单词 | wind-speeds |
释义 | wind-speeds例句释义: 全部 1. Pryor and her colleagues found that in most of the U. S. wind speeds appear to be waning, in many locations by more than 1 percent a year. 普莱尔和她的同事发现,每年在美国大部分地区,风速似乎在以大于原速1%的比例逐渐减小。 www.bing.com 2. The trend could simply be part of a natural and long-term cycle that pushes wind speeds both up and down over the course of many decades. 这种趋势可能仅仅是自然的一部分和长期的循环,这种循环是在每经过数十年时间,风速会快-慢的循环一次。 www.bing.com 3. The objective of this study was to identify a conceptual configuration that could become operational at low and medium wind speeds. 本研究的目的是确定一个概念性的配置,有可能在低和中等风速下运作。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The United States now uses the EF (Enhanced Fujita) scale, which takes more variables into account when assigning wind speeds to a tornado. 美国现在使用EF(EnhancedFujita)级别,在为龙卷风确定风速时,纳入了更多的变数。 www.bing.com 5. Wind speeds in a category two hurricane can reach close to one hundred eighty kilometers an hour. 在第二类飓风的风速可达到接近一百八十公里的时速。 www.maynet.cn 6. The scientists used data from satellites, balloons, and aircrafts, to estimate wind speeds around the planet. 科学家们利用来自卫星、气球以及飞行器收集的数据预测地球上风的速度。 www.neworiental.org 7. This suction effect increases wind speeds by up to 30 percent at each of the 95-foot-long rotors to boost electricity production. 这一抽吸效应使得经过每个长达95英尺的转子的时候风速增加30%,有利于电力生产。 www.bing.com 8. In areas with higher wind speeds, wind energy can be a highly cost-effective alternative to fossil fuel generation. 在风速较高的地方,与化石燃料发电相比,风力发电是一个非常经济有效的选择。 china.makepolo.com 9. The islands reputedly experience the highest and most consistent wind speeds of any comparable place on earth. 据说,这些岛屿是世界上风速最高最稳定的地方。 www.bing.com 10. Satellite pictures could also help site offshore wind farms -- wind speeds can be inferred from wave heights and direction. 卫星图片也有助于定位海岸风场,风速可以从高度和方向来推断。 cn.reuters.com 1. Wind energy requires a certain amount of sustained wind speeds to be effective. 风能需要一定量的持续风速才能起作用。 www.bing.com 2. The high energy of these storms is associated withheavy precipitation, lightning, high wind speeds and tornadoes. 强烈的降水,闪电,高风速和龙卷风一起汇集了这些风暴所蕴含的巨大能量。 www.bing.com 3. This summer scientists published the first study that comprehensively explored the effect of climate change on wind speeds in the U. S. 这个夏天,科学家们在美国全面探讨了气候变化对风速的影响并发表了第一次研究成果。 www.bing.com 4. The velocity products of Doppler radar can also be used as an important reference for forecasting extreme wind speeds in typhoons. 多普勒雷达最大径向速度对台风极大风速的预测有重要的参考作用。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 5. However, in high wind speeds, complex speed limiting mechanisms must be employed to prevent the turbine self destructing. 然而,在高风速时,必须使用复杂的限速机构以防止涡轮机自毁。 www.pat365.com 6. Can Satellite Sampling of Offshore Wind Speeds Realistically Represent Wind Speed Distributions? 离岸风速的卫星取样能否代表实际风速分布? edu.cma.gov.cn 7. Because direct measurements of wind speeds are so unruly, Pryor's team also tracked indirect measurements. 为了弥补直接观测的缺陷,普莱尔的团队也对风速进行了非直接观测。 www.bing.com 8. Flutter critical wind speeds under different wind attack angles and yawned angles were obtained in wind tunnel test. 在风洞试验中测试了不同风攻角和风偏角下的颤振临界风速,并观测了颤振形态的演化规律; www.ceps.com.tw 9. SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Wind speeds in the most severe ocean storms can reach more than two hundred fifty kilometers an hour. 在最严重的海洋风暴的风速可达到超过两百五十公里的时速。 www.maynet.cn 10. The droplet deposition and deposition rate were studied under different spray heights and wind speeds. 针对不同喷雾条件,分析喷雾高度和风速对雾滴沉积量和沉积率的影响。 www.tcsae.org 1. Sunshine, temperature, wind speeds and rainfall all affect the growth and cropping of apple trees. 日照、温度、风速和降雨量都能影响苹果的生长和结实。 2. Structural design: computation of turbulence and extreme wind speeds? 结构设计:湍流与风速极值测算 wenku.baidu.com 3. Average wind speeds can be 20 percent higher than on land, and the resulting energy yield from wind farms as much as 70 percent higher. 平均风速比陆上的超过20%以上,由此风场产生的电力发电量也多达70%以上。 blog.gkong.com 4. The experts there name storms when they reach wind speeds of sixty-two kilometers an hour. 专家们有名称的风暴,当他们到达六十公里每小时的风速。 www.maynet.cn 5. Efficiency drops off considerably in the higher wind speeds. 在相当高的风速下效率下降。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. Thus the flutter critical wind speeds are much lower and the bridge is more unstable during this period. 尤其是在施工初期,结构的刚度比成桥要低得多,使得颤振临界风速最低,更容易发散。 www.dictall.com 7. Navigating the myriad providers of ocean temperatures, wind speeds, rates of deforestation and so on is well nigh impossible. 要想浏览这些关于海洋温度,风速,森林破坏率等等的无数信息是根本不可能的。 www.ecocn.org 8. Eventually new wind tunnels were built that could test supersonic aircraft, providing wind speeds well over 1, 500 mph. 最终人们建设了新的风洞,在这些风洞中可以测试超音速飞机,并且提供的风速超过了1500mph。 user.ccw.com.cn 9. The study limits potential wind farm locations to rural, nonforested sites (both on land and offshore) with high wind speeds. 这个研究仅限于能被建设在于农村地区、无林地区(包括陆上和海上)这些风速较大地区的风力发电厂。 www.bing.com 10. The high speed airfoil type wind turbine has the highest efficiency in high wind speeds. 高速机翼型风轮机在高风速下达到最高的使用效率。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. For example, many wind-pollinated species fail to release pollen when wind speeds are low or when humid conditions prevail. 例如,许多风授粉植物种类在风速过慢或当湿度条件占上风时,就停止释放花粉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A boat's overall sail area is planned based on typical wind speeds in the range of 10-15 knots. 一艘帆船的总共帆面积是根据典型的风速(10-15节)计算确定的。 www.bing.com 3. The Gumbel-logistic model for joint probability distribution of extreme-value wind speeds and effective wave heights 耿贝尔逻辑模型在极值风速和有效波高联合概率分布中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Measurements of air-sea gas exchange at high wind speeds in the Southern Ocean: Implications for global parameterizations 南海大风速海—气交换的测量:全球参数化影响 library.cma.gov.cn 5. A TOPEX-Based Marine Geographical Information System for Prediction of Extreme Sea Surface Wind Speeds 一个基于TOPEX卫星极端海面风速预测的海洋地理信息系统 ilib.cn 6. Vanishing Horizontal Sea Surface Temperature Gradients at Low Wind Speeds 低风速下消失的水平海平面温度梯度 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. Descriptive terms of wind speeds (Text Version) 描述风力的常用术语(文字版本) gb.weather.gov.hk 8. Changes in extreme wind speeds in NW Europe simulated by generalized linear models 用一般线性模式模拟NW欧洲极端风速的变化 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. A Sea State Parameterization with Nonarbitrary Wave Age Applicable to Low and Moderate Wind Speeds 适用于低和适度风速的有非任意波龄的海状况参数 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. hurricanes are storms with extremely high wind speeds 飓风是速度特别高的风暴。 www.ichacha.net 1. Use the following table to assist in estimating prevailing wind speeds: 使用下表来帮助估计主要的风速: wenku.baidu.com 2. Study on the Curve Fitting of Wind Speeds with Height 风速随高度变化的曲线拟合 www.ilib.cn 3. That they can reach up into far higher Wind speeds and hence generate far more electricity than if mounted at ground level 它们能够进入到高风速区,因此要比安装在水平地面上发更多的电 bbs.topenergy.org |
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