单词 | Yangtze River |
释义 | 例句释义: 扬子江,长江,万里长江,长江流域 1. And Wuxi, the economically developed Yangtze River Delta as one of the regions, the same question of the existence of the above. 而无锡作为长江三角洲经济发达的地区之一,同样存在着上述的问题。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. He is said to have drowned in the Yangtze River, having fallen from his boat while drunkenly trying to embrace the reflection of the moon. 据说,李白在乘船度过扬子江的时候,酒醉以后为了捞取河中的月亮的倒影而坠入河中。 hi.baidu.com 3. The next day we went through the ig gorges on the Yangtze River. It was a lovely morning as we went through the Wu Gorge. 第二天,我们经过了长江的大峡谷。在一个美丽的上午轮船驶过巫峡。 wenku.baidu.com 4. within 72 hours after their surrender, they were killed in groups by machine gun fire along the bank of the Yangtze River. 在投降的72小时以后,他们被用机关枪在长江边集体杀害。 www.ruanyifeng.com 5. To its opponents, China's Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze River is all the more tragic because it has a historical precedent. 对于反对者而言,中国长江上的三峡大坝(ThreeGorges)是一个重蹈覆辙的悲剧,因为历史上已有前车之鉴。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He says the huge population living downstream along the Yangtze River would be threatened if there was a nuclear accident. 他表示,如果发生核事故,居住在长江下游的广大居民都将受到威胁。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The question may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it relates to a serious discussion as flood-swollen Yangtze River continues to test the dam. 上面的问题或许有点开玩笑的意味,不过在长江洪水继续考验三峡大坝之际,这个问题却关系到一场严肃的讨论。 c.wsj.com 8. In terms of domestic construction, we were able to finish the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge without the help from the USSR. 在国内建设,我们能够完成了南京长江大桥的帮助下从苏联。 bbs.hasea.com 9. It was only a year ago that the massive Three Gorges Dam was completed, creating a reservoir on the Yangtze River some 640 kilometers long. 三峡大坝主体工程一年前才竣工,大坝上游640公里的长江水域成为一个大水库。 www.ruanyifeng.com 10. The next pipe diameter is at least the Pacific, is the Yangtze River in the Yellow River. 未来管道的直径至少是太平洋,绝对不是黄河长江。 yanjiang.com.cn 1. Chongqing used to be a military town and a regional center, a juncture of Jialing River and Yangtze River. 两江会合,山高水深。最早浮出历史水面的重庆,是一个高墙壁垒的军事城邑和区域的权力中心。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Only the dark river and the sky of stars, tells of the endless rolling in the Yangtze River East PASSING story. 只有黑暗中的江水和天边的星光,诉说着滚滚长江东逝水的无尽故事。 enwaimao.cn 3. The long-nosed baiji had been critically endangered for years, due to pollution, overfishing and shipping along the Yangtze river. 由于长江的污染、过度捕捞和航运的影响,长鼻子的白暨豚多年来一直属于濒危物种。 www.for68.com 4. As if the Yangtze River has a tender thought of Wuhan that turns a great corner to north-south orientation here. 长江仿佛特别眷恋武汉,在这拐了个大弯子,成了南北走向,更准确些说,是西南往东北流淌的。 www.gotowuhan.com.cn 5. The Company is close to publicity Highway, near the Yangtze River waterway. The traffic is convenient. 公司紧靠张扬公路,紧邻长江水道,交通十分便捷。 detail.china.alibaba.com 6. "Coastal areas, including the Yangtze river delta [around Shanghai] are greatly threatened by the rise in sea level, " he said. 他指出,沿海地区,“包括长江三角洲(上海周边)在内,受海平面上升的威胁极大。” www.ftchinese.com 7. DOES the Yangtze River still have baiji, the graceful, grey dolphin with tiny eyes and a long narrow beak? 那种长着小眼睛和尖长嘴、姿态优雅的灰色海豚——白暨豚,长江里还有吗? infos.edulife.com.cn 8. Ningwu volcanic basin is one of the important deposit-intensive areas along the Middle-Lower Reaches of Yangtze River metallogenic belt. 宁芜盆地是长江中下游成矿带中的重要矿集区,磷灰石是该区各矿床中的标志性矿物。 lib.cqvip.com 9. as well, Hefei is a nationally important regional integrated transport hub and an significant part of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta region. 合肥是中国区域性综合交通枢纽城,也是泛长三角区域的重要成员。 10. He said that the financial crisis will certainly have an impact on the Yangtze River water, but the extent of impact remains to be seen. 他说,金融危机肯定会对长江水运造成影响,但影响程度有多大,还有待观察。 news.chinawutong.com 1. Xinhua said some relief is anticipated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in the next few days. 新华社说未来几天长江上游地区的旱情有望得到缓解。 chinese.wsj.com 2. wave generated over the East China Sea, moving westward along the Yangtze River, will cause heavy precipitation over a wide area. 这类东风波产生于我国东南沿海,向西向北移动发展,深入内陆直达长江中游,造成大范围地区一次较强的降水过程。 dict.kekenet.com 3. Although experienced many trials and tribulations, it remains one of the best views of over the Yangtze River. 虽经历了无数风雨的洗礼,但长江大桥仍然是长江上最亮丽的一道风景。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. This oversized bridge linking Suizhou -Yueyang Expressway across the Yangtze River is expected to be completed next year. 据悉,作为随州至岳阳高速公路跨越长江的特大型桥梁,工程明年有望竣工。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 5. With the Yellow Sea to the south and Shanghai across the Yangtze River, it is known as "Rivers and Seas Pearl, Geomantic Treasure Land" . 东频黄海,南临长江,与上海市隔江相望,被誉为“江海明珠,风水宝地”。 www.sourcing.org.cn 6. The Yangtze River Three Gorges Project hinges far-reaching, Resettlement is one of the considerable difficulty of systematic works. 长江三峡水利枢钮工程影响深远,库区移民安置是其中难度相当大的系统性工程。 lib.cqvip.com 7. But a severe drought plaguing the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has now shrunk the immortal waterfall to a thin stream. 而如今,长江中下游的持续干旱使得曾经蔚为壮观的大瀑布“瘦”成了一条细带。 page.renren.com 8. Yangtze River is the backbone for transportation of goods. Everyday, cargo ships rushing up and down the river restlessly. 长江是航运的命脉。每天都有无数的货轮在江上穿梭。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Meanwhile, areas south of the Yangtze River are likely to see heavy rainfall. 同时,黄河以南部分城市将出现大到暴雨。 www.tingclass.net 10. Fourteen airports had to be shut down temporarily due to heavy snow and ice in middle and downstream areas of the Yangtze River. 长江中下游地区14个民航机场因积雪结冰一度被迫关闭。 www.kouyi.org 1. Yangtze River shipping as an important element of the national economy, has a sense of smell "cold. " 长江航运作为国民经济的重要环节之一,已感阵阵“寒意”。 news.chinawutong.com 2. The upper reaches of the Yangtze River is one of the larger tributaries, originated in northern Sichuan mountain area. 岷江是长江上游的一条较大的支流,发源于四川北部高山地区。 www.jiangshanvilla.com 3. We are all mortal beings in the ordinary, as if rolling in the Yangtze River is the drop, one Su ocean. 芸芸众生中的我们如此平凡,仿佛是滚滚长江中的一滴,茫茫大海中的一粟。 www.bing.com 4. HUBEI PROVINCE, China -- The Swiss heir to a trucking fortune and a team of scientists want to save the Yangtze River's white dolphins. 中国湖北–一位继承了巨额财产的瑞士人和一队科学家希望抢救长江的白暨豚。 www.ecocn.org 5. To research the relationship between the types of senile diseases and different terrains in four provinces along the Yangtze River Valley. 研究长江流域不同地势阶梯的四省份老年人的病种与地域间的关系,为有针对性地防病、治病、健康教育提供依据。 www.dictall.com 6. All that remains is the boundless Yangtze River, flowing on towards heaven. 眼前只剩茫茫的长江水,奔流天边。 i.myechinese.com 7. Stipulated Fee: Any enterprise within Jiangdu Development Zone along the Yangtze River can be free from any stipulated constructional fee. 规费:凡进入江都沿江开发区域的企业,免收各项建设规费。 gov.finance.sina.com.cn 8. Yangtze River Delta, one of China's areas full of vitality and development potentialities, is in great demand on regional logistics. 长江三角洲地区是我国最富生机活力和发展潜力的地区之一,区域物流需求量巨大。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Our open like the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, the Mississippi River, rain water in any place, any way into the same convenient access. 我们的开放要像黄河、长江、密西西比河一样,任雨水在任何地点、任何方式流入一样的方便的接入。 yanjiang.com.cn 10. My motherland mother very beautiful, the Yangtze river and Yellow River wrapped around her waist, flowers, green grass decorated with her! 我的祖国妈妈十分美丽,长江、黄河缠绕在她的腰间,鲜花、绿草装饰着她! wenwen.soso.com 1. Advantageously located, Shanghai is located halfway down China's mainland coastline, where the Yangtze River empties into the sea. 它位于中国大陆海岸线的中部,长江入海口,地理位置极为优越。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. To make sustainable development the Yangtze River economic Atlas of the cover out of the guniting-like, feel dissatisfied. 制作长江经济带可不断成长不天图集的封背,打不入喷样后,发觉有些不不满。 www.bing.com 3. Nanjing is a city near the Yangtze River in summer and very hot weather, do not windy, often rain. 南京是一座靠近长江的城市,夏天天气十分炎热,不常刮风,经常下雨。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Yangtze River close to the new railway, and Shanghai, Wuxi, Xuzhou, across the River and strategic location, traffic is very convenient. 紧靠新长江铁路,与上海、无锡、苏州、隔江相望,地理位置优越,交通极为便利。 www.b2b128.cn 5. So when chip manufacturers began moving to the low-cost Yangtze River delta near Shanghai around 2000, he reached for a piece of the action. 因此当许多芯片生产商在2000年左右开始转移到上海周边成本低廉的长江三角洲地区时,俞东雷也参与其中。 www.bing.com 6. This time, a drought in the Yangtze River is in the dock, with a disease in the pig population charged with aiding and abetting. 这次,长江流域的干旱坐上了“被告席”,猪口蹄疫则被控对价格上涨起到了煽风点火的作用。 c.wsj.com 7. After that we went down all the way to the river and a fisherman took us on his boat on the Yangtze river, A very nice experience. 然后我们一路下山,走到江边,一个渔夫用他的船把我们载到长江上。美好的经历。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Advantageously located, Shanghai is halfway down China's mainland coastline, where the Yangtze River empties into the sea. 有利位置,上海是下降了一半大陆海岸线,其中长江汇入大海。 q.sohu.com 9. In addition to restocking the river with fish, Wei is also trying to find ways to create artificial spawning grounds in the Yangtze River. 除了保护中华鲟生活的河流,危起伟也在试图在长江上重新为中华鲟建造人工产卵地。 www.elanso.com 10. With its deepening economic reforms, Shanghai is playing a leading role in boosting the economy development in Yangtze River Valley. 随着经济改革的深入,上海在推动长江流域的经济发展中起着领导作用。 english.114study.com 1. And along the east coast, droughts have reduced the Yangtze River to its lowest water levels in fifty years. 而东部沿岸,大旱则使长江降到了50年来的最低水位。 www.bing.com 2. This iconic image of the crying porpoise, was captured by photographers at a reserve along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. 这副形象的“哭泣的海豚”的影像,是一位摄影师在沿长江中游地区的保护区内抓拍的。 www.bing.com 3. Apart from being a departure point for Yangtze River cruises, Chongqing had little to see. 除了它是扬子江游船的出发点外,重庆没什么可看的。 www.bing.com 4. Chinese soldiers used explosives to blast part of a leaking dike so as to release flood waters on a swollen branch of the Yangtze River. 我国官兵对长江一条水位暴涨的支流垮堤进行爆破泄洪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. We learn from The Song of the Yangtze River in this text, including the magnificent words deeply touched me, let me Yanjuan meditation! 我们学习了长江之歌这篇课文,其中那华丽的词句,深深地打动了我,让我掩卷沉思! www.tradeask.com 6. Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries . 两个主要因素导致了夏季长江及其支流的特大洪水。 www.24en.com 7. Shanghai's Pudong New Area lies at the mid-point of China's coastline where the Changjiang (Yangtze) River empties into the sea. 上海浦东新区地处中国海岸线中点和长江出海口的交汇处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Chu culture is the origin of Chinese civilization, one of the cultural representatives of the Yangtze River Basin. 爱国诗人屈原像楚文化则是中华文明的起源之一的长江流域文化的代表。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Mte guardian of the Yangtze River by the throat, has always been contested. 焦山扼守着长江的咽喉,自古是兵家必争之地。 www.tkmhk.com 10. Such a situation is also faced by the regional cooperation around Yangtze River Delta. 泛长三角区域合作也同样面临这种状况。 www.fabiao.net 1. Coastal line of China symbols bowstring, while the Yangtze River goes upstream from Shanghai to Chongqing like an arrow. 中国的海岸线像一张弓的弓弦,长江从上海上溯到重庆就像一支弓箭。 club.classic023.com 2. The Tongling area in Anhui Province is an important part of the Middle-lower Yangtze River polymetallic metallogenic belt. 安徽铜陵地区是长江中下游多金属成矿带的一个重要组成部分。 www.fabiao.net 3. Effects of FDI in capital formation show FDI and domestic capital of the Yangtze River Delta region are the complementary relationship. 从FDI的资本形成效应角度浅析浅析表明,FDI与长三角地区国内资本存在互补关系。 www.zidir.com 4. However , it remains uncertain whether other international operators can be tempted on to the Yangtze River . 但是,能不能引进其他国际运营商投资长江口岸,还是个未知数。 www.bing.com 5. Therein, just as the Yangtze River water, the waves never pushed before. 物事恰如长江水,后浪永推前浪。 www.docin.com 6. As influential in the Yangtze River Delta region's second-tier cities, Changzhou, a natural choice for one of the goals. 作为在长三角地区颇有影响力的二线城市,常州自然成为首选目标之一。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Sharply falling water level by the lasting drought in the middle parts of Yangtze River enhances the risk of ships grounding. 持续的干旱使得长江中部地区的河流水位迅速下降,增大了船舶搁浅的危险。 www.zhongshenw.com 8. Across the Yangtze River and Yellow River, the city runs through the new Eurasian Continental Bridge. 全市横跨长江、黄河两大流域,新欧亚大陆桥横贯全境。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Discussion on the Ground Base Treatment Alternatives of the Primary Material Yard Along the Yangtze River of Nanjing Steel Co. 南钢江边一次料场地基处理方案探讨。 www.ilib.cn 10. The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China. =The Yangtze River is longer than any of the other rivers in China. 长江比中国的任何一条其他的河都长。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The dam builders state that there is no practical flood protection alternative in the middle reach of the Yangtze River. 水坝工程师指出,在长江中游没有实用的防汛办法。 www.bing.com 2. Along the Yellow River and the Yangtze river source, drifting down, and three gorges, braving the hukou, sea. 沿着黄河与长江的源头,漂流而下,过壶口,闯关东,走三峡,奔大海。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The main areas hit are the Yangtze River's downstream provinces and several southwestern and southern provinces and regions. 受灾地区主要集中在长江下游省份和部分西南、华南省区。 4. The bridge rose up and away from the city's northwest quadrant spanning the great Yangtze river. 这座大桥从南京城的西北部延伸出去,跨越了长江。 www.bing.com 5. Both, the raw materials and finished products can be shipped easily to and from the plant along the Yangtze River and the ocean. 与此同时也便利了原料和产品的海上进出运输。 www.haoqiantu.cn 6. Just this: The two regions that the group compared are the Yangtze River Delta (which includes Shanghai) and Mississippi. 就是这个:小组对长江三角洲(包括上海)和密西西比做了比较。 www.bing.com 7. According to statistics, the waters of the Yangtze river dolphin accidental death, one-third of the ship was killed propeller. 另据统计,长江下游水域中意外死亡的白暨豚,有三分之一是被轮船螺旋桨击毙的。 goabroad.wenda.sohu.com 8. Current weather situation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region remained persistent drought is not optimistic. 目前持续干旱的长江中下游地区天气形势依旧不容乐观。 www.texclo.net 9. Perched beside the Yangtze, the "Golden River, " Chongqing symbolizes Yangtze River civilizations and is the cradle of Bayu culture. 旁边的长江,栖“金河,”重庆市长江文化的意味,是巴渝文化的摇篮。 www.itzao.net 10. Expo will speed up the Yangtze River Delta personnel, capital, information, technology and other production elements to gather in Shanghai. 世博会将加速长三角人才、资本、信息、技术等生产要素向上海的集聚。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Yangtze River had always been the ideal habitat, breeding ground, and migration channel by aquatic organisms. 长江流域历来是水生生物理想的栖息地、繁殖场及重要的洄游通道。 www.fabiao.net 2. As everyone knows , seven provinces and two cities of the Yangtze River valley are the hinterlands Shanghai Harbor . 众所周知,长江流域的七省二市是上海港的腹地。 www.bing.com 3. This essay proposes that it is feasible for Linyi city to merge into the Yangtze River Delta and proposes a number of strategic initiatives. 最后从经济、社会以及人才等方面提出临沂市“融入长三角、接轨大上海”的若干战略举措。 www.zidir.com 4. Wuxi is built along Taihu Lake, and one of top three cities in the Yangtze River Delta city's comprehensive competitiveness. 无锡依太湖而建,是长三角城市综合竞争力三甲城市之一。 www.fabiao.net 5. today, Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River, a beautiful city with tourism and hydrate-electricity as its main industries. 今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城。 www.8875.org 6. Questions about the Yangtze River's changed environment are taking on added urgency as China grapples with a mounting water shortage. 由于中国面临日益严重的缺水问题,长江环境变化带来的问题正使得局势变得更紧迫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In the Yangtze River regions, the pottery animal sculptures were very small and made purely for amusement. 那么,长江流域的陶塑则是一些形体较小的单纯的动物塑像。 www.tdict.com 8. After entering the 21st century, the Yangtze River Delta (Delta) to speed up the internationalization of regional economic development. 进入21世纪之后,长江三角洲(长三角)加快了区域经济国际化的发展步伐。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. Polychlorinated organic contaminants in waters, suspended solids and sediments of the Nanjing section, Yangtze River. 长江南京段水、悬浮物及沉积物中多氯有毒有机污染物。 www.ilib.cn 10. Xiang-Yan Chu that captured the news, across the Yangtze River, would like to continue to resist. 项燕得知楚王被俘的消息,渡过长江,想继续抵抗。 wenda.tianya.cn 1. Tea attained the prime in Tang Dynasty , which spread from southwest China through Yangtze River over thousands of years. 茶由中国的西南地区经巴蜀顺长江而下,经历数千年蒙昧混沌、兴亡盛衰,在唐朝进入全盛时期。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Hubei province, Wuhan city: Local residents walk along the bare bed of the Yangtze river during a drought in Hankou. 湖北省武汉市:干旱时节,汉口当地居民延长江光秃的河床行走。 www.bing.com 3. Chongqing has commercial centers on both sides of the Yangtze River, and cable cars complement the system of bridges. 重庆在扬子江两岸都有商业中心,渡江缆车成为跨江大桥系列的辅助交通手段。 dongxi.net 4. ThyssenKrupp sold the remaining parts of the Phoenix plant to Shagang Group, a privately run steel mill on the Yangtze River, in 2000. 蒂森克虏伯还在2000年把多特蒙德凤凰钢铁厂的其余部分,卖给了长江边上的一个名叫沙钢的私营企业。 www.green-web.org 5. Although the Yangtze River Army was not transformed into the modernized forces, he still played an important role in Chinese modern history. 虽然长江水师没有转化成近代化的军队,但在近代中国历史上还是发挥了很大作用。 www.boshuo.net 6. Enterprises located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Sichuan and Guizhou at the intersection - with Jiang. 企业位于长江上游,四川与贵州的交会处——合江。 www.tonke.cn 7. This area is along the river embankment areas, low and flat, below the Yangtze River flood, flooded many times in history the invasion. 本区属于沿江圩区,地势低平,低于长江洪水位,历史上多次遭受洪涝侵袭。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Apply the DOMM to Three Gorges of the Yangtze River CROS at last, the experimental results show that the method is reasonable, feasible. 最后把数学模型应用于长江三峡梯级水库中,实验结果表明方法合理、可行。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Rule of bed load transport in tidal reach of the Yangtze River and distributing rule along the river are studied. 研究长江感潮河段推移质输移规律和沿程分布规律。 www.fabiao.net 10. The Yangtze River Delta Area is arresting world attention as an emerging manufacturing industrial center. 长江三角洲正在崛起为全球瞩目的制造业中心。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Located in the delta of yangtze river, close to river and sea, Masteel enjoys very convenient transportation. 马钢地处最具经济活力的长江三角洲地区,临江近海,交通运输十分便利。 www.magang.com.cn 2. Shanghai locates in the bank of Yangtze River. 上海位于长江之滨 zhidao.baidu.com 3. As the Yangtze River Delta integration process moves on, the regional cooperation mechanism frame has gradually been formed. 随着长三角区域一体化进程的推进,区域合作机制的构建也在逐步形成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In the fast-growing megacity of Chongqing, another bridge is under construction across the Yangtze River. 在快速发展的大城市重庆,另一座横跨长江的大桥正在建设。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 5. As one of the most important cities in Yangtze River delta, the evolvement of Suzhou's internal spatial structure is typical in its kind. 苏州作为长江三角洲地区的重要城市,其空间结构的演变具有一定的典型意义。 www.fabiao.net 6. Beijing Yangtze River Industrial Technology Co. , Ltd. is registered in the Zhongguancun Science Park of the joint-stock enterprises. 北京长江兴业科技有限公司是在中关村科技园区注册的股份制企业。 www.tonke.cn 7. The plan of cooperation in region of the Extensive Yangtze River Delta needs to be made because of its strategic meaning to every member. 建立泛长三角经济区域,对各合作成员的发展具有不可忽视的战略意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The result demonstrates that Yangtze River basin is in the state of comparative health. 研究结果表明目前长江流域仍处于较为健康的状态。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The Yangtze River has long been a major artery for transporting commodities such as coal and steel to and from river cities. 长久以来,长江都是沿岸城市运输煤炭、钢铁等货物的运输要道。 www.bing.com 10. An annular eclipse of the sun covering over 500 kilometers will appear on January 15, Yangtze River Daily reported on Saturday. 长江日报上周六报道说,太阳遮没超过500公里的日环食将会在1月15日出现。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Navigation on the Yangtze River would be seriously disrupted for at least 18 years while the dam was under construction. 2. 当建造水坝时,长江的航运将被至少扰乱18年。 www.bing.com 2. According to historical records, there were at least 500 private libraries south of the Yangtze River. 根据史书记载,至少有500个私人图书馆江南。 q.sohu.com 3. and imported water hyacinth plants are choking some parts of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River. 而进口的水葫芦正在淤塞长江和珠江的部分河段。 dict.ebigear.com 4. In the Yangtze River Delta economic corridor with the greatest development vitality in China, and with unprecedented boldness and courage. 在中国最具发展活力的长三角经济走廊中,她正以前所未有的气魄和胆识。 gatefanyi.com 5. China's worst drought in a half-century is deepening, with millionaire the Yangtze River region without enough drinking water. 这场五十年一遇的大旱仍在加剧,长江流域数百万民众饮用水困难。 dongxi.net 6. The Yangtze River Delta with the internal structure remains obvious that the internal transfer of industries will continue. 长三角由于内部的同构仍然明显,内部的产业转移仍将持续。 www.fabiao.net 7. Linyi City, adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta region, linked very closely in popular, cultural connections and economic compatibility. 认为临沂市与长三角地域相邻、人缘相亲、文化相通、经济相容,相互联系十分密切,“融入长三角、接轨大上海”具有可行性。 www.zidir.com 8. Message surface: at present, the continuing dry weather situation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region remained poor. 消息面:目前,持续干渴的长江中下游地区天气形势依旧不容乐观。 texclo.net 9. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the foreland tectonic belt of the Dabieshan orogen . 长江中下游地区,是大别造山带的前陆构造带。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Shanghai is located in the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta, due to Wusong River tributary named Shanghai Pu. 上海是位于长江三角洲冲积平原,因吴淞江支流上海浦而得名。 cid-25f35e9067c8dc09.spaces.live.com 1. The Chinese alligator is extremely threatened with only a few dozen inhibiting the Yangtze River valley. 中国的短吻鳄已经濒危,只在长江谷内存活着几十条。 www.dltcedu.org 2. Along the Yangtze river flows through the Wolf again went east and tail beach, through people beach. 顺着长江再往东,流过狼尾滩,就会经过人滩。 zhidao.baoliaoguan.com 3. Situated at the crossing point of the axis of Jiangsu Province and the Yangtze River, Jingjiang has super water transportation. 处于江苏省中轴线与长江的交汇点,襟江近海,水运发达; www.xici.net 4. "Boundless Lamu Xiaoxiao, the endless rolling in the Yangtze River to" the students a more magnificent life so strong, let the weak go away. “无边落木潇潇下,不尽长江滚滚来”,同学们波澜壮阔的生活让强者更强,让弱者走开。 blog.163.com 5. Thus Shaoguan in northern China and the Yangtze River region and the southern coast of the most important land route between the land. 因而韶关成为中国北方及长江中下游地区与华南沿海之间最重要的陆路通道之地。 www.elycn.com 6. Several Quaternary faults have been found in the Yangtze River estuary by high resolution multi-trace seismic surveying. 高分辨率多道地震调查表明,在长江口及其附近海域发现数条第四纪断层。 www.dictall.com 7. Wuxi, (the) pearl on (the) Taihu lake, is located in southern Jiangsu Province in the center of the beautiful and rich Yangtze River Delta. 太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地带。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The damage done to the Yangtze River due to pollution is so bad its been described as irreversible. 由于污染对长江造成的损害如此严重,被认为是无法逆转。 www.bing.com 9. Zhejiang Province is located in the southern wing of the Yangtze River Delta and has experienced rapid economic growth in recent decades. 浙江省地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,近年来经历了经济的快速增长。 web.worldbank.org 10. To Realize the Great Plan of a "Digitalized Yangtze River" 实现“数字长江”宏伟构想 www.ilib.cn 1. The northwest, northeast and Yangtze River area will see temperatures fall at least 8 to 12 degrees Celsius and snow is also forecast. 西北、东北和长江流域地区温度将会降低至少8-12摄氏度,并有降雪。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Ya is located in the Yangtze River, the western end of four basins superior natural conditions, the forest coverage rate of 55. 2% or more. 雅安位于长江上游,四场盆地西端自然条件优越,森林覆盖率达55.2%以上。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Shanghai boarders Yangtze River on its north, East Sea on its east, Hangzhou Bay on its south, Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces on its west. 上海北面是长江,东面是东海,南面是杭州湾,西面是浙江,江苏两省。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The upper and middle basins of the Yangtze River are the important strategic place. 长江中上游地区在我国经济发展中具有重要的战略地位。 www.chemyq.com 5. Suzhou is located near the east shore of Lake Taihu where the Grand Canal joins the Yangtze River. 苏州坐落于太湖东岸附近、大运河与长江交汇处。 www.dictall.com 6. Chongqing is the Yangtze River upstream area especially big key city, the model "the big city raises the countryside" representative. 重庆是长江上游地区的特大中心城市,典型“大城市带大农村”的代表。 www.fabiao.net 7. My essay first put forward situations and problems along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Chemical Industry. 论文首先提出目前江苏沿江地区化工产业布局情况和存在问题; www.zidir.com 8. Yu Hong water area Longquan, backed by the city, facing the Yangtze River, excellent geographical location. 渝鸿碧水龙泉小区,背靠闹市,面朝长江,地理位置绝佳。 www.cqtyam.com 9. A real farmers, unglamorous one song "rolling Yangtze river east a mill" , "camel" . 一个地地道道的农民,朴实无华,一曲《滚滚长江东逝水》、《驼铃》。 www.268r.com 10. Geography has long defined the city of Chongqing, nestled in between mountain bluffs on the banks of the Yangtze River. 地理定义的重庆,是扬子江岸边依偎在崇山间的一座城市。 dongxi.net 1. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River channel regulation projects, numerical simulation technology has been widely applied. 在目前已经深入展开的长江中下游航道整治工作中,数值模拟技术得到了广泛的应用。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Lakes, streams criss-cross, wrapped in the green, fairway bunkers around, I feel fine gentle south of Yangtze River. 湖泊、纵横交错的小溪、缠绕于果岭,球道四周的沙坑,倍感江南水乡细致温婉。 www.chuncui.cn 3. Non-linear characteristics of precipitation and runoff in sub-alpine of the upper reaches of Yangtze River. 长江上游亚高山降水与径流时间序列的非线性特征。 www.ilib.cn 4. Here are the Yangtze river, the Great Wall, huangshan, Yellow River. 这里有长江、长城、黄山、黄河…… zhidao.baidu.com 5. Jiangyin stalks Wing International Trading Co. , Ltd. is located in the economically developed Yangtze River Delta hinterland. 江阴市秸荣国际贸易有限公司位于中国经济发达的长江三角洲腹地。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Kunshan is located in the east of the Yangtze River Delta. Shanghai is only 50 km away on the east and Suzhou is 37 km away on the west. 昆山市地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲的东部,东距上海50公里,西邻苏州37公里。 www.prcgov.org 7. The basis of operating various types of building materials and marketing operations in Zhejiang province and the Yangtze River Delta region. 经营的各类基础建材产品和营销业务遍及浙江省内及长江三角洲地区。 www.tonke.cn 8. "There were 10, 000 animals and a model of a Yangtze River bridge, " recalled Wu Qian, a scientist. “那儿有上万的动物,还有一长江大桥的模型。”科学家吴潜(音)回忆到。 sinaurl.cn 9. Steep slope, severe soil and water loss, frequent natural disaster aggravated the situation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. 这里山高坡陡,水土流失严重,自然灾害频繁,对长江中下游危害日益加剧。 epub.cnki.net 10. It is situated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers in southwest China. 它坐落在长江上游位于中国西南部,长江和嘉陵江交汇处。 www.itzao.net 1. Home of ten million people, it sprawls strategically at the mouth of the Yangtze River, funnel to China's heartland. 它是1000多万人的家园,横卧在战略意义生要的杨子江口,这是中国内陆的咽喉。 bbs.cnnas.com 2. that lake in turn empties into the Yangtze River, which forms part of the northern border of Jiangxi. 进入湖鄱阳湖北部,最大的淡水湖泊中,这湖又汇入长江,形成的一部分,江西北部边界。 q.sohu.com 3. This paper deals with the pilot test of the Yangtze River by coagulation associated with ultrafiltration(UF). 采用混凝和超滤膜联用技术进行处理长江地表原水的中试试验。 tech.zidian8.com 4. Company mainly engaged in domestic coastal and ordinary cargo transport business of Yangtze river, and shipping agency and cargo agency. 公司主要从事国内沿海及长江中下游普通货船运输业务,及船舶代理和货物代理。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Finally, conclusions were given on quantitative analysis of relevancy among superior industries in Yangtze River Delta. 最后对长三角地区优势产业之间的关联性进行定量分析,得出相应的研究结论。 www.dic123.com 6. Gushan Iron Mine is located in the Yangtze River Plain, so how to decide waste dump site is an old problem for mines. 姑山铁矿地处长江中下游平原,排土场选址一直是困扰矿山开采的老问题。 www.jsks.net.cn 7. Sun Quan's territory was the Kingdom of Wu, south of the Yangtze River. 孙权的领地是长江以南的地区,就是三国中的吴国。 www.soflash.net 8. Wuxi Guanghua top in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou center of the Yangtze River Delta, the beautiful coast of Taihu Lake. 无锡光华雄踞于沪、宁、杭长江三角洲中心地区、秀丽的太湖之滨。 www.tonke.cn 9. I live the head of Yangtze River, you live the tail of it. 我住长江头,君住长江尾。 www.tradoser.com 10. the marine transportation container bill of lading also uses in transporting with sea transportation related Yangtze River. 海运集装箱提单也被用于与海洋运输有关的长江运输。 www.juyy.net 1. Sichuan is located at the upper stream of Yangtze River with remarkable advantages of resource, sci-tech and market. 四川地处长江上游,资源优势、科技优势、市场优势明显。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. The Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge is a traffic main North-South artery running through the Eastern China. 江阴长江公路大桥是中国东部的南北交通要道。 ww1.1x1y.com.cn 3. This paper adopts geographically weighted regression to analyze the location determinants of FDI in Yangtze River Delta cities. 文章利用地理加权回归方法研究了FDI在长江三角洲城市的区位决定。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Wuhan is located in the Yangtze river and hanjiang river northwest industry, transportation, education and financial center. 武汉位于长江与汉水交汇处,是工业,交通,教育和金融中心。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Dongting Lake usually serves as the main flood-basin of the Yangtze River. 洞庭湖是长江主讯期的防洪湖。 www.bing.com 6. Along the Yangtze River is a typical continental climate, the winter cold, summer warmth. 沿江为典型的大陆性气候,冬季寒冷,夏季温暖。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We had got used to living close to the Yangtze river. 我们习惯于生活在长江附近。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Heavy or torrential rain is forecast in south of the Yangtze River and South China in the next 3 days. 气象部门预报,未来3天,江南、华南等地仍将有大雨或暴雨。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Erosion by the Yangtze River had formed numerous gorges and construction was dogged by underground rivers and caves. 沿路因长江侵蚀有许多峡谷,而且建设经常被暗河和山洞所阻断。 www.china.org.cn 10. Hong Yun became known after she had narrated the TV programme of the Story of the Yangtze River. 虹云解说了《话说长江》电视节目之后便出了名。 www.chinabaike.com 1. The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers on earth. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。 www.bizsense.org 2. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolis Circle is another poles of economic growth after these of "Pearl River" , "Yangtze River Delta" . 京津冀都市圈是继“珠三角”、“长三角”之后形成的又一经济增长极。 www.cnak.net 3. Scenic view overlooking the open concept of the Yangtze River, overlooking the park can blossom. 观景区视野开阔可远眺长江,也可俯瞰园内花海。 dict.chla.com.cn 4. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River serve as an important iron-copper base area of China. 长江中下游地区是我国重要的铁铜矿产基地。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. It is the largest as well as the oldest rockery in the southern region of the Yangtze River. 这是长江南部流域的最大也是最古老的假山。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. The nature around the Yangtze River is very, very beautiful, no doubt, but one has to go through the river. 无可否认,扬子江的山水是非常之美,但我们要做的,要通过这条河流。 www.sahajayoga.org.hk 7. These results could provide valuable preference to the design of segment lining structure for Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel. 该研究为武汉长江隧道的管片衬砌结构设计提供有价值的参考。 www.cgejournal.com 8. I will take everyone the beauty is to the tour of Yangtse gorges, Yangtze River, please with me come! 我将带大家去游览美丽的长江三峡,请跟我来吧! wenwen.soso.com 9. The Yellow Crane Tower stood on the Yellow Crane cliff at the west side of Wuchang in Hubei province, overlooking the Yangtze River. “黄鹤楼”原址在湖北武昌西边的黄鹤矶上,下面就是长江。 i.myechinese.com 10. Blood flow in his heart, surging voice of the Chinese, the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Yellow River, Huangshan heavy in our hearts heavy. 流在心里的血,澎湃着中华的声音,长江、长城、黄河、黄山在我们的心中重千斤。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Lake systems around the central Yangtze river have also dried up. 长江中游地区的湖泊也都干涸了。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Lin'an City, the southern tip of the Yangtze River Delta is a green pearl, is located in the northwest of Zhejiang Province. 临安市是长江三角洲南端的一颗绿色明珠,位于浙江省西北部。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. A mathematical model for flow in body fitted curvilinear system was established to simulate flow detail in Taicang reach of Yangtze River. 建立贴体曲线网格水动力数学模型模拟长江太仓段潮流特性。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Read a debate on the environment and a report about the Yangtze River. (page21)阅读一份有关环境的辩论稿和一篇有关长江的报道。 www.dearedu.com 5. The eastern coastal regions, especially the level of the Yangtze River Delta region's economic growth has even multiplied geometrically. 其中东部沿海开放地区特别是长三角地区经济水平更呈几何似增长。 www.fabiao.net 6. Yangtze River's largest highway bridge - Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge is standing here, here overlooking the view. 长江上最大的公路桥——江阴长江公路大桥也屹立于此,可在这里俯瞰观赏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Today, several hundred million Chinese living south of the Yangtze River cannot use central heating. 目前有上亿生活在长江以南的中国人无法使用暖气。 page.renren.com 8. The first three-day Nanjing (International) Animation Technology Carnival, yesterday in the Yangtze River Road Culture and Arts Center. 为期三天的首届南京(国际)动漫科技嘉年华,昨日在长江路文化艺术中心开幕。 www.dw188.com 9. As a result, the environmental situation of the Yangtze River is slowly improving. We believe that it will be getting better and better. 因此,长江的环境状况正再逐步改善。我们相信它会变的越来越好。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The Yangtze river merge into the sea here, then where are our lives' destination? 长江在此汇入大海,而人生的归宿又在哪里呢? blog.sina.com.cn 1. My house is a small Zhenjiang Yangtze River, safety, belonging to Yibin, in my view, its name is the meaning of the river bank. 我的家就是长江边的一个小镇,隶属于宜宾,在我看来,它的名字就是江岸的意思。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Jiangnan Generics south yangtze river to north Nanling. It Including Vast areas of Hunan, jiangxi and south hubei in before Qin dynasty. “江南”在先秦及秦汉典籍中,泛指长江以南、南岭以北的包括今湖南、江西及湖北的长江以南的广大地区。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. And now the Yangtze River is basically in the natural state, a number of shipping rapids limited it's further development. 而且目前长江航道基本上处于天然状态,自上而下的众多滩险限制了航运的进一步发展。 jiaotong.whut.edu.cn 4. Conception about Regional Integrative Transportation Passage in "Pan-Yangtze River Delta Area" 构筑“泛长江三角洲”地区一体化交通运输通道的设想 www.ilib.cn 5. The Yangtze River Delta economic zone has a unique advantage in Chinese history, is the most prosperous areas of the economy. 长江三角洲经济区具有得天独厚的区位优势,是我国历史上经济最繁荣的地区。 www.bing.com 6. His chest is as rise up as the Yellow Soil Plateau, his blood is as roar as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. 黄土高原是他挺起的胸膛,长江黄河流淌着他沸腾的血液。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. The planning and research of the intercity rail network of Yangtze River Delta is arousing great attention. 长三角城际轨道交通网络的规划研究正引起越来越多人的关注。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. That high-rise factories and mines, Park Plaza; more undulating hills, the Yellow River Yangtze River . . . . . . 那厂矿高楼,公园广场;更有起伏山峦、黄河长江…… www.tradeask.com 9. The sorcery mountain goes cloud, flowing water of Yangtze River more difficult with compare to the master's literary talent! 巫山行云、长江流水更难以比拟大师的文才! bbs.mv365.com 10. Most boys born in the south (of Yangtze River) were able to swim. 江南的男学生,大多数都会游泳。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 1. The vast and mighty Yangtze River has been flowing from the depths of history till so far. 浩浩长江,从历史的深处流淌至今, wenku.baidu.com 2. The Yangtze River Delta, North China Plain and Fenhe-Weihe Basin are the most severely affected regions. 地面沉降的重灾区主要是长江三角洲地区、华北平原和汾渭盆地。 www.bing.com 3. A three-year quest to find the giant Chinese paddlefish in the Yangtze river failed to sight or catch a single individual. 研究小组在中国长江进行了三年的调查,没有找到也没抓到一条白鲟。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. So the archeology problems of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are organically connected. 这样就把长江中、下游的考古学问题有机地联系了起来。 www.fabiao.net 5. Thirdly, the thesis also discusses the Yangtze River Bridge Project stakeholder management skills. 再次,本文还讨论了长江大桥项目的干系人管理技巧。 www.fabiao.net 6. Both problems stem from a drought that has been plaguing central China since January and the related shriveling of the Yangtze River. 这两个问题都源于自一月份以来波及整个中国中部地区的干旱,以及由此造成的长江水流枯竭。 dongxi.net 7. Located in the southwest of china, Chongqing is a port city situated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 位于中国西南部的重庆是长江上游的一个港口城市。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. This paper brings forward the concept of healthy Yangtze River and generalizes the development of river health assessment. 介绍了健康长江的概念,概括了国内外河流健康评价的研究进展。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The Chibi Hill faces the Yangtze river in the north. The two characters "Chibi" Red Cliff are clearly carved in it. 赤壁山北临长江,峭壁上醒目地刻着“赤壁”两字。 chinavista.com 10. The south Yangtze River area's festivals, which aim at "tourism" , provide a humanistic color to the vernacular novels. 以“游赏”为主题的江南节日,为话本小说故事的生发提供了带有地方人文色彩的叙事时间刻度。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. A worker at the shore of the Yangtze River, which has been polluted by oil, at the old city zone in Chongqing, China. 中国,重庆:在重庆旧城区中,一名工人待在被油料污染的长江江畔。 item.feedsky.com 2. Companies in the south bank of the Yangtze River " fish " - Jiayu, strong cultural atmosphere. 公司位长江南岸的“鱼米之乡”——嘉鱼,文化氛围浓厚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Our company is located in national riverside open city along the Yangtze River-Wuhu City. 本公司座落在沿江开发城市——芜湖市。 www.autoshanghai.org 4. City, the Yangtze River tributaries, the vast waters between vessels continued flourishing, and the natural scenery add two. 嘉陵江,长江支流,水域广阔,来往船只不断,一片繁荣景象,与两安自然风光交相辉映。 travel.blogcn.com 5. The harbor at Chungking, a major commercial and industrial center on the Yangtze River, is afflicted by serious silting . 重庆是长江岸上的大商埠和工业中心,港内泥沙淤积严重。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It is a flood-basin of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang); hence the lake's size depends on the season. 这是一个防洪盆地长江(长江),因此,湖的大小取决于本赛季。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The epidemic law of polar black spot disease in Anhui area along Yangtze River was investigated and studied in 2006. 2006年对安徽沿江地区杨树黑斑病流行规律进行了调查研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. With Yangtze River and its subsidiary current follow line to arrange obvious. 随长江及其支流沿线排布明显。 www.13191.com 9. Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, situated in the center of the low reaches of the Yangtze River, East of China. 南京位于中国华东地区,长江下游的中部,江苏省省会。 www.yeedou.com 10. Describing the "Marine cruising and rescue integration" model of the Yangtze River. 对长江沿线“海事巡航与救助一体化”模式进行了描述。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. western decoration attached a foreign flavor to the traditional style of folk houses , south of yangtze river. 西洋的装饰让石库门在原本江南民居的款式上增添了一丝异国的情调。 www.ichacha.net 2. Shanghai ZhanSheng Environmental Protection Equipment Co. , Ltd. is located in the CHINA Yangtze river delta economic core------Shanghai. 上海展生环保设备有限公司地处我国的长江三角洲的经济核心-----上海。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Also called "burned tian silkworm, " "as tian silkworm, " "burn TianCai" , is popular the area south of the Yangtze river in folk custom qi. 也叫“烧田蚕”、“照田蚕”、“烧田财”,是流行于江南一带的民间祈年习俗。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta, where manufacturers are clustered, will offer great potential. 在珠江三角洲和长江三角洲,有不少制造商汇聚,为香港业者提供大量商机。 www.tdctrade.com 5. Many enterprises own large backup diesel generators in Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta developed areas. 长三角、珠三角等平原地区工业发达,许多企业拥有自备柴油机组、容量也较大。 www.zidir.com 6. One, get the geography cultural scope of certain Chiang-Nan from the definition, namely the downstream in Yangtze River with south region. 从定义上来确定江南的地理文化范围,即长江下游以南地区。 www.lw23.com 7. The most anticipated item is the oil painting "A Thousand Miles Long Yangtze River" , by late prestigious painter Wu Guanzhong. 最受期待的作品是已故著名画家吴冠中的油画《长江万里图》。 www.hxen.com 8. Ningbo, located in the Yangtze River Delta, near Shanghai because, in recent years rapid economic development. 宁波地处长江三角洲,因为靠近上海,所以近年来经济发展迅速。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. 2006, covering the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Sea economic circle as the focus of three cities in twenty cities. 2006年业务覆盖到以珠三角、长三角、环渤海三大城市经济圈为重点的二十多个城市。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The mountains along the Yangtze River are green, especially after a drizzling rain. 在一阵小雨之后,长江两岸群山翠绿。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Further more, it will push up the development along the Yangtze River so that the west and east part of China will corporate harmoniously. 洋口港的开发将带动我国沿江经济的发展从而推进我国东部经济和西部经济进一步融合和协调增长。 www.showxiu.com 2. Based in Chongqing, Yin Mingshan's home town 2, 000km up the Yangtze river from Shanghai, Lifan is already setting its sights beyond China. 尹明善的大本营在重庆,从上海出发,逆长江而上到那里有2000公里。但力帆已经放眼中国之外的世界。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Yangtze River Food Co. , Ltd. is the professional production of food additives well-known enterprises. 长江食品有限公司是国内专业生产食品添加剂的知名企业。 word.hcbus.com 4. Populations of the light blue-gray animal, which lives in China's polluted Yangtze River, have plummeted over the last 30 years. 这种生活在中国保守污染的黄河中的淡蓝灰色动物的数量在近30年中急速减少。 www.elanso.com 5. Bordering the Yangtze River to the north, and Taihu Lake to the south, Changzhou has been reputed as "Hub in Wu region" since ancient times. 常州北枕长江-,南濒太湖,自古就有“舟车会百越,襟带控三吴”的美誉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In 1987, with Wuhan as the center from the 17 regions along the Yangtze River formed the "Wuhan economic cooperation zone. " 1987年,以武汉为中心由长江沿岸17个地区组成“武汉经济协作区”。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The middle area between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River is a chain of undulating hills. 中部江淮之间,山地岗丘逶迤曲折,丘波起伏,岗冲相间; i.myechinese.com 8. A city of eastern China at the mouth of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) southeast of Nanjing. 上海中国东部的一个城市,位于扬子江(长江)入海口,南京的东南方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The extremely heavy flood did great damage to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. 这场特大洪水给长江中下游地区造成了严重的灾害。 wenku.baidu.com 10. In the Yangtze River Delta region, population density is at 890 per square kilometer. 在长江三角洲地区,人口密度为每平方公里890人。 www.america.gov 1. Located in the center of Yangtze River and in the south of Jiangsu province, the pearl of Tai Lake, Wuxi is a famous tourist destination. 美誉的无锡地处长江三角洲中央,江苏省南部是著名的旅游胜地。 blog.163.com 2. Biggest delta: Ganges river - shovels the Mapp Tela river delta, next Yangtze River delta, Mekong River delta. 最大的三角洲:恒河-布拉马普特拉河三角洲,其次长江三角洲,湄公河三角洲。 liyun060909.blog.163.com 3. Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are a golden tourism waterway . 长江三峡是旅游的黄金水道。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Yangtze River flows through many provinces before it reaches the sea. 长江在入海之前流经很多的省份 bbs.24en.com 5. Jiang on I do not know what the moon shining on people, I saw the Yangtze River continue to transport the water. 不知江上的月亮照耀着什么人,只见长江不断地输送着流水。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Wuzhen, rapid economic growth is well-known rich Yangtze River Delta region of the town. 乌镇经济发展迅猛,是长三角地区著名的富庶之镇。 www.elycn.com 7. A man takes an early morning stroll beneath Nanjing's Yangtze River Bridge, a point of pride for Chinese. 清晨,一男子在南京长江大桥的桥洞下散步。这座大桥是中国人民的骄傲。 www.bing.com 8. They consist of the main consumption group in Yangtze River Delta area. 他们构成了长三角的支柱消费群体。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. I particularly like its situation. Hangzhou is located on the southern part of china, on the Yangtze river delta . 我很喜欢她的地理位置,杭州位于中国的南部,在长江三角洲上。 ielts.hjenglish.com 10. Low salaries are blamed as one reason many workers are leaving the area for the Yangtze River Delta region. 工资低是许多工人离开长江三角州的一个原因。当地的公司和工人很欢迎这个决定。 ourtra.netat.net |
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