单词 | wholesaler |
释义 |
复数:wholesalers n. trader,retailer,supplier,dealer,vendor 例句释义: 水果和蔬菜批发商,批发模式,零售商,趸售商 1. Tokyo to the company's supply of beef in a meat wholesaler explained: "Sales have not used for raw beef. " 向该公司供应牛肉的东京某肉类批发商解释称:“销售的牛肉并未用于生吃。” www.koreanbbs.com 2. Our client is all for speciality product, not the kind of thing to sell in bulk to wholesaler. 我们的客户都是经营专业产品,而不是那些大批出售给批发商的产品的。 www.jukuu.com 3. I was the first real Westerner who came into that market as a wholesaler: a man carrying a case of jewels. 我是第一个真正的西方人以零售商身份去到那些市场,一个带着满箱子珠宝的人。 kk.dongxi.net 4. Stan's buildings are largely hollow, with just a few structural supports - also made from the toothpicks he buys direct from a wholesaler. 斯坦的建筑大多为空心,只有少数几个支撑结构,这些支撑结构也是用他直接从一个批发商那里购买的牙签制作的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Counterfeiters who exploit this might pose as a small wholesaler willing to pass a "special manufacturer discount" to a larger wholesaler. 要利用供应链软肋的伪造商可能扮演愿意为更大的批发商提供“特殊折扣”的小批发商。 www.ibm.com 6. Could there be a difference in the functioning of a tour wholesaler and a tour operator? 可能存在不同的运作旅游批发商和旅游经营? wenwen.soso.com 7. B quantified description of the expected benefits to the wholesaler, in terms of volume, revenues, and profits. 一份对成批出售商期望利益的描述包括销量,发卖收益和利润。 www40.86-0.com 8. A quantified description of the expected benefits to the wholesaler, in terms of volume, revenues, and profits. 一份对批发商期望利益的描述包括销量,销售收入和利润。 english.31931.cn 9. 'There's just no jobs anywhere, ' said Mr. Henderson, who lost his job as a manager at a wholesaler more than two years ago. 亨德森说,所有地方都没有空缺职位。他曾是一个量贩店的经理,两年多前失业。 chinese.wsj.com 10. "We're no longer just a wholesaler of music, " says Paul Smernicki of Universal. Universal的保罗?赛米尼克(PaulSmernicki)说,“我们再也不仅仅是一个音乐批发商了”。 www.ecocn.org 1. And a merchant is simply a wholesaler or retailer of a good or service. 商人是作为批发商或是零售商销售产品或是服务的。 www.bing.com 2. The business process we'll model is an application that automates stocking a supermarket with products from a wholesaler. 我们将建模的业务流程是一个应用程序,该应用程序自动从批发商那里为超市进货。 www.ibm.com 3. A merchant who deals with large quantities of goods is called a wholesaler. 一个大批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Experienced for 15 years, "Monitor Records" started from the retail dealer and grew to be a wholesaler and distributor. 经历15年岁月磨练,『助听器唱片』由零售批发,走到发行。 www.showxiu.com 5. He started working as a laborer at a state-owned food wholesaler. 他起先在一个食品批发部门做工人。 www.bing.com 6. Yoshikatsu Ikuta, a fish wholesaler at Tokyo's world-famous Tsukiji fish market, recently opened a retail outpost near the main market area. 日本举世闻名的筑地(Tsukiji)鱼市的鱼类批发商YoshikatsuIkuta最近在主要市场地区附近开设了一个零售店面。 c.wsj.com 7. Guangzhou Xin Shun kitchenware is a professional wholesaler specialized in wholesale Korea, Japanese cuisine appliances. 广州鑫顺厨具是一家专门从事批发韩国、日本料理器具、用具的专业批发商。 cc365.cn 8. To set up account development plan and build up wholesaler team. Enhance distribution in relevant area and improve SG products'famous. 制定客户发展计划和团队建设计划,更好的加强美夏产品在区域内的覆盖率和知名度。 so.jobmet.com 9. But Steve Vasiliki, owner of a family run seafood wholesaler on Melbourne's outskirts, is less happy. 但在墨尔本郊外,家族运营的一家海鲜批发商的企业主史蒂夫?瓦西莉奇(SteveVasiliki)却没有那么高兴。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We are a wholesaler in the machine trade and have great desire to expand our business with the reputable firms in your country. 我方是机械产品的批发商,且渴望跟贵国最有名望的厂商建立商业关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If the producer sells through an import agent, a wholesaler, and a retailer, a long channel exists. 如果生产商通过进口代理、批发商和零售商销售其产品,则渠道长。 www.dlnu.edu.cn 2. The recruitment process continues until the required market coverage by wholesaler-partners is reached. 聘请过程直到所需批发商合作伙伴达到的市场覆盖完成为止。 english.31931.cn 3. When Michael Drake started Drakes London with two partners in 1977, it was a humble scarf-making wholesaler. 977年,当迈克尔?德雷克(MichaelDrake)与两个合伙人成立DrakesLondon时,它还仅仅是一家简陋的围巾制作批发企业。 cn.wsj.com 4. Great opportunity for wholesaler, distributors, and retailers to introduce this new innovative spy Gadget and earn big profits. 大好机会批发商,分销商和零售商采用这种新的创新的间谍工具和赚取大利润。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A second source for developing wholesaler requirements will come from the Customer Needs Survey . 从客户需求抽样调查中得出发展批发商要求是第二个方法的来源。 english.31931.cn 6. any cost incurred by a producer or wholesaler or retailer or distributor (as for advertising and shipping etc). 生产商或销售商负担的任何费用(如广告费和运输费等)。 dict.veduchina.com 7. This can be developed using the Wholesaler P&L Tool , using data collected by BD's, or by making reasonable estimates from local knowledge. 可以利用批发商利润表工具,业务拓展员收集的数据,或利用对当地认知进行合理估计。 english.31931.cn 8. Manage daily work of wholesale team and wholesaler channel effectively, striving to reach sales target. 有效的管理批发团队和批发商的日常工作,努力达到既定的销售目标。 so.jobmet.com 9. So in 1996, Ottawa-based isotope wholesaler MDS Nordion hired AECL to design, construct and run two new reactors and a processing facility. 于是,在1996年,渥太华的同位素批发商MDSNordion公司请AESL设计、兴建并经营两座新的反应堆和一台处理设备。 www.bing.com 10. A store that sells the goods of a particular manufacturer or wholesaler. 出售特定制造商或批发商的货物的商店 zhidao.baidu.com 1. s can be developed using the Wholesaler P&L Tool, using data collected by BD's, or by making reasonable estimates from local knowledge. 可以哄骗成可口可乐的配方批出售商利润表东西,业务拓展员收集的数据,或哄骗对当地认知进行合理预计。 www40.86-0.com 2. A white curve: weighted index wholesaler said that the Stock Exchange daily publication that the media often brings in the actual index. 白色曲线:表示大盘加权指数,即证交所每日公布媒体常说的大盘实际指数。 www.brar.cn 3. So in a sense, the FDA requirement also puts an onus , though an indirect one, on the primary wholesaler. 因此,从某种意义上讲,美国食品药品管理局要求也提出了举证责任,虽然是间接的,对主要批发商。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Ensure each area wholesaler channel sales smoothly. Obtain and report any information of parallel and smuggle goods. 保证各个区域批发商渠道的销售畅通。及时获取及汇报平行或走私商品的信息和动向。 www.muyii.com 5. Farther down the road is the Fu Zhong hardware and furniture wholesaler. 一路下去,还能看到福中五金店和家具批发商。 www.bdza.cn 6. Finally, hog price also presents inconsistency of non-linear dynamic path in consumer and wholesaler markets. 而消费地与产地批发市场也呈现不同的非线性动态走势。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. the wholesaler that distributed the candy, said that the toys were purchased in bulk from a Miami-based import company. 据该公司说,这些玩具是从迈阿密一家进口公司大批量购买的。 www.beelink.com 8. To wholesaler, the models can obtain order strategy for multiple products under capital constraint. 对批发商而言,该模型可获得资金约束条件下多产品的订购策略。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Those 65 and older are also more likely to book with a travel agent, with 35. 1% basing their travel plans on wholesaler brochures. 65岁及以上的人士更多地通过旅游代理商预订,其中有35.1%参考旅游批发商的宣传手册制定旅行计划。 www.bing.com 10. It also speeds up payments to agro-dealers and helps them build better links with the wholesaler suppliers. 他还加速了对农业经销商的支付,帮助他们与批发供应商建立更好的联系。 www.scidev.net 1. Under management of area sales director and wholesaler channel manager set down company sales plan. 在区域销售总监与批发商渠道经理的管理下,负责公司销售计划的制定。 www.tiaona.com 2. Article 16 To undertake alcoholic drink wholesale business, the wholesaler must hold the alcoholic drink wholesale license. 第十六条酒类批发者,必须持有《酒类批发许可证》。 www.eduzhai.net 3. Jinling trading business in Jiangsu province has become a high-grade famous liquor brand dominant operator and the largest wholesaler. 金陵贸易业务已成为江苏省内中高档名优酒类品牌的主导运营商和最大批发商。 news.cnqr.org 4. The American wholesaler will fight them on $5. The domestic retailer doesn't care as much. 他说,“美国的批发商为了5美金的差价就会争执不休,但是他们本国的零售商才不会在乎呢。” www.bing.com 5. One of my father's buddies, Bernie, was a prosperous fruit-and-vegetable wholesaler, who operated a warehouse in St. Paul. 我父亲一个伙伴,威廉斯,是一个繁荣的fruit-and-vegetable批发商,仓库运营一个至保罗。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The arrests come as French authorities said meat wholesaler Spanghero re-labeled and sold horse meat from Romanian suppliers. 逮捕行动开始于法国当局称肉类批发商Spanghero公司重新贴标签并销售来自罗马尼亚供应商的马肉。 www.kekenet.com 7. It is usually cheaper to buy the goods direct from the wholesaler. 跟批发商直接买货通常会便宜一些。 test.2u4u.com.cn 8. It seems that a grocery wholesaler in the state is facing a lawsuit for selling and distributing millions of counterfeit Trojan condoms. 好像是一家杂货店批发商因销售和分销数百万假冒的特洛伊安全套而将面临官司。 www.elanso.com 9. We are manufacturer, importer and wholesaler of fine rugs , linen and home improvement products. 我们是一家集生产,贸易,批发的地毯,床品和居家用品的公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. What if his wholesaler offered him a crate of some new exotic fruit? 如果他的批发商卖给他一框新鲜的珍奇水果呢? www.bing.com 1. If the wholesaler buys, those counterfeit products are now in the supply chain. 如果大批发商接收贿赂,那么伪造药品就进入了供应链。 www.ibm.com 2. Retailers buy goods directly from the manufacturer or from a wholesaler. 零售商直接从制造商或从批发商那里购买商品。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Confirm, monitor and select potential wholesaler, which measure up Summergate's criterion. 确定,监督及筛选符合美夏批发商标准的潜在批发商客户。 my.rencaiwang.org 4. While the likes of Asahi might find it easy to pick up a cheap loan to buy assets, for example, a small liquor wholesaler probably will not. 比如说,像朝日(Asahi)这样的企业也许会发现,拿到廉价贷款去购买资产不费吹灰之力,但一家小型酒类批发商肯定不会有同感。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Wholesaler in England specialising in trade with Nigeria. 专业批发商在英格兰与尼日利亚的贸易。 www.wmtag.cn 6. However if you prefer to carrying our products in Arizona, you'll need to contact our first tier wholesaler there. 当然,假如您也想在亚利桑那州经营,那你就只能跟我们的一级代理商联系了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Longest running legal importer wholesaler needs a new supplier we have thousands of buyers and thousands more we can have. 运行时间最长的法律进口商批发商,需要我们有成千上万的买家和数千我们可以有一个新的供应商。 www.wmtag.cn 8. If a wholesaler accepts the VP, a written Operating Agreement will be presented and signed to finalize the partnership arrangement. 如果批发商接受价值建议,最终提交并签定一份运作协议来完成合作安排。 english.31931.cn 9. Buying a loose diamond from a wholesaler can save you hundreds of dollars. 从批发商那里买一颗切割不那么精密的钻石可以节省数百美元。 www.bing.com 10. The wholesaler then sees this growth in demand and, scared of stock outs, orders 15 watches from the watchmaker. 批发商觉察到需求的增长,因担心库存不足,从制表商那里订购了15只手表; www.showxiu.com 1. Kikkoman is the biggest wholesaler of Asian foodstuffs in America, with similar operations in Europe, China and Australia. 在美国龟甲万是亚洲公司中最大的食品批发商,在欧洲、中国和澳大利亚也是较大的食品批发商。 www.dltcedu.org 2. A merchant is a wholesaler or retailer of goods and services. 一个商人是货物和服务的批发商或零售商。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. One Large Wholesaler in USA Plumbing Industry. 美国管道产品大型批发商。 www.31715.cn 4. Pugster, Inc. is a high quality fashion jewelry manufacturer, distributor, retailer and wholesaler since 1987. Pugster投资公司成立于己于1987年,主要从事高品质的首饰的制造,分销,零售和批发。 job.01hr.com 5. Firms such as Kirin, a beverage-maker, J-Power, an electricity wholesaler, and many others have bought foreign companies this year. 包括饮料商麒麟,电力设备商J电力在内的很多企业,都在今年收购了外国公司。 www.ecocn.org 6. We are a professional wholesaler and we provide high quality products and best service to our customers. 我们是一家专业批发公司,我们还提供了高品质的产品和最好的服务给客户。 cn.tradekey.com 7. Imagine that a wholesaler brings a tractor-trailer full of exotic fruit to your stand and tries to sell you the entire load. 假如说批发商开来一卡车外国水果到你的摊位,准备全部卖给你。 www.bing.com 8. Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is 23. 我们给批发商的标准单价是23。 bbs.wtojob.com 9. The Jilin Corn Center wholesaler eventually got the maximum fine of 1 million yuan ($147, 477). 吉林玉米中心批发市场有限公司最终被处以最高人民币100万元(合147,477美元)的罚款。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Could you tell me you are a wholesaler or trader? 请问,你方是批发商还是贸易商? club.china.alibaba.com 1. The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products. 店主到批发商处进货去了。 www.for68.com 2. Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is23. 5. 我们给批发商的标准单价是23. dict.veduchina.com 3. Pat Jr. : I have a reliable wholesaler here that can ship our product to you. You're required to use our beef. 小帕特:我在本地有个可靠的批发商可以运我们的产品给你。你必须使用我们的牛肉。 tj.yuloo.com 4. Travel 2 Travel 4 is the largest trade-only UK wholesaler, trading through 5, 000 plus sub agents. Travel2Travel4是目前英国最大的贸易专业批发商,其下属旅行社多达5,000多家。 www.galileo.com 5. Pat Jr. : I have a reliable wholesaler here that can ship our product to you. (续上期,下期续)小帕特:我在本地有个可靠的批发商可以运我们的产品给你。 www.51test.net 6. But Anthony Lam, of Golden Resources, the largest rice wholesaler in Hong Kong, said prices were near their peak. 但最大的大米批发商GoldenResources驻香港的AnthonyLam表示,价格即将见顶。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Exclusive distribution refers to the fact that there is only one wholesaler or retailer who selling a product or providing a certain service 独家分销是指一个事实,即只有一个谁批发商或零售商销售产品或提供某种服务 wenku.baidu.com 8. In our country we are wholesaler of electronic products. 在我国我们是电子产品的批发商。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Pricing & margin analysis for different layers (brewery, retailer, wholesaler) and different regions; 价格及利润分析,针对不同层级(酒厂、零售商及批发商)及区域; job.jinti.com 10. For more information, please contact Royal Orchid Holidays Wholesaler KINGDOM TRAVEL SERVICE SHANGHAI 查询更多信息,请致电泰国航空风兰假期总代理 www.kingdomtravel.com.cn 1. It is an importer, distributor, exporter, manufacturer and Wholesaler. ; 该公司从事进口,经销商,出口商,也是加工和批发商。 www.meatnet.cn 2. Inventory Management of Wholesaler in Traditional Distribution System 传统分销系统的经销商的库存管理 www.ilib.cn 3. Improvement of Drug Wholesaler Marketing Management and Regulation of Drug Circulation 搞好批发企业经营管理规范药品流通秩序 www.ilib.cn 4. Game Analysis between Manufacturer and Wholesaler in the Management of Distribution Channel 渠道管理中的厂商与分销商的博弈分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Second, develop and standardize the wholesaler market for agriculture product; 第二,发展和规范农产品批发市场; www.yidu.edu.cn 6. Group Assignment: Handling the problems from Wholesaler 分组作业:处理与经销商之间的问题 www.eiedu.com 7. wholesaler of remaining inventory shoes 库存鞋批发商 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Wholesale Price Model of Wholesaler and Retailer in Supply Chain 供应链中批发商和零售商的批发价格模型 www.ilib.cn 9. The wholesaler, retailer and consumer due to the hard work and 批发商、零售商和消费者能够获得各种颜色的品种 bbs.yfsz.com 10. Further develop the wholesaler market and sales to feedmills; 进一步完善和发展整个销售市场; www.boyar.cn |
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