单词 | a turkey | ||||||||
释义 | a turkey
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 火鸡,一只火鸡,蠢蛋 1. This man came with a good recommendation from his last job, but it turns out he's just a turkey who simply can't do anything right! 这个人来的时候,他写了很多的推荐信介绍他原来工作。可是,他原来是个笨蛋就不能做对一件事! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Every year the president of the United States kills a turkey on the front line of the white house in honor of the thanksgiving day feast. 在每年感恩节当天,美国总统会在白宫前杀死一只火鸡,以表示感谢。真的还是假的呢? www.hjenglish.com 3. their pilots are flying blind. so, the basic training of their pilots will make it a turkey shoot for our pilots. 另外,他们飞行训练将会导致他们成为我们飞行员的活靶子。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This was a dance where the participants would quite literally just strut around like a turkey, in circles around one another. 参加这种舞蹈的人必须保持安静,像火鸡一样昂首阔步,互相绕圈。 www.bing.com 5. He even used his newly discovered method of conducting electricity in an attempt to cook a turkey, but instead gave himself a strong jolt. 他甚至还用他新发现的导电方法作一次烤火鸡的试验,但结果却是自己遭受一次强烈的电击。 www.america.gov 6. The girls were sedated during the worst of the flu and got home a few days after Thanksgiving, in time for a turkey dinner. 这对双胞胎面对猪流感,非常镇定,并于感恩节后不久就回到家中,及时赶上了火鸡晚餐。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. "Please let me in, " says the man desperately. "I forgot to buy a turkey, and my wife will kill me if I don't come home with one. " “快开门,”男人拼命大喊说,“我忘了买火鸡了,要是回家没带上一只的话,我老婆会宰了我的。” en.chinabroadcast.cn 8. He smelt like a turkey cock just because I did not follow what he said. 就因为我没有按他说的做,他就气呼呼的。 wordnet.sparke.cn 9. I wonder how many turkeys are in a turkey burger, or how many pieces of different animals are in, dare I even imagine it, a hot dog. 我想知道在一个火鸡堡里有多少只火鸡,或多少不同的动物碎肉,我甚至都不敢想象,在一个热狗里。 www.bing.com 10. Due to the white meat being the most popular part of a turkey, turkeys have been bred to have huge breasts. 由于胸翅肉是最为常见的食用部分,因此火鸡一般都被喂养出壮硕的胸部。 www.bing.com 1. John F. Kennedy was presented with a turkey at Thanksgiving and decided to "just keep it" instead of serve it up. 肯尼迪也在感恩节上获赠过火鸡,但他表示会“留着它”而不是吃了它。 www.bing.com 2. To understand the cartoon fully, Chinese readers need to be aware that when Americans call someone a "turkey" , they mean that he is a fool. 要想全面理解这幅漫画,中国读者就要知道当美国人管某人叫火鸡时意思是说他是傻瓜。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Carving a turkey may not be a scene from 'Casablanca, ' but it has a beginning, middle and end, which deft cutting can reveal. 切火鸡的场面可能不会出现在《卡萨布兰卡》中,却有可能通过你巧妙的剪辑成为一段有头有尾的情节。 www.bing.com 4. In a tradition that some say started with President Abraham Lincoln, the U. S. President pardons a turkey at Thanksgiving time each year. 有人说从阿伯拉罕林肯总统开始有个传统,美国总统在每年的感恩节赦免一只火鸡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. "I know many Chinese people might have tried a turkey when they first came to America, but very few really like it, " Wang said. 我知道许多中国人刚到美国时也许品尝过火鸡,但真正喜欢的人寥寥无几。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. She developed symptoms in early March following close contact with diseased chickens, ducks, and a turkey in the household flock. 她在与家庭禽群中的病鸡、鸭和火鸡密切接触后于3月初出现症状。 www.who.int 7. Joey got a turkey stuck on his head? 什么?乔伊头上卡了只火鸡? www.bing.com 8. I opened the lid of the to-go box to find a quarter of a turkey panini and a small slice of chocolate cake. 我打开外带盒的盖子发现有四分之一的火鸡三明治和一小块巧克力蛋糕。 www.bing.com 9. Nearly three feet (one meter) tall, a Tristan albatross chick can weigh up to 22 pounds (10 kilograms), or about as much as a turkey. 特里斯坦信天翁幼雏将近3英尺(约一公尺)高,重22磅(10公斤),大约与一只火鸡一样重。 www.elanso.com 10. In Los Angeles, customers in meat markets are prohibited from poking a turkey to see how tender it is. 在美国洛杉矶市,禁止肉市的顾客刺戳火鸡来观察其是否鲜嫩。 www.bing.com 1. The recent outbreak of Avian Influenza in a turkey farm in England served as a reminder of the risk posed by AI. 最近英格兰一个火鸡农场的禽流感爆发再次提醒人们注意这一恶性传染病的危险性。 www.uk.cn 2. Even so, Americans today follow the tradition by inviting friends and relatives for a turkey dinner on the fourth Thursday of November. 尽管如此,现在的美国人,在十一月的第四个星期四,还是会邀请亲朋好友一起来享用火鸡大餐,以沿袭这项传统。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Why might she probe herself with a piece of whalebone? A turkey feather? A knitting needle? 为何她可能会用鲸骨、火鸡羽毛或是毛衣针扎自己? cn.nytimes.com 4. It was a relatively large bird, about the size of a turkey. 它从相对上说是种大鸟,大约火鸡大小。 www.bing.com 5. But with so many business owners desperate to sell, how can you tell whether you are about to get a good deal or a turkey? 但是,面对如此众多急于出售的企业,你怎么才知道自己将要达成的是一笔漂亮的交易还是失败的交易? www.ftchinese.com 6. A turkey-like bird with a vulture's head, the vulturine guineafowl makes its home in the dry grasslands of northeast Africa. 这只样子像火鸡的鸟长着个秃鹫头,它的名字叫做鹫珠鸡,生活在非洲东北部干旱的草原上。 www.bing.com 7. The puppy's owner said, she planned to use the knife to carve a turkey, but it was swallowed by the edacious puppy. 小狗的主人则表示,这把餐刀原是用来切火鸡的,没想到被这贪吃的小狗吞下了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. All dressed up in a turkey suit. 全部身着西装的火鸡。 www.veryabc.cn 9. Guess what I prepared for you? A turkey! Let's kill it! (猜猜我给你准备什么了?一只火鸡!我们把它都吃光!)另外, www.kekenet.com 10. At the turning the turtle met a turkey and made a turnover on the turnips . 在拐弯处海龟遇见了火鸡,在萝卜上翻了个身。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Will the central banks be forced to "do a Turkey" and adjust their inflation targets upward (implicitly or explicitly) to reflect reality? 央行被迫做火鸡并上调通胀预期目标(不管是含蓄地还是明确的)会反映现实情况吗? club.topsage.com 2. Only a third of the fat in a turkey drumstick is the saturated kind, according to the USDA food database. 根据美国农业部食物数据库的说法,火鸡腿中只有三分之一的脂肪是饱和型的。 www.bing.com 3. I ordered the turkey melt, with a side of chicken noodle soup to dip the sandwich in. Fred ordered a turkey burger. 我下令火鸡融化了的鸡面汤的一面,去蘸英寸弗雷德下令火鸡三明治汉堡包。 www.dob2c.com 4. It was a large , stately apartment, with purple chairs and curtains , a Turkey carpet . 那是间富丽堂皇的大屋子,有紫色的椅子和帷幔,一条土耳其地毯。 www.bing.com 5. Asked to write a composition entitled, "What I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving. " Little Tom wrote, "I am thankful that I'm not a turkey. " 老师布置了一篇作文,题目是“感恩节那天我感谢什么”。小汤姆写道,“幸亏我不是一只火鸡,对此我感激不尽。” hi.baidu.com 6. The traditional meal almost always includes a turkey with a bread mixture cooked inside. 传统的感恩节大餐都包括一只火鸡,火鸡内填满面包和火鸡一起做熟。 www.hxen.com 7. Odd day. . . my latest field adventure: Got besieged by a bunch of kids at local elementary school; and got attacked by a turkey! ! ! 奇怪的一天~蓝鲸下地的最新历险:被一群小学的孩子包围;还被一只火鸡攻击! dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He shows up for work and immediately gets down to the business of running a turkey farm. 他表明了工作,并立即获得了业务的运行一家火鸡养殖场。 www.wan126.com 9. McDonald's customers at the drive-through don't want to be chatted with, and they don't want to wait two minutes for a turkey sandwich. 麦当劳的顾客在汽车穿梭餐厅是不愿意和你摆龙门阵的,他们也不愿意为火鸡三明治多等2分钟。 www.bing.com 10. Furthermore, the first time we hosted Thanksgiving and roasted a turkey ourselves was a surprisingly momentous occasion. 此外,我们第一次举办感恩节活动并自己动手烤火鸡也是个相当盛大的场面。 www.ebigear.com 1. Just like every year before Thanksgiving, US President George W. Bush "pardoned" a turkey -- this year's version was named Pumpkin. 现任美国总统乔治W.布什“宽恕”了一只火鸡—今年版的这只被称作南瓜。 www.bing.com 2. Have never seen a Turkey before, the child is frightened when it gobbles. 因从未见过火鸡,当它咯咯地叫时这小孩被吓坏了。 www.hotdic.com 3. President Kennedy was even given a turkey with a sign around its neck that said, "Good Eatin', Mr. President. " 甘迺迪总统还把标志绕在火鸡的脖子上,写着:「好吃,总统先生。」 www.putclub.com 4. The cashier then turned around, with tears in her loving eyes, and replied, "Honey, that's wonderful! Do you have a turkey? " 收银员于是转过身,眼泪湿润了她充满爱意的眼睛,回答道,“亲爱的,那太好了!你有火鸡吗?” www.bing.com 5. In economic terms, educated Pakistanis think their country should be a Turkey or a Malaysia by now. 从经济方面而言,受过教育的巴基斯坦人认为他们的国家实力如今应该跟土耳其或者马来西亚一样。 www.ecocn.org 6. Eat Well starts today, with a Thanksgiving smackdown between Ms. Severson, a turkey fan, and Ms. Moskin, a believer in side dishes. “吃好”系列从今天开始,以火鸡狂热派西弗森女士和配菜爱好者莫斯金女士之间的一场感恩节对战揭幕。 www.bing.com 7. A turkey vulture spreads its wings in one of California's deserts. 一只兀鹰在加州的某个沙漠里展开双翼。 blog.163.com 8. And 20 years ago this Thanksgiving, the first President Bush issued the first official presidential pardon for a turkey. 20年前的感恩节,老布希总统第一次正式地发出总统对火鸡的赦免。 www.putclub.com 9. also no requirment for dressing. just kill yourself a turkey and eat it with your family. 也对穿没什么要求,给家杀只火鸡吃就行。 wenda.tianya.cn 10. A regular hot dog runs over 200 calories and 18 grams of fat. A turkey frank has half of that. 一般的热狗每个含有200卡路里和18克脂肪,一只火鸡也只有这一半的热量和脂肪。 www.elanso.com 1. If you're dealing with a large bird, such as a turkey, hit the back of the knife with a thick stick for extra force. 如果你在收拾的是大型的鸟,如火鸡,那就用粗棍子用力敲击刀背,以借助于外力来切断鸟的脚。 www.doyouhike.net 2. It's Christmas , and I don't even have a turkey to cook for you. 今天是圣诞节,我甚至没有一只火鸡可以招待你们。 www.hbzxr.com 3. A turkey was running. What was happening? 火鸡慌慌张张赶路是为什么呢? wenku.baidu.com 4. Nowadays it is possible to buy a chicken burger, a turkey burger, a fish burger, or a veggie burger. 如今购买鸡肉堡,火鸡堡,鱼肉堡或蔬菜堡皆成可能。 dict.wenguo.com 5. Finally a friend came up to Tom and said to him, "Tom, are you crazy? You can't sell a turkey for that price! " 最后一个朋友来找到汤姆,对他说,“汤姆,你疯了吗?你把火鸡卖那种价格!” zhidao.baidu.com 6. "Alexander" was a turkey that was hated by both critics and audiences. “亚历山大大帝”是一部糟糕的电影,评论家和观众都不喜欢它。 www.bing.com 7. Anoncologist held out a bone from a turkey leg and let it drop into some cranberry sauce. "Did you reattach it? " 一位肿瘤学家,从火鸡腿里抽出根骨头,然后任它跌进一滩小红梅酱。 nightbringer.blogbus.com 8. Honey, what's that smell? - Timmy tried to cook a turkey in the dishwasher! 甜心,那是什么味道?-提米想要在洗碗机里煮火鸡! www.yappr.cn 9. from the others. I wonder if it is a turkey. 我怀疑它是一只火鸡。 www.ebigear.com 10. Emergency workers were buzzing angry on a Turkey highway today. 急救人员今天在一条土耳其高速公路上愤怒地忙碌了一天。 bbs.putclub.com 1. The conventional way to cook a turkey is to bake it in an oven. 一般烹调火鸡的方式是放进烤箱里烤。 edu.163.com 2. The products are more processed. The best way to get protein is through foods such as a turkey sandwich, Greek yogurt with nuts and fruit. 销售品都是深层加工的。获取蛋白质最好的方式是吃些像火鸡三明治、配合坚果的希腊酸奶以及水果之类的食物。 www.bing.com 3. Sarah: And I'll have a turkey sandwich on wheat bread, no mayonnaise, please. 我要小麦面包做的火鸡三明治,不要橄榄油。 www.rrting.com 4. Every family prepares a turkey for thanksgiving day dinner. 在感恩节的时候,家家户户都会吃火鸡。这是真的吗? www.hjenglish.com 5. because Tommy bought a free round and gave everybody a turkey sandwich. Tommy请大伙喝酒,每人一块火鸡三明治。 z.tougao98.com 6. Here is a great recipe for a turkey sandwich. 这里有个很棒的火鸡三文治的食谱。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Call this the Turkey Principle: On the stock market, it's a lot easier to spot a turkey than an eagle. 你可以把这称为“火鸡原则”:在股市上,确定食之无味的“火鸡股”比发现大有价值的“老鹰股”容易得多。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Bright white tents frame an aerial view of vendors and shoppers at a Turkey market. 明亮的白色帐篷架,土耳其市场上的销售商和购物者的鸟瞰图。 blog.163.com 9. Peeke's picks: 1 Tbsp of low-fat peanut butter on a pita, half a turkey wrap, or some low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit. 皮克精选:1低脂花生酱汤匙上皮塔,半包火鸡,或一些低脂肪酸奶或奶酪和水果。 www.zhong-yao.net 10. a turkey and a cow chat, turkey, said: I want to fly to the top, but I do not have the courage. 一只火鸡和一头牛闲聊,火鸡说:我希望能飞到树顶,可我没有勇气。 www.njyyjy.com 1. A turkey was chatting with a bull. 有一只火鸡跟一只公牛在聊天。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Moore packed the cooler with half a turkey, potatoes and salad. 穆尔用半只火鸡、土豆和沙拉塞满了这个冷柜。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. Thanksgiving is symbolizedby a turkey dinner for Americans. 对美国人而言,火鸡大餐是感恩节的象征。 jwc.seu.edu.cn 4. Bean was a turkey-and-apple farmer. 比恩是火鸡饲养场和苹果园的主人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We didn't start the perfect Thanksgiving tradition with a big family sitting around a turkey. 我们没能过一个传统的感恩节,一大家子人围坐在火鸡边发呆。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Unless you are a turkey or possibly a Native American, this is a great day for celebrating. 除非你是一只火鸡或有可能是印第安人,否则今天就是一个伟大的值得庆祝的日子。 group.mtime.com 7. The main dish is traditionally a turkey. 主菜是一只传统的火鸡。 www.ebigear.com 8. So when does a consumer have an edge over Wall Street? When it comes to spotting a turkey. 那么,一个消费者何时相对华尔街有优势呢?在确定火鸡股这件事上。 www.acsf.cn 9. The scientists want Herschell to eat a turkey to satisfy an FDA requirement. 科学家想要Herschell吃土耳其满足了美国FDA的要求。 www.wan126.com 10. I'm gone, like a turkey in the corn. 我走了,就像玉米地里的火鸡。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. A cat, a peacock, a turkey, a crane, a giraffe and two geese! 一只猫,一只孔雀,一只火鸡,一只鹤,一只长颈鹿和两只鹅! 2. It is traditional to have a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving. 感恩节的传统是要吃火鸡大餐。 www.fun-day.com.tw 3. It wasn't until the first Thanksgiving of President George H. W. Bush, in 1989, that a turkey was officially pardoned for the first time. 直到1989年乔治·H·W·布什总统上台的第一个感恩节,才首次正式赦免一只仪式火鸡。 www.hbqnb.com 4. Ham and Eggs (20)---Get a Turkey in Pin Crusher in World Tour on level 4 or above. 火腿和蛋(20)---世界巡迴中打击保龄球小游戏在等级4以上,得到火鸡(三次全倒)。 forum.gamer.com.tw 5. She has made a large pudding and ordered a turkey for Christmas Day. 她做了个大布丁,又订了一个圣诞火鸡。 www.tingclass.net 6. On Christmas Day there is a turkey-shooting competition. 圣诞节那天举行了一次火鸡射击比赛。 dict.veduchina.com 7. main meal We decided to buy a turkey for dinner. 我们决定买一只火鸡用于正餐。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. They also believed that no one should eat a bird such as a turkey or a chicken on New Year's Day. 他们还认为在元旦这天不能吃禽类,比如火鸡或者鸡肉。 news.koolearn.com 9. Instead of killing a turkey on Thanksgiving, why not go to a farm animal sanctuary and feed some turkeys? 感恩节(Thanksgiving)的时候,为什么不放弃杀火鸡而去农场动物庇护所喂火鸡呢? www.bing.com 10. A pizza stuffed inside a turkey. 塞有油炸火鸡。 www.kekenet.com 1. And so they choose a turkey sandwich Monday , tuna on Tuesday , egg on Wednesday and so on . 所以他们周一选火鸡三明治、周二是吞拿鱼、周三是鸡蛋,没一天重样。 www.bing.com 2. And I thought, "What a turkey this guy is, " and I went off to MIT. 我想:“这真是一个不中用的家伙。”然后我去了MIT。 www.ted.com 3. you got yourself a turkey . 你们自个儿反被聪明误了吧? www.hjenglish.com 4. A woman, on the other hand, may consider whether she's holding a turkey baster full of Ron Weasley. 而对于一个女人来说,她就会纠结自己到底是不是拿着一根装满罗恩·韦斯莱的试管。 dongxi.net 5. We will roast a turkey for Christmas dinner. 圣诞节晚餐我们会烤火鸡。 wske.spaces.live.com 6. me how to make a turkey sandwich. 多谢你教我怎样做火鸡三明治。 wenku.baidu.com 7. a dog run; a turkey run. 养狗场;火鸡场 zhidao.baidu.com 8. You are not a turkey! 记住,你不是火鸡 blog.hjenglish.com 9. He couldn't preserve the political lives of fellow Democrats this month, but he can still save a turkey. 美国总统贝拉克?奥巴马本月虽然未能保住民主党的政治前途,但还是可以保住一只火鸡的性命。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Finally my friend had had enough of their mockery. "How do you know how to cook a turkey? " 最后,我那个朋友一句话就把他们的嘲笑全堵了回去:“你们知道怎样做火鸡吗?” blog.sina.com.cn 1. He will make a turkey on Christmas Day. 他会在圣诞节做一只火鸡。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. How do you make a turkey sandwich? 怎么样制作火鸡三明治呢? wenwen.soso.com 3. This is the third time Phil flunked freshman English. What a turkey. 这是菲尔第三次大一英文不及格。真是个傻蛋。 www.wwenglish.com 4. If they can afford it they have a turkey and ham followed by Christmas puddings. 如果负担得起,他们会吃火鸡和火腿,然后是圣诞布丁。 www.myspokenenglish.cn 5. My brother can be a turkey when it comes to girls and money. 我哥哥在金钱和美女面前,就变成一个笨蛋。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Do you have a turkey? 你买了火鸡吗? www.ebigear.com 7. and i picked you up a turkey pastrami on rye 我给你带了份黑麦火鸡熏牛肉 www.ichacha.net 8. I'd like a turkey sandwich with potato chips. A 我想要火鸡肉三明治和洋芋片。 www.crsa-cn.com 9. The scrawny neck of a Turkey 火鸡的瘦脖子。 dict.ebigear.com 10. B. A turkey sandwich made with whole-grain bread 用全谷物面包做的火鸡三明治 www.bing.com 1. A turkey is much bigger than a chicken 火鸡比鸡大得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe 每个人都知道一只火鸡一些槲寄生 zhidao.baidu.com 3. your wife will be cooking a turkey 你妻子在为大家烤火鸡 www.ebigear.com 4. So if you're a turkey and you're still alive 所有假如你是一只火鸡,而且你还是活着的 www.24en.com 5. put sth. inside a turkey 把某物放进一只火鸡里面 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Yes, that is a turkey's egg; 这是一只吐绶鸡的蛋! bbs.cndeaf.com |
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