房屋。 www.ecocn.org 3. Developer tests, which when run often in a Continuous Integration (CI) environment, effectively act like a spot light on code quality. 通常在持续集成(CI)环境中运行的开发人员测试有效地扮演着代码质量聚光灯的角色。 www.ibm.com 4. By using a Spot light as a key light the previous method is sadly bound to indoor settings or, at maximum, outdoor settings at night time. 通过将聚光灯用作主灯光,前面介绍的方法效果只局限于室内,或者最多影响到黑夜时的室外。 www.biodic.cn 5. By the standards of her family, a spot of diplomacy in Berlin is not particularly exotic. 以她的家庭标准来看,在柏林的外交亮点不是特别具有异国情调。 www.ecocn.org 6. Therefore, I climbed to the hilltop, chose a spot, and sat down to meditate. 于是我就爬上山头,选了一处地方坐下来打坐。 sm2000.org 7. It earned Winehouse an Ivor Novello songwriting award, two Brit nominations and a spot on the shortlist for the Mercury Music Prize. 它赢得了豪斯艾弗Novello词曲创作奖,两个英国人提名,当场就为水星音乐奖的候选名单。 www.englishtang.com 8. One woman started to plead for a spot on the next flight. People around her started to roll their eyes. 还有一个女人要求在下一班航机坐靠窗的座位,她周围的人便开始翻白眼。 www.elanso.com 9. "I'm not trying to catch every single fish off a spot, " he says. “我并不是要把一个标点里的所有鱼都一一钓出来,”他说。 www.freelure.cn 10. For instance, the schema for SOAP messages would be nothing without a spot for application-defined messages. 比如说,SOAP消息的模式就是应用程序定义的一种消息而已。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Today, directions from Google Maps led me to a spot 30 blocks from where I needed to be. 今天我照着googlemap的指示找某个地方,结果走到了距离目的地30条街远的位置。 bucter.com 2. The invention relates to a spot-removing skin care product and a preparation method thereof. 本发明涉及一种祛斑护肤品及其制备方法。 ip.com 3. We stop for light relief at Sigulda, a spot noted for being one of the few in Latvia to boast rolling hills, a river and beautiful scenery. 我们在锡古尔达停车小憩,这是拉脱维亚为数不多的几个有着山地,河流和美丽景色的地方。 www.bing.com 4. A bad love shrinks your world into straitness, so much so that you are left with a spot under the eaves just for rain shelter. 坏的爱情使你的世界愈来愈狭窄,最后只剩下屋檐下一片可以避雨的方寸地。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. From a side gate two horses appear and go high-stepping across the sand towards a spot beneath the President's box. 从一道侧门处走出两匹马,踏着轻快的步子穿过沙地走向主席台下面的一个地方。 www.qiyeku.com 6. Sunday and throughout the first round, the injured pair figure to be sharing a spot on the bench. 周日和整个第一轮,这对难兄难弟都很有可能坐在板凳上度过。 www.hicoo.net 7. Because of this situation, you may be wondering whether a live in nanny might be a spot on decision for you. 在这种情况下,你就得考虑是否需要一个住家保姆了。 www.elanso.com 8. Indeed, through a spot of role reversal, we may see research from the east being used in western beauty products. 实际上,通过一点儿角色转换,我们也许会看到,东方的研究正被应用于西方的美容产品。 article.pchome.net 9. He knew it was a spot in Manhattan where wise guys hung out, and he knew he'd get acquainted eventually. 他知道这里是曼哈顿的大佬们混迹的地方,并且他相信自己最终会与这些人打成一片。 www.bing.com 10. The beforehand study only attends class listens to a spot, before ever the class does not prepare a lesson, after the class, reviews. 从前学习只上课听一点,从不课前预习,课后温习。 www.stocks88.com 1. Once I figure that out, I will pull up and fish the "meat" of a spot quickly and move to the next one. 一旦我找出了这个,我就会停下来,然后在这块“肥肉”(意指绝佳的标点)做钓,然后再迅速转移到下一个(有效标点)。 freelure.cn 2. PANTONE color is actually a very small portion of a spot color, we refer to as the standard colors. pANTONE色卡实际上是专色的极小部分,我们称之为标准色。 www.bing.com 3. Ms. Zhang says she paid $8, 860 to a broker in her native Hebei Province for a spot in the program. 张小姐告诉我们,为了参与该计划,她在老家河北向经纪人支付了总额8,860美元的费用。 www.bing.com 4. No matter: a spot of game theory, which economists use to understand how rational people interact with each other, may help you here. 没关系,来点博弈论分析或许可以帮助你(经济学家利用博弈论来了解理性的人彼此之间如何互动)。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I have shared these with my mom a few times and always love it with raspberry or strawberry jam and a "spot" of mint tea and honey. 我曾经有几次和我的妈妈享用过这些食品,并且始终喜欢带覆盆子酱或草莓酱的烤饼和“现货”薄荷茶及蜂蜜。 www.suiniyi.com 6. In a real business card printing and membership card production, according to the quadrochromatic design needs, sometimes as a spot color. 在实际制卡和会员卡制作中,根据原稿设计需要,有时需专色做为衬托。 www.bing.com 7. I stood up, inched my way past knees and walked until I took up a spot near the stage where I could stand without occluding anyone's view. 我站起来,我的方式小幅走过去膝盖,直到我做了现场附近的一个阶段,我可以站在没有任何遮挡的看法。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. We in the collective Agile space are in a spot to greatly influence culture inside teams as well as modern "tribes" and corporations. 我们所在的集体敏捷空间,是大大影响团队、现代“种族”和企业文化的好地方。 www.infoq.com 9. She'd heard about a program called Masa Israel, an Israeli work-abroad program for recent college graduates, and applied for a spot. 当她听说一个名为“Masa以色列”的应届毕业生海外工作项目时,她就试着申请了。 www.bing.com 10. Up for a spot of stone throwing then, sir? It's 10 currency a game, and If you win you'll double your money. Pretty good, what? 来试试丢石头游戏啦,长官?一场游戏10元,如果你赢了就可以拿回双倍的钱。不错吧? www.jukuu.com 1. Important work at present is to change the current just a spot transaction of buying a selling situation. 目前重要的工作是改变当前仅仅一买一卖的现货交易局面。 texclo.net 2. She found a spot as a secretary. 她找到一个秘书的职位。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. He had all the proper I. D. Driver's license, birth certificate, social security card. The signature was a spot-on match. 他具备所有的证明,驾照,出生证,社会保险卡。签名也十分符合。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Also functions as a spot up shooter and a back to the basket scorer in the post. 同时是一个定点射手和低位背筐得分手。 bbs.hoopchina.com 5. Rhythmic gymnastics is certainly mesmerizing, but Cirque de Soleil mixed with a touch of the Bolshoi doesn't deserve a spot at the Games. 艺术体操诚然让人如痴如醉,但是太阳马戏团与莫斯科大剧院的混搭并不值得在奥运会上占有一席之地。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. At the top of the hill, the group elbowed their way into a spot in front of the statue and posed for pictures. 山顶上,李芦媛一行人挤到雕塑前,摆好姿势准备照相。 www.ftchinese.com 7. One option entailed flying helicopters to a spot outside Abbottabad and letting the team sneak into the city on foot. 一个选项是把直升机停在Abbottabad外并让队员们步行潜入这座城市。 www.bing.com 8. I normally found it was harder in the established busking areas, to get a spot, because there were people who were there everyday. 我通常会发现,很难在一些约定俗成的街头表演区中觅得一席之地,因为有一些人每天都会去那里。 www.ebigear.com 9. That's more than enough to land a spot in the Guinness Book of Records and feed the hungry crowd that showed up. 这对其登陆吉尼斯世界记录以及喂饱饥饿的观众而言,已经绰绰有余了。 bbs.putclub.com 10. A sweaty trek up a steep, rocky slope leads to a spot where a team of researchers is busy measuring the trees. 经过一段汗流浃背的艰难跋涉,登上一处陡峭怪石嶙峋的斜坡,到达一块区域,就可以看到一组研究人员正忙着对树木进行测量。 www.hxen.com 1. Finger(s) inside options: Sliding in and out, staying still, rubbing top or bottom or sides, rubbing a spot inside, slow, fast. 手指在里面:滑进滑出,撑,左右上下的磨擦,揉一个点,慢的,快的。 paoxue.com 2. You're interviewing for a spot on the company team. 你面试的是要在公司团队中争取自己的位置。 www.hxen.com 3. They brought me to a spot and got me fed with soup for the first press conference. 他们后来又把我带去吃饭,在记者招待会之前喂了我一碗汤。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Frepel Desjardins held a spot for his cousin, who was expecting to get a $40 transfer from relatives in the United States. 福力佩尔?德雅尔丹在为他的堂兄弟排队,希望能取到美国亲戚给他汇来的40美元。 www.wavetop.com.cn 5. A spot of bother The old lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived. 一点儿小麻烦老妇人回到了她居住的公寓楼,心里很高兴。去商店买东西把她搞得筋疲力尽; www.4apx.com 6. The last person remaining will win a cash prize and a spot on People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful list. 而最后获胜的参赛者除了赢取一笔现金奖励外,还可以得到《人物》杂志“世界上100位最美丽的人”的一席之位。 www.taolaptop.com 7. Ok. Wow. Xiaoyan, can we pull over for a minute? I think we need to have a talk. Here's a spot - you can pull in there. 你干嘛让我赶快停车啊,你要上洗手间吗?那你可得快点,我父母最不喜欢别人迟到了。 www.tingroom.com 8. What if their plane is diverted to a spot like New York, which makes it exceedingly difficult to carry a gun? 如果他们的飞机是飞往纽约的,是不是会使携带枪支困难重重? www.cnesa.net 9. One way is to fly halfway round the world and visit China for a spot of tourism yourself. 一个方法就是飞越半个地球到中国实地考察一番。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Several small dhows, their triangular sail lased to their masts, are keeled over in the mud, awaiting the tide's return and a spot of wind. 几艘小帆船倾倒在泥浆里,三角形的帆煽打着桅杆。它们是在等待着潮涨和风。 bbs.wwenglish.org 1. We've secured a spot in the playoffs, we're gonna shake it up a little. 我们在季候赛得了一分现在要加把劲再拿几分 www.tingroom.com 2. I've tried to jazz up the old car with a spot of paint and some accessories. 我设法用少量油漆和一些配件修整这辆旧汽车。 www.bing.com 3. One of them proposes going to Flower Island, a spot where all pain and sadness will disappear. 其中一人提议要去可以排除一切烦忧的花之岛。 fanhall.com 4. The police stopped my car for a spot check on the condition of the tyres. 警察拦下我的汽车,突击检查我汽车轮胎的状况。 www.jukuu.com 5. During the ranking tournament, however, Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen, to secure himself a spot on the regulars team. 然而,在排名锦标赛期间,龙马迅速击败了很多高年级学生,确保了自己在正式球队的一席之地。 cn.qikan.com 6. He washed a spot of blood from his forehead, his left eye swelling and throbbing. 他洗去了前额上的一个血迹,他的左眼不断肿胀,一跳一跳的疼。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Even if you do find a spot there's likely to be a time restriction and meter. 即使你真的找到了一个停车场或许又有停车时间或者空间大小的限制。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. Facial markings include color around one or both eyes, freckling on the muzzle and a spot on top of the head. 脸部斑纹包括了一个或两个眼睛周围,口吻上的斑点和头顶上的斑块。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The lights will be hung at the end of each platform, a spot where people are most likely to jump to their deaths. 这些蓝灯投入使用后,将被挂在每个站台的尽头,这里是自杀事件高发区域。 www.bing.com 10. But before you can even pay the tuition, you have to get in. Competition for a spot at some of Manhattan's most coveted schools is fierce. 然而即使你能付得起学费,你必须要先入园才行。在曼哈顿区一些最抢手的学校里,争夺一个名额的竞争是非常激烈的。 www.bing.com 1. That would be bad news for miners, which sell a large portion of their iron ore on a spot basis. 这对那些以现货价格销售大部分铁矿石的矿业公司来说将是坏消息。 www.bing.com 2. All we had to do was shoot an azimuth and laze for range, send this up with a spot rep and RFF, and we'd get mortar rounds on the target. 我们所要做的一切事情就是朝某个方位在尽可能远的射程上进行射击,用定位设备和无线电进行报告,然后就会有迫击炮向目标进行轰击。 bbs.cjdby.net 3. The only person missing is Christopher Mintz-Plasse, but there just wasn't a spot for him. 唯一缺席的人是克里斯托弗?明兹-普拉塞(ChristopherMintz-Plasse),不过这仅仅是因为没有一个合适他的角色。 www.bing.com 4. Once I get out there and get going with the offense, I'm sure I'll earn a spot. 一旦我出现在比赛场上并投入到进攻中去,我确定能赢得先发位置。 www.nflchina.com 5. Carthage, where the exiles had now arrived, was a spot on the coast of Africa opposite Sicily. 那些离乡背井的人到达西西里岛对面的非洲海岸上一个叫迦太基的地方。 chinafanyi.com 6. Contributes a spot meager strength by the time establishment of the Victim-Offender Mediation. 以期对于我国刑事和解制度的构建贡献一点微薄的力量。 www.fabiao.net 7. Park far away: Instinctively, almost all of us look for a spot as close to our destination as possible. 把车停得远一些:处于本能,我们都愿意寻找离目的地尽可能近的地方停车。 www.elanso.com 8. Companies earn a spot with solid revenue growth and eventually get big enough to make the cutoff, now $2 billion in annual revenues. 公司收入增长非常可观,最终公司资产足以弥补亏损,现在年收入为200亿美元。 www.elanso.com 9. Scientists -- humans too -- think of themselves as beings focused onto a spot just south of their forehead behind their eyeballs . 科学家们——也是些凡人——认为,作为生灵的自己就扎根在眼球后方的前额下叶的那一小块区域。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. ROOM SALES -Guest in House control ? Are the daily controls performed on a spot check basis formalised? 在抽查的基础上进行的每日控制是否正式化? wenku.baidu.com 1. It'll be more fuel-efficient than having humans circle the block waiting for a spot to open up, GM says. 通用汽车公司表示,这将比司机开着扯围绕着整个街区去寻找一个停车位要省油的多。 www.bing.com 2. Hoped that own exploration can pack the decoration industry development for China to make a spot meager contribution. 希望自己的探索能为中国包装装潢业的发展做出一点微薄的贡献。 www.fabiao.net 3. After he finds a song in his record collection that inspires him, he reserves a spot within the score. 当他在自己收藏的唱片中淘到一首对他有启发的歌曲之后,塔伦蒂诺就会把它插入到配乐中。 www.bing.com 4. The 36-year-old is a billionaire whose chiseled features earned him a spot on Forbes' list of "World's Hottest Young Royals. " 现年36岁的他五官深邃,轮廓分明,这也使得他在《福布斯》的“全球最性感王室成员榜”上谋得一席之位。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 5. in the laser printer to print a test color outlets to ensure that you will not have additional fit or you do not want a spot color. 在激光打印机上打印尝试分色档以包管你不会有特别的分色版或不想要的专色。 www.bing.com 6. A telltale sign is that they will wear a spot out in the palm of the glove as well as the thumb. 一个明显的迹象就是他们会在手套的手掌和大拇指处都会磨出洞。 www.igolfyou.cn 7. You can pick a spot on the image to see the corresponding level in the histogram. 您可以在图像上摄取一点来查看直方图中所对应的级别。 translations.launchpad.net 8. Sylvia didn't have any gymnastic classes but she was tall, strong, and she was popular. Everyone popular probably got a spot. 西尔维娅没有上过任何的体操课,但是她长得又高又壮的,很受大家的欢迎。每一个受欢迎的人或许都有一个缺点吧。 www.bing.com 9. Let other bards of angels sing, Bright suns without a spot; But thou art no such perfect thing; Rejoice that thou art not! 让别的诗人去赞美天使,像明洁无瑕的太阳;但是你没有如此完美无暇:庆幸你并不是。 www.andao.name 10. "Knock it down, Michael" is memorialized in a spot of honor on the museum floor, along with several other big shots in Carolina history. “打败他们,迈克尔”,这句话作为一个荣誉的象征和北卡历史上其他伟大的投篮一样被铭记在球馆的地板上。 dongxi.net 1. He has tried to jazz up the old car with a spot of paint and some accessories. 他设法用少许油漆和一些零件把那辆旧汽车弄得面目一新。 dict.ebigear.com 2. So we first hooked up a -- a spot in the Navajo Nation with a classroom in Seattle. We now have 15 sites. 起初我们连接了纳瓦霍族的一个地区和西雅图的一间教室,而现在我们连接了15个地方。 www.ted.com 3. In the Senate, confirmation hearing began for Elena Kagan, nominated for a spot on Supreme Court. 在参议院,为ElenaKagan提名最高法院一席职位而举办的听证会已经开始。 www.hjenglish.com 4. A spot of light on a radar or sonar screen indicating the position of a detected object, such as an aircraft or a submarine. 光点雷达或声纳显示屏指示被探测物体,如飞机或潜水艇位置的亮点 www.jukuu.com 5. The current data recorder has the ability to "step" in frequency when the telescope is tracking a spot on the sky. 当望远镜跟踪天空中的一个目标时,目前的数据记录器有能力对频率进行“跨距”记录。 www.equn.com 6. The surprise findings emerged in a study of 2, 000 people and shows that not all women get 'retail therapy' from a spot of shopping. 一项调查了2000人的研究得出了这一惊人的发现。该研究显示,并非所有女性都能通过购物得到心理安慰。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. In his first year, he would carve out a spot for himself in the library and burrow in for several hours of intense study every day. 大一的时候,他在图书馆为自己找了个专门看书的地方,每天都要花几个小时如饥似渴的学习。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If you want maximum scare impact, find a spot that's dark, quiet, and secluded, and pick a time when you won't be interrupted. 如果你想要把恐怖效果提至最高,那么找一个阴暗,安静而其封闭的场所,然后选择一个你不会被打断的时间点。 www.bing.com 9. A black luxury sedan with official red People's Armed Police plates had just parked in a spot reserved for someone else. 一个挂着红色武警车牌的黑色豪华车停在一个已经预定的位置上。 www.bing.com 10. "We've been weak, " he said. "This is a spot we have to cover. " “我们已经很弱了,”他说,“这是我们不得不抓住的机会。” www.bing.com 1. They got a spot at an open-air market off Dawan North Road, on the border between Han and Uighur neighborhoods . 他们在大湾北路的露天市场里搞了一个摊位,夹在汉族和维族邻居之间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Given all the financial troubles that the US is facing, you might expect the Chinese authorities to indulge in a spot of schadenfreude. 鉴于美国面临的各种金融问题,你也许会以为中国政府会有点幸灾乐祸。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Set the barometer in a spot out of direct sunlight, where it can be observed but won't get knocked over. 设置了一个晴雨表当场被击倒在了阳光直射,在那里可以观测到,但不会。 www.hi1718.com 4. This will include a late summer tour as well as a spot on the annual "Rock the Bells" tour. 这将包括晚夏游览以及在每年“岩石的一个斑点响铃”游览。 wenwen.soso.com 5. This 67th-minute incident brought controversy in the contest with referee Mike Riley ignoring United's appeals for a spot-kick. 第67分钟发生的这个插曲引来了争议,裁判麦克。莱利对此视而不见。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 6. It is remarkable , a spot of color added for a plus effect for the charm of the dress . 通过添加少量的色彩,达到了使婚纱更加与众不同的目的。 www.bing.com 7. Eighteen months on, however, and Mr Sarkozy is finding that his feisty minority ministers are giving him more than a spot of trouble. 然而,十八个月后,萨科奇先生逐渐发现了,他的少数民族部长们可给他找了不少麻烦。 www.ecocn.org 8. The producing companies trade most of the volume on a spot basis with virtually no formal term contracts. 被产生的公司以地点方式以事实上没有正式的术语契约交易大部份体积。 bbs.wwenglish.org 9. Obviously you don't convert him into a spot up shooter. 很明显,你不能把他变成一个定点跳投手。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 10. All the tables are covered with vomit and there is not a spot without filth. 因为各席上满了呕吐的污秽,无一处干净。 www.ebigear.com 1. Rio has said that if contracts are not settled by the end of June, contracted material will be priced on a spot basis. 力拓已表示,如果合约价格未能在6月底之前谈妥,铁矿石的合同价格将按现货价计算。 cn.reuters.com 2. Schiller stressed the potential a spot could have for a group. 希勒强调,一小撮人可以给一整个团体带来潜力。 www.bing.com 3. Once there, you'll be competing against NBA players for a spot on a team's roster. 一旦有,您将竞争NBA球员的位置上一队的名单。 game.ali213.net 4. The particles ultimately arrive at a second screen where each one produces a spot. 这些粒子最终到达第二道屏幕,每个粒子会在屏幕上造成一个斑点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. According to a spot check, disagreements on the posting outnumber agreements more than six to one. 根据一份抽样调查,反对不抵制者以六比一的的网上发贴数超过要求不要抵制家乐福的发贴数。 forum.nationonline.com 6. Basher Tarr: And I'll find a spot to get rid of the body. 拜舍.塔尔:我会找一个地方处理掉尸体…… www.xici.net 7. We may need to add a banner or two in a spot in which there is none right now. 我们可能需要添加一个点,其中有没有现在横幅或两个。 www.bing.com 8. As kindergartens start receiving applications for next year, parents are struggling to snag a spot on the enrollment list. 随着幼儿园开始接受明年的入园申请,家长们正费尽周折地在名单上抢占一席之地。 c.wsj.com 9. On the right is the display of who's online and a spot for uploading files. 界面的右侧显示了在线用户,还有一个区域用于上传文件。 www.ibm.com 10. On a winter afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the slanted roof of the old lady's house from a spot near her backyard. 一个冬天的下午,我和一个朋友在离这个老太太家屋后不远的一个地方往她家斜斜的屋顶上扔石子玩。 www.bing.com 1. Al-except in the " multi-channel " mode, otherwise you cannot assign a spot color channel moved to channel the default channel Panel. 除非在“众通道”模式洋,否则您不克不及不兵专色通道移到通道调板洋的默认通道之上。 www.bing.com 2. Finding a spot that allows me to enjoy all the things I love. 找到一个地方,能让我享受自己所爱的一切事物。 www.bing.com 3. The rubber ducks are often assigned numbers and your sponsorship earns them a spot in the race. 橡皮鸭一般会编上号码,你的赞助会给它们争得名次。 kk.dongxi.net 4. The solute concentration decays when the groundwater discharge, a spot of pollution source, enters to streams and moves to lower reaches. 地下水渗出(相当于一点污染源)进入河流后,在随河水向下游运移的过程中,其水质浓度也将发生衰减。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn 5. THE HOST: Now then myspace, I say the team website, that has had a spot of bother in recent days. 主持人:那么讲到myspace,我是说那个团队网站,最近有点小麻烦啊。 www.kekenet.com 6. Later John Paul and Christodoulos met on a spot where Saint Paul had once preached to Athenian Christians. 稍后,在圣保罗曾向雅典基督徒宣道之处,若望·保禄再与Christodoulos会晤。 www.xaislam.com 7. I am dubious about to have picked a spot of loquat: "Oh, too sweet, and almost too sweet. " 我半信半疑地摘了一棵有斑的枇杷:“哎呀,太甜蜜了,简直太甜蜜了。” www.tradeask.com 8. In Great Britain, New Zealand, and Australia, people prefer a spot of tea during their tea break in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon. 在英国、纽西兰和澳洲,那里的人喜欢在早上九点到十点或下午三点到四点的喝茶时间来上一杯茶。 www.chinaorb.com 9. I'd like to conduct a spot check of your cash and your transactions for today . 我想对您的现金和您今天的业务情况进行一次现场检查。 www.hxen.com 10. He finds a spot and stays until closing time. Then his wheelchair takes him back to the bus terminal where he spends his nights. 每天乔治班克斯都会等着主馆开门然后进去找个地方消磨一整个白天,然后再乘轮椅去巴士总站消磨一个晚上。 www.bing.com 1. Not be at ease really, can pick a spot now eat durian from, but that it must buy the whole. 实在不放心,可以当场现挑一个榴莲开来吃,但这样就必须买下整个。 en.cnxianzai.com 2. Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong. 胡计划中快乐的“乒乓外交”已经为本次出访奠定了温和的基调。 www.hjenglish.com 3. All in between his first day of classes at a school in southwest London, and maybe a spot of rugby later on. 今天在伦敦西南一所学校上课期间,甚至可能是课后的橄榄球游戏中,阿洛伊西奥都在考虑这个问题。 www.cs360.cn 4. These aren't scrub vehicles. The majority of prize cars are worthy of a spot in your garage. 这些车都是一流的,这些奖励车辆在你的车库看起来会非常的耀眼。 www.xbox-skyer.com 5. But by the late '40s, the tin tykes had spread from Japan to the US, earning a spot in toy history alongside teddy bears and fire trucks. 但到了20世纪40年代末,这个小人已经从日本流行到了美国,销售量能够与泰迪熊和玩具消防车比肩。 www.bing.com 6. A CruiseControl build loop is running on a build server that has a SPOT base station connected via a USB cable. CruiseControl循环构建在一个构建服务器上运行,该构建服务器有一个通过USB线连接的SPOT基站。 www.ibm.com 7. Yet Hawaii can also feel far from anywhere, a spot of land in the middle of an ocean. 然而,地处太平洋中间,也是个让人感觉孤寂的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A spotlight is comparable to a flashlight or a spot used in theater. 手电筒或剧场中使用的聚光灯发射出的光线就是聚光。 www.ibm.com 9. The family was allotted two units on a spot where just four days earlier construction workers were spraying down new concrete. 张广跃一家在某安置点分到了两套房屋,而仅仅四天前建筑工人还在这里浇筑水泥。 www.bing.com 10. He draws a 45-degree angle and points to a spot about 15% shy of the top. "I'm now here, " he says. 之后又画了一个45度的角,然后指着一个距离顶端还有15%的地方说:“我现在在这里”。 www.fortunechina.com 1. He didn't want to leave a spot on his reputation. 他不想在名誉上留下污点。 www.yuloo.com 2. There isn't a spot on her reputation. 她的声誉没有半点瑕疵。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Finds a spot to settle down, curls up and then disappears into the background. 找到一个位置,停下来,卷起,然后马上消失在背景之中。 www.ted.com 4. While the Whitney victor is guaranteed a spot in the Classic, Bamberger is intrigued by the thought of running in the dirt mile. 而云妮胜利者是保证了现场的经典Bamberger重的是层出不穷的办刊思路,在泥土里。 www.sjgcz.cn 5. He got a tidy grant from the government, and supplemented it with a spot of taxi driving. 他从政府那里得到一笔可观的助学金,然后依靠开出租补贴家用。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The Arsenal captain scored a penalty, set up Justin Hoyte's first goal for the Club and earned a spot kick for Robin van Persie. 阿森纳的队长打入了一粒点球,助攻了霍依特在阿森纳的首个进球,并且为范佩西赢得一个点球机会。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. According to one European market source, a South African producer was seen looking to fix a spot capesize vessel from Richards Bay to India. 根据一位欧洲市场的消息人士称一个南非生产商正在定从理查德港到印度的一条好望角型船。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Then the dot began to grow blurred, became a spot and then a blurred ring. 然后点开始生长模糊,变成一个地点然后一个被使的戒指模糊。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 9. Danone, purveyor of dairy goods and French national "jewel" , is running into a spot of bother in China. 法国“国宝”——奶制品供应商达能(Danone)目前在中国遇到了麻烦。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Tourists crowd onto trucks that drive them to a spot upriver from the city. 旅游者被卡车从城市拉到河的上游。 www.bing.com 1. Notes -- Imagine Shawn Bradley with enough strength to hold down a spot in the post. 注--想象一下一个能够定点投篮并足够强壮的肖恩。布拉德利(这句不知道怎么翻译)。 my.hoopchina.com 2. I got 44 percent of the vote, with Senator Rainwater barely edging out David Stewart for a spot in the runoff, 26 to 25 percent. 我得到了44%的选票,州参议员雷恩沃特以26%对25%的选票险胜戴维.斯图尔特,取得了参加第二轮初选的资格。 www.bing.com 3. A spot color job requires a separate ink plate for every color, but you can get the look of multiple colors using only one or two inks. 专色作业要求每种颜色都有单独的墨迹印板,但您可以只使用一种或两种墨迹来获得多种颜色的外观效果。 office.microsoft.com 4. Only an occasional banana grove or superannuated rubber plantation offers a spot of variety. 偶尔有片香蕉林或是废弃的橡胶园,才为景色增添了一丝变化。 www.ecocn.org 5. Now, they alternate sleeping between the church and a spot in the park beneath a pine tree. 现在他们选择住在教堂边上,或者是公园里的一棵松树下面。 www.bing.com 6. By early 2010, with the economy on the mend , the country will be measuring Obama for a spot on Mount Rushmore. 到2010年初,随着经济的好转,美国人会将奥巴马同拉什莫尔山中的那些总统相提并论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Certainly the water temperature should almost or slightly is only hot with the room temperature a spot. 当然水温应该跟室温差不多或只稍稍热一点。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 8. She was urged to make a spot decision. 她被催促当场做决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Taking it for granted that, with ability you can have a spot of your own. 有了能力,在任何地方都能有自己的一片天地。 www.elanso.com 10. The team drew a spot in what became the toughest first-round group, with Brazil, Portugal and Ivory Coast. 世界杯决赛阶段首轮分组抽签,朝鲜与巴西、葡萄牙和科特迪瓦抽到同一组,注定将面临极其艰难的比赛。 c.wsj.com 1. The cheapest parking in the survey is in India, where a spot in Chennai costs 96 cents a day. 调查显示停车最便宜的地方在印度,钦奈的一个车位一天仅需96美分。 www.ecocn.org 2. This driver received a ticket for $100 because he parked in a spot for the handicapped . 那位司机收到了一个100美元的罚单,他把车放在了残疾人车位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Neasloss claims a spot under a hemlock tree and pulls his hood tight against the ceaseless rain. 尼斯洛斯指了指铁杉树下,顺手把他的风帽收紧以抵挡下个不停的雨。 www.yousoon.net 4. he pointed to a spot beyond the concealing trees. 他指着藏身树丛那边的一个地方。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. No? I'll just pick a spot and take out my beach chair and just sit there wherever it was. 那我就挑个地方,拿出我的沙滩椅坐在那里,不管那是什么地方。 www.bing.com 6. She's the polar cub whose bear necessities stretch to a spot of yoga in the morning. 每天早上,这只北极熊幼崽做着必备的伸展运动,就好像在做瑜伽。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Gives up me. Let me feel better a spot. 放弃我,让我感觉好点。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Vincenzo Iaquinta's injury has opened up a spot in the Euro 2008 squad and there are reports Pippo Inzaghi could fill the void. 亚昆塔的伤病使意大利队参加欧洲杯的名额上有了空位,有报道称因扎吉将补上这个空缺。 juveftp.88.vtdns.com 9. Ryder: This is not a futures contract, this is a spot trade. That means there is a time limit on it. 莱德:这不是期货交易,而是现货贸易,这意味着有个期限。 blog.163.com 10. When you imagine the "happiest place on Earth, " you might pick a spot with warm sand and soft breezes. . . 当你想象着“世界上最幸福的地方”时,脑海里浮现出的景象一定是温暖的沙滩和轻柔的海风… yappr.cn 1. The freshman made his varsity basketball debut weeks later on December 3, earning a spot in the Fighting Irish starting backcourt. 第一学年,他取得了大专篮球首次星期之后于十二月三日,赚取现货在战斗爱尔兰明星队。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A claim was a spot of ground fifteen feet wide on the river front. 所谓的领属地即河床上15英尺宽的一块地。 www.zftrans.com 3. It's just that you're quoting a spot rate but it's from tomorrow. 意思是你报一个现货价,但这个现货价从明天开始计算。 www.jukuu.com 4. Well, after George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice, perhaps a spot of star-gazing was in order. 那么,经过乔治布什,切尼和赖斯,也许是现场的明星凝视是在命令。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 5. Elaine: Oh, look! There's a spot open next to the public restroom! Can I take it? 伊莲:喔,快看!公共厕所旁边有一个空位!我可以停那里吗? 6. If you're neither of those, you're in a spot of bother. 但如果你两头都不搭,那你就有麻烦了。 www.kekenet.com 7. During an appearance on the Fox News Sunday program, Napolitano was asked is she is interested in a spot on the Supreme Court. 纳波利塔诺在接受福克斯周日新闻节目采访时被问到是否有兴趣成为最高法院法官。 www.voanews.cn 8. He told us that the horse would calm down as soon as its companion was brought to a spot nearby. 他告诉我们,当他的同伴被带到现场附近时马会很快冷静下来。 www.52yifei.com 9. OK. There's a spot open at Black&White Club just downstairs. I know you've always wanted to go there. 仓里满:“好吧,黑白道刚开了一个点,就在我们楼下。你不是一直想去的吗?” q.sohu.com 10. China's extraordinary import growth has recently helped create a spot market. 近年中国进口量飙升,催生了一个现货市场。 www.ftchinese.com 1. There is a little cross and a spot on the display. 显示屏上有一个十字架和一个亮点。 tech.hexun.com 2. After they started the game, Moviesign led Furtive Penguin to a spot where he claimed he'd left an energy sword. 他们开始游戏之后,电影符号将秘密企鹅带到了一个地方,他说他早已经将一把能量剑放在了那里。 www.elanso.com 3. And it would prevent the yankees from securing a spot in South Africa next year on Honduras's home field. 而且,这还可以让洪都拉斯人在自己的国土上阻止扬基佬拿到保证出线的分数。 www.bing.com 4. Watermelon is also an aphrodisiac. Learn why this fruit earned a spot on our list of foods linked with love. 西瓜也是一种催情药。了解一下为什么这种水果能够上我们与爱情相关的名单。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 5. When making a spot color ink is best a capacity so that the stability of the ink color. 在配制专色不朱时最坏一次调制足量,以利于油不朱颜色的安定分歧。 www.bing.com 6. Meanwhile, the woman found herself a spot on the floor by the back doors. 同时,那名女子在车后找了个地方躺下。 www.bing.com 7. Palmer rushed to obtain enough petition signatures to win a spot on the ballot. Palmer冲刺一般凑齐了足够的请愿签名为自己在竞选名单上赢得了一个位置。 www.bing.com 8. This versatility will guarantee a spot for the Druid in any adventuring party. 全能这一特点将保证德鲁伊在每一个冒险队伍里都有一席之地。 bbs.ngacn.cc 9. There's a spot open at the far end of the lot. 在停车场最尽头的地方有一个位子。 10. The onIy thing harder than choosing a spot for your wedding. 有一件事比挑选结婚地点还难… www.tingclass.net 1. China had already clinched a spot in the quarterfinals thanks to Ghana' 2-1 win over Australia in the earlier match. 由于加纳队在前一场比赛中以2-1战胜出澳大利亚队,因而中国队已在四分之一决赛中出线。 www.bing.com 2. In 2008, Mr. Terry was fined for parking his Bentley in a spot for the disabled. 2008年,特里把自己的宾利(Bentley)车泊在残疾人车位上,遭到罚款。 c.wsj.com 3. your excellent play has been recognized. having earned a spot on the roster. your thoughts? 您的出色发挥已经得到了认可后赢得了名册上的位置。你的想法是? tieba.baidu.com 4. Given that we all need to monitor our cholesterol levels, this tasty fruit deserves a spot on our list of 10 healthiest foods. 既然我们均需要监测各自的血清胆固醇水平,那么这种美味的水果理应被列入十种最健康的食物中。 www.jkbangbang.com 5. He is a man without a spot on his character. 他是个没有任何污点的人。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Carrying out of student's norm and discipline can let us peep a spot, so that we can know school's student management. 学生规范与纪律的执行情况,可以让我们窥一斑,推知学校学生管理的全貌。 7. I love a melody, and a strong sentiment. I like making people feel something. If I make somebody cry, I know I've hit a spot. 我追求优美旋律,并具有强烈情感冲击力的音乐,我想让人们能从中感受到一些东西。 webbbs1.oeeee.com 8. the certificate you want to add a spot color for specific areas of the image, you must create a spot color channel. 给不兵专色用于图象的特定地区,务必成立专色通道。 www.bing.com 9. Listen, the horses have a Wisdom score, so they have a Spot, so therefore they get to make their own Spot check, whether or not we remember. 听着,这些马都有感知点数,所以它们也有侦查点数,因此它们也可以自行进行侦查检定,无论我们是否记得。 www.ellesime.net 10. Competition to secure a spot in the 50-person class is stiff and there are always more applicants than places. 要进入这个50人的班集体,竞争相当激烈,总是僧多粥少。 www.ftchinese.com |
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