单词 | white porcelain | ||||||
释义 | white porcelain
例句释义: 白瓷,白磁,青白瓷装置 1. Porcelain industry continued to grow up during Yuan Dynasty. Ming Dynasty was dominated by blue and white porcelain. 元朝期间,瓷工业继续发展,到了明朝,蓝瓷,白瓷器皿成了瓷器产品的主流。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Clearing up of piled up bricks, uncovered few fragmented coal and iron utensils. At the bottom of the pile a white porcelain cup was found. 方形砖块堆叠现象清理,其内出现零星煤炭以及不少铁器,底部出现一件白瓷杯。 anping.tncg.gov.tw 3. Blue and white porcelain, also referred to as porcelain, originated in song, development and the yuan dynasty, books shapes. 青花瓷,亦简称青花,起源于唐宋,发展与元代,成书于明清。 www.expo2011eshop.com 4. Glaze colorant, used for decoration, burning of dry blank continuous or firing of white porcelain, enamel on hygiene and then glaze. 用于装饰干坯,素烧坯或烧成后的白瓷,在其上施生釉再进行釉烧。 www.bing.com 5. In the middle of a small pond Stands a pavilion of green And of white porcelain. 小小池塘的中央,矗立着一座凉亭,用绿白陶瓷建成。 www.cpaa.cn 6. A giant "blue and white porcelain tea pot" made of snow was unveiled in a street in Yaroslavl, Russia, on March 2. 3月2日,俄罗斯雅罗斯拉夫尔,一个用雪堆建的“青花茶壶”矗立在了街头。 gb.cri.cn 7. The new livery features beautifully shot product on white porcelain with an understated Union Jack background. 新涂装的特点杆漂亮的白瓷与低估国旗背景下的产物。 bzxw.512121.com 8. Blue and white porcelain produce in high temperature (1200 degrees) a time firing, the characteristic is lively, pure and fresh, elegant. 青花瓷在高温(1200度以上)中一次烧成,青花瓷的特点是明快、清新、雅致。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Westerners used for Dehua's white porcelain. 对德化白瓷的一种称呼。 big5.cctv.com 10. Its white porcelain QingCuiYuDi generic green, the flowers with elegance, who was known as "plain and neat Cen seems Ba" Keith. 其瓷白中泛青,其花青翠欲滴,素来以典雅素净而被称为“叭思涔灞”。 www.expo2011eshop.com 1. If it is high black tea, then, to use white porcelain cup is appropriate to view the color. 如果是高档红茶,那么,以选用白瓷杯为宜,以便观其色泽。 www.ymtweb.com 2. "the Orchid Pavilion Foreword" apparent must meet "East wind Broken" "Chrysanthemum Raised flower bed " "Blue and white porcelain" class. 《兰亭序》则一眼便知要接《东风破》《菊花台》《青花瓷》的班。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The original blue and white porcelain the song has weakened, the historical value of the already transcendental unsurpassed. 原始青花瓷于唐宋已见端倪,其历史价值早已超然绝伦。 www.orangelipin.com 4. The emergence of blue and white porcelain is of epoch-making significance in porcelain history. 青花瓷的出现,在陶瓷史上具有划时代的意义。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. what Jay Chou's "Blue and White Porcelain" and Jolin Tsai's "Dancing Diva" are to the new generation. They are all due to the same reason. 周杰伦的“青花瓷”、蔡依林的“舞娘”之于新世代,它的道理是一样的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One is to build school packaging exquisite " blue and white porcelain" pen, printed above school designation and blessing. 一是校团委成批打造的包装考究的“青花瓷”笔,上面刻印着学校的番号和祝福语。 www.bing.com 7. Cup water storage: water for washing or pens use water supply, also white porcelain for the better. 贮水盂:盛水作洗笔或供应清水之用,亦以白色瓷器为较佳。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. From cultural connotations of view, phoenix patterns of Ming blue-and-white porcelain possess pro. . . 从文化内涵来看,明代青花瓷鸟纹具有吉祥寓意、文人旨趣、时代思潮等内涵。 www.cnconfucius.com 9. John allow assist generation eu caught paddy field black and get her shackled antique blue &white porcelain international. 约翰容许协助代薇抓到稻田青一拿到她的家传古董元青花。 tv.360mp3.com 10. Lu was praised as "The king of Chinese blue and white porcelain" in the first national ceramics art exhibition. Now Mr. 其中的青花瓷瓶《瑞雪图》获全国首届陶瓷艺术展金奖,被誉为“中国当代青花王”。 hi.baidu.com 1. Even if the most commonly used white porcelain coffeepot, had flower set off, also can experience festal arrival. 即使是最常用的白瓷咖啡壶,有了花朵映衬,也能感受到节日的到来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This subject is an exploration on blue-and-white porcelain research. 本论题对于青花瓷的研究具有一定的探索意义。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. A "blue and white porcelain" , sing out millennium verve, also the emotions to sing out millennium. 一首《青花瓷》,唱出了千年神韵,也唱出了千年情丝。 www.orangelipin.com 4. So a piece of white porcelain is a valuable collectable. 所以这白瓷还具有很高的收藏价值。 big5.cctv.com 5. Products mainly include white porcelain, stoneware porcelain, Gu Zhici, strengthen porcelain out, art porcelain and other top-five series. 产品主要有白瓷、炻瓷、骨质瓷、强化瓷列、艺术瓷等五大系列。 www.tonke.cn 6. Blue and white porcelain developed and spread quickly after its emergence. 青花瓷一经出现,迅速地得到传播和发展。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Reoccupy white porcelain, or simple ligneous knob does shake hands handle. 再用白瓷、或简单的木制旋钮做拉手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The blue-white porcelain and coins of Tang Dynasty were also found in Egypt, Kenya and Zanzibar. 唐代的青白瓷器和钱币在埃及、肯尼亚、桑给巴尔等地多有发现。 kaoshi.alai.net 9. Eating according to the rules or drink realgar wine, nice color, white porcelain bowl was filled, everybody has a share, quaff. 吃了饭照规矩还是得喝点雄黄酒的,颜色好看,白瓷碗盛了,人人有份,一饮而尽。 www.bing.com 10. This article examines several questions related to carved blue and white porcelain from the Tang Dynasty Yue kiln. 本文探讨了有关唐代越窑青瓷刻划花的若干问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Jiajing and Wanli blue and white porcelain of the late Huiqing use, to bring the kiln Jiajing Zhu grand, rich and gaudy color and strong. 嘉靖、万历年间为青花瓷之晚期,回青的使用,给嘉靖诸窑带来盛况,色彩浓艳而强烈。 dukadk.blog.artron.net 2. Jay Chou sang three songs, the first one was "blue and white porcelain" , my coat is the same name. 周杰伦唱了三首歌,第一首就是“青花瓷”,我的衣服很应景~。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Some objects even more than the whiteness of fine white porcelain from Xing. 有些器物的白度甚至超过了邢窑的细白瓷器。 blog.artron.net 4. There are only 20 or so of these huge, spherical, white porcelain jars in the world, all made around 1700, and hauntingly beautiful. 这个展览于本周开始,适逢韩国的中秋节。全球仅有大约20个这样巨大的球型白瓷坛,都是18世纪左右制造的,美得让人难以忘怀。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It means the top-grade white porcelain. 有优质白瓷的意思。 big5.cctv.com 6. Ding Shaozao white porcelain body thin, creamy white glaze, looks fine. 定窑烧造的白瓷胎薄,釉色乳白,造型精美。 www.showxiu.com 7. Blue and white porcelain has a white base with blue designs. 青花瓷是一种白地蓝花的瓷器。 www.juyy.net 8. Rice said in addition to clear my take others don't go blue &white porcelain international. 稻田清一说除了本人他人取不走元青花。 tv.360mp3.com 9. General mixed water surface for electroplating chromium , but also chromium and gold -plated , white porcelain. 一般混水龙头外表为电镀铬,也有镀铬加金、白瓷的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "This is the most famous blue and white porcelain of China. . . " my art teacher's voice suddenly shuddered . “这是中国最负盛名的青瓷------”我们艺术老师的声音突然间战栗起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This is our teacher who teaches me drawing blue and white porcelain. His name is Lineng, a very kind man. 这个师傅是老厂教我们画青花的,叫李能,是个非常好的师傅! blog.sina.com.cn 2. There are two huge, delicate blue-and-white porcelain bowls in my home. 我家有两个青花瓷海碗,做工很精致。 www.nciku.cn 3. Simply speaking, the former is a sort of pure and fresh beauty, like the impressionistic ink painting or the blue-and-white porcelain; 简而言之,前者是一种单纯清淡的美,如同写意水墨画或青花瓷器; tech.163.com 4. Everything I know about the elegance of imperfection, I learned from the white porcelain plate I bought in Kyoto. 我从日本京都买来的白色瓷碟,让我了解所有关于“不完美之优雅”的事情。 www.bing.com 5. Historical Characteristics of the Blue and White Porcelain from the Collection in Chengde Mountain Resort Museum 从避暑山庄博物馆藏青花瓷谈其时代特点 ilib.cn 6. The elegant blue-and-white porcelain plates as well as the dancers'graceful postures 青花瓷盘的优雅与传统舞蹈的轻盈 7. Raw Material and Painting Technique of Blue and White Porcelain and the Characteristics of the Times 青花瓷的原料及绘制工艺与时代特色 www.ilib.cn 8. A Preliminary Probe into the Ornamental Art of White Porcelain of Xing Kiln in Tang Dynasty 唐代邢窑白瓷装饰工艺的初步探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Refined and Popular Tastes of Jingdezhen Blue and White Porcelain in Song Dynasty 论宋代景德镇青白瓷的雅、俗审美两极 www.ilib.cn 10. History and features of Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain in Song Dynasty 论宋代景德镇青白瓷的历史分期及其特征 service.ilib.cn 1. On Aesthetic Characteristics of Blue and White Porcelain 论青花瓷的审美性 www.ilib.cn 2. Dragon Design Blue and White Porcelain Cheongsam 龙纹青花瓷旗袍 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The Aesthetic Characters of Blue-and-White Porcelain 明代青花瓷的审美特征 www.ilib.cn 4. The Discovery of Blue and White Porcelain from Yuan Dynasty 元代青花瓷的发现之路 www.9wh.net 5. Song Dynasty White Porcelain Pillow 宋代经典虎形白瓷枕头 stores.ebay.com.cn 6. Dehua White Porcelain in China and the Early Porcelain Production in Europe 中国德化白瓷与欧洲早期制瓷业 service.ilib.cn 7. Fine blue and white porcelain tableware 青花日用细瓷器 zftrans.com 8. Elegant Blue and White Porcelain 典雅青花瓷 blog.sina.com.cn 9. On the Blue and White Porcelain of Tang Dynasty 唐代青花瓷探析 www.ilib.cn 10. china blue and white porcelain 中国青花瓷博客 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And the white porcelain was made only in China, 当时只有在中国才能制造出来, www.cctv.com |
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