单词 | capitulate | ||||||||
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第三人称单数:capitulates 现在分词:capitulating 过去式:capitulated capitulate 显示所有例句
例句释义: 屈从,投降,屈服,停止抵抗,让步,有条件地投降 1. 'But she could just sputter instead, or capitulate more than once, or slowly slide around along the bottom. ' Warns Prof. 但是,这个所谓的最后时刻可能只是低点之一,之后可能还有投资者继续抛售,股指或会继续缓慢下滑。 www.enfamily.cn 2. capitulate or compromise, or to launch a nationwide anti-Communist war. 这些都是使国民党不易投降妥协和不易举行全国反共战争的国际条件。 huii.cn 3. When I came to him he began to capitulate with me. 当我碰到他时,他便开始同我磋商。 dict.wenguo.com 4. The citadel, therefore, is doomed to capitulate and its stubborn resistance merely serves to create profit opportunities for astute traders. 因此,防御者注定会缴械投降,其顽固的抵抗只会为狡猾的商人创造谋利机会。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The whole course of my life proves that I never capitulate . 我的全部生活历程证明我是从来不曾投降过。 dict.wenguo.com 6. Right now, it's fighting the Canadians, who are holding out for preferred stock in the new entity before they capitulate. 目前它正同加拿大人作战,因为后者坚持在这个新领域购买喜欢的股票并拒绝投降。 www.hjenglish.com 7. The rally is forcing some contrarian investors, who bet on a price fall due to large inventories, to capitulate, traders said. 交易员表示,本轮反弹正迫使一些曾押注金属价格会因库存量大而下跌的逆市投资者投降。 www.ftchinese.com 8. To avoid war with the northern colossus, history suggests, the Vietnamese will kowtow but finally fight rather than capitulate. 为了避免与北方巨人的军事冲突,历史的经验是越南将会磕头臣服,但最终仍会斗争而不是屈服。(译者按:反复无常?) www.bing.com 9. To capitulate, the author recommends that the system of contract rescission shall be consummated in the future civil code. 综述,建议在未来的民法典中完善合同解除制度。 www.13191.com 10. Put that aside, though, and suppose that China did capitulate and let the renminbi appreciate briskly. 不过,暂且将这个问题放在一旁,设想中国确实做出让步,允许人民币快速升值。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Watching an insipid and familiarly witless England side capitulate to Spain, those other European rank underachievers? 去看英国队向欧洲足球的落后生西班牙队缴械投降吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The rest of the world had no choice but to capitulate to the advance of the west. 世界其它地区毫无选择,只能屈从于西方世界的前进步伐。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The island might therefore capitulate before the United States could bring all its combat power to bear. 从而该岛可能在美国能运用所有战斗力量之前就投降了。 www.stnn.cc 4. "The question is how [publishers] will react. Will they complain, capitulate, or will they pull out? " 研究机构Gartner的分析师迈克尔·加滕伯格(MichaelGartenberg)表示,“问题在于发行商会作出什么反应。他们会抱怨、屈从,还是干脆离开?” www.ftchinese.com 5. But the flood tide has already surged past the half-built bulwarks and Ireland has now been forced to capitulate and accept outside help. 然而洪水的潮头已漫过未及完工的防护堤,如今爱尔兰已被迫屈从,接受外界援助。 cn.wsj.com 6. Neither wants to appear to capitulate, given that both face significant internal challenges. 考虑到双方都面对巨大的国内挑战,因此他们似乎将会屈服于舆论影响。 www.bing.com 7. Palestinians should have learned by now that Israel will not go away nor will it capitulate. 巴勒斯坦人现在应该明白了,以色列既不会离去也不会投降。 www.elanso.com 8. I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions. 我惭愧的是,我们这么容易屈从于那些徽章和名分,屈从于那些大社团和死气沉沉的制度与习俗。 www.yingyuwenxue.com 9. Bract margins with linear-lanceolate teeth, apex of teeth with capitulate glands; styles 4-lobed. 苞片边缘具线状披针形的齿,齿具头状的腺体的先端;花柱4裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. I had to capitulate darling, five days, only to finish the homework half! 我只好乖乖认命,仅5天,就做完了作业的一半! zhidao.baidu.com 1. In China, they will try to "mop up" the Communists and entice the Kuomintang to capitulate . 它对于中国,则是对共产党“扫荡”,对国民党诱降。 dict.wenguo.com 2. When they accept their situation we expect them to capitulate and stand down. 当他们接受自己的情况,我们希望他们停止反抗并且退出。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. stigma compressed capitulate, broader than style, slightly 3- or 4-lobed. 柱头压扁头状,宽于花柱,稍3或4浅裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. The Qing army sent a letter to him to induce him to capitulate , promising to give him a high office and fat salary . 清军给史可法送来了劝降信,答应给他高官厚禄。 bnu.eduwuca.org 5. 'At the same time, we actually had a lot of supporters who said that I shouldn't capitulate. 与此同时,我们也的的确确有许多拥趸,他们都叫我不要投降。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The government was wise to capitulate. 政府的让步是明智的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Happily, it is also when the dark cabal is to capitulate; 令人开心的是,它也是黑暗集团覆灭的时刻了。 dxlrxpfyk.blog.163.com 8. Female inflorescence terminal, racemose-capitulate; 雌花序顶生,总状头状; www.flora.ac.cn 9. On Liu Bang's and Xiang Yu's Inducing to Capitulate and Its Influence on Their Success and Failure 论刘邦、项羽的劝降行为及其对成败的影响 www.ilib.cn |
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