单词 | attune |
释义 | attuning是attune的现在分词
第三人称单数:attunes 现在分词:attuning 过去分词:attuned v. adjust,accustom,adapt,accommodate,acclimate 例句释义: 调,使调和,调音中 1. Taking flower essences is really unnecessary as much as attuning unto our kingdom, and opening the heart enough to commune with us. 利用花精确实是不必要的,不如向我们王国调谐,并充分打开心灵来与我们通讯。 tisheng.org 2. Imagine the new cells all emitting energy - the next step for us is to prepare to access the new energy by attuning to it now. 想象新的细胞全都发射能量-现在对我们来说下一步就是通过与它相合准备接近这新的能量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Earth will also assist those ascending in receiving the new dream fluid upon request and in attuning to the Temple of Dream in the sun. 地球也将根据那些提升者的请求而协助他们在接通到太阳中的梦想圣殿时,得到新的梦想流。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Attuning another to the Language of Light first requires becoming attuned yourself or embodying each tone of the Language of Light. 调谐到光之语需要使自己调谐,包含每一个光之语音调。 www.tisheng.org 5. An ideal sense of belonging, of attuning with others and ourselves, eludes us. 一种理想化的归属感、一种与他人律动渴望,这些情感躲避着自己。 www.bing.com 6. Allow the kundalini to rise up the spine like hot lava, attuning it in frequency with all tones of creation you have embodied thus far. 允许昆达里尼从脊柱象火热熔岩一般升起,以你目前为止所融入的所有造物音调的频率将其调协。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Those attuning to such magnetism in full will find that they weigh less and can maneuver more easily upon the physical plane. 那些完全调音到磁场的人们将发现,自己变得更轻,可在物理层上更轻松地移动。 tisheng.org 8. The herbal kingdom recommends blessing the tinctures procured and attuning them unto the associated kingdom for maximum healing benefit. 药草王国建议祝福买来的酊剂,并把它们调谐入关联的王国,以取得最大的疗愈效益。 www.tisheng.org 9. He offers consultations with the Winged Lion Kingdom along with attuning to your own inner sweet music to heal and ascend. 他和飞狮王国一起提供咨询,同时也接通到你内在的甜美音乐来疗愈和提升。 lingyuan.net 10. They are only attuning to the sound that the land in the cities is making beloved, and channeling it through. 他们只是调谐到城市里的大地正在制造的声调,至爱的人类,并传播它。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Meditation is the attuning of the mental and physical body to your spiritual source. 冥想是将你的身心调谐至你精神的来源。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It is due to attuning to the void of Earth that Creepy Crawler People are so gifted at perceiving into Terra's unconscious. 正是由于接通到地球的虚空之中,昆虫人也擅长于觉察到Terra的无意识。 cqly186.blog.163.com 3. Voices can be heard when attuning yourself during meditation. 当你在冥想中调谐自己时,你会听到声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Those attuning to his archives in present time and bringing them through tap into creation based theory. 今天那些接通到他的档案的人们将其整合成基于造物的理论。 rfive.blog.sohu.com 5. [This] will require a profound shift in social attitudes, attuning them to the mid-twentieth century. [这]将要求社会态度发生深刻的转变,使之与20世纪中叶的时代节奏合拍。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 6. They are attuning to parallel life dramas that they or others are living. 他们正感应到自己或其他人正在生活的平行生活戏剧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. You'll be attuning yourself to intonation and to pronunciation in general, even if you do not understand very much at first. 即使刚开始懂得不多,它也能使你习惯于(英语的)语调和语音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. What are such authors attuning unto? 这些作家感应到什么呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Send such spirits to the sun so that they can evolve, and they shall cease to manipulate or bother those attuning to the inner world. 送这些灵体去太阳,以让它们能进化,而它们会停止操纵或烦扰那些调谐向内在世界的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Each that is ascending is attuning to the Tao within at this time. 在此时,每个提升者都正接通到内在的道之中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. You can attune your own bones (your living minerals as a human) to this music in attuning to our kingdom; 你可以在接通到我们王国之中,将你自己的骨头(你身为人类的活矿石)接通到这一音乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. they were only attuning to a dream that Sirius had fallen into of sacrificing Earth for their own self gain; 他们只是接通到了一个天狼星跌进的『牺牲地球来获得自身利益』的梦想之中; cqly186.blog.163.com 3. Others attuning to the thought-form assume that if they integrate what is broadcast that they too are now whole and complete; 其它接通到这一思想形态的海豚鲸鱼则以为,如果整合所传播的东西,那么他们现在也就能完全整体起来; dictsearch.appspot.com |
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