单词 | you-drive |
释义 | you-drive
例句释义: 你来遥控台 1. In this game you drive a fast car along the circuit trying to beat a very smart adversary . 在这个游戏中你驾驶汽车沿高速电路试图殴打一名非常聪明的对手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Just as you use a hammer to help you drive a nail into a wall, so you use a computer to help you solve a problem. 就像你用锤子往墙上钉钉子一样,你使用电脑去解决一个问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. A. So pray for you, and be careful when you drive again, your daughter is all you have left. 因此,为你祈祷,时一定要小心驾驶了,你的女儿是你已经离开。 wenwen.soso.com 4. A new car depreciates significantly the moment you drive it out the dealership. 当你一把新车开出经销商处,它就折价了。 www.elanso.com 5. Now there is not just a myriad of new property developments downtown, but they continue as you drive even 30 minutes outside the city. 现在不仅仅是市区的房地产市场一片繁荣,当你开车离开市区30分钟后,那里还在继续这房产建设。 www.bing.com 6. It's just like when you drive all the store, get out of the car , and then can't remember what you came for. 就想似乎你开车一路狂奔到商店,赶紧下车,然后竟然无法想起要买什么。 www.360doc.com 7. "Yeah, I'm a very understanding kinda guy, " he said. "I'll write your ticket as ridiculously fast as you drive. " “嗯,我是那种非常善解人意的人,”他说。“会很快写下在你开快车中那莫名其妙的超速罚单。” www.bing.com 8. Think about how much you drive during the week and how many people see your vehicle while out and about or at a stop light. 想想自己一周要开多久的车,当驾车外出或者停下时,有多少人会看到你的车。 www.cnblogs.com 9. If you suddenly become immersed (say, you drive off a bridge or into a lake or river), roll down the windows as soon as you can. 如果你被水淹了(也就是说,你开车在桥上,或者开进了湖或河中),尽可能快的摇下车窗。 www.bing.com 10. but when someone's trying to break you, it gives you drive, gives you strength. 但有人想打败你时你反倒觉得有动力和勇气 www.tingclass.net 1. Reducing your impact on the earth is not just a question of what you drive but also of what you live in. 减少您对地球的负面影响,并不仅仅在于你开什么,您住什么也挺有关系。 www.bing.com 2. Instead, make it a habit to slow down when you drive. 所以呢,我们开车时,要将慢速行车变成一种习惯。 www.elanso.com 3. You'll end up in the hospital if you drive your car like this. 如果像这样开车,你最终要进医院。 wenku.baidu.com 4. If you drive a car in the morning and drive it back in the afternoon the ratio of charge to drive is about a minute for a minute. 如果你驾驶汽车早上出门,下午回程这样的话,充电与驾驶的比例是1分钟比一分钟。 www.ted.com 5. If you drive it out of town, I would suggest a luxury sedan. 如果你驾车出城,我建议你租一部房车。 www.jukuu.com 6. If you drive, roll your windows down and feel the breeze. Let this groove be a backdrop for your scenery. 如果你在开车,请摇下车床,感受一下微风,让这音乐作为你眼前景色的背景吧! blog.sina.com.cn 7. You drive around here always with a smile on your face. . . it's exciting, a real buzz. 你在这里开车总归会在脸上挂着笑容…这很惊奇,真的是乱哄哄的。 f1-zone.net 8. Honestly, you don't even have to take them to the door, just throw 'em onto the yard where you drive past, she'll find them. 老实讲,你甚至不用把它们送到门口,只要扔到你经过的院子里就可以了,她会找到它们的。 qac.yappr.cn 9. I will let you drive it, since you know more about cars than I do. 我让你开,因为你对汽车懂得比我多。 club.163.com 10. Sometimes, if you drive home the same route every single day, it's good to drive a new route, even if it's a little longer. 如果你每天都从同一条路驾车回家,也许有时换换线路是个不错的方案,即使远一点儿。 www.suiniyi.com 1. You drive to a gasoline station once a week, on average, and you fill up. 你平均一周去一次加油站加满油。 www.bing.com 2. Grangerfield! You were in Grangerfield? That's a completely different town! How could you drive to a completely different town? 农场村!你们到了农场村?那是完全不同的城镇!你们怎么会开到完全不同的城镇? talk.oralpractice.com 3. First of all, those annoying suction cups are dispensed with, and there aren't any messy wires dangling around as you drive. 首先,这些恼人的吸杯的免除,并没有任何凌乱的电线悬在你硬盘。 usa.315che.com 4. Be careful as you drive home tonight because there are sure to be patches of black ice on the highways . 你晚上开车回家要小心啊,因为高速路上肯定会有很多黑冰。 www.bing.com 5. Perhaps they make you drive the car around the block a few times after it has been seized. 或许汽车被扣押后,警方会强令你驾车绕着街区转上几圈。 www.zftrans.com 6. You have to shift as you drive around the corner. 你拐角时要换挡变速。 wenwen.soso.com 7. You drive home with the petrol light flashing and the car coughs and splutters it's way up to the curb outside your place. 你耗着剩余一点点汽油开车回家,车子一路“突突”地爬回了住处外的边栏旁。 www.elanso.com 8. As you drive, your cell phone might be sending GPS location information that is recorded. 在开车的时候,您的手机可能会收到被记录下来的GPS位置信息。 www.ibm.com 9. Keep both hands on the steering wheel as you drive through the intersection. 当驾车通过路口时,保持双手控制方向盘。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. When you drive to a shopping center or mall, park in the space farthest from the door. 当你开车去大商场购物,请把你的车停到离商场大门口越远的地方越好。 www.bing.com 1. If you drive your car like that , you'll end up in hospital . 如果你这样开车,最后得上医院。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Make no mistake about it, you're bound to have an accident if you drive so fast down the motorway. 毫无疑问,你要是在公路上开得这样快,准会出事。 dict.ebigear.com 3. The carriage also features bucket seats made of carbon fiber and covered in hand-stitched leather. You drive it by joystick. 马车还采用桶形座椅由碳纤维和涵盖的手工缝制皮革。你驾驶它的操纵杆。 usa.315che.com 4. It's not about who your family is or how much money they have, or what kind of car you drive, or where you are sent to school. 不在于你的出身和家境的贫富,不在于你开水面车,或者上什么学校。 www.youtheme.cn 5. What hidden benefits might you drive from a behavior you know you should change? 想一想,在你认为应该改变的一种行为中,你可能得到什么潜在的好处? blog.sina.com.cn 6. i ' ll meet up with you . bryce , you drive . i ' ll see you there . i ' ll be okay . drive. 我会和你们碰头的,布莱斯,你开车到那儿见,我会没事的,开车。 www.ichacha.net 7. As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe. 只要你小心驾车,你会很安全的。 www.tnngo.com 8. When you drive around the back to pick up your furniture they provide you free hotdogs and wash your car windows. 当顾客开车去取家具时,他们为您提供免费热狗并清洗您的车窗玻璃。 www.bing.com 9. As you drive through the towns they stare at you from large billboards. 正如你开车经过的城镇,他们在盯着你从大型广告牌。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I mean AL you drive those gas guzzling SUVs and limos. Your homes use more electricity in a month than what I use in 10 years. 我的意思是戈尔你驾那些耗油的SUV和豪华轿车,你的家使用电力一个月多过我用10年。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. If you drive your car for business, medical or charitable purposes, you may be entitled to a deduction for miles driven. 如果你用自己的车是为了商业经营,医疗或者慈善捐赠的目的,你可以抵减你的行驶里程数。 www.morebacking.com 2. And convenient is not something that you drive for an hour and charge for eight. 并且,方便的意思不是说你得充电8小时却只能开1小时。 www.ted.com 3. If you drive the car like that, you'll end up in hospital. 如果你像这样开车,最后会被送进医院的。 www.csfls.com 4. How many times in the last6 months did you drive or ride with someone who might have had too much alcohol to drink? 在上六月个中你一共有多少次与喝醉酒的人驾驶或者骑乘。 www.chinaorb.com 5. Depending upon the vehicle you drive, your spark plugs may need to be changed as often as yearly or as rarely as once a decade or so. 取决于你驾驶的车辆,你的火花塞或许得一年一换,或许十年之内无需更换。 www.suiniyi.com 6. The fuel. If you drive all over the place to shop, you're using lots of fuel. 如果你购物一直是开车去的,那你肯定消耗了很多汽油。 www.bing.com 7. When you drive on the roads, you know where you are on those roads. 当你驱车行驶在公路上,你知道你处在公路的哪一个位置。 www.rrting.com 8. If you drive, be attentive at all times, and obey speed limits, signs, and safe-driving laws to reduce the chances of having an accident. 如果你开车,始终保持专心,并且遵守限速、信号灯和安全驾驶法规来减少发生事故的可能性。 www.bing.com 9. You drive people mad by a simple performance of illogical acts, against reason, logic or realistic assessments. 你只消表现不合逻辑的举动,对抗理性、逻辑或现实评估,就能置人于疯狂之境地。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. If you drive an older vehicle with an inline engine, changing plugs can be done in as little as an hour. 如果你驾驶的是使用直列发动机的老式汽车,改换火花塞只需一个小时就能完成。 www.suiniyi.com 1. Would you drive me to the store? Would you take me to the store? Would you drop me off at the store? 您能开车送我到那家店吗 blog.hjenglish.com 2. If you drive a very old car that has little inherent value, lower the amount of coverage to the lowest possible amount required. 如果您驾驶的车很老内在价值不大的话,选择较少的保险范围可能只能得到最低的保险补偿金。 www.elanso.com 3. I suspect his real problem isn't just that you drive him mad, but that he is bereft without his office perks, his IT helpdesk and his PA. 我猜,他真正的问题不只在于你让他发疯,而是他被剥夺了办公室津贴、IT支持和私人助理。 www.ftchinese.com 4. B: It is a city mile since the Central Park. But it won't be a problem since you drive. 离中央公园远着呢。可既然你开车这就不成疑难了。 www.ffenglish.com 5. Be kind to your thoughts and actions as you drive. 在你开车的时候,对自己的思维和动作好点。 www.elanso.com 6. I'm not suggesting you drive to Canada tonight just to see if you can. 当然了,我并不是在建议你为了证实这一点今天晚上就开车去加拿大。 dongxi.net 7. I suppose you drive a car, and that you have no doubts about your own eyesight. 我估计您也开车的吧,您对您的视力不会怀疑吧。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. The rules and advice in this chapter will help you drive safely and with consideration for others. 本章的守则和忠告有助你安全驾驶,并顾及他人安全。 www.td.gov.hk 9. Imagine you are driving with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat next to you. Drive so that you don't spill it. 可以想像一下车上的副驾驶座位上放一杯满满的热咖啡,那样驾车是不会撒出来的。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 10. z~Did you see everything you wanted to see? Can you drive your cousin home now? 你该看的也看够了吧?现在侠盗飞车怎么做任务能开车送你老表回家了吗? www.51yue.net 1. You drive just as safely and you can enjoy exactly the same instant response, even at low revs. 您的驾驶过程同样安全,而且您可以同样感受到,在转速低时完全相同的瞬时响应。 word.hcbus.com 2. Whether you drive your car or use public transportation, it is still going to cost you money. 不论你是自己开车还是使用公共交通,都需要支出。 www.kekenet.com 3. When you leave your abode, you drive down the exterior wall as in an elevator. 当您离开您的居留权,则压低外墙在电梯。 usa.315che.com 4. However fast you drive, I always feel safe with you. 无论你把车开得多快,和你在一起我永远感到安全。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 5. It's easy to get lost if you drive without a road map in America. 如果你在美国开车不带地图的话,就很容易迷路。 lyle.myrice.com 6. If you drive searchers to channel partners, your channel partners will drive sales for you. 如果你开车搜索频道的合作伙伴,您的渠道合作伙伴将推动你的销售。 www.b2c-seo.com 7. You'll wind up in hospital if you drive so fast. 如果开这么快的车,你会进医院的。 www.ldxy.com.cn 8. You drive so fast. Do you think you're in a Grand Prix? 车开那么快干吗?你以为是在一级方程式赛车啊? www.hjenglish.com 9. as you drive and then read them aloud to you. 让您在驾驶途中,将网页读给您听。 www.jukuu.com 10. If you drive so rashly , you will end up in hospital . 如果你这么鲁莽开车,最终会住进医院的。 www.bing.com 1. as long as. . . You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully. 只要……只要你保证小心驾驶,就让你我开我的车。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Michael: That's a great idea. I can tell him all about the city and its history while you drive us around. 米歇尔:这个主意太好了。你开车的时候我可以给他介绍我们的城市和它的历史。 www.xianzai.cn 3. Well, That's true. Still, some places out in the sticks are pretty far from a big city, even if you drive a car. 咬哟,其实美国人怎麽知道什麽是真正的乡下。就算他们住在乡下好了,只要一开车就到城里了嘛。 ept-cn.com 4. Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking, car pooling or taking mass transit wherever possible. 可能的话多走路、骑脚踏车、共乘、搭大众运输来减少开车的里程数。 blog.arting365.com 5. You can see it as you drive by on the interstate highway. 您在沿着州际高速公路驾车经过时可看到这座宏伟的建筑。 www.america.gov 6. E. So pray for me, and be careful when you drive again, my son is all I have left. 大肠杆菌所以你们为我祈祷吧,以及时一定要小心驾驶了,我的儿子是我已离开。 wenwen.soso.com 7. When you drive hard toward one ideal, you miss opportunities and paths, not to mention hurting your confidence. 当你向理想努力投入的时候,你失去了机会和路径,更不用说打击了你的自信。 www.bing.com 8. You will end up in hospital if you drive your car like that. 你那样乱开汽车最后非弄到进医院不可。 www.yxdd.net 9. the car you drive a few times? That car you drive a few days? 那辆车你开过几次?那辆车你开过几天? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy? 我对你热烈的目光是否也让你疯狂 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The reporter asked: "if one day, you drive a plane flew over the Pacific Ocean, suddenly stalled, what would you do? " 记者问:“如果有一天,你驾驶着一架飞机飞到了太平洋上空,突然熄火了,你会怎么办呢?” wenwen.soso.com 2. Let me play the safety cop and remind you to buckle up, and make sure your wheels aren't on fire when you drive! 让我现在充当自己是个交通警察,来提醒你:开车时要系上安全带,同时肯定当你驾车时。 www.engworld.org 3. Here's a technology that'd make the flying car and the jetpack both look like that retarded Flintstones car you drive with your feet. 有一种技术,能让飞车和飞行背包都看起来像呆呆的《摩登原始人》里,你用脚开的那种车一样傻。 www.bing.com 4. I won't stay with you unless you drive the dog out. 除非你把狗赶跑,否则我不会和你呆在一起。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I'm just saying, if you drive a Model T, you might guess that has an impact on your driving experience. 我的意思是,如果你开的是福特T,那驾驶体验肯定要打折。 dongxi.net 6. Thich Nhat Hanh once recommended that stoplights be your mindfulness bell as you drive. 一行禅师曾经推荐过说,当你开车的时候,红灯可以做你的正念钟声。 www.bing.com 7. For very 5 miles per hour over the speed limit you drive, I "ll remove one piece of clothing. " 你在驾车过程中每小时提速五英里,我就脱掉我的一件衣服。 bbs.wwenglish.org 8. Optimize the shock design of connect rod and crankshaft, improve the comfortable feeling greatly when you drive the motorcycle. 对曲轴连杆进行了震动优化设计,使整机的驾乘舒适性大大提高。 motorcycle.sh.cn 9. You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully. 只要你小心驾车,你就可以开我的车。 www.tingclass.com 10. If you drive a car running on the road? See a dying old man riding a bicycle to your head hit the retrograde. 如果你开车正常行驶在马路上?见一垂死之老头骑自行车逆行向你车头撞来。 cnqr.org 1. A great flight shooting game, you drive a spacecraft in space, the elimination of all types of machinery and flies. 一款很棒的飞行射击游戏,你驾驶着飞船在太空中消灭各类机械飞虫。 www.fishjava.com 2. Kindly to inform that Xian Xia Road is one-way street, if you drive your own car to our hotel, please turn left on Fu Rong Jiang Road. 由于仙霞路是单行道,请开自驾车和出租车前来酒店的客人往芙蓉江路直走至仙霞路左拐。 www.san-china.com 3. Before whining about the distance you drive, think of those who walk the same distance on foot. 当你为了驾车的路程发牢骚时,想想那些步行同样路程的人。 blog.163.com 4. Could you drive me to the airport? Can you give me a ride to the airport? 你可以开车送我去机场吗? blog.hjenglish.com 5. kt is a country mile from the Central Park. But it won't be a problem since you drive. 离中央公园远着呢。可既然你开车这就不成问题了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Even if you peer into the refrigerator during televised ads, or close your eyes when you drive past billboards. 即使在电视上播放广告时你在往冰箱里张望,即使你开车驶过广告牌时闭上双眼。 rrting.com 7. When you go through the air with a car, there is wind the same wind that you feel when you drive your bicycle. 当车穿过空气时,就会产生风,你也能感觉到这种风,在你骑自行车时。 open.163.com 8. Did you drive to the out-of-town supermarket, or did you walk, cycle or catch a bus to the high street? 你是开车去外地商店吗,还是步行,骑自行车又或是乘公共汽车去商业街? www.bing.com 9. Anyhow, be careful when you drive, not too fast, for it is really awful to have an accident . 不管怎样,开车一定要注意安全,不要开的太快。车祸有时候真的很恐怖。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. With unlimited mileage, you don't have to pay extra for every mile you drive. 里程不受限制,你开多远都不用另交费。 wenku.baidu.com 1. When you drive, keep your eyes on the road and your mind on your driving. 当你驾驶车辆时,注意路面的情况,留心驾驶车辆。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Sure, you "drive" your life sometimes. But the goal is to always be in the driver's seat. 当然,有时你能“驾驭”自己的生活,但是最终目标应该是在驾驶员的位置上。 www.bing.com 3. you drive the aeroplane and fight with the various aeroplane which come towards you. 你驾驶飞机在宇宙中与迎面而来的各种飞机战斗。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. You're driving too fast. Could you drive a bit slower? 你开得太快了。能不能开得慢点? asp3.6to23.com 5. You'd better take your car to your mechanic before you drive it to Hangzhou. 你开车去杭州之前,最好把车开去让你的机械师看看。 6. New research suggests what you eat as important as what you drive. 新近研究显示:您吃什么食物和开什么车一样重要。 www.bing.com 7. Machine guns, video cameras to see behind you when you drive, bodywork that is flexible in height, and even a plasma TV. 当开车的时候,你可以在身后发现机关枪和摄像镜头。车身可高度折叠拉开,甚至还有等离子电视。 dongxi.net 8. Yes, if you drive an hour out of Beijing, you meet the vast dirt-poor third world of China. 是的,如果你驱车前往北京城外,一小时之后,中国极其穷困的第三世界的一面就会展现在你面前。 www.bing.com 9. You drive around just to find the cheapest fuel store for your car. 你为了最便宜的汽油费不惜开着车子到处找。 my.opera.com 10. Would you drive me off, saying to me, "Get away, your naughty little puppy" ? 您会把我赶走,并对我说:“滚开,你这只淘气的小狗”吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. A: Sue, can you drive Jane and me to the doctor on Monday? 苏,你星期一可以开车载珍和我去看医生吗? www.hxen.com 2. If you drive to work, go out to the car at lunch, put down the backseat, and snooze for 10 minutes. 如果你是开车去上班,就在午间到车上去,放倒后车座,小睡十分钟。或只是在桌子上趴五分钟。 www.bing.com 3. Did you drive somewhere with your beloved this past holiday weekend? 周末时,你和心爱的人一起驾车出游了吗? chinese.wsj.com 4. You drive around for hours looking for the best parking space. 你开车数小时找最好的停车位。 www.kuenglish.info 5. Would you drive into Chamberlain with me? 你和我一起开车去钱柏林,好吗? www.ebigear.com 6. You drive as well as he does. 你开车和他开得一样好。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Lily: I'm sorry, I'm feeling carsick. Would you drive a little slower, please? 对不起,我有点儿晕车。能开慢点儿吗? www.trjlseng.com 8. You drive the women of my people from their pleasant homes. You take away my blessing from their children forever. 你们将我民中的妇人从安乐家中赶出,又将我的荣耀从他们的小孩子尽行夺去。 new.fuyinchina.com 9. Suddose you are driving with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat next to you. Drive so that you wouldn't spill it. 应当尽可能地保持平稳。可以试想在你旁边的座位上有一杯热咖啡,这样一来你开车时就会想象着不把它们溅出来。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. And suppose the same card lets you drive a car, get medicine, get cash from machines, pay parking tickets, and collect government benefits. 想一想,这同一张卡能使你驾车、就医、从取款机中提款、付停车费、领政府补助。 www.tingclass.com 1. But if you attend our school, our trainer will escort you for additional ten hours when you drive first time. 但是如果在我们学校学习的话,当你第一次开车时,我们的教练可以给你提供10个小时的陪练。 www.bing.com 2. You can take my car as [so] long as you drive carefully. 你可以用我的汽车,只要你小心点儿开。 www.yygrammar.com 3. You drive a car looking in the rearview mirror; you are going to get in a serious accident. 你开车时只看后视镜,当然要出车祸了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You see, if you drive more slowly, you use much less petrol. 你知道,要是你把车开慢些,用的汽油就会少得多。 www.yywords.com 5. It is a country mile from downtown. But it won't be a problem since you drive. 离城中心远着呢。可既然你开车这就不成问题了。 wenku.baidu.com 6. You can choose what you eat, where you shop and what car you drive. 你可以选择吃什么,去哪里购物,开什么样的车。 www.bing.com 7. This helps you drive innovation, efficiencies, and cost savings. 这将能帮助您推动革新、提高效率和节省成本。 www5.ncr.com 8. In this chapter you will find rules and advice that will help you drive safely on expressways and trunk roads. 本章所载的守则和指示,有助驾驶人在快速公路及主干路上安全驾驶。 www.td.gov.hk 9. No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. 没有方向盘,得用摇杆来驾驶它。 blog.163.com 10. Wait a minute. OK. OK. You drive a hard bargain. 25 yuan, it's a deal. 等一下,好吧好吧。你真会砍价。25成交。 www.bing.com 1. I can drive from the wrong side of the car but can you drive from the right side of the car? Can you? No. I don't think so. Come on. 我能从车子的反面开,但是你能从车的正面开吗?你能吗?不能。我不这样认为。得了吧。 www.kekenet.com 2. You're heading for an accident if you drive after drinking. 你酒后驾车等于是去闯祸。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If you drive without fastening your seatbelt, you're just flirting with disaster. 开车不系安全带,简直是拿生命当儿戏。 hi.baidu.com 4. What? you are too tired to have a traffic accident easily if you drive to home. 什么?你是说你太累了,如果开车回家会出交通事故啊? bbs.24en.com 5. Could you drive me to Enniskerry in the morning? 你明天早上能开车送我去Enniskerry吗? www.tingroom.com 6. If you drive too fast, you may get into a car accident. 如果你车开太快的话,你有可能会出车祸。 wske.spaces.live.com 7. You can take my cal so long as you drive carefully. 只要你开车小心,我可以把车借给你。 ts.hjenglish.com 8. If you drive to the office every morning, you'll save a lot of time. 每天早上开车上班,你会节省许多时间。 9. If you drive or take the bus, you probably deal, once again, with computer systems. 如果你自己开车或乘坐公共汽车,你很有可能会再一次地处理电脑系统。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Since this part charges while you drive, you won't really have to wait. 因为这部分充电,当您驾驶时,您真正地不会必须等待。 www.bing.com 1. When you drive your car , when you steer your car , you use a method called Ackermann steering . 您开车的时候,转动方向盘,这种方式叫阿克曼转向。 www.bing.com 2. b well , the biggest difference is that in britain we drive on the left . here , you drive on the right side of the road. 哦,最大的区别是在英国我们是左侧通行。在这里,你们是右侧通行。 www.ichacha.net 3. The metaphor is -- if you drive a wagon from Utah to California, you use the same horses the whole way. 这个比喻是说——如果你驾马车从犹他到加州,一路上你用的会是同样的马。 dongxi.net 4. And then you re going to discover new ambitions, desires and He will give you drive. 你要成为耶稣的跟随者,接著你会发现自己拥有新的野心意念和动力。 hourofpower.org.hk 5. You stay in the car to drive away a car, promising me, don't see me make a turn, you drive away a car, leaving me, like I leave you. 你就留在车里把车开走,答应我,别看我转弯,你把车开走,离开我,就如同我离开你一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You'd better have your four tyres checked once again before you drive onto the express way. Should one burst, you would get killed. 在上高速之前你最好把四个轮胎再检查一遍。一旦有一个爆了,你也就完了。 www.onlycollege.com.cn 7. You drive us to the train in broad, broad daylight. 你们在大白天把我们带到火车上 www.tingroom.com 8. Be sure to blow up the tyres before you drive off. 开车之前,一定要把轮胎打足气。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. You drive on a small, narrow road with vehicles slowly going both ways. On one side of the road is water. 你驾车在一条狭窄的道路上缓慢行驶,欣赏两边的景色。 www.bing.com 10. Make sure you drive between the gateposts. 你要确实做到在两个门柱之间行驶。 www.hotdic.com 1. Eg. However carefully you drive, you cannot avoid having an accident. 无论你多么小心地驾驶车子,还是避免不了事故的。 www.kekenet.com 2. You drive around looking for the cheapest gasoline. 你为了最便宜的汽油费不息开着车子到处找。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. So, if you drive down the street past David's apartment, you will most probably hear music. 于是,当你开车在街上驶过大卫家,你很可能会听见乐声飘扬。 www.joyen.net 4. If you drive without a driver's license, you'll be fined. 假如你无照驾驶,你会被罚款。 emuch.net 5. Man: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is $54. You won't find it cheaper anywhere else. 你使我交易困难,我能做的只有54美元,在其他的地方你找不到更便宜的了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You are heading for an accident if you drive after drinking. 你要是酒后开车非出车祸不可。 www.engnety.com 7. A: If you are going to Montreal next week, why don't you drive your car? 如果下个星期你去蒙特利尔,你为什么不开车去呢? 691062919.qzone.qq.com 8. wont you drive away all of these tears? 所有这些你赶走侵略者泪水? zhidao.baidu.com 9. Should you drive over-speeding, you would be fined. 如果你超速驾驶,就要受罚。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If you drive along this street, you'll see the store you want to go at your right side. 假如你沿著这条街一直开,你就会在你的右手边看到你要去的那家店。 1. I'm not tipping you, you drive like a maniac. 我不打算给你小费,你开车像个疯子。 www.rrting.com 2. Jeff: Did you drive out to the airport or catch a taxi? 杰夫:你是开车还是打车回来的? www.xianzai.cn 3. Did you drive somewhere with your beloved? 你和心爱的人一起驾车出游了吗? www.ebigear.com 4. Make sure you drive between the gate posts. 注意你走时一定要把门锁上! www.bing.com 5. The roads are very slippery so take care when you drive home. 这条路非常滑,开车回家的时候小心一点儿。 www.nciku.cn 6. If you travel by bicycle, you don't have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. 如果你骑自行车旅行,你不必买气你必须当你驾驶车辆。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It's a little bit different from what a simulator is. You can feel it when you drive it. 这一点你可以从驾驶游戏中体验两者的不同之处。 www.egchina.com 8. Something may happen to you if you drive too fast. 如果车开得太快,你可能会出事。 wdwh.92doc.com 9. So why did you drive the person I care most about out of town? 那你为什么把我最在乎的人赶出城? zhidao.baidu.com 10. You drive a hard bargain. I'm losing money on this. 意思是说“你真会讲价,我要赔钱了”。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 1. It theoretically should protect the driver from further damage but practically it doesn't, so don't drop you drive - it wouldn't survive. 理论上应该保护它免受进一步的损害,但实际上它的驱动程序没有,所以不要放弃你开车-这将无法生存。 wsfix.com 2. JUnit testers often turn to a framework like FIT in this case because it lets you drive tests with tabular data. 在这样的情况下,使用JUnit的测试人员往往会转而使用FIT这样的框架,因为这样就可以用表格数据驱动测试。 www.ibm.com 3. Nancy : Oh, then you drive along this street , turn right at the third crossroad, then take the first left. 南希:噢,那么你开车沿着这条街,右转第三届十字路口,然后第一个离开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Before whining about the distance you drive, think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. 在你为长途驾驶发牢骚时,想想同样的路程只能通过步行的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When you drive that pink Cadillac, or wear that fur coat, it is a sign of Jesus blessing you. 当你开粉红色的凯迪拉克,或毛皮大衣的时候,这就是耶稣祝福你的记号。 www.hcchome.org 6. If you drive to work, keep healthy snacks in your car, such as dried fruit, unsalted nuts, and a bottle of water. 如果你开车上班,在车中备一些健康的小零食,比如水果干,无盐干果和一瓶水。 www.bing.com 7. But then you drive off, past a big sign advertising discount diabetic socks, and worry that perhaps you overdid it. 但当你驱车离开,经过一个糖尿病保健袜巨型广告牌,才幡然感到忧虑:我是不是“超标”了? www.ecocn.org 8. If you drive long distance, stop and walk around every hour. 如果开车距离较长,每个小时停下来到处走走。 youliv.com 9. If you want to know how safe you drive, try this application. 如果你想知道你驾驶的安全性如何,试试这个应用程序。 bbs.cnmo.com 10. Ten or 20 years from now, the car you drive or the bus you ride may be powered by something other than gasoline. 10年或者20年之后,人们驾驶的车辆,或者搭乘的巴士,可能不再使用汽油。 www.exam8.com 1. If you want to know how safe you drive, try this application. 如果你想知道你驾驶的安全性如何,试试这个应用程序。 bbs.cnmo.com 2. Ten or 20 years from now, the car you drive or the bus you ride may be powered by something other than gasoline. 10年或者20年之后,人们驾驶的车辆,或者搭乘的巴士,可能不再使用汽油。 www.exam8.com 3. reviews, Diuju abandoning type, unless you drive a nice car, generally the vehicle itself is not worth 195000, involving the loss of a car. 评语,丢车保帅型,除非你开辆好车,一般来说车本身不值19.5万,忍痛损失一辆。 cnqr.org 4. It's going to talk about the kinds of signs you see when you drive. 我们将会谈到你驾驶过程中看到的交通信号。 www.remword.cn 5. To top it off, a voice will give you directions while you drive. 最棒的是,你开车时会有声音为你指路。 www.jukuu.com 6. Make sure you drive between those narrow walls. 你要确实做到在那两堵墙之间的狭窄通道上行驶。 7. However carefully you drive, you will probably have an accident eventually. 无论你开车多小心,最后你大概还会出车祸。 wenwen.soso.com 8. But in Los Angeles you are what you drive. 但是在洛杉矶你开的车就是你的身份。 www.24en.com 9. Also, the faster you drive, the less time you have to react to hazardous road conditions. 另外,开的速度越快,你对危险路况的反应时间就会越少。 www.bing.com 10. You cannot be too careful when you drive a car . 你开车的时候再小心也不为过 zhidao.baidu.com 1. You cannot be too careful when you drive a car . 你开车的时候再小心也不为过 zhidao.baidu.com 2. You cannot be over careful when you drive a car. 你驾车的时候越小心越好。 xuele.cn 3. If you drive like that, you'll have an accident sooner or later. 如果你那样开车的话,迟早你会出事的。 360edu.com 4. Check your rear-view mirror before you drive away. 开走之前先看看后视镜。 www.tingroom.com 5. Always put on your safety belt when you drive. 每次驾驶时都一定要系好安全带。 wenwen.soso.com 6. If you drive a car, you always take the curve in a natural way. 当你开车的时候,你肯定会走自然的曲线。 www.douban.com 7. If you drive too slowly In third gear, you'll lug the engIne. 如果你在第三档时驶得太慢,你将不能很快带动引擎 dict.ebigear.com 8. Most people can resume driving 5 to 7 days after surgery. You should not be taking pain medication when you drive. 大多数人手术后5至7天就能够恢复驾驶,但驾驶的时候不可以吃止痛药。 www.bing.com 9. If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an accident at some point. 如果你一辈子开车的话,你有可能在某个时刻发生车祸。 10. You drive a hard bargain. I'm losing money on this, but all right. I'll let you have it for 65. 你真能砍。这次我可是赔本了,不过算了吧。你就给65块钱吧。再见。 www.yyxlt.com 1. Bones: If you drive one more block, I'm screaming kidnap out the window. 你要再往前开,我就叫绑架了哈。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Can you drive me to pottery barn? 你能开车送我去陶瓷大库房吗? damenguo.xiaoma.com 3. Before whining about the distance you drive. 在抱怨驱车所要行驶的遥远路途前。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Your skin is even being affected by sun exposure when you drive in your car. 甚至你在驾车的时候你的皮肤也会收到阳光的侵袭。 www.elanso.com 5. Alright, I'll take it for 14. You drive a hard bargain , ma'am! 好吧,我用14美元和你买。呵,先生,和你杀价不容易哦。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Last night I heard you drive pigs to the market. 昨晚我听见你打酣。 www.wenkoo.cn 7. Mike: I have something urgent. Could you drive a little faster? 我有急事,您可以快一点儿吗? shifu.people.com.cn 8. If you drive any slower, we'll be going backwards. 如果你再开慢一点,我们就要倒退走啰。 www.exam8.com 9. Be careful when you drive down that street, you will be entering the ghetto. 沿这条街开车要小心,你会开进贫民窟。 admin.asiaec.com 10. You drive me insane, what you doin'? 你让我疯了,你怎么样啊? wenwen.soso.com 1. you drive the dying to despair, instead of consoling them. 你非但不安慰垂死的人,反而要逼他们绝望。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Listen. You drive him and pick him up. Come on, let's move. 听着,你开车送他,事后再接他回来。来吧!我们动身了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. If you use your mobile phone when you drive, it is safer to use a head set. 你想在开车时使用移动电话,最好使用耳机式话筒,安全。 www.ttxyy.com 4. Grandmother You drive as slow as my Granny. 你开车像我奶奶一样慢。 wenku.baidu.com 5. You need to be sharp when you drive. 你开车的时候你可要注意力集中啊。 www.bing.com 6. You drive more carefully than Jack. 你比杰克开车小心。 www.tedachinese.com 7. Yeah, well, it's beautiful to watch you drive. 是啊,看你开车也一样的美。 www.wwenglish.com 8. LADY: Yeah, I also saw you drive away and leave 'em. 是的,我还看见你把他们扔下自己开车走了。 www.qzmama.org 9. Henry will resign in case you drive him too hard. 如果你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职不干。 www.jxenglish.com 10. Will you drive me to work tomorrow? 你明天送我去工作吗? www.bing.com 1. "You drive across the countryside and there's more and more wind farms going up, " said Mr. Mattern of West Fargo. 长期看来,在奥巴马一贯地推动下,清洁能源行业未来光明。“你驾车通过乡间地区,看到有越来越多的风力发电场建立起来,”西法戈的市长先生说。 www.bing.com 2. It's often foggy in this area. Be careful when you drive. 这地区常常有雾,开车要小心。 www.carreviews.cn 3. Can you drive through a ring of fire? 你可以通过一个火环吗? forum.minisoyo.com 4. Would you drive on the road that has been closed? If you did, you would run the risk of losing your life. 如果你开往那条封闭的路,可能就要冒丧失生命的危险。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You can't use the cell phone when you drive. It's dangerous. 开车的时候不能使用手机,那太危险。 www.gxtv.com.cn 6. It's the extra cost for each kilometer you drive on the car. 这是你多开一公里的额外收费。 www.jukuu.com 7. You perhaps get the accident if you drive too fast. 如果车开得太快,你可能就 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Henry be to resign in case you drive he too exert. 假如你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职不干。 www.ffenglish.com 9. Next, try doing nothing when you drive. 接着,试着在驾驶的时候“无为”。 www.bing.com 10. When you drive in England, keep to the left. 你在英国开车时要靠左边。 www.bing.com 1. You drive first and then we 'll switch over . 你先驾驶,过一会儿咱们再换一下。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Can you drive the car between the two walls? 你能在这两垛墙之间开车吗? www.bing.com 3. Which car do you drive at the moment? 你现在驾驶的汽车是哪一款? www.smartshanghai.com 4. What do you drive at the moment? 你现在开什么车? laziofly.com 5. When you drive, you must not exceed the legal limit. 你开车时不能超过法定的 wenku.baidu.com 6. If you drive, we'll buy the tickets. How about it? 如果你能开车带我们去,你的电影票我们包了,这个主意怎么样? bbs.bugutang.com 7. Would you drive me to the station? 请送我去车站好吗? www.lookurl.com 8. You drive first and then we'll switch round. 你先开车,一会儿咱们换着开。 www.enfang.com 9. Yesterday my daughter asked me: mum, can you drive taxi? 昨天接女儿放学回家路上,女儿问:妈妈,你会开出租车不? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Paul: Well, could you drive me home? 额,你能开车送我回家吗? www.hxen.com 1. Can't you drive any faster, Klaus? ! 你就不能再开快一点儿吗,克劳斯? tieba.baidu.com 2. But which drop-top should you drive? 但辍学顶端如果你开车吗? usa.315che.com 3. 6 miles is a really long way, even when you drive it, even when you fly it. 6英里的确是一段长路,即使你开车或飞行。 www.24en.com 4. Did you take the whole family there? -Yes. -Did you drive? 你带了整个家庭去了那里吗?是的,你自己开车去的吗? qac.yappr.cn 5. e. g: You drive first and then we'll switch over. 你先开,过一会儿咱们再换。 blog.163.com 6. Why don't you drive to work instead of walking? 你为什么不开车上班,而走着去呢? www.51toefl.com 7. You drive different. 你开车行为不同了。 www.ted.com 8. why don't you drive to work today? 你今天为什么不开车上班呢? blog.hjenglish.com 9. I'm a little tired, can you drive for me? 我有点累,你来替我驾驶好么 wenwen.soso.com 10. eg1: When you drive you'd better not play chicken with bigger cars. 当你开车的时候,最好别去跟大车叫板。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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