单词 | xue |
释义 | 例句释义: 薛,不读,四声,彐 1. Xue was so frustrated that he thought he would lose his mind, but he was too stubborn to admit that he might have been wrong. 薛庆观沮丧极了,他觉得自己快要疯了,可是他还是非常固执,不承认自己做过错事。 www.for68.com 2. For instance, Xue said he never expected to face so many thorny issues involving his visa, tax, medical treatment and cultural taboos. 例如,薛锐说他从没预料到会遇到这么多棘手的事情,包括签证,税金,医疗和文化禁忌。 www.i21st.cn 3. Xue Bao Chai all tries to be practical, mind like this, also whatever blow to rotate son in the brain, disappear to have no Zong. 薛宝钗一向务实,这样的主意,也不过在脑海里打了个转儿,就消失无踪了。 lionwind990718.sclub.tw 4. Under the strong pressure in her husband, Xue Hu was forced to leave the community, and I refused to take. 在她老公的强大压力下,雪狐被迫离开社区,和我断绝了来往。 bbs.renyu.net 5. Xue: Over the years we're used to be low-profile about our relationship, whenever we were lovers or not. 申雪:这么多年来,我们在没在一起的时候对感情都很低调。 www.hxen.com 6. Grateful to have encountered Tzu Chi in his life, Xue is now seizing every moment to help others, living a spiritually wealthy life. 感恩遇见慈济,薛江流即时把握人生来付出,现在的每一天心灵都富有。 www.newdaai.tv 7. It should be the realistic way for Can Xue to become more mature to face up to the present literature circle with a more generous attitude. 走出自我并以更加宽容的心态来直面当下文坛,这应该是残雪批评走向更加成熟的现实起点。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Xue: ( remorseful expression) Doug, it is all because of me and my lousy idea that you got such severe injury. . . 雪:(悔恨的表情)豆豆,都是我的馊主意,才害你受了这麽重的伤… dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Before learning all that Qin had to teach him, Xue claimed that he had mastered all of Qin's skills and asked to leave. 可他还没学会秦青教的技巧,就自诩掌握了老师的全部技能,提出要离开。 www.estudychinese.com 10. XUE Tao, a famous female poet in Tang Dynasty, injected in her poetry the cream of Chinese culture with her peculiar feminine subtlety. 唐代著名女诗人薛涛,以女性特有的笔触,在其诗中浸入中国文化的玉乳琼浆。 dict.bioon.com 1. Chinese national Nai Yin Xue wanted for allegedly murdering his wife in New Zealand has been apprehended in the United States. 因涉嫌在新西兰杀死自己的妻子而被通辑的中国公民薛乃印在美国被捕。 kantianya.com 2. However, Can Xue regards the soul world as the core of art or even the only core in her art, which hampers her view of literature criticism. 但残雪将人的心灵世界作为艺术阐释的核心甚至是唯一核心,也导致只见心灵而不见其它的自我封闭。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Yang Xue-Jordanian in a statement that the start of the mother and no right to make its own obligations. 老三杨学荣在陈述一开始就强调了母亲并没有对自己尽到义务。 bbs.d9it.com 4. He had many works which had been included in the book of Bai ling xue shan. II. 作者一生著述颇丰,大多数作品收在其所汇编丛书《百陵学山》之中。 www.fabiao.net 5. Embassy staff have been able to visit Xue monthly, as required by agreements between China and the United States. 根据中美双方协定,美国使馆人员每月可以与薛峰见面。 cn.reuters.com 6. Xueping and her mother have gone to help pick tea but we didn't wait till xue ping back in the end. 雪萍跟妈妈帮人家采茶叶去了,我们最终还是没有等到孩子回来。 bbs.1205.cn 7. The actor's voice xue you to a talent, the first few words really put me to lay too simple, sometimes naive, can feel younger age 20. 给学友配音的演员真是个人才,开始的几句话着实把我雷到了,很傻很天真,感觉能年轻个20岁。 en.cnxianzai.com 8. S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman, the U. S. Embassy said in a statement it was 'dismayed' at the ruling and called for Mr. Xue's release. 此案宣判后,美国驻华使馆在声明中说对判决感到失望,并要求中国释放薛锋。 www.bing.com 9. Xue's such academic thought had direct impact on the thought of the Dong Lin School and his own literature aesthetic tendency. 这种早晚有变、兼容朱陆的理学思想直接影响到了东林学派的思想和薛应旂自身的文学审美倾向。 www.fabiao.net 10. September is the harvest season and I pick up the memory of those who run as some coverage can Xue sorrow. 九月,是收获的季节,而我捡拾那些奔跑的记忆,尽是一些覆盖残雪的忧伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. holds back in the hand with the thumb to gather Gu Xue (to be located hand back surface between first, two metacarpal bones). 用大拇指按压手上的合谷穴(位于手背面第一、二掌骨之间)。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. White collar workers eat usually do not rule, ten eight 9 stomach disease. Free massage to help Gongsun Xue, the spleen and stomach. 白领用饭通常不规律,十有八9有肠胃病。有空多推拿公孙穴,对脾胃有帮手。 www.ufxy.cn 3. After the game we (reporter) learnt that the action he made was actually proposing to Xue Shen. 在比赛之后,记者们了解到他其实是要向申雪求婚。 www.hxen.com 4. opportunity to take advantage of this, broker declares right away, the meeting of fan xue xue writes this time career a. 趁此机会,经纪人马上宣布,范雪雪会将此次经历写成一本。 bbs.17pr.com 5. Industry and rights groups say the material in the database was openly available and that the law used to prosecute Xue is vague. 业界和权利组织表示,数据库中的内容是完全公开的,用于起诉薛峰的法律模糊不清。 www.tieku.org 6. The word "xian xue xian mai" refers to teaching something that you've only just learned yourself. 指原来自己并不知道的知识,刚从别人那儿学到,就去教其他人了。 www.chinese.cn 7. Chapter IV, Xue people can arrogant criticism Qianxian, making future generations of his critics Heart obnoxious , evaluation rather low. 第四章,薛能为人狂妄自大、非议前贤,使得后世评论家对他非议颇多,评价颇低。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Million to spend in the way, I appreciated the most respected, the plum blossom is the wind of the Ao-xue. 在万花之中,我最欣赏敬重的,莫过于迎风傲雪的梅花了。 www.bing.com 9. Outgoing and charismatic, Ms. Xue has traveled the country doing odd jobs for over 15 years, the only way to find love, she said. 雪莲外向且充满魅力,她花了15年时间遍游中国,做各种工作,她说这是唯一找到爱的方式。 dongxi.net 10. Due to long-term alcohol abuse and unhealthy living habits, Yang Xue, poor health, could not pass a few minutes going to the toilet. 由于长期酗酒等不良生活习惯,杨学华的身体很差,过不了几分钟就要去一次洗手间。 bbs.d9it.com 1. Meticulously sorting recycled newspapers, Xue Jiangliu is doing his part for the environment, as a token of his gratitude to Tzu Chi. 仔细的整理回收报纸,薛江流用心做环保也是一份对慈济人的感恩心。 www.newdaai.tv 2. In Chinese contemporary literary, Su xue lin is a Literary giants with a beautiful quantum of achievement, As well as Bing Xin. 苏雪林是中国现代文学史上一位硕果累累的学林耆宿,与冰心齐名。 www.fabiao.net 3. Tang said he was appointed official body getting bigger, Xue-Hu smiled. 汤说他体委官挺大,李雪虎笑了。 www.meiwen123.com 4. XIA Xue Dai Mingming Feeling happy family atmosphere, like the summer home of the perfect life photographed infected his father. 戴明明有感于夏雪家的幸福气氛,想拍下夏家的完美生活感染自己的父亲。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Xue Fengxiang was an outstanding gardener of the peony garden in the Ming Dynasty. 薛凤翔为我国明代杰出的牡丹园艺学家。 www.dictall.com 6. Xue ying ying fell on a recovery after the vision, she saw a leg injury and not silver needle that she was shocked. 薛盈盈摔一上后恢复了视力,她看到了银针腿上没有伤,这让她很震惊。 tv.360mp3.com 7. The female characters look pretty decent, and i see they've invited veterans like Sheren Tang & Liu Xue Hua to star in this as well. 女演员看起来都优雅得体,而且我知道他们还邀请了邓萃雯和刘雪华这样的老戏骨来领先主演这部片子。 www.tianyayidu.com 8. Paper discusses the way Can Xue's novels over narrative experiments and theory of innovation in the form of novels should follow the rule. 主要论述残雪小说在叙述方式上的过度实验,兼论小说创作在形式创新时应遵循的法则。 www.fabiao.net 9. Do you know there was a poetess, called Xue Tao, in the Tang Dynasty? 你知道唐朝有一位叫薛涛的女诗人吗? blog.sina.com.cn 10. The U. S. government has taken a strong interest in Mr. Xue 's case . 美国政府对薛锋案有着强烈的关注。 www.bing.com 1. The prosecutor's basic charge against Mr. Xue wasn't just that he found secret data, but that he facilitated its movement out of China. 检方对薛峰的基本指控不仅仅是他发现了机密数据,而是他协助将数据转移到了国外。 c.wsj.com 2. "Our third concern will be whether land assignment fees have to be paid too soon, or if the demands are too high, " Xue said. 薛说,“我们的第三个问题是否将土地转让费用支付的太快,或者要求过高。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. For educators want students to be full respect for the dominant position and development, can get reference and inspiration from "Xue Ji" . 教育者欲想让学生的主体地位得以充分尊重和发展,可从《学记》中得到借鉴和启示。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Because he is still single, Xue is looking forward to a romantic encounter in his business. 但仍是单身的薛帅一直在期待能在做生意时邂逅一段爱情。 www.bing.com 5. Methods High-lipid emulsion was used for molding. High and low doses of Yi Qi Huo Xue prescription were administered for 21 days. 方法采用高脂乳剂造模,用益气活血方大、小剂量连续给药21d,测血脂及血液流变学指标。 www.chemyq.com 6. Mr. Xue and the others, the court said, 'obviously' knew the information would be sent overseas. 法庭说,薛锋和其他人显然知道这些信息将被送往国外。 chinese.wsj.com 7. This has made such a court scenes: the judge is speech, Yang Xue, a site not suddenly leave the dock. 这也使得法庭上出现了这样的场面:法官正在讲话时,杨学华招呼也不打突然离开被告席。 bbs.d9it.com 8. We encourage China to grant Dr. Xue humanitarian release and immediately deport him back to the United States. 我们希望中国政府本着人道主义精神释放薛博士,并立即将其遣返回美国。 cn.reuters.com 9. 'We would like to emphasize that we are sad to hear of Xue Feng's sentence, ' the statement said. IHS公司在声明中说,我们想要强调的是,听到薛锋被判刑,我们很难过。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Say how Xue DingShan attacks " high beautiful stick " , it would be may be that the memory is wrong . 说薛丁山如何攻打“高丽棒子”,可能是记忆有误。 www.bing.com 1. No matter look nearly far view on the rockery, like a layer of cover not away can-xue, sending out the threatening the cold. 无论近看远观,假山上似覆盖一层未消的残雪,散发着逼人的寒气。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Local television stations after hearing the news of their performances or exhibitions, Lu Xue made a detailed report. 当地电视台也闻讯而来,对卢雪他们的展演做了详细报道。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Mr. Xue's parents sacrificed even more than most, in the belief that education would lead their children out of poverty. 薛先生的父母为此牺牲得更多,因为他们坚信受教育能让他们的孩子脱离贫困。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Sometimes her mother is busy and Zhao Xue makes her own breakfast. 有时她的妈妈很忙,赵雪就自己做早餐。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Before joining HKU two and a half years ago, Dr Xue was Associate Professor at the China Foreign Affairs College in Beijing. 薜博士加入港大之前,她是中国外交学院副教授。 www.hku.hk 6. CCTV reporter Xue Jingmeng said, The workers here spent almost 2 months completing the royal order. CCTV记者XueJingmeng说:工人们花了两个月的时间完成这个皇室订单。 www.hxen.com 7. The difficulty for Xue was to rent an apartment, as local Italians were reluctant to lease their housing to foreigners. 对薛锐来说,租到一处公寓也绝非易事,因为当地的意大利人不愿意将房子租给外国人。 www.i21st.cn 8. Xue Tao is said to have written about 500 poems, but unfortunately less than one fifth of these are extant. 据说薛涛写了大约500首诗,不幸的是现存的不到五分之一。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Both songs creative all-rounder MA Xue-yang pattern into a cute baby Fumio Zhou-King St. 兼备词曲创作的全才马雪阳花样美男刘洲成可爱宝贝金恩圣 wenwen.soso.com 10. Xiao Xue-cheng, always clever; loaded into a clever, pathetic smile. 学成巧,总是巧;装成巧,惹人笑。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Shanghai blesses only real estate Research center Director Xue Jianxiong to tell reporter, this is "to a market response probe" . 上海佑唯房地产研究中心主任薛建雄告诉记者,这是“对市场反应的一个试探”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In the first chapter of "the Analects" (Xue Er), the three sentences in the beginning has its immanent meaningful conjunction. 《论语?学而》首章三句话,有著内在的意义关联。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. For the Xin-Xue history, his explanations perfected the Xin-Xue thought system futher, and were in favor of the spread of Xin-Xue thought. 在心学史方面,他对四书的解释进一步完善了心学思想体系,并有利于心学思想的传播。 www.fabiao.net 4. A friend named Xue-ping, in which he tells of his troubles, and life in the confusion. 一位叫雪平的朋友,他在信中诉说了他的烦恼以及生活中的困惑。 www.tradeask.com 5. Dai Zhen, criticized the traditional Li Xue with his new Yi Li and changed his indirection of the criticism to the social reality. 戴震以其自得的义理对传统理学进行了无情地揭露和批判,并转向对社会现实的批判。 www.edu-hb.com 6. Mr. Xue heared that smiled and nodded, but he thought it was impossible. 薛老听后,觉得似乎不太可能,只是点头微笑。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Suitable for the growth of coniferous forests, also known as Xue-lin climate. 适宜针叶林生长,又称雪林气候。 hi.baidu.com 8. Jinren not the intention, but Xue sister immediately to move to Shanghai, as early as about the swimming, in the evening we go to the dark. 今儿本打算不去的,但薛妹妹马上要迁去上海了,又早约了一起游泳,傍晚便摸黑也去了。 hi.baidu.com 9. Following Mr. Xue's sentencing, which Mr. Huntsman witnessed in the courtroom, the ambassador said Mr. Xue should be immediately released. 洪博培还在法庭上见证了薛锋的判决。他在宣判后说,薛锋应被立即释放。 www.voa365.com 10. Yangcheng Evening News: " Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan 's" the play before, you know the character of Wang Baochuan? 羊城晚报:在接演《薛平贵与王宝钏》这部剧之前,你了解王宝钏这个人物吗? www.bing.com 1. Finishes class the ting to resound, Xue Li returns to the office, the teardrops to spin in the eye socket. 下课铃声响起,薛莉回到办公室,泪珠一直在眼眶里打转。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The prosperity of private school "Si Xue" pushed forward the socialization of Confucianism and the formation of the Senior Officials Group. 东汉的私学兴盛,推动了儒学的社会化进程和士大夫群体的形成。 www.dictall.com 3. Miki Xue wears ivory lace miniskirt, Guess rhinestone pendant and - all the rage in Shanghai - heavy black glasses without lenses. 薛米琪穿着乳白色蕾丝迷你裙,戴着Guess水钻吊坠,架着一副在上海极为流行的黑框无镜片眼镜。 www.ftchinese.com 4. All margin with long front head do not hand, Xi qing. " Hands off" -- Xue Tao pen. 都缘用久锋头尽,不得羲之手里擎。——薛涛《笔离手》。 www.bing.com 5. The main body of this paper queries Ren Xue Li's viewpoint from the perspective of subject knowledge. 本文主要从学科知识和思维方式的角度对任学礼的观点提出质疑。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Although I not by Li Pianguo , when I on- line download Yi Xue the material actually always all is not spare a glances to his article . 虽然我没被李骗过,不过我在网上下载易学的资料时对他的文章却从来都是不屑一顾的。 www.bing.com 7. Lin Xue deficiency : limb pain, dried achene, acromegaly dishes, gangrenous ulcers can be seen, one's healing. 阴血两虚型:患肢疼痛,干瘦,肢端暗红,可见溃疡坏疽,久不愈合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Xue also said he didn't know he was dealing in national secrets. 他还说当时不知道自己正在交易国家机密。 www.bing.com 9. This picture, taken from the northern-most point of the Xue Jia Dao peninsula, shows Qingdao City off in the distance across JiaoZhou Bay. 这张照片照于薛家岛半岛的最北端,它显示了隔着胶州湾的远处的青岛市。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Villagers shouted and raised their fists while many women wept as they paid tribute to the dead local leader Xue. 村民在悼念去世的当地领袖薛锦波时,高喊着并举起拳头,许多妇女在哭泣。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Finally Xue found a cramped one-bedroom apartment downtown for 700 euros (6, 027 yuan) per month. 薛锐最终在市中心找到一个狭小的一居室,月租700欧元(合6027元人民币)。 www.i21st.cn 2. Bushmen have been the "baby" on a knife block to the root fragments Xue Cheng, squeezed juice to drink. 布须曼人得到此“宝贝”后,就用刀将根块削成碎块、挤出汁液饮用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Last month, U. S. geologist Xue Feng was sentenced to eight years in prison for his research on the location of oil wells. 上个月,美籍地质学家薛峰(音)因为研究中国油井的分布,被判处有期徒刑八年。 c.wsj.com 4. Along with Mr. Xue, three Chinese nationals were convicted by the court for roles in the case. 除薛锋外,另有三名中国公民因参与此案而被判刑。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Jack London is a was when child labor, adrift in a sea, trekking in xue yuan, and then only part time achievement writer. 杰克·伦敦是一个自幼当童工,漂泊在海上,跋涉在雪原,而后半工半读才取得成就的作家。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The disease spread woman qi xue lost just, filled with qi, filled with blood circulation, then, by pregnant are milking all can normally. 妇人之病不外气血失和而已,气血充盈,血脉流通,则经孕产乳均可正常。 lib.cqvip.com 7. "The segment flies, you again said to is Wang Shi Yong's design to frame up a week Anne, do you have evidence? " Xue Ze interrogation way. “段飞,你口口声声说是王世勇设计陷害了周安,你有何证据?”薛泽质问道。 www.wzgem.com 8. Xue Fu Tai Po' s life is still very good honey, I painted a thin layer of the morning, the oil is not very clear. 大宝的雪肤生机蜜还是很不错的,我涂了薄薄的一层到早晨出油也不是很清楚。 99mrw.5d6d.com 9. One day, has been a mountain to climb xue feng a result, this team began preparations before climbing. 有一天,一直登山队要攀登一座雪峰,于是,这只登山队开始了登山前的准备。 www.tradeask.com 10. Objective: To verify the clinical efficacy of Huo Xue Zhi Tong tincture phoresis treatment of knee osteoarthritis with synovitis. 目的:验证活血止痛酊导入治疗膝骨性关节炎性滑膜炎的临床疗效。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Immediately after the verdict, Mr. Huntsman was permitted to meet with Mr. Xue in a consulate visit. 宣判后,洪博培立即获准以领事人员身份会见薛峰。 c.wsj.com 2. in Chen Xue's works, a novelist's story causes the novel's existence and the existence of the novel to merge as one. 在陈雪的作品中,一个小说家的故事,使小说的生活与生活的小说合二为一。 www.emperorcuckoo.com 3. This very issue actually renders a bit odd the debate between Qiu and Xue. 这也是秋风与薛涌的论战堪称奇怪之处。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Xue and his peers, both those living in China and abroad, have caused quite a stir as the media and sociologists rush to define them. 因此,薛铎晓和国内外的同龄人们早已引发一股新的热潮--媒体和社会学家们都赶着为这一代人定义。 www.kekenet.com 5. Ran Wen Xue Zhi Yan Miao Tao QIN Jun taste, non-public and hobbies are laughing and I had peace? 然闻秦君尝学至言妙道,无乃笑我与公嗜好过乎? wenwen.soso.com 6. In: Excellent! I am longing to knock a all-mouth woman like you silly! (pointing Tien -xue with her sword) Come and face the music! 音:好的很!我早就想教训一下你这个净会耍嘴皮子的女人了!(用剑指著天雪)下来打吧! dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Xue is the body of infants may Digest wildflowers , found in the bushes. 尸体是薛可儿采撷野花时,在草丛中发现的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The former including the writers' author consciousness, the moral tutelage, the professional view, the writers' Cai Qi Xue Xi . 公文写作主体涉及作者意识、道德修养、职业心态和“才、气、学、习”; www.zidir.com 9. The excellence of Xue's Regulations of Records lies at putting up a terminology and the annotations in norms. 薛三省的《实录条例》高明之处,在于术语的提出,且有规范性文字解释。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It called for Xue Feng's immediate release and deportation to the United States. 美国大使馆呼吁立即释放薛峰并把他遣返回美国。 kantianya.com 1. Pretty soon all the local people knew that Xue Qingguan was looking just like a goat. 很快,所有的乡邻都知道了薛庆观长得像山羊。 www.for68.com 2. Less is known about the nature of the information Mr. Xue was trying to buy. 薛锋企图购买的是什么性质的信息,外界所知相对较少。 c.wsj.com 3. Beginning of winter frost depth of winter, to freeze , Ao-xue and the release of the plum blossom, the so beautiful. 数九隆冬,地冻天寒,那傲雪而放的梅花,开得那么鲜丽。 www.bing.com 4. Conclusion The combination of Xue-fu-zhu-yu oral solution and transfer factor capsules has more effect in the treatment of oral leukoplakia. 结论转移因子胶囊联合血府逐瘀口服液治疗口腔白斑有明显的效果,值得进一步推广。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 5. In A Dream in Red Mansions, the Xue Bao hairpin and Jia Bao Yu's marriage are people gold and jade in eye happy match. 在红楼梦中,薛宝钗与贾宝玉的婚姻是人们眼中的金玉良缘。 wenwen.soso.com 6. This catalogue has important academic values both for the research of classical bibliography and Siku Xue. 无论是作为一部独立的古典目录,遗是作为四库学研究的相关资料,《浙录》都有重要的学术价值。 www.boshuo.net 7. Xue Huanying, a nurse, was not happy to see her. 医院的护士薛焕英,很不乐于见到她。 www.bing.com 8. Xiao Xue lives in Harbin, known as the City of Ice. 小雪生活在有着冰城之称的哈尔滨。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. and Xue Ming on the 3rd place near the fast-ball tactics and with full power. 而薛明的三号位近体快球和战术配合威力十足。 www.hicoo.net 10. Xue Fucheng, who was appointed to be the government inspector, formed his view on the issue of Xinjiang by reviewing some references. 在出使欧洲期间,薛福成通过查阅资料,形成了关于新疆问题外交策略的认识。 www.dictall.com 1. The human most pre-machine has a remarkable characteristic painstakingly, is machine the back upper back has a person "the Xue mushroom" . 人多数预苦机有一个显着的特征,就是机背上背有一个人“薛菇”。 www.qdcs5.com 2. Xie Xue chao: Thank you . Uh, I believe that with everything there are always advantages and disadvantages. 谢谢.我相信任何事物总有好处和坏处之分, www.kekenet.com 3. As for when it comes to our own fleet of yang xue, and it makes sense to compare which outside logistics? to be honest, I don't have too. 至于说到我们自己养车队,与外面物流相比哪个合算?说老实话,我没有算过。 www.bing.com 4. Conclusion: Xue Zhi Kang could lighten injury of the aorta in rats induced with long-term high fat forage diet. 结论:血脂康可减轻高脂饲料喂养大鼠主动脉的损伤。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Yang Xue-rong said that the issue of maintenance should also clearly define the responsibilities accordingly. 杨学荣表示,在赡养问题上也应该相应地分清责任。 bbs.d9it.com 6. Especially, the study on the value of Wu Xue Bian to Mongolian history of the Ming Dynasty is one of important contents. 《吾学编》对明代蒙古史研究的价值所在,乃是本文的重点内容之一。 www.fabiao.net 7. I expect you to sing this song " Xue Er said seriously. " “我期望你可以唱这首歌曲”雪儿严重地说。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Our company 1 billion a year, sales of 1. 5 million orders, so that the size of their fleet of yang xue. 我们公司1年有1亿元左右的销售额,1.5万个订单,这样的规模,自己养车队比较合适。 www.bing.com 9. When trouble this lump, pancreas Gao Xue hefty the element to secrete massively, therefore may present diabetes. 患此瘤时,胰高血掂素大量分泌,因此可出现糖尿病。 www.wuhanzone.com 10. The doctor thinks because mental reason is caused, Xue Qing's ache is self- righteously . 医生自以为是地认为雪晴的疼痛是由于精神的原因造成的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. She formed the so-called "Riddle of Can Xue" by the special creative features and her spiritual personality. 残雪以其创作面貌及其个人精神气质的独特性,形成了所谓的“残雪之谜”。 www.lw23.com 2. Qin and early Han, Qi Xue very popular, mainly in the Huang-Lao and Yin-Yang Five Elements of the prevalence study. 秦及汉初,齐学盛极一时,主要表现在黄老学和阴阳五行学的盛行。 jztu.5d6d.com 3. In the eyes of ordinary people, XUE Hai is a simple personality, shy, inexperienced boy. 在一般人眼中,薛海是个个性单纯、害羞腼腆,涉世未深的大男孩。 www.zzzdao.com 4. "Pink Encirclement" by Wu Xue is wrapping up more than a hundred doll "babies" with crochet and pink cotton threads. 吴雪的《粉色包围》,用钩针和粉色棉线包裹了一百多个玩偶“婴孩”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The journalist Xinran Xue thinks they cannot live with the knowledge that they have aborted or killed their baby daughters. 薛欣然认为她们知道自己怀着的女儿被坠胎或杀死后,她们无法再活下去。 www.ecocn.org 6. Xue Zi of deputy secretary-general of guild of Shanghai integrated circuit attended the opening ceremony that day. 上海集成电路行业协会副秘书长薛自缺席了当天的揭幕式。 www.testoo.cn 7. The Ming Bian Xue Significance and Its Modern Revelation of Zhuang zi Thought about "Nonvictory of Argument" 庄子“辩无胜”的名辩学意义与现代启示 www.ilib.cn 8. Mr. Xue: I have been involved in management and customer service in a variety of different positions. 薛先生:我在不同的职位上搞过主管和客户服务方面的工作。 www.eng24.com 9. Sun ZX, Xue FH, Lin SF, et al. Survey of Knowledge and behavior associated with AIDS in prostitutes in educational house. 孙智霞,薛芳辉,林素芳,等。妇教所暗娼人群艾滋病相关知识及行为学调查。 www.jbjc.org 10. Researching for such a long time that Mr. Xue is the expert in the history of Shanghai. 长期从事上海史研究工作,和这个城市的过去结下了不解之缘。 event.mosh.cn 1. LIU Xue weeks, held on the same day working conference on the province's health for this presentation. 刘学周在当日举行的全省卫生工作会议上作此表述。 www.chinavalue.net 2. "One dramatic improvement is in life-saving" says Professor Xue. “在营救遇难者方面中国政府有了巨大的进步”,薛教授还说。 hi.baidu.com 3. Following our conversation, we all feasted on a delectable lunch prepared by Can Xue's husband. 在谈话之后,我们都尽情享用了残雪丈夫烹制的美味午餐。 www.bing.com 4. Today's well-known archaeologist Wei Xue-feng of ebony archaeological, artistic and social value of praise, and as "the first collection. " 当今著名的考古学家魏学峰对乌木的考古,艺术和社会价值推崇备至,并将列为“第一收藏品”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "Our ebidta margin is considered very high in the global telecommunications industry, " said Xue Taohai, chief financial officer. “在全球电信业,我们的营业毛利率被认为是相当高的,”该公司财务总监薛涛海表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Objective: To observe the efficacy of capsule Gong-xue-ning in curing the hemorrhage after the medicinal abortion. 目的:观察并比较宫血宁胶囊与益母草冲剂对药物流产后阴道出血的治疗作用。 www.dictall.com 7. Huo Xue Hua Yu in Traditional Chinese Medicine is a method to activate blood circulation by some medicine. 中医所谓的活血化瘀疗法就是利用某些药物的作用,改善血液循环障碍,即“流通血脉”。 www.bing.com 8. The tragic love triangle of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai is the centerpiece of the play. 该戏的中心是贾宝玉、林黛玉和薛宝钗三个人的悲剧爱情故事! wenku.baidu.com 9. Han Xue is wearing a blue dress on stage to disclose her Han Han is introduced to decide Ian Van cooperation with global. 韩雪则身着蓝色婚纱登场,透露她是在韩寒的介绍下才决定与环球天韵合作的。 www.ateplay.com 10. Mr. Xue: Yes, it has helped me a lot. 薛先生:对我很有帮助的。 kekenet.com 1. Xue Hong, director of development assistance research at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, agreed. 中国国际贸易与经济合作研究院(商务部研究院)发展援助部主任薛宏认同这种观点。 www.scidev.net 2. How to find? Gongsun Xue in the medial margin of foot, the first metatarsal base before the bottom, dorso-ventral boundary at. 怎么找?公孙穴在足内侧缘,第一跖骨基底部的前下方,赤白肉际处。 www.ufxy.cn 3. Formerly a tailor by trade, Can Xue only began to write fiction seriously in 1983. 在写作之前,残雪是一个裁缝。1983年,她开始认真创造小说。 www.bing.com 4. The phenomenon that "Xiao xue" became the title of special subject gradually is also important in the course of learning history. 而“小学”逐渐成为专门学科的称谓,也是学术史进程中的重要现象。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Harbin is a typical industrial city in northern China, and XUE is a representative girl in the city. 哈尔滨,是中国北方一个典型的工业城市,而小雪是这个城市中比较具有典型性的年轻人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Objective: To explore the mechanism of treating obstructed oviduct by Huo Xue Tong Guan Decoction and Dan Shen Injection( HXTGD DSI) . 目的:探讨活血通管汤内服配合丹参注射液官腔注射治疗血瘀型输卵管阻塞的治疗机理。 www.fabiao.net 7. The reason why can "xue" lead to "le" lies that "xue" exhibits the entirety of life, rather than solely refers to knowledge and artistry. 学所以能“乐”,乃在于这“学”是表现整体生命的“学”,而不单纯以知识技艺为内容。 www.dictall.com 8. Objective : Observe the effect of late malignant tumor having no adaptation crux of chemotherapy treated by Yi-Qi-Yang-Xue decoction. 目的:观察益气养血汤对晚期恶性肿瘤非化疗适应症治疗的效果。 www.dictall.com 9. Hyperglycemia to human body harm which, short time, Gao Xue germanium to human body not serious damage. 高血糖对人体的危害哪些,短时间、一过性的高血锗对人体无严重损害。 www.ilasan.com 10. Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, who came out of retirement last year to try for an Olympic gold medal, finally got their wish Monday. 申雪和赵宏博,去年退役,今年再次向奥林匹克金牌发起冲锋,终于在星期一如愿以偿。 www.bing.com 1. Mr Xue, the oldest child, wore secondhand clothes and skipped meals throughout high school. 薛先生是长子,高中的时候还穿着二手的衣服,而且时不时要挨过一顿饭。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. So help XUE Hai took a pseudonym "Linda Lang" and exhorted his poor line away. 就这样帮薛海取了个假名「林达浪」,并叮咛他走贫民路线。 www.zzzdao.com 3. The criticism of Shu Xue on Jing Gong Xin Xue can be divided into three stages. 苏氏蜀学对荆公新学的批评大致可分为三个阶段:潜伏期、激化期和深化期。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Mind is a piece of xue yuan, it reflect high-stepping a colorful world. 心灵是一块皑皑的雪原,它辉映出一个缤纷的世界。 www.readnovel.com 5. It is a rich ridicule remonstrance , Regulatory warning, humorous, Xiao Xue literary games. 它是一种富有讥谏、规戒、诙谐、笑谑的文艺游戏。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Followed by the Lou, but Xiao, and Ping (broom dishes), while Xue and Tui (Motherwort), while the spears, habitat successive droughts. 依次而蒌,而萧,而荓(扫帚菜),而薛,而蓷(益母草),而茅,生地逐次干旱。 jztu.5d6d.com 7. Methods: selecting 60 patients with vascular headache, on the basis of tong qiao huo xue soup, differentiation and treatment. 方法:选择60例血管性头痛患者,以通窍活血汤为主方,辨证加减进行治疗。 www2.chkd.cnki.net 8. But as CCTV reporter Xue Jingmeng finds out, supermarkets are taking greater responsibility to fulfill their role in food safety. 但CCTV记者XueJingmeng发现,在履行食品安全的义务上,超市负有更大的责任。 www.hxen.com 9. A prolific writer of short stories, novellas, novels, and critical commentaries, Can Xue's first Chinese work was published in 1985. 她是一位多产的作家,作品包括了短篇小说,中篇小说,长篇小说以及文学评论。1985年,她发表了自己的第一篇中文作品。 www.bing.com 10. U. S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman took an interest in the case, visiting Mr. Xue in detention and attending Monday's 40-minute sentencing. 美国驻华大使洪博培(JonHuntsman)也关注此案,他探视了关押之中的薛锋,并旁听了周一为时40分钟的宣判。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Xue Xiaochun, born in Jan. of 1962 at Beijing, Postdoctorate, associate professor, supervisor of Master student. 薛晓春,1962年1月生于北京。博士后,副教授,硕士生导师。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This paper discusses Xue Heng School's another sight in the shade, and surveys its relation to the May 4th new literature movement. 本文探讨过去为人们所忽视和遮蔽的学衡派另面文学景观,并重新检讨它与五四新文学运动的关系。 home.sysu.edu.cn 3. A friend of mine wrote a book, named Xue Tong (Parentage), related with her bad experiences during the period of Cultural Revolutions. 有位朋友写了一本书,写的是自己在“文革”中的遭遇,书名为《血统》。 www.bing.com 4. Xue Er told Hua Mei what to do, and give her a music sheet. 雪儿告诉华美该做什么,然后给她一张音乐单子。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Xue added that many Chinese companies have not been in Africa long enough to develop the capacity to involve local people. 薛宏补充说,许多中国公司到达非洲的时间不长,还没有发展出足够的融入当地社区的能力。 www.scidev.net 6. "This is very new and refreshing to us, " says Zhou Xue, a woman from Shanghai who visited Taiwan this month. “这对我来说十分新鲜,”来自上海的周雪(音译)表示,她本月曾到台湾旅游。 www.ftchinese.com 7. THE WISDOM OF LIVING - to analyze the modern scientific meaning of ancient 'feng shui xue' 生存的智慧——浅析古代风水学的现代科学性 www.tydf.cn 8. China's Foreign Ministry has limited its comments to saying Mr. Xue has been treated fairly and the issue is a domestic one. 中国外交部的评论有限,仅表示薛锋受到了公正的待遇,并且这是中国的内政。 www.voa365.com 9. In addition, Xue said, "Vanke's product line underwent a complete upgrade, thereby enhancing its competitiveness. " 此外,薛说,“万科的产品线进行了全面的升级,从而提高竞争力。” blog.sina.com.cn 10. This is online map of the address "Guang Zhou Da Xue Cheng Zhong Huan Dong Lu , Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省广州市番禺区广州大学城中环东路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. Furthermore, the differences between these two books present the real transition of shi jing xue in Ming and Ching Dynasty. 而二书内容的差异,亦可见明、清「诗经学」思想转变的实况。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Yin Xue Yan , the symbol of this supernatural being, lures and discards the people ruthlessly. 尹雪艳作为这一神性的象征,体现了命运对人的诱惑与抛弃、冷酷与无情。 i.cn.yahoo.com 3. The nobody can look like Cao Xue Qin again , bosom one great work dies in lonely middle privation. 没有人再能像曹雪芹一样,在孤独中贫穷中怀抱一本巨著死去。 book.douban.com 4. This is online map of the address "Hua Qiao Cheng Pian Qu Jing Cha Xue Xiao , Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市南山区华侨城片区警察学校”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. Wang Ning, Xue Xiaoyuan. Criticism on Post Colony and Globalization. 王宁,薛晓源。全球化与后殖民批评。 www.ilib.cn 6. His deputy, Lily Xue, emerges after some delay from a crisis meeting that overran. 他的副手薛立,在被某个超时的危机处理会议耽搁了一段时候后终于出现了。 www.bing.com 7. The school began in 1995 with a two-year program that attracted mainly Asian students, says program director Charles Xue. 该学院1995年成立时是一所两年制学院,主要面向亚洲学生。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This is online map of the address "Jiang Gao Zhen Guang Wai Da Xiao Xue Bu , Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省广州市白云区江高镇广外大小学部”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. head put in a sincere , open celebrate ao - xue plum blossom. 一片诚心放目里,喜迎傲雪梅花开。 www.ichacha.net 10. This is online map of the address "Dian Gong Xue Yuan Jia Shu Lou , Xiangfang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区电工学院家属楼”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. The Embassy called for Mr. Xue's 'humanitarian release' and deportation. 美国大使馆呼吁“出于人道主义释放”并驱逐薛锋。 chinese.wsj.com 2. But Han Xue plays the girl rouge which in the play pure, is with good intention, sympathizes gently. 而韩雪在剧中则出演一个单纯、善解人意、温柔体贴的女孩胭脂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Xue Jing from the China Electricity Council says the demand is unprecedented. 中国电力企业联合会的薛静称用电需求是前所未有的。 www.hxen.com 4. This is online map of the address "Xi Zhang Jiang Shan Hua Xue Shi Ji Han , Chengyang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山东省青岛市城阳区西张江山化学式剂厂”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This Xue family mentioned just now is one Your Honour can't afford to offend. 方才所说的这薛家,老爷如何惹他! dict.ebigear.com 6. This is online map of the address "Da Xue Xi Lu , Xixiangtang District, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国广西壮族自治区南宁市西乡塘区大学西路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Hang Zhou Chang He Gao Ji Zhong Xue , Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省杭州市滨江区杭州长河高级中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Shen Zhen Zhen Shen Zhen Cun Zhong Xue Hou , Ninghai County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省宁波市宁海县深圳镇深圳村中学后”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Zhong Shan Si Lu Xue Yuan Li Er Xiang , Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省广州市越秀区中山四路学源里二巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Jing Cheng Zhen Cao Ban Cun Guo Xue Xiang , Nanjing County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省漳州市南靖县靖城镇草坂村过学巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Xiang Xuan Lu Dong Hai Wai Yu Xue Xiao , Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市福田区香轩路东海外语学校”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Tian Zhuang Tai Nong Chang Tian Tai Zhong Xue , Dawa County, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省盘锦市大洼县田庄台农场田台中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. Through many tough challenges, in the face from all over the world want to play the WU Xue, director of the elite. 通过重重高难度挑战,面对来自世界各地想要发挥所长的的武学精英。 www.fishjava.com 4. Viewing the philosophical significance of Wang Yangming's Xin Xue from "Si Ke Jiao" 从“四句教”看王阳明心学的哲学意蕴 ilib.cn 5. This is online map of the address "Mu Dan Jiang Nong Jing Xue Yuan , Xi'an District, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省牡丹江市西安区牡丹江农经学院”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. Xue MM angry, but joked about a flutter past pinch Obese women face revenge. 薛MM并不生气,只是嬉笑着扑过去掐胖子的脸报仇。 hi.baidu.com 7. Wang YJ , Yan ZD . The high risk factors of cholelithiasis in senile patients with type 2 diabetes . Zhongguo Lao Nian Xue Za Zhi. 王玉君,严钟德。老年2型糖尿病患者胆结石发生的高危因素。中国老年学杂志。 www.bing.com 8. Can Xue's formal education ceased after just completing primary school. 残雪在上完小学后,就中止了学业。 www.bing.com 9. This is online map of the address "Mei Long Zhen Mei Ling Zhong Xue Su She , Haifeng County, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省汕尾市海丰县梅陇镇梅岭中学宿舍”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Le Cong Shui Teng Xian Yang Xue Tang Lu , Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省佛山市顺德区乐从水藤先扬学堂路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Hui Cheng Zhen Yong An Qu Xian Xue Li , Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省江门市新会区会城镇永安区显学里”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Rong Xing Nong Chang Shuang Jing Zi Xiao Xue , Dawa County, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省盘锦市大洼县荣兴农场双井子小学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Xi Li Jie Dao Shen Zhen Da Xue Cheng , Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市南山区西丽街道深圳大学城”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. Master Xue Cheng devoted to promote mutual exchanges and understandings among Buddhists in the three language families of China. 法师积极促进中国佛教三大语系的相互交流; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Zheng Qiao's Er Ya Zhu is the important production of the Ya Xue Researchful history in Nan Song Dynasty. 郑樵的《尔雅注》是南宋雅学研究的重要成果。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Introduction Xue-Chuan Wang, in fact, about " eliminating the fluid recycling, " national research has also been 10 years. 介绍学川王事实上,有关“消除液回收,”国家的研究也已有10年。 www.qiyeku.com 7. Xue yong studio absorption in the field of ceramic painting strength several technology artists to the painter. 雪勇工作室吸收了当今陶瓷绘画领域颇具实力的几位工艺美术师为特聘画师。 china.alibaba.com 8. This is online map of the address "Fu Zhong San Lu Huang Pu Zhong Xue , Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市福田区福中三路黄埔中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. Xue's case. But it mounted a quiet diplomatic campaign to win clemency since he was detained in late 2007. 不过,自2007年底薛锋被关押以来,为获宽大处理,美国政府发起的是一场不事声张的外交行动。 www.bing.com 10. During making this bottle Xue Jingwan invented the brush for inside painting according to the characters of the color of porcelain. 在试制烤彩内画鼻烟壶过程中,薛京万根据陶瓷颜料的性能,发明了内画毛笔。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This is online map of the address "Xin Cheng Zhen Huan Cheng Zhong Xue , Xinxing County, Yunfu City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省云浮市新兴县新城镇环城中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. "A any, you, you how? " Wang Xue Fei sees Wu Yi any get hurt, hurried Chan of one face skepticism hands him. “一凡,你,你怎么样了?”汪雪菲看到吴一凡受伤,急忙一脸担忧的搀扶住他。 www.vuopen.com 3. This is online map of the address "Dong Fang Da Xue Cheng Bi Sheng Lu , Guangyang District, Langfang City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省廊坊市广阳区东方大学城毕升路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. This is online map of the address "Rong Xing Nong Chang Rong Xing Zhong Xue , Dawa County, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省盘锦市大洼县荣兴农场荣兴中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Shen Zhen Da Xue Peng Lai Ke She , Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市南山区深圳大学蓬莱客舍”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. In Xue Wu of the world, Cher in pure gesture, brought to people is infinitely beautiful. 在这雪舞的世界里,雪儿以纯净的姿态,带给人们的是无限的美丽。 www.bing.com 7. The Reflection of Humanistic Thoughts about "Xue Heng School" “学衡派”新人文主义视野寻际的反思 www.ilib.cn 8. This is online map of the address "Yi Xue Yuan Fu Shu Er Yuan , Aimin District, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省牡丹江市爱民区医学院附属二院”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Tang Jia Fang Zhen Xue Fang Cun , Qianshan District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省鞍山市千山区唐家房镇学房村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Dong Cheng Cun Wu Yi Da Xue , Pengjiang District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省江门市蓬江区东成村五邑大学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Xian An Zhen Xue Di Cun Shi Heng Xiang , Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省揭阳市惠来县仙庵镇学地村十横巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Xia Yang Xiang Dong Xue Zhuang Cun San Zu , Wenxi County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山西省运城市闻喜县下阳乡东薛庄村三组”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Shi Pai Ji Nan Da Xue Ming Hu Yuan , Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省广州市天河区石牌暨南大学明湖苑”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. "They're worried we would use it to commit a crime, and could not keep it tidy, " Xue said. 薛锐说:“他们担心我们会用房屋来从事犯罪活动,而且不能保持屋内的干净整齐。” www.i21st.cn 5. On the Educational Realistic Significance of Zhuangzi's "You Xue" 庄子“游学”的教育现实意义 www.ilib.cn 6. This is online map of the address "Xue Ye Zhen Bei Shuang Wang Cun , Laicheng District, Laiwu City, Shandong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山东省莱芜市莱城区雪野镇北双王村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Song Ling Lu Nan Hua Xiao Xue , Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市福田区松岭路南华小学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Da Xue Lu Xi Ling Hua Yuan , Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省杭州市上城区大学路西泠花园”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Hua Hu Xiao Xue Hua Jing Lu , Huangshigang District, Huangshi City, Hubei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国湖北省黄石市黄石港区花湖小学花径路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Xin Kai Nong Chang Xin Kai Zhen Zhong Xue , Dawa County, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省盘锦市大洼县新开农场新开镇中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Tai Hu Zhen Xue Lang Cun Xiao Xiang Shang , Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省无锡市滨湖区太湖镇雪浪村小巷上”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Lan Kou Zhen Lan Zi Wei Xue Sheng Lu , Dongyuan County, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省河源市东源县蓝口镇榄子围学生路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Zhong Lou Xiang Yan Tian Cun Qi Long Xue , Pingtan County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省福州市平潭县中楼乡盐田村骑龙穴”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. Including Zhang Yuan, LuzhouCheng, Li, Ma Xue-yang 4 "male Happiness" as well as from members of King Korea mysterious saint. 其中包括张远、刘洲成、李茂、马雪阳四位“快乐男声”以及来自韩国的神秘成员金恩圣。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. This is online map of the address "Xue Dian Zhen Zhong Wang Jie Nan Cun , Jia County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河南省平顶山市郏县薛店镇中王街南村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Dong Qing Cun San Jiang Kou Xue Qu , Hanjiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省莆田市涵江区东清村三江口学区”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Xue Fu Lu Fei Xing Yuan Da Xia , Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市南山区学府路飞行员大厦”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. Appreciate kid Xue's small roseate of lilac marrow she premier, oh, receive today 3 small pink, is really too merry, ha ha. 首先感谢紫魄伊人童靴的小粉红,哎呀,今天收到三张小粉红了,真是太开心了,呵呵。 www.zlqh.com 9. This is online map of the address "Xiao Tun Zhen Nan Xue Mei Cun , Liaoyang County, Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省辽阳市辽阳县小屯镇南雪梅村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Gao Miao Xiang Lao Xue Ying Cun , Wancheng District, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河南省南阳市宛城区高庙乡老薛营村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Si Nan Xian Di San Zhong Xue , Sinan County, Tongren Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China" . 这是地址“中国贵州省铜仁地区思南县思南县第三中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Da Chang Zhen Zhong Xin Zhong Xue , Jiaonan City, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山东省青岛市胶南市大场镇中心中学”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Xue Zhuang Xiang Yang Fu Jing Cun , Dingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, China" . 这是地址“中国陕西省榆林市定边县学庄乡杨伏井村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. This is online map of the address "Xue Jia Zhen Lu Shu Ren Ge Cun Wei , Xinbei District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省常州市新北区薛家镇吕墅任葛村委”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Lu Zhuang Zi Xiang Du Gu Zhuang Xue Xiao , Quyang County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省保定市曲阳县路庄子乡独古庄学校”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "He Dong Xiao Xue Fang Hou Di San Jia , Lingyuan City, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省朝阳市凌源市河东小学房后第三家”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Fu Xi Zhen Jie Fang Jie Xiao Xue Lu , Renhua County, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省韶关市仁化县扶溪镇解放街小学路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Hua Zhuang Zhen Wang An Cun Xue Hai Qiao , Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省无锡市滨湖区华庄镇旺安村薛海桥”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This photo was not taken from xue ping's home, rather, it was taken when we called on another family. 这张照片不是在走访雪萍家时候照的,而是在走访另外一家的时候照的。 bbs.1205.cn 10. This is online map of the address "Xue Fu Lu Xi Bu Dian Zi Cheng , Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市南山区学府路西部电子城”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com |
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