单词 | written in |
释义 | written in是write in的过去分词
第三人称单数:writes in 现在分词:writing in 过去式:wrote in 过去分词:written in 例句释义: 插入,人者 1. Ability to read, analyze and interpret ongoing news and marketing information, to be written in a report to the head of Sales and Marketing. 具有阅读、分析、解读相关新闻及市场信息,之后向销售市场主管报告的能力。 hrm.cn 2. With the exception of a small minority of Aramaic texts, the books of the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible were all written in Hebrew. 《旧约》和《希伯来圣经》基本都是用希伯来语写的,只有一小部分是由亚拉姆文字书写的。 www.bing.com 3. Peter Drucker's "Effective Executive" was written in 1966. It is a slim tome and easy to read, even if the language is a bit dated. 彼得·德鲁克《卓有成效的管理》一书著于1966年,该书笔调流畅,易于阅读,只是语言有些过时。 www.bing.com 4. Developers will now also be able to run applications written in non-. NET languages on Azure, thanks to the addition of support for FastCGI. 开发者也可以在Azure上运行非.Net语言编写的应用,这得感谢新增添的对FastCGI的支持。 www.bing.com 5. Assuming your new function is written in terms of Clojure's built-in functions, it will automatically be able to support all the same types. 假设您的新函数是用Clojure的内置函数编写的,则它将能够自动支持所有相同的类型。 www.ibm.com 6. Although it had many forms, a rebus usually was a romantic verse written in ink with certain words omitted and illustrated with a picture. 虽然有许多形式,一情势,通常是一个浪漫的诗与省略某些墨写的字和图片说明。 www.wowenni.com 7. I worked up the courage to show him something new, a primitive short story written in what I fancied to be the dark Russian manner. 我鼓起勇气约他看我的一篇新作,一个粗糙的短篇故事,自己认为是仿效俄国阴郁的笔调写的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The other events of his reign and all his ways, from beginning to end, are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. 亚哈斯其馀的事和他的行为,自始至终都写在犹大和以色列诸王记上。 new.fuyinchina.com 9. i feel as a diary written in his face, and i just want to let people who love me to read out a carefully designed this one little secret. 我把心情当做日记写在自己的脸上,我只想让爱我的人读出这一条一条精心设计的小秘密。 b.faloo.com 10. I've gathered all the information I need for my speech at the seminar. I'll be able to have it written in short order. So, don't worry! 我在研讨会上发言所需要的材料都已经搜集好了。我马上就可以把发言稿写好。所以,你别担心。 www.jysls.com 1. Logs are written in a customizable format and may be written directly to a file or to an external program. 日志使用可自定义的格式编写,并且可以直接写到一个文件或一个外部程序里。 www.ibm.com 2. Some of tablets appear to be Lexical Lists, written in two or three columns. 其中一些写字板出现了词汇列表,分两至三列写成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Your code can throw an exception in one language and that exception can be caught and understood by an object written in another language. 您的代码可以以一种语言引发异常,该异常可以被用另一种语言编写的对象捕获并理解。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. XML presents information in a hierarchical structure with elements and attributes usually written in easy-to-read language. XML在一个层次结构中表示信息,该结构的元素和属性一般用可读性很强的语言编写。 www.ibm.com 5. Unable to see. he repeated from memory, in a strong voice, some verses he had written in , a patriotic poemcaued "The Gift Outright " . 由于不能看稿子,他就凭记忆以高昂的声音背诵了他在年写的题为“纯粹的天资”的爱国诗篇中的一些句子。 www.bing.com 6. As a text written in an artistic, calligraphy is the pursuit of a sense of eyes, the United States. 作为文字书写的一门艺术,书法追求的是感目,是美。 jztu.5d6d.com 7. The name and menu are written in Japanese kanji rather than Western letters, in a large, easy-to-read font. 名称和目录都是使用日本汉字而非西方字母,并且使用一种易于阅读的大字体。 www.ecocn.org 8. And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon? 所罗门其馀的事,凡他所行的和他的智慧都写在所罗门记上。 www.enread.com 9. "It is in a white envelope with a red stamp, " Germont said. "The address is written in large black letters. " “白色的信封,有一个鲜红的邮戳。”热尔芒特说。“地址是黑体大写。” www.0760.com 10. I was looking at the "happy family" , I was written in the book LiRui experience, I seem to have reached the "happy planet" family. 我看的是《快乐我做主》,书中写的是李瑞的亲身经历,我仿佛已经到了“快乐星球”的大家庭里。 www.268r.com 1. It is written in the present tense and tells the entire screenplay as if it were a short story. 文案一般使用现在时撰写,并将剧本的主要情节改写为一个短篇故事。 www.bing.com 2. Although Alfred encouraged reading and writing in Anglo-Saxon as well as in Latin, most works continued to be written in Latin. 尽管阿尔弗雷德提倡人们不仅用拉丁文,也用盎格鲁?撒克逊语读书、写作,但大多数著作仍然是用拉丁文书写。 club.topsage.com 3. You can compare EGL to what COBOL did in the '60s: make it easy to code applications that were originally written in Assembler language. 可以将EGL与COBOL在20世纪60年代所起的作用做一下比较:使得最初用汇编语言编写的应用程序的代码编写变得容易。 www.ibm.com 4. Street names and bus destinations could have been written in a foreign language for all the sense they made to her. 那些街道和公交车站的名字就象是用外语写的,她根本看不懂。 www.zftrans.com 5. A timing verification research on the general processor used for communication and network is written in this dissertation. 论文对一个用于通信和网络的通用通信处理器的时序验证进行了研究。 www.dictall.com 6. In an article written in 1915, Kautsky had referred to his own earlier article from 1904. 在1915年的一篇文章中,考茨基引用了自己在1904年的早期文章。 www.bing.com 7. As for the other events of Amaziah's reign, from beginning to end, are they not written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel? 亚玛谢其馀的事,自始至终不都写在犹大和以色列诸王记上吗? new.fuyinchina.com 8. If this Agreement is written in two or more languages, the English text thereof shall be deemed to be authoritative. 如果此协议是用两种或两种以上语言印写,其中的英语应被认作是指令性语言。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. I would really like to read his book, but it's written in ancient Italian, and I'm afraid it would be too difficult to understand. 我真的愿意看他的书,但它是用意大利古文写的,所以我恐怕它是太难懂了。 www.italki.com 10. We Blood Knights; We whose lives are written in blood, both that of our enemies and of ourselves. 我们是血骑士;我们的生命由敌人与我们自己的鲜血写成。 baike.soso.com 1. But Kevin's resume did not tell the whole story. There was another side to his life, one written in neon signs and purple casino chips. 可是凯文的简历里没有告诉故事的全部。他的生活有另一面,用闪动的拉斯维加斯霓虹牌和紫色筹码写成的。 www.preferpoker3.com 2. Be very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses. 所以你们要大大壮胆,谨守遵行写在摩西律法书上的一切话。 www.2r2y.com 3. The law is not so much carved in stone as it is written in water, flowing in and out with the tide. 法律并不是刻在石头上而事像写在水中,随著潮水流进流出。 www.hfu.edu.tw 4. In China, from ancient times until now, there's never been a woman writer who has written in my style. 在中国,从古至今,没有女性作家以我的方式写作。 www.bing.com 5. Posters that go up in schools should be written in standard English and encourage children to read and write standard English. 进入校园的海报应使用标准英语,以鼓励孩子们阅读标准英语并用标准英语进行写作。 www.21stcentury.com.cn 6. I held up the book and told him it was the greatest novel written in any language since William Faulkner died. 我举起书告诉他,这是自福克纳去世后以各种语言出版的最伟大的小说。 www.bing.com 7. You can do anything that you want to. It's not written in stone that it has to do something we want you to do. 你可以做任何你想做的事情,并没有规定你必须做我们想你做的事情。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The golden characters on the front gate of the company is written in tablet script. 公司大门上的几个烫金大字是用魏碑体写的。 www.nciku.com 9. It was, you guessed it, a bunch of wrapper functions written in Expect. 你可以想象,它是一串在Expect中写的封装好的函数。 www.ibm.com 10. But Anderson did not think it was ink. He thought the papers were written in blood. 但安德森并不认为那是墨水,他觉得纸上的字是用血写成的。 gb.cri.cn 1. Seven days later, their second-in-command came to me with a signed letter written in both Somali and English. 7天以后,他们的副司令员拿着用索马里语和英语写就的签名信登门见我。 www.bing.com 2. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 在这种情况下,许可证包含的限止条款和许可证正文一样有效。 www.aka.org.cn 3. The only thing on my husband's description would be the word "fun" written in big red letters along the top. 我先生的“职务简述”是在上端用红色写出的两个大字——“乐子”。 www.bing.com 4. They're a great source of English input as the language is often written in a simple, spoken style. 它们是英文输入的一个很好的资源,因为语言往往是以很简单的、口语风格写的。 www.360doc.com 5. Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us, yet we have not sought the favor. 这一切灾祸临到我们身上是照摩西律法上所写的,我们却没有求耶和华我们上帝的恩典,使我们回头离开罪孽,明白你的真理。 new.fuyinchina.com 6. These sort of rules can be written in a form of scripting language that we have provided within Dump Analyzer. 这些类型的规则可以使用DumpAnalyzer中附带的脚本语言编写。 www.ibm.com 7. And to offer a sacrifice, according as it is written in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. 并该照上主法律上所吩咐的,献上祭物:一对斑鸠或两只鶵鸽。 www.ccreadbible.org 8. If these conditions are true, the body of the control is not rendered, and a string is written in its place. 如果以上条件成立,则不会呈现控件正文,而会在相应位置写入字符串。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. I knew you loved me, of course. It was written in your eyes when you looked at me, a physics problem with no clear answer. 当然我知道你爱我,从你的眼神里我看得出来,这是无法用物理解释的。 bbs.sfw.com.cn 10. Notices or other communications required to be given by one Party pursuant to this Agreement shall be written in Chinese. 一方根据本协议要求发出的通知或其他书信应以中文书写。 learning.sohu.com 1. 'I haven't heard anything other than what's been said or written in the papers, so it's purely speculative at the moment, ' he said. “除了报纸上所传的我什么也没听说过,所以此刻那完全是臆断推测”施瓦泽表示。 cnc.arsenal.com.cn 2. We would like to help, but not everybody has a good crystal ball to see the things that are not written in email, so we have to ask. 我们很愿意帮助您,但并不是每个人都有一个水晶球能看见您没有在邮件中写明的事情,因此我们需要提问。 cn.opensuse.org 3. Assembly language program than the program written in machine instructions easy to understand and maintain. 汇编语言程序要比用机器指令编写的程序容易理解和维护。 3333355555.com 4. The "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was written in a few days of round-the-clock creative inspiration in Brussels in January 1848. 《共产党宣言》就是1848年马克思在布鲁塞尔时连续几天二十四小时笔耕不辍,灵感迸发的成果。 www.bing.com 5. Portability. most of the source code is written in C language. easy to transplant to other microprocessor. 可移植性。绝大部分源代码是用C语言写的。便于移植到其他微处理器上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Software written in a particular language is only useful in combination with a programming language interpreter. 特定编程语言写成的软件只有结合该语言解释器才能工作。 www.bing.com 7. This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new cla of weapon . 这篇文章是为了提供1995年所著描述一套全新级别武器的书的内容概要而撰写的。 www.51wuxian.com 8. Specifically, this text is called "female character" , written in the works in this book can be called women. 具体地说,这种文字叫“女字”,用这种文字写成的作品才叫女书。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Divide your time-line into chapters, as if your life is a story written in a book with different chapters. 把你的“时间线”分成章节,就象你的人生是书中有着不同的章节的故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This book is such a guide, full of the real-life examples to ease your way, and written in a lighter style to ease your reading. 本书就是这样一本指南,书中充满了简化学习内容的真实实例,并且以为了便于阅读,该书以更轻松的风格撰写而成。 www.ibm.com 1. I loaded my bike into the front carriage and sat on a bench next to a small compartment that had "conductor" written in English on the door. 我把自行车装上前面的行李车,自己坐在车凳上,身边有一间小房间,门上用英语写着“售票员”。 www.bing.com 2. This contract is written in both Chinese and English and made out in two copies, one for each party. 本合同用中英文书写,双方各执一份为凭。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He spoke a pleasant word or two about a pamphlet I had written in 1960 arguing for a large allocation of our resources to the public sector. 他却对我在1960年写的一本主张把更多的资源用于公共事业的小册子说了一两句好话。 dict.veduchina.com 4. So what will it take to make CUDA a standard, or at least the ability to run general computing tasks written in C on a GPU? 那么是否会让CUDA成为业界标准,或者至少是让GPU运行C代码的通用计算任务? www.bing.com 5. All the curses written in this book will fall upon him, and the LORD will blot out his name from under heaven. 耶和华的怒气与愤恨要向他发作,如烟冒出,将这书上所写的一切咒诅都加在他身上。 www.ebigear.com 6. It would be difficult as the core routines used in the Seventeen or Bust client are written in heavily hand-optimized assembly language. 那样做是很困难的。就相当于使用复杂的汇编语言来编写SOB的核心。 www.equn.com 7. This book wasn't written in the usual sense of the word. 这本书并不是在一般的写作情形下完成的。 bbs.kaoyan.com 8. He had been using languages like the Unix programs sed, awk, and sh, along with programs written in C, to perform a variety of tasks. 他曾经用像Unix程序sed、awk和sh,以及用C写的程序的语言执行过各种各样的任务。 www.ibm.com 9. For the most part, this post was just another article among many others that she had written in recent months. 大多数情况下,这篇文章仅是她在最近几个月里所写的众多文章中的一篇罢了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Australia's convict origins have been variously written in and out of the national consciousness. 在澳大利亚,人们对出身罪犯家庭的人的看法,已经在其民族意识中转变了好多次。 www.bing.com 1. In test-driven development automated tests should be written in the first place, in comparison to manual tests performed by team members. 在测试驱动开发中,跟团队成员执行的手动测试相比,自动测试的编写应该放在首要位置。 www.infoq.com 2. This book is written in a very low key from beginning to end. 这本书从头至尾都是用特别低的调子写的。 chinafanyi.com 3. The book is written in such simple English that beginners can understand it without looking up in a dictionary. 这本书是用如此简单的英语写的,所以初学者不用查词典也能读懂。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. SARAH'S KEY is her first novel written in her mother tongue, English. 莎拉的关键是她的第一部小说写在她的母语,英语。 baike.baidu.com 5. This kind of antomation makes it very easy to save what you have written in a digital format. 这种软件使格式以数字保存你所写的东西变得容易 zhidao.baidu.com 6. To make this attack possible, the code itself must be written in such a way that it makes decisions based on potentially untrustworthy data. 要进行这种攻击,在编写代码本身时必须使代码决策基于特定的数据,而这些数据有可能是不受信任的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Written in his trademark breezy style, the long post is an engaging read -- especially if you've been dabbling in fine-wine speculation. 谢国忠这篇博文写得非常有趣,读来让人如沐春风,这是他的一贯风格。你若对精品葡萄酒交易略知一二,感受会更加深刻。 chinese.wsj.com 8. all the events, from beginning to end, are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah. 并他自始至终所行的,都写在以色列和犹大列王记上。 www.ebigear.com 9. When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters-one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity. 在汉语里,“危机”是由两个字组成的——一个代表危险,一个代表机会。 hhbird.com 10. The power of a lover's stare has been written in romance novels ever since an ink pen was first laid to a piece of parchment. 自从人类开始在羊皮纸上写下文字,诸多言情小说中便可见到关于爱人的注视所具有的力量的描写。 www.bing.com 1. Plain XQuery does not allow you to call SQL user defined functions (UDFs) or external UDFs written in C or Java. 普通XQuery不允许您调用SQL用户定义的函数(UDF)或者用C语言或Java编写的外部UDF。 www.ibm.com 2. One of them has extra stuff written in it by Harry. What's all that about? 它们中的一本上有很多哈利写的额外的东西。那些都是什么? www.hoolee8.com 3. You're the one who makes the office org chart, so keep your hands off anyone whose name is written in the boxes on the bottom rows. 你是能够决定办公室人事架构的人,因此不要染指人事架构图上那些名字排在你下面一行的人。 www.bing.com 4. This issue's "Comic Corner" will teach you to use Chinese to open a bank account and help you understand instructions written in Chinese. 本期漫画中文要教你用中文上银行开户存款,并且听懂常见的银行手续指示,轻松成为中文理财高手! store.pchome.com.tw 5. Silence by no means vague morality, everything is written in the heart, everything is written in the action. 沉默绝不等于道德观模糊,一切都写在心中,一切都写在行动中。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The social history of a nation can be written in terms of its film and stars. 才会说:一个国家的社会史,可以从影片和明星来写。 www.kdocn.com 7. They do nothing but thumb their prayer beads and recite a book written in a tongue they don't even understand. 除了用拇指数念珠,背诵那本根本就看不懂的经书,他们什么也不会。 www.kekenet.com 8. Let's take a look around us: the latest information around the world is written in or translated into English. 让我们看看生活周遭事物吧:世界上最新信息是用英文写,或是被译为英文。 www.6bei.com.cn 9. What is the most exciting piece of code (that you know of) ever written in Bash? (您知道的)用Bash编写的最令人激动的代码是什么? www.bing.com 10. TCPDF and pages using it are written in PHP, making it easy to create and deploy PDF-generating Web pages. 用PHP编写TCPDF并使用其页面,这使其易于创建并部署PDF生成的Web页面。 www.ibm.com 1. Do not believe the rave vowed at the time of love, that are written in wine will soon be evaporation. 千万不要相信狂欢时的爱情誓言,那是用酒写的,很快会蒸发的。 blog.163.com 2. It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting on powder blue stationery with a little flower in the left-hand corner. 秀美的蓝色笔迹跃然纸上,一看就是女性的笔迹,信纸的左上角还有朵小花。 www.bing.com 3. Or another futuristic application would be to think a flow of information and have it written in front of your eyes. 它在将来能在你眼前自动书写完成,并对信息进行分析判断。 www.bing.com 4. Wolf in the Wasteland was written in a degenerating era, in which the intellectual was almost unable to survive. 《荒原狼》写作的时代是一个堕落的时代,有良知的知识分子在这样的社会里几乎无法生存。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. In an essay written in 1663 he apologised for his curiosity about this "empty, vain and deceitful study" . 他在1663年的一篇文章中,为他自己对这种“空洞,虚荣,欺诈性质的研究”所表现出来的兴趣而道歉。 www.bing.com 6. Coca-Cola's famous name, usually written in a distinctive typeface, is a classic example of a trademark known around the world. 可口可乐这个如雷贯耳的名字,通常以一种特别的字体出现,是全世界周知的一个经典的商标例子。 dict.yeshj.com 7. Afterward, Joshua read all the words of the law--the blessings and the curses--just as it is written in the Book of the Law. 随后约书亚将律法上祝福,咒诅的话,照着律法书上一切所写的,都宣读了一遍。 www.ebigear.com 8. A properly internationalized application must be able to process data written in different writing systems. 一个被恰当国际化了的应用程序应能处理在不同的编写系统内写入的数据。 www.ibm.com 9. As you can see, the length of the strings written in various writing systems is miscalculated. 正如您所见,以各种编写系统编写的字符串的长度得到了错误的计算。 www.ibm.com 10. This book provides a concise overview of thermodynamics, and is written in a manner which makes the difficult subject matter understandable. 这本书提供热力学的简明的概述,并且被用使难的主要内容可理解的一种方式写。 www.tzhealth.com 1. For it is written in the Law of Moses: 'Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain. 就如摩西的律法记着说:“牛在场上踹谷的时候,不可笼住它的嘴。” www.bible.cccm.us 2. He mentioned he was working for a bank in London, writing Java servlets to replace an older system written in C . 他提到他那时在伦敦的一家银行工作,编写Javaservlet来替代用C 编写的老系统。 www.ibm.com 3. The events of Asa's reign, from beginning to end, are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. 亚撒所行的事,自始至终都写在犹大和以色列诸王记上。 www.ebigear.com 4. Here's a simple example of a program that can be written in a page of yacc and a half-page of lex code. 这里是一个简单的示例程序,只需要一页yacc代码和半页lex代码就可以编写完该程序。 www.ibm.com 5. It would happen that the software was written in a week instead of three months. 偏偏这套软件就在一周内被编写出来,而不是三个月。 www.i21st.cn 6. If your resume is written in a language other than English, be sure to have a native speaker of that language carefully review your resume. 如果你的简历使用的是英语以外的某种语言,一定要让一个母语是这门语言的人仔细检查你的简历。 www.qnr.cn 7. Ann: The book was written in old English so that I can't read it very quickly, and you know, my vocabulary is even very small. 它是用古英文书写的所以我就读不快,而且你也知道,我的词汇量不大。 www.youtheme.cn 8. As per written in your resume, you don't have working experience, do you think you are able to take the challenge? 看过你的简历,你没有工作经验,你觉得你可以胜任这个工作吗? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. All that WSDL provides could really have been written in the RDF Serialized format. WSDL提供的一切本来完全可以用RDF序列化格式编写。 www.ibm.com 10. Their false history is written in the blood of those who might remember and of those who seek the truth. 他们用那些寻找真相的人的血来书写经过歪曲的历史。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The book is written in simple easy-to-read Russian. 全书用简单通俗的俄语写成,十分的通俗易懂。 www.hxen.com 2. English is the official language, and is spoken and written in a distinct variety known as Australian English. 官方语言是英语,口语和书面语都与澳大利亚英语截然不同。 www.ebigear.com 3. McHugh sent letters out to doctors -- written in verse, of course -- so they could come look at him. 麦克休给医生们写信——当然是诗体——好让他们来看自己。 www.bing.com 4. When receiving it, the other elements adjust their offset of the element time so that this time matches the time written in the event. 当接收它时,其他的元件调整它们的元件时间的偏移量,使这个时间和写在事件中的时间相匹配。 www.gstreamer.cn 5. Later Greek was written in a back and forth style: A line written right to left was followed by a line written left to right. 后来书写方式改为从后向前:即一行先从右向左,接下的一行从左往右写。 www.ycxyz.com 6. Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all his wars, and his ways, lo, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah. 约坦其馀的事和一切争战,并他的行为,都写在以色列和犹大列王记上。 www.for68.com 7. Jerry: Buddhism influenced it a lot. Many Buddhist scriptures are written in Sanskrit, and they are very artistic. 佛教的影响比较大,很多佛经都是梵文的,而且很多佛学经典本身就带有浓厚的文学色彩。 www.bing.com 8. The name of the company is written in red on a white background. 公司的名称是用白底红字写的。 9. This sample is written in unmanaged code because it must be able to run on a computer where the. NET Framework is not installed. 此示例是用非托管代码编写的,因为它必须能够在未安装.NETFramework的计算机上运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Later, to Anthony Powell, he described it as "a Utopia written in the form of a novel" . 后来,给安东尼·鲍威尔的信中,他形容这像是“以小说的形式描写乌托邦”。 www.bing.com 1. About this Page: Readings -- List of readings written in Basic English on this website. 对这页:读-名单读数写在基础英语上这个网站。 www.360doc.com 2. Scripts written in the JavaScript language can access the public fields and call the public methods of any Java object. 使用JavaScript语言编写的脚本可以访问公共字段并调用任何Java对象。 www.ibm.com 3. There was also French-influenced polyphony written in German areas at this time, but it was somewhat less sophisticated than its models. 这个时期的德国同样存在法国式复调音乐的写作,但还并不是很成熟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. 这要应验他们律法上所写的话说,他们无故恨我。 www.ebigear.com 5. Thereupon this paper concludes through a textual research that it was written in the eve of the downfall of the Qin Dynasty. 本文在此说的基础上,考证《大招》作于秦亡前夕。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. This. brilliant, caustic, rambling satire is. written in a colloquial style which is. the result of a mastery of technique. 这篇光辉的,刻薄的,但很松散的讽刺叙事诗是以一。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Moreover, times have changed, society has progressed, and that men smoke is no longer written in stone, so later I just quit. 再说﹐时代也变了﹐社会也进步了﹐男人抽烟不再是天经地义的事了﹐所以后来就戒了。 www.jukuu.com 8. During the traditional festivals, propitious couplets are always indispensable decorations each written in a beautiful style. 在中国传统节日里,那些用雅致的形式创作的对联是必不可少的。 www.kancaimi.cn 9. She said that a thousand and a thousand people had met him here, and had written in his book, and have his mark on them. 她说,有成千成千的人在这儿遇见过他,在他的册子上写下了名字,身上也让他打了记号。 www.hjenglish.com 10. He took down everything that his teacher had written in the blackboard. 他把老师写在黑板上的东西都抄了下来。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. The data is only written in encrypted form, presently using the blowfish algorithm with your password as the key. 数据只能以加密方式写入,这并且会用您的密码作为密钥进行强加密。 translations.launchpad.net 2. The note said 'remember the leaders' written in his mother tongue, Shona. 便条上用他的母语绍纳语写着“记得领导人。” www.ebigear.com 3. In VSE, a group of source statements written in any of the languages supported by VSE and cataloged in one of the system sublibraries. 在操作系统VSE中,用该操作系统支持的任何一种语言编写的,且已在系统子程序库中编目的一组源语句。 www.jukuu.com 4. The common types of DNA molecule marker and the character of every type is written in this article. 本文综述了DNA分子标记的常见类型,以及各类型的特点。 www.dictall.com 5. LuXiQing for miss his mother died of cancer and the written in this novel depicts a ordinary and the great mother "s life. " 卢熙庆因怀念自己因癌症去世的母亲而写就这本小说中刻画了一个平凡又伟大的母亲的一生。 www.77bt.net 6. Both epics are written in an impersonal and formal verse, using language that was never used for normal speech. 这两首史诗是以客观的和正式的诗句写的,使用了从不在通常言语中使用的语言。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. As he put it, whatever insight, ingenuity and energy a man had in him "will lie written in the work he does" . 就像他所说,一个人不管有什么样的洞察力、聪明才智和精力都得在他的工作中表现出来。 www.ecocn.org 8. Assembler A program or set of programs that converts into machine language other programs written in an assembly language . See Compiler . 汇编程序一种或一组电脑程式,它把汇编语言或其他程式转为机器语言。参阅编译程序。 www.bing.com 9. Written in C by George Weigt, the Eigenmath program is a simple, easy-to-use computer algebra system. Eigenmath是由George使用C语言来编写的,是一个简单易用的计算机代数系统。 www.ibm.com 10. And there was an article written in the New York Times, September 2010, that stated: "Just Manic Enough. " 在2010年九月份的纽约时报上写有一篇文章,它表明:“只是狂躁十足。” www.ted.com 1. History can not be written in black newspapers like the word, can be arbitrarily disregarded. 历史不可能像写在黑报上的字,可以任意擦掉的。 www.blogchina.com 2. Also have QQ but hard for me to find my way around there as almost everything is written in Chinese, hehe. Let me know what you would like. 也有联系,但我很难找到自己的方式解决存在的几乎一切都是中文写的,呵呵。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Some of these goals may have been written in long before you two met each other, long before marriage was under consideration. 有些目标可能在你们俩相遇之前就已经定下了,在结婚前就在努力奋斗中。 www.bing.com 4. The card served as a memory device, on which the text would be written in a code based on magnetized spots. 该卡用于存储设备,文本将写在其中的以磁化点为基础的代码上。 www.docin.com 5. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. 然而,不要因鬼服了你们就欢喜,要因你们的名记录在天上欢喜。 www.ebigear.com 6. But the fact that I could actually construct a book that had covers and pages and could be written in was thrilling. 但对于自己可以亲手制作出硬壳包装、并能被真正使用的书本这个事实实在让我兴奋不已。 dongxi.net 7. This information can be accessed by client applications that are written in different languages and that run on different operating systems. 以不同语言编写以及运行在不同操作系统上的客户端应用程序都可以访问这些信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Games Written in Authoring Tools: Myst and a few other "exploration" games of the same genre. 使用创作工具编写的游戏:“神秘岛”和其他一些同类型的探险游戏。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It seems as if everywhere you look there is some new XML-related tool being released in source code form written in Java. 似乎满眼望去,一些新的以源码形式发布的与XML相关的工具都是用Java编写。 www.ibm.com 10. If the letter you get from me is written in blue ink , it is true what I said. 如果我的信是用蓝墨水写的,我说的就是真的。 www.zhaodavid.com 1. Original author unknown provenance, it should be written in Russian, DELPHI native code, do not rely on other documents. 原作者出处不详,应该是俄罗斯人写的,原生DELPHI代码,不依赖其它文件。 www.pudn.com 2. Nothing to it because all the work was already taken care of with the JavaScript functions written in the last section. 没有什么特别的,因为所有工作都已经由在上一节中所编写的JavaScript函数完成了。 www.ibm.com 3. Here Warren Scheer reads the very beginning of Geoffrey Chaucer's great poem, "The Canterbury Tales" as it was written in Middle English. 在这里沃伦scheer读取开始杰弗里乔叟的伟大的诗,“坎特伯雷故事”,因为这是在中东的书面英语。 huanbaolux.spaces.live.com 4. The correspondence was written in what appeared to be cosmic code. 通讯内容似乎是用宇宙密码写成的。 www.chinabaike.com 5. This method makes it convenient to call the procedures from programs written in different languages. 该方法能使不同语言的主程序方便地调用汇编语言子程序。 www.usstjournal-ss.com 6. Also note that the result of the write system call is the number of characters written -- in this case, 17 plus one carriage return. 还可以注意到,write系统调用的结果是写入字符的个数数目,在这个示例中为17加上一个回车。 www.ibm.com 7. Do not care what is written in your history, as long as you are here with me. 不要在意过去你曾留下些什么,我只要现在你能在这里和我在一起。 space.baidu.com 8. But I am true to know, you figure has to turn into a kind of atmosphere, written in my heart, the memory of you. 但是我真真切切地知道,你的身影已经化成一种氛围,记在我的心间,关于你的记忆。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The hope is that overall premiums, both from new policies written in a year and from old ones customers renew, will not fall. 企业期望,所有的保费,包括第一年的新保费以及老客户的续保费都不会流失。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. As the comment to one article says, they were written in response to a real-world problem, and it shows. 正如对一篇文章的评论所说的,它们都是为了解决真实的问题而编写的,本书的内容充分可以说明这一点。 www.ibm.com 1. Equity is a sort of perfect reason which interprets and amends written law; written in no code, but consistent with reason alone. 公正是一种完善的理性,它解释并修正着成文法。任何法典均无法写尽它的含义,而它只与理性相伴随。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "WILL WORK FOR BANDWIDTH" written in bold letters across the bottom. “将在全国的带宽底部大胆的字母书写”。 581la.com 3. Stepping into an XML Web service is possible when both the client and the service are written in managed code. 如果客户端和服务都是以托管代码编写的,则可以单步执行XMLWebservices。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. As the result of that, we will be perfectly obedient to God's Law, because His Law will be written in our hearts. 只有这样我们才完全的顺从了上帝的法令,因为上帝的法令已经深深地刻在我们心里了。 www.bing.com 5. They should be written in the middle on the front of it. 应该写在信封正面的中间。 itb.bjpost.com.cn 6. These two file systems compete with one another and share the distinction of copy-on-write semantics (blocks are never written in place). 这两个文件系统互相竞争并共享即写即拷语义的区别(这些块从来没有编写到位)。 www.ibm.com 7. I suggest to young professors that their first work should be written in a jargon only to be understood by the erudite few. 我建议那些年轻的教授们用那种只有少数博学的人才能看得懂的术语去写他们的第一篇著作。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Develop and Modify the front-end, but they wanted their back-end services written in Java, with 3rd party services (proxy, data caching). 开发和修改前端,但是他们期望后端服务使用Java,使用第三方服务(代理,数据缓存)。 www.infoq.com 9. You don't actually have to read every word written in your feed all day. 你事实上需要去读他写的没一个字。 www.bing.com 10. Separating the comparison code allows for the algorithm to be written in a more general way. 分隔开比较程式码,可让您以更通用的方式撰写演算法。 msdn.microsoft.com 1. Format for payload parameter values: In DCOM, the payload is written in a format known as Network Data Representation (DR). 有效负载参数值的格式:在DCOM中,有效负载是以一种称为网络数据表示法(NetworkDataRepresentation,DR)的格式编写的。 www.ibm.com 2. Once upon a time, web pages were just text, written in something called "Hypertext Mark-Up Language" or HTML. 记得当初,网页不过就是用所谓的“超文本标记语言”(又叫HTML)编写的文字。 www.bing.com 3. Chinese has no alphabet and is written in characters. 中文没有字母,是字写成的。 blog.yesky.com 4. Jester would be extremely useful as an extra counter-check on code not written in a test-driven manner. 在对没有使用测试驱动方式编写的代码进行额外检查时,Jester尤为有用。 www.ibm.com 5. The song, with its original title " Good Morning to You" , was written in 1893 by the two sisters, Mildred and Patty Smith Hill. 这首歌原来叫“早安”,是米尔德里德和帕蒂·史密斯·希尔两姐妹在1893年创作的。 www.docin.com 6. It is useless trying to erase names written in the DEATH NOTE with erasers or white-out. 用橡皮或涂改液等擦掉写在笔记上的名字是毫无用处的。 jj0926.yculblog.com 7. Games Written in Assembly: I don't know of any commercial games that are written entirely in assembly. 使用汇编编写的游戏:我不知道有什么商业游戏是完全用汇编开发的。 blog.donews.com 8. This message took up half of the page and was written in type that was more than 2in high. 这条消息占了半页纸,字体超过两英寸高。 www.bing.com 9. First written in 1941 it's rather long and the language is at times quaint but it's as insightful today as it was then. 第一版写于1941年,虽然内容十分长,语言有时候古老,但是其中的见解却不减当年。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Graham's "Treatise on Bread and Bread-Making, " written in 1837, made a persuasive case for what is now known as a high-fiber diet. 格雷厄姆1837年写的《关于面包及面包制作的论述》中,举出了一个很具有说服力关于现在被熟知的高纤饮食的例子。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. However, the exact syntax of the regular expression is not that important; regular expressions can be written in many ways. 然而,正则表达式的确切语法并不重要;正则表达式可以采用很多方法来编写。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Specifies the default language that you want your Web application files to be written in. 指定编写Web应用程序文件时使用的默认语言。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The New Testament, originally written in Greek, uses the word "logos" to mean both "word" and the thought which precedes the word. 最初是在希腊写成的《圣经新约》用“理性”这个词来解释“话语”和在话语之前的思考这两方面。 www.bing.com 4. Business logic handlers are written in managed code and allow you to execute custom business logic during merge synchronization. 业务逻辑处理程序是用托管代码编写的,可用于在合并同步过程中执行自定义业务逻辑。 technet.microsoft.com 5. They would all take the law into their hands and block any message written in a way that failed to please them. 收信人全都自行执法,拒收任何书写方式令他们不悦的信件。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These extensions take the form of functions and elements and can be written in any language the processor supports. 这些扩展采用函数和元素的形式,可以使用处理器支持的任何语言编写。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are the first countries to have so-called "country codes" written in Arabic scripts. 埃及,沙特阿拉伯,和阿拉伯联合酋长国是第一个将拥有所谓的“国家代码”的国家,该代码以阿拉伯的脚本写入。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Simpson told the Gloucestershire News, "When I opened it, to my amazement it was a note written in pencil, in old French. " 辛普森告诉《格鲁斯特日报》,“我打开它吃惊的发现它是用铅笔写的,而且是古法语。” www.bing.com 9. To solve that, you'd have to wade through piles of instruction manuals written in an engineer's alien English. 为了解决这个问题,你得翻阅工程师用天书写成的成堆的说明书。 kk.dongxi.net 10. However, the standards were not written in such a way that a simple acronym on the product box will ensure or even suggest compatibility. 但是,编写这些标准时并没有说产品包装盒上简单的首字母缩写就能够确保甚至暗示其兼容性。 www.ibm.com 1. Narrative of the mind is what happened in the past, in principle, is usually written in the past tense. 记叙文所记的都是过去发生的事,原则上通常用过去时态写。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A rule implementation is an algorithm written in Java language and associated with the rule through a javaRuleImplementorName rule property. 规则的实现是用Java语言编写的运算法则,该运算法则通过javaRuleImplementorName规则属性与规则相关联。 www.ibm.com 3. Upon this haft stands the assassin's natal autograph , written in the blood of that helpless and unoffending old man who loved you . 这个刀把上留下了凶手的天生标记,这是用那位无力自卫、善良无辜的老人的鲜血印下来的,这位老人很爱你们。 www.bing.com 4. Postscript fount: A fount specially written in PostScript code which can be used in a PostScript-compatible printer OR image-setter. 后记码字:特别用后记码编写的一套字体,可应用于后记码兼容的印字机或影排机上。 dict.ebigear.com 5. On scrutiny they proved to be French compositions, written in a hard peculiar, but compact and exquisitely clean and clear. 仔细一看,原来是些法语作文,字体写得特别细密,而且非常整洁,清楚。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Processing is written in the Java programming language, and it's also the language to which Processing is closest in the language tree. Processing是用Java编程语言写的,并且Java语言也是在语言树中最接近Processing的。 www.ibm.com 7. It is written in two languages, and three scripts: two forms of Egyptian (hieroglyphic & demotic), with a Greek translation. 石碑上镌刻着两种语言,三种字体:两种埃及字体(僧侣体与世俗体)和古希腊文。 www.bing.com 8. As Rasa would say to me, life is written in any case, my heart is as open as the sky. 就像莱萨告诉我的那样,人生千百已经注定,而我的心宽阔如天堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. She smuggled to the Free French in neutral Lisbon secret messages written in invisible ink on her music. 她把秘密信息偷偷带到中立的里斯本,交给自由法国成员:那些信息全用隐形墨水写在乐谱上。 forum.bomoo.com 10. Written in a palette of their own procedures, to understand the use of MFC programming and control, more helpful ~! 自己编写的一个调色板程序,对理解MFC编程和控件的使用比较有帮助~! 3333355555.com 1. The only doubt in Coketown was, whether Rachael had written in good faith, believing that he really would come back, or warning him to fly. 只是一点,就是瑞茄究竟是相信他真会回来而老老实实地写信给他,还是警告他,叫他逃走。 tr.bab.la 2. Boethius' thoughts and reflections are written in prose, whilst the wisdom of his interlocutor, Philosophy, appears in verse. 波伊提乌的思维和见解用散文的形式来表述,而他的对话者哲学的智慧则出现在诗节当中。 www.bing.com 3. Well it's been a long time since I've written in my journal. So much has been happening I don't even know where to start. 很久没有写我的手记了。发生了很多事情,我都不知道从哪里开始说起。 savageboy.vip.63dns.com 4. Separating the comparison code allows the algorithm to be written in a more general way. 分离比较代码使得可以采用更通用的方式编写算法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. There were so many books that he'd written in, and she was reading them all out of order. 他在那么多书上作了评注,她只好不按顺序地翻着看。 www.bing.com 6. So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. 于是日头停留,月亮止住,直等国民向敌人报仇。这事岂不是写在雅煞珥书上吗? www.ebigear.com 7. He won the Pulitzer for his columns written in 1972, the year when Richard Nixon swept to a second term over Democrat George McGovern. 他1972年写的专栏使得他赢得了普利策奖,那年是理查德尼克松在选举中大胜乔治麦戈文的第二个任期。 www.bing.com 8. The book written in simple English, English beginners were able to read it. 该书是用简单英语写的,英语初学者也能看懂。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. A mysterious letter addressed to Harry arrives, written in peculiar green ink and accompanied by an owl. 一只猫头鹰带来了一封写给哈里的神秘的信,信是用独特的绿色墨水写的。 news.xinhuanet.com 10. Please note that this guide book is written in Traditional Chinese. 请注意的是本参考方法为中文(繁体)。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. The religious poetry of almost all peoples is written in just such a semi-comprehensible language. 在各国人民的宗教诗几乎是写在这样一个半理解的语言。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Some commonly-used words and phrases that are harder to understand, even when said or written in full, are explained in this Jargonbuster. 一些难懂的常用词和短语,即使是以完整的方式说或写都难以理解,这些就是我们这里要解释的常见专有名词。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Although the Holy Bible was firstly written in Hebrew, its English version appeared several hundred years ago and has been spread up to now. 尽管《圣经》最初是用希伯来语编著的,但是这一著作的英语译本数百年前就已出现并流传至今。 www.fabiao.net 4. It would not act in a mechanical way, following a playbook written in advance. 该机构不会机械地行动,参照提前写好的剧本进行。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The company also has a pay-ware module written in Perl, designed for HTTP compression with both the IIS and Apache Web servers. 该公司也有用Perl编写的付费模块,专门为IIS和ApacheWeb服务器的HTTP压缩设计。 www.ibm.com 6. No one is prisoner of a destiny written in the stars, but some people bear in themselves extraordinary stories and destinies . 没人该成为星象天命的囚徒,但有些人却勇于承担他们的特殊使命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Allow for different interpretations of some events that are coming, because as you are fond of saying, nothing is written in stone. 请允许那些对于一些事情不同解释的出现,因为就像你们喜欢的说法---没有什么事情是一成不变的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. One of the existing applications is written in RPG and runs on an IBM iSeries system. 其中一个现有应用程序是使用RPG编写的,并运行于IBMiSeries系统。 www.ibm.com 9. In contrast to PLY or Spark, DParser itself is written in C, and is thus likely to be considerably faster than pure-Python parsers. 与PLY或Spark相反,DParser本身是用C编写的,因而可能会比纯粹的Python解析器快得多。 www.ibm.com 10. WordPress is a publishing platform written in PHP that allows you to quickly and easily publish content to the Web. WordPress是用PHP编写的一个发布平台,借助它,可以快速便捷地向Web发布内容。 www.ibm.com 1. All these words written in the book, all words spoken by our tenant, gazed at me strangely with enigmatic smile. 书上写着这许多字,佃户说了这许多话,却都笑吟吟的睁着怪眼睛看着我。 www.jukuu.com 2. An equation which can be written in the following form is known as a linear equation in one unknown. 能写成以下形式的方程被称为含有一个未知数的线性方程。 wenku.baidu.com 3. A probe can be enabled using a command-line utility called dtrace and a script written in the D language. 可以使用命令行实用程序dtrace和用D语言编写的脚本启用探测。 www.ibm.com 4. These stored procedures can be written in either Transact-SQL or in one of the. NET languages. 这些存储过程可以使用Transact-SQL或.NET语言之一进行编写。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Using JSP based templates enables tags of the document to be written in the JSP, with call backs to get element and attribute values. 使用以JSP为基础的模板能够以JSP撰写文件标签,而且该JSP具有取得要素和属性值的回调。 www.dianzi518.com 6. If the front end is written in Perl or PHP, it is tempting to hard code access to MySQL in the CGI scripts. 如果前端是用Perl或PHP编写的,那么使用CGI脚本硬编码访问MySQL是很有诱惑力的。 www.ibm.com 7. And, because most books were not printed in Braile, she herself read them to me by spelling into my hand what was written in the books. 而且,因为大多数书都不打印,她盲校四年级二班读给我拼写在我手里的书里写的是什么。 wenwen.soso.com 8. DSPC requires the Long Term Contractor provide DSPC required PPE by themselves, as written in their contract. 根据合同规定苏州杜邦将要求此类承包商自行解决其个人防护用品。 bbs.anquan.com.cn 9. for a decree which has been written in the king's name and sealed with the king's signet ring cannot be reversed. 因为奉王名所写、用王戒指盖印的谕旨,人都不能撤回。 dict.bioon.com 10. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. 我的救济,这是书面的所有最好的故事,善良最终征服魔鬼和奥利弗过着幸福的生活的结束。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In programming, a regular expression is written in a formal language, also known as regex or regexp. 在编程中,正则表达式是用一种形式语言编写的,也称为regex或regexp。 www.ibm.com 2. As a matter of fact, if this poem is written in modern English language, it would be more readily appreciated. 事实上,如果这首诗用现代英语写会容易欣赏的多。 tieba.baidu.com 3. TV series The Water Margin. The Water Margin is one of the greatest ancient novel, written in the 14th century. 电视剧水浒传,水浒是最伟大的古代小说之一,完成于14世纪。 www.bing.com 4. A function decorated with @decorator can be written in a simpler manner than one without it (see Resources for related reading). 与未修饰的函数相比,使用@decorator修饰过的函数可以通过一种更简单的方式编写。(相关资料请参看参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 5. You know that communications between Web service applications are written in XML format, but that only solves half the problem. 知道Web服务应用程序之间的通信是以XML格式编写只解决了一半的问题。 www.ibm.com 6. loosely - speaking , computers can only execute programs written in low - level languages. 坦率而言,电脑仅能执行用低级语言编写的程式。 www.ichacha.net 7. The Wireless Markup Language (WML), used to markup Internet applications for handheld devices like mobile phones, is written in XML. 无线标记语言(WML),用于为手机之类的掌上设备书写互联网应用程序,它就是用XML写成的。 www.edu114.cn 8. Your Java program can't make this kind of mistake; only a program written in a language that supports pointers can. Java程序不会造成这种错误,只有用支持指针的语言编写的程序才可能造成这种问题。 www.ibm.com 9. The policy engine is essentially a small interpreter that understands programs written in a simple policy language. 策略引擎本质上是一个可理解用简单的策略语言编写的程序的小解释器。 www.ibm.com 10. The instructions of the program have to be written in a numeric form. 程序的指令需要写成数字形式。 www.kuenglish.info 1. for it is written, "Cursediseveryone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them. " 因为经上记着:凡不常照律法书上所记一切之事去行的,就被咒诅。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 2. The client must be written in the Java language to invoke JPA through a remote session bean or similar facade. 客户端必须使用Java语言编写,通过一个远程会话Bean或类似的方法来调用JPA。 www.ibm.com 3. Oral instructions shall be confirmed in written in the form of meeting summaries and contact letters. 口头指令稍后必须以书面形式确定或通过会议纪要、联络函的形式予以确认。 www.agoil.cn 4. Those articles have to be written in flawless english and must consist of a minimum of 350 Words. 这些条款都必须写在完美的英语,而且必须由一个350词的最低水平。 www.bing.com 5. If this saint was still around today, his message would be even sweeter written in buttercream frosting on a heart-shape cake. 如果这位圣人今天还在,他的信息将会更加甜蜜的写进奶油霜冻的心形蛋糕上。 www.bing.com 6. The application can be written in a different programming language than the service, and run on a different operating system. 编写应用程序的语言可以不同于编写服务的语言,应用程序也可以运行在不同的操作系统中。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Small tool written in Java to split then concatenate files. Used to bypass mail limitations or backup on small drives (floppy, memory card). 小工具被写在Java给已分解然后连击文件。过去经常绕过邮件限制或备份在小驱动器(磁盘,存储卡)。 www.54shagua.com 8. Lit graphics, written in large bold font the name of your shop and service. 点亮了图形,写在大字体加粗你的店铺的名称和服务。 www.wellpad.com 9. L. w. King provides us with a qualified translation of the tablets which were originally written in cuneiform script. 国王为我们提供了合格的翻译片原本写剧本楔形。 word.hcbus.com 10. ELLEN BIALYSTOCK: "So you would have the word blue written in red, but you have to say red. " 因此,有可能‘蓝色’这个单词是用红色字体写的,但是你必须说出是红色。 www.tingclass.com |
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