单词 | yield strength |
释义 | 例句释义: 〔物〕屈服强度,降伏强度,抗屈强度,屈服极限 1. The largest value being that of the ultimate strength. Not every area of the cross-section will have exceeded the yield strength. 在最大程度上利用了材料的强度,并不是截面的每一处都已经超出了屈服强度。 www.docin.com 2. The change at the elastic limit from elastic to plastic deformation is referred to as the yield point or yield strength. 在弹性极限范围由弹性变形到塑性变的变化叫作屈服点或屈服力。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Determination of the yield strength of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels by means of amplitude-dependent internal friction. 通过随振幅变化而变化的内磨擦测定核反应堆压力容器钢屈服强度…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 4. In general, yield strength increased with a reduction in heat input in agreement with what was observed for hardness. 大体上,生产量力量以为坚硬被观察在协议在热输入中有减少增加。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The yield strength, tensile strength and impact toughness of the material after iron plated do not obviously reduce. 镀铁后材料的屈服强度、拉强度和冲击韧性值未发生明显下降。 tr.bab.la 6. The results indicate that the oxido- decarbonisation on the surface makes the static bending yield strength decrease by 15%. 结果表明,表面层的氧化脱碳使静弯屈服强度降低15%左右; dictsearch.appspot.com 7. the higher the initial relative density, the lower the yield strength of the material, and the earlier the time of break occurred. 初始相对密度越大,材料屈服强度越低,出现破裂的时间越早。 rjggy.net 8. Tensile and yield strength are determined by pulling a standardized machined sample in an tensile testing machine until the sample breaks. 抗拉强度和屈服强度的测定是在拉力试验机中将一个加工好的标准试样进行拉伸直至试样断裂。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Oxgen precipitates (useful for gettering ) can reduce the yield strength (critical shear stress) up to fivefold. 氧沉淀(可用作吸杂)会使屈服强度(临界剪应力)降低为五分之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The mechanical property testing showed that the yield strength is too high and the elongation rate is less than the technical requirements. 随炉试样力学性能测试结果表明,屈服强度较高,伸长率偏低,无法满足该零件技术要求。 www.chemyq.com 1. It was measured by using flattened plate sample generally, so in fact it is not the true yield strength of the pipe body. 通常采用压平的板状试样来测定钢管的屈服强度,所测屈服强度并非钢管的真实屈服强度。 www.chinamet.cn 2. The formation of the structure's weakness position always due to the discontinuity of stiffness and the yield strength ratio. 结构薄弱部位的形成,往往是由于刚度突变和屈服强度比突变所造成的。 www.boshuo.net 3. This means that the design will usually have only published values of yield strength, ultimate strength , and percentage elongation. 这就是说,设计人员通常只能利用那些公开发表的屈服强度、极限强度和延伸率等数据资料。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Equations for the reduction factors of elastic modulus, yield strength, ultimate strength and ultimate strain were proposed. 给出了不锈钢的弹性模量、屈服强度、抗拉强度等材料性能随温度折减的计算公式。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Relationship between yield strength and near-neutral pH stress corrosion cracking resistance of pipeline steels-an effect of microstructure. 管道钢的屈服强度和抗近中性pH应力腐蚀开裂间的关系-显微结构的影响。 www.lpmri.ac.cn 6. The result show that the yield strength of the bars drop apparently and the tensile strength rise a little. 结果表明,自然时效后钢筋的屈服强度有较大幅度下降,抗拉强度有小幅度的上升。 www.chemyq.com 7. Continuously hot-dip coated strip and sheet of steels with higher yield strength for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions. 冷成形用高屈服强度连续热镀覆层的板材和带钢.交货技术条件 www.mapeng.net 8. The strength of extension under room temperature, yield strength and extensibility were improved obviously. 本发明成本低廉,生产效率高,明显提高了合金的室温抗拉强度、屈服强度和延伸率。 ip.com 9. API regulates that the yield strength of flatten specimen from pipe body is used to characterized the yield strength of oil pipeline body. 根据美国石油学会API标准规定,采用管体取样压平试样的屈服强度表征输油管体屈服强度。 www.chemyq.com 10. Grains in the microstructure refined and the hardness, tensile strength and yield strength increased through an extrusion process. 合金经过挤压后晶粒明显地细化,硬度有所增加,抗拉强度、屈服强度明显地提高。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. The analysis result showed that stress was much smaller than the yield strength of the material, the strength space was large enough. 有限元分析结果显示,应力远小于材料的屈服极限,强度空间足够大; www.opticsjournal.net 2. Variation of the elastic modulus and yield strength of steel with temperature rise was considered. 考虑高温下钢材的弹性模量以及屈服强度的变化。 www.boshuo.net 3. API specification states that the yield strength of body of oil line pipe is evaluated by flatbed sample cut from pipe. API标准规定,采用管体取样压平试样的屈服强度,表征输油(气)管管体屈服强度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. in the structure as the steel fibers, at a critical section, are stressed to their yield strength. 在与钢纤维结构,在一个关键部分,是强调其屈服强度。 www.freejia.com 5. WELDABLE STEEL FORGINGS FOR BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS. HIGH YIELD STRENGTH ALLOY STEELS. GRADES AND TYPES. 锅炉和压力容器用可焊钢制锻件.高屈服强度钢.质量等级和类型 www.mapeng.net 6. When the stress of a material under the action of tensile load reaches yield strength, it will produce plastic deformation. 塑性材料在拉伸载荷的作用下应力达到屈服强度时,产生塑性变形。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The yield strength is an important mechanics performance index. 屈服强度是衡量材料力学性能的重要指标。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Homogenization treatment before the extrusion coarsened the grain size and reduced the tensile strength and yield strength. 挤压前均匀化热处理使挤压态合金的晶粒尺寸粗化,拉伸强度和屈服强度降低。 soso.361xs.com 9. Yield strength of extrusion bar after forging process was much lower before peak aging and much higher after peak aging. 屈服强度峰时效前先锻后挤的低于直接挤压的,而峰失效后前者高于后者。 www.rm-journal.com 10. When yield strength is equal to the base metal, the longitudinal residual stress is equal to the yield strength. 当焊缝屈服强度与母材相同时,焊缝纵向残余应力高达屈服强度。 www.rjggy.net 1. As a result, the tensile or yield strength and elongation of the extrusion decreases with the extrusion speed's increasing. 随着挤压速度的降低,抗拉强度、屈服强度和延伸率都有一定的提高。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. With the increase of yield strength, the longitudinal residual stress of HAZ increases. 且随着焊缝强度增加,热影响区纵向残余应力增加。 www.rjggy.net 3. The elastic modulus and the yield strength are affected mainly by the crystallinity. 结晶度的变化主要是影响材料的弹性模量和横向上的屈服强度。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The results show that the steel has high yield strength and quality forming property. 结果表明,研制开发出的铌钛微合金化IF钢具有高的屈服强度和优良的成形性能。 www.chemyq.com 5. The effects of thermal-cold transformation rate on the micro-yield strength and residual stress of LY12 aluminium alloy were studied. 研究了冷热转移速率对LY12铝合金微屈服强度和残余应力的影响。 www.chemyq.com 6. Change of molecular magnetic moment of mother liquor and shear yield strength are studied in magnetorheological fluid. 对磁流变液中母液分子在磁场作用下磁矩的变化以及由此引起的剪切屈服强度的变化进行了研究。 www.dictall.com 7. First step to finite element modeling and then analyze the yield strength and buckling stress. 在疲劳校核计算之前,先建立有限元模型,分析其屈服、屈曲强度。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. Impact strength of blends decreased with the increment of aging time. But yield strength and PYSD increased. 发现随老化时间的延长,共混物的冲击强度降低,屈服强度和屈服应力降提高。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. And the yield strength, modulus and post yield stress drop (PYSD) decreased with the increment of modifier content. 共混物的屈服强度、模量及屈服应力降随改性剂用量的增加而减小。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Yield strength of single crystal Cu nanorod is higher greatly than that of bulk material. 带缺陷单晶铜纳米杆的屈服强度要小于理想纳米杆的屈服强度。 www.boshuo.net 1. By pressing at very much higher temperatures lower pressures are required as the yield strength of the material is lower. 由于很高温度下材料的屈服强度较低,因此只需较低压力就能挤压。 www.mapeng.net 2. The yield strength of vanadium bearing steel improves at lower temperature because of low phase transformation starting temperature. 含钒钢因相变开始温度低,其屈服应力快速增加的温度较低。 www.chinamet.cn 3. The most current studies focus on reducing the yield strength of CSP hot-rolled plates. 目前的研究大多集中在降低CSP热轧板的屈服强度上; www.13191.com 4. strongest steel = the steel which have the highest specified yield strength. 高强度钢=钢板的最高指定强度范围。 www.jxcad.com.cn 5. When the holding time is longer, the effects through a single extended holding time to reduce the yield strength is decreasing. 当保温时间较长时,通过单一的延长保温时间来降低屈服强度的效果呈下降趋势。 www.13191.com 6. The pearlitic rail steel was widely used as rail track in China for its prominent performance in anti-wearing and high yield strength. 珠光体轨道钢是目前我国铁路轨道采用的主要钢种,其性能特点是抗磨损性能好,屈服强度高。 lib.cqvip.com 7. and the ultimate bearing force is proportional to 0. 7 power of web yield strength. 极限承载力与腹板屈服强度的0.7次方成正比。 www.fabiao.net 8. Ductile Iron has yield strength of 40K and cast iron has none. 球墨铸铁的屈服强度是40K,而铸铁没有屈服强度。 bbs.hcbbs.com 9. Ductile iron regularly produced by NIBCO has a tensile strength in excess of 60, 000 pounds. Yield strength is in excess of 40, 000 pounds. 通常由美国尼伯科生产的球墨铸铁的抗拉强度都超过60,000磅,屈服强度超过40,000磅。 tr.bab.la 10. Ductile Iron has a higher yield strength than cast steel 40K vs. 30K. 铸钢的屈服强度是30K,而球墨铸铁的屈服强度更高,达到40K。 bbs.hcbbs.com 1. For example, yield strength of over 250 ksi has been achieved in Zr-base and Ti-base Liquidmetal alloys (VIT-001 series). 例如,在锆基块状和锑基块状金属合金中可以达到250平方英寸以上的屈服强度(VIT-001系列)。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Earthquake-resistant behavior of moment resisting frame with supplemental shear panels made of low yield strength steel 低屈服钢造耐震间柱构架之抗震行为 www.ilib.cn 3. Cold-rolled flat products made of high yield strength micro-alloyed steels for cold forming - General delivery conditions 冷成形用高屈服强度微合金钢的冷轧扁钢材交货一般条件 www.mapeng.net 4. Part 6: Technical delivery conditions for flat products made of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition 第6部分:弥散硬化条件高屈服强度结构钢制造的扁材产品技术交付条件 wenku.baidu.com 5. Hot-rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming - Part 1: General delivery conditions 冷成型用高屈服强度钢制热轧扁平产品第1部分:一般交货条件 www.mapeng.net 6. Elastic-plastic Bending Induced Residual Stress and Its Influence on Tensile Yield Strength of Plates 弹塑性弯曲所致残余应力及其对板料拉伸屈服强度的影响 ilib.cn 7. Phenomenon of Ultra High Strength and Ultra Low Ratio of Yield Strength to Tensile Strength in a Medium Carbon Cr-Ni-Mo Steel 中碳铬-镍-钼钢的超高强度和超低屈强比现象 service.ilib.cn 8. Pressure and temperature dependence of shear modulus and yield strength for aluminum, copper and tungsten under shock compression 冲击压缩下铝、铜、钨的剪切模量和屈服强度与压力和温度的相关性 www.ilib.cn 9. Autofrettage analysis of high-pressure vessel of strength material with different yield strength in tension and compression 拉压异性强化材料高压容器自增强分析 scholar.ilib.cn 10. High yield strength flat steel products - Part 3: Products supplied in the heat-treated (quenched tempered) condition; Amendment 1 高屈服强度扁钢材.第3部分:按热处理(淬火 回火)条件提供的钢材.修改件1 www.mapeng.net 1. Yield Strength g Tensile Strength Impact Strength die lubricant Dimensional stability Linear Dimensions 屈服强度抗拉强度冲击强度脱模剂尺寸稳定性线性尺寸 wenku.baidu.com 2. Some improvements of the self-consistent method for measuring the dynamic yield strength of ductile metals 双屈服面法测量金属材料动高压屈服强度的若干改进 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Contrast Analysis of Testing Steel Pipe Yield Strength by Explosion Bulge Loop Chain Method and Conventional Drawing Method 爆破试验环链法与常规拉伸试验法测试钢管屈服强度对比分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Standard Specification for High-Yield-Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding 焊接用经淬火与回火的高屈服强度合金钢板标准规范 www.mapeng.net 5. Cold-rolled uncoated low carbon and high yield strength steel flat products for cold forming - Tolerances on dimensions and shape 冷成型用冷轧未涂覆低碳和高屈服强度钢扁材产品.尺寸和形状公差 www.mapeng.net 6. A model for the yield strength of a thin polycrystalline film 多晶薄膜屈服强度的一个模型 www.ilib.cn 7. Effect of yield strength on stress corrosion crack propagation under PWR and BWR environments of hardened stainless steels 压水堆和沸水堆环境下淬火不锈钢屈服强度对应力腐蚀裂纹扩展影响 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 8. Hot-rolled steel sheet in coils of higher yield strength with improved formability and heavy thickness for cold forming 冷加工用改进可成形性和特厚较高屈服强度的热轧薄钢板卷材 www.gb168.cn 9. Factors Analysis on Affected Yield Strength During The Manufacture of UOE Welded Pipe UOE焊管制造过程中影响屈服强度的因素分析 service.ilib.cn 10. Aerospace series - Metallic materials - Test methods - Pin-type bearing test of yield strength 航空航天系列金属材料试验方法屈服强度的销形材料承载试验 www.mapeng.net 1. Effect of Cerium on Yield Strength Anisotropy in Alloy Al-Li and Its Theoretic Prediction 铈对铝锂合金板材屈服强度各向异性的作用及其理论预测 www.ilib.cn 2. Execution of steel structures - Supplementary rules for high yield strength steels 钢结构的实现.超高强度钢的补充规则 www.mapeng.net 3. The application of BP model in predicting porosity and compressive yield strength of porous NiTi alloy BP模型在预测多孔NiTi合金孔隙度和屈服强度上的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on Increasing the Yield Strength of Autobody Resistance Welding Electrode 提高汽车车身电阻焊电极屈服强度的研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Study of value choice for rail yield strength index 钢轨屈服强度指标取值研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Elastic deformation only occurs in a material when stresses are lower than a critical stress called the yield strength 弹性变形只发生在一个物质的日子应力比一个更低临界应力呼吁屈服强度 wenku.baidu.com 7. Adaptive Algorithm of Questing Yield Strength Data in Metal Materials 金属材料屈服强度参数的多模型自适应求取算法 www.ilib.cn 8. Hot-rolled steel sheet of higher yield strength with improved formability 压缩成型的高屈服强度热轧钢 www.mapeng.net 9. Test Method for Yield Strength of Enameling Steels After Straining and Firing 搪瓷钢制品受应变和焙烧后的屈服强度的试验方法 www.standardcn.com 10. Improvement in Yield Strength of Hot Dip Galvanized IF Steel Sheet for Automobile 热镀锌汽车板IF钢屈服强度性能改进 scholar.ilib.cn 1. The Yield Strength Calculated by Finite Element Method for Sputtered Cu Film 磁控溅射Cu膜屈服强度的有限元计算 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Determining Offset Yield Strength in Tension for Copper Alloys 抗拉试验中铜合金偏置屈服强度的测定 www.isres.com 3. Standard Test Method for Yield Strength of Preformed Tape Sealants 预制密封带的屈服强度的试验方法 forum.unionfacade.com 4. The Influence of Forming Internal Stress on Yield Strength of Oil and Gas Pipeline 成形内应力对油气管屈服强度的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Correction of yield strength calculation of hot rolled ribbed bar 热轧带肋钢筋屈服强度的计算修正 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on Influence Factor of Yield Strength for Nickle-galvanizied Bake-hardening Steel 影响电镀锌镍烘烤硬化钢屈服强度的因素分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Execution of steel structures - Part 3: Supplementary rules for high yield strength steels 钢结构制作第3部分:高生产压力钢的补充规则 www.mapeng.net 8. High yield strength steel plates and wide flats for cold forming - Part 1: Delivery conditions for thermomechanically-rolled steels 冷成型用高屈服强度钢制板材和宽扁钢产品.第1部分:热机械轧制钢的交货条件 www.mapeng.net 9. High yield strength steel bars and sections - Part 1: General delivery requirements 高屈服强度钢棒材和型材.第1部分:一般交货条件 www.mapeng.net 10. Research on Improving High Strength Steel's Yield Strength 提高冷轧高强度钢板屈服强度控制水平的研究 1. Effect of Boron Micro-alloying on Microstructure, Precipitates and Yield Strength of SPHC Steel 硼微合金化对SPHC钢组织、析出物以及屈服强度的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. High yield strength flat steel products - Part 2: Products supplied in the normalized or controlled rolled condition; Amendment 1 高屈服强度扁钢材.第2部分:按正火或控制轧制条件提供的钢材.修改件1 www.mapeng.net 3. High yield strength steel bars and sections - Part 3: Delivery conditions for thermomechanically-rolled steels 高屈服强度钢棒材和型材.第3部分:热工机械轧制钢的交货条件 www.mapeng.net 4. Method of Forecasting True Yield Strength of JCOE Welded Pipe JCOE成型后管体屈服强度的预测方法 www.ilib.cn 5. Non Synchronous Phenomena of Tensile and Yield Induced by Residual Stress of Plate and It'S the Effect to Yield Strength 板料残余应力所致拉伸屈服非同步现象及其对屈服强度的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Effect of HAZ Yield Strength on Plastic Zone at Cracking Tip 热影响区强度对裂纹尖端塑性区的作用 www.ilib.cn 7. yield strength (yield point) of steel 钢材(钢筋)屈服强度(屈服点) bbs.ebigear.com 8. Influence of Motherliquor on Shear Yield Strength 母液分子对剪切屈服强度的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. High yield strength flat steel products - Part 1: General requirements; Amendment 1 高屈服强度扁钢材.第1部分:一般要求.修改件1 www.mapeng.net 10. a. All alloy steels with a yield strength of 97, 000 psi or less 屈服強等於或小於97,000psi的所有合 wenku.baidu.com |
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