单词 | capital |
释义 | capitals是capital的复数
复数:capitals v. n. raise capital,provide capital,invest capital,capital come,transfer capital adj. n. capital city,capital construction,capital punishment,capital formation,capital equipment 例句释义: 资本,首都,首府,柱头,基本的,上好的,大写的,应处死刑的,华盛顿首都队,首都名 1. People sit around in capitals all over the world reading tea leaves, trying to make sense of what we're doing. 世界各国首都的人们闲来无事时会预测未来,试图弄清楚我们在干什么。 www.bing.com 2. However, due to the technical nature of the proposals, it could be judiciously commented upon only by experts from the capitals. 但是,由于提案牵涉技术问题,必须是来自首都的专家才能作明智的评论。 www.wipo.int 3. Also, while emerging market debt is usually issued in London or New York, most eurozone member debt is issued in their home capitals. 此外,尽管新兴市场债务通常在伦敦或纽约发行,但大多数欧元区成员国的债务是在本国首都发行的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. And of the 1, 775 shekels he made hooks for the pillars and overlaid their capitals and made fillets for them. 用那一千七百七十五舍客勒银子做柱子上的钩子,包裹柱顶并柱子上的杆子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The child carefully printed his name in capitals at the bottom of his picture. 那孩子在他那张图画的下面用印刷体大写字母仔细地书写了自己的名字。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It's a view that no doubt would have been met with astonishment in Arab capitals, where America's image remains largely negative. 毫无疑问,这一观点将会在阿拉伯各国引起轩然大波,而美国在那里的形象仍是负面的。 dongxi.net 7. However, it is not all the city capitals that are able to be operated, nor do all the market means that can be applied to city operation. 但是,并不是所有的城市资产都可经营,也不是所有的市场手段都适用于城市经营。 www.zidir.com 8. Beijing may not be as much in the dark as other capitals about the events that are beginning to unfold in Pyongyang. 对于朝鲜正在发生的事件,中国或许不会像其它国家那样被蒙在鼓里。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Back in Australia, the Trade Minister and I will be going on the road to state capitals to argue what China 2. 0 is all about. 回澳大利亚后,我和贸易部长会到各州的首府去,去讲讲中国二点零是怎么回事。今年下半年,我们还想来中国。 www.kouyi.org 10. Title fount Type fount of capitals that are the full body height, with no matching lowercase alphabet and used for headlines or titles. 全字身字是副用来排标题的大写字母活字,字面估全字身长,并无配合使用的小写字母。 big5.cgan.net 1. There was also uncertainty in western capitals about the extent to which Arab states are backing the operation. 此外,对于阿拉伯国家将在多大程度上支持此次军事行动,仍存在不确定。 www.ftchinese.com 2. According to the statement, representatives from China and the United States intend to meet twice a year in alternate capitals. 声明表示,中国和美国的代表计划每年会晤两次,轮流在两国首都进行。 www.america.gov 3. I suppose the answer comes from looking around the continent's capitals at the quality of its leaders. 我猜想,到欧洲大陆的各国首都转转,看看其领导人的素质就能知道答案了。 www.ftchinese.com 4. While fur is all the rage on the catwalks in the fashion capitals, I advocate wearing the very cool faux (2) fur. 在时尚之都的走秀台上,皮草风头正劲,而我赞成穿着人造皮革,更具个性。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. It is among the first cities to be declared by the State Council as the ancient capitals and famous historical and cultural cities. 它是最早的城市将被宣布由国务院作为古都和历史文化名城。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Male, the capital of Maldives, is one of the smallest capitals in the world, too small to have its own airport. 马尔代夫的首都马累是世界上最小的首都之一,小到没有自己的飞机场。 www.bing.com 7. On the five percent of the total amount of capitals at the time of establishment. 一创立时就其资本总额提拨百分之一至百分之五。 www.cntranslators.com 8. So far, Xian enjoys equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one of the four major ancient civilization capitals. 到目前为止,西安与雅典,开罗和罗马为一体的四种主要的古老文明的首都。 www.ebigear.com 9. For all their gorgeous architecture, it is hard to see why the Baltic capitals should be pricier than Berlin, Vienna or Frankfurt. 就它们华丽的建筑来说,就无法解释为什么波罗的海各国的货币资本要比柏林,维也纳或者法兰克福值钱。 www.ecocn.org 10. It has domestic news gathering bureaus in all state capitals and Canberra. The bureaus are in London, Worlinten, Port Moerasbe and Jakarta. 澳联社在各洲首府以及堪培拉设有分社,并在伦敦、惠灵顿、,默尔斯比港和雅加达设立了分社。 blog.163.com 1. The treaty stimulates interaction between the institutions of Brussels and the national capitals; it brings a sense of purpose. 该条约刺激了设在布鲁塞尔的机构和国民资本间的相互作用,它带来了使命感。 www.ecocn.org 2. China, Japan, and Indonesia must be among Obama's priorities, but many others will clamour for him to visit their capitals. 中国、日本和印度尼西亚肯定是奥巴马优先考虑的国家,但许多其他国家也将竭力呼吁奥巴马访问它们的首都。 www.bing.com 3. The OECD has no regulatory or policing powers but carries political weight in Western capitals. 经合组织并无监管权或执法权,但在西方国家政府中间享有很大的政治影响力。 www.bing.com 4. nanjing has established very intensive relationships in capitals , technologies , labors and markets with its peripheral cities. 南京与其周边城市间已经建立起了极为密切的资金、技术、人才以及市场发面的广泛联系。 www.ichacha.net 5. Italics, block capitals and any others are welcome. Italic script is fine so long as its legible and easy to. 斜体,大写字母和任何其他人的欢迎。斜体脚本是好的,只要其易读,易。 www.bing.com 6. Small caps. You could guess it already from the name, small caps are small capitals. 你可能看名字就猜出来了,小型大写就是小号的大写字母。 www.bing.com 7. Second, in lots of typefaces the capitals are not designed and spaced to work together, but to be followed by a lowercase character. 其次,大部分字体中的大写,根本就不是为大写连排而设计的,它们的衬衣职业大写字母间距是为后面跟随小写字母而设计的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ignoring anxieties in western capitals, Turkey has engaged with the Palestinian Hamas and with the Iranian-sponsored Hizbollah in Lebanon. 土耳其无视西方国家的担忧,与巴勒斯坦哈马斯(PalestinianHamas)以及伊朗支持的黎巴嫩真主党(Hizbollah)来往。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Phrases that begin with the word 'Occupy' and end with Chinese provincial capitals have all been blocked. 以“占领”开头、以中国省会结尾的词语都遭到屏蔽。 www.bing.com 10. These styling formats allow you to control the appearance of capitals. 使用这些样式格式可以控制大写字母的外观。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Always remember this, Australia is small country in term of population and capitals, but it is one of the biggest in land mass. 请牢记,不论从人口还是资本来说澳大利亚都是个小国家,但是从国土面积上来说则是最大国家之一。 www.milchina.com 2. You could guess it already from the name, small caps are small capitals. 顾名思义,就是大写字母却有着小写字母的高度。 bbs.acpp.com.cn 3. We will be establishing deeper contacts and a more regularized set of interactions between the three capitals. 我们将在我们三国之间建立更为密切的联系,并建立一套更为常规化的交流机制。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. Most major capitals in the west will have at least a few. 在大多数知名的西方首府城市里,至少都会有几家这样的酒馆。 www.neworiental.org 5. Giving more to, say, power and influence and less to education, would change the results and benefit emerging-market capitals accordingly. 如果做些调整,比方说,将力量和影响力的比重加大,同时减少教育的比重,相应的,结果可能就对新兴市场的首都更为有利了。 www.bing.com 6. "By the 19th century, our little island was for artists like the center of the world: Europe had two arts capitals, Paris and Capri. " 19世纪以前,卡普里在艺术家心目中就是世界的中心,艺术王国在欧洲有两个首都,一个是巴黎,另一个就是卡普里。 www.bing.com 7. Xi'an is one of the four major ancient civilization capitals, locating in the center of Guanzhong Plain. 西安位于关中平原中部,是世界著名的文化古都之一。 soso.361xs.com 8. You can test your knowledge about the capitals of each country, or you can find an exotic destination for your next holiday. 你能测试你对每个国家的首都的了解,或你能找异国的目的地为你的下个假日。 www.opda.net.cn 9. The finance embodies in two respects of impact of the entry of the foreign capitals financial institution and international hot money. 金融安全主要体现在外资金融机构的进入和国际游资的冲击两个方面; 10. Ambitiously, in a country that has one of the world's smoggiest capitals, Mr Liu says he wants a "green revolution" too. 刘先生雄心勃勃的说他希望在这个拥有世界上最烟雾弥漫首都的国家还来一次“绿色革命”。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Germans do not want Eurocrats raising and handing out too much money without close monitoring from national capitals. 德国人不愿欧洲共同市场的官员们在未经各国家资本的严密监视下,募集并取出太多钱款。 www.ecocn.org 2. During September we noted confusing signals in statements that senior Chinese diplomats were making in various capitals around the world. 在九月份,我们从中国高级外交人士在世界各国首都发表的言论中看到混乱的讯号。 3. Do not use all capitals in email exchanges, it is considered SHOUTING and is considered rude. 不要在用邮件与人交流时,全部使用大写字母。这会让人觉得你在对他们咆哮,而且也是很粗鲁的表现。 www.bing.com 4. Few of the nation's largest cities are state capitals; thus neither New York nor Chicago is the seat of its state's government. 很多国家最大的城市并非州首府;例如,纽约和芝加哥都不是本州政府的所在地 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The tenure for a senior manager of a financial institution with foreign capitals shall be no shorter than 2 years. 外资金融机构中、高级管理人员的任职期限至少2年。 www.yanmon.com 6. Yet, within the region as much as in western capitals, a prolonged stand-off in Syria could have alarming consequences. 然而,叙利亚若出现长期对峙,可能会引起中东以及西方各国政府的担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 7. What China earned is only the meager labor service's fee, but the foreign capitals plunder the most profits. 中国赚取的只是微薄的代工费,而外资却掠走了大部分的利润。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. In this year work process, I learn the very many foreign capitals enterprise's management pattern as well as the work style. 在这一年的工作过程中,我学到很多外资企业的管理模式以及工作作风。 club.edu.sina.com.cn 9. People have always been proud of having ancient buildings in capitals, big cities and the countryside. 人们总是以在首都,大城市和乡下拥有的古老的建筑而感到自豪。 cz2010.qlteacher.com 10. The news is likely to heighten unease in EU capitals over the Kremlin's tightening grip on energy reserves. 克里姆林宫加强对能源储备控制的消息可能会加剧欧洲各国的不安。 www.bing.com 1. Outposts that have been selected as constellation capitals can now be unselected before the Constellation Sovereignty goes into effect. 已被设成星座首府的哨站在星座主权生效前可以取消其星座首府的设置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. We aspire to be one of the most interesting capitals of Europe or Asia. 我们要成为欧洲和亚洲最有魅力的都市之一。 www.bing.com 3. The prospect of a stronger renminbi was also good news in lots of other developing capitals. 人民币升值前景对其它许多发展中国家来说也是好消息。 www.ftchinese.com 4. B: Hangzhou enjoys a long history and is one of the seven ancient capitals of China. 杭州有着悠久的历史并是中国的七大古都之一。 www.tzcool.com 5. I wondered about ordering a sign in cherry red with white capitals proclaiming Don't Mess With The Dean, but I wasn't quite sure. 我想预定一个樱桃红色的招牌,首字母为白色,写上“不要招惹院长”,但我并不确定。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Their enthusiasm will have been shared in Western capitals that once lamented Turkish reluctance to sever ties to the Libyan leader. 他们的热情将在曾悲叹土耳其不愿断绝与利比亚领导人关系的西方政府所共享。 www.ecocn.org 7. Generates business opportunities through alliance program, relationship with investment bankers, law firms, venture capitals, etc. 通过联合计划及与投资银行、律师事务所、风险资金等的关系发展业务机会; www.renhe.cn 8. In foreign capitals Mr. Obama was starting to be seen as a feeble, perhaps even a one-term, president. 在国外,奥巴马已开始被视为一个软弱的总统,很多人认为他也许甚至只能作一届总统。 www.ecocn.org 9. However, so far, this has prompted surprisingly little public concern in Asian capitals. 但令人意外的是,迄今这种情况在亚洲各国几乎没有引发什么公众关注。 www.ftchinese.com 10. After nearly 18 years of deadlock and decay, a shabby train restores the link between capitals of Serbia and Bosnia. 18年沉寂,18年破败,塞尔维亚和波斯尼亚首都之间的联系终于被一辆破败不堪的列车唤醒。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Telegrams are usually written in capitals and there should be adequate space between each word so that they may be read easily. 电报须用大写字母,字与字之间留有空格,以便阅读。 www.adultedu.tj.cn 2. On the capitals of both pillars, above the bowl-shaped part next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates in rows all around. 两柱顶的鼓肚上挨着网子,各有两行石榴环绕,两行共有二百。 www.ebigear.com 3. May I ask you to put your name in block capitals? 请用大写字母写您的名字好吗? www.bing.com 4. The Brussels institutions can project only as much influence as their sponsors in national capitals allow them. 欧盟机构能够施加多少影响力,完全要看欧洲各国政府的赞助者允许它们发挥多少影响力。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In the iffy times, the strongest cities are close to capitals, to City Halls, the most dependable arteries to government spending. 在这瞬息万变的时期,这些接近地区首府、市政厅的大城市最容易得到政府投资的大输血。 www.bing.com 6. Human capitals play a decisive role in upgrading the quality of the academic journals, expanding reputation, and increasing social returns. 学术期刊人力资本对刊物综合质量的提升、知名度的扩大、社会效益的提高都具有关键性作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In this sentence, the word BIG is in capitals . 本句中BIG一词用的是大写字母。 www.24en.com 8. During the course of the expansion of social and economic space in cities, capitals undoubtedly have typical meanings. 在城市社会经济空间拓展的过程中,都城无疑具有典型意义。 www.dic123.com 9. The first stop on her much publicised goodwill tour of European capitals. 这是其欧洲首都亲善访问的首站 www.tingroom.com 10. Both Beijing and many other capitals around the world are scrambling to adjust to this new reality. 此刻,中国乃至许多世界其它国家的政府,都在匆忙地进行调整,以适应这一新的现实。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The farm cattle lending is one kind of usury capitals and is extremely popular in Chinese rural areas. 耕畜借贷是高利贷借贷的一种方式,在中国农村极其流行。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Capitals are a set of typographical forms that render text in capital-styled glyphs. 大写字母是一组印刷样式型态,会以大写字母样式的图像呈现文字。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Quick and easy reference New supplementary section with a complete review of basic and cursive italic and capitals. 快速和方便的参考…新补充的基础和草书斜体全面审查和首都部分。 word.hcbus.com 4. It's possible to do this with roman capitals, although sometimes it's better to choose small capitals which are designed for this purpose. 可以用大写正体来完成这一任务,虽然小型大写可能是更好的选择——那才是为此而设计的。 www.bing.com 5. The letters must be capitals and Chinese input would be not support. 字母必须是大写,不支持中文输入。 wideplus.com 6. This has become the new darling of officials in London, Paris and other EU capitals. 二十国集团已经成为了伦敦、巴黎及其他欧盟首都城市的新宠。 www.bing.com 7. George Bush's comment this week on the Doha round of global trade talks sums up the official line in most capitals. GeorgeBush在本周多哈回合全球贸易谈判上的讲话,道出了许多国家首脑的心声。 www.ecocn.org 8. "Half the job in New York is managing your own capitals, " he said. 他表示:“在纽约联合国总部有一半的工作都是在管理你自己国家的政府。” www.ftchinese.com 9. Xian armorica changan, one of the four ancient capital of seven ancient capitals of China. 西安古称长安,是世界四大古都之一,中国七大古都之一。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Major international corporations are opening new offices in African capitals and opening their eyes to the continent's investment potential. 一些大的国际集团正在非洲国家首都开设新的办事处,并看好非洲大陆的投资潜力。 www.america.gov 1. Please complete in BLACK INK using BLOCK CAPITALS, providing as much information as possible. 请用黑色墨水笔填写,要求全部用大写字母。 chjso.com 2. True small caps: Small capitals designed as such, rather than created as a smaller size of main-text capitals. 真小型大写:专为作小型大写而设计的小型大写,而不是把正文字体的大写字母变小而成。 tr.bab.la 3. To Brussels' irritation, Beijing has encouraged this by routinely circumventing the commission to deal directly with national capitals. 让布鲁塞尔恼火的是,北京鼓励这种做法,它常常绕过欧盟委员会,直接与各国政府打交道。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Print in capitals, for ease of reading. This will also encourage you to keep the points brief. 为了便于阅读,用大写字母书写,这样也能够促使你做到简明扼要 z.tougao98.com 5. Following the Yellow River westward from Zhengzhou , we arrived in Luoyang , which is also one of the seven major ancient Chinese capitals . 从郑州沿黄河向西,到了洛阳。洛阳因在洛水之北而得名。 www.bing.com 6. Problem Three: What will be influence that the aforementioned factors attract foreign capitals and Chinese export-oriented economy. 上述因素对吸引外资以及中国外向型经济的影响会如何?。 www.bing.com 7. It was decreed that rulers of successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. 这是命令,历代统治者将自己的资金、敬拜天上,祈求丰收。 www.268r.com 8. Even now, they have many sympathisers among the thousands who have staged protests in Western capitals against the army's campaign. 即使现在,在西方的大城市里,猛虎组织仍有为数众多的支持者同情他们,并抗议军方的作战。 www.ecocn.org 9. Issuing preference shares is an efficient measure for venture capitals to control risks and it also is the best investment tool. 优先股是创业投资控制风险的有效手段,是创业投资的最佳投资工具。 www.hdxbcjb.cn 10. Independent sites, portals, industry leaders, venture capitals, state-run TV stations, government are all involved. 独立网站、门户、行业领导者、风险资金、国营电视台、政府都涉足其中。 dongxi.net 1. Capitals and small letters are known as upper case and lower case respectively . 西文大写字母和小写字母均分别称作西文大写字盘和西文小写字盘。 www.bing.com 2. In the aspect of using historic cultural resources to develop cultural industry, ancient capitals possess incomparable advantages. 在利用历史文化资源发展文化产业方面,古都城市具有不可比拟的优势。 cn.qikan.com 3. Indeed, the European ideal sometimes seems more alive in parts of Washington than in European capitals. 的确,欧洲人的理想有时在华盛顿地区似乎比在欧洲各国首都更有活力。 www.ecocn.org 4. It is commonplace for hotels in Chinese provincial cities to put up clocks on the reception wall with the time in major capitals. 在中国的省会城市,酒店在大堂中悬挂主要国家首都时钟的做法颇为常见。 www.ftchinese.com 5. printers once kept type for capitals and small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case. 从前印刷工把大小写字母的字体放在独立的盘里;大写字母保存在字体盘的上半部。 www.jukuu.com 6. True, America has not been struck since 2001, but European capitals have been bombed. 的确,2001年以后美国没有再被袭击,但欧洲许多首都遭受了爆炸的威胁。 boboan79.blog.163.com 7. Plenty of countries have skilled workforces and cultured capitals, as welcoming as the UK. 许多国家拥有熟练工人和成熟资本,与英国一样有吸引力。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Already, demonstrations of solidarity for the Greek protesters have arisen across European capitals. 在欧洲一些国家的首都,希腊的抗议者已经开始了示威活动。 www.bing.com 9. Knock down all the initial letters that have been printed as capitals. 把所有印成大写字体的第一个字母都改用小写字体排印。 www.hotdic.com 10. The mindset of the moment is that power ceded to the Union is authority subtracted from national capitals. 它们目前的心态是,让予欧盟的权力,是从国家资本中扣除的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It would also help defuse the mounting antagonism in Washington and other foreign capitals over the trade issue. 这还有助于消除美国和其他各国在贸易问题上日增的对抗性。 www.stnn.cc 2. Our first stop was Kaifeng, one of the seven ancient Chinese capitals. 开封,我国七大古都之一,黄河之旅的第一站。 chinavista.com 3. Jiangbei Airport is 23 kilometers away from the downtown area and runs regular flights to all other municipalities and provincial capitals. 江北机场在重庆渝北区,距市区大概23公里左右,与各直辖市和省会城市均通航。 www.chinameetings.com 4. Their aim was to make a chain of stores in the whole style capitals of the world. 他们的目标是将连锁店开遍世界上的每座时尚之都。 www.ell.com.cn 5. The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-built cities, bidding nations quake, And monarchs tremble in their capitals. 此中thunderstrike武备的墙壁岩石制作的都会,国度地动招标,战君主哆嗦的都城。 ahjtx.com 6. Seeking the backing of the Greek people in a referendum, he was immediately condemned in the capitals of Europe as a fool or a traitor. 他寄希望于全民公投以得到希腊人民的支持,却立即招致欧洲领导人的谴责,被后者称为笨蛋或叛徒。 www.ecocn.org 7. By May 1945, Red Army hordes occupied all the great capitals of Central Europe: Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Berlin. 到1945年5月,苏联红军的部队占领了欧洲中部的所有首都城市:维也纳、布拉格、布达佩斯、柏林。 www.bing.com 8. Initial conditions and social capitals can self-organize and generate industrial agglomeration at an obscure beginning. 初始条件与社会资本这些经济地理因素及社会因素可以自我组织生成初始的产业集聚。 www.boshuo.net 9. This round isn't going to be concluded without difficult political decisions by people in capitals. 如果各国政要不做出艰难的政治决策,这一轮谈判不会有什么结果。 blog.diandian.net 10. It MAY, in really big capitals, prove to be an adjunct to therapy, but there are a number of steps that need to be done. 我们在花费了大量的人力物力之后,也许,也许证明它可以成为一种附属的治疗手段,但是我们仍然有大量的工作要做。 www.bing.com 1. Kaifeng, which is located in the east of Henan province, is one of the famous ancient capitals. 开封位于河南省东部,是中国著名古都之一 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Proposals to strengthen the ECB's role at the expense of domestic regulators would run into heavy opposition in national capitals. 以牺牲各国国内监管者为代价加强欧洲央行职能的提议,将会遭遇各国首府的激烈反对。 www.ftchinese.com 3. And changing the geographical location of national capitals could hardly be a bargaining chip. 改变国家首都的地理位置,也不大能作为交易筹码了。 www.ftchinese.com 4. strong exports cushioned the effects of rising energy costs , and tighter monetary policy in most capitals helped stall inflation. 较强出口抵消了上升的能源消耗所带来的影响,大多数国家实行货币紧缩政策,以此来缓解通货膨胀。 www.ichacha.net 5. Compared with national capitals, Brussels is admirably free with information and briefings once you penetrate the jargon and the procedure. 同各国首都比较起来,在布鲁塞尔一旦你看穿了套话和流程,几乎没什么新鲜的信息和新闻可言。 www.ecocn.org 6. Minister Krishna and Secretary Clinton will chair an "India-U. S. Strategic Dialogue" that meets once annually in alternate capitals. 克里希纳部长和克林顿国务卿将主持轮流在两国首都举行的每年一次的“美印战略对话”(India-U.S.StrategicDialogue)。 www.america.gov 7. By the end of 1995, each of China's provincial capitals except for Tibet will have digital switches and high-capacity optical fiber links. 到1995年底,中国除了西藏以外的省会都将有数字转换器和高容量的光纤网。 www.tingclass.com 8. There is chagrin in some European capitals (especially in Dublin) that sterling has dropped so far and fast against the euro. 一些欧洲资本(特别都柏林)正处在水深火热之中,英镑兑欧元的汇率急遽大跳水。 www.ecocn.org 9. Chalk marks stretched across the blackboard, the names of Europe's capitals. 粉笔写的欧洲列国首都布满了黑板。 bbs.open.com.cn 10. Another important road connected Ecbatana with the capitals of Persis, like Persepolis and Pasargadae . 另一个重要的道路连接Ecbatana与持久的首都一样,波斯波利斯和Pasargadae。 where.christianlovedating.com 1. Beijing is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. It will also host 2008 Summer Olympics. 北京是中国四大古都之一。它也将在2008举办夏季奥运会。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. After each blowup, the firms that survive temporarily shy away from risky venture capitals and cut back on leverage. 在每一次爆发之后,那些幸存的公司开始暂时规避风险投资,降低杠杆比率。 www.bing.com 3. The capital's sense of smell is keen and you will find more capitals that following the capital. 资本的嗅觉更敏锐,跟着资本走,你会找到更多资本。 www.a.com.cn 4. The relationship of social capitals and the attributes of external knowledge are determinants of actual absorptive capacity. 企业社会资本的关系维度、企业外部知识属性对实际吸收能力有重要影响。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Luoyang is one of the eight ancient capitals in China. During Empress Wu' s period, Luoyang boasted of strong political color. 洛阳是中国的八大古都之一,在武则天时期有着特别浓郁的政治色彩。 lib.cqvip.com 6. France wants to limit treaty changes to the eurozone members and retain more budget authority in national capitals. 而法国希望将条约修订局限在欧元区成员国范围内,并让各国政府保留更多预算职权。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Such libraries exist in national capitals and in a number of other major or university cities. 在各国首都和其他一些大城市或大学城设有此类图书馆。 www.uncitral.org 8. Often considered the Gateway to Western Japan , Osaka is conveniently located near two of Japan's ancient capitals, Kyoto and Nara . 大阪常被视为“日本的西大门”,紧邻日本两大古都京都和奈良,交通便利。 www.bing.com 9. 'I'd write, all in block capitals: I'm one of those who write because they can't handle speaking; sorry about this, folks. 我会这样写,用大写印刷字体:我是那些用文字代替说话的人中的一员,我们难以开口说话,抱歉,各位。 www.bing.com 10. I will not be surprised if he turns his remaining arsenal on African capitals. 如果他把剩余的弹药交给非洲的其它国家我也不会感到惊讶。 www.bing.com 1. Until then, both capitals remain trapped in myopic arguments about Taiwan, tainted products, and trade deficits. 在那以前,两国的资本仍然被困于台湾、污染食品和贸易赤字等近视的争论。 www.stnn.cc 2. It will play a positive role in protecting our economic safety and building our good internal and external environment of foreign capitals . 这对于保护我国经济安全,构筑我国良好的内外资环境将发挥着积极作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Beijing is one of the most famous ancient capitals of china, there are many parks. 北京是中国有名的古都,那有很多的公园。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Tendai Biti, his finance minister, had already done the rounds of Western capitals with his begging-bowl and had come back empty-handed. 他的财务部长滕达伊?比蒂已经屡次乞求西方各国的资助,但都空手而归。 www.ecocn.org 5. Mr Mak's travels start in the capitals that glittered so brightly in the early 1900s: Paris, Berlin, Vienna, St Petersburg, London. 马克旅行的出发站皆为那些在20世纪初期光彩夺目的首都城市,如巴黎。柏林,维也纳,圣彼得堡和伦敦。 www.ecocn.org 6. Paris is relatively small as capitals go, with distances between many of its major sights and museums invariably walkable . 作为首都,巴黎相对来说面积不大。许多主要景点和博物馆之间都相距不远,步行即至。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Character dialogue headings should be set with a left margin of 4 inches and written in all capitals. 人物对白的首字应当缩进4英寸并大写。 www.bing.com 8. Political power within the EU is dispersed, residing in state capitals rather than in Brussels. 欧盟内部的政治权力分散于各国首都,而不是集中在布鲁塞尔。 www.ecocn.org 9. Learn some names of big or famous countries and their capitals, products, etc, talk about studying and traveling abroad. 学习一些大的著名的国家名称和首都,物产等,讨论出国学习的一些问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A network of interwoven chains festooned the capitals on top of the pillars , seven for each capital . 柱顶上有装修的网子和拧成的链索,每顶七个。 www.bing.com 1. The proprietors of private enterprises in the primary stage of socialism are both socialist builders and owners of capitals. 社会主义初级阶段的私营企业主,既是社会主义的建设者,又是资本的所有者。 www.dictall.com 2. Although this is a steady operating measure, appropriate introduction of outside capitals might be more optimal. 虽然这是一种稳健的操作手法,但是适当地引入一些外部资金也许会更好。 waiwenfanyi.com 3. The correspondents are living in the capitals of the states they are sent to, and are mostly reporting on developments in those capitals. 通讯员们住在他们被送去的首府城市里,报道的也大部分就是该首府城市的变化和发展情况。 www.bing.com 4. A modern commander in the field is never more than an hour away from home capitals and public opinion. 一个现在战地的指挥官,万不可有一时与本国政府和公众意见脱节。 5. Ponderous planning has sometimes revealed as many divisions among ministries in Tokyo as among other capitals. 冗长的计划过程有时暴露出,日本各部门之间的分歧与其他国家之间一样多。 www.ftchinese.com 6. And gradually a number of provincial capitals in the country, major cities in the establishment of branch offices. 并逐步在全国一些省会、大城市建立分公司。 www.tonke.cn 7. Thousands of Chinese shoppers like Luo are flocking to European capitals hunting for their favourite brands. 成千上万像罗一样的中国购物狂锁定欧洲国家的首都去抢购他们热衷的名牌。 dongxi.net 8. As free "Economic police" in market economy, CPA plays an important role in upholding the security of flowing of social capitals. 作为市场经济中不拿国家工资的“经济警察”,注册会计师在维护社会资本流动的安全性方面发挥了重要的作用。 www.dictall.com 9. The Mossad, Israel's spy agency, has an impressive record of infiltrating assassination teams into Arab capitals. 其情报机构摩萨德,已经渗透到了阿拉伯国家的首都,创下骄人的暗杀记录。 www.bing.com 10. While churches dominate cities in southern Europe, in the Scandinavian capitals, city halls take the lead. 在欧洲南部,教堂统御着众多城市,而在斯堪的纳维亚的几个首都中,最主要的建筑则是市政大厅。 6005039.qzone.qq.com 1. The State shall take measures to promote the further exploitation of foreign capitals in agriculture. 国家采取措施,促进农业扩大利用外资。 www.putclub.com 2. And again, investors will be fixing their sights on what happens in the far-off financial capitals of the Western world. 而且,投资者还将再次留意遥远的西方金融之都所发生的情况。 www.bing.com 3. There are 300 Apple stores worldwide right now, mostly in the U. S. , but growing in major world capitals, like London, Paris, and Shanghai. 目前全世界有300家苹果专卖店,主要都在美国,不过也在各大世界级大城市扩张,例如伦敦、巴黎和上海。 www.bing.com 4. There are not many capitals around the world where foreign policy practitioners say hand on heart that they will miss the US president. 世界上没有多少首都的外交政策执行者会真诚地表示自己将想念这位美国总统。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This principle also applies to the management of operational capitals of higher institutions, i. 这一原理同样适用于高校经营性资产管理。 www.dictall.com 6. Please read through the following before completing this application and complete in BLOCK CAPITALS. 在填写本申请表前,请仔细阅读以下内容,并以大写字母填写本申请表。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Economic crises in financial capitals abroad will inevitably follow the recent troubles on Wall Street. 国外的经济危机必然会随着华尔街近期的金融问题而至。 www.neworiental.org 8. Capitals are those assets that are created by human labor and are used to add value. 资本是指通过人类劳动生产出来的、用于价值增值过程的资产; www.ceps.com.tw 9. As part of the tribute, gun volleys will be fired in Pyongyang and nine other provincial capitals. 朝鲜国家通讯社说,作为悼念仪式的组成部分,平壤和其它九个道的首府将鸣枪致哀。 chinese.wsj.com 10. This seven famous capitals include Beijing, Xi'an, Luoyang, Kaifeng; Nanjing, Hangzhou and Anyang. 此七大古都是北京、西安、洛阳、开封、南京、杭州、安阳。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Write scene transitions flush with the right margin in all capitals, followed by a colon. 写剧本时要将用到的转场技巧标在页面的右边,使用黑体字,后面加上冒号。 www.bing.com 2. All capitals activity all is obtains the benefit for the capitalistactually not to smear its to serve. 所有的资本活动都是为了资本家获得利益却不弄脏其手而服务的。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Libyan diplomats in most European Union capitals have either been expelled or have defected to the rebels. 利比亚驻欧盟大部分国家首都的外交人员或者被驱逐,或者已经变节投向叛军。 www.hxen.com 4. Lettering shall be of the commercial gothic type and in upper case (capitals only). 字体应为商业哥特式和大写字母(大写只)。 zhidao.cfzn.org 5. Dissidents within Syria often accuse exiles of being too keen to spend time grandstanding in Western capitals. 叙利亚国内的异见分子经常指责流亡在外的异见分子花太多时间在西方国家首都哗众取宠了。 www.ecocn.org 6. There are plenty of cultural resources in Chinese ancient capitals, some of them are located in the suburbs. 我国古都文化资源相当丰富,其中有相当部分散布于古都的郊区。 mur.cn 7. London is one of the greenest capitals in the world. 伦敦是世界上最环保的大都市之一。 www.bing.com 8. The prospect of the shift in power in Tokyo inspires a measure of wariness in both foreign capitals. 日本政权更迭的前景,在上述两个外国首都引发了一定程度的警觉。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In social studies we learn different provinces and capitals. We also learn different oceans and large lakes. 在社会课中,我们学习不同的省和首都,我们还学习了不同的海洋和湖泊。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. China's recent conduct has disturbed all the capitals of the Asia-Pacific. 中国最近的行为扰乱了亚太地区的所有国家首府。 www.milchina.com 1. Seventhly, the increase of financial efficiency for China itself, to attract more capitals, rather than simply drive out "hot money" . 第七,中国需要强化自身的金融效率,更多地吸引资本,而不是一味地赶走“热钱”。 blog.163.com 2. Australia's Highway 1 is a network of highways that circumnavigates the Australian continent, joining all mainland state capitals. 澳大利亚的1号公路是一个公路网络,绕行整个澳州大陆,联接所有内地州首府。 www.bing.com 3. Today it has to compete as a financial center with New York, Tokyo and other major capitals. 今天,伦敦作为一个必须同纽约、东京以及其他大都市竞争。 www.huigod.com 4. There is little hope left in Washington or other western capitals that any response now will be positive. 目前美国或其他西方国家对伊朗会有任何积极回应不抱什么希望。 www.bing.com 5. Learn some words about nations, capitals and nationalities, the seven continents. 学习国家,首都,国籍的单词,世界七大洲的名称。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One copy of the tender shall be marked "ORIGINAL" in block capitals. 投标书中应有一份用印刷体大写字母标明“正本”字样。 ntcfy.com 7. The bill discounting may cause part of idle capitals owner to use and attain benefit together. 票据贴现可以使一部分闲散资金拥有者互相利用,共获利益。 www.13191.com 8. He could reel off the names of all the capitals of Europe. 他能一口气说出欧洲各国首都的名字。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Its diplomats say they sensed an initial surge of approval, albeit muted, from many world capitals and even among moderate Arab governments. 它的外交官们说自己感受到了来自世界上许多国家甚至是温和的阿拉伯国家的同意,尽管是无声的。 www.ecocn.org 10. GEN dedicates itself to establishing a long-term strategic relationship between its clients and human capitals. 公司致力于和企业、人才建立长期的战略合作关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But his days of flamboyant appearances in New York, the capitals of Europe and the Arab world, are now behind him. 但他在纽约,欧洲的大城市,以及阿拉伯世界中抛头露面的日子远去了。 www.bing.com 2. Rallies were vigorous in major European financial capitals, following sharp gains in Asia. 欧洲主要股市出现强劲反弹,亚洲股市此前更是大幅度攀升。 www.voanews.cn 3. He is planning a tour of foreign capitals to try to lend himself some international clout. 他计划参观国外政要以帮助他获得一些国际影响力。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. Urumqi has non-stop trains to Beijing , Shanghai and normal passenger trains to Zhengzhou, Jinan and other provincial capitals . 乌鲁木齐火车站与北京西、上海、郑州、济南等市都有始发直通车。 www.bing.com 5. There is, as yet, little recognition in the eurozone's cacophonous capitals that an economic downturn poses an existential threat. 迄今为止,争吵不休的欧元区各国政府仍未认识到,经济低迷带来了生死存亡的威胁。 www.ftchinese.com 6. On Wall Street and in the once-shimmering financial capitals of Europe, banks have been shaken to their foundations. 在华尔街和曾经光芒四射的欧洲金融都市,银行的根基已经动摇。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In 2011, the financial world can't go cap in hand to the political capitals, hoping for a handout. 2011年,金融界不能再向政府伸手要钱,希望得到救济。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Concerns about the European debt crisis and high unemployment are sapping the Christmas holiday spirit in some of Europe's capitals. 欧洲债务危机引起的忧虑和高失业率,使今年欧洲各国首都的圣诞节气氛低迷。 www.bing.com 9. The President's speech caused considerable disquiet in some European capitals. 总统的演说在一些欧洲国家首都引起很大不安。 www.kekenet.com 10. But all of Andalusia's provincial capitals, including traditionally Socialist Seville, are now in PP hands. 但所有的安达卢西亚的省会城市,包括传统的社会主义塞维利亚,现在在人民党手中。 www.ecocn.org 1. In western capitals, admiration for the maturity of Indian democracy will be mixed with relief. 西方各国政府对印度成熟民主制度的赞叹之情中,还混杂着如释重负的情绪。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This may have won cheers in the European Parliament, but it went down badly in capitals. 这番言论或许会在欧洲议会赢得掌声,但却让各成员国大为不快。 www.ecocn.org 3. Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters. 花饰大写,通常配合斜体小写使用。 chinafanyi.com 4. They have the unique graceful bearing respectively, decorates Li the multi-capitals the sight picture scroll. 它们各有独特的风韵,装点出丽多资的风光画卷。 wenwen.soso.com 5. All are still feted in Western capitals and can command high fees on the international lecture circuit. 他们依然在西方国家的首都受到热情款待,并从国际巡回演讲中获得高额报酬。 www.bing.com 6. As his presidency draws to a close, he is making the rounds of European capitals - stressing the importance of trans-Atlantic relations. 布什在总统任期即将结束之际访问上述欧洲国家首都,目的是强调大西洋两岸关系的重要性。 www.kekenet.com 7. Therefore, the foreign capitals acquisition is favorable to the both sides in merger. 因此,外资并购对并购双方来讲都是有利的。 www.lw23.com 8. By 330 BC, Darius III had fled, and the capitals of Susa, Persepolis, and Ecbatana had been taken. 公元前330所,大流士三世逃离,和首都苏萨,波斯波利斯和埃克巴塔那已经采取了。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The Philharmonia Quartet is a welcome guest in the international musical capitals. 爱乐乐团是四方在国际各大城市欢迎的客人。 www.bing.com 10. Inevitably the two holy capitals of Thebes and Napata received the bulk of Taharqa's attention. 而两座神圣的首都纳帕塔和底比斯自然引起了塔哈尔卡的注意。 www.bing.com 1. They agreed to set up Cultural Centers in each other's capitals and facilitate their establishment. 双方同意在两国首都互设文化中心并为此提供便利。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. New York -- New York remains the most vibrant of capitals of arts and industry and fashion and commerce. 纽约仍然焕发生机,是艺术、工业、时尚和贸易的中心。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. In capitals from Paris to Islamabad and from Moscow to Beijing, they are watching for changes in tone and substance in US foreign policy. 从巴黎到伊斯兰堡,再从莫斯科到北京,那里的人们也在观察美国外交政策主旨和语调的变化。 www.bing.com 4. European capitals have quickly fallen into lockstep behind her candidacy. 欧洲各国政府随即纷纷宣布支持拉加德竞选。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Danube river flows not just through Budapest, but also three other national capitals - more than any other in the world. 多瑙河不光流经匈牙利首都布达佩斯,还流经其他三个欧洲国家的首都,数量超过世界上任何一条其它河流。 www.voanews.cn 6. It featured capitals with spiral volutes, slender shafts, and elaborate bases. 它以螺旋涡行的柱顶,细长的柱身以及精致的底座而著称。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Business people shuttle between European capitals. 商人们在欧洲各首都间往来穿梭。 guoxn.3322.net 8. Fixed assets and long-term capitals play an important role in the enterprise financial management. 固定资产和长期资本间的关系在企业财务管理中占有重要地位。 www.qikan120.com 9. Xi'an is one of China's famous seven ancient capitals, the city has been built 3100 years. 西安是中国著名的七大古都之一,建城已有3100多年。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The child writes his name in capitals. 这个孩子用大写字母写他的名字。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The second part: the survey of the forms of foreign capitals used by east Asia and Latin American countries. 第二章:东亚和拉美国家利用外资形式考察。 www.lw23.com 2. For the past forty years, the expansion of unchecked corporate power has taken over Washington and state capitals. 过去四十年来,肆无忌惮扩张的公司权力已经凌驾于华盛顿和各州首府之上了。 www.bing.com 3. Official tourist offices are in all Australian capitals and some regional centres, providing a range of services for visitors. 澳大利亚各州首府和一些地区中心城市都设有官方旅游局,为游客提供各种服务。 www.sinvoca.com 4. Official tourist offices are in all Australia capitals and some regional centers, providing a range of services for visitors. 在澳大利亚各州首府和一些地区中心城市都设有官方旅游局,为游客提供各种服务。 babelle.blog.163.com 5. Washington will also need to co-ordinate its actions with other major capitals, especially in western Europe and east Asia. 华盛顿还需与其它主要国家政府——尤其是西欧和东亚的国家政府——协调此项行动。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Because lacking of inner capitals, one important point of the reformation and open door policies in China is to attract foreign investments. 中国大陸的改革开放,由于内部资金的缺乏,其中重要的一点便是吸引外商投资。 www.docin.com 7. States and Capitals Flash Cards was designed to maxumize the learning process by providing repetition and randomness. 国家和首都的闪存卡的目的是maxumize学习过程中提供了重复和随意性。 xtdownload.com 8. Movie theaters in the capitals of Rwanda and Burundi show current European and American films. 电影院在卢旺达和布隆迪的首都,显示当前欧洲和美国电影。 www.baike.com 9. The bonus of the match will as the startup capitals to carve out. 比赛的奖金,将作为创业的启动资金。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Hangzhou is a historic city with 2200 years and one of seven ancient capitals of China. 杭州已有2200多年历史,是华夏文明的发祥地之一,中国七大古都之一。 lixq.cn 1. Paris one of the world's most beautiful capitals. 巴黎是世界上最美丽首都之一。 www.soenglish.com.cn 2. Joined by Athens, Cairo and Rome as the worlds Top four Ancient Capitals. 和雅典,开罗,罗马并称为世界四大文明古都。 www.17u.com 3. In capitals like Stockholm, Rome or Berlin, high rents mean that only big earners can afford their own housing. 在像斯德哥尔摩、罗马或柏林这样的首都城市房租很高,这意味着只有高工资的人才付得起自己的住房。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The move represents a rising concern in some western capitals at the growing economic might of state-controlled funds. 此举表明,一些西方国家的政府对国家控制基金日益增强的经济实力越来越感到担心。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I need more capitals to start my own business. 我自己开业要更多的资金。 www.hotdic.com 6. It and ancient Rome, Athens, Egypt gather is called the world four big ancient capitals, the city wall building is grand, world famous. 它和古罗马、雅典、埃及合称为世界的四大古都,城墙建筑雄伟,闻名于世。 www.byuntao.com 7. Sometimes you want to set a whole line in capitals. 有时候你想要设置整行的大写。 www.bing.com 8. The private discourse in European capitals has been more about threats than opportunities. 在欧洲各国首府,人们的私下谈话更多是关于威胁,而非机遇。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Berlin has music, art and nightlife to rival Europe's more established capitals, but not their high costs and hellish commutes. 柏林有比得上欧洲规模更大的首都城市的音乐、艺术和夜生活,但是却不存在它们那样的高消费和地狱般的通勤状况。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. You can use all capitals effectively for short headings and to emphasize individual words or phrases in the text. 在短标题中使用大写很有有效果,或在文本中强调个别词或句子。 www.bing.com 1. Official tourist offices are in all Australian capitals and some regional centers, providing a rang of services for visitor. 在澳大利亚各州的首府和一些区域中心设有官方旅游局,为游客提供各种服务。 www.putclub.com 2. Havens in the Gulf and offshore lack the critical mass to become global financial capitals. 海湾地区和离岸的避税天堂,缺乏成为全球金融中心的关键品质。 www.ftchinese.com 3. At present, China and ASEAN countries have air links among capitals or some major cities. 目前中国与东盟各国已实现首都或主要城市之间的通航。 news.xinhuanet.com 4. Do you know the capitals of these countries? 你知道这些国家的首都吗? zhidao.baidu.com 5. Traditional Chinese New Year is celebrated in capitals all around Europe. 在欧洲所有国家会庆祝传统中国新年。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Rich Immigrants in Asia's financial capitals generally have life pretty easy. 居住在一些亚洲金融中心的那些富有移民们通常过着非常轻松的生活。 www.yuloo.com 7. Business people who shuttle Between European capitals. 在欧洲各首都间往来穿梭的商人们 dict.hjenglish.com 8. WESTERN capitals are holding urgent talks about what help to give Libya's rebels. 西方首府正在就提供什么样的帮助给利比亚的叛乱分子而举行紧急会谈。 www.ecocn.org 9. His television adverts open with the words "Christian Leader" in large white capitals. 他的电视竞选广告以白色大写的“基督教领袖”开场。 www.bing.com 10. Nor should Tokyo expect a sympathetic hearing in foreign capitals . 东京方面也不应期望外国政府会表示同情。 www.bing.com 1. He will hold talks with European Union leaders and visit the capitals of key allies: Germany, France, Italy, and Great Britain. 布什将跟欧盟领导人举行会谈,访问重要盟友德国、法国、意大利和英国的首都。 www.voanews.cn 2. A. Victory for the Allies if: All Axis capitals are under allied control. 同盟国胜利条件:占领所有轴心国的首都。 www.toaw.org 3. S. , but growing in major world capitals, like London, Paris, and Shanghai. 但在世界主要的经济城市,如伦敦、巴黎、上海,苹果商店的数量正在增加。 www.bing.com 4. Stiff with security, Moscow displayed no sign of the Obamamania seen in other capitals. 莫斯科的安防工作很“到位”,没有出现其它国家所表现出的奥巴马热。 www.ecocn.org 5. What are the four ancient Chinese capitals? 中国的四大古都是哪儿? www.aaahaatv.com 6. Other Libyan luxury hotels stand tall in the capitals of Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. 利比亚还在肯尼亚,卢旺达和乌干达的首都建造豪华旅馆。 www.hxen.com 7. Black-tie dinners and champagne parties were being held in the capitals of Europe. 欧洲各国首都则举行了一连串正式庆祝晚宴。 www.ebigear.com 8. In the middle there is even a bizarre section which orders the viewer in bright pink capitals: 'CLICK HERE FOR PUPPIES! ! ! ' 网页中部还诡异地用亮粉色大写字母告诉读者:“点此得小狗!” www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Capitals which have the same height as lowercase characters. 和小写字母一样高度的大写字母。 www.bing.com 10. Name each file clearly, either in block capitals or in jet-black typed capitals. 卷名清晰,用印刷体大写字母或者黑体大写字母书写。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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