单词 | wild-goose |
释义 | 例句释义: 雁,大雁,天空排长队 1. When he was talking to himself, an exhausted wild goose fell down in front of him. 话还未完,一只耗尽体力的大雁坠落在他面前。 www.bangbenw.com 2. The misgiving of Shu aroma didn't ease how much, she is scared namely she brought difficulty wild goose south to fly. 淑芬的担忧并没有减轻多少,她害怕自己连累了雁南飞。 cpubbs.com 3. However, in the rickshaw yard he made friends in spite of his taciturnity , for even a silent wild goose likes to fly with the flock. 在厂子里,他可是交了朋友;虽然不大爱说话,但是不出声的雁也喜欢群飞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Be when facing up to Asian reality come a few years, east Asia a batch of countries with " wild goose goes " means is volant and towering. 是正视亚洲现实的时候了几十年来,东亚一批国家以“雁行”方式展翅冲天。 www.showxiu.com 5. The wild goose south flies to have found, at a time the Yi orchid is loving own of go, is the temporary feud no harm again! 雁南飞想通了,只要伊兰是爱着自己的就行了,暂时的分别又有何妨呢! cpubbs.com 6. Because blade becomes angry, be worth " fly south wild goose " when, the name that people gives it to take a beauty -- tricolour amaranth. 由于叶片变色正值“大雁南飞”之时,人们便给它取个漂亮的名字——雁来红。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The reporter was sent on a wild goose Chase, for the monster he was to investigate had never really existed. 记者被派了去作徒劳无益的调查,因为他要查寻的怪物根本不存在。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Peak as a result of a lake, dense reeds and grass for plaster junction, south to the places in this multi-Qiu-Yan, named Wild Goose. 因山顶有湖,芦苇茂密,结草为荡,南归秋雁多宿于此,故名雁荡。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. They work together in harmony protecting a piece of wild goose group habitat , make it avert destroying developing business's. 他们齐心合力保护一块雁群的栖息地,使它免受开发商的破坏。 zhishi.sohu.com 10. The reporter was sent on a wild goose chase, for the man he was to interview had never really existed. 这名记者被派出去无意义的乱跑,因为他要访问的人根本不存在。 www.jukuu.com 1. So far, the quality of the water of the Summer Palace can reach the high level, therefore, visitors can see wild duck, wild goose , etc. 目前,颐和园的水质已达到二级,因此游客还能见到野鸭、鹭、雁等许多珍稀鸟类。 www.jukuu.com 2. The other landmark like Big Wild Goose Pagoda mirrors China "s long history. Xi'an is undoubtedly one of the must-visit cities. " 其他的标志性建筑像大雁塔展现了中国悠久历史,西安毫无疑问是必到的城市之一。 lvyou.host263.org 3. All the way, the wild goose south flies virtuous Huo China and the affairs of businessman prince regiment in the sky all told the Pa Bo Sa. 一路上,雁南飞把霍华德和天富商团的事都告诉了帕伯萨。 cpubbs.com 4. The wild goose south flies and none of the eye sights of Qiong Si is bad, presently make them discover many good babies. 雁南飞和琼斯眼力都不差,很快让他们发现了不少好宝贝。 cpubbs.com 5. The quite charming scenery of Big Wild Goose Pagoda It's well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists. 大雁塔的迷人风景,它是保存完好的古代佛教寺院建筑。 lvyou.host263.org 6. The wild goose south flies to smile a way: "Do I feel that your tone acquaints with very much, are we antique to understand? " 雁南飞微笑着道:“我觉得你的语气非常熟悉,难道我们是旧识?” cpubbs.com 7. Among other interesting sites are the Great Wild Goose Pagoda, the Drum Tower and the Tomb of Huangdi(Yellow Emperor). 西安的其它名胜古迹还包括大雁塔、鼓楼和黄帝陵。 get198.blog.163.com 8. Hard working owner finally able to sit down. Wild goose are flying south, another year gone by? 辛勤劳动的主人终于可以坐下了。大雁南飞,难道又一年就要过去了吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Shu aroma once connects jewelry, the tears light Ying Ying, rush toward the bosom that flies into the wild goose south to excitedly sob. 淑芬接过首饰,泪光莹莹,扑进雁南飞的怀里激动地抽泣起来。 cpubbs.com 10. Animal administrative person takes advantage of that Ai an American has not been in but run off wild goose. 动物管理员乘艾美一家不在而偷走了大雁。 zhishi.sohu.com 1. "I am to make you set out a strategies, can let outdoor of the person can't see us. " The wild goose south flies a path. “我是让你布置了一个阵法,可以让外面的人看不见我们。”雁南飞道。 wester.com.cn 2. The sound was heard intermittently, suddenly I got onto that it was wild goose. 声音时断时续,我意识到那是雁鸣声。 www.bing.com 3. Demands the purchase power for this reason the Yang great wild goose lawsuit to the court. 杨鸿为此诉讼到法院索要购买权。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I've repeatedly tried to enthuse him about commercial possibilities, but he scoffs and sends me off on wild goose chases. 我多次努力唤起他对商业可能性的热情,但他总是像轰鸭子一样嘲笑我、打发我。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But with the central market, the Yang great wild goose hereafter maintains the smalltalk the behavior, has the question to point out. 而和中央商场,杨鸿此后保持客套的行为,有问题就指出。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If "the wild goose south flies a cold track, " you truly don't be the brothers to me, I leave at once. 雁南飞冷声道,“要是你真不把我当兄弟,我马上离开。” cpubbs.com 7. Match a river set sheet ward secundum "return binary three" strategy, construct shore river areola, create "come to wild goose Hsin-cheng" . 合江套片区按照“退二进三”战略,建设滨江小区,打造“来雁新城”。 www.0734.coolline.cn 8. The wild goose ling also complained about the two shouldn't tie too tight, or two people at this time to resolve a mend should ever! 雁玲还抱怨不该将两人绑得太紧,要不然两人此时应该曾经修得正果了! tv.360mp3.com 9. He is in the wild goose at the period that south flew into, eyes peeped out the color of concussion. 他在雁南飞进去的时候,眼睛露出了激动之色。 cpubbs.com 10. The strong wind swept away the layers withered leaves of late autumn, the poet-like wild goose fly to distant place side by side. 深秋的败叶给劲风扫落了一层又一层,大雁犹如诗人一般并肩飞往远方。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. The dollars all waited person and youths to all discover wild goose south to fly this visitor who comes uninvited. 元都等人和少年都发现了雁南飞这个不速之客。 www.ttwj-neurosurgery.com 2. They also set up a pagoda where the wild goose dropped dead, and called it the Wild Goose Pagoda. 他们还在大雁落地处修建了一座塔,取名“雁塔”。 wenwen.soso.com 3. As Nathan was led on a wild goose chase, we all waited quietly in the lounge, with the lights dimmed low and the cake's candles lit. 当内森在外面跑的时候,我们大家都在休息厅里静静地等,把灯光变暗,将蛋糕蜡烛点燃。 2008.qq.com 4. Lining up straightly like the wild goose, walking gently like the cat. 排队学大雁齐齐的,走路学小猫轻轻的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It is a bit like wild goose chase, but established a good relationship at the end. 但也是“穷追不舍”的,才最终确立了恋爱关系。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Originally, Qin Han Feng still wanted to fly commission for wild goose south, although, drive wild goose the south flew to refuse. 本来,秦含风还要给雁南飞佣金的,不过,被雁南飞拒绝了。 cpubbs.com 7. As we agreed, the next morning to Wild Goose, the man promised to come and meet us early. 由于大家约定好,第二天早上去雁荡,那家伙答应一早来接我们的。 blog.19lou.com 8. Steam a some fruit store of male road in the wild goose peak ward nautical mile, sales a personnel to passionately remind a shopper. 在雁峰区蒸阳路某水果店里,销售人员热情地提醒着顾客。 www.0734.coolline.cn 9. The wild goose south flew to obtain into city successfully as a businessman. 雁南飞以商人的身份顺利地进入了城内。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 10. Lingfeng, Yeongam, large ryongchu assembles the three major scenic essence of Wild Goose, known as "The Wild Goose Ruin. " 灵峰、灵岩、大龙湫三大景区荟萃了雁荡的精华,被称为“雁荡三绝”。 www.elycn.com 1. Before then, six groups of protesters led their police escorts on a wild-goose chase around London. 在那之前,六组的游行者会故布疑阵,让警方绕着伦敦白白搜寻一场。 www.ecocn.org 2. Visit The Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Forest of Stele. Fly back to Shanghai. The pleasant tour ends. 游览:西安大雁塔、碑林,飞往上海,游程结束。 www.dhu.edu.cn 3. By so act, the wild goose south flies and Qiong Si interest the pate greatly amplify, the good elephant female goes shopping infinite. 这样一来,雁南飞和琼斯兴头大增,就好象女人逛街没完没了了。 cpubbs.com 4. Order wild goose and permit the base-court send to the everyone house to the thing for sending in the Shao house in go. 吩咐雁容去外院把邵家送的东西送到各人屋里去。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You're led on a wild goose chase if you look for an apartment in the papers. 如果你指望通过报纸找到公寓,那是白费劲。 www.jukuu.com 6. That's right. Today, I'm going to blame the wild goose chase on my boss giving me the wrong directions. 好了好了,我承认,咱俩找路的本事都不怎么样!不过这次可既不是你的责任,也不是我的责任。 www.hjenglish.com 7. "The maidservant knew! Matter maidservant in" the wild goose permits a hasty track, " who don't also lift! " “奴婢知道了!”雁容急声道,“这事奴婢谁也没提!” blog.sina.com.cn 8. The specialty capability that falls wild goose is a pastry, however, the vegetables doing is also really quite good. 落雁的拿手本事是糕点,不过,做的菜也着实不错。 www.ttwj-neurosurgery.com 9. Young wild goose son keeps close to all the time where she , she go to then , where they follow right away to. 小雁子们始终寸步不离的跟着她,她走到哪里,它们就跟到哪里。 zhishi.sohu.com 10. It is getting cold in the late August. Little wild goose can't bear cold. Missing my warm hometown, flying to the south far away. 八月深秋天气变凉,雏雁羽薄不耐风寒,思念我温暖的家乡,飞向那遥远的南方。 www.nmggw.com 1. very large wild goose of northeast Asia; interbreeds freely with the graylag. 亚洲东北部非常大的野鹅;与灰雁自由杂交。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. They mend wild goose all the way south to fly disabled blood vessels, blood relationship. 它们一路上修复着雁南飞受伤的经脉、骨肉。 wester.com.cn 3. At this time, but unfortunately the wild goose feather flat ling and saw a man just like lovers of siblings date. 就在这时,羽平竟不巧看见雁玲和一名男子宛如情侣般的亲蜜约会。 tv.360mp3.com 4. A firefly brightens itself, a wild goose does not fly lonely. 萤仅自照,雁不孤行。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Terra-Cotta Warriors, Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang, Banpo Neolithic Village, Big Wild Goose Pagoda 1- Day Coach Tour. 秦始皇兵马俑,秦始皇帝陵,半坡遗址博物馆,大雁塔观光一日游。 www.cncn.com 6. Once in mind is in all directions young, envy fly south of wild goose. 曾经志在四方少年,羡慕南飞的雁。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The orchid sword immediately disappears the view that flies in the wild goose south in. 兰剑迅速地消失在雁南飞的视线里。 cpubbs.com 8. Wild Goose Pagoda built in the early hours, only five. 大雁塔初建时只有五层。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. And in the process, the trigger for inspiration, entertain wild goose ling to decorate the false kidnapped. 而在寻觅的过程中,触发雁玲的灵感,自作主张地布置了这次的假绑架。 tv.360mp3.com 10. In short several days, wild goose battlement the street threw on noisy "Christmas load" . 短短几天内,雁城街头就披上了热闹的“圣诞装”。 www.0734.coolline.cn 1. Migrating bird Wild goose, the flock of which comes in Autumn to Korea and flies in early spring to the far North. 鸿雁是一种候鸟,雁群于秋天飞抵韩国,然后于早春北飞远方。 www.weather.gov.hk 2. North American wild goose having dark plumage in summer but white in winter. 北美洲野鹅,其羽毛夏季为深色,冬季为白色。 www.bing.com 3. The breeze leads to stay a voice, the wild goose leads to stay trace. 风过留声,雁过留痕。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Geng Lei releases it suddenly. The wild goose falls stiffly on the ground. 更羸突然松开弓弦,大雁直挺挺地摔了下来。 liaozhai.pujia.com 5. It fall wild goose but completely namely dissimilar style. 落雁却全然是另一个风格。 www.ttwj-neurosurgery.com 6. and then the wild goose with translucent plastic film cover from the brown paper, and to write off a credible it again. 然后再用半透明的雁皮纸覆于塑料薄膜上,再勾描一遍。 www.bing.com 7. The wild goose feather flat afraid to say no matter will make YangGuo deeply blow. 羽平怕说出雁玲的事会让杨果深受打击。 tv.360mp3.com 8. Ai US and others guides them to fly in the south after having saved wild goose. 艾美等人救出了大雁后引导它们南飞。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. I hope the oneself will also become a sea wild goose, work hard, fly. 我希望自己也会成为一只海雁,去拼搏,去飞翔。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Song of wild goose disappearing in the distance. 秋天大雁歌声已消失在远方。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Since then, three years at ten, but it is a wild goose had trace. -- ah, a final "61" ! 转眼间,十三个春秋就这样乍然流失,犹如雁过般不留痕迹。——啊,最后一个“六一”了! wenwen.soso.com 2. Son of the wild goose, Kevin Egan of Paris. 巴黎的“野鹅”凯文·伊根的儿子。 www.jukuu.com 3. The wild goose falls to return to the setting sun. 雁落夕阳归宿。 www.chunwenxue.org 4. Crow hongye days, wild goose, banana yellow man drunk rain fall the dream. 雁啼红叶天,人醉黄花地,芭蕉雨声秋梦里。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. How can we possibly find what the boss asked us for? I think we're on a wild goose chase. 我们怎么知道老板要我们干什么?我看我们这是在白费劲。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The big wild goose pagoda spring is the biggest music spring, length 346m, width 218m. The spring show coming! Not pageantry? 大雁塔喷泉号称是全亚洲最大的音乐喷泉,长346米,宽218米。音乐喷泉开始了!开始的涓涓细流。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Her scheme of being a movie star is a wild-goose chase. 她想成为电影明星的计划可以说是希望渺茫。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. The wondering boy envies the wild goose. 不知道男孩羡慕的雁。 bbs.ahu.edu.cn 9. The wild goose south flew in the tent apt create a 5 lines of easy strategies, 3 folk at in meditate self-discipline. 雁南飞在帐篷内设置了一个简单的五行阵法,三人就在里面打坐修炼。 cpubbs.com 10. Flying snowflakes, flying south of wild goose and so many magnificent landscapes , shouldn't we cheer for it ? 纷飞的雪花,南飞的雁群等等,这一幕幕壮丽的景观,难道我们不应为之喝彩吗? sywyzx.zzedu.net.cn 1. This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. 这把是用雁毛做的,这把是用云雀羽毛做的。 dec3.jlu.edu.cn 2. In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose . 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Lunch at Local Restaurant(1hour). The Ancient City Wall Sightseeing(30 minutes) The Big Wild Goose Pogoda Sightseeing(1 hour). 中餐后(约1小时),乘车参观城西安城墙(约30分钟),参观大雁塔(约时间1小时)。 www.17u.net 4. She really don't know the wild goose south flew to auction off some what production, didn't know to sell as well how many . 她并不知道雁南飞拍卖了些什么物品,也不知道卖了多少钱。 cpubbs.com 5. Wild goose mountain lim, an ambush 14 food campaign kicks, therefore, county brigade plotting planning, is in the bag. 雁山老林,一场伏击日自己粮食的战役打响,为此,县大队筹谋规划,志在必得。 tv.360mp3.com 6. A group of wild goose of dependencies, to pure, white clouds and what is it? 有群雁的相依,舍去纯伊的白云又有何眷之有? www.bing.com 7. But regulation according to the government, open space wild goose can not be fostered by home. 可是按照政府的规定,野雁不可以被家养。 zhishi.sohu.com 8. because of they are migrant bird if not having wild goose mother guiding, they have no way to learn to fly. 因为它们是候鸟,如果没有雁妈妈的指引,它们无法学会飞翔。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. A cheetah mother leads a lioness on a wild goose chase, away from her cubs in hiding 一只猎豹母亲吸引一头狮子徒劳地追着她,离开了她的幼仔藏身处。 www.bing.com 10. The big wild goose tower, the drum building is the building that the Tang Dynasty stay; 大雁塔、鼓楼是唐代留下来的建筑; bask2.pklei.com 1. A cheetah mother leads a lioness on a wild goose chase, away from her cubs in hiding 一只猎豹母亲吸引一头狮子徒劳地追着她,离开了她的幼仔藏身处。 www.bing.com 2. The big wild goose tower, the drum building is the building that the Tang Dynasty stay; 大雁塔、鼓楼是唐代留下来的建筑; bask2.pklei.com 3. the girl happened to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose 这个女孩碰巧发现20个由野天鹅留下的蛋。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. On the historical accumulation and aesthetic differences of the images of wild goose 论雁意象的历史积淀性及审美差异性 www.ilib.cn 5. The Application of Wild Goose Form Plate in Hydroelectricity Station Powerhouse 雁形板在水电站厂房中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Categories: Cartoons, Sports, United States, 1970, House Pranks, Wild Goose Chase 卡通、体育、美国,1970年,房子的恶作剧,白费劲(徒劳之举) www.bing.com 7. the qirl happened to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose 女孩碰巧看到了20只大雁蛋 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Study on Morphological Characteristics of Thyroid Gland of Gray Wild Goose 灰雁甲状腺的组织学研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Appreciating the Planning of the North Square of the Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔北广场规划设计赏析 service.ilib.cn 10. Underground channel in Big Wild Goose Pagoda Square 大雁塔广场地下通道 www.china0km.com 1. Underground channel in Big Wild Goose Pagoda Square 大雁塔广场地下通道 www.china0km.com 2. North Square of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda; 大雁塔北广场; www.sungfamily.com.cn 3. The Wild Goose Image in Ancient Chinese Literature 中国古典文学作品中的雁意象 www.ilib.cn 4. Wild goose returns & descend at silver sand; 归雁低回落细沙; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Second, , seeing tin detect what worther money child, wild goose south's flying all doesn't relinquish a baby numerous; 二来,看能不能发现什么比较值钱的宝贝,雁南飞一向不嫌弃宝贝多; cpubbs.com 6. When you're out there running around on a wild goose chase 当你在那里向着蓝天,奔跑着追逐野雁时 zhidao.baidu.com 7. A flock of free big wild goose appear beyond the, 自由的一群雁, post.baidu.com 8. Observation on development of ovary and follicle in wild goose 大雁卵巢及卵泡的发育情况观察 service.ilib.cn 9. Roast wild goose with pickled cabbage 酸菜烤大雁 www.bing.com 10. Visiting Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda 参观大雁塔广场 unit.xjtu.edu.cn 1. Visiting Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda 参观大雁塔广场 unit.xjtu.edu.cn 2. roast wild goose with sour cabbage 酸菜烤野鹅 wenku.baidu.com 3. the Big Wild Goose Pagoda is the highest in tourist loyalty indicator, while the Tang Paradise is the lowest; 大雁塔游客忠诚指标得分最高,芙蓉园得分最低; www.zidir.com 4. HUANGMING--Leading wild goose of the Chinese solar energy trade 皇明中国太阳能行业的领头雁 www.ilib.cn 5. From Big wild goose pagoda 大雁塔的公园 commons.wikimedia.org 6. The wild goose flown far 远飞的大雁 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Wild Goose and the Ruby 雄雁和红宝石 book.jqcq.com |
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