单词 | with ... help | ||||
释义 | with ... help
例句释义: 需要帮忙,有帮助来 1. The transition to a functioning democracy could take under a year with help from international election monitors, Mr Abdel Jalil said. 在国际选举监管的帮助下,利比亚可以在一年内完成向民主制的转变。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But with help from her mother, Monica reclaims her confidence from a bully disguised as her friend. 但是从她母亲的帮助下,莫妮卡回收作为她的朋友她从一个伪装成恶霸的信心。 www.ccebook.net 3. It was a complicated game of strategy. After many weeks with help from his father, the child developed a strategy to defeat the computer. 那个孩子在他父亲的帮助下,研究出了一套战略,把电脑给打败了。 web.worldbank.org 4. Microsoft provides several ways for you to give feedback about your experiences with this product and with Help. Microsoft为您提供了多种反馈方法,您可以使用这些方法发送您在使用本产品和帮助时的体验。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. You could crawl with your stomach off the ground easily, and you liked to pull yourself up and stand. You liked to walk with help. 爬行对于你来说越来越简单,你轻轻松松就能将肚子撑离地面,快速前进。你喜欢自己抓着东西练习站立,喜欢我们扶着你练习步行。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. While a guy want me to provide him with help, for which he would give me out a suitable price. 虽然其中一个家伙想让我为他提供帮助,为此他会给我开出一个合适的价格。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He is now trying to bring his MySpace website there with help from his wife, Wendi, who is Chinese. 目前,他正试图在其华裔妻子邓文迪(WendiDeng)的协助下,将其MySpace网站带入中国。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Kremlin officials say the protesters are dangerous radicals trying to destabilize Russia with help from foreign governments. 克里姆林宫官员声称抗议者是危险的激进派,他们利用外国政府的帮助来破坏俄罗斯的稳定。 cn.reuters.com 9. He said such a huge challenge could only be adequately confronted with help from the international community. 他说,恐怕只能在国际社会的帮助下,斯里兰卡才有充分能力面对如此巨大的挑战。 www.voanews.cn 10. 'With help from monetary-policy steps, I'd like to avoid the economy from falling into a double-dip recession, ' he said. 菅直人说,在货币政策的帮助下,我希望能够避免经济出现双底衰退。 c.wsj.com 1. Viz. that what might be a little to be done with help and tools, was a vast labour, and requir'd a prodigious time to do alone, and by hand. 同时也可以说明,做任何工作,如果有助手和工具,本来是一件轻而易举的事情,但若单凭一个人空手去做,便要花费大量的劳力和时间。 chinafanyi.com 2. Schulze called in the cavalry--well, Andersen Consulting, anyway--and with help pulled off one of the fastest turnarounds in retail history. 斯查尔兹召集了他的人马——安得森咨询公司——在他们的帮助下公司完成了零售史上的最迅速的转变之一。 www.hotdic.com 3. Trailer will be in two parts and will be connected on two sides of the car body and will be moved with help of any prime mover. 拖车将被分成俩部分,在两个侧面连接到底座上,在任一原动机的牵引下进行移动。 bbs.translators.com.cn 4. With determination, with luck , and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise up from the ashes. 我能够重振雄风,是我的运气,但也是我下定决心,在许多善良的人的帮助下努力工作的成果。 www.jukuu.com 5. With determination, with luck and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes . 在信心和运气以及很多好心人的帮助下,我重新站了起来。(死灰复燃不怎么好听) dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We're trying to foster that with help, advice, financial support and mentoring so that there is a synergy of new ideas and old hands. 我们尝试用帮助、建议、经济支援来支持培养他们,同时指导他们以保证他们的新点子能有老手共同协作。 www.bing.com 7. With help from New Jersey's Newark Museum, we were able to open our very own exhibit at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair. 在新泽西Newark博物馆的帮助下,我们才能够在1933年的芝加哥世博会开启我们自己的展览。 www.bing.com 8. In 1669 the Emperor arrested Oboi with help from the Xiao Zhuang Grand Dowager Empress and began to take control of the country himself. 在1669年被捕Oboi皇帝的帮助下从晓庄大贵妇皇后,并开始着手控制该国自己。 q.sohu.com 9. Michael and Co. escape at the last possible moment with help from the prison doctor (who just happens to be the governor's daughter). 迈克尔和有限的最后一刻,以帮忙从监狱医生(跟州长的女儿)。 www.007china.com.cn 10. With help from training simulators the human operator can develop into a highly efficient guided missile controller. 借助于训练模拟装置,操作者能够培养成为一名高超的导弹控制手。 www.kuenglish.info 1. The Bank of Japan, unilaterally and with help from G-7 peers, has intervened to weaken the yen. 日本央行(BankofJapan)干预汇市以削弱日圆既有单方面的行动,也曾经得到七国集团(G7)其他成员国的帮助。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Now the end of the Pipe should be defined in the same way. The desired main flow direction can be changed with help at the Direction button. 用相同的方式定义管道的末端。使用方向按钮可以改变主流的方向 wenku.baidu.com 3. Your GP or pharmacist will also be able to provide you with help and advice about giving up smoking. 你的家庭医生或药剂师也可以提供帮助和咨询你放弃吸烟。 bbs.canjiren.net 4. Don't dismiss the little touches like the welcome screen that pops up with help and guidance at login. 不要小看一些小技巧,例如登陆时,欢迎界面弹出帮助和指导。 wiki.fcctt.org 5. When working with Help files, a previous version of your Help could be in the cache preventing you from seeing the latest updates. 使用帮助文件时,缓存中的早期版本的帮助可能会妨碍您查看最新的更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. With help to uplift your consciousness levels and understanding, you are firmly establishing a magnificent grid of Light around the Earth. 随着提高你的意识和觉知的级别,你们建立了围绕地球的壮丽“光栅”。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Austria is leading a campaign for a region-wide support package that would be financed with help from the IMF, the World Bank and the EBRD. 奥地利正发起一个区域性支持计划,将在IMF、世界银行(WorldBank)和欧洲复兴开发银行的帮助下融资。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Driving gear unit is fixed on truck with help of flange and operates as an axle of the truck as well as transmission and driving motor. 电动轮通过连接基座与矿车接合作为后桥,起到了传动以及驱动矿车的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help. 每当冰封大地,雪花飘飘的时候,即使有人帮助,他也举步维艰无法走路。 www.ebigear.com 10. With help you have broken through the dark veil, and taken great strides towards gaining big steps forward in your spiritual advancement. 您的帮助下,通过神秘面纱打破,并采取了在你的精神取得进步大步向前迈进一大步。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Markham will be carrying on her parents' legacy by raising these kids, with help from family and friends. 马卡姆将继承父母的遗产,在家人和朋友的帮助下来抚养这些孩子。 www.elanso.com 2. It's worth noting too that the visual effects simulating the "twisting" limbs were a British affair developed with help from Mill Film. 同时值得注意的是,片中模拟“扭曲”肢体的视觉特技是在米尔电影公司的帮助下,由英国设计制作的。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. they need to leave now before he returns with help. 他们必须在他找了帮手回来前离开。 www.rayzen.cn 4. With help, this problem can be resolved so that you can continue nursing your baby without the constant fear of being used as a teether . 其实这个问题是可以解决的,你也可以继续哺乳而不用一直担心宝宝把你的乳头当作出牙嚼器用。 www.showxiu.com 5. While having an economic strength, can reach out a aid , being required that person few being concerned with help . 在有经济实力的同时,能伸出一份援手,多给那些需要关心的人一些帮助。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Europe is facing nightmarish problems in its east. With help from the West, meltdown can be avoided. 欧洲在其东部面临的问题是场噩梦,但在西方帮助下,其经济不会崩溃。 www.ecocn.org 7. With help, Justin shifted his legs over the side of the bed. 贾斯廷在妈妈的帮助下将双腿挪过床沿。 wiki.jukuu.com 8. Afghan police and commandos seized control of the hotel after a bloody six-hour battle (with help from NATO air strikes). 阿富汗警方和突袭队在北约空袭的帮助下,历经6个小时血战,才重新夺回旅馆。 www.ecocn.org 9. Job hunting may not be easy, but with help at hand, hopefully, the chances of success could be bigger for graduates. 找工作不容易,有了手头上的帮助,对毕业生来说,的希望有望大。 www.ttxyy.com 10. Some preset the system time on their computers to view the blackout, with help from online instructions. 一些人预先设定了电脑的系统时间,在在线说明的帮助下看黑屏。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The cost of borrowing for the Italy has reached record highs and any buying of bonds by Beijing with help ease the situation. 意大利借贷的成本已经达到历史最高点。北京方面有关购买债券的任何举动都将有助于解决该问题。 www.bing.com 2. With help from the open source hardware community, his first project will be an inexpensive high performance liquid chromatography system. 他的第一个项目是开发一个物美价廉的液相色谱仪。 www.bing.com 3. City planning has come to the fore, with help from Japanese companies, though urbanization is not without detractors. 虽然城市化建设没有遭到反对,但印度的城市建设在日本公司的协助下还是姗姗来迟。 www.bing.com 4. With help from Mr. Gatto, the girl met with the police chief to discuss environmental issues like littering. 在Gatto先生的帮助下,女生与警长见面,探讨诸如乱扔垃圾等环境问题。 bsxlm.com 5. Customers, perhaps with help from others, have to specify acceptance tests that tell developers when they're done with each story. 客户(可能在其他人的帮助下)必须指定验收测试,这些验收测试告知开发人员何时完成每个需求。 www.ibm.com 6. With help from human genes, cows can now make enhanced milk with health-promoting properties that resemble those of human breast milk. 借助导入的人类基因,奶牛能产生具有抵抗疾病特性的强化牛奶,而这一特性正是人源的母乳所具备的。 www.bing.com 7. We do not recommend that you use an agent, and we are happy to provide you with help if you need it. 我们不推荐学生通过代理来申请,并且如果学生需要,我们会很高兴为学生提供帮助。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 8. Only 1% of Russian diamonds come from here, but with help of a very interesting machine. 仅仅有1%的俄罗斯钻石产自这里,但是要借助于一种非常有趣的钻石开采机器。 www.bing.com 9. Inhale with help from a little tube, like a drinking straw. 你可以用一个管子,比如吸管去吸。 dict.kekenet.com 10. This would be repaid from TEPCO's earnings, with help from other nuclear operators. 这些钱将用该公司在其他核电站的收益偿还。 www.kekenet.com 1. With help of this software, you can compose complex regular expressions easily and quickly. 本软件通过可视化的界面,可以协助你快速、正确地写出复杂的正则表达式。 www.regexlab.com 2. The settlers, sick of the Indians' raiding, were determined to exterminate them, with help from the nascent Texas Rangers. 那些厌烦了印第安人袭击的殖民者决定在新成立的得克萨斯突击队的帮助下,将印第安人斩尽杀绝。 www.ecocn.org 3. A helicopter carrying his chief of operations was captured at a refuelling stop with help from Americans. 一架载有其作战参谋的直升机在一次降落加油时被俘获,这次行动得到了美国的帮助。 www.ecocn.org 4. But many wealthy Chinese elude the restrictions with help from trust funds and foreign bank accounts , real estate brokers say . 但是据房产中介商所言,许多有钱的中国人在信托基金和外国银行帐号的帮助下规避了限制。 www.bing.com 5. With help from a guide, you can imagine the kind of life that people were living more than 1, 000 years ago. 在导游的讲解之下,你可以想象一千多年前的古人过一种什么样的生活。 www.china.org.cn 6. With help of automatic push approach, people may take the external information into more consideration. 在自动扩展法的帮助下,人们可能会把外部信息纳入更多的考虑之中。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. With simple small brushes (with help of blending changes) I created some micro-details like scratches on table and coffee mug. 使用细小的笔刷,配合不同的混合模式,我创建了一些微小的细节,比如餐桌和,咖啡杯上的划痕。 www.esau2.com 8. On April 29, Hillary and I prosecuted Mr. Porter, with help from our alternate, Bob Alsdorf. 4月29日,我和希拉里对波特先生提起公诉,替补选手鲍勃.阿尔斯多夫从旁协助。 www.bing.com 9. And to gives me in the design to instruct to express the heartfelt gratitude with help fellow teachers! 并对在设计中给予我指导和帮助的各位老师表示衷心的感谢! www.bing.com 10. With help of VEC Model and variable parameter status space model inter-active of regional economy and ports are studied. 运用变参数状态空间模型和向量误差修正模型相结合的方法模拟出了区域经济发展对沿海港口的影响。 www.fabiao.net 1. The 28-year-old software engineer also said police and hospital did not provide them with help at first. 这名男子28岁,是软件工程师,他说,警方和医院也没有在第一时间为他们提供帮助。 www.kekenet.com 2. But some might get a little happier, with help from Disney. 但是通过迪斯尼的帮助,医院能够变得令人愉快一点。 www.bing.com 3. Founders of the polar circle diving center are making holes in the ice with help of hand drills and augers. 极地圈中心的创建者正在冰里用钻孔机钻孔。 www.bing.com 4. When he was ill, Guang returned and killed Ya with help of Cui Zhu and Qing Feng. 当他生病时,返回和杀害广亚的帮助下,崔住,清丰。 q.sohu.com 5. Charlie admits the only way they could pay for the wedding they wanted was with help from their parents. 查理承认的唯一途径,他们可以支付的婚礼,他们希望从他们的父母的帮助下。 www.maynet.cn 6. now orphan gorillas relearn forest survival skills with help from . . . the Gorilla Protection Project in Plateaux Batk National Park. 现在,这些孤儿们在人们的帮助下重新学习在森林里的生存技巧,这正是普拉特奥斯。巴特克国家公园的大猩猩保护计划。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The fiscal crisis will take time to resolve, even with help from other European countries to ease the burden of the banks. 同样,即使欧洲各国能够帮助爱尔兰解开束缚在其银行身上的枷锁,要想顺利化解此次金融危机,也需要较长的时间。 www.ecocn.org 8. GEOS typically protects its clients' ships with help from a Nigerian police boat or small navy gunship. GEOS主要通过尼警方船只或小型的海军舰船的帮助保护客户的船只。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. The separating mechanism has been studied with help of many modern instruments. 借助于现代分析仪器对其机理进行了研究。 www.chemyq.com 10. With the camera, she took a lot of pictures, which with help her remember this special trip forever. 在镜头,她拍了很多照片,以帮助她永远记住这个特别的旅行。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. But since China tightened in October, the dollar has been on the upswing, albeit with help from concerns about European debt. 但从中国10月份收紧货币政策以来,美元一直处于升值过程中,尽管欧洲债务危机引起的担忧也推动了它的升值。 c.wsj.com 2. With help of the Schedule you can configure automatic profile switching. 与帮助安排您可以配置自动配置文件切换。 www.nokiabbs.com 3. The oil was broken down five times faster with help from the genetically modified organisms (GMOs). 有了转基因生命体(GMOs)的帮助,油分解的速度提高了五倍。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Mr. Randol has made due with help from girlfriends and by living in houses packed with roommates to keep the rent low. 兰多尔则靠着女朋友们的帮助,再加上与多人合租聊以维生。 chinese.wsj.com 5. This is useful knowledge to be shared with help desk personnel or included in upgrade communications. 这是很有用的知识,可以与帮助台人员共享它或将它包含在升级通信中。 www.ibm.com 6. The project was funded with help from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, who are promoting democracy in the world. 这个计划是由推广民主的瑞典国际合作研究机构所资助。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. With help from all parts of the country, the people in the flooded area managed to get through that harsh winter. 在全国各地的支援下,水灾地区的人民安然度过了那个严寒的冬天。 www.dictall.com 8. The sequential single subroutine has been modularized to several subroutines with help of RDR. 顺序单一子例程已借助RDR模块化为多个子例程。 www.ibm.com 9. The parts were developed with help from Toyota Racing Development (TRD) and will be available at North American Lexus showrooms from June 1. 部分发达国家的帮助下,丰田车队发展(TRD)和将在北美雷克萨斯展厅从6月1日。 usa.315che.com 10. The top U. S. diplomat says Pakistanis can overcome the situation, with help from the world community. 这位美国最高外交官说,巴基斯坦在国际社会的帮助下能够克服目前的局势。 www.ebigear.com 1. With help from others, my English grades increase dramatically. 我还会请教他人,以此来提高我的英语成绩。 www.bwbd.info 2. But Syria is primarily a challenge for the Syrians themselves, with help from their Arab and Turkish neighbours. 但是接受来自阿拉伯世界和邻国土耳其的帮助,叙利亚对它国民本身就是个挑战。 www.ecocn.org 3. She thinks that earliest Egyptian workers might make use of kites to lift the stones with help of the desert wind. 她认为最早的埃及工人可能使用风筝在沙漠风的帮助下去提起巨大的石头。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Now I can assist my daughter financially with help from a disability grant. 如今,我可以通过一项残疾人资助金为我女儿提供经济帮助。 www.america.gov 5. With help from a computer, this project was completed ahead of time. 有了计算机的帮助,这一工程提前完成了。 www.tesoon.com 6. In the future, with help of abundant resource the study is hoped to go deeper and enable the argument to be fully developed. 今后,随着资源的丰富,对于英语中动句的研究会愈加深入并日益完善。 www.fabiao.net 7. But it is also making a new passenger jet with help from General Electric Company and other US aerospace companies. 但是,在通用电气公司以及其他美国航空公司的帮助下,它也从事客机的生产工作。 www.bing.com 8. Do employees have an opportunity to continue their education with help from the organization? 公司雇员有机会通过公司资助继续进修吗?。 www.8875.org 9. With help you have risen up quite rapidly, and by so doing have lifted the consciousness levels to a new height. 在帮助之下你们已经得到快速提高,通过这么做已经把整体意识水平提高到一个新的水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She took 38 nurses, and they, together with help from a British sanitation committee, saved thousands of lives. 她带了三十八位护士前往,她们在一个英国公共卫生协会的帮助下,救了数以千计的人命。 studioclassroom.net 1. Google says it will start putting in the fiber with help from vendors and the utility company this year. Google说,今年会开始和供应商以及电力公司一同铺设光纤。 dongxi.net 2. It will be difficult, but we are trying, along with help from international donors and technical experts, to solve this problem. 形势会很严峻,但我们还是设法依靠国际捐助者和技术专家的帮助,力争解决这一问题。 www.who.int 3. The Library acquired them from a British dealer for a "five-figure sum" , with help from an anonymous donor. 图书馆在一名匿名的损赠人的帮助下,从一位英国商人手中得到它们。 chinaufo.com 4. The CDC tracks pneumococcal infections with help from 10 state health departments. CDC在十余个州的卫生保健部的帮助下跟踪调查了肺炎链球菌感染病例。 www.bing.com 5. Mr. Schwartz says his family could have afforded Cornell's tuition, with help from scholarships and loans. 施瓦茨说,加上奖学金和贷款的支持,家里原本是可以付得起康奈尔的学费的。 www.cn.wsj.com 6. I think that there are many problems to come, but with help, I'm sure I'm going to find solutions. And I hope you all take part. 我想我们会遇到许多困难,但有了大家的协助,我相信一定能找到解决之道,我希望各位都能参与其中。 www.ted.com 7. Click to role-play with help from the voice-recognition system. 进行角色扮演,由语音辨识系统辅助发音。 66chi.com 8. His museum - Afghanistan's museum - has been rebuilt with help from UNESCO and other international donors, and it hums with activity now. 他的博物馆——阿富汗的博物馆——已在联合国教科文组织以及其他国际捐助者的协助下进行重建,目前馆内也非常忙碌。 www.ngfans.com.cn 9. Afghanistan, with help from 100, 000 foreign troops, is battling an insurgency led by the Taliban. 阿富汗在十万外国军队的帮助下,与塔利班领导的叛乱进行战斗。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. We always count on Xian Li to come up with help of one kind or another. 我们总是可以指望小李提供这样或那样的帮助。 e.3edu.net 1. Many of the new projects are being built with help from local governments. 许多新项目的建设得到了当地政府的支持。 www.bing.com 2. Children and teens with bipolar disorder should get treatment. With help, they can manage their symptoms and lead successful lives. 少年儿童患者应该得到治疗.他们能在外界的帮助下控制自己的症状并有所建树。 www.bing.com 3. Peru said that with help it could reduce deforestation to zero. 秘鲁说在别国的帮助下,它能够将森林砍伐率降低至零。 www.ecocn.org 4. By the end of 2006, 47 countries and other groups had placed satellites in orbit, either on their own or with help from others. 到2006年底,已经有47个国家或其它集团或凭借自身能力或借助他人帮助在太空部署了卫星。 www.ecocn.org 5. Mutual exaltation with help the item to betterly open an exhibition. 互相提高,以促进项目更好地开展。 zhishi.sohu.com 6. To furnish with help, support, or relief. 帮助,救助提供帮助、支援或救助 www.jukuu.com 7. You can see this with help of the REPL, shown below. REPL可以帮助我们看出这一点,如下所示。 www.ibm.com 8. With help of people here, I feel at home. 在各位朋友的帮助下,我有了家的感觉。 g5.baidu.com 9. With help on all warehouse related work. 协助处理仓库相关事宜。 www.gdyjs.com 10. With help of the bariatric interventions he had lost 109 kg and now weighed 227 kg. 的帮助下,他的减肥干预已失去109千克,现在体重227公斤。 www.syyxw.com 1. Bonnie: It didn't work. I'm not strong enough. Even with help, I can't do it. 没有用,我的力量还不够。就算有人帮我也做不到。 jer8.com 2. In January, the Health Ministry began a pilot-organ donation network that is being run with help from the Red Cross Society of China. 一月份,卫生部启动器官捐献试点,该工作受到中国红十字会的支持。 www.bing.com 3. The document was prepared with help from a panel of 28 experts, 19 Chinese and nine foreign. 这份文件在制定过程中获得了一个由28个专家组成的委员会的帮助,19个是中国人、9个外国人。 www.bing.com 4. she is keeping her spirits up , with help from volunteers at this evacuation center. 在撤离中心的志工的帮助下,她保持乐观的精神。 www.ichacha.net 5. He's always forward with help. 他总是热心助人。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. We finish homework with help of the teacher. 在老师的帮助下我们完成了作业 wenwen.soso.com 7. With help from the Inter-American Development Bank the government has, since 2004, lured back 854 expatriate scientists. 在中美洲发展银行的帮助下,阿政府从2004年开始,一共吸引了854位移居国外的科学家回国。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. Credo: I will return with help! You stall him until then! 我会回来帮忙的!游戏玩家你先在这里拖住他。 www.ux98.com 9. I borrowed some money from friends and relatives, and with help with the village government, started building a house. 我现在在亲朋那里和信用社借了一些钱,并在乡村发展协会的帮助下,开始建房了,现简单建几间。 v2.wokai.org 10. I will return with help! You stall him until then! 我会回来帮忙的!你在这里拖住他。 wenwen.soso.com 1. At the same time, with help e of BP neural network, P wave is confirmed. 同时,引入反向传播神经网络对已检出的准P波再次进行确认与识别。 www.chemyq.com 2. We survived with help from many people. 我们靠别人的帮助挺过来了。 www.bing.com 3. He can also make repeated stepping motions with help, and voluntarily move his toes, ankles, knees and hips. 他还可以反复使用帮助加强运动,并自愿提出他的脚趾,脚踝,膝盖和臀部。 www.sinovision.net 4. Mr Sagal wrote his play "Mile 22" , which was staged in April in Chicago, with help from Freedom. 在自由者的帮助下,萨加尔完成了《22英里》的剧本创作,《22英里》已于4月在芝加哥上演了。 www.ecocn.org 5. I hope they will return to shool as soon as possible with help. 我希望他们在大家的帮助下能够尽快回到学校。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He can do better with help. 要是帮他一下,他可以学得更好。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Make some sense of fear with help of a patient adult 懂得恐惧时找有耐心的大协助 wenku.baidu.com 8. Simple Passive Movement Therapy with Help of Family Members For the Rehabilitation of Stroke in the Acute Period 家属协作简易被动运动疗法对卒中急性期的康复作用 9. Armed police detachment boosts physical strength training with help of local resources 武警白山支队借助地方资源开展体能训练见成效 english.chinamil.com.cn 10. Cultivate children's ability of summarizing and classifying with help of teaching aids 利用学具培养幼儿概括、分类的能力 www.ilib.cn 1. Realization of multiple computer communication with help of field bus 利用现场总线实现多机通信 www.ilib.cn 2. The fracture of tibial plateau treated by operation with help of arthroscopy 关节镜辅助下手术治疗胫骨平台骨折 service.ilib.cn 3. Raise Energy Level of Manufacturing Industry with Help of Information Technology 用信息技术推动制造业的能级提升 www.ilib.cn 4. The Keys to the Modern Back-layout High Jump-Take-off With help of Run-up 现代背越式跳高的关键--借力起跳 beta.ilib.cn 5. The Treatment of Septic Knee with Help of Arthroscopy 化脓性膝关节炎的关节镜治疗 www.ilib.cn 6. Inner Deep Bay demonstrates that, with help, 后海湾内湾更能证明在帮助之下 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The maintenance in using is solved with help; 使用中的维修解答与帮助; itzhe.cn 8. To know the origin and evolution of witch with help of researching materials from national annals 从民族志材料看巫的起源与发展 www.ilib.cn 9. Using screen readers with Help 与“帮助”一起使用屏幕阅读器 office.microsoft.com 10. she is keeping her spirits up with help from volunteers and the evacuation centre 志愿者和疏散中心的帮助让她重拾信心。 www.ichacha.net 1. Bonobo males get sex with help from their mums 倭黑猩猩找配偶要老妈帮! www.bing.com |
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