单词 | windows operating system | ||||
释义 | windows operating system
例句释义: 视窗操作系统,视窗作业系统 1. The very ubiquity of the Windows operating system makes it a favorite with hackers. 由于Windows操作系统的普及使得它成为黑客们的最爱。 www.bing.com 2. Wine is an open source implementation of the Windows API that allows you to run Windows programs without the Windows operating system. Wine是WindowsAPI的一个开源实现,允许您在没有Windows操作系统的情况下运行Windows程序。 www.ibm.com 3. This clash is often depicted as an epic struggle for supremacy between Linux and Microsoft's proprietary Windows operating system. 这个冲突往往被描述成Linux与微软所属Windows操作系统之间为市场领先地位所进行的了不起的斗争。 www.ecocn.org 4. Any UNIX or Microsoft Windows operating system (using a UNIX shell simulator) can be used to run the postprocessing tool. 任意UNIX或MicrosoftWindows操作系统(使用UNIXshell模拟器)都可用于运行后处理程序工具。 www.ibm.com 5. Microsoft has its own billion-dollar deal with Chinese computer giant Lenovo to install the Windows operating system in its computers. 而微软公司则与中国电脑巨人联想集团签署了10亿美元的软件采购协议,为联想全线产品预装WINDOWS正版系统。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. However, the Windows operating system does not allow you to create a named pipe by using an external command similar to mkfifo. 但是,Windows操作系统不允许您使用类似于mkfifo的外部命令来创建指定管道。 www.ibm.com 7. Class that retrieves sounds associated with a set of Windows operating system sound-event types. 用于检索与Windows操作系统声音事件类型集关联的声音的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Like Cygwin, it allows you to develop and execute Linux applications on the Windows operating system (through coLinux). 与Cygwin相似,coLinux允许在Windows操作系统上开发和执行Linux应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. Microsoft, for instance, remains firmly attached to its Windows operating system ( see article). 例如微软仍然牢固地依附着在它的Windows操作系统身上(见文章)。 www.bing.com 10. A 32 bit windows operating system would allow up to 4GB of memory to be addressed by a single process. 一个32位windows操作系统的一个单一进程通常最多可处理4GB的内存。 www.ibm.com 1. However, earlier versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system need an update to accommodate the early end to standard time. 但是,MicrosoftWindows操作系统的早期版本需要更新以适应标准时间的提早结束。 office.microsoft.com 2. Apple's device pushes the notion the furthest, dispensing with Microsoft Corp. 's Windows operating system and a keyboard. 苹果IPad在最大程度上推动了这一理念,甚至摒弃了微软(MicrosoftCorp.)的视窗操作系统和键盘。 c.wsj.com 3. Seemingly overnight, IBM was supplanted by Microsoft and its Windows operating system as the PC revolution took hold. 但当PC革命到来之时,几乎在一夜之间,IBM就被微软和它的视窗操作系统所取代。 www.elanso.com 4. Some users prefer to have separate partitions for the Windows operating system files, programs, and personal data. 一些用户喜欢为Windows操作系统文件、程序和个人数据分别使用单独的分区。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. One big announcement this year involved the British company ARM and the Microsoft Windows operating system. 今年的一大热点涉及英国ARM公司和微软Windows操作系统。 www.8875.org 6. When overridden in a derived class, gets the Windows operating system code page that most closely corresponds to the current encoding. 在派生类中重写时,获取与当前编码最紧密对应的Windows操作系统代码页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You need two machines, one running a Windows operating system, and the other the Linux gateway, preferably connected through a LAN. 您需要有两台机器,一台运行Windows操作系统,另一台是Linux网关,最好用局域网连接起来。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The dominance of Microsoft's Windows operating system helped it win widespread adoption of its web-browser and media-player software. 微软Windows操作系统的统治地位帮助其赢得了浏览器和媒体播放器软件大范围的使用率。 www.ecocn.org 9. Pick from the list of tools and resources to help you manage and support your Windows operating system. 从工具和资源列表中选择来帮助您管理并支持您的Windows操作系统。 www.drados.com 10. Make CDs of your presentations for viewing on computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system. 用于制作演示文稿CD,以便在运行MicrosoftWindows操作系统的计算机上查看。 office.microsoft.com 1. See the Help topics for your Microsoft Windows operating system for information about changing volume settings in the Control Panel. 查看MicrosoftWindows操作系统的“帮助”主题以获得有关在“控制面板”中更改音量设置的信息。 office.microsoft.com 2. This book is to explain the internal mechanisms of Windows operating system, a monograph. 本书是讲解Windows操作系统内部机制的一本专著。 www.pudn.com 3. On a Windows operating system, the FAT file system is supported, but it is recommended that you use an NTFS file system. 在Windows操作系统中,支持FAT文件系统,但建议您使用NTFS文件系统。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Microsoft pursued the opposite strategy, allowing its Windows operating system to be promiscuously licensed. 微软公司则追求完全相反的策略,允许其视窗操作系统随意获得授权。 dongxi.net 5. Microsoft's agreement with vendors to sell only the Windows operating system is being challenged in court by French consumer rights groups. 微软的协议,销售商只销售Windows操作系统正在法院提出质疑,法国消费者权益团体。 q.sohu.com 6. Today, there are more than one billion copies of the Windows operating system on PCs around the world. 现今,Windows操作系统已经和电脑捆绑卖出了十亿多份拷贝。 www.bing.com 7. Integrated Windows authentication is supported only on computers that are running a Windows operating system and Internet Explorer. 只有运行Windows操作系统和InternetExplorer的计算机才支持集成Windows身份验证。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Specifies whether the MSSQLServerOLAPService service is started automatically when the Microsoft Windows operating system is restarted. 指定重新启动MicrosoftWindows操作系统时是否自动启动MSSQLServerOLAPService服务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. in simple terms , floppy diskettes used in the microsoft windows operating system environment will be accepted. 简而言之,用于微软视窗操作系统的软磁碟可予接纳。 www.ichacha.net 10. In practice it is likely to be many years, if ever, before Chrome OS can hope to rival the entrenched Windows operating system. 事实上,如果谷歌真的推出了ChromeOS系统,那么在该系统可能还要花很多年。才能有望与根深蒂固的视窗操作系统匹敌。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Microsoft achieved something similar in information technology when it developed the Windows operating system. 当微软(Microsoft)开发出视窗(Windows)操作系统时,其在信息技术领域中也获得了某种类似的地位。 www.ftchinese.com 2. On this basis, the software of fatigue life prediction application under random load has been designed by Windows operating system. 在此基础上设计了一个基于Windows操作系统的随机载荷疲劳寿命预测应用软件。 www.73202.com 3. Demonstrates applications that interact with components of the Windows operating system. 演示与Windows操作系统的组件交互的应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. He developed the business model that put the Windows operating system on about ninety percent of the world's one billion PCs. 他发展了一种商业模式使视窗操作系统约占据了全世界十亿台个人电脑的百分之九十。 www.unsv.com 5. Occurs when the user switches input methods on an Asian version of the Windows operating system. 当用户在中文版的Windows操作系统上切换输入方法时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Describes the search path that the Windows operating system uses to locate a DLL on your system. 描述Windows操作系统用来定位系统上的DLL的搜索路径。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. For more information about setting environment variables, see your Windows operating system documentation. 有关设置环境变量的详细信息,请参阅Windows操作系统文档。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. These samples demonstrate applications that interact with Windows operating-system components. 这些示例演示与Windows操作系统组件交互的应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The error-reporting service built into the Windows operating system is a massive global network for speaking truth to power. Windows操作系统自带的错误报告机制成了一个庞大的全球性实情汇报络。 www.bing.com 10. The Windows Performance Monitor is built into the Windows operating system and allows the user to access system performance data. Windows性能监视器置于Windows操作系统之中,它允许用户访问系统性能数据。 www.ibm.com 1. Most of these services will be provided by the Windows operating system. 其中的大多数服务将由Windows操作系统提供。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Windows Vista, the latest version of its dominant Windows operating system, was released on Jan. 视窗境界,最新版本的主导视窗操作系统,获准保释明年一月三十日。 www.sjgcz.cn 3. The Windows operating system supports automatic scaling of dialog boxes using a relative unit of measurement called dialog units. Windows操作系统支持使用一种被称为对话框单位的相对度量单位自动对对话框进行缩放。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Microsoft makes most of its money from selling its Windows operating system and business software. 微软公司的绝大部分利润来自于视窗操作系统和商业软件的销售。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Last month, the computer giant struck a deal with Sony to integrate the Windows operating system into future DTV set-top boxes. 上个月,这个计算机行业的巨人与SONY公司达成协议将WINDOWS操作系统集成到将来的数字电视置顶盒中。 www.i21st.cn 6. When you delete a document on your Windows operating system, it goes directly to the recycle bin. 在Windows操作系统中,当删除一个文档时,该文档直接进入回收站。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Components to provide a familiar graphical interface to users accustomed to the Windows operating system. 组件向了解Windows操作系统的用户提供熟悉的图形界面。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. If your file does not print, your printing problems may be related to the Windows operating system. 如果文件未打印,打印问题可能与Windows操作系统有关。 office.microsoft.com 9. Files that you create after applying the Windows operating system update for DST 2007 correctly display the time stamps. 您在应用Windows操作系统DST2007更新后创建的文档将正确显示时间戳。 office.microsoft.com 10. The syntax for netstat depends on the version of the Windows operating system. netstat语法取决于Windows操作系统的版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. andLinux is actually a full installation of Ubuntu Linux running on top of your Windows operating system. andLinux实际上是在Windows顶层上Ubuntu的一个完全安装。 www.bing.com 2. This tutorial assumes that you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system, preferably XP or later. 本教程假设您使用MicrosoftWindows操作系统,最好是XP或更新版本。 www.ibm.com 3. Steps you through the process of calling the APIs that are part of the Windows operating system. 引导您完成调用是Windows操作系统一部分的API的过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Intel strives to make its microprocessors faster; Microsoft to make its Windows operating system fatter. 英特尔热衷于提高自己的微处理的速度,微软热衷于让视窗系统更加雍肿。 www.ecocn.org 5. Microsoft discovers and repairs flaws in their Windows Operating System on a near weekly basis. 他们发现,微软视窗操作系统缺陷修复了近每周。 distribution.blackmailedslave.com 6. Windows Disk Protection helps protect the Windows operating system and all files on the computer from permanent change. Windows磁盘保护可帮助保护计算机上的Windows操作系统及所有文件,避免其被永久更改。 www.microsoft.com 7. There are two ways: The first is through the Windows Performance Monitor packaged within the Windows operating system. 有两种获取数据的方式:第一种是通过Windows操作系统附带的Windows性能监视器。 www.ibm.com 8. The Windows operating system allows event wait handles to have names. Windows操作系统允许事件等待句柄具有名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Microsoft's Windows operating system and Office applications suite still utterly rule their markets. Windows操作系统和Office办公软件的市场霸主地位依然不可撼动。 www.bing.com 10. Economists have likened it to Microsoft's Windows operating system -- much-criticized, but so pervasive it is difficult to replace. 经济学家将美元这一地位比作微软公司(Microsoft)的Windows操作系统:虽然饱受非议,但由于使用范围太广,一时仍难以取代。 www.bing.com 1. The software runs in a PC (laptop or regular office PC ) with Windows operating system and Kvaser USB-to-CAN connection card. 软件在配有Windows操作系统和KvaserUSB-to-CAN连接卡的PC(便携式或办公用PC)上运行。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This wizard installs the Directory Service Client for Windows onto your Windows operating system. 此向导将把目录服务客户端安装到您的Windows操作系统中。 www.fan6.net 3. Authenticode is a standard part of the Windows operating system. Authenticode是Windows操作系统的标准组成部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Lets you create and modify ODBC data sources on computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system. 可以在运行MicrosoftWindows操作系统的计算机上创建和修改ODBC数据源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The English version is fully compatible with all international versions of the Windows Operating System. 英文版的安全更新与各国语言版本的Windows操作系统完全兼容。 www.microsoft.com 6. Records events logged by the Windows operating system components. 记录由Windows操作系统组件记录的事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Most computers running the Windows operating system will include this directory. 大多数运行Windows操作系统的计算机将包括该目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. In a world where 90pc of computers run Microsoft's Windows operating system, Chrome represents a step-change. 在这个世界上,90%的计算机使用微软的Windows操作系统,Chrome意味着改变。 www.bing.com 9. The software formats : CHM support full-text retrieval, can run on all windows operating system. 本软件制作格式:CHM,支持全文检索,可以运行在所有windows操作系统。 joys99.com 10. A technique for causing the Windows operating system of someone you're communicating with to crash or suddenly terminate. 是一种使Windows操作系统在与其它计算机通信时突然崩溃或者死机的方法。 www.fanyicn.net 1. For Windows operating system, the database code page will be derived from the ANSI code page setting from the registry. 对于Windows操作系统,将从注册表中的ANSI编码页设置推导出数据库的编码页。 www-128.ibm.com 2. A folder in document library is similar to the folder in the Microsoft Windows operating system. 文档库中的文件夹类似于MicrosoftWindows操作系统中的文件夹。 www.ibm.com 3. Products compatible with the Windows operating system. 操作系统兼容的产品。 www.cokecn.com 4. Indicates that CPU usage is scheduled by the Windows operating system. 指示由Windows操作系统安排CPU使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The Windows operating system attribute that defines certain behaviors related to language. 定义与语言有关的某些行为的Windows操作系统属性。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Make sure you are running a Silverlight-compatible Windows operating system and browser. 确保您运行的是与Silverlight兼容的Windows操作系统和浏览器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. A Java Runtime Environment created on the Windows Operating System. 在Windows操作系统上建立的Java运行环境。 www.aplixcorp.com 8. If your Windows operating system is installed on a different drive, you must edit the link as appropriate. 如果Windows操作系统安装在其他驱动器上,则您必须相应地编辑此链接。 support.microsoft.com 9. These tuning parameters cover several aspects of the Windows operating system. 调优参数涉及Windows操作系统的几个方面。 www.ibm.com 10. The CurrentCulture property is set by the GetUserDefaultLCID function in the Windows operating system. 在Windows操作系统中,CurrentCulture属性由GetUserDefaultLCID函数设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. This location is used because you can assume that most computers that are running the Windows operating system will include this folder. 使用此位置是因为可假定大多数运行Windows操作系统的计算机都包含该文件夹。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. That means they are relevant for unmanaged code on the Microsoft Windows operating system, but no relevant for. NET Framework. 它们与非托管Windows代码相关,但不与.NETFramework相关。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It is the same Open File dialog box exposed by the Windows operating system. 它与Windows操作系统所公开的“打开文件”对话框相同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The instructions and examples in the tutorial are based on a Microsoft Windows operating system. 本教程的操作说明和示例均基于MicrosoftWindows操作系统。 www.ibm.com 5. Open your DOS prompt from your windows operating system . 直接从你的窗口操作系统打开你的磁盘操作系统。 www.bing.com 6. A Windows GUI application and the Windows operating system. Windows用户界面程序和Windows操作系统。 www.cnbeta.com 7. NTLM can also use the current Microsoft Windows operating system logon information. NTLM还可以使用当前MicrosoftWindows操作系统登录信息。 technet.microsoft.com 8. You install new programs or a new version of the Windows operating system. 您安装新程序或一个新Windows版本。 www.bing.com 9. This is done, because you can assume that most computers running the Windows operating system will include this directory. 这样做是因为可假定大多数运行Windows操作系统的计算机都包含此目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A Windows Operating System Service Pack can still be deployed using SUS, SMS, and other methods while the blocking mechanism is activated. 当阻止机制被激活时,Windows操作系统ServicePack仍可通过使用SUS、SMS和其他方法进行部署。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The Windows operating system and SQL Server provide a complete set of tools to monitor servers in transaction-intensive environments. Windows操作系统和SQLServer提供了一整套用于在大型事务环境中监视服务器的工具。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The 64-bit version is recommended, but can only be used if you are using the 64-bit version of the Windows operating system. 如果您正使用64位版本的Windows操作系统,建议使用64位版本。 www.ibm.com 3. Which is the new line format used by the Microsoft Windows operating system. 它是MicrosoftWindows操作系统使用的新行格式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. That goes for the Windows operating system and Windows Phone 7 Series. 这个观点在微软的操作系统和7系列手机操作系统上都体现的淋漓尽致。 www.bing.com 5. The version of the Windows operating system determines which application is used. 所使用的应用程序由Windows操作系统的版本确定。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Larson-Green already has one eye on the future of the Windows operating system. 拉尔森-格林已经放眼Windows操作系统的未来。 www.bing.com 7. Microsoft's Windows operating system and Office suite are ubiquitous in China, but the majority of users have long relied on pirated copies. 微软Windows操作系统和Office套装在中国可谓无处不在,但多数用户长期依赖这些软件的盗版拷贝。 www.ftchinese.com 8. As of February 2011, Microsoft's Windows operating system had just under 90% market share, according to analytics firm Net Applications. 据NetApplications的调查,2011年2月,微软的视窗操作系统占的市场份额几乎达到了90%。 www.bing.com 9. The Windows operating system is more popular than the Linux systems. Windows操作系统比Linux系统更受消费者欢迎。 www.bing.com 10. This is not about the Windows operating system but the normal window at home. 这篇不是在讲微软的作业系统,而是家里那个普普通通窗口。 www.hicoo.net 1. You can register a COM object by using the Regsvr32 utility included with the Windows operating system. 可以使用包含在Windows操作系统中的Regsvr32实用工具注册一个COM对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. OLE DB is a Microsoft technology that is embedded into the Windows operating system. OLEDB是Microsoft的一种技术,它被嵌入在Windows操作系统中。 www.ibm.com 3. The Windows operating system converts code page 1208 back to 1252. Windows操作系统将代码页1208转回到1252。 www.ibm.com 4. Revenue from the unit that sells the Windows operating system software fell 1 percent, to $4. 74 billion. 来自WIndows操作系统部门的盈利下降了1%,降为$47.4亿美元。 dongxi.net 5. Because they are native to the Windows operating system, interlocked operations are extremely fast. 因为它们是Windows操作系统固有的,因此联锁操作的执行速度非常快。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. SQL Server 2005 software works on the hardware certified for use with the Microsoft Windows operating system. SQLServer2005软件运行在经验证可用于MicrosoftWindows操作系统的硬件上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Remote Procedure Call is a protocol that is used by the Windows operating system. 远程过程调用是Windows操作系统使用的一种协议。 support.microsoft.com 8. Take software, for instance. Microsoft's Windows operating system is used on 90% of PCs in China, but most copies are pirated. 比如在软件业,微软的视窗操作系统在中国使用率达到90%,但大多数都是盗版。 blog.ecocn.org 9. For RPC over HTTP to use the current Windows operating system logon information, the following requirements must be met 要让RPCoverHTTP使用当前Windows操作系统登录信息,必须满足下列要求 technet.microsoft.com 10. Mobile phones running a non-Windows operating system that are compatible with Exchange ActiveSync 运行与ExchangeActiveSync兼容的非Windows操作系统的移动电话 technet.microsoft.com 1. For more information about hardware certified for use with the Windows operating system, see this Microsoft Web site 有关经过验证可用于Windows操作系统的硬件的详细信息,请参阅此Microsoft网站 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Windows operating system (the application is not compatible with Linux at this time) Windows操作系统(本文给出的应用程序不兼容Linux)。 www.ibm.com 3. Requirements for RPC over HTTP to Use the Current Windows Operating System Logon Information RPCoverHTTP使用当前Windows操作系统登录信息的要求 technet.microsoft.com 4. This patch will correct the security problem with the Windows operating system (这个修补程序,可解决窗口操作系统的安全问题)。 www.wwenglish.com 5. Is the volume number assigned by the Windows operating system and, 是Windows操作系统分配的卷号, msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The Database Engine and SQL Server Agent run on the Microsoft Windows operating system as services. 数据库引擎和SQLServer代理作为服务在MicrosoftWindows操作系统中运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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