单词 | whorled |
释义 | 例句释义: 轮生,轮生的,有涡漩的,有螺纹的 1. The shaft of the ceremonial mace is the whorled tusk of a narwhal, a small Arctic whale. The door handles are of walrus tusk. 仪式权杖的螺纹杆是用一种小型的北极独角鲸的牙齿制成的,而门柄也是用海象的牙齿制成。 www.ecocn.org 2. The leaves, which may be simple or compound, are usually alternate, occasionally opposite or whorled, and often in basal rosettes . 叶为单叶或者是复叶,通常是互生,也有对生或轮生的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. branches whorled, distant, ascending or spreading, branched, up to 12 cm, spikelets diffuse. 分枝轮生,远,上升或开展,分枝,可达厘米,铺散的小穗。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. branches whorled, slender, usually obliquely ascending, up to 10 cm, often bare of spikelets in lower part. 轮生,纤细,通常斜升的分枝,可达10厘米,没有小穗在下部的通常。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Our results support the viewpoint that the spiral phyllotaxis and the whorled phyllotaxis can coexist in a flower of primitive angiosperms. 本文结果支持在原始被子植物花中螺旋状排列和轮状排列同时存在的观点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Inflorescence a panicle, loosely contracted to dense and spike like, often plumose, branches usually whorled, bearing numerous spikelets. 花序圆锥花序,对紧密和穗状松弛收缩,羽状的通常,通常轮生的分枝,着生多数。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Leaves scaly, opposite or alternate and distichous or spiraled, sometimes whorled, rarely contorted or clustered, without stomata. 叶鳞片状,对生或者互生并二列或螺旋,有时轮生,很少扭曲或丛生,没有气孔。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Stem erect. Cauline leaves alternate or whorled, sessile, linear-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate. 茎直立茎生叶交替的或轮生,无柄,线状披针形的到椭圆形披针形。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Leaves simple, entire or rarely gland-fringed, opposite or sometimes whorled, nearly always estipulate. 叶为单叶,全缘或少数具流苏桩腺体,对生有时轮生,几乎总是无托叶。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Stipules absent. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite or whorled, simple or variously divided. 托叶无叶互生,很少对生或者轮生,单或各式全裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. At medium power, this meningioma is composed of whorled nests of cells. A variety of patterns are possible. 中倍镜,脑膜瘤由涡漩状细胞巢构成,也可能有多种形状。 www.binglixue.com 2. Indumentum stellate. Leaves large, opposite or whorled, petiolate. 具星状毛大的叶,对生或轮生,具叶柄。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Stem ribbed, lower branches alternate, the upper opposite, whorled or cymose. 茎棱,互生的下部分枝,上面对生,轮生的或聚伞状的。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Leaves estipulate, whorled, sessile, simple, linear to ovate, margin entire. 叶无托叶,轮生,无柄,单,线形到卵形,边缘全缘。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Leaves whorled, rarely opposite, with glands axillary and sometimes on petiole. 很少,轮生的叶对生,具腺体和在叶柄上有时。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Leaves alternate or pseudo-whorled, clustered at apex of branches, rarely opposite. 假轮生的叶互生或,簇生在枝先端,很少对生。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Stem leaves opposite or whorled, ovate-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, pinnatilobate to pinnatifid. 茎生叶对生或轮生,卵状披针形到卵形长圆形,到羽状半裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. 2 (1) Stamens numerous, 2- or more whorled, filaments conspicuous; stigma slightly lobed; secondary veins not joining in a submarginal vein. 雄蕊多数,2-更轮生的或,明显的花丝;柱头稍浅裂;次脉不参加在一近缘脉。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. These pyramid-shaped trees have whorled branches and thin, scaly bark. 树冠金字塔形,具轮生枝和薄鳞片状树皮; prog.nssh.tpc.edu.tw 10. Submerged leaves in aquatic species whorled, pinnately parted to capillary-multiparted, glabrous. 对毛细管轮生的水生种沉水叶,分开的成羽状,无毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. At medium power, this meningioma is composed of whorled nests of cells. 中倍镜,脑膜瘤由旋涡状瘤细胞巢组成。 www.pathology.cn 2. Stamens 10, 1-whorled, anthers sessile; stigma punctiform; secondary veins joining in a conspicuous submarginal vein. 雄蕊10,1卷成,花药无梗;柱头点状;参加在一的次脉明显的近缘脉。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Whorled flower parts; a whorled textile pattern. 轮生花片;藤叶和卷须的纺织图样 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Flowers in 1- to multi-flowered whorled axillary cymes, shortly pedicellate. 1花-到多花轮生腋生聚伞花序,短有花梗。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Herbs annual, biennial [or perennial]. Leaves opposite [or whorled]. Flowers terminal, solitary or in cymes, 4 or 5-merous. 一年生草本,二年生草本[或多年生植物]。叶对生[或轮生]。花顶生,在聚伞花序里的单生或,瓣4或5。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Leaves opposite or rarely whorled, without stipules, simple or 3-foliolate, less often palmately [or pinnately] compound. 叶对生,少数轮生,无托叶,单叶或者具3小叶,偶尔为掌状(或者羽状)复叶。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. bracts 2 and opposite, rarely several and whorled. 苞片2和对生,和轮生的数个的很少。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. A circular or whorled arrangement of flower parts such as those of petals or sepals. 花的圆形或者螺纹状的排列,比如花瓣或者萼片。 www.tdict.com 9. Stamens 10, 2-whorled, outer 5 staminodes, inner 5 opposite sepals. 雄蕊10,2轮生,外部5退化雄蕊,内部5与萼片对生。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. any of various low-growing tufted plants of the genus Paronychia having tiny greenish flowers and usually whorled leaves; 簇状指甲草属植物的任意一种,有微小的呈绿色的花朵和通常有螺纹的叶子; ezitong.com 1. Leaves nearly opposite or whorled, clustered near apex of branches, spreading, with a citrus-leaf odor; 叶近对生或轮生,在枝的先端附近丛生,平展,带有一种柑橘叶气味; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Treatment of senile femoral neck fracture with rehabilitation training after internal fixation of bi-head whorled comprehensive nail 双头螺纹加压钉内固定术后康复训练治疗老年股骨颈骨折 www.ilib.cn 3. primary branches solitary or whorled, spreading, lower part bare, upper part branched, the secondary branches tipped by racemes; 轮生,平展的主枝单生或,裸露的下半部分,上半部分分枝,次生分枝端部以总状花序; www.flora.ac.cn 4. Inflorescences in axils of whorled leaves or alternate subulate bracts, subumbellate, few flowered, hirsute; 轮生的叶或互生钻形的苞片,近伞形,很少花,具粗毛的花序在腋处; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Leaves opposite, often decussate, or whorled, rarely subalternate to alternate, simple, entire; 叶对生,通常交互对生,或轮生,很少近互生到互生,单叶,全缘; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Applying the technic of connecting whorled steel to the construction of the Lancang River Bridge 镦粗直螺纹钢筋连接技术在澜沧江特大桥中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. Leaves few to many, along stem, then opposite, whorled, or alternate or basal, equal to subequal in a pair; 叶少数到多数,沿茎,然后对生,轮生,或互生或者基部,成对的等长到近等长; www.flora.ac.cn 8. primary branches whorled, filiform, usually unbranched, each bearing a raceme; 轮生,丝状的主枝,通常不分枝,每一个忍受总状花序; www.flora.ac.cn 9. branches usually whorled on young trees, becoming irregularly arranged on mature ones, with orbicular scars of deciduous branchlets; 在幼树上通常轮生的分枝,在落叶的小枝的成熟的,具圆形痕上成为不规则排列; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Trees evergreen. Branchlets glabrous. Leaves irregularly whorled; 常绿乔木小枝无毛叶不规则轮生; www.flora.ac.cn 1. Leaves opposite, less often alternate or whorled, simple, base connate; 单叶,对生,较少通常互生或轮生,基部合生; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Leaves alternate, clustered apically on branches, appearing whorled; 叶互生,在枝顶部丛生,似乎轮生; www.flora.ac.cn 3. Leaves alternate or sometimes almost opposite or whorled; 几乎的有时的叶互生或对生或轮生; www.flora.ac.cn 4. Leaves simple, opposite, rarely whorled or alternate, pinnately veined; 单叶,对生,很少轮生或互生,羽状脉; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Leaves basal and rosulate, or alternate, rarely whorled, stipulate or exstipulate; 叶基生和莲座状,或互生,很少轮生,具托叶的或无托叶; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Flowers axillary or terminal on branchlets, decussate or whorled; peduncle absent; 在小枝,交互对生的或轮生上的花腋生或顶生; www.flora.ac.cn 7. Leaves alternate or whorled, basal or cauline, pinnate or palmate; 叶互生或者轮生,基生或者茎生,羽状或者掌状; www.flora.ac.cn 8. Leaves opposite or whorled except basal ones alternate; 叶对生或轮生的除基部的互生之外; www.flora.ac.cn 9. all leaves whorled, never entire, pinnately divided with linear segments; 全部叶轮生,从未全缘的,成羽状全裂具线形裂片; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Leaves opposite or alternate, rarely whorled, simple, 3-foliolate, or odd-pinnate; 叶对生或互生,很少轮生,单,具3小叶,或奇数羽状复叶; www.flora.ac.cn 1. Proximal leaves in whorls of 3, middle and distal ones opposite or whorled, long petiolate; 下部的叶3轮生,中间和上部的对生或轮生,具长叶柄; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Flowers 5-8-whorled per node, shortly pedicellate in a bracteate raceme; 花5-8轮生在每节内的,有短花梗在具苞片总状花序内; www.flora.ac.cn 3. Submerged leaves 3- or 4-whorled, rarely alternate, pectinate, ovate to oblong in outline; 沉水叶3-或4轮生,很少互生,栉状,外形卵形到长圆形; www.flora.ac.cn 4. Leaves 4, below inflorescence, whorled or nearly so; 叶4,在花序下面,轮生的或近如此; www.flora.ac.cn 5. branches whorled or almost so; 分枝轮生的或几乎如此; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Submerged leaves 4- or 5-whorled, pectinate, ovate to oblong in outline; 沉水叶4-或者5轮,栉状,概括地卵形到长圆形; www.flora.ac.cn 7. Leaves alternate, sometimes 3- or 4-whorled at stem base, simple; 叶互生,有时在茎基部轮生,单的3或4; www.flora.ac.cn 8. aerial leaves 3-12-whorled, linear to oblong, apex obtuse or 2-cleft; 气生叶3-12轮生,线形的到长圆形,先端钝的或2半裂; www.flora.ac.cn |
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