单词 | carve up |
释义 | carving up是carve up的现在分词 例句释义: 切成几份 1. Carving up the Soviet Union along along the borders of its former republics made for an often unworkable allocation of physical assets. 苏联解体后,沿着前共和国的边境,往往无法分配实物资产。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The Queen, hoping to represent the west, is trying to negotiate with China, carving up the new world that will present after the Pole Shift. 女王,希望代表西方,正与天朝交涉,瓜分极移之后将会出现的新世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Carving up jobs according to political affiliation or nationality is unlikely to be a way of finding the best candidate. 按照政治立场和国籍来瓜分这两个职位,不太可能找到最佳的人选。 www.ecocn.org 4. It would compound the control issues and there could be squabbles over carving up Cadbury's chocolate and chewing gum businesses. 这其中将包括控制权问题,还可能会就如何瓜分吉百利的巧克力和口香糖业务发生争执。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A second video, also released over the weekend, shows the new Hyundai two-door carving up a race track. 第二个视频,还公布了上周末,显示了新的现代双门雕刻了赛道。 usa.315che.com 6. This doesn't always work, but I use it as a guideline to determine whether I'm carving up namespaces into too many subnamespaces. 这并不总是奏效的,但我将它作为一个指导原则,以确保不将名称空间划分为过多的次级名称空间。 www.ibm.com 7. That effort could result in essentially carving up the Charlotte, N. C. , bank between its two suitors, these people said. 知情人士说,此番努力可能会令总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的Wachovia最终被它的两家竞购者所瓜分。 www.bing.com 8. However no institution has taken the lead in defining a work plan and carving up the tasks and the bill. 然而,没有一个机构带头制定工作计划、分担这些任务以及相关费用。 www.who.int 9. Environmentalists have decried the carving up of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with cable cars, sky resorts and Asia's highest golf course. 环境保护论者对在玉龙雪山上开设电缆车、高空旅游胜地和亚洲最高的高尔夫球场的行径给与谴责。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Environmentalists have decried the carving up of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with cable cars, ski resorts and Asia's highest golf course. 环境保护者强烈谴责(反对)用缆车、高山度假胜地和亚洲最高的高尔夫球场瓜分玉龙雪山。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. He reminded Poland of its unsavory role in carving up bleeding Czechoslovakia. 他提醒不要忘记波兰在分裂捷克斯洛伐克的事件中所扮演的令人不齿的角色。 www.bing.com 2. The common law was ingenious in carving up rights to land into various complex segments called "estates" . 英美法将土地权巧妙地分割成多个复杂的所谓“地产”的部分。 www.24en.com 3. Many people are happy to toss the leftover bones and small amount of meat left over after carving up the turkey. Don't. 在尽情享用火鸡之后,很多人喜欢把剩余的骨头和残留的一些肉都拿去扔掉,但是我想提醒大家,千万不要这样做。 www.elanso.com 4. So when you're carving up your SAN, set one LUN aside for a future upgrade. 因此,在划分SAN时,请留出一个LUN,以备将来升级。 www.microsoft.com 5. The gang first emerged in the early 1990s, racketeering and carving up valuable plots of land. 该团伙于上个世纪90年代初期崭露头角,坑蒙拐骗并瓜分有价值的多块土地。 www.ecocn.org 6. He says carving up Motorola could produce almost $20 billion of additional shareholder value. 他表示,将摩托罗拉分拆可以使股东价值增长近200亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 7. They have been accused of carving up the industry for their own benefit. 他们被控为谋求私利瓜分了该行业。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Today, I sliced a deep gash into my thumb while carving up bagels. 今天我切面包时在大拇指上切了深深一道口子。 www.bucter.com 9. Carving up our heritage and selling it off to the highest bidder? 把我的遗产拆的七零八落,然后卖给出价最高的买家? www.engxue.com 10. Look at that fool carving up the road. What a road hog! 看看那个在路上蹿来蹿去的笨蛋。真是个路霸! www.qikan.com.cn 1. shape orientation means carving up product ' s brands by form and state . the products ' shape maybe the whole product or part of product 根据品牌的形式、状态定位。这一形状可以是产品的全部,也可以是产品的一部分。 www.ichacha.net 2. i don ' t wanna believe michael jackson keeps carving up his nose 我不敢相信迈克尔?杰克逊做鼻子整容 www.ichacha.net |
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