单词 | yells |
释义 | yells是yell的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:yells 现在分词:yelling 过去式:yelled v. shout,scream,shriek,roar,bellow 例句释义: 叫喊,喊加油,大笑,喊出,大声叫喊声,〈美〉呼喊声,大叫,击中靶心 1. When Harry tries to discover the truth about his past, Snape yells at him and throws him out of the door. 当哈里试图发现关于他的过去的真相,斯内普骂他,抛出他的门。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 2. Sometimes Mr. Munson comes home drunk, and his wife yells at him and then gets him up for work at 6 a. m. 有时候老李醉醺醺的回家,妻子对他大喊大叫,还要在早上6点把他叫起来。 www.bing.com 3. I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late! 但是,我老婆还会醒来并对我大声吆喝为什么我这么晚才回家! blog.sina.com.cn 4. Jin yells, as she climbs the unlit stairs to her second-floor room. Neighbors' heads pop out of their rooms to greet her. “我回来了”,她边喊边登上楼梯,她在二楼的房间没有亮灯,邻居们从他们自己的屋子里探出头来和她打招呼。 www.bing.com 5. "You've got to get your ass back here, " Marla yells over the phone, "before those little trolls make soap out of me. " “你他妈的给我快回来,”玛拉在电话里大叫着“在这些侏儒从我身上取油脂做肥皂之前。” www.bing.com 6. Little Johnny's stepmother often yells at him for no reason. 小约翰尼的继母经常无缘无故的对他大吼大叫。 www.veryen.cn 7. Niobe yells at him to stay away, but surrenders for a moment when he kisses her. 尼娥波大声警告着叫他后退,但一过了一会就在男人的亲吻下屈服了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When her son kicks over the traces, she yells at him instead of telling him what he did wrong. 当她的儿子不听话时,她只会吼他而不会告诉他错在哪里。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Yells on aggro: Come, friends. Your bodies gonna feed ma hatchlings, and your souls are going to feed me with power! 来吧,朋友。你的尸体将会成为我幼崽的食物,而你的灵魂,则会成为我力量的来源! blog.sina.com.cn 10. Her mother yells: Close the door. 她母亲尖声叫道,“把门关上。” www.bing.com 1. Eg. You promise me that you will be the person who yells out when you see the marriage is in danger. 你要答应我,当你发现婚姻陷入危机时你要大声说出来。 www.hxen.com 2. My teacher is too impatient. She yells at me every time I make a mistake. 我的老师太没耐心了。每一次我犯了错她都要对我大喊大叫。 www.waiyulm.com 3. yells the woman, slamming the door in his face, A few minutes later, he knocks again, "Now what do you want? " 女老板嚷嚷着,随即将门板碰上。过了几分钟,他又开始敲门。“你现在想干嘛?” www.eoezone.com 4. Nell yells to Inoue who hesitates : ichigo fights for your sake , why are you afraid of him ! 妮尔对着正在犹豫的织姬大声地说:一护是为你而战斗,那你为什么害怕一护呢! www.bing.com 5. Think back to when you were a kid. You go to the carnival and one of the barkers yells "step right up and win a prize! " 回想一下当你还是个孩子的时候,当你去参加嘉年华,其中有一个烤面包师喊到“快来这里赢取奖品!” www.bing.com 6. Peter, yells at me for taking orders. 彼得因为我接下订单,急得直跟我喊。 www.24en.com 7. thanks. I better get back to my work before my boss yells at me again! 谢谢.我最好还是赶紧回去工作,免得我上司又对我大喊大叫。 talk.oralpractice.com 8. He yells excitedly: "Don't be so foolish! The moon is still in the sky! " 它兴奋地大叫:“别蠢了!月亮还好好地挂在天上呢!” bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. She yells at me every time I make a mistake. 每次我犯了错她都要对我大喊大叫。 www.ebigear.com 10. He is the guy who yells out "all I know is when Shaq left, Kobe couldn't even get out of the first round. " 他正是那种会对人大叫“我所知道的就是当鲨鱼离开后,科比再也没有通过季后赛第一轮”。 bbs.zhibo8.com 1. The manager is always friendly with his inferiors and never yells at them. 经理对部下一直很友好,从来不对他们大呼小叫。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Ranger Williams yells for the visitors to run down the stairs as debris begins to fall on them. Williams大声喊叫着让游客沿着楼梯下去,而碎片已经开始砸落。 bbs.tingroom.com 3. God, how I hate it when somebody yells "Good luck! " at me when I'm leaving somewhere. 天哪,我真不喜欢别人在我离开时向我嚷“祝你好运!” www.bing.com 4. "You will buy an alarm clock and get to my lift on tiiiime! " she yells dramatically as the lift takes off to the bottom floor. “你们要买个闹钟来准时上我的课”电梯门关闭并降到一楼时,她戏剧性地大嚷。 www.ltaaa.com 5. Man : Husband and wife. The wife always yells at her husband for balling up his socks and leaving papers in his pockets. 男士:一对夫妻。太太老是骂她先生把袜子卷成一球,还把纸忘在口袋里下去洗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Yells when absorbing Lynx Spirit: Let me introduce to you my new bruddahs: fang and claw! 让我介绍一下我的新兄弟:锐齿和利爪! blog.sina.com.cn 7. Life is the same, if in the busy and have no time said tired yells stop, the more have no time to think of another. 生活也一样,如果在忙碌中,没有时间说累喊停,更没有时间想别的。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 8. C. O. JJ yells into his walkie-talkie, "We got a 1098! Inmates over the wall! " 狱警JJ通过对讲机通报,“我们遇到一个1098号情况,有囚犯越过了围墙!” www.bing.com 9. "Got a nice shard here, " Taylor yells, finding a gnarled piece of metal. “这里有块不错的碎片,”泰勒叫道,他发现了一块扭曲的金属片。 www.bing.com 10. Somebody far far away yells, "You know the speech Mr. Durden. Don't fuck with fight club. " 很远很远的地方,某人喊道“你知道泰勒先生是怎么说的,别惹搏击俱乐部。” www.bing.com 1. He constantly yells at us or criticizes us. He is always degrading the employees. 他经常朝我们叫喊或批评我们,还侮辱员工的人格。 ts.hjenglish.com 2. The woman bangs on her steering wheel, yells louder. 那个女人使劲拍着她的方向盘,大声喊叫着。 www.bing.com 3. "Taste is the ONLY morality! " he yells, wagging his finger at George. “品味是唯一的品德!”他叫嚷着,向乔治挥舞着他的手指。 www.bing.com 4. Then suddenly Dumbledore yells , " YOU PERVERT! " and stalks back to the Order of Phoenix's Headquarter. 突然邓不利多喊道,“你丫有病!”然后大摇大摆返回凤凰社总部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I had almost made up my mind that the whole story was a pack of lies, when we heard yells a little distance away. 我几乎觉得整个事情可能都是谎话,这时忽然听到不远的地方有人在嚷嚷。 www.douban.com 6. To be heard over the techno, she leans in close and yells into your ear, "Hai una sigaretta? " 你想要从震耳欲聋的电子摇滚乐中听到她的话,只见她凑过身对你大喊:“Haiunasigaretta?(能给我根烟吗?)” www.bing.com 7. Today, my shrink diagnosed me as severely depressive, due to a lot of stress and yells at home. 今天我的心理医生说我因为在家压力太大又经常被骂所以严重抑郁。 www.bucter.com 8. Thrall yells out a loud shout which shakes the canyon. 萨尔的大声吼叫震动了山谷。 wenwen.soso.com 9. My tacit is too impatient. IT yells at me eVery abundance time I do a misget. 我的老师太没耐心了。每次我犯了错她都要对我大喊大叫。 www.ffenglish.com 10. It was crowded with youths and young men who were singing songs and ever and again barking out college yells. 车上满是青年和学生,学生们唱着歌,不时地喊着大学啦啦队的啦啦词。 www.qeto.com 1. A passenger sees a conductor walking by outside. "What's going on? " she yells out of the window. 一位旅客看到窗外走过一名列车员,于是她朝窗外喊道:“出了什么事吗?” www.bing.com 2. Yells: You are defenders of a doomed world. Flee here and perhaps you will prolong your pathetic lives. 你们是这个被毁灭的世界的守护者……逃走吧,或许你们那可怜的生命可以再多延续一会! legion.2288.org 3. they start feeling the prisoners helpless, 'til someone comes along on a mission and yells "bitch" 他们感觉囚犯都很没用,直到有人带着使命出现并大叫“婊子” wenwen.soso.com 4. Whatever the trick, if the innocent victim falls for the joke, the prankster yells, April Fool! 不管是什么样的招数,只要那个无辜的受害者爱上了那个笑话,最爱开玩笑的喊道,愚人节快乐! www.we-we.com 5. Before his son can raise another foot, Tom yells into the microphone, "Trent, stop! Don't take another step! " 在他的儿子再次抬起腿之前,汤姆就通过麦克风对他大喊:“特伦特,站住,别动。” www.bing.com 6. The american gets up there and yells "Remember the alamo ! " and pushes the mexican out. 接着美国人站了起来并大声喊:“让所有人都记得墨西哥的白杨吧!”然后他把墨西哥人给推出了飞机。 learning.sohu.com 7. Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: The Argent Crusade comes for you, Arthas! 银色十字军冲着你来了,阿尔萨斯! bbs.duowan.com 8. So they hid in them. When the cops came to the farm house, one of the cops saw the sacks and yells . . . 于是他们都躲进了麻袋里。警察来到农舍时,其中一个警察大叫着说他看到了麻袋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He yells out to the crowd of curious onlookers. 他冲着好奇的围观人群喊。 www.onlylz.com 10. "I'm about to die from this heat, " her brother yells down the passage. 她弟弟也借题发挥,嚷嚷着:“热死了,热死了。” www1.beiwaionline.com 1. My boss always yells at me. 我老板总是对我大发脾气。 www.bing.com 2. Jason : [Yells] You jerk! Who do you think you are? 杰森:(大叫)你这混蛋!你以为你是谁? www.hellomandarin.com 3. After the market's late-day rally, traders at the New York Stock Exchange gave yells of exasperation. 在股市尾盘反弹后,纽约证交所的交易员发出了绝望的喊声。 www.bing.com 4. "No, just give him some brandy, " insists the woman. "Call an ambulance, " yells another person. “不,还是给他一些白兰地,”那位女士坚持说。“还是叫一辆救护车吧。”有人叫道。 www.bing.com 5. It helps to remember that everyone yells at their kids, spills ketchup, goes to the bathroom. 这有助于记住:每个人都会为孩子欢呼,都会溢出番茄酱,都会上厕所。 www.bing.com 6. Without nodding and presenting incenses, he just stood there to utter three yells and then rushed out. 他不鞠躬也不点香,只是站在那儿,大叫三声后调头就出来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. At one point, she even yells for the police to shoot the chimp to stop the attack. 有一次,她甚至大叫着让警察向黑猩猩射击,以便阻止他的攻击。 www.bing.com 8. If you've ever learned to ski, you know that a ski instructor who yells at you isn't helping the situation. 想像一下,如果你在学习滑雪,滑雪教练冲你大嚷大叫,这不会有什么好的效果。 www.jukuu.com 9. Another drunk stands up and yells, Hey, I resent that remark. The first drunk yells. 另外的一个喝醉了的人站起来而且大叫,嗨,我反对那一个评论。开始的喝醉者大叫。 www.258en.com 10. Well, he yells at me! 哦,是他对着我大叫大嚷 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The husband yells, "When you die, I'm getting you a headstone that reads: 'Here Lies My Wife - Cold As Ever'. " 丈夫嘶喊着:“当你死的时候,我会在你的墓碑上写下‘这躺着我的妻子,如活着时一样的冰冷’”。 www.bing.com 2. or non. to most is what yells for money through our base needs involving sex, greed and survival. 电子邮件的收件人是什么人反应最基础的需要通过我们的钱尖叫涉及性别贪婪和生存。 wenda.chinabaike.com 3. The boy yells and screams because he wants to get his (own) way. 这男孩尖声喊叫,因为他要顺他的意思。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 4. For instance, if a parent yells, you'll want to be prepared so you can keep the conversation productive and resist any urge to yell back. 举例来说,如果父母大声喊叫,你将希望自己有所预备好让对话能有成效并抑制任何想要回声喊叫的冲动。 www.bing.com 5. The old man yells, "You damn fool, you can't catch chickens with chicken wire! " 老人喊道:“你个笨蛋,用铁丝网是抓不到小鸡的!” www.bing.com 6. He yells 1: "Prepare an iron net and chop down knife, firewood, after a while the monster came and held tight later set fire. " 他大喊一声:“准备铁网、砍刀、木柴,待会儿怪物来了,抓住以后就放火。” www.zxschool.cn 7. On Thanksgiving Day, Mom is working in the kitchen. Jason yells. 感恩节这一天,妈妈正在厨房忙。杰森喊着。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 8. Akama yells : The light will fill these dismal halls once again. I swear it. 阿卡玛:圣光会再次照耀这阴暗的大厅,我发誓! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "Hurry up and get fat! " she yells at Hansel. "I'm getting hungry! " “快一点胖起来!”她对着汉瑟大吼。“我饿了!” www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. "He yells at us constantly and grabs our cell phones, " one photographer tells OK! 他吼我们不时抓住我们的手机,“一个摄影师告诉好!” blog.sina.com.cn 1. Whatever the trick, if the innocent victim fwhichles to the joke the prankster yells, April Fool! 不管是什么样的招数,只要这个无辜的受害者中技了,恶作剧的人就会尖叫:“愚人!” www.ffenglish.com 2. Lord Maxwell Tyrosus yells: Stand fast. brothers and sisters! The Light will prevail! 麦克斯威尔领主喊道:兄弟姐妹们!坚持到底!圣光必将获胜!(这个人物名不太确定) blog.sina.com.cn 3. Spirit of Hakkar yells: Your deceit is unforgivable, Jin'do. You spit in the face of a god! 哈卡之灵:你的欺骗是不可原谅的,金度。你竟然敢侮辱神! tieba.baidu.com.cn 4. "Snoopy's pegged! " he yells, doing a little dance. “史努比定住不动了!”他叫出声来,甚至有些手舞足蹈。 www.bing.com 5. Brock yells out, "Hello, " and an echo is sounded again. 小刚叫出“哟呵”,回声再度响起。 tieba.baidu.com 6. If you kiss her too many times, she yells that you are taking advantage. 如果你经常吻她,她又说你占她便宜。 bulo.hjenglish.com 7. "What do you say? The ring of " Anna yells to make a rumpus, " fabric second promise hostess personality symbol? That Emerald ring? " “你说什么?”安娜尖叫出声,“布亚诺女主人身份象征的戒指?那个祖母绿戒指?” cnxp.tk 8. The old man yells back, "You damn fool, you can't catch ducks with duck tape! " 老人喊道:“你个笨蛋,用布基胶带抓不到小鸭的。” www.bing.com 9. originated by Japanese who accompanied it with yells of 'banzai'. 起源于日本人以“万岁”的呼声为伴奏。 cn.bab.la 10. What happened, one of them yells. 究竟发生了什么事,其中之一尖叫。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. "Under this pressure, I have to apply the brakes and curb electricity, " the quaking official yells. “压力只有转移到拉闸限电了,”抖抖嗦嗦的官员叫到。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If you kiss her too many, she yells that you are taking advantage ! 如果你吻太多了,她会大叫说你吃她豆腐! blog.bandao.cn 3. Just minutes after collectors have put on their headsets, a supervisor yells out "Rajesh, for $35 a month for three months. " 讨债员们刚把耳机挂上没几分钟就听到一个主管大叫“担杰西(Rajesh),三个月内每月还款35美元”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Come home! He yells, as other restaurant patrons watch in horror. Fix me! Let's go! 回家吧!他喊叫着,这时候其他餐馆的老顾客一脸惊恐。治好我啊!快点儿! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Tina: No, a heckler is someone in the audience who yells out things to comedians. 蒂娜:不一样,诘难者是对喜剧演员大声嚷嚷的观众。 www.bing.com 6. Kalecgos yells: Anveena! I love you! Focus on my voice! Come back for me now! Only you can cleanse the sun well! 卡雷苟斯:安薇娜!我爱你!倾听我的声音吧!回到我的身边吧!只有你才能净化太阳井! dorsd.duniu.com 7. Yells: Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit. 哀求我高抬贵手吧!你那无意义的生命很快就会被没收! rxjh.duniu.com 8. "Call an ambulance, " yells another person. “叫辆救护车吧。”又一个人叫起来。 www.ebigear.com 9. Garrosh Hellscream yells: united in our conviction, unrivaled in strength, beholden to no one. 坚定不移的团结在我们无比的力量之下吧,我们决不向任何人低头。 bbs.saraba1st.com 10. Garrosh Hellscream yells: Fellow warriors of the Horde. Hear me now! 部落的勇士,我的同胞,现在听我说! bbs.saraba1st.com 1. "And anchovies will turn to dust! " yells Coughlin. “而(臭名)将会变成尘埃!”库格林叫喊。 blog.tianya.cn 2. Mason yells at Jack for mishandling Elizabeth Nash. 梅森大声责怪杰克没有处理好伊丽莎白这个事件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. She never yells at her children. 她从不对孩子们叫嚷。 www.bing.com 4. He always yells and curses at people who talk on their cell while driving. 他开车的时候打电话总是大吼大叫,对电话那头的人很粗暴。 www.mtzz.com 5. This man yells directions and gets sunburned. 这个人一边晒着太阳,一边在大声下达指令。 www.for68.com 6. The Lich King yells: When next we meet it won't be on holy ground, paladin. 巫妖王:我们下次见面的时候,将不会在圣地上,圣骑士。 wow.tgbus.com 7. Sarah has picked out all the black yells beans. 拉已经将所有的黑豆选出来了。 www.goi-net.com 8. KJ yells: Aggghh! The powers of the sun well. . . turn. . . against me! What have you done? What have you done? ? 基尔加丹:啊啊啊!太阳井的能量…开始变的…反抗着我!你们做了什么?你们都做了什么?? tieba.baidu.com 9. Still others jump around in unison as someone yells at them. 还有些人步调一致地跳来跳去,旁边还有个人对着他们大喊大叫。 www.bing.com 10. And yells when you won't listen and zaps you back to reality. 当你不听劝告是,就会吼你并把你拉回到现实里。 www.blogchinese.com 1. Hey, what about the payment? yells the bartender. I have no money, answers the man. 喝完了酒,这个人准备离开酒吧,“嘿,还没付钱呢!” www.58en.com 2. Yells: Your soul will languish for eternity. 你的灵魂将受到永恒的折磨! hi.baidu.com 3. The celebrity chef who yells at his staff and customers makes an undignified sight, but who is to say that he is unhappy? 名厨对手下和顾客大吼大叫,是个有损尊严的场面,但谁能说他不幸福呢? www.ftchinese.com 4. Kalecgos yells: You are not alone! The blue dragonflight shall help you vanquish the Deceiver! 卡雷苟斯:你们并不是孤独的!蓝龙军团将帮助你们击败欺诈者! blog.sina.com.cn 5. She always yells out the answers in class. What a smarty pants! 她总是在课堂上大声嚷嚷着答案,这家伙真喜欢卖弄! www.bcn.cc 6. Wild yells came from behind the walls of smoke. 野生的喊声从后面烟雾之墙。 www.en400.com 7. Jack yells at Hanlin for disobeying his orders. 杰克对汉林不遵守他的命令大声吼叫。 www.bing.com 8. Garrosh Hellscream yells: Ahead hides our foe. Worshippers of chaos who seek to remake the world. 前方潜藏着我们的敌人。这些灾祸的崇拜者妄想改造我们的世界。 bbs.saraba1st.com 9. Yells: All of your efforts have been in vain, for the draining of the World Tree has already begun. 你们的一切努力魔兽世界随机副本卡都将是白费心机,我已经在吸取世界之树的力量了! www.51yue.net 10. Every time you are walking by a toy aisle at a store, your child yells "Mom, can I have it? " 每次走在商场的玩具区时,你的孩子都会大叫“妈妈,我能要一个吗?” www.bing.com 1. KJ yells: I will not be denied! This world shall fall! 基尔加丹:我是不会被打倒的!这个世界终将沦陷! tieba.baidu.com 2. "It's another union bail-out! " yells one lady. “这是又一次工会救助”,一位女士叫喊道。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. Arygos yells: Let them feel the wrath of the Blue Flight! May Malygos protect me! 亚雷戈斯喊道:让它们感受蓝龙的愤怒吧!愿玛里苟斯庇护我! bbs.ngacn.cc 4. The old man yells out, "Hey boy, whatcha got there? " 老人喊道:“小伙子,带着什么东西?” www.bing.com 5. He taste it and immediataly spits it out, "This is too acid! " he yells. 史密斯尝了一口,立即吐了出来,“太酸了!”他大叫。 www.ebigear.com 6. Yells at you or gets in trouble at school? 或者说对着你大喊大叫?抑或是在学校里惹麻烦了? blog.sina.com.cn 7. "Use the poison, " she yells. "The noose doesn't work. " 她大叫:“绳子没用了,用这包毒药。” gaoqiaoling.blog.163.com 8. The officer goes and kicks the one with the brunette in it and she yells "Meow" . . . 这个警察走了过去,踢了一下装着黑头发的人的袋子,她叫到“喵”。 qac.yappr.cn 9. They greeted us with yells of hate. 他们以愤恨的喊声迎接我们。 10. Garrosh Hellscream yells: Then we will stand astride this world as its masters. 然后,我们将以这个世界主人的身份昂首挺立。 bbs.saraba1st.com 1. Cannavaro helps his teammates a lot. He yells at Marcelo so that he learns. 卡纳瓦罗常常帮助他的队友,他对马塞洛的吼叫使后者学到了很多。 post.baidu.com 2. But this Green Hornet guy? "This is awesome! " he yells. "Oh man, now we're in a car chase! " 但这个叫青蜂侠的家伙呢?“这太牛x了”他吼道“哥们,我们正在追车” www.bing.com 3. "That is the stupidest question I've ever heard! " he yells when I ask whether global warming is occurring. 当我问全球是否正在变暖时,他大叫道:“这是我听过的最愚蠢的问题!” www.ftchinese.com 4. When you've got a good fan base that comes out and yells and they're into the game, even when they're losing, it tough to play. 当你有一个良好的球迷基础,却站出来大声为你加油鼓劲,即使球队正落后,局势很艰难。 www.lebroncn.com 5. "What's going on? " she yells out the window. “发生什麽事了?”她对窗外喊道。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 6. "I do! I do! " Teddy yells. "Can we have chocolate chips in them? " “我要!我要!”泰迪嚷着。“能撒上巧克力碎吗?” www.bing.com 7. Man next door yells at his car a lot. 隔壁的男人经常对着他的车子叫嚷。 bbs.sun0769.com 8. Mom! He yells . What are you doing here? You need to be home with me! I'm the one with cancer! Me! “妈妈!”他喊叫着。“你在这儿干嘛?你应该在家陪我!我才是得了癌症的!我!” dictsearch.appspot.com 9. My father yells what you gonna do with your life? 老爸一声怒喊,你到底要做什么? www.kekenet.com 10. Yells when you won't listen. 在你听不下时会大吼一声。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "The Boy Must Die! " he yells. 这男孩必须死,他叫道。 www.bing.com 2. Kalecgos yells: Anveena, you must awaken! This world needs you! 卡雷苟斯:安薇娜,你必须醒过来!这个世界需要你! blog.sina.com.cn 3. "Then why did you almost tell me? " Joel yells. “那你为什么差点就告诉我?”乔尔大叫起来。 www.bing.com 4. Edna : In that show she is a tough lawyer who yells at people a lot. 艾德娜:在那部戏里她是一个厉害的律师,老对着人们大喊大叫。 www.xianzai.cn 5. The 24-year-old man repeatedly yells that he can't breathe. 二十四岁的男人不断呼叫他无法呼吸。 bbs.putclub.com 6. "And the seventh rule, " Tyler yells, "is if this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight. " “第七条规矩是,如果今晚是你在搏击会的初夜,那你就必须上。”泰勒嚎叫着。 www.bing.com 7. The first drunk yells . "Why are you a lawyer" . 先前的醉鬼说:“为什么,难道你是律师?” dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Curious, he yells: "Who are you? " 他很好奇的大声问“你是谁?” cet.hjenglish.com 9. hoping their yells would carry far enough to be heard 希望他们的呼叫可传到给人听见 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The little boy 's yells resounded through the restaurant, and people stared angrily at the 这个小男孩很喊响彻那家餐馆,而且气愤地瞧人们凝视着 wenku.baidu.com 1. cue to RunPee: The Red Queen yells, "Release the bird. " ( I forgot the exact name of it. ) 剧情:红心皇后吼道:“开门放鸟!”(那鸟叫啥我忘了……) www.crazyenglish.org 2. Yells and abuses, leaves her with some bruises 吼叫加上虐待,留给她的只有伤痕 wenwen.soso.com 3. JAKE YELLS to Neytiri, Tsu'tey, the others gathered nearby 杰克对奈提莉,苏泰和周围的其他人大喊着。 www.bing.com 4. Yells when you won't listen a second 在你听不下时大吼一声 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Yells when you won't listen anything 在你听不下时會大吼一下 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 6. Yells when you will not listen 在你听不下去是会大吼 lemonxiancheng.mblogger.cn 7. Yells when you are most distressed 在你痛苦万分时大吼一声 dmzk.huming.com 8. Yells when you won't listens and 在你不听劝告时,当头棒喝 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Yells when you won't listen and 在你听不下时会大吼一下 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. Yells when you won't listen a sceond 对你喊叫如果你不肯听 zhidao.baidu.com |
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