单词 | anticipation | ||||||||||
释义 |
复数:anticipations n. prolepsis anticipation 显示所有例句
例句释义: 预期,期望,预计,预料,预测,期待,预判 1. He was one of a group of young Kenyans sent to be schooled in the United States in anticipation of his country's independence. 他是一群年轻的肯尼亚人之中的一个被送到美国接受训练,希望有助于他的国家的独立。 dongxi.net 2. When Joseph took her upper arms in his hands and pressed her down on her back, the pleasure of anticipation unfurled the length of her body. 当约瑟夫握着她的臂膀把她放平、仰面躺着时,期待的喜悦在她的每一寸肌肤舒展开来。 www.bing.com 3. To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. 当你与心智认同时,就被时间束缚,然后你会强迫性地几乎完全经有记忆和期望而活。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Before the Thursday-afternoon White House gathering, Bush aides were trying to rally support in anticipation of a close series of votes. 在周四下午的白宫会议举行之前,布什的助手们一直在尽力争取议员们的支持,他们预见到方案会在国会遭遇系列势均力敌的表决。 www.bing.com 5. just a little tired, your handsomeness tinged by grief or anticipation, which brought to your face a thoughtful, deepening grace. 仅仅有点累,你姣好的容颜布满忧愁、期盼——那些令你的脸,笼罩着深思的情态。 blog.163.com 6. The comeback concerts in London sold out in anticipation of Jackson's return. 人们热切期盼杰克逊的回归,伦敦复出演唱会的门票早已售罄。 www.bing.com 7. With all this hype and anticipation, I would not be surprised if iPhone 5 sales end up blowing past sales records out of the water. 在如此的兴奋和期待下,如果iPhone5的销售额最终打破以往的销售纪录,我将毫不惊讶。 www.bing.com 8. Upon arriving home in eager anticipation of a leisurely evening, the husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. 到家想舒舒服服的过一个悠闲晚上的丈夫在门口看见了哭哭啼啼的妻子。 www.bing.com 9. Growing inventories have plague retailers too since they stocked up in anticipation of a strong Christmas season. 存货增加也让零售商头痛不已,因为他们原本期待圣诞节前后会是个销售旺季,因而进了不少货。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. That intensity is strangely magnified when the building is empty, as if trembling in anticipation of a mass event. 当建筑是空的时候这种感觉就被奇异的放大,就好像人们在大事来临前的焦虑一样。 www.bing.com 1. Last week, the company expressed optimism for the current period amid anticipation of "a continued modest recovery in the global economy. " 上周,该公司对当前财季业绩表达了乐观态度,预计”全球经济将持续温和复苏“。 www.bing.com 2. I'd deflate a bit and hunker down in anticipation of the next binge. 而我则会收缩一点儿,静静地等着下一顿大餐。 login.kaixin001.com 3. A preliminary division, like the limited conception from which it comes, can only be an anticipation. 正如对理念的认识一样,对各部门的划分只能是预想的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Slowing down your talking plus adding a small pause between thoughts or sentences creates a bit of tension and anticipation. 减慢你说话的速度,在观点或者句子之间加上稍微的停顿使之造成引人入胜的气氛和留给听众一些自我猜想的空间。 www.elanso.com 5. He knew he was becoming stronger and soon he would be old enough to leave. He was excited by this anticipation and excited about Christmas. 他将会成年,他知道他会变得十分强壮并且很快他就能到离开孤儿院的年龄,对于这个即将到来的事情他非常的期待并且兴奋地等待着圣诞节的到来。 www.bing.com 6. Every waking hour for two months had been burned up in anticipation of this weekend. 两个月来每一个辗转反侧的夜晚已经燃起了对这个周末所有期待。 www.bing.com 7. A prolonged foreplay will help increase the sexual anticipation and thus making it a more pleasurable experience for the both of you. 时间长一点的前戏有助于你们的投入程度,这样对于你们两个都将是一次更愉快的经历。 www.bing.com 8. But its easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards. 但是容易抹杀创造性通过奖励不好的表现或奖励过多的参与者 wenwen.soso.com 9. Soemes walked with his eyes on the ground, his lips opening and closing as though in anticipation of a delicious morsel . 索米斯眼睛望着地上走着,嘴唇时张时合,好象预期有一块美肴到嘴似的。 dict.veduchina.com 10. After years of anticipation, various deployments of fiber to the Home are finally emerging in communities across the U. 经过多年的观望,光纤到户工程最终以各种方式落户在美国的每家每户。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. She fly higher than weather, and she rocks it better, you know me - in anticipation for precipitation, stack chips for the rainy day. 她飞得比天还高,她摇滚的更好,你知道我–期待降水,为雨天下注。 www.bing.com 2. I love to see kobe and t mac compete with their full strength and anticipation to leave a mark in history. 我喜欢看科比和麦蒂的全力争胜,能在历史中留下一个印记。 www.nba100.com 3. James was of a nervous temperament--one of those men whom things will not leave alone, who suffer tortures from anticipation and indecision. 詹姆士就是这样一个神经质的人——一有事情就烦,一有事情就弄得忧虑重重,迟疑莫决。 4. Rolled out with much anticipation and fanfare, iPhone rocketed to popularity; by end of 2010 the company had sold almost 90 million units. 在人们的期待下,iPhone相当受欢迎;至2010年底公司已经售出9千万部。 www.bing.com 5. Wait up To postpone going to bed in anticipation of something or someone. 熬夜等候为等待某事或某人而推迟睡觉。 chinatiger.blog.hexun.com 6. It seemed like there was a sense of anticipation and excitement just to having him on the team. 好像大家都有预感他会来到这支球队一样。 www.kobechina.com.cn 7. I stood in restless anticipation, wondering what sort of new game he was about to teach us. 我焦虑不安地站在那儿,满怀期待,想知道他将要教我们什么样的新游戏。 www.bing.com 8. I looked into his eyes, and an unexpected quiver of anticipation ran its way along my spine. 我抬头看进他的眼睛,一种意料之外的感觉让我不由自主地沿着整个脊背打了一个冷颤。 bger.org 9. The result of investing in anticipation of demand coming back to pre-crisis levels would be absolutely painful if it's wrong. 在需求恢复到危机之前的水平的预期中投资,如果这个预期是错的,其后果就苦不堪言。 www.bing.com 10. Physical wretchedness and the incessant anticipation of horrible nights had not allowed him time to think of anything so abstract as death. 肉体的痛苦和夜里的不是失眠便是梦魇不容他想到死亡那样抽象的事。 www.douban.com 1. Several global mining giants are ready to invest in anticipation of a spike in demand this year. 若干全球矿业巨头准备投资于一个需求高峰,今年的预期。 www.maynet.cn 2. Everyone's bundled in heavy coats (one man wears a bearskin), as if in anticipation of a killing frost. 每个人的捆绑在厚重的外衣(一个人戴着熊皮),仿佛在期待一个杀霜。 www.englishtang.com 3. One of the main reasons for the strength of the European currencies this year is anticipation of a tightening of monetary policy by the ECB. 欧元货币今年走强其中一个主要的原因是预期欧洲央行将实施紧缩货币政策。 www.blancgroup.com 4. Managers have to strike a balance between expenditure and efficiency and between the cost of anticipation and that of repair. 管理人员必须在支出和效率、预防成本和维修成本之间谋求平衡。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He felt a little thrill of anticipation as he picked up the phone and said, "Hagen here. " 他拿起电话的时候,感到一阵激动,“我是黑根。” blog.sina.com.cn 6. Attributes: Finishing, Agility, Dribbling, Acceleration and Pace, Anticipation, Composure, Off the Ball, Balance. 属性:射门,灵活,控球,速度和加速,预判,镇静,无球跑动,平衡。 www.playgm.cn 7. "Just myself, " she answered. He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his own loneliness than anticipation of hers. “就我一个人”,她回答。他感到胃部有一些不适,与其说是因为料到了她的孤独无助,还不如说是想起了自己的形单影只。 club.qingdaonews.com 8. May those closed- door experiences in life create in us a sense of anticipation, yearning to see what God has prepared for us ahead. 求神帮助我们在经历四处碰闭门的光景时,学会盼望神所预备的更美好未来。 www.hcchome.org 9. The anticipation will drive her nuts, because she has no idea when you are going to ask her out. 这样她就不知道你具体什么时候约她,很自然的激起她的期待。 www.bing.com 10. by a growing sense of alienation from the state; and by the unease of anticipation as the end of an era inevitably looms ever closer. 对国家的疏离感越来越严重,并作为一个时代结束的不安预期日益迫近。 www.ecocn.org 1. While it's true that anticipation is one of the best parts of life, your most treasured times are those lived fully in the moment. 确实如此,期望是人生命中最美好的部分之一,你最宝贵的时间就是那些在那刻过得很充实的时候。 www.elanso.com 2. We put them to bed with a sense of relief---and greet them in the morning with delight and anticipation. 打发他们上床以后,我们才觉得放心---早上见到他们,我们又充满喜悦和期待。 www.bing.com 3. Year end is usually off the hook with all wrapping up activities and the exciting anticipation . 年底有各种各样的收尾工作和令人兴奋的期待,让人紧张不已。 www.bing.com 4. Now, if there is precipitation, anticipation here, it is not in the sense that this step skips over, goes more quickly than its own stages. 现在,既然有孤注一掷,有期盼在这里,它的意义并是它要跳跃过去,比它原先分成的阶段,更快速地过去。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. Studies show that having fun on a regular basis is a pillar of happiness, and anticipation is an important part of that pleasure. 研究显示:定期娱乐一下是快乐的基础,而期待是那种快乐感中很重要的一部分。 www.elanso.com 6. Such a disappointment wouldn't be a crushing blow, and I'm depriving myself of the joys of anticipation. 如此的失望不会是一次粉碎性的打击。我正在剥夺自己做期待时的快乐。 www.tiantianbt.com 7. This Pavlovian technique resulted in the rats freezing up in nervous anticipation of the shocks every time they heard either sound. 导致每次老鼠听到两种声音时都整个僵住,紧张的等着想象中的电击。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Is only for a nobody anticipation pledge, does not exist agreement, on insipid road that far, because - - likes you. 只是为了一个无人期待的誓言,一份并不存在的约定,就在索然寡味的路上走了那么远,因为——喜欢你。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A user doesn't conditionally configure changes in anticipation of a terminal Execute command as he does for a modal dialog box. 用户不会像在模态对话框中那样因为预料到终止的执行命令,而适当地做一些改变。 www.jukuu.com 10. The eyes of My universe watch in brazen anticipation as the phenomena of her resurrection and ascension is triggered. 我的宇宙之眼值守着响亮的预期,当她复活和上升的迹象被触发之时。 hi.baidu.com 1. Since the final goal is achieved, what would be the next anticipation, and what shall we do? 奔的目标真的到头了,下一步该怎么办,将期待什么? www.elanso.com 2. That characteristic let the experimenters study how the brain handles both anticipation and arrival of a musical rush. 这种特点使得研究者能够研究大脑如何同时处理对音乐律动的预期和享受两种过程。 www.bing.com 3. The challenge on the first mandate is not to overreact in anticipation of what may be only a modest blip to the economy. 第一项任务的挑战是不要过度反应,期待着经济也许不过是出现适度的暂时停顿。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In those ruined pictures, we catch not the happy anticipation with console, but the worry and fear about this crazy time. 在那些破败的图像中,我们捕捉到的不是美好的期待与慰籍,而是对于这个疯狂时代的恐惧与担忧。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Because the Lasker Award is often seen as a precursor to the Nobel Prize, the Chinese media are abuzz with anticipation. 因为拉斯克奖被看作诺贝尔奖的“风向标”,中国媒体充满了预期。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A person who buys commodities or securities in anticipation of a rise in prices or who tries by speculative purchases to effect such a rise. 在预测物价要上涨前购进商品或证券的人或试图通过投机买卖来影响物价上涨的人。 dict.ebigear.com 7. "I was waking up in cold sweats for six months in anticipation of it, " Williams says. 她说:“因为想到要演这个电影,半年来我都会满身冷汗地醒来。” www.bing.com 8. I drove two hours to his house, white-knuckled in anticipation of what I was about to do. 开车两个小时到他家,精神紧张的想着我接下来的工作。 mytimes.net.cn 9. She was one of the fastest women in China, and she awaited the 1940 Olympics in Tokyo with pride and anticipation. 她是当时中国跑得最快的女运动员之一,一直充满自豪地期待着1940年的东京奥运会。 www.24en.com 10. It was partly in anticipation of this that we highlighted owning China "A" shares as one of our most favoured trades for 2009. 在一定程度上,正是基于这种预期,我们把中国A股列为2009年最值得看好的投资选择之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. His brain works to match the unexpected misfortune of being stuck at the airport to its eager anticipation of a fun getaway. 他的大脑做了番工作,将没料到的滞留机场的倒霉事儿匹配到对快乐休假的热情期待。 www.bing.com 2. Customers may also be permitted to ~ their current accounts for a short period in anticipation of a credit item coming in. 客户如预知有一笔存入款项即将办理,也可短时期透支其往来账户。 www.bjemark.com 3. The first entry in the game's sequel, following years of fan anticipation, arrives in two weeks bearing an unprecedented budget. 两周之后,这部粉丝企盼多年的续作终于要正式上市,其预算创下新高。 www.bing.com 4. The hero was myself and there was a glowing anticipation of the arrival of a heroine. 诗中我是男主人公,热切地期待着女主人公的来临。 www.bing.com 5. Futures prices for wheat had begun to fall even before the ban, in anticipation of a bountiful spring harvest. 因为春季丰收的原因,其实在禁令发布之前,小麦价格就已开始下滑了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Generally speaking, anxiety is defined as a state of uneasiness and apprehension caused by the anticipation of something threatening. 焦虑是指个体由于不能达到预期目标而形成的紧张不安并且带有恐惧感的情绪状态。 www.13191.com 7. This is a psychological game that you can play with your girl, to increase sexual tension and anticipation on her part. 你能和你的女人玩这个心理游戏,这样可以增加她的性张力和期待。 www.bing.com 8. ANTICIPATION THAT a wave of cash from mainland China will eventually reach Taiwan is helping to turn its real estate into a hot property. 有人预期中国大陆的资金最终将涌入台湾,这种期望使台湾房地产市场变成了炙手可热的投资选择。 www.ebigear.com 9. They nodded their head affirmatively as their eyes lit up in anticipation of the rapid weight loss secrets I was about to reveal. 他们非常肯定地点头,眼睛因期待我即将展示的快速减肥秘诀而闪亮。 space.foodmate.net 10. The level of anticipation whipped up in advance of the January event was unusual even by Mr Jobs' own, impressive standards. 在1月份的发布会之前,即使是按照乔布斯自己的苛刻标准衡量,外界对苹果的期望程度也是异乎寻常的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. They will inject great hope and anticipation of the better times that are about to be brought about. 它们将给群众注入巨大的希望和美好时代的预感,而且就要带来成效了。 blog.163.com 2. In anticipation of that rapid reversal, gold will take off as it hasn't for a generation. 在对这一快速反转的预期中,黄金价格将以近20年来从所未有的速度迅速上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Therefore, the services that a partner renders to the firm are assumed to BE rendered anticipation of a share of the profits, not a salary. 因此,合伙人为企业提供的服务是利润的预分配,而不是工资。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Positioning , tackling, pace and anticipation are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good full- back . 选择后卫时,位置感、抢断、速度、预判是关键数值。 www.bing.com 5. Spring is in the air in Lebanon, and my heart is filled with anticipation at the sartorial joys of the season. 春天弥漫在黎巴嫩的空气中,且在这穿衣乐趣的季节我的心也充满了期望。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. The Heat have spent the last couple years juggling contracts and clearing salary cap space in anticipation of the free-agent class of 2010. 热火在过去的几年戏法合同和结算工资帽空间,预计免费代理类的2010年。 tieba.baidu.com 7. In the years to follow, the answers began to arrive, clear and satisfying beyond my most optimistic anticipation. 在接下来的几年里,我得到了明确而满意的回答,超出了我最乐观的期望值。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Happiness: Anticipation of the goals, mental experience and comments by others during the pursuit for the great conviction. 幸福:追求大信仰过程中的目标憧憬、心理体验、外界评说。 www.pinghenglun.com 9. However, capital inflows into China in anticipation of further appreciation of the renminbi account for a large share of this increase. 鉴于这种涨势预计会引起人民币的进一步升值,滔滔资本已开始流入中国大陆。 www.bing.com 10. Anxiety is defined as a state of uneasiness and apprehension or fear caused by the anticipation of something threatening. 焦虑被认为是由于对具有威胁性的期望而引起的一种不安和疑虑状态。 www.fabiao.net 1. Despite months of anticipation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. 尽管期待的月,没有什么能已经为我做真实日子的对的冲击的准备。 wenwen.soso.com 2. And we think one of the big drivers of that is an anticipation of slower growth , not only in the U. S. , but globally . 然而我们认为其中一个重要的原因是增长缓慢的参与,这不仅是美国,而是全球化的。 www.bing.com 3. It remains to be seen whether the joy of anticipation is exactly equaled by the amount of disappointment after the lottery . 但是有件事还有待考察:预期中奖的快乐是不是和开奖之后的“沮丧”的程度相等。 www.bing.com 4. Cotton is rising on anticipation that the USDA report "is going to be friendly. " 由于美国农业部的报告将会很乐观,棉花价格估计上涨。 www.silkcapital.com 5. Before the game you could sense that the crowd were excited by the anticipation of a new season. 在比赛前,你可以感觉到球队对新赛季的渴望。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Many local TV stations are still waiting to see whether, in anticipation of the State. 很多地方电视台仍处于观望、期盼的状态。 www.fabiao.net 7. I watched with surreal anticipation as my body of forty-two years jerked its way out of the flat. 怀着做梦般的期待之情,我望着自己使用了四十二年的身体抽搐着走出了房间。 www.bing.com 8. As your baby grows, you'll also notice that these first smiles will give way to smiling in response to you and in anticipation of you. 随著宝宝的成长,你亦会发觉,这些最初的笑容,会逐渐变成回应你和期盼你的微笑。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When the year comes to an end, there is always some anticipation for the future, especially for this year, a start of a new millenium. 每当岁末年终,总是对新的一年有些期许,尤其是今年适逢跨入另一个世纪,在人们眼中也显得特别有意义。 glotus.org 10. The children waited with eager anticipation for Christmas. 孩子们热切期待圣诞节的到来。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In fact, everyone has a longing to be accompanied by the anticipation of a lifetime to the gray hair or gray hair. 其实每个人都有一个期盼,这份期盼会伴随着一生,到头发花白或者是满头黑发。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There was no anticipation or reaction. No cause and effect. It just was. 没有任何的预知或反应,也没有因没有果,就这样发生了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. These seconds of helpless anticipation seem like an eternity, but then the spell is broken. 这么一会儿的无可奈何的预兆几乎是永恒的,有时这种发生发火也会间断。 www.noforget.com 4. Therefore I had a great anticipation for the trip as many people told me that China develops very fast. 所以,我抱着很大的期望,因为很多人说中国发展很快。我非常高兴有机会来到中国。 english.cri.cn 5. Dr Mikkelsen is working on a way for individual generators to scan the air upwind and adjust the position of their blades in anticipation. Mikkelsen博士的工作将能使单个的风机组扫描风向,并且调整风轮的叶片姿态到最佳位置。 www.my1510.cn 6. Jeanie scarce forbore to scream aloud at what seemed the realization of the most frightful of her anticipation. 珍妮看到预料中的最可怕的事情出现,几乎忍不住大声惊呼。 tr.bab.la 7. We like owning commodity currencies as they should continue to be supported by rising commodity prices in anticipation of QE. 因为预期量化宽松政策会持续支撑商品价格走高,现阶段我们倾向拥有商品货币。 www.blancgroup.com 8. Anticipation --- The progressively earlier onset and increased severity of certain diseases in successive generations of a family. 某种遗传病的症状一代比一代严重,而且发病时间一代早于一代。 www.cnblogs.com 9. A sharp , pleasurable feeling of anticipation sped her fingers as she leafed through the pages . 一种预料之中的愉悦心情冲上手指,仿佛这一切滋生于那些翻动的书页。 www.bing.com 10. In anticipation of this, an independent-minded top judge was clearly not to his taste. 由此看来,有本身主意的最高峻法官显然不契合他的胃口。 www.sxms5.com 1. Their mind will be able to reframe the fearful energy into anticipation of an exciting experience. 他们的理智将会把恐惧产生的力量重塑为对一次刺激体验的期待。 www.bing.com 2. Her eyes flickered nervously in anticipation. 她紧张而期待地眨着眼睛。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Requirements for products can be specified by customers, or by the organization in anticipation of customer requirements, or by regulation. 产品要求可由顾客规定,或由组织通过预测顾客的要求规定,或由法规规定。 cd.cnqr.org 4. United States and South Korean forces have raised their alert level in anticipation of a possible North Korean missile test. 预计朝鲜可能进行导弹试射,美国和韩国军队提高了对朝鲜的警戒等级。 www.bing.com 5. His company, which trades illiquid securities, started trading bankruptcy claims this year in anticipation of a wave of corporate defaults. 他的公司从事流动性不良证券的交易,从今年起因为预期将出现一波公司违约而开始提供破产求偿交易。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Alternatively, a number of rows can be sent back together in anticipation of the application fetching additional rows. 或者,也可以将多个行一起返回,以便应用程序获取更多的行。 www.ibm.com 7. Even if the projects have no effect until well into the recovery the mere anticipation of them might restore confidence. 即使这些项目对经济复苏没有任何效果,至少可以帮助恢复信心。 www.bing.com 8. It pointed out the anticipation only to be referred, and also need combine the practical climate change in concrete periods. 文章指出,本推测仅探讨而已,还必须与本年各个时期的实际气候变化相结合,不可拘泥。 www.chemyq.com 9. However, I came to understand later that anticipation could somehow be altered by the power of thought. 不过后来才了解,预感有时随念力所转而有所差异。 sm2000.org 10. But amid all the excitement and anticipation, almost unnoticed, is the historical irony of a Disneyland in Shanghai. 在兴奋和期待中,几乎未被察觉的是其中的历史性讽刺。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. My golden years, in anticipation and hope, longing, yearning, a magnificent picture in a tiny minds thinking is so wonderful, so beautiful! 我的黄金时代,在期待、盼望、翘首、憧憬,一幅幅美丽的图景在小小的脑海里构思,是那么奇妙,那么美好! blog.sina.com.cn 2. The children are manic with anticipation on the evening of Kevin's return from France. 凯文从法国回来的那天晚上,孩子们都很兴奋的期待着。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Neytiri takes the end of her queue and raises it. Jake does the same, with trembling anticipation. 奈蒂莉把自己的辫子末端举了起来,杰克照着做了,带着点颤抖和不安。 www.maomaopao.com 4. The downside? Keepers with bad rushing out stats and low anticipation, positioning and decisions will be very error prone. 那些出击差,预判低,位置感和决断差的门将容易犯错。 ourcm.net 5. I said as the dogs looked on with great anticipation. 两条狗用急切期待的目光看着我。 chinafanyi.com 6. The value of the dollar has fallen in anticipation of a flood of new American currency hitting global financial markets. 由于市场预料美国发行的大量新货币将涌入全球金融市场,美元汇率已经下跌。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Steel mills in March imported record quantities of their key raw material, iron ore, in anticipation of a pickup in demand in coming months. 炼钢厂3月份进口了大量铁矿石,他们预计未来几个月钢铁需求将会上升。铁矿石是重要的炼钢原料。 www.bing.com 8. But precisely because everyone knew what was going to happen there was plenty of anticipation. 但是正是因为大家知道将要发生什么,所以会存在着很高的期望。 www.bing.com 9. Because have no the dint! Because vexed disorderly! Because that also cannot tear apart forever, pull the clear anticipation! 因为无力!因为烦乱!因为那永远也无法扯开,扯清楚的期待! dict.veduchina.com 10. With the World Cup now just three days away, the pressure on the players is only growing as fans' anticipation reaches fever pitch. 随着世界杯的日益临近,与球迷们渐趋白热化的期望值成正比的是球员们所感受的压力。 www.bing.com 1. With all the hype surrounding stealth-mode Cuil, the innovative search engine had plenty of anticipation built up around its launch. 大肆宣传安全模式的Cuil,这个创新的搜索引擎在高期望中推出了。 www.bing.com 2. But, although Taiwanese airline shares have soared in anticipation, the sector is in for a reality check. 但是,虽然台湾航空类股在上述预期的推动下大涨,但该行业不得不面对现实。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The country heightened security in anticipation of unrest leading up to Sunday's protests. 提高该国在安全的动乱导致预期至周日的抗议活动。 www.maynet.cn 4. Pakistan: The bride's family strings hundreds of brightly colored lights around the house in anticipation of the wedding. 巴基斯坦:新娘的家人为迎接婚礼,在房子上挂上数百盏明亮的彩灯。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In anticipation of Oracle's need for cash to complete the deal, Moody's downgraded the company's credit rating. 由于预见到甲骨文需要现金进行收购,穆迪降低了甲骨文的债务评级。 club.topsage.com 6. for his part , the actor kept a low profile to help build anticipation for the film. 对这位演员而言,他保持低姿态以帮助建立公众对这部电影的期待。 www.ichacha.net 7. Dr Mikkelsen is working on a way for individual turbines to scan the air upwind and adjust their blades in anticipation. 米凯尔森博士正在研究一种办法,可以让单个涡轮机把握迎面来风的风势,然后预先调整叶片角度。 www.ecocn.org 8. The move infuriated ethanol producers, who had expanded production in anticipation of the policy change and are now left with a supply glut. 此举使乙醇生产商大为光火。他们曾对政策变化满怀期望,扩大了生产规模,可是现在却造成了积压。 www.kekenet.com 9. The thrill moves through your blood stream like a drug, awakening every nerve, until even your fingertips are pulsing with anticipation. 吸毒般的兴奋感在血管中流奔,唤醒了每一条神经,让每个指尖都期待地震颤着。 www.bing.com 10. The apostles and others had prayed for a whole week, in a spirit of expectancy and anticipation. 众使徒和其他信徒,怀着热切期待的心,整个星期一起祷告。 blog.163.com 1. She was filled with anticipation about her coming trip to India. 她对即将到来的印度之旅充满期望。 www.wwenglish.com 2. Lots of viewers highly expressed their anticipation to see the love seedling of Yun Jung-Hee and Kim Jin-Wu. 在尹晶喜跟金镇佑的爱苗上,有很多观众高度表现出满怀期待。 tieba.baidu.com 3. As the evening came to a close, there were applause and anticipation of what the next movie in the park would be. 随着夜晚的降临,公园里充满了掌声,人们猜想下部电影会是什么。 www.bing.com 4. Any number of indicators show that the recent move up was less driven by physical demand than by the anticipation of liquidity. 许多指标显示,大宗商品价格近期的攀升,更多地是受到流动性预期的推动,而非实际需求。 www.ftchinese.com 5. That means the simple act of anticipation may play a surprisingly important role in how fresh the memory of a tough experience remains. 这就意味着简单的预期在痛苦记忆的清晰程度方面起着令人意想不到的作用。 acctc.com 6. And a touch of nervous anticipation can actually help you get revved and keep you at peak performance while you're taking the test. 其实,适当的紧张感能够帮你在考试时保持一个巅峰状态。 www.hjenglish.com 7. After only one or two trials, many bees learned to stick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet. 经过短短的一两个试验,许多蜜蜂已经学会在期盼已久的含糖微滴前吐出舌样长鼻。 www.bing.com 8. The anticipation itself is already full of fun, but over doing it only make you look for your own frustrations. 期待本身已充满乐趣,过分苛刻或正襟危坐只会让你自寻烦恼。 www.jukuu.com 9. Every love, will have to undergo anticipation, disappointment, hesitation and affirmation, smile and heart-broken. 每一段爱情,都要经历期盼和失望,犹豫和肯定,微笑和心碎。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Cinema goers in the UK are licking their lips in anticipation of the films to be released in time for the Christmas holidays. 英国的电影迷们已经迫不及待地期望着观看圣诞档期电影。 www.bing.com 1. I can definitely feel the anticipation, he said. 我能感受到他们的期望。 dict.bioon.com 2. You want to give fans a sense of anticipation for the upcoming season, a feeling that they can't wait for the first ball to be kicked. 你想给球迷一个新赛季的期待,一个他们等不急马上就开球的感觉。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. I'm all anticipation for the summer to come. I only wish you could be with us. 我盼望夏天的来临,希望您能同我们在一起。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Hi! Everybaby. The anticipation by the long time "the summer English study group" , officially opened today! 期待以久的“暑期英语学习团”,就在今天正式开团了! www.leonjaywilliams.com 5. along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage. 如果不是谦卑地期待着过去有所预示的赐福的到来, www.kekenet.com 6. For the outside observer it may seem that your reactions are fantastic but in fact it was your anticipation that made that possible. 对于站在场外的人而言似乎是你的反应速度多么神奇,而实际情况是你的预判使这种神奇成为可能。 www.tennis.com.cn 7. The great anticipation outside of Innovation Works is both a pressure for us as well as something that excites people. 外界对创新工场巨大的期望既是压力同时也是件令人激动的事情。 www.bing.com 8. He's the best left wing we've ever had in the team, quick as lightning and with excellent anticipation. 他是球队中迄今最好的左边锋,不仅速度快,而且具有出色的先发制人的能力。 www.hotdic.com 9. The anticipation of a change to supportive policies could change the tone of the market even sooner. 改革支持政策的预期,有可能更快地改变市场氛围。 www.ftchinese.com 10. First, rationality requires both complete knowledge and total anticipation of the consequences that will follow each choice. 首先,理性既要求完整的知识,也要求对每一个选项后所发生结果的完全预测。 www.bing.com 1. Anticipation is caused by expansion of the number of unstable repeats within the gene responsible for the disease. 由疾病相关基因的不稳定重复片段的扩增引起。 www.sunnybtoc.com 2. Indeed, Chinese factories are already shoring up their defenses in anticipation of a revaluation. 事实上,预期人民币将重估的中国工厂已经在加强防范。 c.wsj.com 3. In anticipation of the boom, production efforts have been stepped up across the world. 面对繁荣的行业前景,全球范围内都在加大液化天然气的生产力度。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In anticipation of your order, we have reserved stock for you. 估计到你们会订货,我们为你们保留了库存品。 www.tingclass.net 5. But after a long wait and an extra day of anticipation, Indonesians were no longer willing to stay quiet. 然而,经过很长时间的等待,而又比预计的晚了一天庆祝,印尼人不再愿意保持安静了。 www.bing.com 6. The chairman is much relieved and a happy man today, and now there's a buzz of anticipation for the draw. 主席今天相当轻松愉快。现在已经有声音开始谈论小组赛所期待的对手了。 www.lfcfans.com 7. This kind of behavior should be noted in anticipation of a customer question. 在预先考虑消费者问题时应注意此类行为。 www.ibm.com 8. Overall we prefer to use remaining strength in the JPY-crosses as a selling opportunity in anticipation of heightened risk aversion. 总的来说,我们倾向于利用日元交叉盘剩余的高位做空,以待避险情绪上涨。 blog.tianya.cn 9. And you're full of that amazing -- that feeling of excited anticipation. 你会充满那种惊人的--参与其中的兴奋的感觉。 www.ted.com 10. Think of this perhaps as a first date, in the sense that there is much anticipation and there are many expectations. 考虑到这个也许有一个最初日期,感知到有许多的预感和许多的期待。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Students count down the days until the fall in anticipation of the start of the football frenzy. 在所期待的狂热的足球赛季开始前,学生们总是在倒计时。 www.liuxuexiaobao.com 2. We really wait with anticipation for the results of these clinical trials. 我们非常期待这些药物进行临床试验。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. " Wow ! What fun it would be to write on the chalkboard while everyone is outside. " Judy's eyes twinkled with anticipation . “哇!当大家都在外面的时候,偷偷在黑板上写字该是多么有趣的事啊!”朱迪的眼睛因期待而闪闪发亮。 www.bing.com 4. Stockmarkets have been rallying since March on anticipation that the global economy would recover. 由于预计全球经济将复苏,自从三月以来股票市场一直在积累人气。 www.ecocn.org 5. Anticipation and an attitude of skepticism regarding the patient's "normal" hemodynamic status are appropriate. 预测并且对患者“正常”的血流动力学状态持怀疑态度是应该的。 www.med66.com 6. "The anticipation of money for state and local governments is already preventing job losses. " “对州政府与地方政府获得资金的预期已经开始阻止失业形势恶化。” www.ftchinese.com 7. Mr. Hayes says that in anticipation of rising labor costs, the company will likely ramp up automation efforts in its factories in China. 海斯说,由于已经预计到劳动力成本会上升,该公司可能会加快其在华工厂的自动化进程。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Most of the town's residents are also thought to have fled in anticipation of the weekend's attack. 据悉,该镇大多数居民都因对周末的攻击有所预感而在事先逃离。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Inspired by Heaven's pronouncements we assembled a first-contact command and came in joyful anticipation to your shores. 由天堂的言论鼓舞,我们汇集了首次接触指挥和欢乐的期待您的海岸来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Because by delaying your start, you are building anticipation, and increasing your focus and energy for your goal. 因为通过推迟开始日期,有了期盼,这会将使你更多的精力和能量都倾注在目标上。 www.bing.com 1. So it was with keen anticipation that the first of a series of preparatory pow- wows opened last week in Bonn. 上周起,为了年底的哥本哈根会议而在德国波恩召开的一系列筹备会议,也获得热烈响应,前景大为看好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Difficult also to be strong again painstakingly again, only for these anticipation look. 再苦再难也要坚强,只为那些期待眼神。 www.dota123.com 3. Bestir yourselves, O people, in anticipation of the days of Divine Justice, for the promised hour is now come. 振作你们自己以期盼神圣正义的日子!因为那应允的时刻已来临。 word.hcbus.com 4. In general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries. 一般来说,它是一个充满期待的时间,一些焦虑,令人惊奇的发现。 www.8875.org 5. A TLB is a relatively small cache area that stores the most-recent address translation in anticipation of its potential reuse. TLB是一个较小的缓存区域,用于存储最近的地址转换,以便再次使用。 www.ibm.com 6. Anticipation of your behavioral and emotional reaction to the negotiation scenario mentioned in Question 25. 预料您就第25题的情景,可能出现的反应及情绪。 www.my3q.com 7. Visitors grabbed their darkened glasses in anticipation, following reminders that viewing with the naked eye could damage their eyesight. 在受到裸眼观看会影响视力的提醒后,游客们满怀期待地戴上暗色眼镜。 www.bing.com 8. We expect uncertainty and manage for it through iterations, anticipation, and adaptation. 我们预料到了不确定性,并通过迭代、预防和适应的方式来管理它。 www.81xue.com 9. In anticipation of demand they've also put out advanced advisory, "Distribution of the calendar will, however, vary at national level. " 在对市场需求进行预测方面,他们已经得到了高人的指点,“这本挂历将在全国范围内推出不同的版面。” www.bing.com 10. Our investment bias has become less defensive and more pro-cyclical in an anticipation of a global economic recovery. 我们预期全球经济将复苏,我们的投资偏好已较少倾向于防御性门类,更多倾向于周期性门类。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Hard questions to answer, since a critic's job is not prophecy so much as the anticipation of surprise. 这些问题很难回答,因为影评人并非先知,却又总是会遇上各种出其不意的问题。 www.bing.com 2. As our earthly bodies weaken, may we grow in anticipation of that day. 在我们地上的身体日渐衰败时,愿我们对那一天的期待也越来越强烈。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Women are coy. They like to play hard to get. They like to enjoy the chase. They love anticipation. They love to "let a guy catch them" . 女人内敛。她们想让自己变得没那么容易获得。她们享受被追逐,当然还有为此而进行的竞争。她们更喜欢“让男人追”。 www.bing.com 4. In spite of this, an irrepressible curiosity and anticipation, like water boiling on the stove, pushed up against the lid of the kettle. 虽然这么说,按捺不下的好厅心和希冀像火炉上烧滚的水,勃勃地掀动壶盖。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The futures market does sometimes signal that prices are likely to rise, which might prompt speculators to hoard oil in anticipation. 期货市场有时候的确会发出价格可能上涨的信号,这可能促使投机者囤积原油。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Those within our group who plotted the probabilities of Prime Creator were correct in much of their time travel and anticipation. 在我们的团体那些存在策划了最初的创造者在他们大量的旅行和预期中修正的可能性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. More self-service photocopying machines in the libraries are planned in anticipation of the enactment of the new Copyright Ordinance. 由于预期政府将制定新的《版权条例》,临时市政局计划在图书馆内提供更多自助影印机。 www.hotdic.com 8. Farmer is smaller to the anticipation of land ownership stability, its hire praedial possibility smaller, lease praedial area smaller also. 农户对地权稳定性的预期越低,其租入农地的可能性越小,租入农地的面积也越小。 www.showxiu.com 9. Anticipation Increases your dodge chance by an additional 5%. 使你的躲闪几率提高5%。 swdlgh.duniu.com 10. She kept working for several months, and we attended Lamaze classes in anticipation of my participating in a natural childbirth. 她又继续工作了几个月。我们参加了心理助产课程,因为她如果自然分娩的话,我需要在场协助。 www.bing.com 1. Here we have two women in anticipation of this tremendous adventure responding with the reality that they have favor. 两个女人期盼这极大的经历,回应都是她们是蒙恩惠的。 hourofpower.org.hk 2. Retrieves the number of idle threads the thread pool maintains in anticipation of new requests. 检索线程池在新请求预测中维护的空闲线程数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured. 这一位运动员有好的打击预期而且经常有一突出的击球,或者说一场比赛可能因此原因而被建构出来。 www.tennis.ezwell.tw 4. In "Spring Herald, " Zhu Wei's portrait depicts the experience of seasonal change, and the anticipation of an imminent spring. 在《报春图》中,艺术家以肖像般的构图描绘了对于春天的即将来临的体验。 www.zhuweiartden.com 5. Running anxiously to the mailbox in anticipation of my test scores became part of my daily routine. 每天焦虑不安地冲向邮箱,盼望能取得考试成绩,这成了我生活的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "I do have girlfriends who have had multiple children in anticipation there will ultimately be a boy, " Ms. Moy said. Moy女士说道,“我确实有一些女友为了最终能够有个男孩而准备生好几个”。 www.bing.com 7. My body buzzed with adrenaline, and every cell waited for the slap on my calf that would end the torment of anticipation. 我全身的每一个细胞都在等待有人拍打我的小腿肚,惟有这样才可以结束等待的痛苦。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Ever since then, I spent day and night lying in the arms of my love, water, who brings me joy, sorrow, and longing and anticipation. 从此,我日夜依偎在“恋人”——水的身旁。是水带给我欢乐,是水带给我忧伤,带给我思念和期望。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With the monkey's persuading words, the cat literally drooled in anticipation, and he eventually agreed. 经猴子花言巧语地一说,花猫馋得直流口水,最后它同意了。 chinese.cscc.org.sg 10. But first, after a month or even years of anticipation, the 2010 Football World Cup has finally begun. 但首先,经过一个月,甚至多年的期盼,2010世界杯终于开始。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. By this method, the author could fully study the conduction effects of SHIBOR in money policy from both liquidity and anticipation. 这样的区分,可以使本文能够从市场流动性和市场预期两个角度对SHIBOR在货币政策中的传导效果进行全面的考察和分析。 www.fabiao.net 2. The dip in sales is apparently due to everyone's anticipation of a new iPhone coming. 销售量的下降很明显是因为大家都在等待新款iphone的发布。 www.bing.com 3. The energy of Earth that you view with anticipation of disasters is one complicated level. 你所考虑的、预期有许多灾难的地球能量是一个结构复杂的层次。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The dollar fell further against other currencies on anticipation of more action by the Federal Reserve to push U. S. interest rates down. 美元对其他货币汇率进一步下降,美联储预计会采取更多措施,降低美国利率。 www.bing.com 5. However, the ratings changed after, and sometimes in anticipation of, life-altering events, including sudden changes in income. 然而,若生活出现变化,有时是预料之内发生的事情,包括收入突然改变,那么他们对生活满意程度的评价随之改变。 www.bing.com 6. The banks have made some provision in an anticipation of tougher times ahead. 因预计未来政策可能收得更紧,中资银行已做好了相关准备。 chinese.wsj.com 7. in anticipation of the latest release of America's most watched piece of economic data: themonthly jobs report. 因为这里最新发布的美国最受关注的经济数据联系着该国的经济晴雨表:月度就业报告。 www.ecocn.org 8. Dopamine is not about pleasure, it's about the anticipation of pleasure. It's about the pursuit of happiness rather than happiness itself. 多巴胺不是快乐,而是对快乐的期待。它是追求幸福的,而不是幸福本身。 www.bing.com 9. Many shippers have expanded their operations in anticipation of a global boom. 此前,许多航运公司因对全球市场的繁荣预期而进行了业务扩张。 www.ecocn.org 10. Even behind the silly shades, I could see the anticipation and anxiety written in the lines of his face. 即使隔着有点滑稽的墨镜,我仍能看见写在他脸上皱纹里的那种期待和焦虑。 m.yeeyan.org 1. He enforced strict secrecy among Apple employees, a strategy that he believed heightened anticipation for upcoming Apple products. 他要求苹果员工严格执行保密,他认为这种策略增强了人们对即将发布的苹果产品的期待。 www.okread.net 2. With anticipation of rising house prices, wealthy households purchased several houses, creating excess demand for houses. 随着房价的预期上涨,富裕家庭购买了好几套房子,从而导致房子需求过剩。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. For Lotus Notes and Domino customers, every new release is an occasion for great interest and anticipation. LotusNotes和Domino客户对每一个新的版本都充满极大的兴趣和期待。 www-128.ibm.com 4. In anticipation of high water, the ground floor had been built several feet above ground. 考虑到河水有上涨的可能,房子一楼的地板装得比地面高出7英尺。 blog.163.com 5. There are teams that have, in essence, thrown away the last few years in anticipation of the free agent class of 2010. 有多支球队放弃过去数年的成绩,期待在2010年自由球员市场大有作为。 cn.reuters.com 6. The financial markets had raised interest rates in anticipation of a squeeze. 金融市场因预计到银根紧缩而提高了利率。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Contingent reserve Retained earnings appropriated in anticipation of possible future losses or expenses. 意外事项准备金,应急准备金作为准备金的留存盈利,用以应付未来可能发生的损失或费用。 www.chinacitywater.org 8. Steve Jobs is a master of this, letting the anticipation build and then the big announcement. 史蒂夫?乔布斯是这一行业的大师,让我们期待,等着他的重大宣布。 www.kekenet.com 9. Sets the minimum number of idle threads that the host must maintain in anticipation of requests. 指定主机为预期的请求维护的最小空闲线程数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Several veteran Chinese bankers have established firms in anticipation of the legislation. 几位经验丰富的中国银行家已设立了此类公司,期待着通过相关立法。 www.ftchinese.com 1. PS: To create worry, humans elongate fear with anticipation and memory, expand it in imagination and fuel it with emotion. 为了催生苦闷,人类用期望和回忆将恐惧延伸,用想象将其拓展,用情绪将其渲染。 blog.163.com 2. In anticipation of her return home, my wife and I have been discussing how to embrace this change to our routine. 在期待她回家的同时,我的妻子和我已在一直讨论如何将这种变化融汇到我们的日常生活中来。 www.elanso.com 3. Tradition also calls for a joined community effort to make the newly weds an anticipation for many children to come. 传统还鼓励大家都要参与,预祝这对新婚夫妇将来子孙满堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Gets the minimum number of idle threads that the host maintains in anticipation of requests. 获取主机为预期的请求维护的最小空闲线程数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Community Team: Anticipation is considered a more attractive talent than Frigid Dreadplate because dodge can trigger Rune Strike. 社区:由于躲闪可以触发符文打击,预知被认为比严寒邪铠更有吸引力。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. Improved pricing and temporary cost reductions in anticipation of weaker volumes resulted in considerably higher cigar margins in the US. 由于预计销量较低,提高了定价而降低了临时成本,导致美国的雪茄利润率较高。 www.tobaccochina.com 7. Sets the number of idle threads the thread pool maintains in anticipation of new requests. 设置线程池在新请求预测中维护的空闲线程数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The quantum wave packet dynamics calculations play an important role in explanation and anticipation of experimental results. 量子波包动力学计算对于实验结果的解释和预测起着关键作用。 www.boshuo.net 9. In anticipation, many banks scramble to dress up their balance sheets, shedding unloved assets and declining credit to risky borrowers. 外界预料,许多银行这时会匆忙粉饰自己的资产负债表,甩掉那些不令人待见的资产,降低发放给高风险借款人的信贷。 www.bing.com 10. But, as in theater, so also in organizational life, the magic fusion between anticipation and execution often fizzles . 但是,如在剧场中,也和组织生活中一样,预期效果和实际情况之间的魔术般的结合经常失败。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. These days, however, says Mr Joerres, "firms will no longer hire in anticipation; they will wait to respond to actual changes in demand. " 然而,这些日子里,乔尔斯说道,“公司不再根据预期来招聘,他们会等待需求的实际变化再来应对”。 www.ecocn.org 2. In anticipation of high water, the ground floor had been built seven feet above grade. 考虑到河水有上涨的可能,房子一楼的地板安装得比地面高出七英尺。 www.ebigear.com 3. Grow to higher 2008 market beforehand appraise is to be used at the anticipation that rises to permeability of LCD TV market. 对2008年更高的市场增添预估是用于对LCD电视市场渗入率回升的预期。 www.eebug.cn 4. Today, the Olympics already became the universe one kind of common desire, one kind of common anticipation, one kind of common wish. 今天,奥林匹克已经成为全人类的一种共同的愿望、一种共同的期待,一种共同的祝愿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. People's anticipation of inflation had been enhanced, and it would put further pressure on price hikes, according to the report. 根据人行的报告,人们对通货膨胀的预期已经提高,这将进一步对价格上涨形成压力。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I was leading a quiet, ordinary life in anticipation of the growth of my only son. 我过着平静而普通的生活,期盼着我唯一的儿子的成长。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. David Cameron held talks in Paris on Friday with the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, in anticipation of next week's critical EU summit. 为给下星期关键的欧盟峰会做准备,星期五大卫·卡梅伦在巴黎和法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科齐举行了会谈。 www.bing.com 8. Your anticipation of disclosure brings excitement, but there is still an element of fear and apprehension. 你的关于揭露真相的预期会带来兴奋,但是仍然有一种恐惧和不安的因素。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. wish, pleasure, confidence, promise, anticipation. 希望;期望;信心。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I remembered my anticipation long ago that she would marry a soldier. 我想起很久以前我的预言:她将来一定会嫁一个军人。 www.for68.com 1. Babies love the repetition, anticipation of what's coming next, but most of all they love your attention, the physical contact and bonding. 婴幼儿喜欢重复,喜欢期待下面会发生什么,但是他们最爱的还是你的注意力、身体接触和你跟他们之间亲密的联系。 cet.hjenglish.com 2. In anticipation of what is ahead, Jesus experiences intense emotions, described as trouble, distress and exceeding sorrow. 在提前预感到将要发生的事情时,耶稣经历了内在的激情,显示为烦恼、忧伤及悲痛。 www.yesuzhongxin.org 3. The overriding feeling is one of anticipation. 目前最主要的情绪还是期待。 dongxi.net 4. The Council met at the request of Serbia Thursday in anticipation of Kosovo's expected declaration of independence Sunday. 科索沃预计将在这个星期天宣布独立。就此,安理会星期四应塞尔维亚的要求召开了会议。 www.ebigear.com 5. Consumers who buy right away on credit rob themselves of a free source of enjoyment: anticipation. 用信用卡立即买东西的人失去了一个免费的快乐源泉:期待。 chinese.wsj.com 6. And the anticipation of wanting to see the product will build. 而在这之前,渴望一睹产品真容的期望值也会持续高涨。 www.bing.com 7. We waited in great anticipation for the ship to blast off. 我们怀着极大的期望等待着飞船的发射。 www.kekenet.com 8. In anticipation of potential legislative changes which may increase our collection we needed to increase our capacity. 潜在的立法变化预计我们要增加样品的收集量,所以提高我们的工作能力是必须的。 str.ausbio.com 9. Patriot anti-missile batteries are also being sent to the Japan's north coast in anticipation of the launch. 为了应对这次发射,几个爱国者反导弹发射装置也已被部署到日本北方海岸线上。 www.bing.com 10. A lot of investing is about anticipation, and Apple stock had already risen ahead of the announcement. 投资在很大程度上是受预期推动的,在iPad发布以前,苹果股价已经涨了。 chinese.wsj.com |
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