单词 | you-go | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | you-go
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 你去,你走,你就在哪 1. And a week's worth of 10-minute exercises are described on the Fitness Cards, so you can take your exercise plan with you, wherever you go. 在保健卡片上印有长度为10分钟,为期一周的健身计划,您无论走到哪里,都可随身携带。 www.jschem.com.cn 2. If you go on trying to get out of paying taxes , you'll sooner or later get into trouble . 你要是继续想方设法逃税,你早晚会受到惩罚的。 www.bing.com 3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say: "I'm rich, Marry me! " your wife arrives. 你在一次聚会上遇到一靓女,你走上前去还没等你说说“我非常富有,嫁给我吧!” blog.sina.com.cn 4. "He's agreed to let you go, " he said, promising me that I would be married within a year. “他答应离开你。”大师说,他保证我会在一年内结婚。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. With the sharp scissors cut the excess fabric from around the edge of the plate adding a little glue as you go along. 用锋利的剪刀把多余的布的边缘附近盘子加一点胶水就在你身边。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Next time you go on your own to a corporate do, I suggest you comfort yourself by looking at how unpresentable some of the other wives are. 下次单独参加公司活动时,我建议你看看一些人的妻子是多么不登大雅之堂,以此安慰自己。 www.ftchinese.com 7. My my, just how much I've missed you Yes, I've been brokenhearted Blue since the day we parted Why, why did I ever let you go? 妈妈咪亚,我表现出来了吗?天啊!我是多麽想你没错,我已心碎从我们分开那天开始我为何要放你走? www.docin.com 8. I remember more than once to tell you, if you find you more than I do, I'll let you go. But you should not be so selfish of me lying. 我记得我曾不止一次的告诉你,如果你找到了比我更适合你的,我会放你走。 dict.wanyuwang.com 9. Try to approach her the right way. You'll get nothing out of her if you go at it like a bull at a gate. 用正确的方法接近她。如果你鲁莽行事,你就别想从她那里得到什么。 www.hotdic.com 10. I thought there must have been a very good reason to make you go up to Paris like that. You've not left my side for four months. 你已经有四个月没有离开我了,我想你到巴黎去一定有什么重要原因。 www.bing.com 1. Holter monitor. This portable ECG device can be worn for a day or more to record your heart's activity as you go about your routine. 动态心电图这是一种可随身携带的心电图,可以在你正常生活时连续记录下几天内心脏的电活动。 www.bing.com 2. So you run. . . you go up in the morning, you open up the front door, you see what happened. 你每天早上起床来,冲到门口,打开大门,然后你在报箱取出报纸得知发生了哪些事情。 item.feedsky.com 3. If it's not the answer you seek for at the next stop, but a new problem, will you go on any more? 如果下一站依旧不是你要的答案,而是新的问题,你还会坚持下去吗? wenku.baidu.com 4. "But if you go into a pub and debate Chinese politics, it would be very hard, " he says. 但当你在酒吧里讨论中国政治的时候,那情况会不太乐观。 www.bing.com 5. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. 如果他没给你罚款单就放你走,蒜泥走运,然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警察优势也很客气。 tieba.baidu.com 6. On the printed page, when a 40ish, naked man shows up in a meadow and charms a little girl, it's magical and you go with it. 在小说中,赤裸的四十岁上下的男人出现在草地上,迷住了小女孩,这是有神奇魔力的,我们也能接受。 www.bing.com 7. As a defender you know when you go into certain games against particular players that you're going to have a hard day. 作为一个后卫,当面对某些特别的球员时,你会知道一场艰苦的比赛在所难免。 www.ept-team.com 8. Max: You go in first. Try to get an idea of how much cash they keep outside the vault. 麦斯:你先进去。打听打听他们金库外面有多少钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But what also made these large deficits possible was the end of a common sense rule called "pay as you go. " 但是也是因为常识性的制度“分期付款”的终结使得这些大的财政赤字成为可能。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Nowadays, you go around like this but it is certain to be refused everywhere. It is in vain for you to hold a great ambition. 以你目前这个模样,却想到处传播你的儒学思想,肯定是处处碰壁,徒有满腔热情也是枉然的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The depth to which you go in meditation determines how much you wipe out the ego. 冥想的深度決定了你能消除多少的小我。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. That you know I love you, Tristan. Wherever you go, whatever you see, I will always be with you. 特里斯坦,你知道我爱你的。无论你去哪里,看见了什么,我都会陪着你。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Just a few days ago you promised to get me an assignment. And now you go behind my back, trying to shut me up at home or send me away. 翠平说你说话不算话,前几天还说要给我任务,结果却在背后捣鬼,想要把我关在家里或者支走。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But it's killing me to see you go after all this time. 但当看到你这次离开我时,那种感觉就能将我杀死 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Users like the convenience and utilitarian nature of Pay-As-You-Go. 用户喜欢即付即用模式的便捷性。 www.ibm.com 6. If at least one of you spends a lot of time sleeping on your side, if you go with an innerspring mattress I recommend a Simmons Beautyrest. 假如你很多时候都只睡床的一边,如果你想买内装弹簧的床垫,我给你推荐SimmonsBeautyrest床垫。 www.bing.com 7. Then, re-read your sheet at once before you go to bed and once when you wake up for a few days prior to your speech. 其次,每天睡觉前诵读一次你的讲稿,然后到了临近演讲那几天,每天一醒,限度遍讲稿。 www.bing.com 8. You know what I'm talking about. Why did you go tell Mrs. Lee how much money I'm going to make? Now she'll go and tell the whole world! 你知道我在说什么。你为什么要到李小姐那去说我要挣多少钱?全世界的人都会知道了! bbs.ebigear.com 9. Instead, make the best of every moment so that when you go back home you can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. 你应该充分利用自己在美国的每一分每一秒,在你回到自己的家乡后有自豪感和成就感。 www.whoiswhochina.org 10. When you go on vacation and see a sign that says Free Lunch you know that the timeshare sales pitch is going to accompany it. 当你在旅途中看到广告牌上写上“供应免费午餐”时,你应该清楚这个势必要你付出时间代价的。 www.bing.com 1. I think of technical interviews as the kind where you go into a room with an interviewer and solve problems on the whiteboard for an hour. 我认为技术面试是这样的一种形式,与面试官一同进入一个房间,再花上一个钟的时间在白板上解决问题。 dongxi.net 2. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me! " - That's Direct Marketing. 你在一次聚会上遇到一靓女。你走上前去说“我非常富有,嫁给我吧!”——这就是所谓的直销。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Write down whatever is bothering you before you go to bed. Get it out of your head and onto paper. 在上床睡觉前把困扰你的事情写下来,让它从你的头脑中转移到纸上。 www.elanso.com 4. And as you go across there you will see that we've got a few tens of years, and perhaps 100 years of fossil fuels left. 这么看过去,你就会发现我们只剩下几十年的,多说100年的化石燃料。 www.ted.com 5. And I was told, 'Hey, you know what, if you go against the things we sent you there for, we are going to work just as hard to get you out. 有人告诉我,‘嘿,如果你反对我们选举你要你去做的事情,我们就会用同样的努力把你选掉。 www.kekenet.com 6. Hunt, the next time you go on holiday, please be good enough to let us know where your going. 还有亨特先生,下次度假时,要让我们知道你要往哪。 www.fanx360.com 7. He really is a handsome beast though, there's always a bit of a glint in his eye when you go near him. 他很漂亮,在你走近他时,你会看见他的眼睛里闪着光。 www.ebigear.com 8. sometimes, to get the best out of life, you go through some of the worst. no one said it would be easy. be strong. 有时候,为了享受生命中最美好的部分,你须要历尽艰辛。谁说这是轻而易举的事。挺住。 www.diyifanwen.com 9. After you perform the steps in each method, test to see whether the problem is resolved before you go on to the next method. 在执行每种方法中的步骤之后,应进行测试以查看问题是否得到解决,然后再转到下一种方法。 support.microsoft.com 10. That could be helpful. But when you go into a shopping center. . . prices become very flexible. You have to be able to read the market. 那很有用。但是当你去购物中心……价格是浮动的,你需要知道这样的行情。 www.kekenet.com 1. She opened the door, and said, "I will let you go this time; but pray do not forget to say what I told you, when you return this evening. " 她打开了门,然后说,“我这次会让你离开;但是求求你千万不要忘了我告诉你的,当你晚上回来的时候。” www.bing.com 2. "As you go up in elevation, sky shine becomes more of a problem, " says Schmieman. “当你所处的高度越高,天空回散照射问题就越严重,”斯切米尔曼说。 www.bing.com 3. His wife, Wang Jianxin, rolled her eyes. "Here you go again, always talking about the same thing, " she said. 他的太太,王建新,对他翻着白眼说到:“你又来了,老是说一样的东西。” www.bing.com 4. And what Jesus is trying to say is the Cross proves if you want influence, then you go low, you don't go high; you serve! 耶稣在这里想说的是:十字架验证了——如果你想具有影响力,那么你就要谦卑自己而不能高高在上;那么你就要服务他人! www.bing.com 5. You, like the rest of us, will be making it up as you go, figuring out what works best for you and your readers. 你,就像我们一样,只要你去完成它,你就会发现什么样的作品对你和你的读者们最好。 www.bing.com 6. And when you go to Ireland, with all that distance between us, I'm afraid this cord will be snapped, and i shall bleed inwardly. 当你去爱尔兰,由于我们之间巨大的距离,我恐怕这根情感交流的弦会折断,我的内心将会流血。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time. 如你所知,你是带着你已拥有的军队参加战争,而不是进入战争后决定可能带多少军队或想拥有多少军队。 www.scientrans.com 8. Mr. Carr looked up at Alfred as he passed and said in a very soft voice, 'Just a moment, Alfred, one moment before you go. 当阿尔弗雷德走近的时候,山姆·卡尔先生抬起头来看着他,用一种非常和蔼的口气说:“稍等一下,阿尔弗雷德,你走之前稍微等一下。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. Here's how: you've got to ditch the "magical thinking" that somehow you'll lose weight, and you'll figure out a plan as you go along. 方法如下:你要放弃那种用一种方式就能减肥的“迷人的想法”,并且在进行时自己会想出一个计划。 www.elanso.com 10. You sort of - it bubbles up inside you and the longer you keep it, the more mad you go, I think. . . 你有点儿–内心波澜起伏,而且你保守秘密的时间越长,你就越会发疯,我想… www.yappr.cn 1. here you go. On any other day, it would cost me a fortune, but it's on special offer today. 给你。要是别的日子,这件会花掉我不少钱,不过今天是特价。 www.tingroom.com 2. You simply have to get on the next flight at all costs, so you go up to the airline desk and shout at the representative. 你所能做的就是乖乖地等下一班航次,而你却径直走向服务台朝工作人员大喊大叫。 www.bing.com 3. Every time you go away , you take a piece of me with you. 字面意思是每次你离开,你都带走了我的一部分。 www.bing.com 4. 'Sometimes when you go through a divorce, you think you're ready to date, ' Ms. 西西亚女士说,有时候在你经历离婚之后,你认为自己已经可以再次约会了。 www.oxford.com.cn 5. If you go on working like this, you'll endanger your health, you ought to ease up a bit. 如果你继续这样工作下去,身体就会受到影响,你应该放松一下。 www.hotdic.com 6. If I sign something for you, and I see it on ebay, when you go home, I'm gonna be under your bed. 如果我送给你的礼物,我看到它在易趣上,当你回家时,我要在你的床上。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. But you get out there and you think, you go. . . I don't know if you saw our Jaywalking , how amazing what people don't know. 但你从那里出来并思考,你会…我不知道是否你看过我们的“不守规则(杰伊规则)的人”节目,人们不知道的事是多么令人惊奇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Do not start immediately throwing patterns into a design, but use them as you go and understand more of the problem. 不要一开始就将模式运用到设计中去,当你明白更多问题的时候再使用它。 www.bing.com 9. Ethan: He used to be a (6)sergeant in the (7)Yugoslav army. At least if you go downtown, you'll be safe with him. 伊森:他曾是南斯拉夫陆军士官。起码如果你要进城,跟他一起保证安全。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This will slow it down enough for your friend to jump on top of you and grab the chain as you go bulleting across the countryside. 这么拖延一下,你的朋友就可以在你们飞快地在原野里撒欢的时候赶在你的前头抓住链子。 www.bing.com 1. Now it is materialistic, some people believe that the feelings of innocence and holy, and how much can you go in the future? 如今又是物欲横流,有几个人相信纯真的感情至圣,又有多少能够相濡以沫的去面对未来? www.bing.com 2. But I cried the moment I made up my mind to let you go and my tears witnessed my sincere love for you . 决定放弃你的那一刻我哭了,我的眼泪证明了我是真的爱你! tieba.baidu.com 3. "It is a question of how you go about doing it, " he said. "We are proactive in communicating what our company is all about. " “这是你如何去操作的问题,”他说,“我们在交流和介绍公司方面积极主动。” cn.nytimes.com 4. If you go through your white flour in less than a year, however, you can safely keep it on the counter in an airtight jar or canister. 不过,如果您可以在不到一年的时间里用完您的白面粉,那您就可以放心的把它放在柜台上的一密闭瓶或罐中。 www.bing.com 5. If you go out with friends and have a few drinks, maybe somebody will get up the nerve to ask, "So, how was the last time you had sex? " 如果你和朋友出去并喝了几杯,也许有人会鼓起勇气问:“那么,你最后一次发生性行为是怎么发生的?” www.bing.com 6. If you go overseas, will you take the children out with you? 如果你去海外,你会带上孩子吗? www.bing.com 7. How much would you pay for a meal at a restaurant? And then you go home and complain about the service, the meal and the bill. 去餐馆吃顿饭你要花多少钱?而且回到家还会抱怨服务水平、饭菜和账单。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. 当你上法庭时,你正将你的命运交付于十二人之手,他们可没聪明到明白什么是陪审团的职责。 www.bing.com 9. Whoever came would be welcome, whether they know him or not. The traveler hesitated for a while then said, "wherever you go, I follow. " 无论谁来都会受到欢迎,不管他们认识还是不认识他,旅行者犹豫一时,然后说“无论你们到哪儿,我都跟着。” www.ebigear.com 10. You know, I can't believe you. Linda is so great! Why won't you go out with her again? 我真不敢相信,Linda那么好你为何不再和她约会? www.kekenet.com 1. Love me, to answer, I can only wait for you wait for you In a word, to go too far, you go too far, your answer . . . . . . hear. 爱我的话、要回答,我只等你等你一句话,走太远,你走太远,你的回答……听不见。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. And I wonder if the Savior spent a day or two with you, would you go right on doing, the things you always do? 我在想,如果救世主跟你生活一天或者两天,你会不会做你一直在做的事情? blog.sina.com.cn 3. You know, you go there and you wait and come across things that sort of, hopefully, magically and naturally happen. 你知道,你去到那里,然后就等待并见证那些仪式在某种程度上满怀希望的,充满神奇的,自然而然的情况下发生。 www.ngmchina.com.cn 4. "Maybe, you' d be good enough to take a few things out of your pockets and leave them here before you go. " said Mr. Carr. “你也许在走之前会把兜里的东西拿出来,放在这儿。”卡尔先生说。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. GREG HOY: And how would you go about affording even the sort of money that you were bidding? 格雷克·霍伊:就算是你们竞拍时的出价,那么一笔钱,你们又怎么能负担得来呢? www.bing.com 6. So when you go out to raise money, be prepared to not only answer how much you are hoping to raise, but also why? 所以,当你去融资时,不但要准备好回答你想筹集多少资金,还要准备好回答为什么? www.elanso.com 7. "There's something about seeing what you've done, how your pace changes as you go up and down hills, that made me more motivated. " “这就是看到你所做的,当你在小山上跑上跑下时,你的步速怎样变化,这令我更有动力。” www.bing.com 8. So as you go along your spiritual search, observe the long-term effect of every doctrine and practice that comes your way. 所以,在进行精神探索的时候,观察每个教条和习俗的给你带来的长期效果。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. You quickly conclude that this newfangled chainsaw thing is just a fad, and you go back to chopping down trees with your axe. 您很快就会得出结论,电锯这种新工具只不过是一种时尚,最后还是改用斧子来砍树。 www.ibm.com 10. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training you go through as an operator. 所有的这些对我们而言都惊心动魄,但是作为操作员,却是每天都要训练的内容。 www.bing.com 1. "There you go, " she said and opened the door. "You may put the food on the kitchen table. I'll warm it up in the microwave shortly. " “请进吧,”她边说边打开门。“你可以把食物放在厨房的餐桌上。我待会儿用微波炉加热。” www.joyen.net 2. how much worse will it get if you go out on a limb in pursuit of something you believe in? 你的社交生活糟透了,如果你冒险去追求一些自己所信仰的事物,情况还能变得有多糟呢? blog.sina.com.cn 3. When you go in there, its a little numb but you know, its only once a year, its a beautiful tradition and Happy New Year! 刚进水的时候,你感觉都有点麻了,但是这次活动只是一年一次,是一个很美好的传统。祝大家新年好! www.xhstv.com 4. "It's better you go home early and hang out with your family, " he said. 他说:“你最好早点回家,跟家人出去玩玩!” www.bing.com 5. You're committed to losing those excess pounds, but every time you go out with a certain friend, she tries to get you to order dessert. 你下定决心要减肥,可每次你和某位朋友出去吃饭,她总是试图让你点甜点。 www.233.com 6. So like I said, the way that you go through and build on the game layer is not with glass and steal and cement. 就像我刚才说的,我们建设这个游戏社交圈的方式并不是用玻璃、钢筋和水泥。 www.ted.com 7. As you go closer to it , the six-storey high structure will seem like an exploding dandelion. 当你去接近它,六层高的建筑将爆炸似乎是一个蒲公英。 wenwen.soso.com 8. D: Me, too! I'm sorry to see you go. You've been a great asset to our department. Things won't be the same without you. 你起我还有真有点舍不得,你一直是我们部门的栋梁之材,没有你工作肯定有会像从前那样顺利了。 flash1.for68.com 9. Take a time out before making a purchase. Be clear about what you need when you go into a store. 购物之前先用一点时间思考,在进一家商店的时候想清楚到底什么是你需要的。 www.bing.com 10. My only love. I bleed for you. And I can't let go. No matter what I do. You face so sweet. I never want to see you go. 我唯一的爱,我为你滴血,我无法放手,无论我做些什麽,你的面容如此甜美,我永远都不想看你离去。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Take a time out before making a purchase. Be clear about what you need when you go into a store. 购物之前先用一点时间思考,在进一家商店的时候想清楚到底什么是你需要的。 www.bing.com 2. My only love. I bleed for you. And I can't let go. No matter what I do. You face so sweet. I never want to see you go. 我唯一的爱,我为你滴血,我无法放手,无论我做些什麽,你的面容如此甜美,我永远都不想看你离去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Clearly you don't have to grow up in a great city. Nor does it seem to matter if you go to college in one. 很明显,你不必非得在这样的城市里长大,你也不必去其中的一所大学求学。 www.bing.com 4. Life wherever you go in the Universe, is all about gaining experience, but the fastest way is to be at levels that really challenge you. 无论你走到宇宙的任何一个角落,生活的目的都是为了赢得体验带来的经验,而这最快速的道路就是直面你所面对的挑战。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and take courage; do not be afraid or dismayed. For Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. 我岂没有吩咐你么?你当刚强壮胆,不要惧怕,也不要惊惶;因为你无论往那里去,耶和华你的神必与你同在。 www.71630.com 6. why do you go about to recover the wind of me, as if you would drive me into toils? 为什么你们总是这样千方百计绕到我上风的一面,好像一定要把我逼进你们的圈套? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened or dismayed. for the LORD your God is with you whatever you go. 你当刚强壮胆!不要惧怕。也不要惊惶,因为你无论往那里去。耶和华你的神必与你同在。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 8. 'We watch what apps you download, how frequently you use them, how much time you spend on them, how deep into the app you go, ' she says. 她说,我们观察你下载的应用程式,使用它们的频率,花多少时间,有多么投入。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Every evening when you go to bed, tell your body how much you appreciate what it has allowed you to do throughout the day. 每天晚上上床的时候,告诉自己的身体,你是多么的感激它,因为它让你能够整天的活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. 'If you go flying on a flying trapeze, ' said his mother, 'I will be a tightrope walker, and I will walk across the air to you. ' “如果你去做空中飞人,”他的妈妈说,“我就做一个走钢丝的人,我会穿过空气,走到你身边。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. They operate states courts and they decide how much tax you pay when you go out to eat or you buy clothes. 当你出去吃饭或买衣服的时候他们运作州法院并决定你需要付多少税。 www.bing.com 2. He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. "buy this and put it on your foot before you go to bed every night, " he said. 他拿出一张纸,并且在上面写了些东西,“你去买这些东西,当你每天睡觉前,敷在你的腿上”医生说。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This is one of the great things in - life for you and for me-- a challenge: How far can you go and get away with it? 这是你和我,一生中的美好时刻-,一个挑战:你能走多远,能摆脱它? open.163.com 4. Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door. Take it off and say, Im alive again! When you get out of this retreat. 所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了! sm2000.org 5. Now, you go to this one and you see how much more the frontal lobes are lighting up. 再来看看这张切片,额叶是格外的兴奋。 www.ted.com 6. On recordings, how much preparation and arranging do you do before you go into the studio? Or it is mostly an outline of songs? 关于唱片,在去录音棚录歌前你会做多少准备和安排?只是大概的列一下曲目就可以了吗? www.harpharp.com 7. If you were a member of an alien civilization trying to communicate across the immeasurable distances of space, how would you go about it? 如果你是一个外星人尝试在广无边际的太空进行通信,那要如何去做呢? www.equn.com 8. You go ahead, disco- boy. I'm going to see Norah Jones if I can't get tickets to Phantom of the Opera. 去吧,男孩。如果我买不到剧院魅影的票我就去看的演唱会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Fabio2007 - i suggest that you go and find the nearest pizza oven, climb in, close the door behind you and rid us of your stupidity. (那个意大利人)-我建议你找到身边最近的比萨饼烤炉,爬进去,然后关上身后的门,让我们摆脱你的愚昧。 www.helloworldcup.com 10. You know you've got to find you're own niches and when you go through that hunger and despair process. . . 你不得不在世界上遭到自己的位置,否则你过不了这个饥饿和绝望的关口。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. She tried to talk sense to him. "Can't you go out with your hands up? " she asked. "Figure another way out of this. " “难道你不能举起双手走出去吗?”她试着跟他讲道理,“除了这个,你再想想别的办法。” cn.qikan.com 2. If you and your partner have a favorite song, get a copy of it on CD and take it with you when you go away for a romantic weekend. 如果你和对方都喜欢同一首歌,那么将它拷贝,并在浪漫周末时携带在身旁。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Maintaining five friendships promises to be a Herculean task, so I'm going to have to let one of you go. 维持五个朋友的友情太困难了,所以…我要开除你们其中一个。 www.hjenglish.com 4. If I die young, I don't want to see you go down, I may beg Jesus to let me turn into my eternity, still standing beside you. 如果我过早死去了,我不想看到你消沉下去,我也许会请求耶稣让我转世,依旧站在你身边陪着你。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Foresight and common sense are all that are needed as you go from room to room and imagine what would happen in an earthquake. 你需要做之只是巡视你之房间,设想地震时房中会发生什么,用你之常识来进行预测、找出隐患。 wzksw.com 6. "He said, 'You go there, and one minute you're with your buddies and the next minute you're dead, ' " Mr. Hoyt recalled. “他说,‘到了战场,可能前一分钟你还在和弟兄们并肩作战,下一分钟就死了,’”霍伊特回忆说。 cn.nytimes.com 7. Many European governments do not bother with a formal fund but use pay-as-you-go schemes, funding benefits out of future taxes. 许多欧洲政府无须费神设立正式基金,而是采用“现收现付制”的办法,这个是由未来税收支付。 www.yayan123.com 8. Others may become a bit intimidated by your confidence, so be sure to be diplomatic and caring as you go along. 别人可能会为你的表现感到些许不适,因此记得要和往常一样关心他人,正常社交。 www.ycnews.cn 9. Before you go on a journey, you'd better make it clear how much money you are going to spend. 在外出旅行前,你最好先弄清楚你可能要花多少钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. no matter where you go. . . there you are. had a day off. . . so did the kids but they decided to leave me for friends boo hoo. 不管你去哪里…你就在那里。休息一天…孩子也休息,不过他们决定把我留给朋友,呜呜 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go. ' 吃饭的时候跟你的孩子们说“因为经济太糟糕了,我只能送走你们其中一个”; blog.sina.com.cn 2. You go as you come , gently like wind , let me kite made of love fly to you, loud ing my miss . 你轻轻地走了,正如你轻轻地来;于是我把爱做成风筝,让它带着我的思念,飞向你。 www.bing.com 3. I said, 'Now, lookahere. I done broke up with all three of those girls. ' I said, 'Will you go to a movie with me? ' She said, 'OK. 我说,现在,看这。我都与那三个女孩分手了。我说,你想要和我一起看电影吗?她说,好的。 www.bing.com 4. Even if you go and fight courageously in battle, God will overthrow you before the enemy, for God has the power to help or to overthrow. 你若一定要去,就奋勇争战吧。但神必使你败在敌人面前。 www.ebigear.com 5. As you go looking for trades, please do not feel as if you have to find the same patterns as shown here. 当你寻找交易机会时,不要以为你能找到本书一样的模式。 www.leson6666.com 6. Li guang ming: yes. Our a xing said that she wants to help you go back to look for that girl, and she took this measurement, right? 李光明:就是啊,我们阿星一直说要帮你回去找那个女的,所以才用这一招对不对? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Talk to her, his tone is always full of disdain: "Free to give you a Friendly reminder, you still give it, as you go so there is no hope. " 跟她说话,他的口气总是充满了不屑:“免费给你一个友情提醒,你还是放弃吧,照你这样下去是没有希望的。” www.mobixs.cn 8. I guarantee that if you separate, think of you, I do not call you, think of you, I did not go where you go to work to see you. 我保证,你要是说分开,再想你,我也不打电话给你,再想你,我也不去你上班的地方看你。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Every night before you go to bed look over your daily method of operation and ask yourself how accountable you were to yourself today. 每晚睡觉前检查你的计划执行情况,扪心自问今天对自己有怎样的交代。 www.360doc.com 10. We were supportive of pay-as-you-go rules in committee. . . and I'm going to encourage my caucus to be responsible about this on the floor. 我们以前在委员会中支持‘用什么付什么’的规则……我会鼓励我的团队在议会对这一规则负责。 www.21food.cn 1. please believe me when I tell you I just can't stand to see you go, and you know. 当我告诉你我不能承受看你离开时,请相信我,你是知道的。 bbs.ebbinghaus.cn 2. It hurt me more. . . but I gonna have to let you go. All the thing that you did, I will never be able to forgive you. . . I'm so sorry. 这伤害我太深了…但是我不得不让你走。你所做的一切,我永远都无法原谅你。我很抱歉。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Not seeing you go away from me, may you go in an easy way, leaving me alone with little bit of the last desperate hope in me. 没有看着你离开我,你会觉得让我一个人带着最后的不顾一切的希望让你感觉更轻松了吗?。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. You know, and then I hit some bad crisis in the '80s and, you know, you go into some bad despair and that taught me a lesson too. 我遭遇了89年代的危机,人近乎绝望,而正是那个时代给我上了一课。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The next time you go on holiday, please be good enough to tell us where you are going. 拜托,下回到哪度假先给我们吱个声。 english.fjii.com 6. PAY-IF-YOU-GO will be the new model for the criminal justice system if Jim Tedisco, a New York state assemblyman , gets his way. 要坐牢先买单,这是纽约州议员泰迪思科提出的,如果这一议案得以通过,那刑事审判的形式将会有所改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. How much do you spend on average each time you go out for children's recreation? 您每次去平均会花费多少在儿童休闲娱乐场所? spreadsheets.google.com 8. Wherever you go , be it for business of entertainment, it is always a good idea to know about the place as much as you can . 不管你去哪里,不管是出差还是去玩,尽量多了解那个地方总是一个不错的主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Why don't you go on to college? Over the long haul, it's important for your future to have a college degree. 为什么你不上大学?从长远来看,大学毕业对你将来在事业上的发展是很重要的。 www.examw.com 10. Always take a note pad with you when you go for an interview. Prepare your questions and write them on your note pad . 每次去面试的时候记得带个记事本,把你的问题准备好并且写在记事本上。 www.bing.com 1. and Louisa, my dear friend, promise me to take a little something warm before you go to bed, and not to distress yourself! 还有,路易莎,我亲爱的朋友,请答应我,在睡觉前喝点儿温暖的东西,同时自己别太伤心了! www.kekenet.com 2. Once of the simplest and most cost effective ways to maintain a household is to put things where they belong as you go. 想要保持家庭整洁有序,最简单、性价比最高的一个方法就是在你离开时把东西放回原位。 www.bing.com 3. As you go through this process, some of your answers will be very similar. 在你做这个测试的过程中,一些答案可能会非常相似。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Fair enough, but I'm still a bit unclear about the details. Could you go over the main points with me again? 情有可原,但是具体细节我还是不清楚。你可以把一些要点再给我解释一遍吗? www.kekenet.com 5. You go as you come, gently like wind. Let the kite made of love fly to you, loading my miss. 你轻轻的走了,正如你轻轻的来,于是我把爱做成风筝,让它带着我的思念,飞向你。 spaces.msn.com 6. That's not a problem over the long term, as long as you go back later and refactor the code into smaller bites. 从长远来说,这并不是一个问题,但您要记得回过头来将它重构为更小的部分。 www.ibm.com 7. We spend months trying to build you up, and you go and do a silly thing like this. 花了几个月试图让你恢复健康。你却出去,做这样的傻事。 dict.veduchina.com 8. Bring a small notepad with you everywhere you go, or at least something where you can jot down your ideas. 不管你去哪里,都随身携带一个小笔记本,或者任何东西,让你随时记下新的想法。 www.bing.com 9. S: that must have been horrible. Did you go out at all that day to see what was going on? 那景象一定很可怕吧.你那天出门去看了吗? www.examw.com 10. The way you think, the way you work, the way you collaborate, the way you interact, will all change as you go Agile. 你思考的方式、工作的方式、合作的方式、交互的方式都会因为采用敏捷方法而改变。 www.infoq.com 1. And you could just see the web of death as you go down in the water column. 随着你逐渐下潜,你可以直接看到整个死亡网络。 www.ted.com 2. Linzi got what I said and shouted behind me: "Be sure to come to see me before you go to college. " 玲子听懂了我的话,在身后喊:“你上大学前一定要来看我。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. You are most definitely welcome to visit us, but I hate to make you go far out of your way for a relatively brief meeting. 您是最确定地受欢迎的拜访我们,但我恨使您去在您的方式外面为一次相对地简要的会议。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. Nancy: You go first. I'll lock the door. Lucy, I owe it to you. This weekend I'd like to invite you to dinner if you are free. 你先走吧,我来锁门。露西,我欠你的人情。这个周末你如果有空,我请你吃饭。 edu.news.tom.com 5. Of course, you know, afterwards you go further, but that's for me what I sum up right now. 当然,过段时间你可能会分析得更透彻些,但现在对我来说这就是这么回事儿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. When you go on Craigslist and see more listings for iPhone repair and parts than actual, second hand iPhones, you know there's a problem. 当你上Craigslist,看见iPhone维修和配件列表要比实际上的二手iPhone的数量更多,你就知道这里面出了问题。 www.bing.com 7. The news is bad, and so you get out of the market, and when you read in the newspaper that the situation has improved, you go back in. 这个消息是坏的,所以你退出市场,当你在这种情况已有所改善报章上看到,你回来了。 lj-0028.blog.163.com 8. "If you go into a theater where somebody is being operated on and you disrupt, you are actually committing murder, " he said. “如果你闯入正在做手术的手术室,你就是在谋杀”。 www.bing.com 9. Trying to get a drink? I can't catch the bartender's eye. You go on ahead. I'll catch up. 我想要杯酒?可我引不起酒吧招待的注意。你先去坐会儿。我一会儿就过去。 learning.sohu.com 10. If you go into work on Monday with a list of things for your boss to do for you (she works for you, remember? ) what would it say? 如果你在周一上班的时候随身携带一张清单,上面写着你的老板能为你做的事(她为你工作,记得么?),这说明什么? www.bing.com 1. How can I forget what he said at our wedding night: Lena I finally get you safe in my pocket. And I won't let you go again. 我怎么可以忘记他在新婚当晚所说的那些话:“蕾娜,我终于娶到你了。我再也不会让你走了。” blog.sina.com.cn 2. DO NOT dilly dally in the lobby or the night manager will eyeball you until you go back to bed. 不要在大厅随便晃荡,不然晚班经理会一直盯着你,直到你回屋睡觉。 www.taskcn.com 3. What's wrong with your father? Must you go there instead of him? 你父亲怎么啦?你将不得不替他去那儿吗? zhidao.baidu.com 4. The problem in defense is how far you go without destroying from within what you're trying to defend from without . 防卫上的问题是,外部的防卫到底要到什麽地步才能免于内部的破坏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. How you go about this is up to you, but if local searches aren't providing the results you want, take some action. 至于怎么做就看你自己发挥了,但若本地搜索不能提供你想要的结果,请行动起来。 www.chinavalue.net 6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. 你和一帮朋友去一个聚会,看见一位漂亮女生。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Starting at the top or bottom of a 2-inch side, set it on top of the leaves and other piece of liner, pressing down as you go. 从这张衬垫顶部或尾部距边缘2英寸的地方开始,与叶子和另一片衬垫粘合。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. "So long as you go now, " said he, folding his arms and shutting his eyes with an oath, "you may do what you like! " “只要你现在肯走,”他交叉地抱着胳膊,闭着眼睛,赌神发誓他说,“你要干什么都行。” www.kuenglish.info 9. Vast expanse of wilderness wandering as you go, your heart, like the sea and earth wide. 一望无际的原野随你去流浪,你的心海和大地一样宽广。 www.dota123.com 10. And He said to her , Daughter , your faith has healed you . Go in peace and be well from your affliction . 耶稣对她说,女儿,你的信救了你,平平安安地去吧!你的灾病痊愈了。 www.bing.com 1. That there is a moon hanging in the air or in the atmosphere, and that you go and find the same sort of thing that is here. 有一个月亮挂在空中或大气中,而你们去发现同样的事情在这里。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If you normally drink when you go out with friends, consider not going out for a little while. 如果你经常与朋友外出喝酒,那么就考虑少和他们出去一会儿。 www.bing.com 3. DPT is in the final stages of developing and implementing what might be called a pay-as-you-go plan. 白喉,百日咳,破伤风是在最后阶段的制定和实施所谓的工资作为你去计划。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. How much did you go for the camera. 你相机卖了多少钱? bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 5. As you go through each step, we recommend that you rate your ability to run a change program against these elements that Kotter outlines. 当您浏览每一个步骤是,我们推荐您通过对照Kotter列出的这些元素来评估您执行变化项目的能力。 www.ibm.com 6. Aren't you expecting too much of your mother, leaving all your children with her while you go on holiday? 你们自己出去度假,却把孩子们全丢给了母亲,是不是太过分了? 7. If you go to Troy, you'll never come home, for your glory walks hand in hand with your doom, and I shall never see you again. 如果去特洛伊,你将一去不返,因为你荣耀之日也是你绝命之时,而我也永远不会再见不到你了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I gotta let you go because we're out of time, but I have enjoyed this conversation enough to say: can we get you back? 我必须结束我们的对话因为时间不够了,但我很喜欢这次对话,并想说:“你能再上我们的节目吗?” dictsearch.appspot.com 9. As strong as you were, tender you go. I'm watching you breathing for the last time. 你那么的强壮,却开始变得柔弱。我看着你最后的呼吸。 www.yappr.cn 10. Girls looked at me in a trance and said to me: You go cold. 女孩子看着我在发呆,冷冷地对我说:你下去, bbs.renyu.net 1. You say you're going to take me to see the flower garden, but ah, in summer is go far, but I can't see you, you go to a place far far away. 你说要带我去看落花的庭院的,可是啊,相约的夏天已快走远,我却看不见了你,你去了很远很远的地方。 www.bing.com 2. Leading : To ascend a climb from the bottom up , placing protection (or clipping protection ) as you go . 先锋攀登:从最底处开始爬,然后一边放置(挂入)确保支点。 www.bing.com 3. You go up in the short run, but then most societies historically have ended up worse than if they'd had no booms at all. 虽然你能暂于短期中加速,但大部分社会,从历史角度看,都落得个极惨的结果,几乎都被打回原点。 www.ted.com 4. And as many as do not receive you, as you go out from that city, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony against them. 凡不接待你们的,你们离开那城的时候,就把脚上的尘土跺下去,作反对他们的见证。 edu.china.com 5. But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and much more than a prophet. 你们出去,究竟要看什么?申言者么?我告诉你们,是的,他比申言者大多了。 edu.china.com 6. It has been raining continually for a week or so . No matter where you go, it is wet everywhere, and makes me feel uncomfortable. 雨已连绵不断的下了近一星期了,出去到哪都湿漉漉的,让我挺不舒服的。 www.pcgames.com.cn 7. Fully funded system has no obvious advantages to pay-as-you-go system in the respects of capital accumulation, labor market, and so on. 内容提要在促进资本积累、改善劳动力市场等方面,基金积累制度与现收现付制度相比并没有明显优势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. These journeys take less than half a day if you go by plane. Each lasts nearly a week when you stick to the ground. 这两段旅程大概各需将近一周的时间,但是如果坐飞机的话,连半天的时间都用不到。 dongxi.net 9. "When you go into the hut, it feels as if the explorers have only just walked out, " the Antarctic Heritage Trust's Morgan said. 南极遗产信托的摩根说:“当你走进小屋,感觉好像探险者们只不过刚刚出去。” www.bing.com 10. You go and chat and they stand in the same position as you, playing with their hair, laughing with you and holding your gaze. 你去和别人聊天,他们和你一样,可他们摆弄着头发,一颦一笑都吸引着你的注意。 www.bing.com 1. Correct your course as you go along instead of trying to find the perfect course. 与其去寻找最完美的方法还不如时刻不停地调整你的计划。 www.bing.com 2. It's not at all easy for you to come. Stay a little longer before you go. 你好不容易来一次,多待一会儿再走嘛。 www.hxen.com 3. Another good idea is to carry a small notebook filled with words and practical sentences with you everywhere you go. 另一个好方法是无论去哪里,都随身携带一本写满生词和实用句子的笔记本。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In fact, if you go back into the literature, you'll find people using it long before we started using it, but that's how we got to it. 事实上,如果你阅读过去的文献,你会发现人们早在我们用这个术语之间,就开始使用了。 www.bing.com 5. Would it be too forward of me to say I'll go wherever you go? I'd be honored, milord. 如果我说你去哪我就去哪会不会太鲁莽?我真的很荣幸,绅士。 www.bing.com 6. It's up to you whether you go or not. But I only have time on weekend. 去不去随你得便吧。不过,我只有周末有时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Since the 1940s, Social Security has been a pay-as-you-go program. 自从二十世纪40年代以来,社会保障就是随走随付的项目。 www.bing.com 8. Edward: It's the only way he'd let you go. Just don't worry about him now. He's safe. The tracker's following us. 爱德华:只有这样他才会让你离开。现在别担心他了。他很安全。追踪者正跟着我们。 blog.163.com 9. If you go there, you'll be able to download stacks of free books, software, and lots and lots more. Take a look there. 如果你浏览那里,你就能下载很多免费图书、软件以及更多。去看看吧。 www.yappr.cn 10. But the partners' learn-as-you-go approach turned out to be their greatest strength. 但是结果显示搭档的“自由发挥”是他们最大的优势。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Elaine: Charlie, I'm so glad to see you, Amy, you go, let me talk to Charlie alone. 爱莲娜(兴奋):查理,你来了,见到你我真高兴,艾米,你进去吧,让我和查理单独谈谈。 juhuareagent.com 2. If you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year , you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good . 如果你违背自然,不适时耕作,你就得付出更多的劳动,而成果却不见得好。 www.diyifanwen.com 3. Then I put my schedule posted once, they also help me row of travel, if you think can word, also can you go like this. 接下来我把的行程贴一下吧,也是他们帮我排的行程,如果大家觉得可以的话,也可以这么走。 en.cnxianzai.com 4. Arnold can be a difficult person to deal with so I thought I had better put you wise about his strange ideas before you go to see him. 阿诺德可能是一个很难打交道的人,因此我想最好在你去见他以前使你明了他的怪念头。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But the most interesting thing about this particular technology is that you can carry your digital world with you wherever you go. 这技术最有趣的地方是,你可以把数字世界带着走到任何地方都可以。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Tellin ' you that I've had it with you and your career, Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go? " 告诉你我已经受够了你和你的事业我和其他的家人在这唱着“你要去哪?” dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Bob: I sure hate to see you go across the street. We've had a good relationship for a lot of years. 我很不希望看你找别家,我们的良好合作关系已经维持多年了。 www.ebigear.com 8. I got a new pair of hiking boots. Be sure to break them in before you go hiking. 我买了双新的登山靴。最好在你去远足前把鞋穿到合脚。 www.shanbay.com 9. It is all the same to me whether you go there or not. 你去不去那里对我来说都一样。 wenku.baidu.com 10. The last big, big boogey man of historical criticism is eisegesis If you go to any kind of seminary, they'll warn you against eisegesis. 最后,历史批判法最忌的一点是肆意诠释,如果你去任何一所神学院,他们会警告你小心肆意诠释。 open.163.com 1. Professor Thomas said: "If you go back far enough in time, life started in the plankton, so we owe it a remarkable debt. " 托马斯教授说:“回溯到遥远的过去,生命始于浮游生物,因此我们应该非常感谢它们。” www.bing.com 2. M: Captain. Er. . . I wonder if before you go I could talk to you about some clothes for the children. 玛:上校……呃……我想在你走之前,可不可以跟你谈谈有关孩子衣服的事。 q.sohu.com 3. They move around the forests - you see them one day and the next day you go back to talk to them and they are not there. 他们在森林中四处流动-某一天你在某个地方看到他们,但第二天当你回到那个地方想与他们交谈时,他们已没有了踪影。 web.worldbank.org 4. And as you go down, the washing machine at the surface calms down. 当你潜入大海的时候,水面上的清洗装置安静下来了。 www.ted.com 5. First, according to the number of hours of sleep you go to bed and get up to set the time. 首先,根据你现在睡眠的小时数来设定就寝和起床的时间。 www.106jsw.com 6. Why don't you go back to all my post and line it up with EWI to see if you're correct. 你为什么不回我的所有职务,并符合东西方研究所起来,看看你是正确的。 dict.wanyuwang.com 7. But what you want to do is make it a formal process, just like you go to the gym and train. 但是,你要做得就是把它付诸于行动,就像你去健身房锻炼一样。 www.elanso.com 8. As you go through life, you'll experience joy, pain, loss, discovery, and a thousand other different thoughts and emotions. 在生活中,你会经历喜悦、痛苦、损失、发现和一千种不同的想法和感情。 www.bing.com 9. It can be a few minutes before you go to bed, in the morning or any other time that you can get. 这可能是睡前的几分钟,早上或你能得到的任何其他时间。 www.bing.com 10. You seldom get what you go after unless you know in advance what you want. 要得到你所追求的东西,就必须事先知道自己想要什么。 hhbird.com 1. You said to him, just over the bar, you go to the bathroom, I thought you were afraid of get along with me, a man escaped. 你对他说,刚刚在酒吧,你去卫生间,我以为你害怕与我相处,一个人逃走了。 www.bing.com 2. You go as you come, gently like wind. Let the kite made of love fly to you, lodaing my miss. 你轻轻的走了,正如你轻轻的来。让我将爱变为风筝,让它飞向你,传达我的思念。 www.xici.net 3. If you go on like this, parents one day leave, he would much regret and remorse do, Lest too late carry on. 如果就这样下去,父母有一天离去,自己会有多大的遗憾和悔恨呢,只恐也迟矣。 www.mobixs.cn 4. This difference may change the design of the application, or suggest a different pricing structure for a Pay-As-You-Go user. 这种不同可能会更改应用程序的设计,或者对即付即用用户采用不同的定价结构。 www.ibm.com 5. You'll be the death of me if you go on talking like that. You are so funny that I can't stop laughing. 如果你继续那样谈论下去,你真要我的命了,你讲得太有趣了,使我笑个不停。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Zion was wonderful to ride through- you go right through the bottom of a canyon, with amazing rock formations rising on all sides. Zion带着我穿越了大峡谷-就是直接下到峡谷底部,四周伸出的都是令人称奇的岩石构造。 www.bing.com 7. Avoid Mr. J at all cost, then buy some socks when you go out for lunch today. There's a department store right around the corner. 无论如何避免见到琼斯先生。然后趁午饭时间出去买上袜子。在那个角落有个百货公司。 www.ebigear.com 8. However, if membership isn't for you, most events can be attended on a pay as you go basis. 但是,如果成员是不是你,最事件可以出席了现收现付的基础。 www.showxiu.com 9. Then how much can you go down? 那么你能减多少? www.24en.com 10. Whatever you go with, you want to understand the vendors' fundamental vision of SOA. 不论你采用什么方法,你都需要理解厂商对SOA的基础愿景。 www.infoq.com 1. There will let you go from the point of view more about this place. 还有会让你从更多的角度去了解这个地方。 wenwen.soso.com 2. But as you go and you look closer at a tree, what you see is, you see increasing complexity. 不过当你走近一棵树并仔细看看,你看到的将越来越复杂。 www.ted.com 3. I believe that all that you go through here must have some value, therefore there must be some reason. 我相信的是我们现在经历的一切一定有价值,因此必有某些道理,也必然预示着有些事情“将要发生”。 www.hjenglish.com 4. "Usually we do, " answered the head, "but we're letting you go today because you've been the slowest worker during the last few days. " “我们一般是那样。”工头回答:“但是我们今天要请你走了,因为过去几天里你是最慢的工人。” wenwen.soso.com 5. Don't carry too many things with you when you go traveling. Just take such things as you need. 出门旅行不要带太多东西,带上那些你必须带的东西就行了。 www.ebigear.com 6. See that the door is fastened before you go to bed. 临睡前,你务必把门闩好。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. If you go on like this you'll end up in prison. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。 www.hxen.com 8. This part of the design process can be very interesting, although you have to be careful in how far you go with innovation. 设计流程的这一部分会非常有趣,不过你还必须留意创新的程度。 www.bing.com 9. You will be lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. 他如果不给你一个违章通知单就放你走,你就是运气好。不过,这种事也并不总是发生的。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When you go back to the Source editor, you will see that this same attribute has been modified in the raw XML. 当您返回到Source编辑器时,您将看到这个相同的属性在原始XML中也已经被修改了。 www.ibm.com 1. Of course, you suspect commerc account decide whether to continue or not, but at least you go into the transaction forewarned. 当然,你可以决定是否继续,但至继续可以可疑少你在进入前得到了预先警告。 www.cto360.com 2. You go on ahead; I'll catch you up in a few minutes. 你前面走,我将在几分钟内赶上。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Kin 2: 18 And when they came again to him, (for he tarried at Jericho, ) he said unto them, Did I not say unto you, Go not? 王下2:18以利沙仍然在耶利哥等候他们回到他那里;他对他们说:我岂没有告诉你们不必去吗? www.godwithus.cn 4. This Angel is unique to you and will walk with you wherever you go and what ever you do. 这位天使对你来说很独特,无论你去往哪里,也无论你做什么,他都会伴你左右。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So there's a threshold level above which you go up in the long term, and below which you go down. 因此对于那些国家能否进入长久发展抑或是短期速跑是有一个门槛的存在。 www.ted.com 6. If you otherwise have nothing to declare , you go straight through the green channel unless you are asked to stop by an officer. 如果你没有需要申报的物品并且海关官员又没有阻拦你,你就可以直接通过绿色通道了。 www.hjenglish.com 7. You know, you go round the first few times and you're telling yourself that it's impossible to drive on the limit at this track. 你知道,只有在上面走一走,你就会告诉自己:这条赛道上要发挥极限水平是不可能的。 www.biodic.cn 8. But at midnight you go to bed with a little view of what will hit you the next day. 但是在半夜,你上床睡觉时都还想着明天会给你带来什么打击。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. You're bound to have worked up an appetite by now. Where would you go if you had a hankering for some good ol' Texas barbecue? 你的饮食也是受到限制的。如果你非常渴望一些不错的德州烧烤时,你会去哪? post.baidu.com 10. B: No. Honestly. It doesn't matter to me whether you go home early or not. It's entirely up to you. 我不介意,真的。你是否早点回家对我来说没有什么关系,完全由你决定。 www.tingroom.com |
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